Thursday, 8 February 2007

Guilty feeling I got no rhythm...

I was contemplating the idea of guilt this morning. Specifically, the guilty feelings of not being at work when I should be.
Without wanting to blow my own trumpet (!) I think I'm a pretty good case study of this at the moment. For I have so little to do again, that my diary was completely empty today, and I theoretically had two small things to do. Actually, I received 2 e-mails that basically let me off the hook on these two things anyway.

The intense feeling of panic/distress that I was feeling at about 9.45am this morning, when still at home at not yet even in the shower, were brought on, I believe, by the guilt of not being there. It didn't really matter that the snow was bad and that it was a pretty good excuse, my feelings of guilt were there nonetheless.

So, I arrived at work at midday. I blogged for a while, I did the two things anyway, I wandered around a bit and chatted with a few people (some work related cathing up and some pure chatting), I had a sandwich, and then I left again at 2.30. Two and a half hours as a "working day" with probably a maximum of 1 hour of actual value adding work.
Yet driving away from work to go for a swim before a quick DIY store stop (to surprise Mrs Moose on a long awaited purchase), I had no feelings of guilt whatsoever.
Something within me wouldn't allow me to stay at home without the feelings of guilt, and yet they were quite easily dispatched by a very small physical presence at work.
Was this really enough to "do my duty"?
Was my mere presence enough to convince me that I had nothing valuable to do, while the fact that I had nothing valuable to do wasn't enough on its own?
Am I just too easily convinced?

I think that it's my mind state at work again. The fact of not going to work this morning at the normal time was trigger enough to put my mind in a state of "obligation". Guilt is a classic feeling associated with this mind state.
Going to work allowed me to get out of the "obligation" mind state, and, having spent some time there, I was in a more balanced state of willingness, able simply to make a rational decision about the need for being there.
So could I have got myself out of the obligation box without going to work? Well, I'm sure I could have, but there were other factors at play too. Getting to the gym for a swim during the day was a pull. Not wanting to be "under Mrs Moose's feet" was a push.

Maybe next time we get snow (probably Feb 22nd!!!) I shall test it out, and try and get out of my obligation mind state without going to work.


Dogwithnobrain said...

Nighty Night Moose.

Really Tired. My boys were in Manchester for the football last night, and didn't get home til 3. Now the young one is out again with his friends at the Chinese... .and I'm keeling over waiting for him to come in. All this, and he had surgery today..... I couldn't even keep him in...

Waaaah. I wish I was young again.


lyndyloo said...

Giult is a strange one. You say that you felt guilty about staying home though you knew there was very little for you to do once you made the trip into work and then once you'd shown your face you were happy to leave early. It sounds as if you need reassurance from someone above you in the work hirearchy just to let you know it's ok. My guess is that in order for you to feel worth you need such reassurance. It's all very well doing a great job and knowing internally that you have but unless someone else confirms it to you externally there's still something missing. This is often the case for disgruntled employees and I have to admit to a bit of the same syndrome myself, even though I work for myself and have no boss to answer to. If I take a day off for any reason I feel the need to phone my partners and tell them what I intend to do so that they can confirm to me that it's ok to do so. As I remember from yesterday you and Mrs Moose had a long conversation about you even going to work yesterday, probably (and you can shoot me down in flames if I'm wrong) so that she could confirm for you externally that it was ok to go in late?

We are a strange lot indeed, though putting down our feelings and thoughts on a site such as this probably makes us prime candidates for the affirmation of worth debate.

Have a great day everyone, I intend to take my Dad shopping at some point as Mum has flu (and yes I've already told at least one of my parters and had it ok'd).


Anonymous said...

hello Everybody

Well, as it was completely sunny and no snow in the Borders (yesterday) and I had a M E G A meeting with lovely(not!) Clients from France I had no reason not to go in..infact every reason to go!.
I beleive it is conscienciousness (is there such a word) and upbringing which motivates us..with a drop of guilt (you are so right Moose). Personally I have experienced both a mother and father who went to work everyday (my dad worked up to 10 days before he died) whatever the weather, state of health etc..and that is instilled in me. Also I believe i an consciencious - I suppose being a consultant, if I don't go in i don't get paid is motivation enough now..but when i was an employee it was the same. However - I beleive "struggling in" only to leave 2 hours later is what is expected in large companies..even better if you "struggle in" and your boss doesn't! and yes, moose, this allays the guilt feeling - I have it too, absolutely.
I must have affirmation worth issues too.
Hope you've all been OK..No snow in the Borders...waiting for it....I am spending day with Mum and Daughter..chilling out (don't work on a friday..but infact i did today i got up at 6am to write up the summary of the 6 hour long meeting i had with the clients!)!
may pop in later..

Love Caroline x

P.S I'm starting rummaging in my cupboards for raffle prizes...surely there must be a Valentines day Jumble sale coming up?
P.P.S Anyone watch kelly osbourne last night? Airbars..what!
Toilet rolls from LA ! What a lovely mum she has..ahhh!

Anonymous said...

I know what I want to say - but it won't come forth : )

I have always been so/too conscientious. Have learnt much over the last few years observing others' behaviour at work (mainly those in positions above me). I have been in positions where I have run around working my nuts off for the 'part-time' that I am there - never missing a day etc. Yesterday, for the first time I had a 'stuff it/stiff it' attitude to a small part of a larger piece of work that I was doing. Can't even remember what it was now - but ususally I would have checked and cross-checked it , but yesterday thought, 'no, I will leave on time and have a relaxed journey home for a change'. Not quite the same thing as you were saying Moose, I know.

I have four and a half volumes that I could write on guilt and obligation, so perhaps it is for the best that I went sligtly 'off track' with my little tale above : )

laters luvly people


Jo said...

Morning :o)

I'm the same about work - Whenever I'm actually sick (and not taking a duvet day) I struggle into work hoping that someone will send me home - that means that when I take a duvet day they think I'm actually super poorly. It works :o)

Lyndyloo - that's very analytical for this time of the morning, how long have you been up??

I was sent home at 2:30 yesterday afternoon and after a slightly treacherous drive home settled down in front of the fire with the telly on.

As boredom started to set in I decided that it would be a good time to go for a walk - so we did (under the pretense of posting a letter) and then stopped in the park to erect (he he he - Clear the corner please) a snowman - it was ace.

