Imagine you have 3 buckets. They are empty and have labels on the sides. One says 'WORK', one says 'FAMILY' and the last says 'OTHER STUFF'.
The problem is that you only have 2 bucketfuls of energy. You have to decide where you put your energy. Do you fill two buckets completely, leaving the third empty? Or do you compromise, go for two thirds full in each bucket? What about picking the most important, filling that one and sharing the other bucket of energy equally between the other two?
Do you know what the consequences are of leaving any of the buckets unfilled? Does anyone else expect you to fill one of the buckets completely and will be upset if you leave even the smallest gap?
Maybe you can move the energy around...the old Robert Maxwell trick of keeping the energy moving so fast between the buckets that they all appear to be full at the same time. Maybe you just decide that some days (or weeks or months etc) you put your energy into two buckets and neglect the other, only to fill that one the next day and give one of the others a rest.
So which buckets do you fill?
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This is far too deep for this time of night for me to decide if my bears are family or other stuff so I'll just say goodnight all and may all your buckets be full.
& the Bears
Morning Moose. An interesting post. I must say, im not sure where i sit with this one. The thought that i split myself across 3 metaphoric buckets suggests to me that each of those things require different things of me, and whilst ultimately they do - the grass roots of all three are basically the same. Me and my energy.
Im not sure that i can (or want to) externalise things to such an extent that i choose which should have my energy. I know where my priorities are, but that is different... How much of my energy each aspect gets depends on external factors... but i also get alot of myself from each of these factors and by choosing not to fully give means i would not be receiving things that make me me and vice versa.....
as you can see, i am undecided. And no more clear now i have written things down.
I shall no doubt be pondering it today.
Moose - due to my recent 'change in way of thinking' ie over the last year, a large part of my energy is directed away from work and I guess goes into 'family' which does include me and friends (is that cheating or have I got my buckets crossed).
Am thinking off the top of my head (not good) as I am in a rush to leave for work.
However, if I were in a job I enjoyed I would put more energy into 'work'...would love to stay and blog as there will be so many things in 'other stuff' that I put energy into too - but I haven't woken up yet and so am not thinking too clearly and haven't been able to verbalise (is it possible to 'verbalise' on paper?)
Actually, am already regretting the above as it sounds like I am a bit of a 'me, me, me,' or 'us, us, us' -type person, which I am not.
The problem is that sometimes all three of my buckets are spinning : )
Amanda - thanks for your comment yesterday : )
Must dash
now, if boyfriends are in 'other stuff', then that is a whole new blog my friend!!!
"thank goodness she is working today", I hear you all cry
Morning all,
Moose another good post and the, thee bucket system puts my life into perspective I would say.
Presuming all of the buckets are actually the same size my work bucket is overflowing and is the heaviest burden I have on my energy by along shot. My family do (and I know they should not) comes second and at the moment I would have to say it is only half full. My other stuff bucket is stuck with the work bucket firmly lodged inside of it leaving no room for other stuff. Even if I managed to free this bucket I do not have the energy left to fill it up.
I guess the consequences are the following:
Bucket 1 = Work take me for granted.
Bucket 2 = I take my family for granted.
Bucket 3 = A blank canvass waiting to be taken for granted.
I guess what this proves to me is that my work life balance need to change (so tell me something I did not know) and I have been doing something about this over the last few months with my employer it just feels like I am steering a large container ship where I have thrown out the anchor and trying to turn this ship around. I may need a bigger bath tub to do it in though ;-(
Keep smiling :-)
Keith the BigUn
With the warnings over dodgy fuel a blonde (other colours are available) takes her car to the garage. The mechanic tells her “no problem, just sh1t in the air filters” oh she says “how often should I do that?”
Keith - fab joke!! really made me smile..thank you : )
just off to work via the petrol station!!!!
