A bit of a follow up from yesterday but hopefully not as heavy...
I think I just want to say that the solutions to many of the problems we face are very simple indeed. But that doesn't make them easy to fix.
Some examples:
1. Losing Weight. Eat fewer calories than you burn and you lose weight. Simple.
2. My favourite Samaritan woman. Go and sin no more. Simple.
3. Do what you like. Like what you do. Simple.
4. Love the one you're with. Simple.
5. Pay off your mortgage? Minimize your outgoings, maximise your income. Simple. (Yes I am watching Rene Carayol as I write!)
Actually doing any of the above is much harder.
If anybody's interested, I can highly recommend Edward de Bono's book called Simplicity. I've tried to read other de Bono books and have to admit I find them tough going. But this one is different. He focusses more on how it's hard to get to the simple solutions, rather than the fact that the simple solutions are hard to implement.
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"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Leonardo da Vinci
"simple but effective"
Lots of people.
So true Moose.
I like the sound of de Bono's book - will purchase methinks.
...and as another follow up from yesterday.... maybe it is 'simplicity' that is another'carrot' to lead us to self help books....I know that some of them are complicated, but maybe it is that search for a relatively 'simple' answer/explanation that makes us dip into them. A dip into a book in the comfort of our own home or a chapter a night before
lights-out is much more enticing than therapy perhaps!!
Question though: Can a self help book be as valuable as a life-time of experiences?....which leads me to my fave book 'Tuesdays with Morrie' recommended by a fellow commentator next door months ago. Without a doubt, one of the best and most helpful books I have read.
laters my lovelies
anyone fancy dunking a hob nob?
ps aux mots simples
Yay Moose!!! Sooooo glad EG is back and spotted that you may be in the jacuzzi (other types of spa bath are available) with a fit butcher's dog.
Then talk about kwinkydinks - this morning the boy turned over and said,
'You slapped me REALLY hard last night'.
I replied,
'Whereabouts, and don't say in the bedroom..?'
Apparently I had slapped him on the shoulder (left, one other shoulder is available) after he had scored a direct hit in my eye socket (right, one other socket is available) with (I believe it was the left) his elbow. (Just to reassure, this is a fairly common occurence and I suffer no ill effects, but I usually don't retaliate, so this is interesting...)
I had a sipster of un petit bouteille last eve, from Tesco, ce nom est Fleurie, and it is...wait for it...a screw top! Rather tasty too!
Anyhoo. Simple.
My favourite for indoors... "If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful".
William Morris
...and for love and life... "Our life is frittered away by detail...Simplify, simplify."
Henry Thoreau
...and for greeting..."Morning everyone..."
Richie Benot
ps Caroline, yes I do! xxx
pps Moose, that book, is it "Totally Bono Fido?"
Victoria Wood
Gabster!!!!! I'm fetching hob nob...hang on! Dunk at 0848!
Hazel : )
simultaneous dunking has to be the way forward.
mine was a screw last night too.
I like that 'indoors' philososososophical sentence. Am going to re-de-clutter today as a result : )
Morning all
Was it just me, or was it ironic last night that the 'listening man' on CE's show was difficult to hear? He seemed to be on a very bad phone line and I had trouble listening to him ...... no? Oh well, it was just me then!
Got me biccies out - have I missed the hot drinks?
jollygit x
jollygit: I couldn't hear a word he said to be honest
you are well in time for the hot drinks - I think the mulled wine has gone but there are other hot drinks (and dunks) available
Gaby - glad it wasn't just me! I was listening really, really hard to him but still couldn't hear what he was saying!!
Mine's the decaf latte if you don't mind.
jollygit x
Off to get a coffee.
I didn't have a screw last night. I had to pull mine out the old fashioned way. It took some effort but the pleasure afterwards was worth it. Mine was from Tesco too...it's amazing all the things you can get there.
Can I suggest we have another simultaneous dunk at 48 minutes past each hour until lunchtime?
A simple recipe.
Kettle on
Tea made
Biccie dunk
Tea drunk
I dunno why've gone all poetickle of late...
Morning everyone!
Just off to put ye kettle on again...
If you don't have the below link from DWNB saved to your favourites, then you jolly well should...it will help with any other spontaneous simultaneality (he he) that we think up!
kettle going on now
Avoid hangovers- Stay drunk or don't drink alcohol....simple.... I think not!
