Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Show don't tell...

Warning: The following blog contains some self-indulgent references to writing, but no nudity, bad language or violence. No animals were harmed in the making of this blog.

I have been engrossed in;
- reading a book about writing a book,
- reading my book in the light of the book about writing a book and
- re-writing my book following the advice in the book about writing a book.

I started to analyse my first chapter yesterday morning keeping their list of 'don't do's at the front of my mind. I ran out of red ink after the first page. So I stopped doing that, and re-wrote it from scratch instead. I have made every effort to follow their guidelines. The story is essentially the same but I've convinced myself that the writing is different. And if I may say so myself, 'well better innit'. I've only written a few pages but feel very enthused about it already. I think the characters are better and the language tighter.
But the main thing that has changed, is that I've followed the book's advice to stick to the principle of 'show, don't tell'. It quickly became apparent to me that more than half of my first page was 'tell' not 'show'. I also know this to be generally true for my writing. Indeed, it was this realization that led me to stop analyzing. What more do I need to learn? The three pages I've re-written have, as far as I can see, only one sentence of 'tell' in them. I agonized over that for ages but eventually decided to keep it in as I could not manage to write it as a 'show'. I may have missed others - the next edit will need to catch them.

I like simple principles as they appeal to my simple brain. This one has stuck.


Anonymous said...

you do make me smile moose. you seem to have a very clear, concise and scientific/mathematical (these two qualities are basically the same to me - given that both are totally alien to my being) brain.

I bet the new version is wicked innit. i look forward to a possible opportunity to read the revision, tho of course accept you may now just want to go to publication - in which case i will scout my local book shop to get my copy. then hunt you down for a signature!

totally chillin dude.


PS what is it about the attempt to be down with the kids that so spectacularly ages one.
PPS did i really just refer to myseld as 'one'.
PPPS bus pass?

Anonymous said...

Moose and all good morning,

Keep at it with the book I am sure it will end up exactly as you want it to. After all draft books are only a work in progress until finished :-)

I would not like to open a full on debate on the subject of road pricing (that you mentioned on yesterdays blog) it is just I have just received my email from Tony Blair in response to me signing the petition (a couple of times) in opposition to the scheme. I would just like to state my opinion on the subject. I think this will do very little reduce congestion; instead it will make the roads the play place of the well off for a couple of hours a day whilst raising millions for the chancellor. The poor workers will be forced to travel to work early and come home late just to make ends meet.

For example the congestion charge in London has not removed the Chelsea tractors off the road for the school run as they can afford to pay the fees. Instead of making the underground and busses more attractive the prices of the fare has gone up as well. The mayors office spout off a bout a 20% reduction in rush hour traffic yet other sources state the impact to be as little as 8% The scheme is not even close to breaking even so they (cynically) decide to expand the scheme and raise the charge (60% increase) well above the rate of inflation to ensure more revenue. Originally the scheme was estimated to cost between £30 -£50 million, in fact the cost has bee a staggering £97 million! Yes the city centres may become quieter and the shops empty because fewer people will travel.

So for some reason I do not trust the government figures when they estimate costs as I have seen too many times where figures have been manipulated to make them look better than they really are!

Do not even get me started on rural public transport issues as we will have to rely on the car as no viable alternative has even been suggested.

Still as a car driver I should be used to being shafted in this country and paying already so much in tax and so little of it actually being used on the roads or infrastructure we need.

Any way good morning all :-) (as he folds his soap box back under his desk and saves it for another day).

Keep smiling ;-)

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

Dearest Moose

The main thing that concerns me, is the fact that you keep using zeds instead of esses. If I was marking your work, you would have a BIG RED 'SP.' at the end of most of your lines.

Honestly Moose, if you don't know how to change your spell checker to English (GB) from English (American), ask one of the Mooselets to do it for you.

Otherwise you are going to be waiting outside the Head Mistress' Office for a very l o n g time...

...and sorry Keith, but I think you may well have opened a can of (barely evolved) earthworms...

I got my email from his Tonyness this morning. I reckon the government should put the driving age back up. (This is another soap box item by the way, and please bear in mind I have an 18 year old step son.)

I also had a distinct urge to press my 'Reply to All' button, but I'm sure some jokey types already did...

For myself, until they manufacture a 'stealth' or cloaking device for a Fiesta 1.4, I am going to cover my car in tin foil. Watch 'em try and track me then...

H. Love

ps How do you get four elephants in a mini?

