Thursday, 22 May 2008

Cleaning Day

A Bank Holiday in Germany today and I'm sitting at my desk wasting time and trying to put off cleaning the flat and doing my washing for as long as possible. I have to work this afternoon as well, so I guess I'm trying to put that off too.

Mrs Moose and the Mooselets are planned for a short trip over at the weekend as part of Half Term excitement. If only the Post Office would deliver Mooselet #2's passport then everything would be fine...

Hence the cleaning. I did clean once just after I'd moved in. But since then other things seem to always get in the way, and I only ever see the place in the dark when it's so much easier to ignore. Mrs Patel is the answer...I really must engage her services soon. (She is a cleaner, not a provider of any other form of personal services....)

I have a shiny new I-Pod docking station that is currently blaring out Bohemian Rhapsody at me as I type...picture Garth rocking out while driving and you almost get the picture....antlers waving in the air rather than long blond hair.

And for the philosophical question for the day (or given my record at posting, for the next 3 weeks): Why am I so good at defining what I don't want in life but so very poor in defining what I really do want?


dancerjen said...

Evening Moose :)

Cleaning... that's what I'm supposed to be doing, but as usual I am procrastinating and am on the internet!

Re your philosophical question of the 3weeks, I think... that we probably know what it is actually that we really want, but to say it out loud would be to take it from being a dream (where it is nice and safe, if a little fuzzy round the edges) to being something more solid - and therefore at risk of being contaminated, or shot down.

Once a dream has been breathed out it's no longer safe and sound and the risk of failure becomes tangible.

Can you tell I've thought about this a lot...

I didn't dare to breathe out my dream for fear of people laughing. I knew very well what I didn't want to be, and I knew what it was I wanted to be but everybody said it was a silly idea. So the dream died.

But not quite....

One day....

I shall finally sell a painting!!

Hope the post office delivers that passport pronto!


dancerjen said...

lol.... any takers....

Anonymous said...

Moose: good to get an update from you! I completely understand that you avoid cleaning - I hate housework with a passion! It's such a thankless task, and endless. However, it is lovely when the house is clean, which mine will be tomorrow because we are having a friend to dinner!!

As for defining what we want from life, I think it's pretty much the same for all of us. We do know what we don't want, but sometimes we get it anyway. Our choices are half-chance - as Buz Luhrmann would say!!

Dancerjen - what a clever girl you are! Oh, to be so talented! I do like your paintings - probably "Rocks" is my favourite and the white necklace is gorgeous. Unfortunately I do not suit jewellery and don't wear any, but I know someone who does ....!

Hope everyone is o.k. I do think of you all, even though we have lost touch on here, a bit. No worries, I'm sure we'll all come back when we can!

C xx

lyndyloo said...


I'm sure that you're pretty good at defining what you do want as well when you put your mind to it Moose. I think it may be more about not wanting to do housework (which I totally understand).

I'm just back from a weekend in Italy to celebrate a friends birthday which was wonderful. Stayed in a fabulous hotel on the bay of Napoli overlooking the marina and we had a long birthday lunch out on the roof terrace. if you want a peek. Have two days beack home to catch up, get the washing/ironing/packing done before going over to work a few days in the Andorra office then back in time to head off again for a girlie weekend in Spain. So apologies in advance for my lack of blogging (I can get a note if needed).

Dancerjen your piccies are lovely. Have you exhibited at all?

& Boobooo (quite disgruntled as the case is still out)

Anonymous said...

I blitzed the flat this afternoon, with the help of Charis and her wee pals Daniel and Charlotte! I dream of having a housekeeper - how wonderful must that be!?!

I must put aside the time to catch up with all your news, Moose! I do hope Mooselet 2's passport arrives in time! Can you get the radio on the i-Pod? I have CLP on the 'putor the noo, but it's breaking up!

Why am I so good at defining what I don't want in life but so very poor in defining what I really do want?

I'm not sure if I do have that problem ... my problem is that I have perfectly defined what I want, what I really, really want, it is the execution of it all that is the problem! With Andrew being away with work this week, we were both going to write everything down, but where was I going to find the time?!

Jeni .... you are an artist? They are beautiful!!You and I need to chat dear! When Charis was born, we commissioned a painting (A3) with a verse the Lord had given us .... do you take comissions?!

