Monday, 12 February 2007

Education, education, education...

A sudden flow of inspiration came over me this morning. In response to the CE blog on commuting, but I wasn't allowed to post it there. So I thought I'd put it on here instead...I know you all won't mind too much! Although I have to admit to deleting all the sycophantic stuff...

I was having a conversation with a friend on Sunday, and we think that there are 2 main causes of us travelling unbelievably long distances, and even more unbelievably long times, to work:

1. Schools. We mostly dread having to change schools for our kids. Having found a decent (or even half-decent one), we dare not move for fear of them landing in some sink school and us being responsible for ruining the rest of their lives. (I actually don't think this would happen in most cases, but we fear it, and that's enough...) If our job moves, we just travel further and longer to it. If the education system worked, then all schools would be good, there'd be no shortage of places, and moving would be enabled. We could all then live closer to our places of work, saving the time, and the planet to boot...

2. House Prices. Partly linked to the first point, but especially a problem in London and surrounds. The crazy relationship we have with our houses compared to other societies means that a lot of people are prohibited from living close to work. We are completely irrational about our houses, especially considering how poor the building standards are in this country.

3. (I know, I know, Spanish Inquisition and all that...) Public Transport is such a depressing, tiring, sweaty, and thoroughly off-putting experience that people will do almost anything to avoid it...and it's so expensive too, that the incentive's not there to use it.

Funny, but I recall that in 1997 someone said they were going to fix at least one of these...3 times over in fact.

As you know, I have had the pleasure of having lived in Germany. Over there:
- the schools are pretty much all good and nearly everyone goes to their local school (and most of the kids walk!!)
- most people rent and property quality is 10 times better than here (wall thickness, windows etc etc).
- public transport is fast, efficient, relatively clean, reliable, and much cheaper (I travelled on it every day for 3 years - underground, train and bus - and I can count on one hand the days there were delays)

So if they can do it, why can't we? Well, I do have a theory. It's not popular, but it's my theory...
Proportional Representation. Germany has had it for decades (since we let them vote again after Hitler). They always have a coalition government and it works. Why? Because:
  • They pursue LONG TERM policies, rather than ones they think will get them voted back in. Short-termism over many decades has brought us down to where we are now in this country. And every government has been guilty of it, even those in for three successive terms (three short-termist governments have actually happened, not one long-termist one, because they never know that they are likely to get in again and again). Long-termism calls for short-term sacrifice, and in our political system and our "live for the moment" society, no-one is willing to sacrifice any more. It's all about what I want right NOW. It's all me, me, me, and now, now, now.
  • The BEST PEOPLE get to do the big political jobs, regardless of political colour. In the 70's and 80's, Genscher was their foreign minister for decades under various different colours of government, despite belonging to the third party himself. Imagine if Gordon Brown (love him or hate him, you have to admit he's been our best Chansellor for many years) could still be the Chancellor whether Labour, Tories or even Lib Dems won the next election...that'd get my vote!...and that's effectively what happens in Germany.
Unfortunately, the solution for this country isn't as simple as adopting PR. The politicians wouldn't know how to operate in a coalition/hung parliament. Everything would get stuck in some huge vat of treacle covering the schools, hospitals, transport systems etc. Nothing would work, everyone would complain, and we'd go back to "minority sponsored dictatorship" where at least some things work badly, because that seems better. We wouldn't have the patience or, I dread to say it, intelligence, to make it work and stick at it.

Maybe I really should consider going back...

Ich wuensche Euch alle ein schoenes Tag! Morgen gibt's ein ganzes Deutsch-blog!


Anonymous said...

Ich bin zwolf...... that is the sum total of my german knowledge and frankly, no-one would believe me now anyway.

Your schools comment struck a chord. It fills me with horror the prospect of the man cub going to the wrong sort of school and yet i see the kids in our village who, for the most part, are respectful, polite, caring and well aware of the boundaries. Surely this is down to good parenting as much as the school. I hope so, i think my man cub could be a handful at times (if he is anything like his mother!). I just hope that me and him in doors can bring 'im up 'rate'.

have a good day lovely people

Jo said...