Moose - I have a screw whenever possible - I find it lasts longer.
Tesco do a very gluggable Merlot called Veo - currently £3.99 -although it's often on special offer at £2.99. Mind you, at Tesco at Cite Europe in Calais it's less then £2, boo hoo!!
jollygit x
PS I feel the naughty corner looming!
Morning all. You're all up and about early today.
I'm having trouble waking up this morning. Are there any hob nobs left? Carbohydrates are my only hope.
see you later
PS Life is never simple!
I thought I had given up on screwing, but last night has rekindled my thoughts on the advantages thereof.
Loads of hobnobs left : )
I wouldn't turn down the offer of a dunk per hour until lunch. What are we going to do after lunch?? : )
Why don't we have a siesta between 2pm and 4pm, like the Europeans do? After all the biccy carbs I'll need a couple of hours shut-eye!!
I've never refused a dunk yet so hang on to me hob nobs, I'm on me way!
My head hurts! I don't remember if it was a screw or an old fashioned pull but I seem to remember it started off as a fizzz and ended up as a beer scooter!
ps. nico, ausitin healey, devon malcolm , darren maddy and lewis moody all had a virtual toast at 7.30pm
Lyndyloo, are you just in, or just up?
Simple questions...incriminating answers...
...and annalog, there are some just as long as Julian didn't get to the barrel first.
Mines a tall extra skinny triple de-caff half-caff with a twist of lemon, with a heub neub for dunking at 0945 pip pip pip.
Morning All
I'm on a day off - yipeeeeee.
Got to go to the Asthma Clinic - booohoooo (hate anything medical).
Anyway, hope to be popping in and out all day.
Gaby - I'm up for a hob nob and will go along with Moose's dunkin every hour.
Hazel - a great bunch of quotes.
Not sure whether I had a screw or a pull last night. My wonderful Dom God took care of business - just kept topping up the glass. So much so that I had a wee bit of a head this morning.
Got so much back into blogging last night that I missed the ITV show Bonkers - anyone know if it's repeated?
See ya all later.
is the naughty corner big enough?
My re-de-clutter is going well. Kids will come home and think we have moved : )
if it ain't useful or pretty - it's going. Oh no, I hope the same criteria isn't applied to me!!!!!!
sorry, 0948 not 45...duh?
After lunch we should (weather permitting (other types of weatherwise allowances available)) all go for a lovely walk. Appreciate nature and stuff.
btw Gaby, the Robin was just outside the window while I was making my drink. I told him you said hi!
...and lyndyloo, I do hope you haven't got a child-proof cap on your paracetomol...
morning you lot. house devoid of hobnobs. will a suggestive do? its totally fony bodo.
Good night then lyndyloo? I love Austin Healy so kinda cool i was toasting at the same time as him.
oh no, tea past gone tepid. must re-make. click
robin - he is special : )
walk sounds good - I have a trip to the hair dressers at 1pm - maybe we could work round.
I think I am in love with Matthew Wright
lyndyloo - : )
hope you had an ab fab night : )
eg (scotland) - good to have you back
Gaby - I think I might be a little bit in love with Matthew Wright, but I won't spoil it for you - you saw him first!
Darn, I left the biscuit in too long. Has anyone got a spoon so I can get the soggy bits out of the bottom?
Gaby - It's simple. You are beautiful and you are useful so you get two reasons to stay. But you know that anyway. Why do you try to convince us you don't? Just in case of you all thinking I've gone all saccarine (sic) sweet this morning...everyone is beautiful (made in God's image) and everyone is useful. So nobody has an excuse to think any differently. Hard though innit?
EG - Thanks for the message next door. As I ate my bacon AND egg sandwich this morning, I remembered your words and savoured every bite. Especially the middle bit of the second half. You know the bit when you get that one delicious bite with perfect texture, the perfect combination of the middle of the bread, partially soaked in half-runny yolk and crispy bacon. That one bite was worth it. I followed it up with a low fat, high calcium yogurt, so not only will the protein keep me full for a long time, but I will s**t most of the fat out anyway. I have eaten so much yogurt since that Truth about Food programme!
I seem to have been drawn in to commenting on yet another blog...the addiction is strong!
jollygit : )
bless you.
