Sunday, 11 February 2007

Empty head...

Later in the book I talk about the impact of writing down your thoughts and ideas. The theory is that in writing them down you stop them flitting around inside your head, you give them some shape and some order, and free up brain space for new thoughts to form.

I feel a bit like that with this blog. Yesterday I just felt all out of ideas, thoughts and subjects. I've been there brfore, and it takes a certain confidence not to panic, but to simply relax and wait for the new ideas to come flowing.

So are they now? Well maybe not exactly, apart from the idea to share the empty head idea with you in this form.

I think that maybe the early rise this morning (Mrs Moose and Mooselets have gone to Germany for a few days and I was on airport taxi run duty), a lot of de-cluttering work this weekend, but most of all, the pizza I've just eaten and the beer I'm still in the middle of drinking, have dulled the brain cells.

I have to be honest that I just need my bed. Jeremy Clarkson and the Top Gear boys are the only things keeping me up at the moment.

But I'm still empty headed, and I'm still confident that new ideas will come back when they are good and ready.


Anonymous said...

Moose - they will most certainly come back.

I would like, if I may, to draw an analogy (sp?).

Actually, I am not sure it is an analogy - but it is a parallel or something....oh bollo* -it's none of them but I'm going to say it anyway.

I know we all have mood swings (some more swingy (!) than others, and I know we have highs and lows, ups and downs, biorhythmns etc etc ....but.....I am still baffled by the fact that at times (vis a vis yesterday) I have absolutely no energy whatsoever or, more importantly, no enthusiasm to do round the house, phone a friend, paper work etc etc and then other times I feel like I can do all of those things ten times over.?


Dogwithnobrain said...

This is exactly why I said that CLP should go to once a week. Sometimes the flow is there, sometimes its not. When I started my web page I updated religiously every day, sometimes twice a day, but then I realised I needed a new format. Sometimes eveything you need is inside your head. Don't share it, hold it in there and let it take shape.

Anonymous said...

Moose - usually, I have no trouble with actual conversations with people. However, I really struggle sometimes, quite often actually, to think of what to 'verbalise' in response to your blog. Not because I have nothing to say,nor because your blog doesn't enable interesting thought and subsequent responses - it's merely because the words just don't come. If I were the blogmeister, like you are, there would invariably be a blank space at the top of the page all the time : )


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean - i havent anything to say in response to your blog Moose, except hi. Which is not terribly inspiring is it really!

What i will say however is, Top Gear, genius. I was crying, for laughing so hard. They are like naughty school boys. And how fit did Hammon look in that cowboy hat and glasses....ok, so you may not agreeon that one moose. I wonder how many complaints they will get this week as a result of that programme!?

Going in to work today, against my better judgement. Not well enuf really, and dont want to pass my germs round but there isnt anyone else that can do my early morning meeting and the guy i am seeing is on a deadline so i cant let him down. will dose myself up and leave as soon as i can.

have a nice day all!

Moose said...

Couldn't agree more on Top Gear. I was also laughing very hard. It was even better than the mini down the ski jump...
Cow on the roof was a classic moment, as was the shower in the car.
All I can say on the Hamster is that he totally earned his CB call sign with the way he looked!

And you gotta love those Alabamans!!

I wanna be fat stig...

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday.

Or is it?

I seem to lurch from incredible optimism and 'life couldn't be better' vibes to feelings of despair and lack of hope. I always have done. A few years ago this threatened to become a bit more of a problem and for a time last year I thought that I was going to slip down that route, but in complete contrast I had a wonderful day on Saturday out walking and then drinking, putting the world to rights, with my old school mate.

From a blogging perspective I can sit on a day like today with a completely blank mind and the overwhelming desire to hop in the car and just drive anywhere, but once I start to tap at the keys it begins to spill out. I think it is a form of therapy and I could go on all day like this.

But I won't!

I suppose it is normal to have 'up' times and 'down' times, but mine seem to be fairly extreme in both directions.

I'd better get on with something before I get too far into this....

Best wishes


jollygit said...