I commute daily on the wretched M6 because this job is the only job on offer at the time - also, you couldn't get me to live in an 'urban' environment. Give me a field and some trees however and it makes the drive worthwhile!

I always wanted to bring my kids up by the beach so they could go and play afteer school. I don't think this will happen however so I make so with the countryside.

:o) Jo

PS I changed schools at age 12 and it did ruin my life!! (well I thought so at the time, now I'm only the slightest bit bitter about the whole thing!)

Jo said...

Am also banned from commenting next door.

Is there a special room for us?

Anonymous said...


I can't post next door now.

Even tried an undercover name and different email address, but they still got me.

Do you think these are just gremlins or that they have actually banned the renegades?


Jo said...

Me too Matt - Have yet to try different computer although may give that a go later.

I like to think I'm a renegade although I sincerely doubt it. Probably just the gremlins!

:o) Jo

Jo said...

Oooh persistence is the key - I got through, twice in fact!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

I no sprekenzie doich I'm afraid. My French isn't too bad, but I've never really fancied German(y). Like Jo, I moved schools when I was 12, still in the same town, but a totally different type of person...that sounds really snobby, but I got the mickey taken out of me all the time for talking 'posh' and entirely detested my time at senior school, but going there was unavoidable.

What ever you do, please don't ruin your childrens lives. You can do this by:

Calling out 'I love you' when you drop them outside school just as their friends appear.

Picking them up from right outside the party instead of just around the corner.

Asking 'who was that on the phone' when they suddenly ring off as you walk through the front door.

Asking who 'Jennifer' is.

Dancing in any situation where your children may be present.

Volunteering to help at the school disco.

Volunteering to help at the school play.

Calling your child by their 'pet' name when their friends are round.

Cuddling them on the football pitch (or any other pitch/stadium) when it is possible they may have sustained a grazed knee (or any other minor injury).

Telling them that they are your best friend because they still won't tell you who 'Jennifer' is.

But Moose, on the other hand, you cannot ruin your childrens lives by:

Being there when they need you. By always loving them.
By telling them that they look fantastic even when they look a fright (take yourself back a few years and hear the voice saying 'what do you think you look like' or 'I can't believe you're going out looking like that'.
By only wanting the best for them.

...and if all this means moving back to Germany, then you go for it.

here endeth the lessen

jollygit said...

Guten morgen - ich bin kranke mit ein cold ...

I have a 50 minute commute each way to a job I'm not that keen on, but it will do for now. I only moved to the seaside in October so am testing the water locally to see what opportunities are out there!

After 24 years of mortgages, myself and 'im indoors decided to rent our house by the sea. It's a very reasonable rent and the house is well maintained by the agency. We can live in a bigger/better home by renting than if we were to buy which is madness but we're taking advantage of the fact.

The majority of Europeans rent their homes but buy holiday homes elsewhere, and this is exactly what we're in the process of doing. A house in France which we will rent out during the summer to cover the Euro mortgage (cheaper!) and will in time provide a small income, plus we can be there in 2 hours door-to-door, giving us a weekend getaway.

Hazel Love - I'm making a note of all your petit French phrases - they should come in handy over there!!!!


Jo said...

Hazel - you forgot, coming down in one of your wife's dresses during your daughters 18th birthday party when the whole 6th form is present and your wife teaches at the school!

(True story of a good friend of mine - we thought it was hilarious at the time though)


jollygit said...

My parents' house had a side window which gave a bird's eye view of the road that I would walk along. On one occasion after a date Dad waited until he knew we were by next door's garage and then shouted from the front door "Jillygoat - I know you're there - it's time to come in now", followed by "and you can stop doing that right now". Needless to say not many boyfriends came back for a second date! Bless him ..