I have had him (in my dreams) on in the background. (on The Wright Stuff). They were talking about relationships!!! There was a point where one of the panel said something which he clearly identified with. It was written all over his face, he was 'just' in shot. Ahhhh. He needs me. He just has no idea who I am : (
time for a garibaldi : )
ps perhaps I could have him during the week and you could have him on the weekends.
bacon and egg. I think me and the mancub may have to take a walk up to the local deli - they sometimes make a bacon butty taste so much better.
heres your spoon. Can i have it back tho, the dishwasher keeps eating my teaspoons and we are now on rations.
Moose - lovely words my friend.
oh my goodness, CE!! - must pop next door and see if he is around. I hadn't really forgotten about him
Anna - do the rations stir as well as the tea-spoons?
gaby - only if you stir clockwise.
anna - would that be anticlockwise if we are south of the equator?
Ok folks here's the deal!
I had a fab time last night. It was a really good "do". I have a couple of photos which I will post at some point. I don't think I discgraced myself too much though I'm off for the breakfast de-breif now so I'll let you know.
Anna- Austin is a really sweet guy if you know how to take the mickey (which is what he does non stop)... In fact I sent him a text on Tuesday "Hi Oz. I noticed your TV coat made a cameo appearance in Life on Mars" for which I got a thump on the arm last night.
gaby - only if the sun is at half mast and you have your back to the fridge.
Lyndyloo - its always nice to hear that someone you think seems a really good guy, actually is! Glad you had a good night, look forward to seeing the pics.
anna - if the sun is at half mast does that mean that it doesn't take as long to go down over the yardarm : )
Gaby - thats right. screw [top] anyone??
As the song says "it's five o'clock somewhere" and that's good enough for me when it comes to the drink!
EG welcome back, of course we missed you! :-)
Am I too late for a hob nob?
Hi everyone, there's a lot of fun going on already today - could it be Friday?!
Hazel, I know you saw my comment on CE yesterday, but I don't know if anyone else did. Of course, I look NOTHING like Nigella Lawson, but that supercilious (I've checked the dictionary) git Pottsie made me so mad, I rose to the bait! I really must control myself and not do that again!
Moose, as always, a great blog. I try to keep things simple in life, but for some reason things get complicated! Maybe I could do with some help after all! (Love the new look to the blog).
EG - welcome back. Yes, you were missed, it's always a little weird when people go AWOL. For example, Tracey-Ann - how's it going?
Gaby and Jollygit - Matthew Wright - really very nice, I agree. However, the man of the moment is Philip Glenister (Life on Mars). I have his picture as my wallpaper and I can hardly take my eyes off it! I'm not usually into tough guys, but Gene certainly rings my bell!
Have a good day everyone, I will be checking in at the afternoon tea-break.
Chrissie xx
Beer contains female hormones
Last month; National University of Lesotho scientists released the results of a recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer.
Men should take a concerned look at their beer consumption. The theory is that beer contains female hormones (hops contain phytoestrogens) and that by drinking enough beer, men turn into women.
To test the theory, 100 men drank 8 pints of beer each within a 1 hour period it was then observed that 100% of the test subjects:
1) Argued over nothing.
2) Refused to apologize when obviously wrong.
3) Gained weight.
4) Talked excessively without making sense.
5) Became overly emotional.
6) Couldn't drive.
7) Failed to think rationally.
8) Had to sit down while urinating.
No further testing was considered necessary.
ChrissieS, Pottsie was/is getting shot down in flames. Mind you, with an ego that big, he'll probably just think we're all jealous!
Philip Glenister has a bit of a Ray Winstone thang goin' on I feel, and I do like a bit of Ray...Sexy Beast. I have to admit that I don't watch LoM because I cannot stick (and I have no idea why really) John Simm. I'm sure he's a lovely person and kind to animals but there is just 'something' about him...dunno.
With regard to Matthew Wright...having just used the internet to search (no library card) I now know who he is. Very definitely got a little 'somesin somesin' goin' on thay-er laydeez!
and lyndyloo, I have no idea who any of those people are. I'm sure they must be 'sporting' types so I shall ask my mum. During the meanwhilst, wasn't Austin Healey a make of car? Is that his real name?
Do you know how much you raised yet?
Ooooooh...have to go. Man in Toolbelt alert. Missed the 1048 Dunk In so will be going for the 1148 just because I can - Keith, if you'd like to join me?
hello everyone
No screw(top) imbibments for me last night, I was Knackered after fitness yoga..what interesting positions..I'm glad i was in a room full of ladies!