Oooh - interesting stuff, the bailiffs just turned up to collect rent from our office (the invoice came in August). The PCT can't pay it as quick as he wants, he may take our computers. Bearing in mind I work for the NHS I'm finding it quite amusing
:o) Jo
Back today. No better really, but as Moose has quite rightly dedoosed, I'm not often busy, so at least the heat, tea and food are free here, and I do get some of the teas made for me, so it saves me getting up.
Thank you everybody for your kind words and thoughts xxx and I'm dosed to within legal limits xxx
Anyway, I am mightily busy tomorrow and Monday, so the more prep I can do today, the better, and it'll average out that I'm feeling a bit pants all the time, instead of in a ruddy blush on Monday, when it's too late to do Friday's work anyway.
...and on the Great Bucket Quandary...hmmmmmmm...
My first answer, (and always the one to go for,) would be that I try to fill all three equally because I try to please everybody all the time. I am trying REALLY hard to overcome this, but that would probably go in Bucket #3. I do not feel that this would necessarily be the Robert Maxwell technique though.
My second answer would be to dedicate different times to different buckets. I am at work more than I am (awake) at home, so I would give my work less personal attention. Family and other stuff require more dedication because I don't see them, do that, as often.
I take it there is some 'Me' in each of the buckets? I here a small 'yes'. Then it doesn't matter what else I'm doing, I always take some for me, because if I give give give all the time I'd wear out if I didn't.
...and as usual, once loads of people have commented, I'll probably change my mind, but I really have got work to do...
ps I'm glad, Moose, that you have posed this debate today. I only had one answer, involving one bucket, yesterday. I am very much hoping that I won't need it today.
pps It would appear next door (from Weds) that J-not-J has something to say re saccharine. I had better not say thank you to people who wished me well then...
ps I hope Roo had a jolly birthday!
give him a love from me xxx
Oooh - buckets ... I really don't know. My first answer would be to say you can fill some of the buckets all of the time, and you can fill all of the buckets some of the time but you're never going to fill all of the buckets all of the time. Bit of a cliche I know but I'm just back from the dentist and feeling a little "pail". (Sorry couldn't resist it!)
Hazel hope you're feeling better soon - you don't want to spoil a weekend by feeling poorly.
Jo - give the bailiffs a cup of tea and tell them the debt's not yours it was created by the Brazilian bloke (other nationalities and genders are available) that was there before - it worked for my mum! (and in her case it was true)
See you later.
Bailiff left after taking list of things we have in office - finance lady faked a signature just to get rid of him and now I assume is running around finding someone to authorise a BACS payment for Monday.
If payment not in on Monday he's coming back with a van!
Generally my other stuff bucket is full whilst at work (surfing, blogging, chatting, making tea etc) and my work bucket is vary rarely got more than a smattering of energy at the bottom, just enough to prove I've done 'something'.
Family buckets is mostly full to the brim when at home but this subsides when at work so I maintain a nice equilibrium!
:o) Jo
Hey Everybody
Moose - good question I'll get back to you.
Hazel - Apologies, I do hope you are feeling better, and you obviously back in work today dosed up..I feel a bit remiss that all your other blogger friends wished you well, but I didn't (i think du to fact I posted on Tuesday night)- so.....a big shout out to Hazel ..Hope you're feeling better soon.
Love Caroline
heY everybody
Buckets, Buckets!
I'm with Keith (partially, I am not taken for granted at Work)
depends on situation but if work needs it, I will put more into work and take from other stuff and family bucket..but by the same token, I am lucky enough to get 10 weeks holiday (unpaid) we get good replenishment of family stuff
The only buckets I would like to see are Ice buckets, full of bottles, chilling!
I saw hot Fuzz last night...what a silly film - I did laugh outloud at parts, and I loved to see Wells, and I used to work for some bits more was nice to have some time with Mr C, Ok we didn't speak to each other, butwe were holding hands!
Hope you are all Ok
Off to meeting now, then trial planning for next week- JOY!
Caroline xx
P.s Keith - Practise Manager? What happened?