Back to work today but it's Friday so finish at 4

:o) Jo

Jo said...

And this is the funniest snow picture I have seen so far!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Hey Moose!

I take it you aren't Jewish, neither do I get the feeling you are Catholic, but I do get the feeling that you are essentially and most definitely 'English'. Why? Because you seem to suffer from exactly the same sort of guilt that I do.
I was only ever allowed off school if I had both legs missing, and could prove it with a high temperature. If I just felt a bit iffy and nothing was running, swollen or hanging, I was made to instantly feel guilty about 'malingering' or 'letting the side down'.
Now I am all growed up and am free to make my own decisions, I take the decision to have the day off/go home early if I feel that I have symptoms which my colleagues would not be happy to share. If I feel a bit iffy, whether or not I choose to grace them with my prescence is entirely dependent on the ifcon level. I am the only person who does what I do, so if I call in sick, whilst only at ifcon 1-3 I feel guilty because only if they can, they get a temp, they usually can't, so I try to take good care of myself so that I don't get iffy. On the other hand, if anything is swollen, running or hanging, I don't go in, and am guilt free in my germ surrounded sick bed - this would be ifcon levels 4-5.

I lay the blame purely at my mother's feet, being of public school, cold shower, hockey stock, you got on with it and you jolly well lump it young lady.

So, in conclusion, Moose, being 'English', yes you will feel guilty. You will always feel guilty. You will find ways (as you did yesterday) to assuage that guilt, but in the words of my beloved mother, you get on with it, and you jolly well lump it (young lady).

If on the other hand you do have Jewish or Catholic faith, it is universally known that children born into either of these faiths, as well as X and Y genes, also have a G one too.


ps C of E on passport

Moose said...

Morning all,
I'm sure upbringing does have a lot to do with it. Two teacher parents meant that there was NEVER a good enough reason to be off school. And I really (so far, luckily) have never been sick apart from sniffles, the odd tummy bug and of course man-flu.
Oh, and I did used to suffer from a strange ailment called "trumpetitis".
Before you girls in the corner start sniggering (too late) it's not any of the things you are thinking.
I used to play the trumpet (stop it) but was really badly disciplined about practising. My lessons were on Monday mornings, and I would feel ill every Monday morning due to the fear of being told off by my music teacher for not practising. I genuinely didn't feel well due to the fear, but it was nonetheless diagnosed as trumpetitis every monday morning and I was packed off to school anyway (with my trumpet of course) for the inevitable telling off.

As for my mind state are absolutely right that the Jewish, the Catholics and the English do tend to spend a massive amount of their time in the obligation box.

Anonymous said...

Hey moose

Can I get all my trumpet stuff out double entenres of the way??????
Ooer etc
Obviously you have got good lip action..
Actually that's all I can think of, so what an anti climax
I'm sure DWNB/Lyndyloo/Jo/Gaby/Hazel/keith/
Matt/susanS/Anna etc will do much better...dare you!
Mr Caroline played the saxophone, so that's a slightly different lip action!

Shall I post this drivel? I shall, and you can put up with it (young lady!) I hated that phrase too, Hazel!
Love Caroline x

lyndyloo said...

Oooh! trumetitis... you should use plenty of vaseline to keep that at bay. One of my old bf's from a long time ago was a trombonist and has the most beautiful lips.... such a long time ago.... he also had a great slide action... ENOUGH!!!

I'll get my coat and head off for the corner


lyndyloo said...

see I can't even spell trumpetitis without falling into fits of giggles and mis-spelling ;))))

Anonymous said...

guys - you are so funny - I was sniggering immediately I read of your monday morning 'itis' Moose and now I have read all your responses, I am laughing out loud. : )

I used to play the saxophone and didn't the boys love taking the mick. for some reason, it's very hard to tell a man that you play the saxophone without spotting various thoughts beginning to appear across his mind : )

barp barp


Anonymous said...

I am no doctor - but I believe that the suffix 'itis' means inflammation?!! Ahem



Anonymous said...

Oh dear oh dear...Trumetitis...

A Trumet (or Prewapote) is an old fashioned type of mangle (such as those maybe used by your Grandma). The words Trumet and Prewapote were actually the names of the manufacturer, but the mangle just got known by the generic name 'mangle' rather than the hoover being known as the hoover (if you get my drift?). Maids or Grandmas didn't use the Trumet, they used the mangle.

Anyway, it was (and still is if you can find one stiff enough ahem) possible to suffer from Trumetitis. Trumetitis is a type of shoulder injury caused by the constant turning of the handle which worked the mangle rollers. It was worsened if the rollers were not sufficiently oiled (hence the stiffness) or the clothes being mangled were too bulky for the machine, meaning that extra effort was needed to get them through. The injury would be akin to getting a trapped nerve these days, or the repetitive strain injuries suffered by rowers.

There we are then, all done.
Enjoy and tell all your friends

ps I believe both companies were taken over long since by the likes of Phillips, Whirlpool or Bendix. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Anonymous said...


I completely understand about you only being able to get rid of the guilt yesterday, by going into work. I am sure I would done the same as you - show willing, spend a couple of hours in the office, do your bit. Had you not done that, you would have fretted the whole day, it would have ruined your evening and you would have been dreading going in today, so it was the right thing to do!!

I must confess though that even though I come to work day in, day out, I do "faff" around a lot. Blog quite a bit (nooooo!), email, surf the Net etc. Probably should feel guilty, but don't!

Last, I NEVER come to work when have a bad cold or whatever. I worked with a guy 20 years ago who said to me - "if you show up for work, don't expect me to figure out you don't feel well. If you don't feel well, stay home" and I've stuck to that ever since! Of course I'm made to feel like a leper when I get back to work, but I really don't care, as long as I know I am not "acting it".

Sorry to go on a bit.

Can I just say to Gaby, I don't think you should apologise for talking about your girls and what they mean to you. I think we would all agree about that. Your wee tootsie will be fine, but you must miss her so much!

DWNB - isn't it great that your son was able to go out with his friends last night?! You were so anxious about him having his surgery, and his reward to you was to let you stay up late! But I bet you are so relieved!