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Moose,

Back on track, I see! Really good blog!

I am very lucky in that I don't have to commute - we live 6 miles from Glasgow city centre and it's 7 minutes on the train! However, that 7 minutes is enough for me - the most ignorant morons travel on our train service. The worst thing about them is that they talk into their mobile phones from the moment they leave the station, drivel that you cannot escape hearing. On one journey I overhead a girl say to someone "you know, this is the THIRD time she's had chlymidia!" (sp?!)

Seriously though, I know some of you guys have a horrendous commute and it's no joke. I am aware that we are very lucky in that we have really good schools and my job is so near to me. Feel quite guilty!

I am such a "townie" and even though I do love a trip into the country (even for a few days) if I find myself too far away from M&S Food, I kinda start to panic!

Speak to you soon!

C xx

P.S. Can't get on to CE's blog. Even I am fed up now! Mary, where are you, to inspire me to keep trying!

jollygit said...

Gaby - thanks for the Top Gear info yesterday. Sky+ has been set to remind me when it's due to start so unless we have a power cut, I should see it this time round! Ta x

Anyone heard from Tracey-Ann lately - I haven't seen her next door for a while. Hope she's OK.

jillygoat x

lyndyloo said...

Moose- You have made me all broody... I don't ever remember feeling this way. I feel alone and lonely, even though I have my bears. Suddenly the fact that I didn't have to concern myself with the state of the schools here before I built my house seems odd. I was happy that I was close enough to my parents to keep an eye on them. I don't often feel that my life is missing stuff but today I hate the fact that there's no Mr Lyndy or Lyndettes.

So to cheer me up... I just got this from my friend....

"My hubby, being unhappy with my mood swings, bought me a mood ring the other day so he would be able to monitor my moods.

We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it turns green.

When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a big f**kin' red mark on his forehead…..

Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond."


Anonymous said...

It took me about eleventy sixteen gos to get next door, and now look, even ChrissieS with her bruised B-hind has made it...perhaps the BP's have given us up for lent...

Back once again for the Renegade Master!

Yo yo

ps can I just remind everyone that due to the Valentine Dance, the Ceroc lesson will not be taking place tomorrow.

...and Moose, Sammie is asking after you next door...are you 'M'?

jollygit said...

Urgent news! I've just seen Mr Pickering in the local pharmacy stocking up on Listerine (other mouthwashes are available). Don't want to worry you ladies, but he seems to be on a mission!

Caroline - please warn Mr Caroline that he's to be on the lookout for a shuffly old geezer with sweet breath when he's on the door tomorrow evening!!


Anonymous said...

Hold your horses jillygoat. The situation may be graver than first thought.

As you are aware, any proceeds from tomorrow evening will be going towards Mrs Bronson's dental hygiene fund. I therefore think it entirely plausible that Mr Pickering may try to gain entry disguised as Mrs Bronson. I'll make sure I get a suitable image of Mrs Bronson to Mr Caroline in good time so that he is able to recognise and reject said personage.

During the meanwhilst, I've just had another post taken by the big dog behind next door's letter box...oooh it's getting all exciting...and Dissing Dave is arksin about the Moose too...

MfR...I'm most upset. Where is the usual cheery MfR demeanour? I need a BIG MfR CHEER UP as only YOU can do, so c'mon, get those sails up and get out of the doldrums... coz there's work to be done! If you need a huggle (which by the way, the boy and I have been doing for years it wasn't something invented last week by CE and I'm sure there are more of you out there too I am so glad to have got that off my chest) to cheer you up there is one comin' atcha...NOW!!!!

I also need you to collect the Misses Smalls for bingo this afternoon. ChrissieS was going to do it, but she can't drive at the moment because she has to sit on a rubber ring.

I am busy really...

ps lyndyloo, I know exactly, and I mean that, what you mean...xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Grrr - not allowed to post next door, so hope you don't mind me saying 'hi' here!

