Tuesday, 13 February 2007


I've spent a couple of hours this evening sorting out drawers full of papers and other stuff that for years has been clogging up the relatively small amount of storage space I have for my personal things.

Why do we do it? Why do we find it so hard to throw out old credit card statements, mobile phone bills, and receipts? Even when the things we bought on the credit card and to which the receipts relate are long gone into the landfill.

There is something about paperwork especially that I find incredibly hard to chuck out. I might just need to know what I spent £4.99 on in January 1999...and how will I ever know if I've shredded my credit card statements? What if I get a tax inspection? - they can go back 7 years so I'll need every salary slip, every tax voucher on dividends, every tax code notice and every bank and building society statement with even a penny of interest on it. And while I'm keeping them, I may as well keep the petrol receipts, the insurance policies, the reward card statements and the headhunter letters.

I now have a large pile of paper on the floor in front of me ready for shredding. No chance for me to be allergic to my past...it'll be in the recycling bin by tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

My hubby spends his life sorting through bits of paper! They are piled up all over the house and they do my head in!! I'm going to get a bin bag one day and pile them all in!

OAMC (SCOTLAND) - can't think of another name for it! Would anyone from Scotland be around on the evening of Tuesday 3rd April to meet up in Glasgow? I'll dig out the email addresses I already have, but just ask Moose if you want mine!



Anonymous said...


I tried to have a speed read of the blog and posts yesterday - was at work all day and then a busy one at home and round and about in the evening. By the time I had read all yours, there was about minus 5 seconds that I had left spare to write something in return : )

Moose - paper work and I - where do I start? I can't STAND it!!. The thought of having to find all my payslips etc (as you stated) has left me cold!!

I have just woken up - lie in today - as not at work. nitol didn't kick in until 1am - now I feel like I have taken something that belongs to contraband group c!!!

So sorry that I had no time to read and comment yesterday - will go back and read your blog later.

Daughter back this morning. So excited.

Have a lovely day - I will tune in when I can.


Anonymous said...

I know, I will advertise for a volunteer secretary!!....oh, what fun...male, aged between 35 and............

sorry, I know it's early but.....

Off to get some caffeine and to make house welcoming


Anonymous said...

Am now fretting about the day when I have to find all my payslips!!! lol!!!

ooh, it's Valentine's Day - oh, my lovely friends - have a good one - ah, it would be nice to have a bit of love in the air (I don't mean joining the member of the mile hig club....although....).

Never mind - I can always dream.

Looking forward to the dance tonight - I assume it is still on.


Anonymous said...

sorry...that should have read 'high' not 'hig'!!!!



jollygit said...

I have about four boxes of assorted paperwork to go through, having recently moved house. I've got stuff going back 15 years which I know I don't need but just can't bring myself to ditch. 'Im indoors has got the shredder out ready for me to make a start and I will, I really will, honestly ....... ooh, I forgot I had that. I'll just have a little read ................

jillygoat x

PS Dissing Dave - so glad Mrs DD has forgiven you for yesterday. How long before the bruises fade?

Anonymous said...

Not allowed to post through next door's letterbox again! What strange neighbours you have, Moose! I was allowed to stick a couple of things through last night, then, this morning, bam! No posting in this letterbox for a reprebate Highlander like you!

So I emailed my comment to him! Though who knows if that'll get through!

What's for coffee break? I've got some Thomas the Tank Engine fairy cakes that Charis made last night!

Have a great day, y'all!



jollygit said...

'Im indoors gave me a V-Day card at 6.30am and told me to be ready this evening to go out at 7pm for din-dins. I had to explain to him that in fact we were already booked to go to a V-Day dance this evening. After much heated debate we agreed that we would do both. So, if I'm a tad late in appearing at the dance this evening I apologise, but we will definitely be there. Hope the stillies last the evening and I don't end up arriving at the dance with half a parquet floor attached to me shoes!

jillygoat xx

Anonymous said...

Happy valentines day all. I have started my beauty regime and hope to resemble something of a fox this evening......sadly i mean that in the real sense. my bushy tale is not so bushy taled this morning after a late night, early morning and restless dog/mancub/self.
Not helped by moose talking about paper work which i am incapable of organising and keeping track of. My accountant breaks out in to a sweat when i start to talk about my tax returns. usually 6 mths before he actually gets all the information because it takes me that long to get it together.

right, feet are soaking, cuticles are softening and tail is being bushed..... so to speak......


jollygit said...

'Im indoors told me at 6.30am to be ready to go out at 7pm - how much time does he think I need to get ready?! Am already panicking! Why couldn't he have told me yesterday?!!!!!

Anna - you're gonna look gawjus!

jillygoat x

Anonymous said...

I just carnt believe it Billy. My post got through to next door, and past the big dog, and it only took 20mins! Perhaps the BP have been de-cluttering, or have emptied their shredder so that it stops backing up...and certainly carnt believe Mr Dissing! yay!

I tend to keep paperwork. I think most of us do. I think it is vitally important to know that my car insurance policy runs out on July 27th 2002, and that if payment isn't made within 14 days I will no longer receive my current level of service on my British Gas contract...by the way, it was, so I did...

The only piece of paperwork that I actually NEED, RIGHT NOW, that I pulled the house to bits over the weekend for, is the registration document for the Corolla. Need rid. At present, the Corolla has a parking permit, which is allowing it to rust, undisturbed by the local traffic wasps, at the side of the road near my house. We are paying parking for the two additional cars which are in full (well nearly full apart from the brakes on the fiesta, but that's another story) working order, on top of the permit for the non-functioning machine. The registration document is the only thing holding up the process for the disposal or removal of my car...

I reckon, that during a previous de-clutter and paper sweep, it was binned in error...but despite this, I AM SURE IT IS IN THE HOUSE SOMEWHERE!

Other matters.

Good morning Gaby.

How To Make A House Warm And Welcoming.
All these small jobs should be done approximately 15 minutes before guests, prodigal daughters etc are due to arrive.

1 Toast some bread in the toaster.

2 Two or three squirts of air freshener into the air above the stairwell.

3 Only smoke in the garden.

4 Remove cat litter tray to shed.

5 Empty kitchen bin and ensure cover is firmly placed on dustbin.

6 Place two or three coffee beans under the grill. Turn grill up high to maximise the evaporation of the oil and the coffee odour. After 10mins wonder what the burning smell is. Run back into kitchen and realise grill is on fire. Swear loudly and throw whole mess into back garden.

7 Shampoo carpets and dog.

Shred on McMoose...

Jo said...

