Sunday, 20 April 2008


Hooray for Wireless Lans....

Connected now, feels so much better. Currently posting from Steve the Aussie Personal Trainer's flat - he lives upstairs and has a LAN that we are sharing. I hope it works as well from my flat downstairs. He also has a far more comfortable sofa than I do, so following my run this evening along the banks of the Main river, I needed some comfort. He says "G'day" all of you.

Stayed over this weekend to work and ended up getting invited to a dinner party and a barbecue...can't complain. This week sees the end of some of the last few weeks stress. I'm sure there'll be more from different sources to come, but at the moment it's just nice to see the end looming for one major piece of work.

The dinner party was a very nice international affair...2 South Africans, 1 Macedonian, 3 Germans, 1 American, 1 Peruvian, 2 Brits and a half Peruvian/half German baby. And a mad dog called Mackenzie! We ate traditional South African and Peruvian food - what a mixture. All fantastic though, and washed down by some wine from a vineyard that the hostess used to work for and the host's friend runs. Now they are the sort of friends to have!


Anonymous said...

Well blimey. Just thought I'd have my ushool Monday morning try on the blogs, and LOOK!!! It's working!!! I can't get on to some other stuff which I have been able to use, but hey and a ho, I'd rather be here. Sunnink odd next door with having to sign in as I appear to already have an account, but I'm poggered if I can find it...

HOW ARE YOU ALL?????????????

Anyhoo, MOOSE! Guten tag and stuff. I felt terribly let down to discover the German for affidavit is affidavit. I spec this is because eeslattin innit? You sound like you've got your hooves right under the table there hon! I trust Mrs Moose and the various Mooselets are well?

I also have a new job. AM OVER THE MOON BRIAN!!! I'll be the administrator...TEN less hours a week, RIGHT in the centre of the city, same money, lovely people, a proper office and everything! Starting on or about 18th may.

I'm gonna try to catch up, but can't never know eh?

the Badger continues fine

dancerjen said...

Ms Love! You're alive! :D hurrah hurrah :D Think maybe spring is in the air what with all these things working and falling into place at the moment. Well something's in the air at any rate!

Moose I'm glad to see you're all connected up, in more ways than one - sounds like a nice little life you've got over there, hope Mrs Moose and the Mooselets are coping.

Heeee, here's the 18th May or thereabouts - good for you HL for the new job, and hope your connections stay connected now :)

Here's to a good week!


lyndyloo said...

The Moose has got connected! Well that's jolly good news.
HL- Great news about the job and the blog acceptance setereaa! Welcome back!
Dancerjen- I think spring must ave indeed sprung.. I can hear the lawnmower next door!!!!

Happy Mondays everyone!

& Booboo

ps someones nicked my identity next door so I'm going to have to be someone else :((

Moose said...

Not safe from identity theft anywhere!

Congrats on the job Hazel.

Akshully the German for affadavit is Eidesstattliche Versicherung. But that's right hard to say after a couple of glasses of Appelwein.

Mrs Moose and the Mooselets are fine. Mooselet #1 said to me on the phone on Friday: "We're fine without you here, dad".
I'm glad they are doing well and coping with it, but they could do the decent thing and miss me a little bit!

I am going home on Thursday evening for a "working from home" day on Friday. I plan to do a school run as that usually gets them excited!

Anonymous said...

Moose, it is so good to hear from you! Life seems to be treating you very well at the moment, which is lovely. The boys will just LOVE to have you back to do the school run on Friday!

Hazel: lovely to see you too. Boy, we have missed you! Great news about your new job - you are sounding VERY excited!

Everyone else: happy Tuesday.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Have just realised that the 18th May is a Sunday. I am not that keen!

Lyndyloo, they'd also already had hazellove so I had to go for the underbar, which I've always thought sounded a bit rude, hence absolutely fine by me!

...and would have to be. After all, why only use four syllabubs when 36 will do...this would be the school run in the helicopter would it? You better make sure they haven't got an inset day or sunnink, else that might be a tad verwirren...which does actually sound a bit like a helicopter which is strange...

Jen, ChrissieS, thank you XXXXXXX

steyning isn't far from here

lyndyloo said...

Ahh Moose you must be sooo excited about the school run yourself!

HL- I have decided to call myself lyndyloo_the_1st so as to make sure everyone is clear. I've not blogged for ages next door as it's was just too hard to get a message through, maybe this will help.