You can't unless you get the whales out first.

pps Good idea MfR

Anonymous said...

As it is now Wednesday, and we are but salmon struggling upwards ever upwards in the raging torrent that is the week before I get paid, I have decided to present February's Merit Badge out a little early.

The recipient of this Merit Badge is most deserving, and it is given, this month, for this individual has writen inciteful pieces almost every day, for their giving food for thought to those who really care, for caring about those for whom he writes, for actually writing the blog that bears his name (the bloke in the photo with Cathmel doesn't, it should be called the Matt Morgan Diaries)...

Ladies and gentlemen, the Merit Badge for February goes to Moose.

May I have an 'antler' sized round of applause please, and then would you all leave the hall by the door on the left. Those of you who have been asked to wait outside my office may do so at 10.30.

Thank you.

Moose said...

I am afraid to inform you that you are showing your age. The commonly accepted view nowadays is that either esses or zeds are acceptable...consistency is the most important thing (that's what my book says anyway!)

I know, I know - all those of us of a certain age resent the Americanization/Americanisation* (delete as appropriate) of our sacred language and ascribe to the "two nations divided by a common language" point of view etc etc, but sometimes you have to just go with the flow and let certain things lie...

Having Cornish connections, I have to say that I am particularly attached to the letters v and z, which occur in place and people names with far more regularity down there...this means that the z form just has a certain something for me, which even outweighs the intense feelings aroused by the American way of doing things.
So here's to St Blazey, Marazion, Marazanvose, Zelah, Morvah, Penzance, St Ives, Porthleven, Godrevy and all the rest...even to Mousehole, which is of course pronounced Mowzel so counts too.

Moose said...

...and thanks for the Merit Badge. I've never had one of those before. I've come over all peculiar, like. I don't know what to say...

Anonymous said...

Morning all,

Sorry for my absence ("keep it that way", I hear you cry). Work is interferring with my virtual socials!! : )

Moose - it sounds like you have made a 'personally-satisfying' breakthrough with your book, having followed the book about the book. I detected a very positive and motivated 'you' in your blog.
I guess it's hard not to be impatient when book writing....there must be a drive just to get it finished. However, writing the book is a 'job' in itself and therefore, evolves in it's own time.

laters my lovelies


ps I found Tony's email in my spam folder

Anonymous said...

Dammit, I was looking forward to pressing the button to buzzzzz you in...but I suppose getting you to come over all peculiar will suffice.

In my defence, I would like to say that I am also particularly attached to the letter 'Z' as I have one in my middle name as well as one in my given name. Don't ask about Rowena.

Keith, where have you gone? Are you waiting at a bus stop for one that arrives every second Wednesday, and you are hoping you've got it right?

banana split

ps The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog...

Moose said...

Shouldn't that be "lasy"?
Or jumps?
Somewhere you need an ess!!! Even in proper English.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Moose, I should have said, that was in tribute to a dear friend of ours who has a terrible lisp.

Try to get her to say "thikthty thikth thauthage thandwithes". Then see who needs an ess...

Gabster is back as is the jollygit. All must be nearly right with the world.

Possesses has more esses than any other word possesses.

Yes it does.

Anonymous said...

Today is no special day and I have no particular reason for writing to you....
I have no news to tell you .... nor any problems to discuss with you....or gossip to tell you... It's only one of those happy moments...when I thought of you...

and I would like to share these thoughts with you...

Smile & Have A Wonderful Day!!

Always have good self esteem...

Take care of your friends, especially those dearest to you...

Take care of your body...

But most of all find time to relax...

{{{Moose and bloggers}}}

Amanda x

Anonymous said...

Russell brand is like marmite - you either love him or hate him. I think you can guys which camp I'm in but accept others have a different opinion!

Annon - I agree checked out Russells blog but didn;t stay as it was obvious they are mainly matt with a sprinkling of trevor!

I'm just of the the Royal Berks Hosp in reading for weekly meeting

see you guys later

x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

I'm really behind this morning (if you get my drift) and have only just caught up with last night's comments on Moose's blog and CE's.
Anna - your comment next door was utterly, utterly brilliant! Sweet as a nut!

I really feel for you guys with the road pricing thingy. Really not funny and as I've said before, my journey to work is a complete breeze compared to yours.

Moose, you sound a lot happier (in terms of the book) so that must be good.

Hazel, great job in presenting Moose with his Merit Badge - he richly deserves it!