Mornin' Moose et al

Moose - I understand about not always having something to say and I hope you don't feel obliged to post a blog every day? We'd never mind if your blog just said "sorry - nothing today" cos you know we'd still answer and ramble on anyway!!!!! You have enough on your plate as it is Moose, without having to think of us lot as well !!

Like Gaby, I have the occasional day or even weekend when I simply have neither the energy nor the inclination to do anything, not even those jobs that MUST be done! I've still not sorted out all my paperwork from having sold my house and moved in with 'im indoors (there's loads of shredding to be done) and even the thought of ringing an old pal seemed like hard work this weekend. The guilt arrived at about 3pm on Sunday!

Anyway, it's a new week so let's hope the weather brightens up and that we all feel energised!

Looking forward to the Valentine's party - me red dress & high heels are ready and waiting .....

jillygoat xx

jollygit said...

BTW - is it only me who has the 'delete' dustbin at the bottom of their post? Am I doing summat wrong?

Anonymous said...

Matt and jillygoat - thank you so much for making me feel so much more normal


lyndyloo said...

Moose, congratulations you are now a fully fledged "writer" complete with writers block!

Personally I spent yesterday doing absolutely bugger all that I didn't have to. Watched TV (from 3am for the cricket), pmsl at Top Gear (oh to have the best job in the world)and finished off with 24 and the amazing world of Jack Bauer. I decided that rather than worry myself about what I could have done (reminds me of an old quiz show) I would just laze around and get a good early start today. Me & the Bears were out v.early this morning and I'm loving working so it must have been a good decision.

Have a great Monday everyone!


ps. do I need to provide a prize for the charity raffle?

jollygit said...

Gaby - on Saturday morning, myself and 'im indoors didn't actually wake up until 11.30am! Admittedly, I've been really suffering with a heavy cold and chest infection which has caused me not to sleep properly for the last 10 days, and 'im indoors went out with the lads Friday night and consumed several pints of sludge, but even so, we were shocked when we saw the time. Starting the weekend at lunchtime is a new thing to us - we're usually up and about by 9am latest - and we didn't feel as if we'd caught up on the day even by the time Sat evening came round. Subsequently, we didn't get any of the jobs done that we'd planned, but somehow they didn't seem important enough. The washing got done and the house was clean & tidy - that was good enough for me!

Come Sunday morning, 9am, it was chucking it down with rain so we felt quite justified in burrowing down under the duvet with a cuppa and the Sunday papers - such decadence! It's our only luxury, having the papers delivered at the weekend.

With the weather being so bad, we didn't fancy going out so we got some of the jobs done that we'd neglected on Saturday - we didn't completely waste the weekend, but there are times when if all you fancy is watching TV or reading a book etc, then you should do it. Life rattles on at a hell of a pace in the week so if you get the opportunity to chill out, take it - that's my motto anyway!

jillygoat x

Moose said...

The dustbin is there for me to "beepee" you if I feel like it..and it's there for everyone.

Matt - back to my mind-states stuff...the feelings of extreme emotion (emotional flooding) of either positive or negative are associated with the mind-states. And it is completely normal. Tiny little triggers can make our incredibly complex minds flit very quickly from one mind-state to another. A day is a long time in mind-state world...

I wish I could convey this stuff better - I and a number of others I know have found it so particular the techniques you can use to get out of the negative mind-states and into a better one. I really wish I could help you all more. I also wish I could apply it more of the time to myself.

I have one reallly stupid thing I have been putting off for weeks, that I really must do today. It's not hard, it's not a challenge, but I have a mental block about it for some reason. I have been really struggling to overcome the block, and on the couple of occasions that I've started to do something, the slightest knock-back has made me give up again. I do this with lots of things - it's the not taking responsibility thing again.

On the positives, I've just sat and edited the last 2 chapters. I wrote one of the 2 extra bits on friday and incorporated it in at the weekend. So if I can get the other additional bit written today, I'll be so close... writer's block. I started my book in the summer of 1999 on holiday in Denmark. The fact that it's now nearly 8 years later and only very nearly finished probably counts???

Anonymous said...

jllygoat - thank you : )

Once again, I haven't really been able to express what I'm thinking.