Did I mention I got to mow my lawn for the 1st time this year yesterday? I was ever so chuffed with myself! It always looks so much better for a trim (speshally now that baby bear has taken to scraping huge chunks up after the smallest of wees).

So what are the chances we've seen the last of the snow then? My Dad used to say that we'd not seen the back of winter till all of the daffodils had died... and there's loads of them still springin up round here. Don't think it's safe to put my leg-warmers back in the closet yet!

& Booboo

jollygit said...

Dear all

I posted a blog on here earlier but it hasn't appeared .... I'm gonna sulk now.

Just wanted to say that I'm sorry I've been AWOL (was I missed, well was I?) but me and 'im indoors spent the last four days moving from a wee hoose to a huge flat. Best of all, it's overlooking the sea. This morning was glorious and I was almost late for work 'cos I couldn't tear me eyes away from the view ......

Anyhoo, Moose it's lovely to hear from you again and HL, well you know what I think, but I'll say it again - well done babe xx

Hope you are all well - the sun's shining but like Lyndyloo, I'm not packing me fleece away just yet!

jollygit xx

dancerjen said...

Bah, can't believe I missed the snow. Not surprising that the plants that I actually planted were suffering a bit when we got back from our hols. 'course, all the weeds didn't seem to notice...

"Doing fine without you"? Aw bless, your mooselet is being the man of the house. I remember when my dad went off on two week postings to various places my younger brother was teased that he was the man of the house while dad was away. Did nothing except give him an infuriating attitude!!

Dad regularly goes off to germany these days testing software in dusseldorf, he says those weeks are the best he eats. Steak and chips every night, icecream 'til it's coming out of his ears... it's no wonder mum seems to have him on a near permanent diet when he's in the UK.

Aargh I must go to the shops... need to pick up my wages from friday, had to leave in a hurry (bit of a bad day on friday sicknesswise) and didn't collect the moulah. So I'm trying to think of things to buy so I'm not just going in for my wages...

xxjeni/weeto ;)

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo...Morticia covers the bathroom in litter...mucky cat! I've told her that she's not having any more sweets indoors...

Moose, I haven't been doing fine without you. Just thought I'd mention it...and I have just ordered a phone line so if I don't get tinterweb access at work, I'll be ok at home!

As long as all the tecnologckallical things work of course. Well, you'd like to think it might. Well you would.

Yes jollygit, you were missed. Very much looking forward to the trials and tribs! When are the Marines?

And no, lyndyloo, keep them legwarmers on girlie! Ne'er cast a clowt 'til May is out. It's flippin FREEZIN here terdee. And raining and wind.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Jollygit: yes, you have been missed!

How I envy you a flat with a sea view. You will never watch TV again! Years ago, MrS and I used to have an overnight stay, twice a year, at a hotel just outside Glasgow which overlooked the sea - it was magic just watching the ferries go back and forth!


C xx

Anonymous said...



Some teachers are going on strike this week (poss after yesterday's flip remark about inset days...sorry 'n all) therefore please ensure all Mooselet teachers are going to be present and correct else fun school run car pool antics will be in vain.


Jo said...


I know I only pop by sporadically now but it seems that George is fixed in terms of his random vomitting and I am fixed in terms of my general lethargy, down to my mahoosively underactive thyroid, not due to the fact that I am lazy wench...YAY!

If anyone wants to see some pics of babyG they are on my blog, mainly pics of him eating things messily but it looks funny!

Hazel, I take it you have been forced to have an extended absence?? Welcome back Lady! Congratulashuns on your new job....does the new office mean no more birdies or sneaky ciggies in the big green outdoors??

Spring has in deed sprung, we had our first outside play sesion yesterday (in amongst the dog poo, well actually quite far away from it but you know what I mean...clearing up dog poo is definitely a bue job and george isn't a big enough blue person to get it done!) Is there anyting quite so satisfying as a washing line full of freshly laundered nappies??

Lyndyloo - Bah to identity theft, how very rude! We have had to take drastic measures with our lawn and fence off a corner and re seed as Sophie puppy has turned it into some sort of speedway track.

Jollygit, congrats on your move, I would love to live by the sea, I keep asking a friend who lives in the Ho! to send me her property paper but she hasn;t yet (me thinks she may be trying to tell me something!)

Chrissie - HELLO :o) Hope you and Ms and Mr S are all well.