Glad you had a good toast.
Moose, you are so right..you are a clever chap, and can raise topics which such thought provolking responses.
What about yoghurt in the programme about food? what?
jollygit - I agree - the line was dreadful
Gaby, Anna - no carbs for me thanks- i'll have a pepperami! (Atkins for the desperate)
hello Keith, hello chrissie(Nigella)S, hello Eg - Glad your back too(bit late- i was doing something else last night)
Hazel - violence in sleep, i'm sure there is a self help book for that - slap en schlarffen!? writing a poem about the experience may soothe: Eg
There was Love in Bed
and boy hurt her head
now that is said
have some jam and bread
and listen to right said fred!
Love caroline x
P.s Lyndyloo - obviously had a good time last night
Hazel - You're thinking of the Austin Healey Frog Eyed Sprite. A classic. The human Austin Healey on the other hand definitely does not have frog eyes (or legs!).
I have to confess I know not wot of Matthew Wright. Will have to investigate. Don't do footballers either. But rugby players ... now you're talking. I'm more than a little envious of Lyndyloo, but at least I haven't got a headache!
Missed the 10.48 dunking session, so will dunk two at 11.48. Can you dunk Jaffa cakes?
Dunking jaffa cakes is not a good idea- it all turns out a bit soggy.
Have you done the famous penguin dunk/ take a whole penguin, bite off the 2 opposite diagonal corners (now for the messy bit) put 1 bitten corner in to hot beverage and use the other bitten corner to suck up the liquid through the biscuit, then you have to be really quick and stuff the whole biscuit into your mouth..be alone when you do this first! (or at least with friends) it is yum!
pepperami in sourcream dip dunk for me!
love caroline x
Re: Nocturnal violence - did anyone see the sleep clinic programme earlier this week? There was a chap on there who moaned VERY loudly at odd times during the night and then proceeded to burble on about bespoke tailoring or give a weather forecast before he started weightlifting or rowing exercises. All in his sleep. His wife slept the other end of the room with a pillow over her head.
I think I'd have slept in another room, or even house ...
Good morning, belles personnes!
Oh how I wish I could simplify my life, Moose!
I had a lovely red screw last night - a shiraz, I think. Only a little left for tonight, but I'm hoping to go out for a couple with a school-mate or two!
Loving you all! I'm with you on the dunking, drinking and thinking!
My email for those who haven't got it -
Scottish Meet on Tuesday 3rd April in Glasgow. All welcome!!
Thanks Hazel I did indeed join you at 1148….mmmmm I have waited all morning for that ;-)
Annalog and Caroline, should we be thinking of dunking Jafa Cakes at all? Are the biscuits or are they cakes?
have you read #74 next door
classic : )
Hazel Love - Mr (W)right is getting a tad booked up - but we could reserve you alternate mondays? : )
Ooo ... I'm up for walk after lunch! Off to get my wooly hat and scarf and gloves and wellies and camera!
Umm ... what time is lunch?
citril - lunch is at 1.30pm and pre-lunch drinks started at 10.30am : )
so pleased you can join us
“Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event.”
Oscar Wilde
I've just tried the penguin dunking/sucking thing and the little b*gg*r pecked me and hopped off on one leg. Didn't want any more of his corners cut off so I could suck hot chocolate through him apparently. And it made a terrible mess of his feathers.
Should I try a Gentoo instead of a Rock Hopper?
Just back from the asthma clinic. Good news - it' been confirmed that I am in fact still breathing. Bad news - I've to go to see the Doc urgently as I need bigger, stronger, more powerful inhalers! Really bad news - when giving my list of things that trigger asthma (could see nurse starting to drop off during it), my mouth ran away with me and I said "red wine" (b*gger, b*gger, b*gger - I said to myself). Well you'll have to give it up she says. But I don't drink a lot says I (BIG LIE No. 1). But if it brings it on then you need to stop. Back and forward - back and forward. OK I'll stop says me (BIG LIE No. 2).
Step on the scales she invites. I've got really heavy boots and clothes on I say (BIG LIE NO. 3). I know I'm a bit more than I should be (BIG LIE NO. 4) (I know I'm a helluva lot more than I should be). Do you try and manage your weight she asks. You know what's coming - BIG LIE NO. 5 - Of course I do! (well I manage to keep it at a level far higher than it should be!) And of course I take regular exercise (BIG LIE NO 6) - I go the gym (I've been once this year!), I swim (I haven't done so this year) and I climb (I've had to stop in recent weeks coz I can't breathe).
