Sunday, 25 February 2007

Decisions, decisions.

I know from bitter experience that I make particularly bad decisions under pressure. This is not good. A mist seems to descend on me - not the red one that is brought on by anger, but what I can only call a blue mist. Firstly because blue is my favourite colour. The mist I refer to happens so frequently that I am justified in calling it a favourite state of mine.
Secondly, a can descend into the blues quite quickly. Statements, actions etc trigger me and down I go. And as I head downwards, my decision making gets worse and worse.

This morning I had one such occurrence. The blue mist had descended and I was driving with the mooselets in the car. Five minutes down the road I caught myself and thought 'Come on. You know you make bad decisions in the midst of the mist. Turn around and go back home.'
Well in turned out that ironically it was the decision to turn around that turned out to be the bad one. It nearly caused a major disruption to the plans of today and the rest of the week.

So now I'm confused. Are my decisions in the blue mist getting better? Did I misjudge the blue mist and it was actually this second decision which was made in it and therefore was the bad one? Am I just inconsistent, and I cannot necessarily rely on my blue mist decisions as bad ones?

I suspect something different is at work here. You see, the day's and week's plans were not in fact scuppered.

So maybe I can rely on my blue mist decisions - or rather rely on the knowledge that they are always bad, and then try to do the complete opposite.


lyndyloo said...

Sometimes the decisions we make in the heat of the moment are the ones that are made with most clarity of thought. The decisions that we make when we have time to weigh up all the various options are often clouded by too many conflicting views... "is this what I should/could/ought to do" etc. If the "wrong" decisions ultimately lead to the best consequences then maybe it's best not to over-analyse the situation. In the words of CLP maybe it's best to let the wizards do their best to help and accept that it's ok.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Lyndyloo. I find that things can build for weeks and months before suddenly there is an epiphany and all becomes clear. And the path opens up infront of us. I just hate it when the 'blues' hit - I get very low, probably a throw back to the post natal depression, and if it goes too low there is no point in even trying to make a decision! But, catch it at the right time and it can make a huge difference to the way you feel and to your relationship with others and your daily life!

See you tomorrow!

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Lyndyloo. I find that things can build for weeks and months before suddenly there is an epiphany and all becomes clear. And the path opens up infront of us. I just hate it when the 'blues' hit - I get very low, probably a throw back to the post natal depression, and if it goes too low there is no point in even trying to make a decision! But, catch it at the right time and it can make a huge difference to the way you feel and to your relationship with others and your daily life!

See you tomorrow!

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

Ummm .... don't know how I managed to post twice!

Anonymous said...

Good morning all, hope you had a good weekend. I did, the mancub's pox have gone. Him in doors was here and we just pottered around the house. Lets not mention saturday, except that all our neighbours came round and that was pretty cool.

So decisions. I have to say i am from the school of instinct whenever i make a decision. If i listen to my gut, i can usually make the decision i feel happiest with and if that presents a situation that i didnt really want then so be it. I dont really give it much thought afterwards cos i cant do anything about it.

Off to hunt for that chinese in Donny now gaby.... Have a good day all.


Anonymous said...

morning all,

I can relate to that one alright Moose......I agree with Anna on the 'instinct' thing - I can be very quick to make decisions when going on that method. When I DO stop to analyse it is almost incredulous how indecisive I can be (especially for a sagitarrian!!). I wonder anyway if, after all the analysis, I end up with the same decision made anyway ie the one I would have made 'on instinct'.

It sounds like the resultant mood and plans are very good and positive Moose - so that's got to be good. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how we get there - but to be there is what matters.

It is time for me to go to work
: (

Have fun today friends


Anonymous said...

anna - singapore noodles for me please : )

Anonymous said...

Good morning our Moose!

I have to say I agree with lyndyloo. I have to say I agree with Susan S agreeing with lyndyloo. I also agree with Gabster too.

I am from the school of you should always give your first answer. The more analysing and deliberation you go through, the more likely you are to make an incorrect decision.

However, I get the feeling somehow that the symptoms you describe, the blue mist, seem to be those of someone who is still holding on to some unresolved grief or sadness...and you should never make any decisions without someone else to help, while your emotions are unbalanced.

Hopefully, now you have had this argument/discussion, you should have got rid of some of the things you have left unsaid previously, so now that they are out of your head, you'll have more space for instinct and coherent thought.

ooooh, whilst about to sign off (but probably only for the first time today...) it occurs to me...the Chakra colour for your mind's eye is blue, so it would seem that you would be able to trust these decisions because they are unconscious, ie instinct. This mist should disappear, and all you should be able to see is

********* BLUE *********


Anonymous said...

Dear all

I am so pleased the mancub pox has gone! There is a lot to be said for non-drying calamine lotion. I seem to merember when I had CP, the calamine tickled when it dried, exacerbating the itching! Glad the mite is better!

...and I'd just like to offer my commiserations to those of you with Foot Ball (Soccer) and Foot Ball (Rugby) teams that didn't win this weekend. However my fairweather support for Chelsea seemed to pay off.

Top Gear was sublime! Love KS-T anyway, and the knobs in the tractors...well it was all good.

...and bringin' it back...

I made several bad decisions over the weekend, mainly the ones involving the question "Would you like another drink?"

The best decision I made was to start on the Annual Spring Clean on Saturday, and am aching today partly as a result of that, but I'm sure the dull ache in my lower back can probably be attributed to my kidneys...

The kitchen and windows look sublime, but the rest of the house now looks fit to be condemned. Ah well, another room in the week...bathroom I think. Yerssss.

jollygit said...

The last time I made a decision in the heat of the moment I ended up scraping the side of my lovely car because I decided to drive the scenic route home from work due to traffic jams ahead! So now, to quote me mother, "if in doubt, do nowt"!!

We can tie ourselves up in knots trying to make what is hopefully the right decision. Is it better to make a split decision, so that you're not sitting there agonising for hours, and just live with the consequences, positive or otherwise? I've found in the past that having time to ponder has just made me more indecisive - that's probably just me though!

Hope you all had a good weekend - I'm enjoying the twiglets from Prof Plum (other snacks are available) for my victory on the Blog sweepstake on Friday and am off to claim my prize from MWa!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

On the news pages today:

"China's panda cub breaks records"

One is hoping there were no valuable 78's in the collection.