Anyhoo, best get showered before himself wakes up again (and yes I do know the time but we have been up since 6:30 feeding playing then doing 'solid' breakfast!)


:o) Jo

PS. In case anyone was organising any kind of dunk-in, I am allowed Bourbon (drink and biscuits) and hobber nobbers (plain) as these have no dairy or soy content...and rice milk with my coffee please (sometimes I think it's easier to just drink wine)

PPS. Sammie keeps poking me

PPPS. Susan also pokes me sporadically!

Anonymous said...

Just being nosey and having a quick look - and there is JO!!! Good to see you, and thanks for your lovely good wishes! As I have said before, to my eternal shame I used disposal nappies for MsS, so no freshly laundered nappies, but I know what you mean!

How lovely for George to go back for a wee nap .... would have been nice if you could have too!

Please ask Sammie and Susan to poke us occasionally, if they can!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jo! Was delighted to make a return after a most enforced absence. The annoying part is that I was trying EVERY DAY to get on sunnink, and it wasn't having it, then now I can get on, I appear to have lorst everyfin else. I'd rather be here!!!

Glad young George is blooming. Will have a look at the pics if I get a chance, and if it lets me!!!

Anyhoo, it is ver ver foggy here today. The horn was going off on the Marina. But that's not for here.

JD dunk-in at 10.30am today anyone? If wet, in scout hut.

Ciao bananananananana

ps ChrissieS, if you 'see' SusanS, ask her to mail me? And likewise, please give Sammie a BIG HAZEL LOVE from me...

Anonymous said...

ps I know someone who lives near a ho, but I'm not sure you'd get on...

Anonymous said...

Have just had massive paddy on there isn't an effing paper jam etc. I spec it will find another one, or stop altogether.

It won't be like this at the new job.

Will it?

Jo said...

Jam - Paper, what an odd kind of breakfast your they not have a toaster there??

And no it won't be like this at the new office, but it will be similar, just in a different location.....without the boids

;o) Jo

Jo said...

I think we'll be in the scout hut......bourbon in bourbon??? I like it!

Anonymous said...

Hazel: I have never been more in need of a JD dunk-in than today! The heating boiler is on the blink and we are completely freezing in here. I may have to add a brandy to my JD ..... any excuse and all that!

I have my toggle at the ready!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Ohhh look who is here! :-)

I am sorry for my absence but I do have a note from Mrs B just in case I need to show it.

So to update you on me. The cancer op all went well and so far they do not want to take any more action. I see my consultant again at the end of May for another check up sop fingers crossed all will be well.

I have mentioned an employment tribunal that I have been involved in since Sep 06 which has dragged on and on. Well I have been involved in arbitration over the last week or so in an attempt to resolve this issue. I am very happy to report to you that we settled out of court for the very modest sum of £1000in full and final settlement. This represents a great victory for me/us as the savings for not having to attend the ET is massive. Not only the saving but the weight lifted off my shoulders is very welcome.

Talking of weight I am still loosing and have just reached a total weight loss of 9 and a half stone! So time to celebrate with a stick of celery I think. ;-) To keep myself motivated I have signed up to do a short course triathlon in July so I am training for that at the moment.

My daughter passed her driving test last week so a little more freedom for the two of us. Now if we could only relax when she was out on the road we would get some sleep!

I have no internet at home for over a month due to Orange cancelling my connection without telling me or for any reason other than “an error” by them. I have been very grumpy with them and now signed up with BT. I was only back on line last night and was faced with over 500 emails to get through. Guess what I am doing this weekend.

Still I will try to catch up with what is going on here when I have time to join in properly. So note to self “I must try to blog more often” there that should help!

Keep smiling

Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Feel sick.

Don' like banana flavour bourbon or weetabix. Bad mixin' on my side I feel.

Not the best breakfast.

Will have more JD (no ice) to settle stomach.

KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF! Was thinkin' bowchew just the other! Glad all is picking up for you. I won't add to your torrent of emails...I do hope you're still wearing your stockings...I am...

Now am far too overexcited. Going for lie-down...mmmmmmmmmmmmm


Anonymous said...

Well, not only no heating (engineer due out at 2.30) I've only just got my computer back (new software, haven't a clue what it all means) and the email is down! Frustrating!

Keith: great to read your update. Good news after your op and of course my fingers are crossed for end of May.

