Thursday, 15 February 2007

It's a conspiracy...

On the way to the beach today, we caught a great segment on Jeremy Vine about the conspiracy theory that 9/11 was a US organized plot. The New World Order arranged for some US military missiles to be disguised as aeroplanes using holograms as cover and fired into the twin towers and the Pentagon. Previously strategically placed explosives enabled the destruction of the World Trade Center (sic), with it falling like a pack of cards in 8 seconds rather than the naturally calculated 30 seconds that it would have taken had it really been just a plane.

The members of this New World Order are the business leaders, mainly oil company and defence industry big-wigs, with some senior members of the military thrown in to enable the whole plot.

Just a few things they didn't manage to explain:
- the phone calls from the people on the planes/missiles to their loved ones
- the video footage showing actual planes flying into the buildings
- a few thousand (million?) eye witnesses
- the impossibility of keeping something like that quiet

Some people just don't have enough important things to do...


lyndyloo said...

Hi Moose, glad to have you back.

I watched a film about that piece and I have to say there were a lot of pieces missing. I don't honestly think that the Whitehouse would think twice about sacrificing their own citizens (who aren't in "important positions" ) for the sake of their manipulation and control of the oil industry. I may just be a cynical cow but that's life. If anyone has read it I'd be interested to hear someone elses take on a book called "confessions of an economic hitman" by John Perkins.


Anonymous said...

Evening, Moose! Glad you had a good day at the beach .... where's the photos?!

I caught the tail end of the segment and Andrew filled me in on the stuff I missed. I can't believe that folk actually go as far as to pursue such ludicrous theories. It's very scary!

Anonymous said...

Hi Moose

Yes, I'm up with the pc on too...

Conspiracy theories my a£se. Someone wanted to blow a load of people up and cause the mazimum amount of destruction and publicity with the resources they had. FIN.

There are a lot of ill thought-out things that the good ole US of A have done, without going into the whole 'warmonger' thing, but I really, REALLY don't think for ONE minute that they could have organised 911.

As the lovely lyndyloo says, I don't think the Whitehouse would give a second thought about sacrificing their own citizens, and like her, I feel that this would only be done if it was ultimately going to be 'beneficial' to the USA and not necessarily just for sensationalismismisationalisation...if you could imagine Dubya a few years ago, he would probably have bombed Wales for coal...

So, good to have you back on board lovely Moose man!

je vous salutez

ps, MOOSE! I didn't get the chapters to my hotmail account either, not even in the Junk Mail file. I'll mail you again tomorrow, and maybe if you do it by return to both, they may get can't possibly understand how anxious I am to read about the further adventures of Jean-Claude and the scullery maid...and they were just in the arbor.

pps Oh really, I 'ad no idea we were so close to the sea...

Anonymous said...

Susan S, I do hope you aren't still up and the poor babe, the fair Charis, is languishing on her own in her poor wee cotte...

...but if you are, cheers my lovely, and bottoms up with a delicious glass of vin plonk!

Anonymous said...

...maXimum, maXimum...

jollygit said...

Hi Moose - glad you had a lovely day in Whitstabubble - it's a beautiful place and very, very expensive to live in these days - which is probably why I live about 30 miles from there!

If I'd known you were whistling past I'd have baked a low-fat, low-calorie cake!

The only bit of the JV show that I heard yesterday was the guy yelling about people from another level/planet - excellent!!!

Have a good day one and all - we're celebrating 'im indoors getting a new job yesterday so it's just going to have to be more of the bubbly stuff - oh well, someone's gotta do it!!!!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Not a Mother should obviously come and babysit for me tonight! Yes ... Charis WAS still up at 11pm .... yes, Charis WAS having a tantrum at 11pm .... yes, Daddy was trying to change Charis for bed at 11pm and making the usual meal of it, hence winding the girl up ..... yes Mummy was crabby at 11pm and wishing she'd opened that bottle of vino in the kitchen!

But thank you for thinking of me!
Have 15 minutes to get myself and Charis ready for Gaelic Mums&Tots - our first day today and I thought it started at 10.30am! Ooops!