Also, Moose, I had completely forgotten that Chris's daughter is called Jade!! Could have been her - she sounded fairly bitter!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Interesting what you say about the religions.

I am not jewish but I think I have some mannerisms that are characteristic of jewish people. This is meant to sound serious but it sounds a bit random. Am not meaning it to.



Anonymous said...

I spelt that wrong....

It should have been L'chai-im (to life) : )


Moose said...

Can you get it in the wrist as well?

Anonymous said...

I want (doesn't get) to sing the whole song now from Fiddler on the Roof.

to life, to life, L'chai-im, l'chai-im, l'chai-im to life... : )

Thank you Chrissie s - I still havent heard from her - have asked her dad to chase vodafrown again again. : (

I somehow (without touching) fused all my downstairs lights - I was scrubbing some bolognese off the laminated roll-edged work surface (sorry, old habits die hard) when the whole lot went - must have been scrubbing hard my friends. Anway, we now are up and running, although if the floodlights fail at the madedjski stadium tomorrow, I will be a little uneasy....

Anonymous said...

Hazel - you make us rich with information my friend - : ) I enjoyed reading about that.

Moose - if you have it in your wrist - you are turning the wrong handle

oh, no - hope that wasn't a serious question to hazel - I might have missed a bit earlier -note to self - always re-read before commenting.........

off out now


have fun you lot

Anonymous said...

Can I just say in my defence to my fairly boring comment this morning, you guys are all up and running hours before me! I only get to read Moose's blog after I have opened the mail, listened to my boss drone on for about an hour or so every morning and then I get a chance to check in. By then, it's just too late to join in with the original topic!

Hazel, you are utterly hilarious, I wish I could come up with just ONE comment half as funny!

Be back later!

C xx

jollygit said...

Mornin' all!

Well I can see where we're all headed this morning! Have been tittering away since 'trumpetitis' appeared on the page! The boss is wondering what I'm doing over the other side of our partition - I'm not gonna tell him though, just keep him wondering!

Moose - hope the wrist is OK? You should give it a rest for a while, maybe - you know, all that mouse action ...... the little fella's been busy lately what with this blog and your novel!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Moose

I can't find any instance of Trumetitis being a wrist injury (or inflammation thank you Gaby). I would imagine that you would need to keep your wrist(s) straight and strong, and use your shoulders and back to do the actual work.

I trust this is a complete answer.

May I suggest however, if the pain in your wrist has come on suddenly, go and visit your First Aider immediately as you may need two paracetomol and a splint.
If 'tis but a dull ache, take two paracetomol, rub in some deep heat and jolly well lump it (young lady).
****Please ensure after using deep heat (other warming agents are available) you wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes or any sensitive areas****


yes yes I know...the corner...

Anonymous said...

chrissie s - defence not needed. It is lovely to read your posts - not boring at all.

I sooo understand what you mean about catching up - when I am work, I don't get to read the comments until very late in the day. Sometimes, I have time for a quick post in the morning before I leave the house. By the time I catch up later - there has been all sorts of excitment on here and it feels like you are chasing a roller coaster!! lol!! : )

Post whenever you can - and maybe together we can catch them up : )

I really am off out this time


Moose said...

Sorry, and I know some of you aren't interested...but England just won something that mattered (sport wise!!!)...against the Aussies!!! Australia...

THEY should be feeling guilty after the way they even got into the finals...

Wonders will never cease.

Will probably lose the rugby to Italy tomorrow just to make up for it!

Anonymous said...


Thank you. I knew you would understand!

(Other understanding blog-friends are available)!

C xx

Dogwithnobrain said...

Dear all,
Heaven's the conversation veered from this morning eh?

Yes, I too often suffer from a stiff arm, and also chaffing around the lips. This is not derived from Trumpet or Saxophone.


Jo said...

Am just going to go to the corner before I open my mouth - it saves time!

:o) Jo

PS I used to play the tuba but it was about the same size as I was at 11 yrs old and I couldn't really carry it, had to drag it to school on Mondays for my lesson!

Anonymous said...

Guilt's a strange thing. And so are people.

I have the misfortune to work for a complete workaholic who puts in more hours than there are in a day and has an expectation that everyone else should do the same. We don't! I mostly enjoy my job but it isn't my whole life - just a means of paying the mortgage and keeping me off the streets - but I am plagued by feelings of guilt when I go home at 5.30, have a few days leave or (heaven forbid!) am sick. Why?? I do my job and like to think I do it well - surely I'm entitled to go home at the end of the day without feeling bad.

Enough of me - you're all on fine form today, what with the inflamed musical instruments and other assorted diseases.

Hazel - my mum had a mangle and I used to be allowed to turn the handle for her as a treat. Can the onset of trumetitis be delayed for 40 years or am I safe???

AL (feeling guilty for commenting when I should be preparing a report!)

jollygit said...

In my job before this one, I worked for a family-run business. The Chairman took a keen interest in what we were all doing but, because he was a workaholic and had no sense of time, he'd ask you how your sales were as you were leaving the office at 5.30pm and would quite happily keep you talking for 15-20 minutes. This used to make me mad - this was 'my time' that he was taking up and he'd had ample opportunity during the day to ask, as he was forever striding through the office.

Likewise, he'd do this as I was leaving the office for my lunch hour and once 15 minutes or so had passed I had naff-all chance of getting into town or doing anything constructive as 20 minutes later I'd have to set back to the office again.

The stupidest thing about all this is that once I'd managed to tear myself away from him, I'd start feeling guilty that perhaps I'd rushed off and would look bad.

Crazy lady!!!!


Anonymous said...

DWNB, I think you have forgotten that back in the mists of time on your very own blog, you boasted that your deliciouse husband had purchased for you - A One-Man-Band kit.

Therefore excuse me for assuming that your chafed mouth is due to the constant blowing/sucking movement required for harmonica playing, and your stiff arm from simultaneously playing both the ukulele and violin.
May I suggest any further career move be in the general direction of 'Park Statue'. Get yourself a milk crate and a pot of gold spray paint and you're away.

Note to students and Careers Teachers: This career would be an obvious option for those suffering any guilt, or stiffness, because one, you provide an interesting perch for visiting birds and give the public something to look at, thereby providing a valuable service to mankind, and two, you don't have to move about much.