Moose said...

Morning all,
Just a suggestion...women make good heat of the moment decisions. Men don't???
Maybe it's just me...or just Mrs Moose?

Actually I think I can and do make very good heat of the moment decisions. Malcolm Gladwell's book Blink explores this more...I must read it sometime!

It's not the heat of the moment that makes the difference for me - the critical thing for me is whether the blue mist has descended or not.

What I need to do is have a permanent blue mist detector on that stops me from acting in the heat of the moment IF AND ONLY IF the blue mist alarm is flashing. No alarm - just carry on with life.

For example, in the heat of the moment this morning I've arranged to meet 2 people I used to mentor on Wednesday, as I have neglected them of late. A good decision. No blue mist alarm.

But I also had a sausage sandwich for brekkie. Was a lingering blue mist when I arrived at work. The sandwich wasn't that good for me and I didn't really enjoy it that much. It was a comfort food reaction. In hindsight I should have gone for the bacon instead.

Anonymous said...


Did you used to mentor them on Wednesday, or are you seeing them on Wednesday?

...and no, I think, if you look at the case as a whole, it is probable that both you and Mrs Moose have made a similar amount of correct decisions in heat of the moment situations. A lot of the time it does depend on the type of situation and who else is involved then too, so there will be no doing the Moose down please!

But why, did you say yes to the sausage sarnie, rather than request the alternative please? That is today's little pebble of discord in the pond.

Rock or hard place anyone?

jollygit said...

Moose - whatever the reasons for turning round this morning, your decision has ultimately resulted in better relations at home for all of you which can only be a good thing!

I've not experienced a 'blue mist' - just a grey cloud which is either right above my head and causing me all sorts of angst, or hovering in the distance where I can see it, and at least deal with it!

At least when you see the blue mist descending you can be prepared!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all, can I come back from the corner now? This one is clean but accentuates the difference between men and women!!

If Laurie, Linda, Elizabeth and Barbara go out for lunch, they will call each other Laurie, Linda, Elizabeth and Barbara. If Mark, Chris, Eric and Tom go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla, Peanut-Head and Scrappy.

When the bill arrives, Mark, Chris, Eric and Tom will each throw in a £20, even though it's only for £32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back. When the women get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.

A man will pay £2 for a £1 item he needs. A woman will pay £1 for a £2 item that she doesn't need, but it's on sale.

A man has five items in his bathroom: a toothbrush, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel from the Marriott. The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify most of these items.

A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that... is the beginning of a new argument.

Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.

A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.

A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the garbage, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail. A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.

Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed. Women somehow deteriorate during the night.

Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams. A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.

Any married man should forget his mistakes. There's no use in two people remembering the same thing.

A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, jack asses, and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, "Relatives of yours?" "Yep," the wife replied, "in-laws."

Moose - regarding decisions - I made a spur of the moment decision last week and as a result me and the family are off to Scarborough over Easter!!! Best decision I have made in months!

Amanda x

Anonymous said...

I’m agreeing with hazel who’s agreeing with Susan S who’s agreeing with Anna who's agreeing with Gaby who concurs with that right, girls?
Decisions are funny things… I do go for gut feeling..and it truly is a Pain if I’ve made the wrong decision..That’s happened since I can remember approx 8 yrs old. However, I would rather make any decision than not make one.
I am impulsive, but usually for very good, non malicious reasons, so if it comes back to be I can justify my decision.
I reckon Mrs Moose was a wee bit upset because you took the mooselets out, she was expecting time to herself, and then you came back! That drives me crazy!
Well 3 Lb lost on Atkins since last Wednesday..yeh, yeh I know it’s mostly water but 3 exercise sessions helped too - seems like Atkins is the only thing I can do to stop me compulsively overeating..because I’m not craving..( I suppose because bloodsugar is balanced so I’m going to stick with it for now.
Mind you, forthcoming friends wedding in London in April caused M A J O R planning and hotel /flight booking resulting in solid internet use from 8pm-11pm then “red carpet from the Oscars” watching in bed next to Mr C until 1pm stopped any kind of snacking in the evening.
Hazel - don't do yourself an injury....
Jolly - well done on the sweepstake, not involved but read all about your victory..enjoy tiglets (you either love em or hate em)
Moose - bacon is always best - you do not want to know what goes in sausages - eyes, ears and ars*holes!
Amanda - good list! especially offspring!

Happy Monday everyone

P.S Pepperami snacks Rock!
P.P.S Chinese roast Pork and salt and pepper chicken wings for me, please

Moose said...

How can you dis sausages like that and say Pepperami rocks...I bet the contents are not much different!

Why did I go for the sausage?...because describing Friday's bacon and egg sarnie to my Friday mentee invoked a response of 'mmm...sausage and egg sarnie'. It lodged in my brain so I arrived at the canteen this morning intent on only one thing. There were no eggs this morning, alas, so the solitary sausage won the day. Well, actually two sausages..I meant without the egg.

Protein really does fill you up. And at least the 'eyes, ears and a**eholes' are still protein!
I'm off to get lunch now because the canteen closes soon, not because I'm hungry. How mad is that?

Anonymous said...

Hiya Moose,

When I read your blog every day, I have to have some time to think about it, because they're really quite intelligent, and I'm not! No, seriously, I'm not fishing!

I have made some truly horrendous spur-of-the-moment decisions. Some of which I am still living with years and years later! However, on a day to day basis, I pretty much relay on instinct. It's not always right but in the main, it's the way to go.

As for clearing the air with Mrs Moose, that can only be good. Every now and then my husband and I do the same thing - get things said that should have been said long ago. However - it's important not to go too far - some things should NEVER be said, no matter how tempting!

Hope everyone is o.k. I always find on a Monday it takes my brain all day to get in gear! Must be all the drugs I am taking at the weekend!

C xx

That's a wee joke, of course!

Moose said...

Now you've got me worried that I said one of the things that I should NEVER say!
I can only guess what they might be:

'Yes, your bum does look big in that.'
'How much?'
'I hate your cat.'
'You should wear more make up.'
'It was only one little affair.'
'But I like the chubby bits under your arms.'
'You are turning into your mother.'
'I thought of you all the time.'
'You ruined my life you evil sadistic cow.'