Good morning my loverly fellow bloggers, blogettes and shloggers!

Hee-hee! My spell check keeps changing shloggers to sluggers!!

How are we all this bonny Tuesday morning!? What colour is it today? If Moose hasn’t already called it, may I humbly submit Thistle Tuesday?! It’s a lovely purply colour and a thistle is prickly … which is how I feel today!

Dissing Dave - I’m sure Mrs DD really appreciates you sharing that with us all!! Could you ask her how she manages to stop her thighs and tummy being flabby and how she keeps cellulite at bay?!

Cheryl the Diva - kinda thought you didn’t like port cabin life! Your health and sense of well being are far more important than any job or money! Keep up the good work on the training!

Sammie - what are you like!? What a pickle to be in! Get a bit of paper … write down the good points and bad points of both relationships and compare! But your comments won’t be the same without an update on how your dates are going! They really cheer me up!

Em M - wee ones are such a worry, but more so when they have allergies! As for what your 7 year old said … that’s priceless! My hubby says I’m obsessed with Blogland!

Jo - hope you’re taking it easy with all this packing and moving malarky!

Poor Tobes has got repetitious! Call a medic!!! So has Jo! Oh no! A pandemic!!!!

Hazel Love - making me smile as usual! Especially at the image of you waking up with Mr E on yur other pillow! Would he not get a share of the duvet then?!

Mary - just had a thought …. Why doesn’t Chris hire US and we’ll get his home spick and span!? I used to own and run a cleaning company so could bring a few ideas along … and I love the end result!

Well, I’m off to get myself and the wee lass ready for Little Fishes! She loves the bouncy castle and water play, so I don’t like to disappoint her even though I’m feeling cr*p!

Have a great day you loverly bunch of folk!

See you all at 5pm! I’ll be marinading and cooking salmon steaks with couscous and pak choi! What are you guys having?


Susan, Highland lass

PS Pop over to

Anonymous said...

hey moose, Hey everyone

So glad Ilooked whilst eating my lunch, except I almost choked at the funiness of your posts

Hazel - well the child is well and truely ruined, she is scarred for life - me and Mr caroline have done pretty much all the dancing/school disco stuff..AND morfyingly for her we both did “I am the music man” at the Valentines disco last week. Mr Caroline is such a regular up on the stage in the Skyline Pavilion in Minehead Butlins..He almost got a dressing room last year, ( most of the time the child just hides her face and says “SOOOO embarrassing”)

I will pass the messages about Mr Pickering to Mr Caroline – description will be OK, Hazel – you can always photograph with the mobile and send to Mr Caroline – he’ll have his with him. He got sharp eyes anyway, and a penchant for men dressed up as women...He knows the difference though! I, of course will be dancing..All night long.. – can we make pre requests for the band? The deep house in the small hall may get a little crowded, but I’m not worried about occasionally rubbing bodies with any of you, if we need to in the close proximity of the hall…However, there may be a requirement for a naughty corridor..any suggestions as to where?

jillygoat - LOL - father
shouting ! faboulous story...also
we would love to live by the sea, and it is the retirement wish to go to St ives in cornwall - we have a fund already!

Lyndyloo - also fab mood ring story

chrissieS - I do hope the bruised A&se will not prevent any dancing or gin drinking..and I must see first hand what is going on next door.

Jo - I changed schools - but went to a posh girls no trouble there then!

Now back to original posting – Moose – comuting..all I can say is Move to the Scottish Borders (other borders are available, but not as good) Schools are excellent..I commute 3 days a week, 45 mins each way..BUT I do not go through any traffic lights in the whole time, and the scenery is fantastic..that 45 mins on the way home allows one to get out of work and into home “head”. Honestly I’m a real townie, never thought I could be without shops etc..but actually I managed, I have great friends ( most of them renegades from cities)

Love caroline x

Anonymous said...