Who's bringing lunch today? I'll bring the fruit and yogurts!

Hugles, Susan

jollygit said...

Susan S - I'm bringing the Pringles and Mini Cheddars (other crisp-type snacks are available) and a few bags of Iced Gems.

Sorry you had a bad night - invest in some screw-top bottles of wine; they're much quicker to open in an emergency/11pm tantrum situation!!!

jollygit x

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Moose! Glad you had a lovely day with your family yesterday.

The powers-that-be in America could not organise a p**s-up in a brewery - in 1980 I watched live on American TV the US military taking off in helicopters to free hostages (sorry, I've forgotten where) and at least 2 or 3 of the helicopters crashed just after take-off. The utter incompetence was breathtaking. (Apologies to anyone on this blog who have American relatives!).

Bear with me on this one. Last night I went to my sister's to watch Walk the Line. She went to see this last year when she was in Canada, looking after our brother who was dying from cancer. He died in August last year and she came home with the DVD of the movie. It's taken her all this time to think about watching it. So, we put it on, it's in black & white, but I thought well, it probably starts like this and then turns to colour - you know the way films do sometimes. No, 15 minutes later, I said to her, should this be in colour. To cut a very long story short, we swapped DVD players, checked the TV, checked the scart plugs (don't know what I'm talking about now!) and every other DVD in the house showed colour, but Walk the Line stayed in black & white! It played in colour upstairs, but not in the living room! Eventually, she was so spooked at thinking this was our brother saying something to us, we had to switch it off and, yes, had a very large glass of wine to get the nerves under control.

Am I talking complete nonsense, or could this have been John?!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Iced Gems purleeeeeeease... coloured cement atop a tooth-breakingly over-sweet watch battery. Iced Gems should be consigned to the same car crusher as Gingernuts. Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass.

But, mini cheddars? Now you're talking. I have some brie warming and just a small amount of beluga, so a mini cheddar will do just right ta everso.

...and while we're on the subject of conspiracy, have you all signed this?

Susan S, I'm sorry to hear about Charis' paddy tantrum last night. 'twas me, and as you didn't reply, I had a glass for you... Hope the wee one is feeling better today, and you never know, you might get a nap in later!

Bye the bye, I've never had a garlic mum&tot, does it come with mash?


jollygit said...

The Iced Gems were for Charis but I don't want her breaking her lovely milk teeth so would Jaffa Cakes be OK?

Can someone bring some elderflower cordial as me head's a bit fuzzy from the celebratory champers last night?


a tired but jollygit xx

lyndyloo said...

It is POETS day so:

A duck walks into a bar and asks: "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No."
Duck says: "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No."
Duck says: "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No, we have no bread."
Duck says: "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No, we haven't got any sodding bread."
Duck says: "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No, are you deaf?! We haven't got any bread, ask
me again and I'll nail your pesky beak to the bar you irritating
b*^#$! of a f*>¬)*g bird!"
Duck says: "Got any nails?"
Barman says: "No."
Duck says: "Got any bread?

Anonymous said...

iced gems - Hazel i am so with you on that, even as a kid they made me retch. sorry jollygit! midget gems on the other hand......

Susan S, sorry to hear about your challenging night. you know even tantrums can be treated with a good dose of medised. It says so on the bottle "aids restful sleep" (for the mothers!)

i agree, that particularl conspiracy has to be rubbish, piss ups and breweries spring to mind. altho, i so wish the one about them filming the moon landing at area 51 was true. that would be funny!

Am working from home today, washing is on, i went back to bed for an hour after the man cub went to nursery and i have jeremy kyle on the telly. It is rotting my mind, but sometimes i just cant switch him off.


PS moose, hope you survived the interrogation with talent/confidence/determination in tact.

Anonymous said...

I've just had to 'listen again' to JV to hear for myself the conspiracy theory. As far as I can see the US is incapable of organising it's way out of a paper bag without completely b*llsing it up - how on earth would they organise a conspiracy of that size?

I'm glad Iced Gems are really unpopular - all the more for me! I love 'em - they remind me of visiting my granny as a kid when we were given them as a special treat. Life was a lot simpler then! I'll bring Jaffa Cakes, but only the orange ones - lime and blackcurrant jaffa cakes are abominations.