Matt, can I ask you where I will find the latest film re: JFK? I'm pretty useless at finding stuff on the Net!

Have a good day all, be back soon!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile back at the Moose, if I might, a wee bit of inspiration, and further to your Book Of Advice About How To Write A Book... although I'm sure you have got the hang of it now!

Do your children have 'Show and Tell' days at school?

Imagine how dull the lesson might be if it was just 'Tell'?

We used to do 'Talking about something on the Nature Table' until Mrs Sherwood hurt herself on a thistle.

...and by the way, when is the blog going to have some nudity? I think bad language is already occurring to some extent, and the violence that occured at the St Valentine's Day Dance has covered that. I agree (from the warmth of my sable wrap and ermine muff) that it is not necessary to have cruelty to animals (even worms) but hey, c'mon!

jollygit said...

Morning all

Moose - good luck with the revisions to your book - I'm still reading it so should I now put it to one side and await the 'new improved version' with eager anticipation or, as Anna asked, will it straight to print? Whatever you choose, I wish you luck with it and am sure there'll be more Merit Badges to follow x

Hope you're all well - thanks for your kindness yesterday. I smiled and laughed thanks to you lot - bonkers, the lot of you! xx

More jollygit than yesterday xx

jollygit said...

I've just been notified of this but it may already be too late .......


There is a dangerous virus being passed electronically, orally and by hand.

This virus is called Worry-Overload-Recreation-Killer (WORK).

If you receive WORK from any of your colleagues, your boss or anyone else via any means DO NOT TOUCH IT.

This virus will wipe out your private life completely.

If you should come into contact with WORK put your jacket on and take two good friends to the nearest bar.

Purchase the antidote known as Work-Isolator-Neutralizer-Extractor (WINE) or Bothersome-Employer-Eliminator-Rebooter (BEER).

Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system.

You should forward this warning to 5 friends. If you do not have 5 friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life. Good luck at purging your system of this terrible virus.

jollygit x

jollygit said...

I'm like a number 9 bus (other number buses are available) aren't I - nothing all morning, then three posts in a row!!!

Anyway, I've just got round to reading the last of yesterday's blog next door:

Anna - I nearly choked on me tea - your comment was perfect and beautifully pointed to a sharp tip!!! I LOL once I'd mopped up me tea and rescued the suggestive biccie (I know I'm on a diet but there's an 'R' in the month although no esses .....)

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Dearest Jollygit

Having read your Number 9 posting (other number postings are available) I immediately fancied a coffee and a biccie.

Having rinsed my cup, but prior to switching on the kettle, I checked the tin, which would usually contain Heub Neubs. (That's French you kneu).

It no longer has any, therefore I have nothing. I shall sit here, in the certain knowledge that you will be able to endure another suggestive on my behalf.

I thank you.

Moose said...

mmmm...Thai green vegetable soup...very tasty.

Dogwithnobrain said...

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

that's got a s

Anonymous said...

Dearest Moose

Moose said...

OK, I'm officially confused.
Which J or Used to be J is the J that was nasty? And which J or used to be J is not?

Anyone want saccharine in their coffee? Or just a dunked hob Nob or Digestive.

Anonymous said...

Anyone for a pancake?

Buy one get one free?

Anonymous said...

a drunk hob nob for me every time

Moose said...

Gaby - watch them, they might have 3 weeks ago last Monday as a Use By date...

Anonymous said...

I must move away from my pc, I must move away from my pc, I must move away from my pc

Anonymous said...

I must move away from my pc, I must move away from my pc, I must move away from my pc


Anonymous said...

Moose - lol.

I must stop repeating myself too

jollygit said...

I've just eaten my second suggestive biccy of the day - it wasn't easy but it was necessary for the benefit of a blogger in biccy distress ..... ahem! My job is done.

Blimey, I'm full ...

jollygit x

Moose said...

Don't you just love it next door. My original (highly creative post) hasn't appeared (yet??) but my second which built on the first has. So my post now makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Not much change there then.

Anonymous said...

The 'second one getting there before the first' used to happen to me so much. You then post a third to explain about the 2 afore-mentioned, only to see the first one appear!!!!


Anonymous said...

oh, by the way, thank you guys for helping me with the japanese cuisine thing on the weekend. The food was ab fab with no sign of any cow's milk anywhere : )

To those of you who are supporters of cow's milk, I am not discriminating - I have an alogy (Maureen Lipman?)

Moose said...

sounds like a great excuse to live exclusively from sushi and sashimi.