Susan S - I think you may find it is called a 'Repedemic' (which, by the way, is also what it is called when people keep telling you they don't feel well.

Anonymous said...


I'm well and truly hung out to dry next door.

Is there any particular technique that I should be using?

Perhaps a quick double left click followed by a swift right?

Or should I just accept the fact that I am The Rudgwick One?

They can take away my blogs, but they cannae take my freedom.

Yours in limbo


lyndyloo said...

oooh Matt!

Didn't realise that you did the limbo, I'll bring my big stick to the valentines dance for you to give us all a demo!

jollygit said...

Lyndyloo - I'm defo bringing me camera tomorrow!!!!

jillygoat x

PS I always thought Limbo was near Communicado and Cognito ...

Anonymous said...

MfR...'tis my belief that you have possibly committed the cardinal sin...
You did not wipe down the 'pec dec' after use as requested in Ye Rulles of Membershippe whilst atte ye Gymm, and CE had to sit in your sweat/glow/perspiration (delete according to preference)...
Or it could have been when you flicked his a&se with a wet towel last Wednesday.

On the other hand, lyndyloo with a stick should be interesting...


Today's 'BIG QUE?TION' is How Much of a Nutter is this Man?

jollygit said...

Hazel Love - how does the orange faced one know what the mirrors are like in the women's changing rooms at M&S anyway?!!!

I've always had me doubts about him ......

jillygoat x

Anonymous said...

Maybe because you slagged them off for playing the wrong tunes last week on your dustbuster/gobsmacker what ever it's called...1?

OO, just so you know my posts aren't getting through either

Love Caroline x

Moose said...

Just because someone is a bit "different" doesn't mean he's a nutter.

Although in this case, he is completely barking.
(No offence to the town of my birth.)

Anonymous said...


It's me.

There's a black saloon with BP plates outside with a couple of 'hoods' in it. They've only got me tailed now.

I didn't think a harmless towel-whipping would get me a price on my head.

Mind you, £27.62 is not to be sniffed at.

I'm going to have to go to the gym incognito tonight.

Or inlycra. Whatever floats your boat.

If they ask, you haven't seen me and you have never heard of Rudgwick.

MfR - aka The Shadow

jollygit said...

MfR who?

Lyndyloo, the Shadow, a big stick and lycra - I'm charging me camera batteries as we speak. Those pics could be worth something ....


Jo said...

Don't forget the assorted wedges! :o)

Shadow man - are you going to bring Cliff to the dance tomorrow to perform some of your classic hits? Or were there more of you then?

Anyhoo - have just been told by my boss that I'm too cheerful and I would be easier to manage if I was not so jolly (he used the word bubbly - aaaagh) all the time. I told him I save all my grumpiness for home and he should be grateful as I would be impossible to manage when grumpy so there.

Bearing in mind I'm newly pregnant with wandering hormones I now feel like crying :o(

Oh well, my philosophy is to ignore managers at all times unless they ask you specifically to do something.

:o) Jo

PS - Anyone know who the dude is outside in the balaclava wielding a rather large piece of lead piping?

Anonymous said...


They've got the building surrounded.

Once I've made my escape I'm going to spend a few years in the Rudgwick underground on the run from the BP, working as a soldier of fortune.

In fact, if you've got a problem...

Bloggers of the world unite and take over.


Jo said...

Shadowman - only if no one else can help, and if you can find them...

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?

Anonymous said...

As my old boss used to say "that man's completely Upminster - that is 8 stops past barking". An with reference to Hazel's link, I think Upminster is a better description.

Free the Rudgwick one! (Does that price include VAT??)

Anna Log

Anonymous said...

jo, bless you, I think your hormones have wandered just around the corner to Random Lane...fab man in balaclava, I think you'll find it is probably Colonel Mustard in the road with a spanner...

I was too busy laughing at yours and the previous few to compose my I've gone for it, and gone for slightly racey next door.

