Friday, 2 May 2008

Back again...

..via a spot of sunshine and sand on the south coast.

Have been busying myself with a profit forecast. Not an enthralling thing to be doing but at least it meant eating steak while looking at the sea last night. Have fought my way back through Bank Holiday traffic today in time to see the Mooselets and Mrs Moose. Makes up a bit for not actually getting a Bank Holiday. Grman one was on Thursday as they still do the quaint old-fashioned thing and celebrate May Day on May Day. But I was in Poole. On Monday I fly at my normal horrible o'clock in the morning time back to Germany and work, while everyone else gets to watch the rain in the UK. (Sorry!)

Does anyone else feel even just a little bit sorry for Gordon Brown?
It was all going so well for him...a reputation as one of our best Chancellors ever, a nice wife and children to fight those vicious rumours that keep bubbling up, and the pleasure of pretending to be devastated when the PM took a hell of a beating in the local elections.
Now he's got a reputation as one of the worst PMs ever, the rumours keep on coming (well they do here anyway!), and he's the one eating the humble pie.

So the question that remains is this...Who ate all the pies?

My money is on Boris...


Anonymous said...

Well, Moosey Moose you obviously did write this on Friday because it is glorious weather in the borders….but guess what..I’m at blinking work!
Pies..well Mr Brown must be down in the mouth..he’ll be eating all the pies for the next 2 yrs because only a stoopid person would call an election at the moment… Mr Cameron must be laughing all the way to the pasty shop!
Talking of which, I’ve booked my holiday and will be basking on Porthmeor, and will be partaking of the “something tasty” pasies during 2nd 2 weeks in july…something to look forward too, and diet for!
Love caroline xx
P S Forgot my sign on blogger name, so am remaining anonymous for the near future Boo Hoo!

Jo said...

GAWJUS day!!

Am taking babyG swimming - here's hoping there is no bodily fluid excapes from him!!

Jo said...

GAWJUS day!!

Am taking babyG swimming - here's hoping there is no bodily fluid excapes from him!!

Jo said...

Is that a double entendre??

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all,

Moose I do hope you enjoyed your short break at home with the family moose! Just to note we had very little rain in the South West of England over the weekend. Forecast for the week ahead is pretty good as well for the time of year.

Now Gordon Brown! I do not feel sorry for him at all I have to say. It is not as if he did not know what he was letting himself in for. He certainly spent long enough in the wings to have a good idea. As the Chancellor he did do a very good job although it has to be said that was during a time when the word markets were relatively stable. How he would fair under the current global climate we may never know. As for his efforts as Prime Minister to date has been truly woeful. I have to say the Gordon the Gopher has far more personality and would have more support form the voters if he was to stand for the job. The recent local elections have served delivered a size 12 boot up the backside of the politicians. Just how much notice many of them will take from it we will have to wait and see.

I do think Boris gets a bad press from the media with his label of the “clown”. I happen to think that here is far more to him than what he lets on. I do not live in London so had no say in his appointment. If I did however I think I would have voted for him (In the absence of a monster raving loony party candidate) as the best of a bad bunch.

As for all of the pies…. Not me :-))))

Keith the NotSoBigUn

P.S I do hope George enjoyed his swimming and all bodily functions were not affected by the excitement!

lyndyloo said...

Hello Bloggers!

Yes I have been sitting in a grump since Sunday (and no it's not ok to say "it's only a game!") so I've kept quiet and stayed away...less said soonest whatever.

Lovely weather we're having here in the UK at the mo ain'it? All the bluebells are out in the woods where I walk little Boo, I'll have to upload some photos for you to look at when I get 5.

Back at salsa and now on level 3! It's really hard! I thought it would get easier somehow but I think someone must have slipped me a couple of left feet!

Jo- Baby is gawjus! you must be such a proud mummy.

I'll no doubt have more to say on the subject of the f word once next season kicks off but for now all I can say is "Gordon Brown... sorry... I think not!"

& Booboo

Anonymous said...

Morning all! My it is quiet on here now Hazel is incommunicado again!
Is everyone having the lovely weather? It is great to feel the warm sun on you isn't it?