Anna - Have also started preparing for the parté this evening, am hoping i'll turn into a glamour puss rather than a bagpuss (which I currently resemble!)

As for paperwork, I have no idea where any of my payslips have gone - sometimes they don't even make it home but disappear into the car never to return!

Gaby - glad to see you've returned, I was worried you were being held captive by the blog police!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...


I cannot begin to explain the crap I have kept for years and years - I drive myself mad with it! But I can't seem to part with it - I may just need that ticket stub from 1996 when I went to see Sting!

Looking forward to the dance this evening, though I am in big trouble if anyone wants to jive with me! Following my acrobatics earlier this week, I am bruised from head to foot and, rather worringly, my left arm feels like it's ...... sort of .... dead!

Hey Ho!

C xx

P.S. Gaby, you must be so excited that your young toots is coming home today!

Jo said...

Am barred form next door!

How very dare they!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Moose - be careful with your shreddings. We're not allowed to put them in our recycling bin because they take up too much space and allegedly the paper recycling machine can't cope with the itty bitty bits of paper (it gives the rollers tummy ache or something!).

We've got a loft full of boxes of paperwork accumulated over years - heaven forbid we decide to move house and have to clear the lot out!!

And sorry - Going back to yesterday and the Barking/Upminster thingy - it depends on which way you're travelling apparently. Being a country girl and rarely venturing that far north (!) I can't speak from personal experience ... I'll just shut up now and get on with my party preparations.

Anna Log

Anonymous said...

Gaby - just out of interest, would you try and copy/paste my post below! I'm getting barked at ferociously each time I try!

Good morning, Christoff Lambie Pie!

And a happy V Day to you too … even though it is a rip off and we should be telling our loved ones every day just how precious they are to us.

I should think you’d be feeling quite disturbed after such a bizarre nightmarish dream! I wonder if the ‘offers’ have been on your mind?! Given I’ve missed a couple of shows, I wasn’t sure if you were still keeping us in suspenders as to what the offers were. And I STILL haven’t seen your Comic Relief ….. The only one I ever see is Ricky Gervais, which I find rather grating!

Thank you for another mention of The Girl From The Sofa! We were wondering if she was still around! That must be so delightful knowing that you have that to look forward to every week! I think you should have a separate blog for a restaurants. We don’t get to London as often as we’d like, but we love eating out and it’s always such a disappointment to get a duff restaurant, as happened in China Town last December. Can we lend you and The Girl From The Sofa our daughter, Charis, so that you can see which restaurants are child friendly?! And now you’ve left us wondering which famous chef’s restaurant you were in! Don’t these places realise that good service is just as important as good food? I really grudge paying good money in a restaurant when the service sucks! And, worse, I hate those places where the maitre de and waiting staff make you feel like they are doing you a favour by allowing you to sit in their restaurant! Why should I tip when I’m made to feel like I’m a nuisance imposing on the staff!?

Anyways, it’s a bright a breezy day here in the far North, and we have a busy day to day. Little Fishes (Mums&Tots club) with Charis and her wee pal in an hour, and then poor Moc Dubh (Gaelic for Black Pig!), Charis’s Guinea pig is going for the snip this afternoon …. poor wee lad!!! I think, to show your sympathies for Moc Dubh (pronounced Moch, as in loch, Doo, as in BOO!) you should play The First Cut Is The Deepest, by Rod Stewart, tonight! Go on … the poor wee lad will be in need of cheering up when we get him home tonight!

Anyway, have a great day, Chris. Hope you and Enzo have a nice brisk walk. See you at 5pm.


Susan, Highland lass

PS 10 other occasions for sending a card -

1. Easter
2. Birthday
3. Christmas
4. Christening
5. Thank you
6. Sorry
7. Get Well (especially for Moc Dubh)
8. New Home
9. New Baby
10. Hanukkah

T said...

Paperwork has to be the worst ever to sort through. Each year I try and make more of an effort to get rid, but it never seems to work. I am of the belief that one day it mat be useful so we should therefore keep it. It is only when it gets absolutely horrendous that I then do something about it – normally once a year.

My other half will keep everything and anything. So much so he still has every copy of smash hits magazine sitting in the spare bedroom from the 80’s as well as endless sets of comics from when he was growing up!

I must try and catch up on the blog (again). After saying on Monday I would keep up I have already failed at the 1st hurdle. I will settle down at lunchtime and catch up.

Until later

ps – is there any space left at the dance this evening? My other half has invited some friends over to watch to football on TV this evening so I may try and escape!

pps – moose I keep forgetting to say – love the book so far…is there anymore?

Dogwithnobrain said...

Tell you what. I have a tray. I put papers into it. If I haven't looked at them again in 9 months. I heave them. All of them.

And see since I had my Reiki course. I've gotten worse. I'm chucking everything out that no one has lifted for a month or more. No hesitation. Need to clear the clutter.


jollygit said...

T - come on over this evening - the more the merrier. But beware, there is a certain chap who we know is champing at the bit to do a slow dance with the laydees ........ you have been warned!


Anonymous said...

DWNB, an excellent idea, and one, with your permission my dear, which I may well use. I did used to do that with my clothes, but since not being able to particularly afford any of the latest trends, I have had to stop. My winter wardrobe is now the same as my summer wardrobe, except with more cardigans.

Tonight, tonight etc tra la

Stefan has just arrived to do my hair, and dear Juan Teu, bless the lad, has offered to chauffeur me around today, and to hold an umbrella over my new 'do' when I need to be outside.

Mr Pickering has been seen boarding a bus for Loose Chippings. I did enquire as to his ticket purchase and apparently it was an open-ended return.

I trust you are all up to date with your assorted duties. ChrissieS you may need to pop to prontaprint and get them to run off a few more tickets as it would appear that t is bringing some friends.
jillygoat and Jo, if you are going to be late, please can you arrange for someone else to bring the Scouts? They were going to yomp, but James Pout has sprained his ankle and due to the weather they have decided against it.

Off we go, busy busy

anna, I'm still laughing at your bush being tailed...so to speak...

Anonymous said...

Hello lovely people,

Happy valentines day xx

Boy was I glad to have your blogs to read at 3am this morning, had a very disturbing dream (posted next door but don't rush to read it, it wasn't nice, very sad!). I forced myself to wake up, made a cup of tea and logged on to this blog! A very BIG thank you to all of you who make the effort everyday to keep this a jolly blog xx

My boss is out now for the rest of the day, what was the first thing I did? Too right got onto the blog, horray :-))

Are there any tickets left for the dance, could do with a wee shindig!