I am currently trying to compose a very difficult e-mail to the 'stiffed' man...wish me luck.
Taxi for one!

jollygit said...

Moose - if you need any help with the email, you know where we all are ......... still in the corridor outside the headmaster's office!

jollygit x

Moose said...

Just so you guys can understand my second post...

You blogged earlier this week about not getting published...I think you are looking at the wrong genre. You should be writing a self-help book. They sell in their millions - and most of them don't even say anything. You only need one small idea as your philosophy which can be repeated ad nauseam. And what's better, it doesn't even need to be original!
Some ideas:
- Live for the moment!
- Eat, drink and be merry!
- Drink more coffee!
- How to win people and influence friends!
- The T (urkish) Plan Diet!
- Do what you like! Like what you do!
- Crosswords not cross words!
- Look! and other catchphrases
- Danger! Decision ahead...

The most important thing is to get an exclamation mark in the title.

Me? I love to talk, I love business and I love the radio - let me see, how could I possibly bring these three together?...13 shows to go Foxy...you're gonna miss out on Fox the Moose if you don't act soon. The ball is in your court.

I also love writing...so I'll just get on with that and aim for the £71k publishing deal. Well, you always have to go one better, don't you.


Anonymous said...

well I got the impression before that J was a man, but I guess he wouldn't be looking for answers from something he considers overly sweet, the blog, so I guess 'Used to be J' is possibly one that is nice. Who they were before they used to be J is another question, but I suppose there may a chance that there have previously been two J's. There is every likelihood however of the other J being not only female, but batting for ITV, so this main explain the possible 'butchness' and lack of sensitivity and emotion in her posts. However I did acknowledge 'J's post in mine, so it continues...

Then I could be wrong.


More ideas
- Offer to help the stiffy with the coffees next time.

Anonymous said...

More ideas
- Goose the Moose

Moose said...

ooh look. I've arrived next door...typical!

Anonymous said...

Goose the Moose!

Is that legal in this country? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think I wore a sashimi with my dress last saturday. It matched my shoes : )

good luck with the 'stiffed' :)


Anonymous said...

I wondered the same about Fox the Moose

I think I saw one or both of those films on a top shelf somewhere : )


Anonymous said...

Moose on the Loose in the Hoose

Anonymous said...

Moose - quick, stop this madness - it could get out of hand : )

Seduce the.....

Anonymous said...

hey chaps

You have been having fun, haven't you?
hey moose, glad we're virtual friends! Cornwall rocks!
Hazel - I'm soo con fused..who is J or used to be J is it the same person or different , do they both drink Juice and eat Jelly? Why am i interested anyway?
essess and zeds.. now that's not written very often is that the same as Pees&Queues or Effs and jeffs or Bee&Bee's or Gee & tees..Go on then...anyone want a smoked salmon nibbly thing? savoury cocktail biscuit?..am i too late ( early you fool)?
I am rambling 'cos of gym and facial combo. Will pull myself together in a mo.

Lots of love
Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Columbo is interviewd - deduce the moose

oil spreading over fur - massusse the moose

my fav TV prog - Loose the moose

business in Tunisia - Sousse the moose

Oh dear, criminal - noose the moose

STOP< STOP< STOP< - I'm coming over all "snakes on a plane"...and look twhere that ended up!

love caroline xx

Anonymous said...

Hazel, thanks for noticing my absence (not for the first time...) I really do have too much work on at the moment ;-( I did post, (from my soap box) well not first thing for me as I have been in since 6am but have not stopped all day!

I have just been catching up and really want a hob knob (yes other biscuits are available) now with a strong cup of coffee to get me through the rest of the day.

Still there is no need not to laugh so try this one…..

Due to a power outage, only one paramedic responded to the call.
The house was very dark so the paramedic asked Kathleen, a 3-yr
old girl to hold a flashlight high over her mommy so he could see
while he helped deliver the baby.

Very diligently, Kathleen did as she was asked.

Heidi pushed and pushed and after a little while, Connor was born.
The paramedic lifted him by his little feet and spanked him on his
bottom. Connor began to cry.

The paramedic then thanked Kathleen for her help and asked the
wide-eyed 3-yr old what she thought about what she had just

Kathleen quickly responded, "He shouldn't have crawled in there in
the first place ......smack his ass

If you don't laugh at this one, there's no hope for you……

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

Caroline - lol!! : )

got to dash


Moose said...