Are there any others I'm missing?

By the way, for complete clarity, I did not say, nor do I have any reason to say, any of the above!!! (Well, except one, which is acceptable in my specific case as it would be a compliment...)

Jo said...

I’m agreeing Caroline who's agreeing with hazel who’s agreeing with Susan S who’s agreeing with Anna who's agreeing with Gaby who concurs with Lyndyloo?

I'm a great impulsive decision maker, why bother worrying about making a decision, just do the first thing that comes into your head and then bluff it out if it all goes pear shaped (due to blue mist situations).

As far as the sandwich goes - you should have realised Mr Moose that the lack of eggs meant that your destiny could not be fulfilled and that you should have stalled for another day.

Now you may find that you won't again consider a sausage and egg sandwich as you have been so disappointed by the whole sausage experience this time around. You should have listened to the message being given to you and opted for the safer, and preferential bacon sarnie (with or without sauce).

Anyway, enough of all that, what have I missed, who's been the naughtiest and what's been going on?

For those interested, house is semi-unpacked and puppy is happy in her new home (as is her surprise 60th birthday present sister at the out-laws)

Anonymous said...


Very, very good with the stuff we should never say. We may also want to avoid:

"I never have liked your mother, never will"

Any reference to the fact that your children bear no resemblance to any member of the family (this does not apply to you, your young Mooselet is your image, but you get my drift!). I thought it would be hilarious to say to my husband, when our daughter was born "I think I got away with it"! It sounded funny in my head!

Finally, no jokes about the "physical" side of one's relationship. It may be more difficult keep mum about this as the years go by!

C xx

Moose said...

Jo - welcome back!

lyndyloo said...

Hello Bloggeroonies!

I'm just checking in to find out if anyone has hidden the choccie biccies? (other flavoured biccies are available) I can't find them anywhere and can't possibly have my cup of 2.45 tea without one! For anyone that's interested I've done a morning after the night before type update.

Now... pass the biccies round someone :)))


jollygit said...

Jo - lovely to see you again! What name did you decide on for the puppy - I must have missed that blog!

Moose - the two other sentences that should never be said are:

"It's not you, it's me"
"it didn't mean anything"

Lyndyloo - I'm afraid I've had the choccy biccies - I got a bit peckish and polished the lot off, sorry! I'll send you some more through the post ......

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...


Welcome back - how did the move go? Did you manage to offload a whole lot of stuff or did you take absolutely everything with you to the new house?!

Happy to hear about your new wee puppy. And you must have received four million "brownie points" with the surprise puppy for your in-laws! Clever girl!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Jollygit- I had to make do with digestives which is just not right! I'll look forward to receiving the post x

Jo said...

Puppy decided her new name would be (can you hear the drum roll chaps?)

SOPHIE - not even one of our shortlist names but hey ho, she was called chloe for a day but it just didn't suit her. Her sister is called Amy!

Picture soon to be on my blog, but I wouldn't hold your breath, am not in techy mind today!

Chrissie, am finding that although I thought we'd off loaded loads of stuff, it wasn't enough and so I'm still a regular visitor to the tip!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...


Sophie ........ awwww! Lovely name, very cute.

Re: taking stuff to the tip. A girl I work with moved house recently and she and her partner were constantly going to the tip with stuff. She thought she would be pretty smart and take some of the stuff to a HUGE skip just minutes from where they lived. Of course, it was under the cover of darkness, so as not to be seen. They then "lobbed" about 20 bags of stuff high into the skip, not actually hearing them fall, but the thing was so enormous, they thought nothing more about it. Next day, they drove past the "skip" to see all their bags on the roof of a portacabin!

Just thought I'd share!

C xx

Moose said...

The book has obviously worked it's subliminal message on you for you to name the puppy after one of my characters...

I hadn't decided yet, but I could invent a sister for my Sophie called Amy...or maybe that should be Aimee (how do you do those funny accent things?)

Chrissie - portacabin story reminds me of Mrs Moose and a friend going camping in Switzerland. They arrived late at the campsite and the office was closed. Notice said to pitch their tent and pay in the morning. In the dark they found a lovely flat bit of grass, pitched and collapsed into bed. In the morning they awoke to the irate owner of a permanently sited caravan asking them why they were camping on his front lawn!

Moose said...

...and after a whole 5 minutes work today, I am bored rigid. So I'm off to the gym before heading home to chinese takeaway with the outlaws. Salt & pepper squid might have to be on the menu...

Still, at least the latest version of the book plan is done. Just can't be bothered to start on chapter 4 now...

Anonymous said...

I’ll have you know that pepperami contains 150% meat! Impossible I know, but that is the raw weight equivalent …Please don’t ask me to explain how..way too foodtechy!
It doesn’t contain rusk or crumb or water…true, ears, eyes and ars*holes are protein, but would you like to put any of those in YOUR mouth! (ha! You did this morn!)
Honestly, don’t get me started on all gets a bit over the top!
Hello Jo, hope unpacking is going OK, good name for puppy
Moose – you know how to wind up, don’t would never say such things though, would you!
All the good ones have been said..
my contribution on Mr C
After he’s bought a new dongle diddle do dah for the computer, and I question why he needs it…he says well, you buy magazines….Yes, but those magazines are part of my work, I have to be up on the trends
I’ve got a bit of a hangover…well, maybe you shouldn’t have opened that 3rd bottle.
He pours chilli sauce over all my lovingly prepared home cooking, without tasting first
He thinks Macdonalds is a perfectly acceptable restaurant to have lunch when there are loads of alternatives

I love him really!

Boss is getting all walking around the office/asking loads of pointless questions/..must dash!

Anonymous said...

Now I’m agreeing with Jo (influenced by Sophie) and Caroline who's agreeing with Hazel who’s agreeing with Susan S who’s agreeing with Anna who's agreeing with Gaby who concurs with Lyndyloo.

The way I see it is that you make a decision. If it's a good one, you find out by having a good time as a result. If it's a bad one, things go wrong, then the main thing is to make the best of it perhaps learn from it, rather than beat yourself up for being an idiot. And sometimes, as for you Moose, there's the proverbial silver lining because relationships can improve - you've learnt from the bad decision.