Susan S - I'm up for the OMAC (scotland) on the 3rd of April.

Re commuting - I travel from the south east of Glasgow to the North of Glasgow for work, around 25 miles which can take anything from 40mins to 2.5hrs! I have to leave home at 7.30 to avoid the day to day traffic congestion, my official starting time is 9am! I hate when I am stuck in traffic going no where, but in general I do enjoy driving especially if I have a good radio show or cd's to listen to.

Clutter - I am probably to organised to the point of being annoying, sorry! If I don't need it, it gets shreaded. If I do and it can't be stored on a my PC or a CD then it is filed and the files are archived annually - you would never guess I was an Office Manager would you :-)

I hope all you lovely Ladies and Gents have a very happy and romantic valentines day xx

I would like to be spending the day loved up with someone but hey ho.....one day, maybe next year :-)

Mary xx

T said...

Oh what a relief - i can escape the football, but I am a little concerned by Mr Pickering.....

Anonymous said...

Hello moose, Hello everyone

Moose - was it your message to mrs moose on sarah Kennedy at approx 7.20 this morning? "i want to stroke your fur?!"
PAPERWORK..i am THE WORST - horder is not the name for it..disorganised..just watch me!
I'm self employed so have to keep receipts etc..however, know i know it's 7 years..I can throw out 8 years ago..Thanks!
Hum..Moose and a shredder..a lethal combination what with hooves and everything..goodluck
-shredded moose - like shredded wheat, just stickier!

I concur with t, i have read and enjoyed (am enthralled with is a better way to put it) chap 4 - and wish for chap 5, please, are we allowed????.

susanS - OAMC (Scotland) would love to, but that day i'm flying off to sunny majorca..next time..please?
Fairy cakes yes please..not too many mind, or i won't be able to into that bunny suit for tonight..(joke)

Moose/Gaby/SusanS/jillygoat (still smiling at the story yesterday)/anna/ hazel/Jo and bump/chrissieS/t/annalog/DWNB/Keith/MfR- happy valentines day.......my virtual friends
{> {> }> closest to a heart i can get

love caroline x
Ooh and don't worry about that certain champing at the bit man/woman..Mr C is fully preppared to bounce (he does have the body for it)
P.P.S He'll(MrC) be there..I have to put the child to bed at 7!
P.P.P.S anyway it takes an hour to roll myself bodily into the bunny suit.

Jo said...

Hazel - just to reassUre you I've laid a paper trail for the scouts to follow ending at the door where I hope Mr Caroline will take charge on the bouncing front.

:o) Jo

PS send me to the corridor quick - bouncing front, tee hee hee!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mary, you posted whilst i was writing..don't want to leave you out...
Therefore incase they are listening also.. happy valentines day to:
Mary anne, mw,a!, DD, Dr JMcCrumble,Lyndyloo,jax,Ms mayhem, parker,Joanie(Toronto)...had to look at archives to get some of these! sorry if I missed you out..you know who you are!
Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Thanks Caroline, no matter how hard I try I usually miss someone :-)

Forgot to say earlier, fi anyone needs any help with there duties for tonight just give me a nudge!

Mary xx

ps. It's great my boss not being here I feel I've been set free :-))
The last week has been really stressful here, I feel a weight has been lifted of my shoulders just knowing I've got some breathing space for a day and a half!


Jo said...

A Valentine Tribute!

(Am V bored at work - can you tell?)

For you, my friends, a valentine
With sentiment and feeling on every line
There’s so much to do, so much to prepare
To make sure that we are all half of a pair
In time for tonight, where they’ll be a dance
And some of us may well jump at the chance
To mingle and chatter with food on a plate,
While others will be sucking the face of their date

For those that are one, there’ll be plenty to do
Avoiding the Pick’ring with trips to the loo
And hoping that mouthwash has got rid of the stench
Of Pickering whose slept for months on t’park bench

The scouts will arrive with a dib dib dob dob
And be staggered at the sight of the unruly mob
With Harvey and wallbanger a plenty for all
The remnants still visible from the glass bottle stall
Greengage chutney is still there on the floor
And the gigglers still out in the naughty corridor

The night will draw close and we go off to bed
And most will awake with a right poorly head
For valentine is but a damned good excuse
To get sozzled and squiffy on alcohol juice

Anonymous said...

mwk, if you don't mind helping with the raffle tickets please, and we still need some clip boards and pens for the silent auction. The last lot we had seem to have gone missing, presumed with merediths pyjamas.

...and Mary, you have mail...


Moose said...

I have spent an entire hour sitting in front of the shredder getting rid of the pile of papers.

But it's now gone into the recycling bin (our lot do take them - we are lucky with one of the top 5 recycling local councils in the country!).

My head is so full of cold that I'm struggling a bit...Lemsip to the rescue...

Not me on Sarah K - have said before that I can't stand her - and Mrs M and M'lets still in Germany. My evening tonight will be spent at Luton Airport.


PS Nice poem Jo!

jollygit said...

Jo - love the pome! I too had laid a paper trail for the Scouts but its p*****g down here and I fear that the Scouts will now end up boarding a ferry to "oo-knows-where" (I think that's somewhere in France) due to a soggy trail ...

Moose - was hoping for a quick cha-cha-cha with you at the dance tonight but alas, it's not meant to be. Mind you, with your cold, it probably wouldn't be wise anyway! Sniffs in the ear aren't what V/Day is all abart!!

MWK - consider yourself nudged now on raffle ticket duty and ...

Hazel Love - I've got the pens & clipboards at the ready (raided the stationery cupboard while the guv'nor wasn't looking - Humpday rebellion rocks!!!!)

Caroline - do you have a bobtail? Perhaps it's just as well that you can't make the dance, what with a fox on her way - could be some blood spilt and we don't want any trouble, awrite?


Anonymous said...

mwk with cash box at the ready.

Raffles anyone?

Jo - loved the poem :-)

Mary x

Anonymous said...

Jo, great poem...a talent unleased i would say...hope bump is OK

Jillygoat - I'll try to get there..after 8pm..As you all know i will be there at 7 in spirit (Gin mostly)
Hang the suit..mybe I'll arrive in my PJ'S (good and loose for dancing)
I'll be joining Matt, as the Rudgewick 1 +1 because I've not been allowed on the other side either..

Lots of love caroline x

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Jo, your poem is brill! Everyone on this blog is just so clever - I read over yesterday afternoon's comments at lunchtime today and it is just hilarious!