Oh well!
Caroline - isn't that cruelty to penguins?
Anyway, how on earth did you discover this trick with a penguin in the first place? I must have led a very sheltered life!
Missed the dunk - was on the phone at the time - will try later xxx
Anyone want to come to the vets with me at 3pm to see the guinea pig getting the stitches out?! I have 2 toddlers to look after too and would appreciate someone giving me a hand!
Moose -well said, honey! I think all you guys are just beautiful and don’t know what I’d do without my daily fix! What other blog are you commenting on, so we can have a nosy!?
Lyndyloo - Looking forward to the photos! Glad it went well! Who’s Austin?! Oh, I put a request in for ARF - what on earth can I find that’s interesting about me?! What did you say!?
Anna - screw (top) - yes please! Are we allowed to start early on a Friday?
Chrissie - I think Pottsie was just sharing his dreams with us! What did you think of Frances #64? I didn’t actually understand everything he said!! Philip Glenlister is right up there with David Tennent!
Caroline - how did you come up with that one!?
Annalog - you made me laugh hysterically!
EG - what are you going to drink at the Scottish Meet!!?? You, too, made me laugh! Glad you’re still breathing. Sorry you’ve got to go for the stronger stuff! Exercise once a year is regular, is it not? Lol
Anyhow … missed the dunk, so just putting the kettle on. Anyone want one of Charis’s lovingly prepared fairy cakes (other types of fairy are available!)?
Huggles, Susan <><
Citril - I'll pass on this occasion if you don't mind but any other time ..........
jollygit x
#72 next door USED TO BE #74, and is the post to which I referred in my earlier post.
phew, glad we got that one cleared up. The bugge** will probably change them again now!!!!
eg (Scotland) - oh, poor you babe.
off out now - have a lovely afternoon friends, and thanks for tuning in.
My DAHLINGS! I have no wish to join the Mr (W)right waiting list...happy just to admire him from afar.
Keith, I enjoyed EVERY mouthful.
Caroline...how long did it take you to work that penguin trick out. Is there any particular colour penguin it works better with?
Gaby, thank you, high praise indeed, but I think you meant the previous incumbent, who now appears to be eating just a petit morseau de pâté en croûte 'umble, je pense..?
annalog - you do realise the penguin involved will now be hopping around in circles.
...and hey! I've just found there is a penguin called a Macaroni! Hoorah. All sucking problems now at an end...oooh and it eats SQUID! I will have to add it to my Christmas card list immediately.
Susan S, I was confused after the Einstein quote. It must have been that last small sweet sherry...
OOOOOOOh lunch soon...
...and finally, a big chorus of "Lie, lie, lie, Delielah..." EG (Scotland) you is bad! but using the 'Hazel Love Patented Mathematical Gym and Exercise or Workout Schedule', you have akshully been to the gym approximately 10% of this year. Which sounds like a lot.
Moose - you are a truly lovely man - what a lovely reply to Gaby!
However, it's taken me almost five minutes to clear up the drool after your very descriptive account of your bacon and egg sandwich this morning - thanks for that.
jollygit x
Whose turn is it to change the stinky nappy!?
oh no, Hazel -yours is now #74 next door. My comment therefore sounds as if I didn't think your post was a classic, which it is,....
: ) : )
must go
you see, I thought I had it all cleared up...but I hadn't
Citril - I'll pass once again, thanks!
And I've been meaning to say, Prime Minister, that...
...just so you know...
My half written entry for the Bridport prize (thanks Caroline!) has a certain penguiny feel to it. Maybe I should try and incorporate this new trick in there somewhere.
And coincidence #3...
I was reading about Rockhoppers only last night (research for the Bridport).
Have been a bit lax with my dunking duties as I got a bit carried away with a mentor session...Ok Ok a coffee and a chat.
Promise to be better this afternoon.
So what's your record for a stack of Pringles (other pre-formed potato chip brands are available) into your mouth in one go, without any spillage while eating them?
And what flavour were they?
...I wasn't sure I was trying to get away with anything. But it sounds quite exciting...
I suspect I know what you mean though! Do you think she'll go for it?