I am actually really good at doing nothing!! lol!!! - one of my (girl) friends says to me that she wishes she could have my appraoch to housework (very laid back) rather than her 'I can't sit down until it's finished' attitude.

In my case, I would never 'sit down' if I needed to get everything done first!!

Sounds like you had such a lovely weekend : )


Anonymous said...

Dearest Moose

First of all let me please apologise a thousand times for incurring the wrath of Mrs Moose. As I have said before, I would never wish to upset her, and I don't like running away (adrenaline or not) unless I am in a fully fitted sports bra.

Secondly, you are bound to feel out of sorts occasionally. You are even allowed to, believe it or not! You've had a bit of a rum time last week, and that coupled with the early taxi run, and Family Moose not being around, is definitely to make you feel off centre.

As jillygoat says, if you don't want to write something (on here or in the book) don't ever feel as if you have to. As you say, you are confident the ideas wil come when they are good and ready.

You'll be fine. Get back into the WASP that you know you are, polish some silverware, and you'll be right as ninepence afore ye know it!

Anyway, I didn't see Top Gear or the rugby or the cricket or the football. I did see 'the catch' on the news, and my colleague was at the Chelsea game where the guy ran onto the pitch to get some bloke's autograph. I feel this is quite enough 'sport' for one weekend. It's a shame about Top Gear though, as I would like to have seen Hamster dressed up...

elders and betters

ps lyndyloo, re the raffle, please don't bring back that bottle of tequila again. That worm has been hanging around the village for so long now it's on the waiting list for a council house. Nobody (except possibly ChrissieS) is ever going to drink it, and it's my belief that Mr Pickering brought it back from Alicante in 1973. Nuff said.

jollygit said...

Moose - thanks!

Gaby - I have a similar approach to housework as you whereas my mum's approach is that she can't relax until everything has been done, at which point she can sit & read or whatever with a clear conscience.

I can quite easily put off for days, weeks or even months, something that needs to be done - I could get a degree in procrastination in fact! Mum used to try to get me to do my chores and give myself a chapter of a book to read as a reward to myself - pah! I read so quickly that a chapter could be read before she'd even got her duster out!!

I know I'm hopeless, but I get there in the end, just the same as everyone else, it's just that I take the more scenic route!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Moose,

Since you started your blog, I have been amazed at all the new ideas you have been coming up with as I honestly don't have an original thought in my head! Also, with the book being in such great demand, no wonder your brain is frazzled! Enjoy the peace and quiet of Chez Moose for a couple of days and no doubt the juices will start to flow. (Let's not go there!)

It's nice to know I am not alone in the "up and down" feelings of life. Sometimes I am so happy and grateful for my little lot and I will trundle along like that for ages. Then, comes along a big black cloud that sits on top of my head until I can manage to tell it to bu**er off! Depression runs in my family (my dad was plagued by it) but I try very hard to keep it at bay. So, for today, I am going to be bright and breezy and try not to moan for a change!

Happy Monday everyone!

C xx

P.S. Are you guys still keeping an eye on Chris's blog? I had a quick look this morning and there is a cracker of a comment from some eejit called Harry Armitage #39! It's good to know the nutters are still out there!

Anonymous said...

chrissie s

yes, i just saw that comment - and I didn't understand the one underneath - I don't know if that trucker (not cockney rhyming slang!!) was being sarcastic or not!!

Anonymous said...

off out now guys

have a nice day

re. the dance - please can I put my name down for the voluntary position of masseuse to the 'team'

Moose - just one more thing (as Columbo used to say) may feel that you had nothing to say , but you have provided for us today a forum which has enabled us to feel that we are much more normal than we perhaps thought. Am speaking for myself - but I think some of you others feel the same. Wouldn't want to tar you with my brush. .....!


jollygit said...

Hazel Love - I've got some dates and figs left over from Christmas which I'd like to donate to the raffle and might even have some jelly fruits too if I rummage around at the back of the cupboard. Will you take them? Please?

I believe the tequila's not the only thing that Mr Pickering bought back from Alicante. However, the ointment, if used on a regular basis, keeps the rash at bay, but ladies, I would avoid a slow dance with him at all costs! You have been warned .....