Chrissie S - How are you cooking your friend?! Mwahahahahaha! And I too hate housework ... and fail to understand why it is only me who is expected to do it in our home! How have you been sweetie? Hoping we can get a Scottish meet going for the Summer - Charis would love to see you all again! You are all in my thoughts and prayers often!

Lyndyloo - How are you sweetie? Your trip sounds wonderful! The place looks stunning!!!!!!!!!! You are a busy girl - hope you are taking plenty time to rest too!

Can I ask for prayer and positie thoughts for Charis's wee pal, Phoebe - she had her 4th chemotherapy session last Wednesday and has had to have a 7th transfusion.

Huggles all round!

Susan <><

dancerjen said...

How's Phoebe doing? I'll have a look at the website tomorrow, catch up.

Yup I take commissions, feel a bit cheeky doing it via Moose's blog tho! Not much of an exhibitionist really. Did a few weeks on a market stall where everyone was very interested and said very nice things but didn't part with any cash. So I am exhibition-ready, so to speak, but haven't had the time, energy or inclination to organise myself!

The housemonkey (aka me) has done lots this week, she's very proud of herself. Cream crackered now though, and dreaming of being asleep.


Anonymous said...

Well ..... I thought I would take a peek, and there has been some activity!!

Lyndyloo: how lovely for you, what a busy life! I looked at the hotel ... let's just say, I could cry!!

Susan: it's lovely to see you back on the blogs. I did try to email you last week, but we have had so many IT problems in the office, and my email would not go through. I am definitely up for a Scottish Meet - I suppose we'll have to think about it fairly soon, given your condition!!

Have a good weekend everyone.

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Susan S- Happy Birthday To You!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Moose and all you other Moose people out there. Hope you are well. Sorry it's been a while. Doesn't mean to say I don't think about you though.

Take care and luv to all.


jollygit said...

Helloooooo - is there anybody there?!!

I've been AWOL for a while, partly due to not having t'internet at home since mid-April (finally got connected last night, hoorah!) and work being horrendously busy - and horrendous - and not having time to check the blog out, but I thought I'd have missed loads.

Hope everyone is OK, especially our Moose I can't keep up with CLP's blog these days - it's all too fast for me. Oh heck, now I sound like a TOG (different show, I know).

Anyhoo - love to everyone and come back soon ....... echo, echo, echo

jollygit xx

lyndyloo said...

Hello Jolly!!! It's all so quiet... it's all so still....

and that's how it's been for ages!!! I miss you all (though I have been guilty of being all over the place) and it would be great to know you're all still out there.

& Booboo too

Anonymous said...

Hello (whispered), is anybody around?

Moose? You ok love?

Really sorry you've all disappeared. I had a note for a week while I was on my hols (Cornwall, Flushing, cottage next to the river, idyllic), then came back to a chaotic 2 weeks at work and everyone's gone from here.

If anyone reads this message, please reply, hope you're all OK. Have noticed next door has become very busy and hectic again but don't have the time to keep up really. Love it here 'cos of the gentle pace but we seem to be standing still.

Love you all my virtual buddies, hope to hear from you soon.
A x

lyndyloo said...

Amanda Hi it's been very quiet on here. I keep popping in every now and again to see if there's anyone around so it's nice to see that I'm not the only one.

Hope you're ok and hi to anyone else lurking too.

& Booboo too

Anonymous said...

Hi guys

It has been very quiet on this blog for a while now! I would just like to say that even though there has not been the activity on here I have still been thinking of you all. ;-)

I have been posting a couple of times recently on CLP’s blog for the first time in absolutely ages. Do not know what brought that on ;-))

I do hope this finds you all well? I am having a few problems again with the doctors so I am just hoping that all will be good soon.

Keep smiling everyone…

Keith the NotSoBigUn

lyndyloo said...

Hi Keith

Sorry to hear that you're not on top form. You'll be in my thoughts. Let us know how you're getting on.

& Booboo too

Anonymous said...

Hi Lyndyloo and Keith!

Lyndyloo - give us the link to your sponsorship again please. I really need to add my details.

Keith - so sorry things are rough at the docs again. Hope you are soon in the clear.