Get the kettle on.

Dogwithnobrain said...

I love conspiracy theories. Don't believe them, but they make me feel so good about myself.

In saying that of course, I do know that I am actually an alien in human form waiting for the mother ship to come and get us, once The Grand Master TOM CRUISE has convinced the requisite number of us.


jollygit said...

Annalog - you bring the Jaffa cakes (absolutely orange-only!) and I'll pop some extra Iced Gems in me carrier bag for you, me and Charis!

jollygit xx

lyndyloo said...

I've put the kettle on for elevenses...will anyone be joining me for a piece of malt loaf?

Anonymous said...

only if it has marmite on it lyndyloo - let me check my cupboads, i dont mind bringing my own.

is that wrong?

Anonymous said...

anna, I have to say, once I had finished laughing hysterically at the duck joke (heard it before, but it's so much funnier to read it) I wondered what medised substance you were recommending to Susan S... I thought you had missed out a word... Then I thought to myself 'Oh you fool, it's Medi-Sed, NOT medised as in sanitised or caramelised. Beginning to think that finishing the whole bottle last night was not such a good idea after all...

But MALT LOAF my fave. Malt Loaf sandwich recipe. Cut loaf in half lengthways. Cut 1/2lb Anchor (other butters containing just that little bit of salt are available) in half lengthways. Insert Anchor (or preferred substitute) into space between two malt loaf halves. Et voila! Of course, you can change the quantities of butter should you desire.

ChrissieS - There is every possibility, and all probability. What might be in the bedroom?


lyndyloo said...

Adding the 1/2lb of slightly salted butter as we speak... small slice anyone? I may pop out and get a further loaf for others to share I'm getting all possesive about this one.
Anna-Marmite? DOH!

Anonymous said...

I think Iced Gems are a conspiracy developed by dentists in the 1960's to get more 'children' to the surgery thus ensuring years of income in the future...

Wooo ha ha ha ha ha etc etc

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo - marmite definately. And particularly good on tea cakes. and toasted cheese sarnies..... and staight out of the jar during pregnancy (jo should take note!) I am not joking either, must have been the folic acid.

Anonymous said...

I'll have a small slice of butter with my malt loaf - thanks. Not too much loaf though, I'm trying to stick to the healthy eating plan.

Iced Gems and dentist conspiracy - why didn't I think of that? I've paid the sadists hundreds of pounds over the years to fix my teeth and I could have avoided it all by declining granny's much appreciated rock hard sugar treats.

Anonymous said...

Morning all

Hope you are all well.

9/11. Whilst I don't come from the David Icke school of giant lizards and illuminati, I do think that there remains an awful lot of unanswered questions about what happened that day. The towers did seem to crumble into heap very easily and the hole in the Pentagon did seem a wee bit small for a jumbo jet. I've seen the moonlanding theories too and they seem fairly plausible, but my favourite of all are those surrounding JFK. I've been to Dealey Plaza, looked out of the window of the sixth floor (It wasn't me, it is a museum now) and studied the evidence that has been made public and I don't believe for a second that Oswald popped him off alone. He was simply the scapegoat (as opposed to a jillygoat). The favourites have to be the Mafia. The Kennedy's and Sinatra cheesed those guys off enough during the elections that Kennedy won for them to have him 'dealt with'.

Do you mind if I bring a few cheese and pickle sarnies?

Happy Friday


jollygit said...

Ooh, I love Malt Loaf with or without butter, don't care - I just love Malt Loaf! But with MARMITE - blurgh!

A laydee blogger (can't remember who now) admitted some time ago to hating Marmite but loving Twiglets - you know who you are!! The thing is, I'm the same - I can shovel tons of Twiglets down me neck but cannot cope with Marmite from a jar - how pecooliar!

Anyways, I'm making myself really hungry now - leave some malt loaf for me pleeeeeeese?!


Anonymous said...

Morning (just0 all,

I have been busy all the time ;-( I do read all of the comments though and I have to say you are al doing a sterling job on this blog! ;-)

I do not agree with the conspiracy theory for the US of A as I am sure they do not the world awareness to be able to work it all out for themselves and not blab about it.