Down to business now - I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to Moose, you see over a year ago he passed my email details on to ChrissieS and vice versa and we started to correspond. We appeared to have a lot in common and to talk about, so at Christmas time we spoke for the first time on the phone - that went very well, we continued to correspond over e-mail and finally on Saturday ChrissieS and I met each other for a wonderful day in Penrith. ChrissieS can talk for Scotland and I can talk for England and we had such a fine time. We are planning to meet again before the Summer is out!

So thank you Moose (and also CLP) without whom I wouldn't have made a lovely new friend.

Chrissie - thanks for a special day and hope you have recovered from the long journey!

Bye for now, will pop back later on!

Again Moose - THANKS!!!!

A x

lyndyloo said...

Amanda- You're right about how quiet it is on here at the mo. I think HL is settling into a new job so that's probably why she's a little quiet of late. I really should thank Moose as well as he's been a great help in my life. And it was because of CLP and him that I got to meet the fab HL who is quite honestly as fun and freindly in real life as she is here in blogland.

Maybe I'll take the time this week to say thank you to all the people that have made my life a better place. It's not something that we do enough.

Thanks all you lovely bloggers (writing or lurking) for adding another dimension to my life:)

& Booboo

Anonymous said...

Hello and sorry for my absence! The blog is sooo quiet - we really must try to do better - especially when we see what's happening next door!

I have to echo Amanda, and thank Moose so very much for his blog and for the opportunity for me to get to know some of the bloggers on a personal basis. You may remember that I met up with Mary recently and of course I met Amanda on Saturday. I can confirm she is so lovely - we did indeed talk non-stop! It was a great day. Both my blogger meetings are filed away in my memory under "special". Mary and Amanda -you would so like each other!

So, to recap: thank you Moose, thank you Amanda; see you again ASAP - and thanks CLP!

C xx

P.S. Lyndyloo: I have not forgotten about your Race for Life - I will be in touch ..... how's the training going?! x

lyndyloo said...

Chrissie- thanks for remembering. The training is going well. I have a personal trainer on a Thursday with my 2 friends (who are also racing) and then I do salsa on a Monday night (level 3 aghhhh!!! it's really a lot more difficult than levels 1 & 2) and I've joined my local gym as well. In fact I've just come back from a lunchtime work out and had a v healthy wheat free pasta a home made aribiatti sauce and spinach for my lunch. You never know I might start seeing the benefits soon :))


Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo, when is your run, I need to donate something but am skint at the moment, how much time have I got to do it?

Hats off to you for all the training though, well done!

It's a lot cooler here today with bright sunshine but a very cool wind. Hope everyone else has good weather too.

A x

lyndyloo said...

Amanda- you've got loads of time don't worry. The race isn't until the 6th of July in Leicester and my Mum is doing it too. She's gone through a hip replacement, having both of her big toenails removed, a mestectomy and then losing my Dad to his battle last year and still she wants to fight and raise money. What a superstar, she makes me soooooo proud.


Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo: what a star your mum is .... I was really knocked out when I read your post today. Most people would just want to lie in a corner after having endured all that (I know I would). No wonder you are so proud of her!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Wow Lyndyloo, your mum is an inspiration!
Double wow!!!
Triple wow!!!

What a fabulous lady.....

A x

lyndyloo said...

Thanks both, she has just been down to see me (and take a peek at my new waterbed being installed) and I told her that my online friends think she's star. She got all coy and then said it was no more than anyone would do. Ahhhhh!

So there you go, if I can be half the woman my Mum is then I'll be a happy bunny!

& Booboo (basking in the sun on the lawn)

jollygit said...

Lyndyloo - hats off to your mum - what a gal !

HL is still languishing on a sunbed somewhere in Tennereefee with her mum, I believe, so I hope she's having a lovely time. She's starting her new job on 19th May so I'm not sure how long it'll be before we hear her dulcit tones again !