Jo - a tuba. I had you down as a cello kinda gal...

anna - I think it was more immediate. Anything that takes 40 years should jolly well just get on with it.

ChrissieS - once again I fall at your feet in gratitude, but I really need no you babe! xx

jillygoat - isn't mouse in pots?

Caroline, dear heart, - please understand that I accepted your gauntlet...


tally ho - time for lunch hoorah!

lyndyloo said...

Yippeeeee!! Hooray for the England cricketers (especially Nico my mate who's benefit do is going to stop me from OAMC) I have been emailing my relatives down under with lots of very smug comments while the varring's bon!

Just as a Friday warning in case you have any DIY planned for your weekend...
I walked into B&Q at lunchtime and some old guy dressed in orange asked me if I wanted decking. Fortunately, I got the first punch in and that was the
end of that.

Take care out there


Moose said...

You girls in the naughty corner seem to be having a private cliquey conversation next far you are the only ones to have posted on yesterdays blog...
You know you will get told off, don't you?

Still at least here you don't get told off, you just go voluntarily...I also dread to think how many of your comments on here would have been beepee'd over there!

Mrs Moose asked me last night why people keep saying "How very dare they?" as it's grammatically incorrect and annoys her.
I just looked at her and said "Am I bovvered? Do I look bovvered? Does this face look bovvered?"


jollygit said...

Hazel - that's mousse isn't it?

No not you Moose - you'd never fit in a pot.


Anonymous said...

is that the trumpet voluntarily?

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo - Nico? Benefit Do? to benefit who? Can any of us help? I'd volunteer myself, but if regrettably if it is anything at all to do with sport, I tend to doze off. I s'pose I could do a sponsored Sleepathon. Yeah. Sounds like a plan. I'll get MfR and the rest of Insomniacs Anonymous, and we can all kick in.

Seriously, what?

Moose, make sure she knows that all your friends are Polish, and that just because a man takes pride in his appearance...!


ps in THESE shoes????

pps jillygoat, extra boost or chocolate?

Anonymous said...

Hello lovely people

Decided to take a lunch break for a change and catch up with the blog from the last couple of days. So much has been covered I wouldn't know where to start don't all the funny interesting things have been said :-( I want to enroll in the Hazel Love school of thought, your so informative and hilariously funny {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}
I can send you loads of hugs because we are allowed to on this blog :-)

Would like to share something with you - I have been asking my angels for help in an area of my life I'm not happy with (don't want to say too much in case I jinx it!) and last night I got a phonecall that could help me make the changes I need to make! It gave me a really nice feeling knowing they were help to pave the way for me. If this comes off I will be soo happy!

Jo - Your puppies are gorgeous....voted for Hattie such a cool name!

Gaby - I'm sure your daughter is fine, don't doubt she is missing you but hope she will be having lots of fun!

Susan S - you mention on CE's blog to look on here re the scottish meet, I don't see anything. Have I missed it or has it still to be posted?

Wee update re Max - he is coming on great, feeding ok and putting on weight, so thanks again for all your kind thoughts.

Have a great weekend everyone

Mary xx

ps. I started this post about 20mins ago.......think I might change my name for work and not tell them what it is!

jollygit said...

Hazel - chocolate, only ever chocolate! Hmm, talking about chocolate - I might pinch one of the boss's choccy biccies - I know where he hides them and he's just gone out and won't be back til 4pm ......... let the fun commence!

jillygoat x

PS Might have to put myself in the corner again - oops!

Jo said...

ooooh jillygoat - Good to see a bit of rebellion there on a Friday afternoon!

It's snowing quite badly here again so might excuse myself as per the severe weather policy which states as long as you get to work you can leave whenever you want (even if you were late in !. It expressely says as a footnote that guilt does not apply in conditions of severe weather as all the bosses are probably already at home anyway!

Drive safely everyone :o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all

Can't keep up with all this risque wordplay.

Which reminds me of a joke.

Girl walks into a pub and asks the barman for a 'double entendre'

So he gave her one.

And where do I find this picture of Jo's puppies?

Only 3 hours till hometime, the show and the hour long drive with a bottle waiting at the other end.

Better take it easy this evening as I've got the Surrey Hills walk/navigate/pub day tomorrow with my best mate.

Happy Friday all


Jo said...

Matt (fr)

click on my name - it will take you to them :o)


Anonymous said...

Oh, I see.

You meant dogs.

I thought........

Jo said...

I know but I didn't think I could take another trip into the corner, although you should really join us after that one :o)

Moose said...

Matt - you really are in the naughty corner with the girls...I remember a game show once with Jonathan Woss and Ulrika Jonsson where the puppies seemed to be a source of wonder for Wossy...

and you reminded me of the old Max Wall joke.

A man is walking along a narrow cliff path where there is only room for one person to pass. He meets a naked lady coming the other way. He doesn't know whether he should block her passage or toss himself off.

OK OK, I'm with you guys in the corner.

jollygit said...

MfR - LOL!! Bad boy - join us in the corner please!

I've just stuffed a bourbon and two choccy suggestives down me neck in record time, for fear of getting caught with me hand in the biccy tin, and now feel ever so slightly sick - gulp! I don't think rebellion or guilt agree with me!

jillygoat x

Anonymous said...


I've joined the 'In The Corner Club'.

I can relate to all of the workplace guilt comments today, so I won't add more of the same other than yesterday being another classic example of being told at 4.50 (I finish at 5.00) that we were going to have a 'quick review of the accounts'. Now I'm not workshy, but my journey is twice as long as everyone elses (I know, my choice) and if I leave half an hour later it takes me twice as long. I'm sure he does it on purpose.....

MfR - Leaving at 5.00 tonight and you try and stop me.

jollygit said...

Moose - you too!!! Honestly, this corner is getting a bit full and I'm having trouble breathing.

Don't worry, I'll refrain from loosening some clothing ......

Anonymous said...

i have read all the comments. I have no clue what to say.


Anonymous said...

no really.

Anonymous said...

i have blog block.

Anonymous said...

I think the Health and Safety police will have something to say about you lot in the corner. It's getting very difficult to open the door now, and there could be a nasty accident. Especially if jillygoat starts choking on bourbon crumbs.