PS Hazel Love - I've emailed you regarding HA - hope that's OK?

lyndyloo said...

DWNB- Have left a message for Ronnie today, will let you know how I get on

Anonymous said...


I wondered if that guy on CE's blog was trying to be sarcastic, witty or whatever. Anyway, it didn't work!

I have been reading over the comments from the weekend and I would think that the guy you got chatting to after the football would have loved having a woman to talk to about the footie! I don't mean that in a patronising way at all - I also love football, even understand it, which always amazes any man I talk to about "the match". I suppose men just expect us to talk about wall coverings and soft furnishings!

Incidentally, can anyone please let me how you know how many posts there are? Is there a "counter" that I can't see?!


jollygit said...

Chrissie S - I was going to reply to the guy next door but following this weekend's theme, I just couldn't be arsed!

I can take or leave football on a weekly basis, but get the World Cup on and I'm like a different person! Luckily for me, 'im indoors doesn't get the urge to watch footie on the telly very often so I'm spared it really. Mind you, ask me about soft furnishings and make-up and I'm completely lost there too ..... what's wrong with me?! I don't even like clothes shopping - what sort of girl am I?!!! Am I really strange?


Moose said...

I seem to be blocked from commenting next door as myself, so I thought I'd try to fool the BBC blog police by pretending to be someone else.
Did I go too far?

lyndyloo said...

Chrissie S - You're not strange at all, I love all sorts of sport, have no interest in soft furnishings (unless I have a new house) and only do shopping on my own... apart from shoes and boots. The fact is that we all have access to so much more now than our mums/grandmas etc that we're ever likely to have broader tastes. Saying that I love a recipe and like looking at cute photo's of animals....

ps. have decided to donate a pair of pink curling tongs to the raffle prizes.

Anonymous said...

Moose, it depends who you got dressed up as. If you just wore a light mac (or a dark brown overcoat), a fedora and a pair of sunglasses, they will probably spot you from about 60 miles for looking like a weirdo. If, on the other hand, you used a pseudonym, a different email address, and possibly someone else's computer, it's a million to one chance, but it might just work.

I've been trying to do an anagram of Harry Armitage, but the best I can come up with is Great M Hairy. I think the Mosquito is good and true though - I eyeballed him/her b4, roober dook.

blimey, sent in post at 09.36 (apparently) for Friday's, has only just now appeared...BP's poss had heavy weekend...?

Oh dear, I can feel it all going upside down again...


ps Edward Braneswell has offered to run the cloakroom again. All articles are left at owners risk, but he wonders if Mr Caroline could be there slightly earlier to help him stick the numbers on the hangers please? (60p per item)

pps Regarding the raffle prizes, we really should be aiming for non-comestible items. Foodstuffs tend to go off pretty quickly if not collected on the night, and we would like to avoid any yoghurt or fruit explosions where possible, so yes, as an afterthought, non-combustible too.

ppps ATTN all stilly wearers!!!! Lidl are doing 2 for 1 party feet thingies for high girls shoes. This would be the shoes being high not the girls, but I suppose it could go both ways (that is quite enough about Wokingham OR Mr Pickering thank you in the naughty corridor). I shall make it my mission to purchase an even number of these objects to pass on to your good selves on Wednesday night, at cost.

jollygit said...

Hazel Love - glad you said that about the non-comestibles as I've just eaten the figs. Buuuurp!! Ooh, pardon me!

I'll give the dates to 'im indoors for Valentine's Day (he won't remember them from Xmas) and the jelly fruits can go to our church for the Harvest festival. Sorted!!

Unless Lady Mucca's coming to the dance, I think an even number of party feet thingies is in order. She lives in HA doesn't she?!!!!! Please say you didn't invite her, pleeeese!!!!

Oo-er, gotta go ...........

jillygoat x

Anonymous said...

Moose, I'm always impressed with your blogs - I can never think of anything important or interesting to say once a week, let alone daily. Most days I can't find the right words to respond appropriately, so I don't. I guess that probably means I'm just shallow in sticking to the fun stuff. We all have "blank" days, some more than others. Just give it time and your brain will bounce back into action and amaze us all! Rather like the England cricket team.