For once, words fail me.
I have spent a good 2 hours today re-writing the new chapter 1 (that was chapter 3). I'd thought, I'd written, I'd honed, I'd edited, i'd thesaurized...
And then, you know what's coming...I did a favour for someone, closed it down, and seems I must have hit the No button by mistake for saving changes.
It has all gone.

jollygit said...

Keith - I laughed, honest!

jillyoat x

Moose said...

...but Keith still made me laugh. Thanks!

jollygit said...

Moose - I don't mean that I larfed at you - that's not funny.

Anonymous said...

Blimey. I've only been away a day or so (work interfering with blog viewing - shock! horror!). Just returned from an Italian class and thought my brain was full until I tried to get my head round all that faith yesterday (still can't make up my mind what I believe) and today's wondrous variety - aaargh!

Caroline - you forgot the little moose with clogs on going clip clippety clop on the stairs. Oh yeah.

jollygit said...

Sudden interest in Greek mythology = Zeus the Moose

jollygit x

Anonymous said...

Tell him 'No!' - Refuse the Moose
Throw him in a bin - Refuse the Moose

ththththththat's all folks!

jollygit said...

Recycling-minded: re-use the moose


Anonymous said...

Jollygit - loved the joke!

Keith - loved the joke also!

Laughing at his misfortune = Vamousse from the Moose

Amanda x

Anonymous said...

Moose...babe...honey...poppet etc

Everything but EVERYTHING happens for a reason.

It will all come flooding back only bigger and better than before...and look at it this way, it was Chapter Three before, so a little thing about it being deleted before it was Chapter One, is but a tiny step back for Moosekind.

C'mon, up he gets. Blow. There.

Moose said...

3 pages re-written. I'm glad I've got the memory of an elephant. How did that happen? A GM experiment that went badly wrong...

How many times do you think I've pressed save during that time?

Anonymous said...

Being interested in letters - Larousse the Moose

Lowest winning hand - Deuce the Moose

Arabian fig dish - Couscous the Moose

Table football - Foose the Moose

Mixed fruits - Juice the Moose

American Indian child carrier - Papoose the Moose

Under the Antlers - Sous le Moose

Mrs Moose and a net - Woos the Moose



all out for a duck

Anonymous said...



is this a competition?

Anonymous said...


jollygit said...


(aka wishful thinking!)

jollygit x

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now available on Amazon, published by Books About Books R Us

'Show, don't tell' £27.99

The Guardian - Dissaponting. I though it was going to be a Beginners Guide to Flashing

The Sun - So did we

The Mirror - The worst £28 I've ever spent. Not a self help book.

The (Sunday) Sport - We know where you can get on if you want one.

Anonymous said...

Moose..... :(

Anonymous said...

hey there, you lot are funny. tho if i could be so bold.

Gaby, you are mistaken. It was a peshwari.

Moose - memory of an elephant. theres evolution for you! ;o)


Anonymous said...

can i offload for a moment? I would have done this next door cos its in response to that blog but i didnt feel i wanted to.

As you know, i love my job. Its massively important to me, i am proud of what i have achieved and love that as a freelancer i can work my home life around my career.

For the last 6 mths i have been negotiating with one of my clients, to go full time employed with them. Its a step up in terms of responsibility, a step down in cash cos i would be employed not freelance, but holiday pay would finally be mine. The role would work around my family in the same way as it does now and it will give me an opportunity to solidify my experience and put my forward career on a suitable hold until the mancub is bigger. They are even happy for me to plan for another baby in the next 12-18mths. So, this is all good, until it went to the board. They have decided that they agree the job spec (that i wrote) and they agree the salary (that i negotiated) and they agree the level in the staff hierarchy, despite this being a little contraversial.

But. they have instructed our director that we have to go through equal opps and advertise the job officially. I feel like i have been kicked in the gut. I have worked hard to prove the importance of the work, the opportunities that are available to the organisation and the way they can move forward and yet, i will have to apply for a job i have created.

I totally understand why we have to go through this process yet somehow i feel a bit under valued.... cheated somehow.

There is nothing i can do about it except take it on the chin, apply for the job and hope that i make it through - but i cant help feeling like i cant take anything for granted.

sorry to offload that one here guys, but its kind of consumed me today. Fingers crossed i guess. crikey i hope there are no lurkers on here today!

Anonymous said...

anna : ) lol

evening all....
warning: this is a long one.