I too think of everyone on here and hope Moose is OK. I guess he is just too busy right now to make contact.

I am just fine. My boys got their school reports on Friday and I am just about the proudest mum in the world. Youngest is in Year 1 and has done incredibly well, exceeding all expectations of his teacher and us as well. As you may remember eldest has some problems, he is in Year 3 but he has overcome them to do amazingly well. Completely exceeding his teacher, head teacher and our expectations. So it was worth all the blood, sweat and tears we have shed for him and I am so, so proud of them both. I cried when I read the reports. Parent's evening on Thursday so that should be interesting too.

Youngest is 6 in two weeks so had a quiet weekend as there are some birthday activities on the horizon to keep us busy for the next 2 weekends! Trying to keep him calm is a nightmare, I think this is the first year where he realises and understands how special birthdays are! Bless him. Waiting for the jealousy from eldest to kick in - he is doing well at the moment. Keep reassuring him that his birthday is coming up soon (well August!)so all good things will come to him then!

Have a good week one and all.
Love A x

jollygit said...

Aha - I'm glad there are few more of us up and about again!

Keith - sending a big {{{{{{hug}}}}}} to you - because I can - and here's hoping that all will be well for you again xx

Amanda - well done to your boys - you have every right to be proud!! Hope both their birthdays go off smoothly! My mum and dad would buy my brother or myself a tiny pressie when it was the other one's birthday, just until we were about 9 or 10, to stop us from getting jealous - it must have worked as I don't remember any resentment!

Lyndyloo and Booboo xx

Have a good week everyone.

jollygit x

lyndyloo said...

Oooh yes, only 2 weeks to go till I do the race for life and I'm getting quite excited now. Mum is determined to make it without having to use her wheelchair. My link is

I'm just hoping that we have a day like today with sunshine and a nice breeze to help us along.

And Amanda you sound the proudest Mum on the planet it must be wonderful!

& Booboo too

PS it was Booboo's 4th birthday yesterday so we had to have a long wood walk, chase the ducks and have special doggie treats to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jollygit,

We have tried everything over the years - token gifts are met with 'is that it!' and we generally have a big kick off to take the attention away from his brother. Quite honestly I dread it, but over the past year he has matured a lot so hopefully he will accept that it is his brothers day and that's that! Every time we speak about the youngest's birthday treat (we are taking 5 children to Gullivers for the day - must be mad!!) we mention his as well but have told him we won't make any firm plans until later on in July (he wants to take some friends to Old Orleans, the restaurant where you can write on the tables!). Anyway hard hats at the ready and here we go!!!

A x

Anonymous said...

Aw, Happy Birthday to Booboo!!! Sounds like an idyllic day. You couldn't stand up here let alone walk yesterday for the 50mph winds! I sent the boys out for a run around on the field at the front of our house after Sunday School and nearly lost them! My 2 are strange they get really hyper when they're out in the wind, I assume the wildness of it makes them wild too!
A x

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody!!!

So good to 'see' all the old bloggers here! It is getting hard to find you all on CLP's! It is good to hhok up with folk on Facebook - but I am on a wee holiday from tonight on FB as I've been told I'm a spammer - go figure!!!!! I can't post to my groups, or on people's profiles or send private messages. Hey-ho!

Got your email ChrissieS, but wondering if you got mine EG? So excited about the Scottish Meet - hotel booked now, though may not have the money for petrol come August!! LOL

Jollygit - sorry to hear that work is so horrendous!

Lyndyloo - hugs to you and Booboo!

Amanda - don't be put off posting next door just because it's so busy! Though I notice that it is quiet today! Well done to the boys! I have much to look forward to!

All is well here - had 21 week scan on Monday and baby is doing fantastically well, but placenta is low lying. Good news is that it may move up. Worst case scenario is that it transposes into placenta praevia again, and if I bleed I may be hospitalised for the remainder of the pregnancy. Trying to be sensible about what I do, but just had to plant my box hedges this afternoon!!

Sending you all lots of love and huggles - you are never far from my thoughts and prayers!!

Love, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

I spy with my little eye something beginning with A on the moose blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

......... and your point is?!

A x

Anonymous said...

No it's not Amanda, although she is part of the solution!