Reflecting on my earlier blog, I decided I must take my health more seriously ..... so ok, I thought, I'll give up the red wine. Just at that the Dom God (I do love him to bits) arrives home with weekly grocery shop and copious quantities of the red stuff to quench my habit. Oh no - I couldn't possibly upset my Dom God, I couldn't possible tell him that his hunter gatherer efforts at the supermaket were for nothing. So, the giving up of the red stuff has been postponed for a wee while and probably until after the Scottish meet).
Oh and thanks for the positive stats - yes exercise once a year can be considered regular. And so far 10% - wow, no wonder I'm feeling tired.
Huh?! What was that one all about!? Is Moose actually the Prime Minister!?
Oooo ... I hate mysteries! Who'll go for what Moose!? Don't do this to me! I have to leave in 5 minutes!
EG - I'll make sure that we meet in a place that serves quality tea and coffee!
Ooooh Moose. What have you been up to and will who go for what?
Pringles absolutely have to be salt & vinegar flavour - nothing else and no more than 2 at a time or the inside of your mouth goes funny.
Citril, if it's not too much trouble, could you take my penguin to the vets with you this afternoon? He won't be any bother, it's just that he's inexplicably started hopping round in circules. Thanks.
EG - Maybe it's not the red wine after all but the way you're drinking it. Try biting the corners off a penguin, dunk one bitten corner in...
Even if that doesn't work, I'd trial and error a whole lot of other things first...
Annalog - I only have one pet carrier but if you think the penguin will be ok in with the guinea pig, I'll happily take them both! But only if you babysit Charis and Amy!
Meant to say that I also have the vets this afternoon - got to take the two buns. Have previously asked vets if they could treat me. I find their bedside manner much more acceptable than a significant number of those in the medical profession that I've had to deal with! And they give your tummy a rub!!
Do share, please!
Ok ... bag ... nappies ... wipes ... water .... juice ... raisins .... valium .... coats ... shoes ... diet coke ... car keys ... TV off ... cat out.
Have I forgotten anything?
Yikes - can't keep up here.
Moose - thanks for that very sound advice. I think you are sooooo right - I shouldn't rush to give it up. Glad you liked the quote - and so please that it made the eating of the bacon and egg sandwich so enjoyable. Your description had me drooling ..... and I don't even like eggs.
Signing off soon. But hope to be back later.
Susan (Citril)
THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!
EG - see you at the vets - I'm grabbing a takeaway double latte on the way - what can I bring you?
Oh ... hope your buns are ok!
Well spotted! 2 babies as Amy is here too!!!
Enjoying lunch with y'all .... but got to dash!
Love ya, hug ya, squeeze ya!
Susan <><
I think she hasn't got a very good command of the English language, so probably won't get what you mean anyway. Whether you get what you deserve or not is another story.
Susan - thanks, a skinny latte please (skinny coz I've got to manage my weight! ha, ha)
Mainly routine with the buns although one has got a bit of an eye problem that's not clearing. I'm trying not to worry - because I do overworry. And although I don't always take my health as seriously as I should I do look after my babies.
Good luck getting the stitches out.
This is moving fast this morning! Oh, it's afternoon now! Didn't make the dunk in - sorry about that.
Thought you might enjoy a chuckle:
Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are the letters used to define bra sizes?
If you have wondered why, but couldn't figure out what the letters stood for, it is about time you became informed!
(A} Almost Boobs...
{B} Barely there.
{C} Can't Complain!
{D} Dang!
{DD} Double dang!
{E} Enormous!
{F} Fake.
{G} Get a Reduction.
{H} Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up !
Amanda x
PS - Smug as a bug and Moose - is it to do with a visit north?
EG, I've just had a blinding sleet of inspiration!!!
It's not the red wine per se, it's that you get all hot and excited while you are drinking it, and prior to having a glass, you are breathless in anticipation.
There. That do you?
Good luck with buns, babes and pigs y'all. I'm off to hunt some squir'ls...the simple life...
That's the thing - you go to the clinic and you get duff advice. You come to the Moose blog and you get great advice.
Thanks Hazel - maybe I'll try a drink of something else to calm me before I get all hot and bovvered before drinking the red stuff. Will give it a try tonight.
Really must go now - addiction is setting in.
Hopefully the cryptic stuff will become clear later.
Smug Bug,
Check out the background though - certain jobs are a fantastic training/proving ground which make for an easier route through the whole process, as they already have experience, a foot in the door and connections. It's all about connections...hmmm I should write a book about that. Doh! Already have!