Nice to find so many buddies in here. Wish good things to you all


lyndyloo said...

Jo- Welcome back! Sophie is great! Missed you loads xxx
Jill- Welcome! We're all good mates in here x

jollygit said...

Jo - love the names Sophie and Amy. I hope you'll all be really happy together!!!!

Chrissie S - LOL!!


Jo said...

I'm loving the Copy & Paste work today :o)

In time honoured tradition.....HOME TIME

Off to pick up Sophie Squiggle pants from the out-laws house :o)


Anonymous said...

Can't stop for long, bloggers and blogettes .... I should be halfway down the A82 by now!!!!

Just wanted to say that you guys are just the best bunch of guys and gals that I've ever had the fortune of 'meeting'! No, seriously ... and this is me with no vino or smbuca! I really appreciate the fact that everyone is so supportive and encouraging of each other, but, man, can you all have a laugh as well!

Well, Charis, sister Ali (no, she's not a Nun, she's my sister!) and I are piling into the car for the journey south to bonny Oban. Have put a request in but I'm sure CLP will have chosen the playlist by now!

By 5pm I should have gotten round Loch Ness and be hitting Invergarry! With you all in spirit on Drivetime!

Talk to ya later!

Huggles, Susan

PS Amanda - thank you so much for your email! Will get back to you later!

PPS Cathmel, Gaby, Mary, Moose, Lyndyloo, DWNB, Hazel Love, etc - thanks also for your emails!

Anonymous said...

Two more...

I think you'll find I didn't say I'd had any sleep before I drove home, but if you'd asked me directly I'd have told you.

I never said the shelves would be up before the end of....

Moose - which accent for Aimee please?

...and now the puppies are home, I'd better sort out a lovely pattern, hadn't I...Anita?

Hey Jo! xxxx

Je suis aller maintenant. Je ne rien ne vas plus aujord'hui.

Hasta mananananananan

Anonymous said...

hello all, and huraagh for jo coming back. Hope the move went well, i love first nights in a new house. did you have fish and chips - obligatory first night food..... hmmm do you notice how everyone else discussed unpacking and destressing and i ask about food first. some things never change!

Moose - i want to know which of your list was a compliment....! I can only assume mrs moose's mum is a ravishing beauty....


Anonymous said...

Evening All

I think I'm agreeing with everyone! I'm interested Moose that you describe your mist as blue which is also your favourite colour. Maybe there is something about the blue mist that you actually like - I don't know what, but maybe it brings about a change of mind or something - and maybe sometimes you need to do that.

Someone I worked with years ago passed on advice that he had heard from someone else which went something like - you need to think about making a decision being a bit like coming to crossroads when you don't always know the way to go. You make your decision and you then travel down that road. You then can't regret that decision and you can't change it. Oh you could turn back and try and reverse it but just having made the decision in the first place has started something else. ...... You know this is one of those things that sounds good in my mind but sounds like complete twaddle now that I'm trying to write it down - sorry. I think tho that's it's about living with the decisions you make and sometimes there is no right or wrong decision - you just gotta go with the flow.

Anyway, sausages! Caroline - I didn't know they put my boss into sausages!!!!!!!

Time for bed me thinks.


lyndyloo said...

Moose- As the day has gone on I'm getting more to grips with the idea of a blue mist... I too have a huge alleigence with the colour blue and if I think about things I have to make decisions about I'm far happier with them being in a blue mist than any other colour. If I make angry decisions they are definately Other spellings may be available) made in a red mist and normally not the same as the ones I would have made in the cold sober "blue" light of day... Thanks for making me take the time to look a little more closely at my decision making process and thanks to everyone who has helped me do the same by commenting on my rantings/musings on my blog.

Must go to Prison Break now. Wentworth Miller calls....-x-x-x-

Anonymous said...

Morning all,

Decision making….just made a bad one I think? My Lap Top, every time I switch it on the mouse is not working :-( of course I tried switching it on an off….no good! So I did what anyone would have done and give it a tap, gentle at first but I have to admit as my frustration grew with this annoying piece of useless technology the taps got just a little harder…….result……….still no mouse ;-( and now the screen flickers as well ;-( so I guess my decision making on this occasion has probably cost me big time.

Still hey ho I will survive and no one is dead or pregnant (Apart from JO) so it could have been worse :-)

Welcome back Jo, I hope the move was not too stressful.

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I forgot to say I have sent in my application for another job. This one is for a Practice Manager at a medical centre. They are looking for a manager with finance experience and I still fancy a change so I thought I would give it a go! Applications close on Wednesday so I could do with some of those positive thoughts right now ;-)


Anonymous said...

Big positive thoughts coming at you BigUn.....


Anonymous said...

morning all,

Missed you guys yesterday - and will be much of the same today. Off to work in a moment.

Hi Jill : )

Jo - welcome back babe : )

Keith...positive thoughts, as always my friend : ) xxxx

Moose et al: I've made some quite big decisions recently really, now I come to think of it. At the time, I didn't really feel like one of them was a bigun (!)(so does that mean it was a foregone conclusion in my mind?) but, on relection, it really was a big one. It was to do with a man.
Another big one that did feel like a whoppa was whether to accept a permanent position at my current place of work. I have worked for them before, permanently. I decided not to take their job offer, or their amended offer, or their subsequent revised offer!! Which means that I am leaving in a couple of weeks time. Quite a big one methinks. How am I going to fund my match tickets and other necessary as well as extra curricular activities!!! : )

My lovelies, I must depart, but before I go I must say.... have a great day friends.

Oh nearly forgot, can I say it?....can I?.....can I say it Chief of Blog and Friends?......

lyndyloo said...

Morining Kieth, I'll be directing all my spare positive vibes in your direction today. Be lucky!


Anonymous said...

Come on you Royals!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mentioned it once but I THINK I got away with it

Anonymous said...

EG, not knowing your boss, the film Chicken Run has a lot to be said for it. We try to buy 'proper' sausages, rather than Mrs Tweedy's specials!

Gaby, would that be the Windsor Royals, in tribute to the wonderful Laydee Mirren?