Are we allowed killer heels in the hall on Wednesday or will the caretaker complain again? Apparently after the rugby club do when they all turned up wearing their studs it took him weeks to polish his parquet back to an acceptable state. Perhaps if we could put walking stick tips on our heels to protect the floor he'd be OK?


Moose said...

Do those party feet things come in Moose hoof sizes?

Can't blog next door ("You are not allowed to post a comment") and I was so full of wisdom and stuff (!!!) that I have copied it onto a draft blog for here guys deserve it more than them over there anyway! Although I can't decide if that's a good thing or not!

jollygit said...

Hope I haven't offended anyone with my last post (no pun intended there).

Why is it that something that sounds quite funny in your head just doesn't translate well onto paper/screen etc?

Moose - feel free to BP me.


Anonymous said...


I think I've got over my morning blues although I still have this overwhelming desire to jump in the car and listen to Nick Drake.

For those who haven't heard him or know about him, check him out. His music was sublime and his life so tragically short.

I know it was mentioned earlier, but what about Top Gear last night? We were falling about watching it. I know that part of the world well and know what the locals can be like.

Duelling banjos anyone?



Anonymous said...

Jillygoat - oooh you are awful! It didn't sink in until you wrote the next post saying about offending people then I had to read it three times to work out what you meant ...

I'd better leave the fur coat at home then just in case.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Time to put a stop to all this.

Killer heels are a must. The caretaker has put the Parochial Hall into an experiment with the makers of 'Ronseal' with a product called 'Parquet Pro-Tektor'. Apparently it doesn't do what it says on the tin quite yet.

jillygoat. None of the Muccas will ever darken my doors. This is what Ronseal is for...and so much for Vegetarian Soyasages...bleurgh.

ChrissieS, asking people if you are strange is simply inviting people to reassess their current opinion of you. I believe this is inherently unsafe. It is never wise to challenge opinion, and here I shall explain why...

Many think I am strange because although I appreciate sporting prowess, and can commiserate or celebrate as the need arises, I really cannot be doing with sport (apart from ski jumping and bob sleigh?) on TV or in person.

Many just think I am strange. By cultivating this opinion, (but not actively encouraging it), at least I can give them something to talk about at dinner parties rather than sport or soft furnishings.

Coming straight out with it, and asking people if they think you're strange is just another fast-track to the men in white coats bringing the comfy tie-sleeve jackets.

I think, therefore I strange.

Cheers ChrissieS, you are the glue holding insanity together, gawd luv ya! xxx

Moose, going back to the original unravelling, I too started a book in Denmark in 1999. I didn't finish it, but passed it on, now I am still waiting for Aaldvarcjk to post it back.

redo from start

DWNB, are you all at the wrong end of the day lately?

jollygit said...

Does anyone know if and when Top Gear is repeated? The show is on Sky but they are old shows and I've missed the episode with Hugh Grant and last night's, and would like to try and watch/record them second time around.

Muchas gracias

jillygoat x

PS Lyndyloo - well done on being #1 next door! I posted about half an hour ago and it's not appeared yet so not sure what's going on over there - it's very slow these days.

Anonymous said...

ps it was only an Jackie Collins

Anonymous said...

This will come as no surprise, but I think I have to call off any dancing planned for Wednesday!

I went out at 12 noon today to go to the Bank and spectacularly fell in the middle of the street! I tripped on a broken paving stone. Oh the embarrassment! A lovely guy came to my rescue and asked me if I was o.k. Of course, I automatically said yes, but I asked him to help me up because I have a really bad back due to ANOTHER fall about four years ago!! So, he had to haul me and my eleven-and-a-half stone body off the pavement! To make matters worse, my boss was walking along, saw me come towards him, looked into a shop window and then turned back to see me being dragged to my feet by some kind soul!

Oh, I keep re-living it, time and time again, it's on a loop! And I want to reiterate, this was at 12 noon, and nothing to do with the demon drink!

Just thought I'd share! I am o.k., but both knees are bruised and my left arm is really sore and bruised at the elbow!!

Sorry to be a moan (when I said I would be breezy today) but is it o.k. if I just do the bar at the dance? Hazel, I PROMISE I will leave some drink for the rest of you!