As am I

Anonymous said...

Now you're playing games and I'm no good at riddles - LOL!

A x

OK, give up and spill the beans ANON!

Anonymous said...

Could it be 'a' is for 'apathy'? Not a judgement on anybody but we need to get this party started again?

Dunk in tomorrow morning? 11.00?

Am I right?

A x

Bet I'm not and I've insulted everyone to boot....... well I will be here for a dunk in anyway!

Anyone would think I have nothing to do when in fact I am really busy but not focussed!

Anonymous said...

Oooooo .... a dunk in!!!! And maybe we can figure out the A together!! Off to set my alarm for that! Though may be a quick one as I have a pal coming round for a real dunk in!! And have the wee lass's two pals all morning! Deepous Joyousness!!!!

Heart burn .... hot milk ... gimme!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan, Are you round then or am I dunking alone. Brought some hobnobs as I know Hazel is partial to them!
I did not, however, bring any Oreo cookies (others probably available), that advert makes me heave!
On the subject of adverts, has anyone noticed now they can't do sweetie type adverts until a certain time of day (before 9pm?) the TV seems to be bombarded with them thereafter. Do they think parents watch and say oh I must get little Johnny some sweets to rot his teeth, gum to rot his tummy or something equally inane? Grrrrrrrr, makes me cross.

Right I am dunking now, hope someone around to join me - makes slurping sounds and munches!!!

A x

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmm, no one showed up yet, la lala la la, la la lalala la!

Think I'm on my Jack Jones here, here goes hobnob number 2, slurp and munching!

Talking to oneself, first sign of madness. Hmmm, ummm. Will check back later to see if anyone is around!

A x

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now I feel TERRIBLE that I haven't been around for ages, and there's been all this chat!

Amanda, I agree you with you - I love the peace and calm of Moose's blog. We used to have some fantastic discussions and parties!! Perhaps it will all start up again!

Lyndyloo: I am so glad Amanda asked for your link again - I couldn't find it in my writing pad! I will be in touch today!

Keith: thinking of you. I know what you mean - just because we're not in touch so much these days, doesn't mean we don't think of each other.

To everyone else, hiya, hope you are ok.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Must be time for another party soon!

Now what themes have we already covered, Skinny dipping party! Fancy Dress Party, Hogmanay Party!

What about a Wimbledon Party? I'll bring the cream if someone brings the Strawberries, Champagne and Pimms? Squirty and fresh OK with everyone! Now where is the Gazebo?

Shall we have it on Henman Hill or Murray's Mound oo-er!

DD out

PS New Balls anyone!

Anonymous said...

Squirty Pimms on Murrays Mound please! After all the lad's a true English man innit?

Steps back and anticipates ChrissieS's wrath!

Hooray there are some of us around now!

Is the dress code all in white then? When are we doing it?

Moose - please come and join in, we are missing you!

A x

lyndyloo said...

Amanda and Chrissie S THANK YOU BOTH SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All sponsorship most welcome and appreciated.

Dissing how nice to have you back... and front!

Everyone! Good news... my cousin has had a baby boy 7lb 10 yesterday all healthy and gorgeous. Shame they're in Wales so can't get to see them for a couple of weeks but I'm off to buy them a congrats card.

& Booboo too

Anonymous said...

Amanda - very funny! And of course we are happy to share Andy Murray - he is BRITISH!!

I would LOVE a Pimms, and a few strawberries. Just say the word, DD, and I'll be there!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo: thank you for your thank you! How lovely about the baby - it always great to hear that another wee soul has entered the world.

Let's not tell them about the sleepless nights .....!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Ooooh and mucho strawberries & clotted for me too! -x-x-x-

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - it's my pleasure and good luck hon! To your amazing mum too!

Ok, Ok thanks for sharing ChrissieS, very generous!

When will the party start then d'ya think? Dress code? Can't wait but it is taking a while to get some of the old crew back on track.

Whoopee, a party! Can't wait!
A x

Anonymous said...

Did stop by but had a visitor at 11am! Did anyone dunk?

Anonymous said...

Doh! Just realised my page hadn’t refreshed!!