Keith, ALWAYS positive man dude! Hopefully when you go for your interview (which you WILL get) and you dazzle them with both your personality and your technological prowess, you'll be a stocking-in for the job!

so, Moose didn't pop back after the gym then...hmmmmmmmmmm...'s goin' on there then billee????

blondes have more fun

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Keith, what I meant...

Moose said...

Keith - all the best. Sounds like a great change of direction using the previous experience. they are always the best as you can shine in one area while you learn the other bits!

Gaby - I'll allow it this time, considering the opposition! I would comment further but that would be breaking my Lenten promise...and after the weekend I've given up rugby too, and I'm sure it won't take long before I give up cricket too...(sorry Lyndyloo!)

Seriously overate Chinese last night (nothing new there) and was unable to blog/move afterwards. Outlaws are leaving today so likely back to normal tonight. I haven't been able to face breakfast yet, and that is extremely unusual for me. The first hunger pangs are on their way now...

Anna - nearly right! Think personality instead of looks and you are there...

9am - my boss is meeting Chief Exec to talk through progress on my current work. Calls for me to eat a bacon and egg sandwich while that's going on...if they can't be bothered to invite me, I'll enjoy myself instead.

Hi Jill!

Jo - Grave or acute, who knows?

jollygit said...


Keith - I'm sending you humungous positive vibes and good luck xxxx

I'm going to my lovely friend's funeral tomorrow morning (Wed) and am taking Thursday and Friday as holiday - to spend with 'im indoors whilst on his garden leave, so I may be absent for a few days. I've got a note from me mam but will try and pop in now and then.

jollygit xx

Moose said...

oh and Hazel has just reminded me to let you know that the i-pod thing is going well. My new selections worked fantastically last night. Beats of 140-150 work well for running (as do some slower ballady ones between 70-75). Must be some maths thing going on there. I've put in BPMs on a load of songs that were already on the thing, and done a selection of 3 songs at that tempo followed by 1 at 120 for a walking break in between. I've got about 5 sets of that which is much longer than I ever run. 120 songs include: Mika (Grace Kelly), Tom Jones/Mousse T (Sexbomb) and Bangles (Magic Monday) - they all work great. Can't remember all the running step is to go through your selections that I don't own, and check their BPM on i-tunes before I buy...and add some 95-100 bpm songs on for the cycling warm up. Then I'll sell my selection and make my fortune. This time next year, Rodney...

I was so motivated by it all that I ran my antlers off last night...could have been a contributory factor in not being able to move? On second, it was just the mountain of Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the positive thoughts already…very moving ;-)

I thought as I prepare for the new job I thought it was best to remind myself that I should do some prior reading…

A priest offered a Nun a lift. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg.

The nun said, "Father, remember Psalm 129?" The priest removed his
hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again. The nun once again said, "Father, remember Psalm 129?" The priest apologized, "Sorry sister but the flesh is weak." Arriving at the convent, the nun went on her way.

On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, "Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory."

Moral Of The Story: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.


Anonymous said...

Hi Moose

Today's Poetry Corner is sponsored by 'Desperate For Cash?'

When you become a Millionaire
Please don't forget
Who put you there

Todays' Haiku Corner is sponsored by 'Anchor'.

Now I think some toast
Buttered on the least burnt side
Will be suitable

I thank you.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All,

Checking in early for a change. Just want to say all the best to Keith for the interview. Go for it and try to relax - the person conducting the interview is nervous too!

Jollygit - hope your friend's funeral goes as well as possible. As a rule (naturally) funerals are difficult. It's good that you will be off work for the rest of the week, so take it easy.

Moose, I do envy your Chinese meal. My husband refuses to eat it, so I order it for myself, but then end up needing a lie down after being just a teensy bit too greedy! Might just do that on Friday!

BTW, I am seriously up for Dublin in two years' time!

C xx

Jo said...

Mornin all :o)

Many thanks for the warm welcome back yesterday. It touched me 'eart it did!

Good look Keith with the job thingy - beware though that prectice managers are mostly women (or they are round here) and you could be letting yourself in for a good hen pecking at PM meetings! Although the Practice manager meetings that I have been to have had good refreshments so that's a plus!

Am thoroughly bored at work now and daydreaming about taking maternity leave - is that fundamentally wrong (as it won't be for another 6 1/2 months?).

Anyhoo - catch y'all later, am about to enter the lions den (well a meeting with 3 older people - as in well over 70! who haven't seem to have grasped the fact that we are there for a purpose, not just to natter - and they get paid for it!)

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

I am passing this on to you because it definitely worked for me, and we could all use a little more calmness in our lives.

By following the simple advice I heard on the Dr. Phil show, I have
finally found inner peace.

Dr.Phil proclaimed, ....

"The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started
and never finished."

So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't
finished, and before leaving the house this morning, ....

.............I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of White
Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a bottle of Bombay Sapphire,
a packet of Jaffa Cakes, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the
rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos and a Box of chocolates.

You have no idea how bloody good I feel ! The man is a Genius !

Please pass this on to those you feel might be in need of inner peace.

Jill - hello and welcome!

Keith Big 'Un - PV's coming to you

Susan S - Hope the journey was good

Jo - Sophie - aaahhhhh, lovely name

Anna - Forgot to say yesterday - hooray, mancub pox has gone away!

Moose - enjoy the egg and bacon sandwich!

Have a good day one and all!!!

Amanda x

Anonymous said...

Not wishing to step on Keith's toes, but I've just been sent this and felt I should share it with you all ... (and good luck with the job stuff Keith).

A Safari Tale
A wealthy old lady decides to go on a photo safari in Africa, taking her faithful aged poodle named Cuddles, along for the company.

One day the poodle starts chasing butterflies and before long, Cuddles discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch. The old poodle thinks, "Oh, oh! I'm in deep doo-doo now!"

Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the leopard is about to leap the old poodle exclaims loudly, "Boy, that was one delicious leopard! I wonder if there are any more around here?"

Hearing this, the young leopard halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees. "Whew!", says the leopard, "That was close! That old poodle nearly had me!"

Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the leopard. So off he goes, but the old poodle sees him heading after the leopard with great speed, and figures that something must be up. The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard.