C xx

jollygit said...

Ooh Chrissie S - you poor thing. Hope you don't feel too shook up.

The trouble when you fall over sober is that you feel every bit of the fall whereas when you've had some hooch, it softens the blow!

Get some Arnica cream if you haven't already got some and it'll help bring out the bruising and you'll heal more quickly. Ouch!

BTW - did you ask on here if you were strange as well as me - if you know what I mean?!

jillygoat xx

PS Some people will do anything to get out of dancing with Mr Pickering - Hazel Love, he's all yours this year.......

lyndyloo said...

No1 not for long....
Get that Sammie and her multiple daters! Some girls get all the fun!

Did I tell you it's the ex lodgers birthday today? He's now the same age as me again!!!

So Happy Birthday to Da Rosey!

Moose said...

I think that calls for a drink! Hope you are OK...

lyndyloo said...

Poor Chrissie!

You may be right though jillygoat it may just be a ruse to get out of dancing with the pesky Mr Pickering and into the cocktails... oooeeerrr!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, my friends, for your kind words. They have helped tremendously and may I say that my boss is STILL laughing! It has to be said it must have been hilarious to look at, but not for my goodself on the receiving end!

Jillygoat, I think there was a tiny bit of confusion in that I said earlier that men find it astonishing when women talk about anything other than soft furnishings, and then you said that you hate shopping and all that, and are you strange?! Neither of us are strange, per se, just not typically girly and there's nothing wrong with that!

As for Top Gear, it is definitely repeated on BBC2 either on Tuesday or Wednesday after the original Sunday show. You will have missed Hugh Grant completely I'm afraid, but you will catch last night's show sometime this week. I will keep my eye on the TV listings as I want to watch it too. My husband can't stand Top Gear - what is that all about? Personally I think he's jealous of Jeremy Clarkson who I think is a doll, even though I know I couldn't live with him for 5 minutes!

Back to the grindstone!

C xx

jollygit said...

Chrissie S - glad that's sorted!

'Im indoors loves the fact that I hate clothes shopping - he's never fancied having to wait outside clothes shops or, worse still, outside the changing rooms for me. On the odd occasion I've had to buy something to wear, I've felt under immense pressure knowing that he's outside getting bored and fidgety and much prefer to go shopping on my own.

Mind you, if I were a size 10 it might be a different story!!! Ah well, only another 2 and a bit stones to go .....

I'll check Sky tonight and set it to record Top Gear this week. I'll have to keep an eye out for the Hugh Grant one - thanks for the info!

I like the shabby chicness of James May on TG - the Hamster is beautiful and JC is OK but James is rather dreamy. I really am strange, aren't I?!!!!

jillygoat xx

Anonymous said...

I'm sure we all hope that Mr Pickering doesn't come at all. I've been lead to believe that 'Baloo and the Swingers' do have another appointment further down the motorway.

...and quite apart from anything else, we're going to have 18 Mooses (Moose, Meece) in varying degrees of age, burl and intoxification, with whom to fill our dance cards (obviously once they've finished their set...) so there is no need to mention that (now there's someone who IS strange) man again.

ChrissieS, the sun is always past the yard arm somewhere in the world. I know there are others (moi aussi) sur le blogge to whom this is a handy excuse, so darling, feel at liberte to employ as you see fit. Volunteering to do the bar is absolutely top of you poppet. However do you think you'll be able to keep up the pace behind there whilst being plastered?

Re; lovely guy, did you give him a flyer for Weds eve, or did you bang your head too? Two paracetomol, a stiff upper lip, and jolly well get on with it. (or is that the correct response to a flautist injury?)

18 degrees of Moose. That has reet tickled me...

Please scuse got some writing to do

lyndyloo, not even multi-dating Sammie holds the crown now! I said on this blog earlier it felt as if it was all going upside down.

Anonymous said...


Things that make you go ooooooo...

Moose said...

As long as the dancing stays virtual we think we'll get away with it. We don't think we'll have to admit that there's really only 3 of us, each with 6 multiple personalities. Sorry, have we gone too far with the maths bit again...