Now, I know this is REALLY old, but I am completely wrecked with my injuries and I have to go home! No dancing for me tonight, so have a wonderful time one and all (poor Moose, Luton Airport, that should be fun!) and I look forward to a full report tomorrow.

Hazel, if need be I can help with the cleaning tomorrow. I'm sure my arms will be back in working order once I have had complete rest for the remainder of today!

Your old crocked mate,

C xx

P.S. Love the one you're with.

Anonymous said...

Bl**dy hell
I get get posted..on the other side..perhaps the BP received the box of chocs i sent them
Love caroline X

Anonymous said...

Bl**dy hell
I get get posted..on the other side..perhaps the BP received the box of chocs i sent them
Love caroline X

Dogwithnobrain said...

Chapt 4.
Finally I got a bit of time to read it. But it wasn't enough time, and it wasn't quiet enough. I didn't sink into this one the same as the rest.
I'm going to take it away and read it again tonight. It made me a bit sad. Is it autobiographical

Anonymous said...

Oh Moose, after getting your antlers buffed and your hooves polished too.

Look, if they aren't too tired after their trek across the Southern European wastelands, bring them along. Both Mooselets can assist the Scouts, and I'm sure Mrs Moose would love a light fandango, or cartwheels across the floor. Mind you she'd have to be careful of her stilly hooves in the bunting.

Please come, please, it's only because of you that we are all together at all, and there is going to be a special award and everything and now I've had to let the secret out.


My friend misheard his bird when he asked her what she may like as a pressie for Valentine's Day. She said 'Some nice suzzies' so he bought her pork and leek.

Anonymous said...

Jo, superb hon! You should embroider it into a sampler and we could raffle it off at the August Fete, Fayre and Bizarre.

Now, the really odd thing is, I've been trying to post on BBC News magazine thing, and it says that I'm not allowed to post comments. I had written a wee thingie to put on their 'Dear Snookums' page, which is a sort of 'anti' cutesy love stuff. Anyway, I think it is possible that the BP don't always work the same blog. Perhaps they have shifts on 'Have Your Say' and 'Comments' too.

Despite the fact that I am totally humbled by Madame Glamourpuss' effort. The Joet Laureate...I've bunged it on next door for your delectation so it may get on there, but just remember it isn't supposed to be nice!

longing for you

Jo said...

Thanks for all your kind words - I'm all embarrassed now!

Have worked out the heart thing

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I spose it's the best I can manage with a regular qwerty keyboard!

No sign yet Hazel - is it BP able?

:o) Jo

Jo said...

I lied!

jollygit said...

Hazel Love - methinks you're going to make the rest of us look quite plain since you've had 'the works' done today.

If my spillong es baad is kos y've jost pinted me nells


Anonymous said...

Awwwwe like the hearts Jo :-)

Hazel your on :-))

Mary x

Anonymous said...

jollygit.........that really tickled me :-)))

simple things eh....

Mary x

Anonymous said...

dear all

'tis No.#33


tAhnk your for your sptort during this difiigulet time. A;so geiing nails ndopne.

and bugg*r the news channel!

Joet Laureate. We're gona hacg to to get a ugp engrnarved now

Any new s of the oyutties anuita dear4?

jollygit said...

Mary - perhaps I should change my 'handle' to jollygit?!

'Im indoors asked me yesterday what 'name' I use on the blog - yeah right, like I'm gonna tell him!!!!!

jollygit (hmm, not bad) x

Anonymous said...

The Story of the Three Jollygits Gruff.

Once upon a time, one of the Jollygits decided to make a break from trying to cross the bridge all the time, and make a life for herself in the big wide world.
So that she couldn't get traced by the Giant, she changed her name to jillygoat.
She had many adventures including some in an all male prison and made lots of new friends on things called 'blogs'.
One day she heard that the old Giant had died, and the new Giant who had taken over the bridge patrol was letting all the other jollygits across now with no hold up or threat of being et, so she decided that enough was enough and that it would be best to change her name back to jollygit.

The End

now No.34

mines Pearl and Dean


ChrissieS, George Clooney from Acacia Drive has said that he'll give you a hand behind the bar, if you're that poorly. Could you text him to confirm. He said you've got his number.

Anonymous said...

The Story of the Three Jollygits Gruff.

Once upon a time, one of the Jollygits decided to make a break from trying to cross the bridge all the time, and make a life for herself in the big wide world.
So that she couldn't get traced by the Giant, she changed her name to jillygoat.
She had many adventures including some in an all male prison and made lots of new friends on things called 'blogs'.
One day she heard that the old Giant had died, and the new Giant who had taken over the bridge patrol was letting all the other jollygits across now with no hold up or threat of being et, so she decided that enough was enough and that it would be best to change her name back to jollygit.

The End

now No.34

mines Pearl and Dean


ChrissieS, George Clooney from Acacia Drive has said that he'll give you a hand behind the bar, if you're that poorly. Could you text him to confirm. He said you've got his number.

Anonymous said...

I think you should go with Jollygit xx makes me chuckle....sorry if that's a tad selfish :-)

Chrissie - hope you are better soon xx

Mary x

jollygit said...

Hazel Love - that's the bestest story wot I've read in yonks - ta muchly!!!!

As such, and 'cos it makes me and Mary larf, I'm changing me moniker to jollygit (forgive me if I occasionally forget and lapse back into jillygoat though).

Chrissie S - if you've got George Clooney's number then I want and I want it now!!!!!!!! C'mon, hand it over.

jilly - oops no, jollygit xx

PS I'll remain jillygoat next door though in case I ever get read out on the radio again!

lyndyloo said...

Afternoon all!

Apologies for the lateness of my entry (NC2 here I come!).... I have been a very busy girlie. Have had to meet with very handsome rugby player and England cricketer before nipping to the shops for some spangly earings for later.


Anonymous said...

Dear All, first of all, I suffer from repedemic over here, and now...sob! To think it has come to this.

Dear Shadow

I too find myself 'You are not allowed to post comments' on the CE site.
As far as I know, I have not insulted the great man in any way, and we would appear to have had some fun sur le blogge today. However, I ventured to post something SO innocuous, that I'd even have let my dear mother read it, and it wasn't having any of it to put it frankly.
Therefore, please may I avail myself of your 'MfR Team' in their special transit, in order that I may escape BP prison?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yrs faithfully
H. Love (Ms)

ps I have my own file.

See you all tonight! Can't wait! Am steaming the chiffon as we speak, and Juan Teu, bless him, is stretching out the patent on my stillies...

a bientot you beautiful people
Happy Saint Valentine's Day
<3 <3 <3 (thanks Jo) <3 <3 <3


Anonymous said...