The young leopard is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here, monkey, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine!"

Now, the old poodle sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back and thinks, "What am I going to do now?", but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old poodle says.
"Where's that damn monkey? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another leopard!"

Moral of this story ...
Don't mess with old farts ... age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill. Bullsh*t and brilliance only come with age and experience.

Can't add anything to the decision making comments - I'm hopeless at deciding anything. Except about sausages. We always have good quality sausages (isn't that an oxymoron?) with no rusk/fillers as Mr Log has to avoid gluten and can't eat the cheap versions.

Moose said...

No eggs again today...but I was prepared. A quick switcharoo to the toaster saw me with 2 slices of granary thinly slathered in crunchy peanut butter. Obligatory yogurt to wash it all down. I'm on my second coffee, I've had a chat with my old boss to generally talk down this organisation (always good for a laugh), I'm bored stiff already and about to write a detailed chapter plan for my new chapter 2...which is roughly the same as the old chapter 2.

Just seen the Chief Exec in the corridor (he gets his own coffee most of the time, which I think is an admirable trait - given he has 2 secretaries AND a team of caterers sitting down the corridor) and he just smiled and said hello. The discussion must have been OK with my boss.

Keith/Jo - If most of the Practice Managers are women, are there any jobs going in my area?

Moose said...

I've decided that I have invented a new English word, one that has been lacking for a long while. We have had to make do with the German for so long now, it's about time we hit back. My word may only cover part of the meaning, but I'm sure we can come up with further replacements in other walks of life. The German word is schadenfreude, and my replacement is:

Blogpride: the feeling of smug satisfaction that you know is wrong but can't help but enjoy, on a day when your blog has more comments than CE's blog.

Blogprideblogpride: as above, even when you count the duplicate postings next door.

Thank you all my friends, blub, I couldn't have done it without you all. Sniff. I'd like to thank my agent, blub, my manager, blub, my family, sniff, and anyone else that knows me.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, it started not very well, and was just about to go downhill just that little bit further, when my colleague has offered to make me a cuppa.

The kettle is turdally knackered man dude, but this colleague always makes lovely tea. I am looking forward to it arriving on my desk in due course.


Moose, so he jolly well should get his own coffee.

All of us here make drinks for each other, but there is one (we shall call him "The 'Busiest' Man in the World") who calls out 'D'you mind making us a couple of coffees please angel?'

As Beverage Preparation is not in my job description, neither would I class it under 'Any Other Duties' I feel this undermines me to some degree, and that I am not as 'busy' as he claims himself to be, my job is not as important, therefore I am not as important, as he is.

There. Said it.

Fortunately he isn't here very often.


Blimey. I definitely need to get more sleep tonight...


Anonymous said...

Most Practice managers are women…the one I am looking at taking over from is a woman as are most of the workforce in the medical centre…I have to say it is one of the things that drew me to the job ;-))


Anonymous said...

Darling Moose, what is the German word supposed to mean please?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Moose on your Blogpride moments. Your speech was lovely and may I say that that dress is sooo you! The colour, cut and fabric are to die for ... where did you get it dahhling???

I think we should all thank you to you for allowing us into your little corner of the world and (sometimes) taking it over with our own brand of lunacy.

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

durrr ..
I should have said " we should all say a big thank you to you ..."

Moral - leave a little space for proof reading before pressing Send.

Moose said...

I'm going to hit and check out their jobs page...

Annalog - thank you. It was Kate Winslet's...I had to take it in a bit. Meeeeowwwwww!! Don't get me wrong about Kate - I DEFINITELY would...

Anonymous - taking pleasure in the misfortune of others

Hazel - While totally understanding your reaction, you have to admit that you really aren't that busy, are you?

And as to our Chief Exec - while I agree he SHOULD, there are few who DO. Hence still admirable!
My secretary/PA (way back when I was deemed important enough to have one!) used to love me because I'd fetch the coffees for both of us most of the time. It's important to feel the love from one's secretary/PA, I think.

Keith - is it normal practice for a Practice Manager to have a gorgeous blonde secretary?

Anonymous said...

With regard to secret societies/conspiracy theories and their ilk then, something strange is 'appnin 'ere.

I have been checking, with not quite monotonous regularity, the appearance of something next door.

All of a sudden, not five minutes ago, there it is...and it would appear that there have been postings (see lyndyloo numero uno) since 0832. How can this be? It appears to have been logged at 0803, which is about the time I turned on my pc, but this weblog was not there.

It would appear therefore, that I am not a member of the Elite. Those who are answerable only to one man. The CE. You are the UNIT. I am paranoid.

Cue for a song...

Anonymous said...

Appropos Coffee making........

There are only 5 of us in our office and most of the time one or more of my colleagues are away. I have no beef in making their brews for them as they do have strict time schedules and very stressful roles. As Office Manager I see it as one of my jobs. But do you know what bugs the life out of me - when I have washed, dried and put all the brew making implements away and come in the next morning and find a sink full of dirty cups, spoons and anything else they cared to use!!!!! Also, the other Friday I was off work and they didn't bother emptying the bin so on Monday the whole office stank but no-one noticed it!?!?!

I feel much better having mentioned that, they are all away at the moment so I am in charge of my own brew making and kitchen!!! But it gets a bit lonely nonetheless. However I have you guys to keep me laughing - thanks.

Moose - Blogpride - you deserve it! Thank you for giving us the forum to comment on life, love and the universe etc.......

Amanda x

Moose said...

Hazel - I'm in the naughty corridor with you - in fact I just left a comment to that effect over there...

How's this for a strange plot line coincidence that is screaming out to be followed up...this is gonna be hard without talking about f**tball..

I have decided that my characters need a bit of "rounding out" not a large Chinese this morning I started on Bryan. He needs to be more butch, more manly, more full of testosterone. So I decide he's a rower. I log on to Google maps, go to Boston, and search for "Rowing Clubs". It shows me the "Riverside Boat Club". I click on their website, and find a photo of one of their eights. A couple of them have team colours on. The paddles of their oars are also painted in team colours. Which are...da, duh, da!!!!

Blue and White hoops!

Bryan just became a fully signed up member of RBC.