Any Jaffa cakes left?

Keith the BigUn

P.S A woman calls her boss one morning and tells him she is staying home as she is not feeling very well.
“What’s the matter he asks?”
“I have a case of anal glaucoma” she says in a weak voice.
“What the hell is anal glaucoma?”
“I can’t see my ass coming into work today…”

Anonymous said...

Ok, ok calm down you lot, this is turning into a bun fight!

(so sorry couldn't resist...)

I hope you have all signed the travel track and trace petition?

Anyway, only recently discovered, Warburton's Raisin Bread. If you like Malt Loaf (by the way, a little known Dolly Parton hit, Soreen, Soreen...etc) you wil LURVE this. It is at it's best opened today but eaten lightly toasted tomorrow though, with just enuff beurre to make it a bit squishy...OOOH YES!

Blessed be the Friday of all days. Weekends are a conspiracy to lull us all into a false sense of security and lawn upkeep.

Another De Kuypers in your coffee dear?


ps glad you like the Dentist one...woo ha ha ha ha etc

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember Gypsy Creams? Ooooh my absolute favourites, but they disappeared overnight about 10 years ago, and I still miss them! I could bring some delicious Kirriemuir Gingerbread!

Matt, the whole story of JFK's assassination fascinates me. Of course we will never know the full story, but I agree Oswald was just the fallguy. I cannot watch the real footage of the shooting, it's just too horrendous!

Susan S, just to let you know, it does get better, believe me! When our daughter was wee, she just wouldn't sleep which used to stress us out completely. Also, she didn't eat much either (which I know you worry about this with Charis as well). Trust me, it does improve, but it takes time and you can't force anything, because that makes it worse. Hey Ho, not to worry, only another 14 years and you'll be at this stage -our daughter has her first real boyfriend coming round, and my husband puts the tv on mute every time he hears a floorboard creak upstairs!

C xx

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants any houmous, Marks and Sparks are doing a special offer on their Piquillo Pepper Topped Houmous and Reduced Fat Houmous.

This is not just salmonella, this is M&S Salmonella...

Anonymous said...


...on todays BBC News site...

Woojubileevit? Chances o' that eh?

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday to one and all!

New words for 2007:

A deeply unattractive person.

Waving your arms around and talking b*ll*cks.

Sitting round in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a Project failed, and who was responsible.

A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, cr@ps on everything, and then leaves.

The process by which people seem to absorb success and advancement by sucking up to the boss rather than working hard.

The experience of spending an entire day swimming upstream only to get screwed and die.

An office filled with cubicles.

When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm, and people's heads pop up over the walls to see what's going on. (This also applies to applause for a promotion because there may be cake.)

Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage. What yuppies turn into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids or start a "home business".

Single working girls. Single income, no boyfriend and desperate.

The fine art of whacking the cr@p out of an electronic device to get it to work again.

The rarefied organisational layers beginning just above the rank and
file. Decisions that fall from the "adminisphere" are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve. This is often affiliated with the dreaded "administrivia" -
needless paperwork and processes.

Entering a fast food restaurant with no intention of buying food, you’re just going to the bog. If challenged by a pimply staff Member, your declaration to them that you'll buy their food afterwards is known as a McSh1t with Lies.

* 404.
Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web error message "404 Not Found" meaning that the requested document could not be located.

That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize that you've just
Made a BIG mistake (e.g. you've hit 'reply all').

A very short skirt, only an inch from the hare.

A young man of substandard intelligence, the typical adolescent who works in a burger restaurant. The 'no-stars' comes from the badges displaying stars that staff at fast-food restaurants often wear to show
their level of training.

A bath so hot, that when lowering yourself in, you go: "Oo! Oo! Oo!
Aa! Aa! Aa!".

The bus that arrives at the pub on Friday night while you're in the
Toilet after your 10th pint, and whisks away all the unattractive people so the pub is suddenly packed with stunners when you come back in.

The taxi that arrives at your place on Saturday morning before you wake up, whisks away the stunner you slept with, and leaves a 10-Pinter in your bed instead.