Not sure what you're thinking I'm hoping for...but I think it might not be what I'm hoping for.
...and Amanda - welcome and well spotted!
Moose, I like it much more here than in the north. More humour around! A good bunch of people! In my humble opinion more literary talent as well!
Amanda x
I think I may be wrong. No matter the truth will out I'm sure.
This weekends home work project.
The Simple Life
I've just had a conversation with my Boss about the common sense that is largely lacking in so many people these days. I tried to think of one of the quotes I read on here earlier, but couldn't remember it.
Sometimes people just over complicate things, often seemingly just for the hell of it, when common sense should be all that needs to prevail.
1500 words. To me by 10am Monday please.
Amanda very good ;-)
Only because you mentioned the subject….
One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob:
"If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts."
Just had to share this with you guys as it has just had me collapsed in a heap on the floor:
After her fifth child Brenda decided that she should hae some cosmetic surgery "down below" to restore herself to her former youthful glory.
Her gammon was dangling a bit too low and looked like a ripped out
Time and childbirth had taken its roll and she reckoned that with five children now being her limit, she would tidy things with a nip here and a tuck there so it would look more like a piggy bank slot than a badly packed kebab.
Following the operation she awoke from her anaesthetic to find three roses at the end of the bed. "Who are these from?" she asked the nurse. "They are very nice but I'm a bit confused as to why I've received them."
"Well" said the nurse, "The first is from the surgeon, the operation went so well and you were such a model patient that he wanted to say thanks."
"Ah, that is really nice," said Brenda
"The second is from your husband. He is delighted the operation was such a success that he cant wait to get you home. Apparently, it'll be the first time he's touched the sides for years and he is very excited."
"Brilliant!" said Brends, "and the third?"
"That is from Eric in the burns unit," said the nurse. "He just wanted to say thank you for his new ears!!!"
Amanda x
Hope Moose doesn't BP me!
Today's kwinkydinks...they are talking about me 'n' the boy!
So simple and yet uncanny.
Well Amanda, that was a bit of a conversation stopper ... not a sausage in the comments column since Eric got his new ears.
Have a good weekend folks whatever you're doing. I'm going to watch some rugby - nothing better on a February Saturday afternoon than sitting in the cold and rain watching burly chaps mud wrestling!
Totally lost for words. The gammon bit and then the kebab bit both got me dumbfounded and aghast quite frankly...Then I tried to email it to some colleagews, and now I'm up before the beak for smut.
Enjoy the rug wrestling muddy boys!
i have been away, went for that walk in the country. Didnt see any of you mind. Too busy dunking methinks - red wine and jaffa's are not a good idea tho EG.
thank goodness i am back -
Susan - Who is Austin Healy..... WHO is Austin Healy... Who IS Austin Healy Who is AUSTIN HEALY. Only one of our country's finest Rugby Players. A fly half who played for leicester and England. And as well as all that talent, his also pretty fine..... but then he is a rugby player!
Hope that clears that up then.
I obviously have a warped sense of humour and sorry if I have offended anyone with my smut!
Hope everyone has a good weekend doing their thing!
Promise to keep it clean next week if I am allowed back to play!
Amanda x
Afternoon bloggers. I'm still very fragile so be gentle with me. I've posted a couple of phots on the blog but I don't seem to have many at all... something to do with all the vino collapso. I've tried tea/coffee/water and hot x buns but all in vain... any suggestions?
susan- re austin (oz) http://www.austinsyear.com/index.htm
hello everyone
Please be aware that no penguins of the feathered variety have been maimed or harmed in any way, after my comment/suggestion RE: dunking.
However, if you have that kind of inclination the biscuit is called a puffin in a major supermarket..sucking off a penguin or a puffin OOER!
The naughty corner is a'calling me...come on Amanda off we go!
I've started on the G&T (no carbs)..well it is Friday, it is 16.16..time for CRACKing ER do I know someone called JACK!
There's no sign of him next door.. now off to do some cooking - Tea is
good old spag bol (just the bol for me though..) Have a lovely weekend if I don't see you before.
Love Caroline x
Hazel - It WASN'T me! Made me laugh though, after I got over the kebab comment.
Well I have to say, Nico looks like a right proper charmer Mr 'iggins!