Top Gear - used to leave me cold, now I love it. Don't know why, but the intercourse (fnah fnah) between the three of them is what makes it for me. It could be about cars or anything really and would still be funny. And it's not just them...need I say more than James May and Oz Clarke on their wine travels?

Still, not everyone can like everything. Would be boring if they did.

I'm off now, been at work far too long for a day off as it is, and I came straight in this morning without the gym, so I'm off there now...should be nice and quiet apart from the hundreds of kids on half term!

Moose said...

Favourite toy growing up?

Mine was a cuddly panda.
Until I discovered Scalextric...

lyndyloo said...

I'm loving the pandas!

Fav' toy - etch-a-sketch

Anonymous said...

I had a beautiful panda and his name was Basil. I had to leave him behind when I went to America in 1979 and no-one would tell me what happened to him!

Favourite toy - my Tiny Tears doll. Her name was Miranda (wearing a pink dress), my best friend's Tiny Tears was Veronica (blue dress). We played at "wee houses" every day with our dolls and then my friend went to confession and told our priest that she had committed adultery! We were 8 years old! Talk about Catholic guilt!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Moose, it's a shame the dancing has to stay Virtual (or vertical in ChrissieS case) as I can think of very few, more majestic sights than that of 18 Moose doing the lambada, or line-Moosing to 'The Devil Went Down To Georgia'.

Where is Jo today? Hope she is ok.

MfR, I hope today got better for you hon!

Likewise, ChrissieS, it's gonna be a REALLY COOL bruise tomorrow...

and anna, check back on Friday re ill guilt, or iult if you like! Hope you're feeling better by now babe.


something went wrong for Faye Raye and King Kong...

Jo said...

Hello :o)

I am here - just lurking and reading when possible - Am having one of those work days when the words Piss up & Brewery keep coming to mind - no wonder the NHS is leaking so much money if I'm the only competent person here!!! (I spect that's just the way it feels sometimes)

:o) Jo

I'm in the mood for dancing - Sorry not a stilly girl but love a chunky wedge.

Anyone want to join me in the corridor??

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

sniff, sniff. Hi all, sniff.

ChrissieS - oh no, falling, in public. Always makes me cringe with embarrassment for the person who falleth. Hope you are ok, I would consdier changing the colour of your dress for Wednesday now tho, something to go with purple, that or opaque tights and a nice cardy. ;o)

And if you have JC, Jillygoat can have James and I bagsied the hamster at the crack of dawn - so thats that then. Will email them and let them know about the dance - would be a shame if fate wasnt allowed to take its true course.

Fav toy - i think it may have been my doozer from fraggle rock. that or my green raleigh dawes bike.


PS Hazel, i think they were attacked by a triffid that spits poison and kills.

Anonymous said...

oooh Jo, straight in there! I do like a nice chunky wedge...heh heh heh!

I have to say, I'm a stillies for work (as can sit down) but def more of a squishy chunky wedgie kinda girl goin' dancin'...

Glad you're ok though!

and Moose! I used to have a cuddly panda too. At one point it was taller than me and my Gran'ma used to have a photo of me fast asleep on top of it...aaaaaahhh. It was called 'Panda' and for a short while (and for no apparent reason) wore mauve school pants, although right up until it/he/she had to go (though I'm not sure it may still be in the garage..) it/he/she was wearing my old tartan school pinafore dress.

Then I discovered boys who were into scalextric...

vive l'hopital!

Evening young Gabster! Glad eldest checked in. She must be home soon eh?

Anonymous said...


You are really not well, pet lamb. Hope you are all better for Wednesday.

If you would be so kind as to email the guys, that would be peachy.

I'm sorry to keep going on about my fall, but talking of embarrassment for the person it's happening to, I can now see the faces of people in their cars stopped at the traffic lights, watching the debacle and can see what they were thinking - 5.5, 5.7, 5.9!

C xx

Anonymous said...

ChrissieS - dont do yourself down. It was surely a 6.0


Anonymous said...

evenin' all

Chrissie S - ouch - lots of TLC coming atcha xxxx

who am I going to dance with if Pickering is off limits? - I'm certainly not going to share his tequilla slammer glass on wednesday ,like I did when I volunteered to serve sherry at the 'OAPS with ASBOS Bring and Take sale' where Pickering was acting as peace keeper.

ooh, Chris just read my text : )

just popping next door to see what CE et al have been posting.