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all,

I feel guilty at this time as I am blogging instead of working, neglecting my duties. Do not even get me started with the guilt I feel when I spend all of my time reading your posts ;-)))

If only I was here bowing my own trumpet (what a party trick that would be)

Can you believe that it was early this morning when I stated this post and now I feel guilt posting it!

Very naughty people on here today but it has made me laugh :-)))))

Thanks for that.

Keith the BigUn

P.S I can be naughty if there is any room in the corner ;-))

Anonymous said...

There appear to be two of us called anna writing at the same time which could be confusing, so I'm reverting to my full name of "Analogue television services switch off will take place from 2008 to 2012 and you'll all have to buy a digibox thingy and subscribe to Murdoch TV or let a cable company dig up your front garden".

On second thoughts as I'm among friends I think perhaps I'll stick to Annalog.

jollygit said...

Keith - there's always room for a BigUn!


Anonymous said...

Please can everyone refrain from elbowing jillygoat as she is liable to spit crumbs.

Moose - you need 'long vehicle' signs or bits of old dust sheet tied to your'll have someones eye out in a minute!


Did someone mention a Saint Valentine's Day Jumble Sale? No Jumble Sale i'm afraid, but!!!!!

There is a dance being held at the Parochial Hall, next Wednesday from 7pm until Friday.

Mr Pickering offered to bring the Swing band but I told him that we don't have that sort of thing here and to find somewhere else to do his swinging thank you very much.

Anyway we have the pleasure of the company of 'The Moose Brothers' who by all accounts are a popular Rhythm and Blues Combo. (note for MfR and teenagers - that is REAL PROPER R&B and a bit of 12bar not the terrible whiney rubbish...).

Dress is optional (note for Mr Pickering - you can wear a dress if you like, but the main thing is that you actually do WEAR something this year) but lounge suits and cocktail dresses are preferred.

Tickets available from ChrissieS (if she can stay away from the (reduced price before 7.30) bar long enough) at £100 each.

I should like to take this opportunity to point out that all proceeds (once we've paid for the reduced price drinks) will go towards Mrs Bronson's Dental Hygiene Fund. I'm sure we're all very grateful.

Thank you.

...and the noise two elephants and a snake hitting the ground is?

Badam tsssh!

Anonymous said...

Don't Moose Bros sell suits?

lyndyloo said...

I appeal on behalf of the HSE and have come up with an alternative to the naughty corner(NC1).

Can all of the offending partys move into the newly refurbished "Naughty Corridor" (NC2)where you will be expected to take up your places single file on the right hand side of the corridor on entering as the left hand side needs to be left clear to allow safe passage of biscuit trolleys and unsmutty operatives (as per Moose joke) unhindered. You will note that as long as you all keep nose to tail you should be able to keep an eye on the "emergency exit" signs. The HSE will ask you to fill in a short questionaire before entering the NC2 in order to asscertain any pevailing situations which would make NC2 unsuitable for you in which case you may be able to remain in NC1 until a suitable alternative can be found for you or the severe weather policy comes into force.


jollygit said...

I'll have two tickets to the Dance please, as long as there's not a repeat of last year's incident between Iona Renault and the vicar's wife. It wasn't pretty and it's taken all this time to get the trifle off the ceiling.

Mr Renault hasn't been the same since, poor lamb ....


Anonymous said...

lyndyloo! feckin' SUPERB! I'm laughing so much my boss has come to find out what I could possibly be laughing at so hard!

jillygoat, sorry if you haven't heard, we did do a collection, but Iona Renault was admitted to the OAMC Home for the Perpetually Bewildered last August, so fortunately she won't be present. However, as a precaution, food will ONLY be served by Mr Pawkins (8th) St Cyrills Scouts Troop from one of their tents on the green, and then only paper plates and cutlery will be available.

jollygit said...

In that case, count me in ..... a 1-2-3-4 ...

Never did like a Renault - more of a Peugeot girl meself.

Dib dib dib, dob dob dob


Moose said...

Moose Bros are a firm of accountants actually. They are all from the most boring family in the world - 18 brothers, all of them accountants. They insist that the staff call them Mr Moose. All 18 of them which causes lots of confusion with so many of them around.
If you don't address them in the proper manner, you will be sent to the NC2.
Watch for the youngest brother - he's a bit of a rebel. He seems to think that there may be more to life than being an accountant! Foolish boy will probably end up penniless but happy.

Anonymous said...


oh, my goodness....where to begin to catch up with you lovely people....

I pop out (NC2 here I come !!!) for a ham and chips and come back to all these posts....: )

Keith....always room for another one - the NC2 is much nicer than the beeb towers within which, you, Hazel and I (other BPd people are always available) used to find ourselves imprisoned on the other side.

Anyone for a good nitol?

Oh, talking of swingers, the place where I live (was that Tommy Trinder (again) or was it Tony Hancock?? Yes, talking of swingers, apparently i live in a place which has the highest percentage of swingers in the country!!!!! - it is near Wokingham. I ain't seen nuffin Mr Butters - but I have heard a few rumours : )

Matt and Moose!!!! - you are now executive members of the naughty corner - but look out we are all off to NC2

Anonymous said...

The best thing about the Moose Brothers is the Wind section...

Anonymous said...

the dance sounds fab - this morning I showed some electrical prowess by re-instating my downstairs lighting system, single-handedly and without blowing a fuse.

Please could I nominate myself for the vacant voluntary position at the dance; that position that is entitled 'BALLS' (Be a Lambada Lighting Specialist) My crudentials are present and correct.


Anonymous said...

do any of you play the horn?

there is a vacant possession in the horn section

Moose said...

Welcome back Gaby.

Is the place you live (with all the swingers) a new-town type of place by any chance? You know the ones, estates of houses plonked in a farmers field where previously there were only cows...

The reason I ask is that I have a theory about one of the aforesaid places near me. A mate lives there and I call it Truman town cos I don't believe it's really real. They have a 19mph speed limit...need I say more?
I am also convinced that the place is full of swingers.
Why else would anyone live there?
Sorry!!! :-) I shall go off and find a suitable cliff path...with my tail between my legs.

jollygit said...


Can't do wind instruments but I can shake me maracas if that's any help?

Double entendre overload here - where to start, where to stop!!!