I think I would have preferred the hobnobs to be honest! But I had a friend stop by (with coffee walnut cake!!), whom I was in school with , and haven’t seen for a good few months. She is a Social Worker with young offenders. She doesn’t really ‘get’ t’internet so I couldn’t even sneakily join in the dunk! Bizarrely, she was one of my worst bullies in school!!! Go figure! And, ahem …. What’s all this about Andy Murry being English?!?!?!?! Remember …. I have hormones and I’m not afraid to use them!!!!

I hate adverts, Amanda! My wee lass is quite obsessed when they come on - stops everything to watch them! What does that say about them?! Hmmm?

Hello Chrissie - count down to August!!!!!!!

Dissing Dave - I love the sound of a Wimbeldon Party - when and where!?!? Do we girls have to wear white frilly knickers?!

Lyndyloo - Congrats to your cousin!!!! Photos please!!!!

My day was rather fraught - had both Marianne's kids - Charlotte is 2 in August, Daniel is 5. They all had Highland Dancing from 5-6pm last night, none of them slept well, poor Marianne had her 2 monsters awake at 5am. So .... 3 tired and argumentative kids!! Marianne joined us for the afternoon, but there were many moments we were close to tears with their shenanigans!!!! Hey-ho!

Huggles all!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Susan S,
How about this afternoon. say 2 o'clock start. Someone grab the "water" cooler we'll need it for HL.

You don't have to wear white frilly knickers. (realises what he has just implied and blushes profusely), but I'm sure some of us older fellas would appreciate the opportunity to reminisce about a young Sue Barker or Chris Evert.

I spy Pimms o'clock!

DD out

PS All white!

Anonymous said...

Oh noooooo!!!!! I can't do today at 2pm, any chance of waiting until tomorrow?

A x

Anonymous said...

We can do it today/tomorrow and for the next week if you wish!

Oooh an all night Wimbledon theme party type rave type thingy with music by Cliff Richard! Yaaay

Anonymous said...

Phew!!!! That's OK then, got me white miniskirt ready to go! Can I sing 'Summer Holiday' please?

A x

lyndyloo said...

Well I've got my whites out and have to say they are looking a bit worse for wear. I may have to improvise and just find some Bridget "big pants" to wear underneath the pleats.

Anyone for tennis?

Anonymous said...

Well I've dug out my Bjorn Borg era Fila shorts and Polo shirt, stunned they still fit me from the early 80's. Well at least virtually they do! Pink Champers for me dahling!

DD out

Anonymous said...

Oh no!!! Couldn't do it today as was childminding AND home caring (what's the difference between an almost 2 year old and an almost 70 year old?!). Picture the scene, set in the House of Satan (aka Tesco) .... my wee lass and her wee pal in a trolley, nipping, pushing and shouting at eat other, and our dear elderly gent in a power(ful) wheelchair. And me in my condition too!!! Man am I tired!

And cannae do the moro as I'm on a training day fir the new job .... guess what it is?! Restraint training!! Aye, like I'm going to be restraining a 16 stone drunk guy with a bump the size of a small country!!!

Darn! And I'd oxy-cleaned my whites too (in this heat frilly knickers optional DD!!).

So - how is everybody?!

Huggles xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Anonymous said...

I shall have to give a continuation of the Wimbledon theme a miss today as I am heading for Rugby HQ to watch the mighty Bon Jovi in action! Can I pass on your very best wishes to John & Richie, ladies?

I do have a spare standing ticket pitchside if anyone is interested and can get down to London pre-4 o'clock!

For now DD out.

Anonymous said...

Message for Lyndyloo - was it this weekend you and your mum ran? How did you do?

Amanda calling Moose - are you out there? Are you ok?

Am up for a party on Friday if anyone's interested? I know ChrissieS has a note 'cos she's gone on her jollys today!

A x
A x

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone - long time, no post but I have been thinking of you. Honest. Just haven't got round to posting anything lately. No excuse, just lazy.

SusanS I thought of you on Friday - My route home from work takes me over the Kennet & Avon canal and there was a very sleek and shiny narrowboat called Charis parked up outside the pub.

Back soon

dancerjen said...

Oh, I missed all the parties... Have had technical problems with the 'puter and lost most of my saved websites, only just found this one again. Got a white frilly summer beach dress, probably wouldn't be allowed on a tennis court in it but it just about fits me with the bump!