The Biker
A man was riding his motorcycle along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish. The biker pulled over and said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride over anytime I want."
The Lord said, "Your request is materialistic, think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking; the supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific and the concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind."

The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally, he said, "Lord, I wish that I and all men could understand women; I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, and how I can make a Woman truly happy."
The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"

Guess who ;-)

Anonymous said...

Must get out on time tonight, don't want to be late for the dance especially when I'm selling the raffle tickets.

Have a lovely evening all xx

See you later
Mary xx

ps. Lyndyloo just read your post next door. Mexican fajitas....mmmm yummy

lyndyloo said...

Alternative Valentines card from a stalker....

Roses are red
Bullets are lead
Take me back now
Or get shot in the head!

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon, you loverly bunch of bloggers and blogettes!

How has everyone been? We’ve had an ok day, apart from Charis’s wee pal girning all day and Charis doing a great rendition of Little Miss Sensitive!! Don’t think she’s fully recovered. The joys.

Gaby - wouldn’t it be great to have a wee fairy to organise all our paperwork?! Enjoy having your daughter back! And enjoy the dance! Hope someone is going to take photos! Oh, and got through again next door, though there’s no sign of the post!

Jillygoat - at least you’re getting to go somewhere! My dear hubby, when I asked him if we were going anywhere, said he was going to the prayer meeting! Here was me hoping he might have arranged a babysitter for us to have dinner out! Oh well. Take photos of the evening for me, huh?

Anna - sounds like you had the same kind of night as me! Enjoy! You guys better give me a thought …. sitting on my own … with the bairn …. supping on a bottle of vino!

Hazel Love - sounds like you need to declutter the drive too!

Back soon! Charis upset!

Anonymous said...

Just leaving work to get the gladrags on for tonight - it could take a while. Is there any news of Mr Pickering cancelling yet? Pleeease?

See y'all later.

Anna Log

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo - rugby players..... why on earth are you coming to the dance when you have been in the company of a rugby player all afternoon...... clearly you didnt work hard enough to capture his imagination. feel free to point him in my direction if you like, im sure him in doors wont mind....

Preperations for tonight coming on. just immac-ed my armpits and legs.... currently waiting for allotted time to elapse before washing off. its a couple of years old and i havent used it for a while..... does this stuff go off? is my skin supposed to be burning....?

Now the punch is just fermenting, i hope that no-one minds banana 20:20, i had some in the back of my cupboad and hate things going to waste. to be honest, you cant taste it much cos the peach snapps drowns everything else out anyway.

glass to get you warmed up anyone. hic.

lyndyloo said...

Annalog- my rugby player was very luuuurvly to look at but had the cheek to tell me he got engaged last weekend and intends to be married this June! He hadn't even bothered to ask if I was single! Ho-hum never mind... at least the other sporty told me I was still as beautiful as last time he saw me... he laso told me his wife said Hi!

Now I must get the Louboutin's out and posh myself up in readiness for 7pm... I will of course have to vacate by 9pm so as to watch the Brits and eat my yummy Chilli fajitas.. Is it ok if I bring Mimi with me? She has lovely blonde hair and at least 2 pairs of Manolo's and a spare bottle of Grappa!

Anonymous said...

hey everyone, I've just driven past the parocial hall...there's a queue of very unruly lads, with "flock of seagulls" hair. They've got bottles of buckfast, diamond white and pomegranate juice. There was a bit of a kerfuffle with a limbo stick, some checked bunting and someones pyjamas...AND there is a very strange looking woman with custard in her hair..she seemed to be dragging a tin bath down the path containing blue liquid..is it anything to do with our dance?
I'm with you anna - creme de menthe frappe, please - a double..just whilst I'm doing my slap!
Mr c is leaving the house now..ready to bounce.

Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

hair (and 3 layers of skin) has gone, punch is starting to taste nice - must have more.

Tin bath of blue liquid is part one of punch. i thought i would deliver early to allow it to ferment.

am now back home painting nails and about to slip in to dress....... bunting was put in place earlier but think it looks a bit ropey - quite literally mate - so will bring home made paper ring decoration as well. anyone got any pritt...? mines dried up - god i am always so disorganised for these things.

oh now, and now my pre drink/dance alcohol soaker upper concoction has burnt. will have to eat 4 slices of bread and drink 3 ltrs of milk instead. that should line the stomach..... wonder if i jump up and down enough, will it make bread sauce in my tummy??

Lyndyloo - god, these sports types are just so blinkin thoughtless. you are better off without him i say..... and besides, looks like there are a few catches down the dance anyway!

Anonymous said...

woohoooo, im here. hic. whereisheverybody hic. looksh lush hic.


Anonymous said...

I think if you jump up and down you could make banana thick shake!
Maybe with diced carrots,
It's a b*gger to get out of velvet, but sponges off vinyl alright, so maybe that catsuit will be OK.
The FoS hair blokes seem to be texting avidly, and there's a mini bus pulled up. I can't see in, the windows are all steamed up..but the writing on the side says ...Barking Boys Brigade-Senior Section.

i'm such a curtain twitcher

Ooer, Mr C has just got a point of FoS hair stuck up his nose, it's bleeding! I'm going to have to rush over with some cotton wool.
Hang on, I'll sus them out
Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Now then, I have just tried to post again next door, but am definitely suffering from MfR disease. So I'm not going to bother for a while...and just as it was all going so well...

The boy is cooking me dinner, and has said that while he is cooking, I am to have a lovely scented bath. I must ensure I wear my shower cap as I don't want my 'do' to wilt! It's a bit of a shame really as I went for a bit of a 'flock of seagulls' look myself, but with more Alice band and grips.

Susan S, SO sorry but all cameras are being confiscated at the door.

lyndyloo, dahling, of COURSE you MUST bring Mimi. If she's a size 51/2, she's even more welcome...

anna, time to rinse I feel. A drop of lavender oil should take down any swelling, and also smell pleasant. I'm very much looking forward to the Bananananaa 20:20 Punch too...

If anyone sees Meredith, could you tell her that she owes £46.60 to the lost property anyway, and no one is to sell her a drink until she has paid up.

Paracetomol and water set for arriving home. Bottle opener and hip flask at the ready. Tequila shots shot. Talons and stillies sharpened. Prepare for war.

See you in a bit

Moose - Happy Valentine's Day honey. Hope they all got home safely.

lyndyloo said...