Anonymous said...

jillygoat - have just read post #11 next door - Top Gear is repeated on wednesday at 7pm - sorry if someone has already said that

T said...

I can’t keep up again – you have all been so busy!

It’s all self inflicted – too may G&Ts this weekend to have a hangover from hell. I will try and catch up tomorrow and attempt to post something worthwhile.

Off home for pizza now


Anonymous said...

Sorry Chaps, I've had to skim through to catch up

Moose..don't worry, chill'll all come flooding back. The original caused over 50 you did good today anyway..even if you posted "scribble" us lot could have a conversation about it anyway.
I too had a cuddly panda..his name was Panda (how original), plus a donkey who's name was donc....Once I placed all my toys in bed, there was no room for me, so I slept out on the landing!

On wednesday...Killer heels for me too...virtual high heels are the blisters! Mr Caroline has dusted off his DJ for his bouncer duties.

Lots of Love..Caroline (sorry, will not be able to look anymore..have to make tea, ironing, child to bed and Mother to entertain)..HOPEFULLY will pop in tomorrow, lovely people, all of you. XxXxxXXxXXX

Any jobs for me?

Anonymous said...

Evening all,

Sorry I am late but I have been travelling all day to meeting after meeting

Just enough time to check out the back of my wardrobe and see if my old wedding suit still fits for the party……… must be back in fashion by now!

Moose I sympathise with you and writers block. For what it is worth I think you are doing a fantastic job……mind you with us lot I think you could simply write “hello” and we would make it up as we went along ;-)

I have half an hour and I am out again playing darts in a local league! You can’t beat a bit of bully ;-)

Keith the BigUn

P.S. Gaby from Reading,

I have my tie on ;-)

Moose said...

Evening guys,
Guess panda was called Panda too!!! Sad that we were all such uncreative children! Still, there is a theory that a boring childhood reverts to a hugely creative second childhood...I'm up for that!

I don't know where the time goes. I left work just after 3. Went to a large stationery store to buy some stuff, then to the gym, did a run and a swim, plus an alternative triathlon, went shopping for soup and yogurt (I still remember the truth about food on losing weight!!!) and got home after 7! Need to do further de-cluttering tonight, but I have eaten too much and I have a bourbon and coke on the I'll be depressed and incapable of doing any work soon. Good job I wrote tonight's blog earlier...all I have to do is press the Publish button and we're off again. Although based on your comments, I will go for the simple "hello" at some point!

Anonymous said...

Evening chaps

Managed to clear my head this afternoon. Found an excuse to drive up to Reading to collect a few bits then turn right around and head back home. A quick sesh in the gym and I feel at peace with the world.

I had a strange dream last night and woke up with a burning compulsion to watch 'Ghost'. All I remember is that I felt like the dead character in that no-one could see me and although I could move things (he couldn't in the film?) I wasn't able to make my prescence known.

What is that all about?

I suppose that having a vivid dream has one upside - I slept.

Can I come to the party?

I'm not very good at dancing and I can't sing, but I can mix a mean cocktail.

Gaby - heard your text. Well I assumed it was you, after all, there's only one Gaby in Reading.

Eaten cheese this evening, so lord only knows what strange dreams await me.


Anonymous said...

ah bless yer my lovelies for acknowledging my text : )

Matt f R - Chris 'talked' about traffic in his blog - I don't reckon it's got anything to do with commuters - it's the likes of me going to Guildford(went there today!!) and you going to Reading!! lol.

Caroline - I think you will have a choice of jobs - we need as many hands on deck as possible to keep Mr Pickering out because he ....well....just because. There is also the silent auction of an itinerant jar of greengauge chutney that we found underneath the white elephant stall at the Bring and Buy.

Keith - I was wondering how you were : )



Anonymous said...

To dream that you are invisible, signifies feelings of not being noticed or recognized for what is important to you. Alternatively, you may be trying to withdraw from the realities of life.

Well, that's me sorted then.