MfSIDS...your secret is safe with me. A man in lycra. Hmmmm, does it come with 'Eagle Eyes'(tm) and a tool belt? I ain't sinew roit...and this reminds me of a story...are you ready? Then I'll begin.

Whilst I was temporarily out of the country in a Spanish direction, my friend Jaime, sent me a text which said: The FBI came to my house last night. They pumped me full of lead and drugs and made me tell them where you are. So don't go to Wales.

Later the same week I received another message from a different friend saying: I hope that you are still on this number. I do have another number for you but I am on the bus.

So, tomorrow is nearly upon us. I should like to point out the necessity of all those involved with the organisation to get to bed by 8pm and asleep by 10pm. I can hear the whine of your battery charger from here jillygoat!

A tout a l'heure

ps pizza wedges, cheese wedges, lemon wedges and a nice ploughman's door stop.

lyndyloo said...

Jillygoat, what fun, a limbo dancer in lycra... do you think it will be more "Earth Wind & Fire" or "Imagination"?

jollygit said...

Jo - your boss has just realised how bloody miserable he is, that's all, and he's not worth your tears OK? Come on, give us a smile ........ that's better xx

jillygoat xx

Anonymous said...

shadow, if you need a getaway car, I do know a bloke with an old black ford transit for a tenner, if that's any good to you? Buyer assembles.

ps...does the shadow wear lycra?

pps isn't it interesting that the second part of the first word in the couplet 'cycling shorts' is the word 'cling'. Oh yes

jollygit said...

Hazel Love - that wasn't my battery charger .......

I've got my outfit for tomorrow's shindig hanging up and my stillies filed to a lethal point in readiness for the 'do' - eeeek, I'm getting excited now!!

jillygoat xx

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen a mad man with fresh breath driving a black ford transit looking for some bloke in lycra? He's supposed to be looking after my disguise for the hop tomorrow night!

Mrs B

Anonymous said...

I think you've done it now Annalog.

It's all kicking off here, 'Free The Rudgwick One' banners, cries of 'Live and let Blog', petrol bombs, looting, oh crumbs, here come the hooli-vans.

I feel quite humble.

But a fugitive has to keep on running.

Maybe someone could start a campaign next door? We could have t-shirts printed (I thought I might go for the 'Che' look) and hand out leaflets outside the Beeb.

Stand together, brothers and sisters. We shall never be beaten.

The Rudgwick One.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh Foxie, you look just like that chap in that Family thing, with that woman who looks like a turtle.

We shall not be moved.

The Rudgwick Popular Front.

Anonymous said...

shadow, with all due (BIG RISPECK BRO etc) respect and regard to starting a campaign 'next door'...

Do you SERIOUSLY think we would be likely to get away with it?

They know where we live.
They have the towel.
They have the serial numbers of all our pcs.
They've copied down our recipes.
They have a key to my outhouse.

...and can we wait until after 10.30 tomorrow night when the children are sent home from the School Valentine 'Disco' so we can use them for eh?

Anonymous said...

Is the woman that looks like a turtle the same one that has bizarre hair days?

For fugitive reference: avoid lycra and go for the Harrison Ford look (and also keep an eye open for a mysterious one armed bloke). Less conspicuous in a crowd than skin tight stretchy stuff, and far less sweaty when you're running ...

jollygit said...

Ooh good point Annalog - the Shadow doesn't need any chafing whilst running!


Jo said...

But the serial number of our PC's is surely the ones at work - not the more precious home IP address - if they were to petrol bomb my office I wouldn't mind!

:o) Jo

PS have tried to start campaign next door in disguise. Not sure if it will get through!

PPS Has Gaby been taken hostage by the balaclava wearing chaps outside? Are we expecting a ransom, or is she just getting ready for the dance?

PPPS Jillygoat, keep filing thouse Stillies, they may be required as a weapon to make our way out of the village hall and make our escape into the countryside!


Anonymous said...