Heeeelp ......


Anonymous said...

Yay, Gaby's back!

15.36 and still nuffin next door.

Mr Butters said that the school is holding it's own dance (a 'disco' if you please) on Wednesday. As this is due to finish at 10.30pm, please could we be on our guard for any underage drinkers who wish to carry on boozing until Friday when our own bar closes.

Anyone caught smoking will be strictly remprimanded and will have to wait in the gym hall. Indefinitely.

The thing is, a lot of people have a lot of misconceptions about Brighton. They think a lot of swingers live here. I would be more inclined to call them danglers...Isn't Wokinham the place with a one-way system similar to the one in the Truman Show (or is that Guildford). I know they have a Peacock Theatre there, so I think enough said.

tempers fudget

ps Moose, would Moose #2 be ok to be the treasurer for the dance d'you think? Arks him nicely mine you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Moose - lol

In answer to your, although there are some estates (i live on one) where there used to be cows. The original and still-existing village I actually used to live in but that was when I was married and had more money!! lol !!

Actually, the swingers thread (!) has reminded me of an anecdote:

I was in our local 24/7 when a friend who had invited me to her party saw me and came over and asked if I could come. She said, and I quote....

" don't worry if you have nobody to bring!....."it's not that sort of party anyway"....!!!!!lol

I knew that she meant that it wasn't all couples (except it was!), but it wasn't a very sensible thing to say out loud in our neck of the woods!!!!!

At the party, there was a guy there who I was led to believe was single (mainly by him!) He was quite engaging and we were happily chatting - the fact that we were both 'single' being something to bond about in the presence of the other couples!!. 10 minutes later his wife arrives in the kitchen where we were - completely ignored me (understandable) and wisks him off. lol!! lol!! he then asked me to dance later on!! - it loses a bit in translation - but at the time it was hilarious. He felt bad about how rude she had been. I had 'you cheeky g*t' written all over my face. Please bear in mind I had to be quite polite as it was a dignified house party - with not many guests!!!!

sorry, that was actually really boring - too late to delete

Anonymous said...

ah, look at the time - it has fudgitted.

must dash



Anonymous said...


I spend four or five hours at the Parochial Hall checking out the cocktails for the St Valentine's Dance, and it all kicks off while I'm away!

Tickets secured (can't remember the price, but I'm sure they are reasonable), cocktails refreshing without being too alcoholic, bingo tickets being printed tomorrow.

Hope all is well, please let me know how many tickets will be required.

Cocktails refreshing without being too alcoholic. Have I already said that?

Re: swingers - is it the same thing as showing up for dinner at one's boss's house, to discover his wife has decided that one's husband is her idea of dessert?!

Feel quite left out of things - don't have a corner to go to!

C xx

Anonymous said...

ChrissieS, I should think we'll be ok with 30 for the time being. Prontaprint does a deal if you have more than 25, perhaps give them a call when you get a min dear.

One of the Art Students, Tarquin Rimfelt has offered to do our Bar Tariff, so another job if you don't mind ChrissieS, if you could liaise with Tarquin over the weekend re names and prices, but I'd be inclined to steer away from the sloe comfortable screw.

I know anna still has Bunting, but if annalog could help with the Lametta that would be grand. Mrs Bronson thought I meant the 'lambretta' last year, just something else which went horribly wrong. Roger Daltrey even wrote to complain, no doubt you all saw the letter in the paper...

Well, time to banda the posters I think.

jollygit said...

Methinks CE has forgotten about the blog next door - he's probably seen what jolly japes we're getting up to over here!!

Hazel - I was dragged up in Brighton, lived in 'Hove actually' for five years and worked in Kemp Town so no misconceptions from me!

Almost time to get me coat on - have good weekends y'all. Me, I'll be polishing my maracas in readiness!!!!

jillygoat xx

Anonymous said...

bunting is all tangled up in last years christms lights and merediths pyjama's. Dont ask me how that happened, tho i did hear a rumour about a trip to wokingham.

I will sit in the corner (no not that one!) and de-tangle. I hope i dont find any unmentionables. OF course if i do, i wont mention them.

Do you think charles & Diana wedding bunting is appropriate for the valentines dance?

Now where is my red dress.


PS House
PPS just practising
PPPS dabbers anyone?

Anonymous said...

Dear All

I think I should come clean with the mangle.

If any of you suffer Trumetitis, please accept my sympathy, but you'll need to see your doctor for a placebo immediately.

As for Prewapote, it stands for a 'Public Relations Exercise With A Pipe On The End.

I love you and I have so much fun, and if it wasn't for the Moose, the little corner of my life that is here would not be so rich!

Have lovely weekends all, and keep on puffin as the penguin said to the smoking herring...


ps Mr Butters wants the drawing pins back, whoever took them this morning please.

jillygoat, we are going to have to work out a code as to where in HA, coz that's my local habitat RIGHT NOW! Moose has my email address if you wanna get in touch!

Anonymous said...

I'll do my best with the lametta (when I've looked it up). If I can't find the real thing will Quality Street wrappers (other foil/plastic wrapped sweets are available) threaded on a string do?

Let me know if there's anything else needed for the "do" - mirrors for the lambretta or anything? Large bowl for the car keys????

Off to spend the weekend with the in-laws ... what fun! ... will check in again on Monday.


Anonymous said...

But before I go I just have to ask ... Moose is that a deliberate misquote from a George Michael song or was that just a careless whisper I heard? It's been bugging me all day and has overtaken the guilt trip for not doing any work while the boss is out.

Anonymous said...

Panting..Panting..out of breath trying to catch up with you lot..I'm I too late for the naughty Corner/Corridor NC2???? I'm big, but flexiable...Ooer

Well done Hazel..Valentines dance..stupendeous! Is it fancy dress? I do hope so, I'm sure i've got a bunny girl costume, used in a previous exsistance, somewhere..the ears are a bit floppy, Mind you, so am I - ne'er mind eh?
Gaby..maybe Chris will come to the dance.."he's got the horn" remember that phrase from years gone by?
ChrissieS..I'll be a helper, especially in the kitchen (is that gin still behind the washing up liquid?) Contact me via the off license down the road

Mr Caroline could be a bouncer - stopping those pesky kids from the School Disco getting in and finding out that us old'uns can really have a good bop..and R&B - the best - However I have a penchant for DEEP HOUSE - maybe they do requests?.
The Moose Bros played at the Inbread Volunteer hall last year, and the police had to be a good night/day/night/day next week then!
well, I've almost wet my p*nts, I'm soooooooo excited.. Now where is that fluffy tail
Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

I'm home now, there really is no escape...wooo ha ha ha etc

Anyway, my memory brain cell has let me down again, and I've been all to overexcited again today...