The invisible but warm coat worn when walking home after a booze cruise at 3:00am.

The invisible device that ensures your safe arrival home after booze
cruise, even though you're too drunk to remember where you live, how you got here, and where you've come from.

Your first pee in the pub, usually after 2 hours of drinking. After
breaking the seal of your bladder, repeat visits to the toilet will be
required every 10 or 15 minutes for the rest of the night.

A woman whose knickers are too small for her, so she looks like she’s got 4 buttocks.

Amanda x

T said...

Hi all

I will have to listen again to JV from yesterday. With anything of such magnitude you are always going to get conspiracy theories, some more believable than others, but I have to agree, that I don’t think the US could have organised this.

Iced Gems are fantastic, as is malt load and toasted sarnies. This may sound weird but a toasted cheese and peanut butter is great! I’m off for some hot cross buns if anyone wants some…


jollygit said...

Amanda - love the new words!

I have to have monkey baths and must have asbestos skin !!! Likewise with hot drinks - I have to drink them immediately and can't go near them if they are tepid before I start - I have to make a fresh drink instead.

I also have a seagull manager and recognised the description straight away!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

I think the blog next door has finally keeled over.

It is an ex-blog.

3 hours until 'ARF' - conspircay theories about the validity of the 'requests' welcome - and the uncorking of something splendid at home.

I'm going to test drive (ride?) the new bike tomorrow, pop in the gym (Mr E seems to have fled town) and then a Chinese in the evening with friends.

Sunday, weather permitting, more gym/cycling/walking - not all at once, whatever mood dictates - and then Fulham v Spuds in the afternoon (telly, not live).




Anonymous said...

Ooops. 'Conspiracy', of course.

Anonymous said...

Love the new words. I'm a big fan of percussive maintenance (never works but makes you feel a whole lot better!) and monkey baths. And after the malt loaf, iced gems and marmite sarnies with added S&V crinkle crisps there is imminent danger of developing a picasso bum ...

Anonymous said...

The oh-no second was experienced by him in doors this week when he realised he had picked up the wrong fuel filler........immediately after he had put half a tank of petrol in the diesel car.

made worse by fact of new job and new client.

Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lyndyloo said...

Ooooh! how exciting I just had a call from the ARF team about my request. Now just have to hope for some good luck to get on... All together now...........WISH FOR LYNDYLOO WISH FOR LYNDYLOO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Lyndyloo!

I'll keep fingers crossed for you.

I've just got a blog past the

You are not allowed to post comments police.

The downside was that I was being flippant about not being allowed to post comments as I thought it wouldn't get through.


Only a couple of hours to go....


PS Marmite rules OK. I eat it spread in 'chocolate spread' like quantities.

Anonymous said...

I have cunningly fashioned a 'Picasso Chest' which can be made in a trice with only the aid of a wonderbra and a tight jumper. (Other types of exclamative underpinnings are available)

At the present time however, my chestal region is resembling a cottage loaf, so thinking of renaming it from Picasso Chest to Bakers Bosom.

Whaddya reckon?

mi amore

Anonymous said...

Hazel i aspire to a bakers bosom. sadly i cant see mine anymore to judge. since i stopped breastfeeding i have had to tuck them in my socks.

Anonymous said...

Wish for Lyndyloo
Wish for Lyndyloo
Wish for Lyndyloo
Wish for Lyndyloo
Wish for Lyndyloo
Wish for Lyndyloo...........

Good Luck!

Mary xx

Anonymous said...


Good luck!!

You must be sooooo excited! I am rattling my rosary beads for you!

C xx

Anonymous said...

got fingers, legs, eyes and arms crossed lyndyloo.

infact if i untucked my socks i could..... on second thoughts, thats probably bad luck!

good luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Surely Picasso Chest has to be better than Jackson Pollocks?

Anonymous said...

...or indeed, a Rolf 'Arris?

lyndyloo said...

Thank you all for your good luck wishes... even if I don't get on I feel really special now!


Anonymous said...

We-hell hallooooo lyndyloo!

Go lyndy, go lyndy, go lyndy!