What a clever boy you are on the weight-loss front! You must be feeling fantastic.

I'm sure your daughter will not be taking any chances - easy for me to say, I know! But you are right, it's just another thing to worry about!!

Hope everyone else is ok - my nose is totally numb!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Hello all, how lovely to see you up, bright, breezy and dunkin. I would like to join you in a session of dunkin but unfortunatley i am just about to go and collect him in doors' (door's.... doorses.... ooh me gramma's rubbish.) car following a rather unfortunate incident with a petrol nozzle.
The unfortunate incident resulted in my trying to drive home last night in a a diesel car that was running on unleaded. I got three miles before i realised what i had done and immediatley felt sick. I am now pondering wether the divorce will be cheaper than fixing said diesel engine as the garage who have flushed it out arent convinced i havent damaged the engine. Erm.... Oh.... Pants.

I feel quite sick.

Maybe i should have a dunk after all. They usually go straight to my backside and perhaps the extra padding would reduce the pain from the arse kicking im gonna get later. So far, he has been ok as he has done it before now - just that he never drove the cars when he did it before!



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry chaps and chapesses, I was a touch premature there! Honest it's never happened to me before. Tried everything, but hit the wrong button!

Hello. Missed the dunk in, but just had a swig of JD, to catch up!

Busy busy busy again! Also probs on the road this morning. Two traffic light controlled contraflows with quarter of a mile of each other this morning with an accident further along the road caused chaos in the Aylesbury region, add in the rain and people not using their eyes to see that they won't get through the contraflow due to the queue before the lights change and you can understand why it it took me half hour to travel 1 mile!

Trust you are all well, I spy the Love and NSBU have returned from their exile. (Now you know I'm not one to gossip, but did you notice they were missing together, and reappeared at about the same time). Good to see you both. (Keith seems to have been getting some exercise of late, and Haze looks shattered).

DD out

PS Let's get physical!

Anonymous said...

Oh anna...I've never done that, but I spec I shall one day! I believe as long as your injun didn't seize, you should be's hoping!

ChrissieS, it's never just the one thing is it. My printer has totally given up the ghost, and I don't even think it was me sharting at it that broke it. It's probably sad that I'm going. Well GOOD.

Anyhoo, jump up and down a bit, and boil water on your paraffin heater and pretend it's 1974.

It'll all be fixed soon

Anonymous said...

...none of your beeswax Lord D...but we both have tans...

Anonymous said...

What a day! Still no heating (being fixed as we speak - quote of £328.45 + Vat: sweet!)

Still no email. Very annoying, even though I know that 90% of messages are re: Viagra!

Anna: nightmare for you - but I do believe it can be rectified fairly easily (or so I have been told).
I completely understand that you feel sick, though. When MrS and I were married at first, we bought a second-hand car from one of his workmates. Knowing nothing about cars, we drove around for about a fortnight and suddenly the car just died. No oil! I mean, NO oil! Result? We needed a new engine - for the oldest Ford Escort in the world! I remember feeling so ill at that time, so I know it's a horrible feeling.

On a lighter note: I work with two lovely girls in my office, one of which has just announced that she is getting married in September and she has invited me and my fellow secretary to her wedding!The whole day affair .... I am so excited! I thought we may be asked along for the evening bash, but no, we are among the elite - how lovely, eh? Soooo, my last crisp has been consumed for the foreseeable future. I have GOT to lose a wee bit of blubber before the Big Day. I see myself in navy and white - A line dress, if poss!

DD - good to see you!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Wot date in September???????????

Anonymous said...

hmmm and you have both had problems with your connectivity!!!!

DD out

PS I'm saying nothing!

PPS Good to see anybody.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous:

6th September!!

Between one thing and another, September is going to be a busy old month, that's for sure!

C xx

P.S. Realistically, just how much weight can I lose in 19 weeks?!

Anonymous said...

It's not just me you know Dave. But that's not for here...

ChrissieS, you're gonna look GAWJUS anyway!!!

I am covered in grapefruit juice. Just thought I'd share. And I got all the

pith off

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone:

Where are you?!

I have a fairly good excuse in that we had a new server installed in the office last week, resulting in endless problems. No email and no Internet - I really felt quite disorientated! How, on earth, did we become so dependent on technology?!

Anyway, hope you are all well and looking forward to the Bank Holiday weekend!

C xx