BUT, I've been meaning to say hallo to MWK, Mary, hi babe! I'm so pleased that Max is on the mend. I sent him another bit of reiki the other evening, and will carry on doing so...

Give him a kiss from me

and you can all have a kiss from me!

By the way, we all thought Merediths pyjamas were in the lost property cupboard, so the fact they are tangled up with the Christmas lights explains a lot, but I think we'll leave it there.

Oh no, the picture of Mr Pickering and the 'Faerie' lights in the library lobby has just flashed past again...

There will be NO SANTA'S GROTTO this year.

have great weekends all

Anonymous said...

Last one and I promise I'm really going. Moose is charging me rent. He is sending Moose#4 (the really burly one) round with the boys...i shall send them on to you both Gaby and lyndyloo...

Caroline, thank you so much. If Mr Caroline is happy to bounce then I'm happy to welcome him aboard the committee.

Just so you know, Deep House, Hard House, Hard Trance and Prayers will all be going on in the side hall. There will be a list of set times on the wall adjacent. The curate has asked that we don't open any of the paint or toy cupboards, although the sand pit is a free for all.

Right that's it. I need to cook t.


Anonymous said...

sorry, if you see this 3/4/5/6 DIDN'T go all the way the first time...Oh, it's all gone pete TONG..iT WON'T GO IN..i'VE PRESSED AND PRESSED, TAPPED AND TAPPED...tRY ONE MORE TIME - Bl**dy Bo**ocks - GREMLINS?? or is it me..Mrs Double Entendre?

Thank goodness he bounces, not swings....
He's good on commitittees

Have a good t

(I must be allowed in the naughty corridor by now..if not, I'm on the naughty step anyway that's 2 chocolate HobNobs I pinched from the trolley!)

Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Hazel - I have the drawing pins - Mr Butters said he will come and get them later on tonight after the Bingo but only if he gets a full house or a trio. Should I be concerned?

Caroline (bunnygirl) - oh that would be great if Chris came - we would make such a good couple - the fact that he doesn't know me is neither here, nor is it there.

Also Caroline - I thought that WAS the gin IN the washing up liquid bottle : )

Hazel - Moose#4 - we will look after him in our own special way : )


ps CAroline - speaking from my honoured position as a volunteer in the naughty corner/NC2, I can confirm that you have not only qualified to join but you are now in charge.

pps Mr C on the door is a huge relief. I am fearful of Mr Butters gate crashing and attempting to auction the remaining single jar of greengauge chutney. It could go for such a high price especially if Matt doesn't reveal the secret ingredient (which is...sshhhh....Heinz Big Soup)

pps c'est l'heure du soir


Moose said...

Next time you send kisses to everyone, could you leave me til the end of the line up so the lipstick has worn off on everyone else. Mrs Moose is in a terrible rage now, I don't know what to do to calm her down...

Annalog - wasn't a deliberate misquote, was supposed to be a deliberate quote, so apologies if I got it wrong and offended. I shall take the time and trouble to look up a lyrics site next time so I don't make the same careless mistakes, in a whisper or otherwise.
And - keys in a bowl? How do you know that's what they do...I couldn't find that on Wikipedia.
My favourite online friend (present company excepted of course!), as you will have already discovered (and will discover more) in the book. Somebody today said that there was a chap in Rentaghost called TADpole...I was sure it was wrong and within 10 seconds was able to inform her it is of course CLAYpole.

Mrs Moose has now calmed down. Becalmed is probably more appropriate as the bangers and mash with obligatory onion gravy is sitting rather heavy in all our stomachs at the moment.
Couldn't even fit in a glass of red or a Snickers Ice Cream at the moment - I'm sure I will have recovered a bit later on.
Couldn't be bothered with a weigh in today - I know it will be better avoided. Wouldn't want to spoil the weekend!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the tray for the keys.

Who has that? - please declare yourself.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting as bad as Hazel - no that's not possible - but I just had to have a quick peek from home before settling down to the washing up ...

Moose - I wasn't offended, just surprised that a man of your obvious talents was quoting George Michael. Maybe its me that misheard - I thought it was guilty feet have got no rhythm. Which is the story of my life as I proved on the Barbie roller skates last week.

As for the keys in a bowl ... someone told me and I think they may have had personal experience of it if you know what I mean ...

Nitol (as someone said earlier)

Anonymous said...

I have just learnt something.

Blond is masculine

Blonde is feminine

Now, I knew that was the case en francais - but I didn't know it was the case en anglais.

and, no....I didn't look it up because I was registering on a dating site!!! - been there, done that - got the scars!!!!!

adios amigos


Dogwithnobrain said...

Wake me up before you Yo Yo.

Club Pepsicola

Lamb Wrap

Bad Toys

All the Bling She wants

I'm your fan

Last Christmas, I had a big Fart

Ledge of Heaven

Young Bums

Loads of Wham Misquotes

Anonymous said...


Just had to share - I got a text from my daughter - am so pleased. Her phone is obviously working which makes me feel nice that she can contact me if she needs to : )

Have chosen my outfit for the dance.


lyndyloo said...

Gaby- That's fantastic news have a great weekend.

ps. have decided on the spotty froock for the dance

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo - thank you : )

frock sounds fab - it's one less thing to think about itsn't that we have our outfits sorted!!....ah, but what shoes? Mmmmmm

Anonymous said...

ps lyndyloo - how was Hugh Grant?

lyndyloo said...

Didn't get to see old floppy locks as the snow set in and the roads were gridlocked, ended up in the local having a few too many glasses of vino blanco instead. Plan is to re-schedule for Sunday afternoon with huge bucket of popcorn as an early birthday present for ex lodger.

lyndyloo said...

now... must get to the shops to find an assortment of footwear for the dance!