I've met up with HL a couple of times since joining Moose's blog and it's been great fun each time and, like Chrissie, the memories are filed away under 'special'. Thanks Moose xx

I've been AWOL from the blog over the last week or two so can't remember if I said that myself and 'im indoors moved a few weeks ago into a flat which overlooks the sea down here in Kent - it's east/west facing so we get to see the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets. We're only renting but it's cheaper than the house we had before and it's huuuuuge. It's the top two floors of an old Victorian house so we've got an original fireplace, 2-foot deep skirting boards and picture rails everywhere .... I'm still thrilled with it and we definitely chose a great time of year to move!

With three flights of stairs to go up each day just to get to our door, plus 2 staircases in the flat itself, I'm finally getting some much needed exercise too!!!!

The weather's cooling down here and the clards are forming overhead .... oh well, it was good while it lasted eh?!

Jo - how did George get on with his swimming? My nephew went swimming at just a few months old and he swam under water - I've got a picture of him and it was just amazing to see! Did the bodily functions behave themselves?!!!! (George's, I mean!)

Hope all is well with everyone.

jollygit xx

lyndyloo said...

Hi everyone!

Nice to hear from you Jollygit, sounds like you've got yourself a lurvely place to live. And I can vouch for the fitness qualities of stairs. When I had to take over and run one of the pubs we used to own that had 3 flights I was as fit as a fiddle (I also lost almost 3 stone in 4 months!). I wouldn't reccommend running a pub/restaurant/guest house as good for your nerves or sleep pattern though.

Now... I spent the first night on my new waterbed last night and can confirm that they're fab!!! I slept like a sleepy thing on a sleepy day, wearing sleepy trousers and woke upfull of the joys of spring (that will be still not sparkling spring water though :) Would thoroughly reccommend to everyone and anyone that wants to listen.

Happy humpday everyone!

& Booboo

jollygit said...

Thanks Lyndyloo xx

I too can vouch for the comfort of a waterbed - when we went to see my brother and family in New Zealand in January we stayed at their next-door neighbour's place while they were away (we had their permission, honest!). They have a waterbed and at first I was extremely anxious about sitting on it, especially with my weight, but it was lovely. Can't say I enjoyed sharing the bed though - everytime 'im indoors turned over it was like being in a pool when the wave machine gets switched on! I almost had to take Quells (other seasickness remedies are available) but when I got in there before him to have a read, it was bliss!!

Enjoy it Lyndyloo! BTW - I'm assuming Booboo isn't allowed on it!!

jollygit xx

lyndyloo said...

Booboo isn't allowed upstairs at all so I'm safe..

A college professor was doing a study testing the senses of first year schoolchildren, using a bowl of fruit Polo's. He gave all the children the same kind of Polo, one at a time, and asked them to identify them by colour and flavour.

The children began to say:

'Red............cherry ,'
' Yellow.........lemon,'
'Orange .'

Finally, the professor gave them all honey Polos. After eating them for a few moments, none of the children could identify the taste. 'Well,' he said 'I'll give you all a clue. It's what your mother may sometimes call your father.'

One little girl looked up in horror, spit hers out and yelled 'Oh My God!!!! They're arse-holes!!'

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - LOL!!!!!

Off to copy and paste that now to email around!

A x

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo: very, very funny!

It's been a bit of a long week for me, due to being a bit below par with some sort of virus. But I'm feeling much better today and looking forward to the weekend.

Hope you all have a good one!

C xx

Anonymous said...

In case anyone is looking in this afternoon, have a fab weekend! Here is a funny for your delectation:

Skinny little guy goes into an elevator, looks up and sees this HUGE guy standing next to him.
The big guy sees the little guy staring at him looks down and says: "7 feet tall, 350 pounds, 20 inch private, 3 pound testicles, Turner Brown."

The little guy faints and falls to the floor.
The big guy kneels down and brings him to consciousness, shaking him.
The big guy says:"What's wrong with you?"
In a weak voice the little guy says, "What EXACTLY did you say to me?"
The big dude says: "I saw your curious look and figured I'd just give you the answers to the questions everyone always asks me..... I'm 7 feet tall, I
weigh 350 pounds, I have a 20 inch private, my testicles weigh 3 pounds each, and my name is Turner Brown."

The small guy says: "Turner Brown?
Sweet Jesus, I thought you said, "Turn around".

A x