I love it when a plot comes together...just call me Mr T!!! Is that Mousse T? Sexbomb? Yes, please.

Anonymous said...

The thing is Moose, there is no way he could possibly know that...and thank you for your translation, because I didn't know what it meant either.

So, it would be akin to laughing like a drain when you see someone rather spectacularly trip up, and they think nobody was watching them?

Of course, if they looked as though they'd hurt themselves I would join the helpful throng.

...and anyway, I'm working now.

Anonymous said...

Annalog, I loved your Safari Tale! Let me tell you, it is some small comfort that as we get older we definitely become more wily. (Yes, it's wily!).

Moose, lovely speech and much appreciated. However, your blog-friends are most grateful to you for giving us this little haven. Sooooo superior to CE's, even though we are all still loyal to him!

And Moose ...... you do like your blondes, don't you!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Had to come back to say to Amanda, I know just what you mean. I am also an Office Manager and I really don't mind making the coffee, etc.

But, like your place, everyone here is so lazy! It drives me completely off my head. Last summer, I went off for my two weeks holiday and had left a sandwich in the fridge that I forgot to throw away. You've guessed it - I came back to work and the damn sandwich was still in the fridge! No-one could be remotely bothered to throw it out! Did they think I would be looking for it two weeks down the line?!


C xx

Anonymous said...

Chrissie S - thanks for that, I know I am not alone now and that has made me feel even better!


Moose said...

ChrissieS - they must be blokes...

"Just scrape the mould off, and there's a perfectly good sandwich underneath"...

Anonymous said...

Amanda and Chrissie S - you're not alone ... I seem to spend more time than I should with other people's washing up.

Moose - I'm glad you think it's important to feel the love from one's secretary/PA. If only more people did. I'd love my boss to make me a cup of tea, but I doubt she'd know how to work the kettle ...

Moose said...

I've just had a don't think I've made a decision on Bryan in a blue (and white hooped) mist do you?

Jo said...

Am pre-emptimg a comment next door and have sent myself to the corner over here in anticipation...

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Moose - a warning about blondes....

A guy goes to the supermarket and notices a beautiful blond woman wave at him and say hello.

He's rather taken aback, because he can't place where he knows her from, so he says, 'Do you know me?' To which she replies, 'I think you're the father of one of my kids.'

Now his mind travels back to the one and only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says, 'My God, are you the stripper from my bachelor party that I had sex with on the pool table with all my buddies watching and cheering me on, while your partner whipped my butt with wet celery?'

She looks into his eyes and calmly says, 'No, I'm your son's English teacher...'


lyndyloo said...

What's it like to work in offices with lots of people. I'm lucky (if I come into our Leicester office) if there's 3 of us, normally there would only be 2. We just make each other beverages when we're thirsty. Though it is Ruthy's job to buy the bicbics.

Anonymous said...

Just finished my current work break.

So. Bryan. Is now a member of the Round Britain Club.

What is blue and white hoops?

...and, Mister, with regard to the mist, earlier you munched on granary bread with CPB. As you enjoyed your repast this morning, having regretted it yesterday, I feel you have your fan on de-mist today. Good point though.

annalog. Rusks are part of the natural development of the human being. Who cannot fondly remember having Farley's finest scraped from their chin and forced into their tightly clamped mouth. Mr log must have had a terribly deprived and sheltered childhood.

...and apropos of earlier, I am still practising managing. I have just mastered coping. The reason a larger proportion of women do these jobs is because they have to cope from an young age. It comes with the territory.

...and what are the chances (here's one for the more figure-minded (no I don't mean you anna, I mean NUMBERS)among us) of the mother of my old drama teacher from aeons ago, telephoning me, JUST THIS VERY MINUTE, to tell me about her 'discussion group'? Eh? EH? (In case it helps with the calculation, I didn't know it was her until I asked her to spell her name, and then I said Oooh, did your son...etc etc.)

Gracious me. Is is lunchtime already?

Anonymous said...

Just a couple of things before I go and do the washing up ...

What is a hooped mist? Is it like knitted fog?

Hazel don't worry about Mr L's childhood - he ate as many rusks as the rest of us I expect. It just took him the best part of half a century to find out he couldn't/shouldn't.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I can only express my anger on here. One of my colleagues has just come into the office. He has asked me to mention, that when the visitors the meeting being held by 'The Man In Black' about the action to be taken in case of fire. He then apologised but had to come and speak to me directly, because the MIB would have known if he hadn't.

I am REALLY EFFINGLY PEEEEED SO FAR OFF YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE IT. One, why doesn't he wait until he's got them all together in the damn meeting, and two, he obviously realised I would have told him that if he'd come and asked me himself. The only thing to his credit, he is making all their drinks, but he is using all our milk, and I JUST KNOW IT IS GOING TO BE ME THAT HAS TO GO AND GET A COUPLE MORE PINTS PLEASE ANGEL.


Now they have all b*ggered off to the meeting area, and I know that they are most certainly not likely to bring their bleeding cups back either.

Thank you Moose. A really big thank you. I am going outside to think about what I have just done, and also to have a quiet smoke.

Anonymous said...

by the way, this may seem a little trivial to some (maybe even all) of you, but quite frankly, today, it is the straw that is breaking this particular camel's back.

Now I have to go to Sainsbury's. My consolation prize being that I get to drive the BIG car.

vroom vroom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Moose said...

I'm not sure I can approve the use of the 'S' word on my it again and I'll beepee you!

And maybe you should sit on the naughty step while smoking?

Moose said...

Go to the naughty corner.
Go straight to the naughty corner.
Do not pass the CE blog.
Do not collect a 70 grand publishing contract.

I couldn't even attempt to post my reply to Nev next door. One because I was laughing at my own joke too much. Two because it would never have got through. Three because someone would probably have been offended.

So I thought I'd post it here instead as I've stopped laughing and don't think the other two apply here.

What I was going to say was...

"Lighten up Nev, I've always had a lot of time for beavers."

I'm there already. In the corner. I'll just stay here all afternoon. There's a nice mushroom soup and everything. As long as I can nip to the coffee machine now and again...

Anonymous said...

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you live coverage from the events in the Naughty Corner.

Over to you Headmistress...