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo - you enjoy shopping for your boogie shoes : )

I am off to see 11 men about a ball.

I am hoping to negotiate a couple of signed shirts for the silent auction at the dance on wednesday.


Anonymous said...

oh no lyndyloo - i was going to wear the spotty dress. now i dont know what to do - it wouldnt do for us to be virtually wearing the same dress.....and ive nothing else to wear.
Off to shops, to find dress to go with sky high stilletos and sequin clutch. Do you think the tiara would be too much?

Gaby - huraagh, thank goodness for mobiles!

Dogwithnobrain said...

Hey Troops.

All on my ownsome, what a weird feeling, am usually running around with one sprog or t'other, but this weekend. One Sprog away camping with Guides ('sokay no snow in Scotland), and Husband away camping with Scouts. Sprog No 1 here with me, but is 15 so spends most of time with mates.

Today I was blessed tho, and he spent time with me and my mum, and we three went to lunch. Am totally stuffed now, don't think I can eat anything else. was excellent. Then I took him away to the next big town and got him a couple of jumpers.

So, now I'm sitting here, contemplating having a wee sleepy. I love sleeping I do.


Anonymous said...


Lunch sounds lovely : )

I'm on my ownsome too - I keep thinking I really ought to make the effort to meet up with a friend but just didn't get my act together this weekend.

My kids have been with me so much recently (which is lovely), and so I have got out of the habit of arranging stuff to do when they are away.

I went to see Reading play (this is not a football story, so please don't panic : )) and I didn't sit in my usual part of the stand - I didn't know what 'gate' I was meant to be going through and actually lapped the ground once trying to find where I was meant to get in!!!! - what I am getting round to saying is........I was so reassured to hear some of the 'ardened fans' talking about'Dancing on Ice'!!!! - what a delightful paradox.

I hope you have a lovely, relaxing evening.


lyndyloo said...

gaby- great result today...
we got a fab 2-0 away from home... as well as the rugby... roll on tomorrow morning.. alarm set for 3am!!!!!!

lyndyloo said...

Just had to post #100

have invested in a pir of christian louboutin killer heels in black & white (apart fom the soles obviously) to make my mark in the gay gordons!

Moose said...

Congratulations lyndyloo...
A first for my blog. I am indeed flattered and honoured to be the host for so many comments!!

I've decided to give up football for lent and start a week and a half early...
I suppose if that's the case I should switch channel as MOTD is currently on in the background!!!
Maybe if I just switch off before they show Marlon missing the penalty...and I can't even console myself with the thought of West Ham vs QPR matches next season...

I always was better at cricket at school anyway. And rugby.

Anonymous said...

If I'm not too late I can offer my services for the do on the 14th, in case the current arrangements for music fall through. It wont take me long to retrieve the cello from the loft. I may need to practice a bit before Wednesday, as I would be upset if anyone had cause to remark in a similar manner to Sir Thomas Beecham who said, to a female cellist:

'Woman, that thing between your legs is God's gift to man, and all you can do is sit there and scratch it!'

You are all so witty and your comments make me laugh so much!! Am now off to do a bit of reading - Chapter 4 here I come!


lyndyloo said...

Can you beleive this weather in Australia? We're looking good out there as well this morning... Just because I've been watching on and off since 3am doesn't make me a crazy person does it?

lyndyloo said...

Com'on England!!!

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo - a great result for you, the footie I mean, as well as the shoes!!!

I didn't realise gordon was going to be at the dance - I may have to reconsider my choice of handbag : )

...and, no, watching on and off since 3am doesnot make you crazy : )

...but then, who I am to give advice!!! - I lapped a football stadium yesterday because I couldn't find my gate!!! lol!!!

Oh no, I can feel an anecdote coming on........sorry guys...

yesterday on my 15 minute hike back to my car (after the match) I , like everyone else, was power-walking (that's my exercise over and done with for the month) to avoid getting trafficised.

This bloke (and his teenage son)starting walking next to me and in a friendly fashion said 'oh, you have got your shirt on then'...sounds patronising and perhaps a tad of 'it's not for girls' kind of approach - but I don't think he was being like that.....HOWEVER, just in case he WAS being like that I thought I would engage in conversation (actually, the truth is, he was very engaging and 'sparky' : )). So I impressed him with a bit of post-match banter - I think, at first, he thought I had overheard bits from other people and would, in time, run out of things to say...oh no, my friends, I bored him all the way to the car park!!!!He said to me that Stephen Hunt didn't know how lucky he was to be on the back of my football shirt. Ain't a bit of flattery lovely : )

Sarah - although I am not in charge of the musical orchestrations for the 14th, I am in no doubt that your services would be indeed very welcome : )


Anonymous said...

Moose - congrats on all your posts!!!!!

lyndyloo said...

I love football banter... in fact I think it was the banter (along with the legs) that first got me captivated by the game in the first place. I remember going to see us play and Man City years ago and when we were at 5 nil down the Leicester crowd started chanting "we want 6!" I suppose that's the difference between supporting a team that doesn't expect to win and being a "big club" supporter. We get to take the mickey out of ourselves and not feel cheated!

ps. we could do with another wicket

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - lol!!! - i got pretty close to the legs yesterday : )

...not quite close enough though!!

lyndyloo said...

Does anyone know any cartoonists or someone that could do a caricature of my Mum & Dad for me?

lyndyloo said...

And it's ENG-ER-LAND!!!! what a fantastic result for the lads down under!!

Dogwithnobrain said...

Hey, Lyndylou

This chap, is based here in Troon, but I've known him to produce Cartoons of people, from photographs, and stories about them. He did a brilliant one for my mum's friend, He sails, and likes Boats, and Star Wars, so all that was included. He is VERY nice man, used to run my Daughter's drama group and the kids loved him. He is now running art classes for kids, in local Kids Cafe.


Dogwithnobrain said...

and caricatures.....

lyndyloo said...


Thank you so much!

Moose said...

Sorry Matt!
How about if you join me supporting cricket and rugby and just ignoring football for a while???

Anonymous said...

I know we aren't 'doing' football anymore and are switching games....but...

(and this comment has nothing to do with what's going on at the bottom of the table)

.......I feel SO sorry for Wigan - talk about daylight robbery.....

...poor guys...