Gimmee an L, gimmee a Y, gimmee an N...y'get the picture....

I LOVE LAUGHING, and anna, you have made me laugh so much! I take it you wear support hosiery?

and MfR, SO glad to have you 'back' where you belong! You're lookin' swell honey!

ad infinitum to finitum = nowhere

on that note, tra la

Was it Shari Lewis with the sock puppets?

Anonymous said...

MfR - isn't ANYTHING better than Jackson Pollocks? Is there any point to them?

Hazel - Shari Lewis' socks were Lamb Chop and Charlie Horse.

Can't you just tell its Friday afternoon????

jollygit said...

Or an Arse 'n Wenger?

A big wish (wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish) for Lyndyloo.
Good luck hon - we'll all cheer when you get a mention!!

jollygit xxxx

Happy weekend everyone xx

jollygit said...

Hazel Love - what do you mean, sock puppets? Lamb Chop was real wasn't she? ............... ooh noooo

not so jollygit

Anonymous said...

jackson pollocks. genius matt.... genius.

Anonymous said...

oh my god, i think paul mckenna is working. just got a creme egg cos i wanted one and when i bit in to it it was one of those ones where the centre is too thick. not runny and sweet like it should be. instead of eating it anyway, i just binned it cos i wont enjoy it.

sorry to detract from the pollock discussion, but this is a major break through for me.

size 12 here i come.

Anonymous said...

to be honest, size 14 would be fine. I kinda like to be a bit curvy!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Lyndyloo :-)))

It gives the show an extra little spice now just waiting for you!

Lyndyloo is a radio star....

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen, please stand away from the platform edge for a sweeping statement.

Creme eggs are gopping muck.

Thicker in centre or not, I cannot conceive (egg geddit?) how you can EVER consider putting one in your mouth, let alone eating it...

Sorry, they should have been added to my list of 'disliked with a venom' foods when I applied.

They are the work of the De'il himself, as is Turkish Delight when it comes in little different colour cubes covered in sugar.

Thank the angels for Mr McKenna! He has saved you from the dungeons of indigestible goo.

Hoorah, hoorah, hoorah!!!!

Creme Eggs are a conspiracy to get 'them' to bring Easter forward by 40 days so we don't have to give them up for lent.

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody
Have finally finished the bathroom..long story..started on Jan 8th finished today..blimey!
And mr caroline is ill in bed (honestly it's not man flu, he really isn't too well) so have not been able to keep up with your antic..I suppose there are no jaffa cakes left are there?

Hey moose, glad all the mooselets and mrs Moose are back safely, was Whitstabubble chilly? A bracing walk on the beach all wrapped up is lovely. Glad you're back too.

Yo to lyndy loo
keeping my fingers, legs and eyes crossed for you!
Can't wait for ARF!

happy friday everyone, and have a good weekend.

Caroline x

Anonymous said...

will the creme egg hater please show themselves. but be prepared for the wrath of my soon to be size 14's.

Creme Eggs are the past, present the future. They should be given to growing children and ageing grannies. they should be mushed down and fed to babies. stuffed in to (synthetic) bones and given to dogs. upheld as the finest contribution to british confectionary that man has ever known. celebrated as the saviours that they really are. They may be more damaging to our teath than the aforementioned iced gems, they may be a gloopy sugar filled dieticians nightmare, but by golly i love em.

well i will till march by which time i will have consumed so many i will in fact have gone off them totally and revert to the true turkish delight. fry's.

Anonymous said...

I think I've been banned from the blog.

I've been thrown out of places better than that!

I'm not taking it personally because my boss has just presented me with a bottle of gin, so I am about to go home and drown my sorrows.

I have however emailed myself at home, and will try from there. During the meanwhilst, I'm off for the weekend.

Loving this week, it has been brilliant, love to you Moose

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm with Hazel on this one.

Sickly, gloopy muck. End of story.

Happy days


lyndyloo said...

As an aside... much as I'd like to join the creme egg debate (I'm on your side Anna). Did anyone notice that CLP has just made mention of returning on Monday maybe a little more luved up? Has he got a proper new Miss CLP? That would explain all this late blogging and dis-interest in us over here!