Long Live CLP!!! What a great dance record to out us all in the mood!!!!!! I'm pointing and shaking just like John Travolta.... Watch out peeps I'm on my way!!!!!!!! Bag me a punch Gaby!

lyndyloo said...

Why can't I get by these brutes on the door dressed as cub scouts?

ps. has everyone remembered to set the video for top gear NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, no panic, blood's stoppped. Infact the FoS boys were medical students, so had Mr Caroline with icepack and head back as I arrived..What nice boys. Ooer!
I've just had to finish off the creme de Menthe..which serves 2 purposes..minty breath on the way down and on the way back! Yuk!
Child has to go to bed, but you know, she'll be Ok..I'll just take the baby listener across the road..she'll be fine..I'll pop back every 10 mins or so.
See you in a min
Love caroline x

T said...

Oh no – I’m having a disaster – my outfit is too small! I must have had too much chocolate today and the Chinese the other night may not have helped.. Am doing my best to find a suitable alternative – please save me some punch.


Anonymous said...

Anyone got any safety pins? My wedding suit is a little tight. I have not worn it for twenty years as I have not had the occasion to. Still it should be OK as long as do not eat too much or try to sit down, dance …..in fact move ;-)

Still after a few glasses of punch I am sure it will look fine. I am a bit worried about the size of the collar; I do hope the wind is not up!


P.S now where did I put that old piece of mistletoe?

Anonymous said...

Help I'm running out of raffle tickets, if anyone passes a shop on the way here could you pick some more up for me please?

Mary xx

ps. save me a glass of punch please ;o)

pps caroline I don't mind taking a turn checking on the little one for you

Anonymous said...

hello everybody

It's fun..I've decided a little bit of punch ( is it blue because of Curcaco or Wicked or a combi?) will be alright in the circumstances, especially after creme de menthe frappe, buckfast diamond white chasers...sure to be Ok, I've had a good tea, as you've all been lining your stomachs ( how grown up).
Those nice medical students are giving out advice on corns, and prolapses and athletes food follow on fungal nail infection..so very useful they've come. The naughty corridor is already full - some of those Barking Boys brigade seniors are blocking the way, and pinching bottoms..I'll not bother Mr Caroline to get them to stop - they've got lovely hands. Must be the trumpet playing!
The outfits are very sartorially elegant, especially that cat mask, hazel, where did you get that from?
The 'do is lovely..er..very original, you must tell us where he works.
Oh Jo, be careful of the floor, it's a bit slippy, I thought we'd seen the last of that greenguage chutney.
Better pop into the kitchen to get he mop.
How's the raffle Mary? Whats the best selling cocktail, anna?
Best rush, don't want any accidents
especially with all those sharpened stillies, could cause a rip in Mr Pickerings matrimonial propects...That's me, off to the naughty corner
Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

yippee - shecond tin bath of punsh hissh here.... itsh really rather nyshe. hic. herer you go mwk and T. ill jus put lazel hoves in the fridge.......... ooh yeah - come on aileen.....

woah - ouch.

Anonymous said...

Oh No..accident!
Anna..You Ok?
Will that nice medical student help you up?
Where are those roller skates..who had them last.
Keith, you oughta see the talent in here...don't worry about the suit, come as you are!
Blinking heck, how many tickets have you sold Mary? Yeh, but where are the prizes?

lyndyloo said...

hmmmmmmmmm after several danches wivth zzhe tall boyz briagde capitano I musht get myshelf a toxicob...toxinated.... cab....(hic!) I shjust luuurve zat blue shtuff!!!! MORE MAVERICKS!!!!!(hic!)

jusht wanna dance the night away..

Anonymous said...

i really love medical shtudents. no seriouslylyly though, im not drunk. itsh true... i really love medical students.

cazzerline, m'fine. drink?

hmmm, whoshe the fetching chap in the corner... he shmells of listerine, my fave. Oh no, meredith has got in, and shes making a bee line for him....

is mishter cazzerline on hs way, we need to get rid of meredith.... afta shesh paid up

Anonymous said...

oh no, achy breaky heart. and Capt'n DJ was doing sho well.

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo - nice do! ha ha, a poet and i didnt even nowit

Anonymous said...

I got 6.0 5.9 5.9 for my stilly pirouette on the wet patch, hoorah...but anna got all sixes for Hiho Ho Silver lining!

mussssssst say mmmimmmmmiiiizz priddy int she...azzer zzz azzzzer zurrrrrr zzzuuur cazzzzzzurrrrrrrrr
...ooooooooh dear.........curacao is kikkin in innit...any any any any any any any any any St Johns in...any eeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrr...'s goin' well d'ya think officer?


lyndyloo said...

ps.... can you keep a scheeeecrit? I schfink I might be in luuuuuv with Russellllbramt! C'mmonnnnn Shisssshorr schissters!

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo - i fink he rurves u too.....

Anonymous said...

Mr Caroline is fully occupied with Meridith and Mr P - he's bouncing, not swinging..she'll not get her claws in him too..

F I G H T !

Pow! Biff!

Wasshs in that punch? I'm gonns make a fool of meshelf inna minute.

James Brown, my fave... get uppa that thing, Uh Uh Uh

Are those blue lights or have I got my curcacao goggles on??
Ooo I'm feeling numb down my left hand side..

Anonymous said...

i don' feel like dancin......no no just leave me here 'm fine c'n see telly ok......

...'ster pickrin's gone now c'z lily allen is on thingie aneeez a fren of her dad

...now thas made me thin' of Rcid ricrd rijgan tinfchard armakitge.... no 'm fine hones...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

vonly been here hour n half got til Friday t go yet got days off so no gettin up in mornngngnlagw.ir'/ir'hqqqqqqaa;lkkkkkkkjgkkkkkkkkkkkk

Anonymous said...

duzzzanyone else think Amy Winhouses hair is fallin off?

Anonymous said...

I really really love you Lyndyloo!!!!!!!

lyndyloo said...

I knew it..........I jusht knew it! (hic!)

Anonymous said...

Wassup! where am I?
vision all blurrey and blue
Music is all loud and boomey
people are laffing
just leave me here, all cosy in the cupboard under the sink...I think i'll have a snooze

Amy Winehouse looks a sight
Russells ball bags look in good nick..the swines!

Love cazzerline x

lyndyloo said...

is it me or was that just Monica from friends accepting a Brit award?

Moose said...

Is it time for the band to take a break and get a drink now? I'm flippin knackered after all those songs, and the impression of the Scissor Sisters really takes it out of my vocal chords. They need some loosening up....
Pint of Guinness please barman!
Nice hands, nice hands!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Support bacterias. They're the only culture some
people have

Anonymous said...