Cherries and clotted cream for me, and a sneaky white wine spritzer wouldn't go amiss :)

Ah hubby's home, just as I've caught up with everyone!

See you later, now I've found you all again :)


jumpingbean and me

lyndyloo said...

Hi Everyone!

It's my race-for-life this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. Thank you to all of you again who have sponsored me... I'm heading towards £500 now (not all online) so I'm really chuffed!!

DD I'm sooooo jealous that you get to see the luuuurvely Jon Bon (get your kit off) Jovi. He's one of my favourite men.

Are we all behind Mr Murray this afternoon?

& Booboo too

Anonymous said...

My wife tells me he was scrummy, couldn't personally comment on that, but he does have a cracking set of gnashers!

I've sat glued to the telly for the last 2 Murray games, and will deliberately be leaving work early today to ensure I get the full widescreen, surround sound, effect of the dour one in action. He should keep the crowd today, although Nadal's Cap'n Jack Sparrow impression is, I'm told, quite attractive to ladies of a certain age!

I do believe it has just gone Pimms o'clock!

DD out

lyndyloo said...

Strawberries prepared, cream whipped but will have to listen to the tennis in the car as I'm off to meet some friends to take them a crepe machine!

Com'on Andy!!!


Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo, can't you take them a decent machine! Oh Sorry! Crepe as in Pancake!


C'mon the Monster Murray!

lyndyloo said...

Rain rain go away!!! Come again... when Wimbledon's finished!

jollygit said...

Lyndyloo - in case I don't get the chance to pop in here again this week (don't you just hate it when work gets in the way of blogging?!), just wanted to wish you and your mum all the very best for your run this weekend. We're all behind you (well, metaphorically anyway - not sure I'd be any good at running these days!!) and will be willing you on. Good luck to you both - will be thinking of you xxxx

jollygit xx

lyndyloo said...

Thank you Jollygit!

I'm now over half way towards my tartget

So I'm going to give one last shout out to anyone else that wants to help me.

& Mum too

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all, work is totally manic at the mo so just popped in to say same as JG really - GOOD LUCK LYNDYLOO AND MUM! Like JG I am metaphorically behind you both!

Littlest man's 6th birthday on Sunday so off to Gullivers World on Saturday with 5 children and then a big surprise for him on Sunday afternoon. Can't wait (for Monday that is!!!)!!!

I will try to pop in tomorrow though.

A x

lyndyloo said...

Happy Birthday little man for tomorrow!

I had a fab night last night went to see Jack Johnson at the NIA and he was really wonderful. Chilled out, talented and gorgeous... ahhhh!!!!!

& Booboo too

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Long time no post as they say…

Just thought I would pop in and say good luck to lyndyloo and her mum on the race for life. Great achievement and such a good cause well done!

Happy birthday to the little man for Sunday!

So much going on, on Sunday then! I am doing a Triathlon on Sunday. Yep I must be mad with a capital “M”. As you know I have been loosing weight and training hard for the last year. I have now lost 10 stone :-)) and feeling good. I saw this triathlon and was bet that I would not do it so like a red rag to a NotSoBigUn I put my name down. I did the cycle and run on Wednesday night as a practice and am still in bits. Still no pain no gain they say……

I did pop in and say that I am having problems again, nothing new there then I hear you cry. The upshot is that I have been put back on the urgent list for another cancer op, the date for that is the 22nd of this month. Then the waiting game starts all over again I guess.

Keep smiling everyone, have a great weekend.

Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Aw thanks Lyndyloo and Keith!

Keith - I am so sorry to hear your not so positive news, here's hoping everything goes well for you on 22nd. Will say my prayers for you. Regarding the triathlon - very best of luck to you! Hope we get to hear the gory details next week.

Think our weekend will be a bit like a marathon!!! It all kicks off with picnic shopping tonight! Hubby managed to get the much coveted Indiana Jones cake last evening so some of the pressure is off (it will go nicely with the Indiana Jones table cloth, napkins, plates and cups, not to forget the Indiana Jones invitations and party bags - LOL!)!!! After all when you are 6 you could be Indiana Jones (or James Bond!) - the boy wants to grow up to be a real life superhero! Bless his heart! Just to bore you a moment more - his older brother is managing to keep a lid on his jealousy (for now) but it is very hard for him!
Right, manic at work still today so had better fly!
Catch ya'all next week.
A x

jollygit said...