See, Jo, you are so succinct.
annalog, thank you for your concern hon! I am supposed to be out on a Work Do tomorrow, followed by meeting friends much later. It all depends how much sleep I manage to get tonight, and how I feel in the morning, but I'm being careful today coz I wanna go out!
...but in the meantime, apart from still aching beyond my usual tolerance level, I haven't been er... sick, today, so I have risked a small pasta salad, and am currently munching on an exquisite confection of strawberry and white chocolate, in the shape of a home-made (not by me) muffin.
And I do like a nice muffin.
Eh Moose?
Methinks the entire BBC website is down. Cannot comment on anything on anywhere today!
The garage man has just called. My car has failed her mot. I will not be doing any going out over the weekend I think!
There are forces I am not wot of at work.
Gaby, I am pleased you liked the little joke ;-)
Caroline, The Practice Manager job only closed yesterday so I am expecting either a letter or a phone call over the next week to let me know one way or another. Still got my fingers crossed! xx
Keith the BigUn
Let’s try this one….
There once was a Red Indian whose given name was "Onestone". So named because he had only one testicle. He hated that name and asked everyone not to call him Onestone.
After years and years of torment, Onestone finally cracked and said, "If anyone calls me Onestone again I will kill them!"
The word got around and nobody called him that any more.
Then one day a young woman named Blue Bird forgot and said, "Good morning, Onestone." He jumped up, grabbed her and took her deep into the forest where he made love to her all day and all night. He made love to her all the next day, until Blue Bird died from exhaustion.
The word got around that Onestone meant what he promised he would do.
Years went by and no one dared call him by his given name until a woman named Yellow Bird returned to the village after being away for many years.
Yellow Bird, who was Blue Bird's cousin, was overjoyed when she saw Onestone. She hugged him and said, "Good to see you, Onestone."
Onestone grabbed her, took her deep into the forest, then he made love to her all day, made love to her all night, made love to her all the next day, made love to her all the next night, but Yellow Bird wouldn't die!
What is the moral of this story?????............................
OH, come on...take a guess! ..
Think about it>>>>> (You're going to love this!)
And the moral is...
You can't kill two birds with one stone!!
Hi Moose and gang!
Here goes:
Family - full
Work - 4/5 full
Other Stuff - 1/5 full
Think that sums me up, but the best medium is to divvie the 2 buckets worth up equally between the 3 empty ones.
It is strange that Moose wrote the 'WORK' bucket first ......... must be something psychological in that ! !
Had the accountants here this morning so was moved to a laptop with no mouse so although I managed to read a little I had difficulty scrolling etc...! The typing bit might have been beyond me!
Am having some of the 'OTHER STUFF' tonight as I am going swimming with a friend!
Shall we have a giggle? Hope you enjoy this one .....
The Seven Dwarfs go to the Vatican, and because they are "the seven dwarfs" they get ushered into see the Pope.
Dopey leads the pack.
"Dopey my son," says the Pope, "what can I do for you?"
Dopey asks, "Excuse me, Your Excellency, but are there any dwarf nuns in Rome?"
The Pope wrinkles his brow at the odd question, thinks for a moment and answers, "No Dopey, there are no dwarf nuns in Rome."
In the background a few of the dwarfs begin giggling. Dopey turns around and gives them a glare, silencing them. Dopey turns back to face the Pope.
"Your Worship, are there any dwarf nuns in all of Europe?"
The Pope, puzzled again, thinks for a moment and then answers, "No Dopey, there are no dwarf nuns in all of Europe."
This time all the other dwarfs burst into laughter. Once again, Dopey turns around and silences them all with an angry glare.
Dopey turns back to the Pope and says, "Mr. Pope, are there ANY dwarf nuns in the whole world?"
The Pope answers, "I'm sorry, my son, there are no dwarf nuns anywhere in the world."
The other dwarfs collapse into a heap, rolling, and laughing, pounding on the floor, tears rolling down their cheeks as they begin chanting:
"Dopey screwed a penguin!"
"Dopey screwed a penguin!