Moose, going back to your blog. I think it may be worth your while staying in good old Blighty for a bit yet.

If 'the shadow' is prepared to put his life (and his lycra) on the line, for a tiny villagette in deepest Sussex, doesn't it make you just want to sing the National Anthem? Quote a bit of Rupert Brooke? Get out your 'Tim Brooke-Taylor' Union Jack T Shirt?

Arise Sir Moose,
to hold those Antlers proud,
to make the noise that Mooses make,
and mind you make it loud!

run away.....

Anonymous said...

Evening all of you lovely people,

I am finding it hard to find time to blog ;-(

Great blog today moose I am sorry I am unable to do it justice

Keith the BigUn

P.S An elderly couple, who were both widowed, had been going out with each other for a long time.

Urged on by their friends, they decided it was finally time to get married.

Before the wedding, they went out to dinner and had a long conversation regarding how their marriage might work.

They discussed finances, living arrangements and so on.

Finally, the old gentleman decided it was time to broach the subject of their physical relationship.

"How do you feel about sex?" he asked, rather trustingly.

"Well," she said, responding very carefully, "I'd have to say, I would like it infrequently."

The old gentleman sat quietly for a moment, then, looking over his glasses, he casually asked, "Is that one word or two words?"

Anonymous said...

Oh no! It's finally happened! We've been got at!

The Shadow - they got me too! Send the code and we can link up at the secret rendezvous! Lose the lycra though ... please!

Bloggers of the world unite!

Moose said...

Annalog...freaky but I was brought up in Upminster. Born inBarking and moved out to the posh suburbs (well they were back then!) when I was 6.

Sorry to be pedantic, but 8 stops past Barking is Stepney Green...another 8 stops beyond that is Temple.
Just to be clear...
That will make more sense to some of you than others!!!

Anyway, all the best road trips go west (young man!). No-one ever drove route 66 to Chicago now did they. Sun in your eyes as it's setting, yes. And who wants to drive away from St Ives...?

Do you lot realise that meeting up will be a lot easier when we are old(er) and grey(er) as an awful lot of us will be in Cornwall!!!

Go west young man!

Anyway, little bit of bad news...looks like I can't make it next Thursday. Oops!

Anonymous said...

Moose. How are you? Sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the other chapters. Domestic bliss is sadly lacking what with the bugs and fallings out in the Simpsons! I'm going to get an hour to myself tomorrow to read all 4 together!

I'm fortunate that in the whole of my working life, the longest commute I've ever had was a half hour drive through countryside to work. Inverness is getting ridiculous these days for traffic, though, so I hate to think what it'll be like when Charis goes to school. We hope to send her to the Gaelic school, which is across the river and town, and the council has told us that they will not be laying on buses to the school. In Scotland you can choose which school your child goes to, regardless of catchment area.

The house prices up here have increased ridiculously. When I moved to Inverness 12 years ago, I could afford, as a single female, to buy a 1 bedroom flat at £25,000. Now, 12 years on, those flats are selling for £95,000+!

And all of this under a Labour Government! Hah! I like the German idea!

YAY! Dissing Dave! Your wife is going to kill you! All of that described on National Radio!!!!

Moose said...

Dave really is in big trouble...

Susan...I think you could do with a few more supermarkets up there...that'll solve the traffic issues. Not.

Moose said...

I shouldn't be on here...I just switched on to check that my mind maps print out OK. They do! I'm cooking on gas...well not really, they don't pipe it out to us in the villages here. I'll have to use electric again to heat up my soup and yogurt tonight.
I have clutter that needs de-ing.

Anyone for Life on Mars tonight?

Had a great text conversation with an Aussie mate this morning while waiting for the shoe repair shop not to open. Told him about the Top Gear boys and he loves the prog - he can't wait til he gets this episode! And yes, I did gloat about the cricket!
He's a fantastic bloke...built like me, shaved completely bald, and an Anglican priest! The sort of bloke that makes you think really hard - his expertise is Christian ethics in the real world...
Enough...clutter, be de'ed...

jollygit said...