Keith - I'm so sorry that you've got to have surgery again, and after all that you've been through already. It's just not fair. For what it's worth, I'm sending you a huge {{{{hug}}}}, just because I can.

I'll also be willing you on for your triathlon on Sunday - you're not mad at all, just strong and brave, and I just hope that all will be well for you xx

Lyndyloo - good luck again to you and your mum xx

Have a good weekend one and all,

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

Long time since I've posted on here, so nice to see you are all still around xx

Keith, I'm so sorry to hear you have to have more surgery. Your an absolute treasure to your family and all your blogging friends. I will remember you in my prayers and light a special candle for you xx Take care and good luck for Sunday xx Congratulations and well done on losing 10 stone - what a fantastic achievement! Wish I could send you my body and you could lose ten stone for me :o) xx

Lyndyloo - All the best to you and your Mum for Sunday xx Really admire both of you xx

Amanda - Wishing your littlest Man a VERY HAPPY Birthday for Sunday and well done to his big brother for who he is dealing with his wee brothers big day xx More importantly good luck to Mummy and Daddy for Sunday :o) xx

Have a good weekend all xx

Take care
Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Of course that should have read "for how he is dealing with...."

Mary xx

jollygit said...

A bloke starts his new job at the zoo and is given three tasks.

First is to clear the exotic fish pool of weeds. As he does this a huge fish jumps out and bites him. To show who is boss, he beats it to death with a spade.

Realizing his employer won't be best pleased he disposes of the fish by feeding to the lions, as lions will eat anything.

Moving on to the second job of clearing out the Chimp house, he is attacked by the chimps who pelt him with coconuts. He swipes at the chimps with a spade, killing them both.

What can he do? Feed them to the lions, he says to himself, because lions eat anything. He hurls the corpses into the lion enclosure.

He moves on to the last job which is to collect honey from the South American Bees. As soon as he starts he is attacked by the bees.
He grabs the spade and smashes the bees to a pulp.

By now he knows what to do and throws them into the lions cage because lions eat anything.

Later that day a new lion arrives at the zoo. He wanders up to another lion and says 'What's the food like here?'

Wait for it!!....

The lion says: 'Absolutely brilliant, today we had Fish, Chimps and Mushy Bees' !!!!!

Well, it's a wet Wednesday - what do you expect?!!!! Hope everyone is OK.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all,

Thanks for the kind words of support. I am fine thanks just playing the waiting game.

Just reporting back on the triathlon that went alright! I had a good (for me) swim and cycle followed by a struggle of a run. This guy is not built for speed you understand. Still I finished it and was not even last! There were 11 people (another 17 did not turn up, probably due to the wet weather) slower than me so I am chuffed to bits with myself. In my category there were 127 competitors and most of them were very fit indeed. In fact whilst I was waiting for the swim to start I did happen to mention that there seemed to be a problem as I had been put in with athletes, they just laughed nervously at me as I was so much bigger than them all I think they were a little intimidated by my size. I was the largest fellow in the event by a mile. I was rather exhausted after the event and very, very wet as it rained the entire time. I am now I training for another one in the Cotswolds which has a longer swim (400m in a lake) and cycle (20k) but thank god the run is still short (2.5K). They call these triathlons sprints, well they have never watched me do it have they! :-))))

Still I went for a swim and sauna on Monday evening to relax and a game of golf last night (this was a mistake) which I found a walk too far. Weather permitting I am going for a short cycle ride at lunch time, yep I must be mad! Still this weight will not shift itself I guess. ;-))

Keep smiling

Keith the NotSoBigUn

P.S just because I can….

A couple are going out for a night on the town. They're all dolled up, ready to go; the lights left on, the dog put out.
But just as the taxi arrives and they step out of the house, the dog darts back inside and won't come out. They don't want to leave the dog inside, so the husband goes upstairs to find it, while the wife goes to wait in the taxi.

Not wanting it known that the house will be empty, she explains to the driver that her husband had just gone "to say good-bye to my mother".