Keith - LOL at both jokes - you are a really funny guy - thanks for making me smile......
aaah now you see Keith, we thought you were going to see someone on Tuesday...hope you hear soon. What do I mean - the job is already yours!
Mine, for the course, closed two weeks ago tomorrow, and I'm still waiting to hear. If still nothing by Sunday, I shall call them next week I think.
Did anyone recently see in the news about the eight year old boy who weighs about 14stone?
They were interviewing him during a music lesson for a tv documentary. When the interviewer asked his favourite tune, he replied "The dinner bell".
Am so tired - yesterday when I got in the car I had to undo my trousers - have eaten all the pies again!
:o) Jo
Moose, I have put a grand idea for a jolly good book about a horse on next door. I think I should whack it on my blog instantaneously...and sell the rights for a huge amount of money!!!!
Yes I am.
Very jealous.
Cannot believe how slowly time goes when you are feeling like BJ's biggest pants.
OR how slowly it goes when you have done so much work you have practically melted the internal computer system.
And I have to wait for a lift home from my lovely colleagew, so probably won't even be able to go at 5.
And no-one here can account for the strange smell of burning rubber. A bit like a hot washing machine smell.
Jo, lovely Jo, have a bit of a kip for me, and some custard on your pies!
Oh, Moose, have just though of an ARF for you for this week!
You could ask CE to 'Play Misty For Me?'
and for a split second I didn't feel that poorly there...
Wot, no wage slip? - re: strange smell - You haven't put your buckets in the microwave and forgotten them have you?
And it had a good amount in it!
Right - am off now
Sleepy time - husband picking up puppy so 1 hour to myself for a nap :o)
Ah Hazel and all I did not mean to deceive you with the job date. I remember a very wise moose’s words the last time I was waiting for a reply to an application I had made…….he advised me (he so wise you know) after two weeks was about the right time to contact them as it would not seem too pushy yet still keen enough ;-)) I will be applying the same principle again this time around! ;-)
Keith the BigUn
Jo I do hope you remembered to do your trousers up again before you got out of the car ...
Great blog, as always. All of you lovely people on this blog are much younger than me and have a long way to go with the "three bucket" scenario! All my energy now goes into "family" and "other stuff". Don't get me wrong, my job is still essential to my existence (and indeed salary) but where I would have literally sweated blood in the past for my job, I just can't do that now. I still give my best, am always on time, don't run out the door too early, but the real dedication when I worked Holiday Mondays, weekends, etc - those days are over!
Also, (and I don't mean this to be depressing, really I don't) my parents have passed away, as have 3 of my siblings, so my family now is my husband, our daughter and me (together with my sister and her family).
Other stuff - of course goes on forever - all the things we must attend to - and I just try to keep all the balls in the air!
Please try to see what I'm saying as constructive - life will not always be as stressful as it is right now!
I hate to sound like I know everything, but to "I need a nap...." I would advise that you do NOT call to find out about the job. My husband did this once, he was about to be offered the job but he ruffled the guy's feathers, and they said they had given the job to someone else!! I really do believe that if you have the job, they will let you know. It is so tempting to call, I know!!!
Hope this doesn't cause a downer, but I am going to post anyway.
Love, Chrissie xx
Hazel, our lovely... so sorry to hear you are poorly.
Get well soon....snuggles and all things saccharine
Hi ChrissieS - it was me needing a nap...
It's a course I have applied for which will lead to a whole new career. I hear what you are saying though, and understand your reasoning.
I was going to give it til Saturday mail time, but they stressed the importance of confirming the interview date if you are offered one, so I've been thinking they would reach me by phone. Not wishing to sound defeatist at all, but that call is kind of what I have been waiting for.
Thank you for your wise words, and I'll give it another week.
Doesn't it feel like Friday?!
Off to bed shortly as the boy is out for a little while, so going to make the most of the snore-free zone...
ciao lovers
Noow it IS Friday! Can't wait for 5pm, or my lie in tomorrow. I'm still feeling totally bleurgh, and am going to be giving the work do a miss tonight. I think bright lights, the cold, the hot and the alcohol would probably finish me off. I haven't told my boss yet though...