I have been thinking about something ("well, please keep it to yourself" I hear you cry).
Then, today, next door - I think it was Em M mentioned about thinking there is someone else out there for you, something like that. It has prompted me to share my inquiries.

I recently met up with an ex boyfriend - I know, I know....not a good idea. Now, when I say 'met up'. That is what I mean. It is not a euphemism for 'slept with'. Although....no, only joking!!

Anyhow, actually I am not sure that meeting up with him is relevant to what I am about to say. Oh, darn where am I going with this......

Basically, I am thinking that if we were given someone that was to be our 'partner for life' for as long as each of our lives lasted ,we would accept the things that weren't quite right. I am being idealistic here and am not representing a scenario where totally unsuitable matches are made. Maybe it IS meeting up with him that has prompted. Much of what we had together was fine. I didn't feel happy though. So hard to precis, but our situation was probably a good example of what I am clumsily trying to explain. He was kind, trustworthy (I think!!!), kind to the kids (boring comment, I know, but important), we shared the same interests etc. Please don't ask me 'why did you finish it then?' - as I really didn't feel happy with him. If he had been the one that I HAD to be with - he would have been a pretty good 'gift'. As it is, I would rather be on my own than be with him (that is meant to sound like a statement rather than an attack).

Have I made any sense?

Should I have carried on with him on the basis that it wasn't all bad?

I know the answer, it is 'I shouldnd't be with him' but do you know where I am coming from

I said it would be long


Anonymous said...

lovely Anna

I totally empathise with your scenario. I had exactly the same many, many years ago.

I joined a department of one!!. The Manager/Director and then me!!
I (and he) created my position - but they had to advertise etc etc.

Again, later I had the same experience.

Please, please don't feel undervalued etc. It is much better that they go through this process which will mean that you can't be 'mucked' about when you are given the postion.

I hope what I have said is helpful. Someone else will probably say that it is 'bollo*' what they have done to you.....
and I will feel really stupid.

THere could be all sorts of reasons that they need to do this 'political' stuff - but I know that, right now, that is no consolation whatsoever.

All I am trying to say is that it is not a reflection of what they feel about your work/plans/job etc, it is a process that, for whatever reason, they have chosen to go through


Anonymous said...

hiya, funnily enuf i responded to Em M so keep an eye out for that one! I also said to J to follow his/hers (Im so confused!) instinct.

I think it applies to everything, if you werent happy it wasnt right. simple as.

In short, i sometimes meet people, see people that i think are interesting and under different circumstances id probably be keen to explore things but as it is, despite occasional frustrations with him in doors - i know that he is perfect for me and me for him. After i had the man cub i had a panic, crikey - what would it do to my son if me and my husband didnt work out, it was a realisation i think that i had made my choices and the impact of changing those choices would be monumental. after a couple of weeks panicking about it i realised - it was ok. I dont necessarily believe there is 'the one' for us all, but i do believe in my case that there is only 'one' i want.

that wasnt very short was it!

Anonymous said...

that is lovely what you said Anna about him being the 'one' you want.

Yep, the repercussions of a different path are monumental, I can vouch for that. Let's not even go there, or rather, let's not let ME drag you down THERE!!!! : )

got to go my friends



lyndyloo said...

Hi People!

I've been a very busy girl today but did everyone hear Paul Nixon on the drive time show this evening? He mentioned our project in the Bahamas on national radio!!! I am soooooo excited!!!! Tomorrow's the big "do" and then Nico is on socceram on Saturday! Ooooh!!!! Sorry to be so self indulgent but it's so exciting!!!


Moose said...

Evening all,
Anna - have to agree with Gaby - it's just something they need to do...and the fact that they do shows some morals, which is good.

Gaby - there's no right answer to any of the relationship b*****s is there? I know all the ideals...find a girl, settle down, if you want, then you can marry (apologies if my lyrics are wrong again!!!)...I'm in it for life. That's what I promised. That's what I expected. But then things happen that make you wonder. Real life comes along and hits you square between the eyes.
I just try and keep the ideal in mind, not think about other routes...dismiss them as simply not an option...and put the effort into the one that's committed to. End of. It ain't easy, but it's simple. As I said in the original blog, I like simple things cos of my simple brain. Comes of being a bloke.

Lyndyloo - I heard him. Was thinking of you. Didn't realise the Bahamas thing was you though. Well done, sounds exciting.

Moose said...

Have just sent in a Fox the Fox question...fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

ooh lyndyloo - have a fab evening xxx