Thursday, 6 December 2007

What was he thinking?

The 'missing' canoeist, that is.

I understand what he was thinking at the time. Devious and underhand and fraudulent, very probably...yet to be proven, innocent until proven guilty and all that. But understandable.

No, what I want to know is this - why did he turn up in a police station now? Why not stay in Panama? Nobody would have been any the wiser...what was he thinking?


Anonymous said...

So, the police have said that they will arrest his wife when she arrives in the UK. She's all upset because now her sons won't have anything to do with her, and she's going to lose everything. In my opinion they went into this with their eyes open and if they get caught, then so be it. She has also been quoted on the news today as saying that he came home because he was missing said sons.

Oh the irony.

...and I think I've left mine on...

Anonymous said...

Oh, just another thought, I wonder what she/they told the people who paid the alleged £500,000 for her/their old house?

Anonymous said...

Why she/they were moving I mean!

Sorry, going now

Anonymous said...

It's a right mess, isn't it?! And I would say there's more to come!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Definitely worse...

or for ChrissieS

Reminds me of the other day...

Anonymous said...


HILARIOUS!!! Surely, SURELY, there must be an easier way of getting one's jollies?!

And thank you so much for always providing the link for me - I have meant to say this every time and keep forgetting.

Well, this has just kick-started my day, I can tell you!

C xx

Anonymous said...

It's just occurred to me as well, they keep calling him '"missing" canoeist'. It appears to me that he is neither.

They'll start calling it 'Canoe Gate' next

ChrissieS, a pleasure x

Anonymous said...

Morning all.

I agree - what was he thinking? why bother coming back? He obviously wasn't that bothered about his sons when he disappeared ...

and what was the man in Manchester thinking?? a bit of cut off pipe??? did he sand down the edges first or go for a bit of rough? oooohh makes your eyes water.

Have a nice day folks and I'll be back later.

Anonymous said...

What a quiet blog today!

Just popping in to say - I've been working hard, otherwise I would have been here talking rubbish as usual!

Lyndyloo - thinking of you. As you say, you are in limbo, but things will get easier after next week. Not easy, just easier. We'll be here. xx

Have a good weekend, all. Can you please keep Amanda in your thoughts - she is going through a very difficult time. xx

Thanks Moose, as always.

C xx

P.S. I like sending kisses!

Caroline Timmins said...

hello chaps

first of all Hazel..... first I was a month early, now I'm a week late.....sorry La love - I do hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Moose...thanks for continuing this and thanks to the rest of you for not judging

I'm an aunty today... never have been one before, so V v exciting.

lots of love
Caroline xx