T said...

Good Luck lyndyloo!

Anonymous said...

Creme eggs - oooh! Haven't had one in years as a one woman protest against them shrinking in size. A Glaswegian colleague tells me deep fried creme eggs are the dogs pollocks. Don't tell your dietician though.

Turkish delight? That should be on my 'dislike with a venom' list. Normally I'll eat anything covered in chocolate (even aubergines ... don't ask) but TD is VILE!

Anonymous said...

anna, I'm sorry, it was me. I just had to get my last conspiracy theory in print, so there it is at the end of my Cadbury Rant.

I don't like liquorice either, and used to only eat the dab bit of the dib dab...did the dab make anyone else cough uncontrollably too?

Shocking I know, but true...

Anonymous said...

actually i lied about turkish delight, fry's or otherwise.
Ok hazel, as you fessed up i forgive you and to be fair i share your struggle with the sherbet dib dab. the coughage incurred with over zealous dabbing is just too much to bare.

annalog - they didnt shrink hun. your hands grew!


Anonymous said...

Jollygit - that sounds like an excellent idea, screwtop vino! But there'll be no vino tonight cos we're taking a Bible Study for a bunch of teenagers! And we have no babysitter, so the girly is coming with us.

ChrissieS - big hugs, honey! Got no clue as to the B&W! Thanks for the Jaffa cakes for Charis, but she'll be happier with a cookie!

Hazel Love - thanks for having the wine on my behalf - could you have a couple for me between 8 & 10pm when Andy and I will be doing a Bible Study on Love with about 10 teenagers! You alsways leave me smiling! Garlic, indeed! What Gaelic words would you like me to teach you today?! :) Oh, and I signed the petition!

Lyndyloo - I take it you brought the bread for lunch!? LOL

Anna - never thought of Medised!

Annalog - lime jaffas?!?

DWNB - Mother ship ... lol. I can just see that coming over the hills in Troon!

MfR - I love cheese and pickle! I'll be back later - going to make one now!

Anonymous said...

Anna!!!! I can flip mine over my shoulders and tie them behind my back! Cos I'm STILL feeding! How daft am I?!

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo babe, have you been on yet? Only just had the chance to put the radio on...

Hope to hear you soon if not!


hmmm Lime Jaffa Cakes. This could be our first million...

Susan S, Bible Study with teenagers. If they are keen, a breeze, otherwise, I wish you all the luck in the world...hope the wee'n is feeling better now too! See you next week I spec x

in case you didn't see my earlier post, what might be in the bedroom? Have a think. There will be something however small, but I get the feeling you would have been more comfortable watching the film there. I don't think it'll be in colour for quite a while...lots of love honey, and keep shaking those beads!

ps MfR I used to only do thin scrape of marmite, now it is gradually getting thicker as I'm getting it me?

Anonymous said...

Mine bounce so much that when i run I knock myself out!
MfR- Well done on being first next door

I have taken over from you being the Gala one. Oh blimey, a blacked out van has just pulled up outside (no, it doesn't say Barking boys brigade - senior section)

see ya
Love Caroline x

P.s are gods food, however orange cremes/turkish delight and frys whatever creme are food of the devil!

Anonymous said...

I meant maltezers and crunchies, of course

Anonymous said...

Caroline, have you been drinking?

Anonymous said...

Oh, that explains it then...phew!!!

ps could you please tell Mr Caroline that his cummerbund has been found on a lamp post at the end of the village. The curate has retrieved it and it is awaiting his collection at the Parochial Hall.

Anonymous said...

Drinking, don't get me started!
the blue tinge has just gone..however, the sun was over the yardarm at 4pm in the wine whilst cooking..It's friday, of course i've been drinking!
Honestly though, i've not been able to post next door, so i e mailed my comment to chris instead.
Mr c in his sickbed as asked me to tell you that I will have to go and pick his cunnerbund up...he's too weak! being a good wife, of course i will.
Love caroline x
P.S cheese all the way.

Anonymous said...

Susan S - cant remeber how old your little one is..... just wondering about any other sleep inducing remedies i could reccommend....apart from ear plugs!

lyndyloo said...