AND I still haven't got my wage slip!
in a bit my darlings
Moose, are you well? Are you running about the place trying to sort your buckets?
Yay Friday :o)
Payment didn't go through to bailiff's yesterday so we're expecting the man with a van back on Monday - frantic backing up of doc's on C drive in a bit (well, it's not that urgent).
Have just remembered a website which is a real treat for weekend fun. I know everyone is on diets for lent and stuff but go on - give is a go, for those of you with small people living with you it would be great fun :o)
Hazel - sorry to hear you're still feeling ruff. I too have had a bugger of a week but am hoping it will soon be out the way!
Annalog - I forgot and had to readjust as a matter of emergency when I got out the car - luckily I live on a v small culdesac with only 2 other houses so the chances of being seen were minimal.
Hope today flies by for all
:o) Jo
Good morning Hazel,
Thanks for the reply from yesterday. I had misunderstood that this is a Course you are going to take. That puts a slightly different slant on it, doesn't it? Especially with the interview date being so vital. So ..... I'm going to stick my nose in again and say, if you don't hear by Tuesday, I would call them!!!!
Hope you are feeling better, you've had a tough week.
C xx
Where is the Moose? I reckon that he's headed for the forest where he's heard it's all frosty and pretty...and he can show off his fine antlers against a backdrop of a frozen waterfall...Moose o' the Glen...majestic!
I had to scrape my car this morning. What is that all about pray?
Jo - the toffee penny and the uber cheese and pineapple for sure! Please ensure you download any vital personal stuff first. It isn't your fault if they can't pay the rent after all...and may I suggest investment in some elasticated waist Fair enough!
ChrissieS, you are sounding too sensible. I will have to hold over til Weds anyway as postman (other genders available) is way later after I've left for work.
Have told boss of planned absence from work do. He said 'fair comment'. Is a boss of few words but is lovely, and if he'd been kind, I'd have probably cryed on him.
Stiff upper chin up, and I'm going to get some toast going I think. I did suggest to Gaby that we had a dunk at 10, but I missed it unfortunately, so if there is anyone out there with any suitable dunking material, shall we say 10.30?
Hopefully Moose will be back by then eh?
Cute picture of the day alert
Hazel - good decision on the work do.
Re suitable dunking material. I have 4 internal doors that I had arranged to be hung this morning. Men arrived bright and early with tools. Ahem. Guess what.... I had bought the wrong size. So, my dunking material is 4 cheap doors from Homebase - they are very low in calories and last longer than your average cheap door.
Am ready for the 10.30 dunk
Can I dunk too?
I do hope so as I have half a packet (I wonder where the other half went?)of plain chocolate digestives, McVities (other brands are available)of course. ;-)
Keith the BigUn
Keith, I think that due to global warming your biscuits have evaporated, just like my wine does.
welcome to the dunk
I think you may have something there ;-) That pesky global warming nothing safe anymore!
I have to say I did laugh at you misfortune with the doors...... sorry. ;-))
Here is a little joke for the weekend ;-)
A woman and a man are involved in a car accident on a snowy, cold Monday morning; it's a bad one. Both of their cars are totally demolished but amazingly neither of them are hurt. God works in Mysterious ways.
After they crawl out of their cars, the woman says, "So you're a man. That's interesting. I'm a woman. Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but we're unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days".
Flattered, the man replies, "Oh yes, I agree with you completely, this must be a sign from God!" The woman continues, "And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished but this bottle of whisky didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this whisky and celebrate our good fortune." Then she hands the bottle to the man. The man nods his head in agreement, opens it and drinks half the bottle and then hands it back to the woman.
The woman takes the bottle and immediately puts the cap back on, and hands it back to the man. The man asks, "Aren't you having any?"
The woman replies, "No. I think I'll just wait for the police.... "
Women are clever, evil bitches. Don't mess with them! :-)
Keep smiling everyone…….
Keith the BigUn
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