Morning all,

Anyone got a hangover after the party last night?


Anonymous said...

What was in that punch?

lyndyloo said...

Moose- Hope your family got home safe. Look forward to a blog later. Must take the bears out now.

Anonymous said...

Moose! So glad you made it! I take it that Mrs Moose and the Mooselets arrived home safely, and went promptly to bed?

I had a smashing time, and just as soon as Moose#4 lets me know, I'll post the total raised.

It's a shame we had to call the police, but if more men had attended the event we wouldn't have had to rely on our boys in blue to make up the numbers! I think we all had a jolly good time though. I say 'think' advisedly, because I do have a few (blue) gaps in my memory.

Still not sure about Mr Pickering winning the Greengage Jelly, but each to his own I suppose, and as long as Meredith got home eventually...

Well. There's a lot to be said for drinking a pint of water before you go to bed. I feel fine, but ask me again at about 11...


T said...

Hi all

How are the hangovers after the dance?

This is a bee one for me as I am sat in the car trying to get to work but have not move for the hour so am blogging instead - isn't technology great!


jollygit said...

Well, my evening out went so well that I didn't make it to the dance in the end - did I miss anything?!!!! Was I missed? Did Mr P get past Mr C on the door? Did the fox and the rabbit tear fur out of each other?


Anonymous said...

Morning all

What a fab night, don't feel too bad at the moment remembered to drink my water before bed!

Moose - Hope the family arrived home safely and your cold is getting better, if not maybe you need a duvet day :-)

Have a good day

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Morning schmorning,

what fun was had last night : )

I didn't know love muscle Russell was going to make an appearance : )

Brain isn't in gear yet.

Darn, forgot to record Top Gear - watched the last 15 mins though, when they were being chased by the rednecks.


Anonymous said...

I haven't got a hangover...No, No, No..but I've got a funny dull pain in my brain and what a thirst!
My skin has a blue tinge..surely no connection. That undersink cupboard is quite comfy!
Mr Caroline got home last night, minus his dickie..bow and cunnerbund but otherwise in tact(if you know what I mean)
What a super night..however, maybe we should wait a while until the next one.
Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...


I was 100

I'll stop jumping because my brain hurts

Caroline x

jollygit said...

Well I've now caught up with all the goings-on last night and I'm really sorry I missed it all!

Caroline - hope the blue washes out of your hair eventually - I'm sure the blue skintone will fade in time - and that Mr C's dickie doo-dah turns up soon - OK, OK, I'm off to NC1, all on me own ......

Hazel Love - hope your memory returns!

Who got the dubious honour of the last dance with Mr Pickering then eh? Ooh Hazel, it wasn't you was it? If it was, it's probably best your memory stays faded!!!!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...


By the sounds of things, last night was a great success for everyone - hurrah!

I am feeling much, much better today, I'm glad to say!

Can't be bothered doing any work, just looking forward to going to my sister's after work for braised steak, bottle of wine and we're going to watch "Walk the Line"! It's the little things in life that count!

Catch you later.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that you guys crack me up big time! You've put a big grin on a very girny face! I'll be back later to see how the hangovers are, who got off with who, who photocopied their behinds, who was sick in the wastepaper bin, etc, etc, etc! Did I get a raffle prize? My numbers were 023 yellow, 046 blue and 088 pink!

Mary - sent you prayers and hugs yesterday. How are you today? I'm guessing you got my email re the meet? I'll email my mobile to you too!

See ya all later!

Huggles, Susan

PS I'm getting spots! 37 years old ... a knackered Mummy ... and I'm getting spots! Life is so not fair!!!!!

Anonymous said...

By the way ... how do you guys manage to get time at work to keep up with this all?! I'm at home with a wee one and I can't keep up with you all!!!!

Anonymous said...

ChrissieS - You'll love Walk the Line! That sounds like a great evening!

Anonymous said...

Back again.

Just wanted to say, re: the Brits -I saw Take That and I think they are just fabulous. They seem genuinely gobsmacked by what's happening to them! I just love, love, LOVE Gary Barlow! Plus, I love him!

Susan S, blogging has become an addiction for me. I promise myself every morning that I'll BEHAVE and get on with my work, but the lure is too strong!

Will check in later. Can't help it!

C xx

jollygit said...

Susan S - I'm hoping that the winning raffle ticket numbers will be put up on the noticeboard once the clearing up operation is over - it's taking much longer than anticipated. The 12.00 Over-90's ceroc class is going to have to share the hall with the Tumble Tots, which should prove interesting!!!

As for finding time to type this, thankfully my boss is slower on his pins than your Charis and is easily distracted with a cup of coffee and a bourbon biscuit!

Talking of children, I received a V/Day card from my brother & family in NZ together with a DVD showing them in their natural habitat! The children are lovely and I miss them so much. Zoe (aged 5) made me a bracelet made out of pink & purple heart shaped beads with "best auntie" in letter-beads on it.

Chrissie S - as you say, it's the simple things that mean so much ..

Anonymous said...

Susan S - I'm okay today, and thanks for the prayers and hugs yesterday. Didn't get your email! My address is marywkane@blueyonder.co.uk

Chrissie S glad you feeling better. Your evening with your sister sounds good, I love my sisters and really appreciate the quality time we get. Enjoy walk the line, I haven't seen it yet but I've heard it is very good.

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Really sorry I missed last night now - sounds like you had a fandabidozy time. I left work early to get ready but then couldn't get my broomstick started so I had to call out the breakdown service and that took ages and he couldn't get it going (apparently the birch twigs are so old he didn't have any spares in the back of his van) and then I missed the last bus. What a bummer. Still at least my head doesn't hurt!

Susan S - I have trouble keeping up with all the stuff at times because work gets in the way, but I've come up with a plan! May not work for you though as it doesn't take account of small children ...

Moose's comments on feeling guilty the other day got me thinking - I was feeling guilty about reading and contributing to this blog. But then I had a brainwave - I very rarely (if ever) take my alloted hour for lunch but eat my sarnies and work through. Why not divide my "lunch break" into 10 minute slots spaced throughout the day so I can keep an eye on this lot and next door and not be overwhelmed with guilt. I'm calling it creative timekeeping. (OK, OK, I may be deluding myself, but I'm happy in my little corner of the world!).


jollygit said...

Annalog - your 'creative timekeeping' is inspired!

I never feel guilty about blogging but, like you, I never actually stop work for an hour's lunch but I do exactly what you've suggested - I take 5 mins here and there throughout the day. So, my blogging is justified!!!