Happy Weekend Bloggers!

Didn't make it onto the show but have so enjoyed the cheese! More cheese on a Friday that's what I say!


& the Bears

Anonymous said...

TFI Friday!

If anyone is still around on a Friday evening - staying in is the new going out, and don't forget it - can I thank all of Moose's Mates (the only collective I could think of for us) for getting me through a bit of a sh*t week.

Bad luck Lyndyloo, keep slamming those requests in. In fact, I think we should petition for a bloggers ARF, now that the blog appears to be up and running again. Anyone notice Chris' comment about us returning next week 'happier'?

I feel really chilled out and at peace again. I think my equilibrium must have been out of balance this week as I seemed to plumb a few emotional depths for no apparent reasons.

Men. Huh.

Well, I've cracked a bottle open, hope you have too.

Moose. Hope you doing OK.

Huge peace & love


PS Going for gold. We all are.

Moose said...

Evening peeps...
My you've all had a busy day.
My day off has been great...a long lie in drinking coffee and chatting, brekkie and more chats, an hou's worth of shredding, a gym trip, quick supermarket dash and tea with the mooselets.

Now into my usual Friday night :-(

I will survive.

The book...
After much deliberation and discussion, a serious amount of the book will be restructured, rewritten, redrafted or deleted. I will not be sending any more chapters out at the moment.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused...I shall resend once it's perfect.
I can't offer any more explanation at the moment. I'm not down about it. But i do have to do some serious rethinking. I'm so full of new ideas on it, that my only problem is finding the time to do it all.

Anonymous said...

Glad you've had a good day Moose.

Remember. At some stage you have to publish and be damned.

But you'll know when the time is right.

Have a top, relaxing, enjoyable and lucky weekend.


Moose said...

Just seen Kevin Bacon on The Daily Show...he's implicated in the Iran arms scandal apparently!!!
It's a conspiracy...

Anonymous said...

evenin' all

I tried to post a couple of hours ago but I think I must have been having some technological problems my end (ahem).

A busy one this week for me guys, I'm sorry I haven't been able to contribute very much.

I know this sounds really silly, but I felt a bit sad that I hadn't been one of the ones that had helped you this week Matt. Am sober and not being needy....just thought it and so I thought I would say it.

Actually, I'm not so sure this sobriety at this hour is too good. Let's make amends : )

Hugs to you lovely people - because I can.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, just remembered what I tried to post a while back.

Conspiracies - nothing would surprise me, nothing.

In the old days a few months back, I used to lurk on the Radio 2 News and Current Affairs Message Board (Moose - how about that for conscientious use of capitals?), they used to have some great chats too. One of the threads was about the conspiracy theory to do with 9/11. If I remember rightly, the comments went on for weeks and weeks. The beeb got rid of that MB, and there was uproar (sorry, if you know this already)....the posters banged on about freedom of speech (or lack of it), beeb censorship (the comments were post-moderated), etc etc. The hard core posters have now defected to a site called 'jezzasexiles'!! Nice one.

Off to get some wine.


Anonymous said...

am not sure about the past tense of 'bang on'. 'Banged on' just didn't sound quite right. Serves me right for using 21st century transatlantic (sorry Littlest Hobo), estuarian, sarf londin slang


Anonymous said...


If I may call you that.

Your praise for my number 1 today made my week.

Thank you.

Good luck to your boys tomorrow.

Fulham v Reading final?

Bring it on!

Much love

A drunk and happy MfR.

PS Do it one louder.

Anonymous said...

Matt - thank you , thank you.

C'mon the boys - am allowing myself a football post ( as opposed to a goal post).......C'mon Fulham - I will be watching tomorrow and cheering : ) We'll be singing our hearts out at the Cottage.

As for today's Game - I think if we keep it tight and don't concede before kick-off, we stand a chance.

I won't be watching as I have my brother's surprise 40th bday dinner tonight!! - his best friend and business partner jokingly said to me 'Gabs, ditch your bruv, you got to watch the game'!!!! lol!!

Am nervous already.

Have a lovely day