I laughed out loud when I heard DD's blog mentioned on CE's show tonight and then I gulped - if ever he's needed the flowers, card, Hotel Chocolat & vino it's tonight!!!!!!

DD - it's been nice knowing you xxxx

jillygoat x

Anonymous said...

Anna - I'm sure you'll be doing a grand job with the wee lad! Village life is a great way to bring up kids!

Jo - I am so upset that Charis won't have the freedom to wander the hills, glens and seaside that I had growing up! And I changed schools in Primary 2 ... I just swapped one set of bullies for a different set!

Hazel Love - that's why I got bullied at school, cos I didn't use the same kind of language or talk about the same kind of stuff as the other kids, and because my folks and I went to church! Thanks for the cute parenting lesson!

Jillygoat - now we know who to come to if we want a break in France! Rent in Inverness is even worse than mortgages! £500 is cheap for a 1 bedroom flat, then you've over £100 in Council tax and all the other monthly bills!

Lyndyloo - you can borrow Charis for a couple of weeks! Then we'll see how broody you are after that!!!! Hee-hee! Love the bit about the mood ring!

Anonymous - thanks for that! But now I'm wondering how many times I've said I'm not well!!!! :O I really am not well today, honest Miss!!!

Hazel Love - The man is seriously a few sandwiches short of a picnic!

Anonymous said...


ok, so i know that one has been done but i am so behind on the blog i had to atleast add my support of the campaign.

and blimey dissing dave, gawd luv 'im. He was asking after you moose - we need to get him to defect over here..... how to do this??

Lyndyloo - its funny isnt it, we sometimes want what we dont have. even tho we are very happy with what we do have. Hope all your wants come true one day - i am sure they will if you want them to.

am off to cook pasta and pesto. simple, yet effective!

Anonymous said...

Fear not friends, it is I,

The Rudgwick One.

I have ducked and dived. Bobbed and weaved. Could they get me?

Could they heck.

Right. I am currently blogging from my top secret hide-out deep in the Sussex countryside. I can't stay online too long as they have tracking devices.

Here's the plan.

I have planted listening devices under every machine in the gym. When Chris is in there (and we know the tell-tale signs) a microscopic camera will drop down from the ceiling and nestle in his formerly-ginger locks.

Then. We can track him back to the Beeb, and here's the best bit, my robot flea, embedded in the camera, will spring free and automatically seek the IT department.

Having found and destroyed (well, had a good nibble on) the nerd who has disabled my IP addresses (I use the plural as home doesn't work either), it will re-enable me, thus freeing the Rudgwick One (TM) to blog as a free man.

What was that? Damn. They've found me....

..Much Peace & L"£...?>FZZZZ?zsdwFEWFEf.wef.......

Anonymous said...

oooh, life on mars.

its on!

Moose said...

I'm watching....

Anonymous said...

aaaah, the joy of wireless broadband!

Moose said...

Absolutely! How did we ever multi-task before...

Anonymous said...

I'm watching Life on Mars and bugging my pal with loads of questions cos I got lost in the last series!

I got back in next door! Don't know what it's all about! Want me to start the campaign?!

Anonymous said...

Shadow - I emailed Chris and asked him why I was blocked! And, hey presto, 2 hours later a comment was finally accepted! Did you get your nanobots in the Beeb already!?

Anonymous said...

must admit, i didnt catch much of the last series so am a bit out of the loop....

mmmmmmmmmm interesting.

right, off to bed - him in doors is away tonight and the dog is making me jumoy by barking at any little sound she can hear. suppose i should be glad of the guard but shes making me more nervous!!

see you all in the morning! sleep tight.


Anonymous said...

of course i meant jumpy. jumoy would be a ridiculous thing to be, especially on a monday.

Anonymous said...

oh my god, and i do realise it is in fact tuesday.

night then!