Anonymous said...

In total we raised £4023.97 which is a fantastic effort by everyone. After overheads (and having to pay the locksmith because somebody (you know who you are) lost all the keys to the cash box) we have a net total of £2970.97.

Not bad at all.

Raffle Prizes. Some bad news there I'm afraid. Unfortunately during a minor fracas between some of the medical students over a bottle of methylated spirit, the table was fallen upon, and all the prizes were ruined, broken or stolen.
However on a lighter note, as you ask Susan S, with 023 yellow, you'd have gone home with a bottle of 25yr old Dalwhinnie. Ah well never mind eh?

I would also like to take this opportunity to tender my resignation as Events Secretary and Coordinator. I have enjoyed my short sojourn, and the support of you all, but now feel that it is time to hand over the helm to someone younger and more in touch with todays youth than what I am.
This means that I will not be organising the May Day Pole Dance and Hog Roast, or the refilling of the Church Spire thermometer.
I wish the very best of luck to my successor, and will be glad to pass on the Banda Machine should they so wish.

H. Love

Anonymous said...

Hazel Love It's an outrage..you can't resign without the consent of the 21 Man committee, please Reconsider...? Please!
They might make it worth your while. Who would be the inspiration for the events?

Love Caroline

Anonymous said...

Hazel please don't go - you're our inspiration!

Although I did find the thought of a May Day Pole Dance a little disturbing. Images of Mr Pickering flashed before me ... so I choked on my diet coke (other sugar free gaseous drinks are available) and spilt some on my keyboard and now I have a wobbly "F" where I tried to mop it up.

Anonymous said...

anna, very sorry to be the cause of the wastage of your diet coke. I should have re-read my post obviously!

It should have read Hog Roast and Maypole Dancing. The dance, involving complex tying of ribbons, is usually undertaken by the Brownies (5th Pratswood) and the current Tawny Owl.

Mr Pickering's popular 'Stick-banging Morris Swingers' are booked on an perennial retainer for the 'hop' in the evening. I understand from the committee minutes that this year is supposed to be Scottish Country Dancing.

awah the noo bonnie wee lassie

jollygit said...

Moose - hope Mrs Moose and the Mooselets got home safely and on time or were you hanging around Luton Airport like Lorraine Chase?

jollygit x

Jo said...

Just popping in to say hello - have had hellish day at work - got a parking ticket and now need to go and drop some stuff off up the road before going home and finishing the packing of the house ready for the move tomorrow!

Please find enclosed a letter from my mum excusing me from blog duties (both here and next door)for at least a week until computer is up and running or I am back at work.

Have a good one everyone and I hope you've sufficiently recovered from the dance last night (is this day 2 of 3 for the dance???)

:o) Jo

PS. Puppy on Monday - not sure what the name will be yet (currently 1st Hatty, 2nd Molly, 3rd Sasha) - will update on my return (should anyone be interested of course!)

Anonymous said...

Happy moving! Will raise a glass of a little something suitable to welcome you into your new pad...so

Cheers honey!

ps shame it's not a boy pup, could have been Harvey...hmmmm?

lyndyloo said...

JO- Have a good move, try to keep calm... moving is highly stressful. Good luck with the pup, I voted for Hatty but you'll know what her name is as soon as you spend time with her.

&the Bears (Roo + Booboo)

jollygit said...

Jo - all the very best with moving house and on getting Hatty/Molly/Sasha (which name sounds better when you shout it out loud in the park?!)

Take it easy and enjoy the new house xxxx

Anonymous said...

morning everyone. well, recovery isnt as quick when you get older is it. it has taken me all day to muster the strength to escape my pit and now my head is thudding.

im not sure that last night went so well for me, i think the drink may have taken its toll - all i can say is that the evening ended with mr pickering and merediths pygamas.... not neccessarily in that order. suffice to say, i am now off down the solicitors for my britneey-esque quickie divorce and on to therapy to work through the horrors that shall remain with me till the day i die. How will i explain this one to him in doors??

never again will indulge in anything resembling blue liquid from a tin bath.

Jo - good luck with the move and the pup. see you when you get back!

be careful out there you lot. you never know what lurks around the corner.

Anonymous said...

afternoon all,

Jo - good luck with the move - hoping for a lovely bright and sunny day , and lots of energy for you

I had an 'orrible 'angover this morning - this virtual imbibing is harder than one thinks : )

Hazel Love - am sad you are resigning but thank you for the excellent job you have done - I think the departure you will be making from your post will be cause for a party, but best we leave it a few months methinks.

did any of you have any 'love surprises' yesterday - no, I don't mean THAT sort of surprise ; )....I mean a little gesture from someone unexpected or summut?

I didn't : )

Am off out tonight, to a family get together in Guildford.

My brain's a little dulled at the moment, my friends, I don't know why - I do apologise though, I can't think of anything interesting or witty to say.

laters lovelies,


lyndyloo said...

I have had a great day! Have been to see one of my oldest friends who's going through a real hard time. Then this afternoon I have booked a trip to Val D'Isere for my best mates 50th birthday! Now I'm off to visit the ex lodger for cottage pie and "prison break", it's just a good job I've got over my hangover...


Anonymous said...

Have just been told that I am not allowed to post comments.

This is almost as bad as being in detention.


Anonymous said...


Don't get offended by it.

I thought it was me, but the damn thing has either been tampered with by nerds or it is just buggered.

I sent them an email politely asking what it was and were they aware/bovvered.

Won't get a reply, but hey.

Hope you are all well.

I've had better weeks. No reason in particular, just one of those when you want to be alone.

Peace and love


Moose said...

Evening all,
Please forgive my prolonged absence. I was detained by a particularly lengthy interrogation, mainly on my writing abilities, which has deflected me from most other duties.
Except one; that of trying to be good dad during half term.
We've had a day out at the seaside today (Whitstable - we said hi on the way past Jollygit!).
Hope the move goes well, Jo.

See you all tomorrow!

Anonymous said...


I sent 'Mary' an email yesterday inviting her to the OAMC!!! I wonder who Mary is, then, in my address book!?

Anonymous said...

But, Hazel Love .... you can't resign just das before the Chinese New Year on Sunday!!! ChrissieS, Annalog and I have spent 3 weeks on the dragon!! And Mary has raw fingers from stringing together the lanterns!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jo, honey - please make sure you don't do too much! Every blessing on the new house. I'm sure DWNB will send some Reiki over it and I'm praying God's blessings on your new home.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I think уour sitе might be having
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