Sorry, I should have added the (other supermarkets are available although not quite as close because they don't trust me to drive the big car too far although they don't know that I go there via the dual carriageway and not up the lane) bit.

Please accept my most very 'umble dear Moose...and I stood atop the naughty step with my cig whilst watching Gale fly by with her skirts in the air.

Yours contritely
H. Love

ps Jo, I am dedicating comment 25 to you.

...and it's back to the studio.

lyndyloo said...

I used to have a company called "Cute Beaver Limited". My bank manager loved me!

Moose said...

Cheryl the Diva seems to be getting overexcited at the thought of beavers. 4 times so quickly in succession. I wish I could do that.

jollygit said...

I used to work in an office where we all had animal-esque nicknames. A new lady came to work with us and was asked to choose a nickname. "I think I'd like to be known as Beaver" she said. We obviously laughed until we cried but she didn't know what was so funny so we told her to ask her hubby that evening. The next day she came in, said "bitches" and 12 years on is only ever known as Beaver!

jollygit x

jollygit said...

Lyndyloo - excellent!!

There is a place near me that has a Beaver Road, a Beaver Medical Centre and, best of all, a pub called The Beaver Inn.

You couldn't make it up!

lyndyloo said...

The company was used as the trading vehicle for the pub I used to own called.... wait for it..... "The Hat & Beaver" which got known as the "Hat & T#*t" ... realy there's no hope!

Anonymous said...

Moose…..not necessarily blonde (other colours are available) ;-) just long legs and big ears (if you know what I mean) are a must ;-)

As for making the brews. I am the boss and I make the brews at least once a day. I am always the first in and I wash all of the cups ready for the day ahead. I fill the kettle and put it on so that it will be hot for when the next one turns up. We have a brew fund; one of our members runs it ruthlessly to ensure everyone pays up on time…no pay no brews ;-) Only one of my team is not a member and that is because he chooses not to drink hot drinks. My boss one u from me quite often has visitors and expects my team to make coffee. I have made him a request form for coffee/tea which states the cost per (50p) cup he orders from our fund.

Back to work for me as I still have to beaver away for another few hours ;-)


Anonymous said...



Mushroom soup?


Anonymous said...

Journey good.

Weather bad.

Anonymous said...

Mushroom soup and doughnuts???

Nothing to do with anything really, just that Lyndyloo and her pub name reminded me that I used to avoid going to the Fawcett Inn because I couldn't say the name without my eyes watering.

jollygit said...

The less said about The Cock Inn at Sevenoaks, the better .......

Moose - budge up will you, I'm on me way to the naughty corridor - any soup left?

jollygit x

Moose said...

Peter from next door has just usurped all of us from the corner...

jollygit said...

Ooh, that Peter is really naughty - he deserves detention!

Jo said...

Oooh Jollygit - Pub near me, The Cock Hotel, used to be run and owned by Mr Arden.

Genius :o) Jo

jollygit said...

Jo - noooo!!! LOL!

Why is all of this making me larf so much? I'm sitting in my little corner of the office sniggering away!! I really should get out more .......

jollygit x

Anonymous said...

It's tough work building those Dams you know. Day in day out. Dull as f*ck, and the weather sometimes is just appalling. You may think that because we have big teeth it must be easy. You'd be wrong.

We are expected to produce up to 600 offspring before we there is even pressure on for when we choose to enjoy ourselves! We are Beavers NOT rabbits!

On that note, being classified as a 'rodent' if you please. It's all right fot the cute little otter, being classified as a 'mammal', lawding it up, catching fish, swimming on their backs and going chirrup. WE TOO ARE MAMMALS. The only reason we get called 'rodents' if you please, rather than mammals, is because we have big front teeth.

We are kind to the environment in that we eat shoots and leave's, tree roots etc, we build Dams which provide valuable living areas in the wetland for all sorts of goodness knows what, and what do otters do? B*gger all, that's what. What do otters eat? FISH, that's what.

Beavers don't kill fishes, otters do.

If Henry Williamson had taken the time to write 'Tarka the Beaver' instead, then I believe the lives of Beavers would have been entirely different.

Life as a Beaver ain't all a bed of roses and quite frankly Clive Staples Lewis has a lot to answer for.

On behalf of Beavers everywhere, I'd like to thank Moose...another endangered species, for the use of his blog.

Until we meet again, my Dam is your Dam.

ps We Beavers are not officially classified as an endangered species, but it's good to feel special sometimes...

pps I'm not sure if Moose are either actually.

Anonymous said...

aahhh, beavers. Good to see we are on form today. such a shame i couldnt fully participate. sadly i was in a room full of stiffs who i am sure wouldnt have appreciated beavers. Well i do work in the dance industry after all.

Moose said...

If I was allowed to I'd commiserate with you...

lyndyloo said...

Booo for the nasty reds... what's more I was looking forward to Life On Mars!

Anonymous said...

Evening All

Just popping in to say a quick 'Hello' for now. Got lots of bills to pay on-line - and I think a number of these are overdue. When did they make February so short? I thought there was still another week in the month!

Will try and pop back later to read all the comments - looks like another interesting day.

Oh - Moose, Vive Blogpride.

Be seeing you!


Anonymous said...

Hello Everybody

I am absolutely wetting myself re: Beavers
Mr C is sitting beside me and also wetting himself..wet and computers don't go!
Top chat my fellow commentors, well done on entertaining yourselves all day..I'm just sorry i missed it..I think they are getting suspicious at work, 'cos it looks like i'm working, but then I stifle giggles..and my PC is just next to the door so any one can walk in a get a full view of moose!
Have a good evening, i think i'm going to try life on Mars tonight, seeing as you lot are so enraptured.
Oh, by the way...anyone got a Raclette set they don't's gotta look new, though! (Present --I am a cheapskate - they're bl**dy expensive new, but it was a specific request from the bride to be to me! she says it's appropriate cos I'm in the food industy and when she lived in Switzerland i stayed with her and that's what we ate) Blinking Heck!
Lots of love
Caroline xx

P.S will be late tomorrow, cos i'm going t'gym and then a tradesman is insulating my eaves! OOer!
Have a coffee on me...any biscuits..? only for the naughty ones in the corner!