A few minutes later, the husband gets into the cab.

"Sorry I took so long," he says. "Stupid bitch was hiding under the bed and I had to poke her with a coat-hanger to get her to come out! Then I had to wrap her in a blanket to keep her from scratching and biting me as I hauled her ass downstairs and tossed her in the backyard!

She'd better not sh!t in the vegetable garden again!".

lyndyloo said...

Hi all!

We did the RFL in the rain on grass but Mum pushed her wheelchair and didn't sit down until the full 5km was finished HOORAH!!! She personally raised £145 and my total stands at a whopping £889 so far and have still got a few people that have said they'll go online and help get to my £1000 target.

Thanks to all of you that have helped me. It was a blast!!! Everyone has a story, everyone has been touched one way or another and it was a truly humbling experience.

& Booboo

lyndyloo said...

ps Well done Keith it must have felt great to do so well. All positive vibes coming your way xxx

Anonymous said...

Aw, well done Keith, Lyndyloo and mum - you guys are just awesome and I am proud to have you as my virtual friends.

Well the birthday weekend went very well but I am absolutely exhausted now (have been all week). It has been all go and no stop and this looks to continue into next week! Littlest Man had a wonderful time with his mates at Gullivers World and his older brother was better behaved than we had expected so I was very proud of them both. On Sunday afternoon we surprised littlest man with a visit to our local Chinese Buffet restaurant - he really loves it there as he loves eating ribs (or as he calls them - bones!LOL!). He thought I needed to do some shopping and was very unimpressed as it was also tipping it down with rain! As we walked past the shop I said I was going to he said to me 'MUM, the door is there!!!', I said 'Oh, is it, but we're going for a surprise for you!'. His face was a picture when he walked in and there was family and friends waiting to greet him on his birthday! It was a surprise for middle man too and he thoroughly enjoyed himself.

This weekend we are mega busy as well, 2 parties and a special picnic and fun day to attend! Yesterday was the school summer fayre and I helped out with the refreshments stall, I was surprised that there were only 2 parents helping out. The rest were school staff. However, plenty attended and everyone seemed to have a good time. Not sure how much money was raised though.

Wishing you all a good weekend, hopefully the rain will stop sometime soon and some Summer weather will resume!

Again Keith lots of PV's to you and yours. Thinking and praying for you mate!

Take care all,
A x

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo, well done to you and a big woop! Woop! To your mum! What a gall she is. I am pleased to see that between you raised so much money for a great cause.

Amanda you are right to be proud you your little men. ;-) My little man is now 20 and he is getting right on my t*t*! I was proud of him once though…..

Happy Mondays everyone!

Keith the NotSoBigUn

lyndyloo said...

Oooh it's all gone quiet again. Is anyone out there or are we all preparing ourselves for the impending Summer Holidays? I'm not going anywhere until late August but I must admit to being awol over the past few weeks

& Booboo too

Anonymous said...

Well my operation all went well thanks the stitches are in place and not giving me too much stick. Now it is the worst bit and the waiting game for another two weeks for the results. Hey ho at least the sun is shinning!

Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Well my operation all went well thanks the stitches are in place and not giving me too much stick. Now it is the worst bit and the waiting game for another two weeks for the results. Hey ho at least the sun is shinning!

Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Woops so happy I posted it twice! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi NotsoBigUn

Left a message on CE blog for you. You have to press the 'next' button as it has gone over to 2 pages.

Thoughts and prayers for you over the next couple of weeks.

Moose .......... where are you? I am missing your musings badly (must be as I've started to post on CE blog and that is rapidly falling apart) ........ hope all is well with you and the Moose family.

{{{to all who drop by}}}

Will this party start up again? Seriously hope so as it is such a lovely place to come to.

Take care all
A x

jollygit said...

Keith - I'm so glad the op went well and I've got everything crossed (OK, not quite everything - that's how I ended up as jollygit instead of jillygoat so many moons ago!!) that the results will be what you are hoping for. Big {{{{hug}}}} to you xxxx

Amanda - I've been on a week's holiday from work this week so haven't been able to get to the pooter as much as usual - wonder where everybody else is though?!!

Hope all is OK with everyone,

love Jollygit xx