Glad you went for the pinstripe - looks very cool indeed. I do hope you didn't catch your heel either in the pavement or in the Beer Scooter wheels on the way home...
Have found aforementioned Sporting personalities. I do have a bit of a thing (a very very tiny & you'd hardly notice it from quite close thing) for the occasional rugby player. Anyone remember Colin Leaty (other spellings are available) from Neath? or is that different rugby?
...and I'd just like to say that Kevin Peterson copied the boy's hair.
Well, looks as though jollygit is going to be closest to the tape next door. 26mins til five, and I'm off art tonite avec mes chere amies pour une grande beverage and even bigger dinner, so won't be listnin. Have to cage squir'ls before I can get ready too.
Happy weekend all of you...
in vino veritas
mmmmmmwah x just because I can
40 Gypsies died and went to heaven.
They turned up at the Pearly Gates and asked St Peter to let them in.
He said that they didn't have room for all 40 of them.
He only had room for 5, so they should go away and think about who would come in.
A short while later St Peter went to see God and said "They've gone!"
God replied, "What, the Pikeys"?
"No" said St Peter, "the f**king gates"!!!!
oh for gawds sake annalog, I know it was Amanda...she is badder than EG (Scotland)...Amanda is NAUGHTY bad...and also very rude and very funny. I have tried to send it to the beak too, but he has his Mary Whitehouse filter on.
Talking of beaks, wassup with all the puffin?
ps You now have to get a ticket for the Naughty Corner or Corridor a la the deli counter at Sainsbos. They are maintaining a strict one in one out policy, and I got sent back in for shaking it all about.
No sea birds were harmed during the making of this pie. Now 4 and 20 blackbirds - WHOLE different ball game!
Aaaaah life was so simple back then... in Days of Yore
days of my what?
no, not your, yore
like i said, days of my what?
Oh I'm going home.
Hmmmmm ... having a thing for an "occasional rugby player". Someone who occasionally plays rugby? or plays rugby on a special occasion? or is admired from afar instead of the usual non-sporting admirees?
I vote for Thomas Castaignède.
No offence intended to anyone. It's been a long day. I'm orf now. Toodle pip.
My vote goes to Martin Corry who has got the bluest eyes ever! and the most beautiful voice.... ahhhhh!
oh annalog
I took a picture of an 'Articles for Sale' poster last year as it made me laugh then, and still makes me chuckle.
Occasional Tables - need work
Amanda, i certainly was not offended, merely trying to button my mouth regarding all the responses i wanted to put in regards to child birth and the craze that sweeps america. the designer vagina. Maybe i will be BP'd by moose too. T'is ok, have censored myself.
Well, I've missed all the fun today and I am totally distraught!
No point in trying to even get a "toe in the door" (sounds rude)
- have a great weekend everyone and we'll meet up again on Monday. (Not unless I can get my hands on the computer at the weekend).
Quiet Friday evening ahead, glass of something soothing and then cleaning the house tomorrow and cooking my world-famous fishcakes for my sister joining us tomorrow night.
It's guaranteed that we will, at some point on Saturday night, play our "Live Aid" video - originally recorded in 1985!
I am SOOOOOOO old!
C xx
to be honest, if we are going to name names then i could choose several, Lawrence, Matt Dawson and jonny all get my vote (or something) but i think my curr fave is Martin Johnson, or jartin mohnson as he is known in our house. I love a bit of ruff, especially one with hands that size.
aaahhh - rugby. cant wait for kick off.
Incidentally, i am off out with the mother and baby group that i used to go to. i reckon amandas joke will go down a treat!!
have a good weekend all. rugby, chilli (or hot roast pork sarnie) and top gear on sunday. weekends dont get any better than that!
Have you fun you crazy people.
am I too late for a dunk?
or is it screw-time?
Why sentence structure is so important!!!!
The boss had to fire somebody, and he narrowed it down to one of two people, Debra or Jack. It was an impossible decision because they were both super workers. Rather than flip a coin, he decided he would fire the first one who used the water cooler the next morning.
Debra came in the next morning with a horrible hangover after partying all night. She went to the cooler to take an aspirin. The boss approached her and said:
"Debra, I've never done this before but I have to lay you or Jack off."
"Could you jack off?" she says. "I feel like shit."
Have a good weekend everyone ;-))
Keith the BigUn
It is never too late for a dunk!
OK, I think I won the sweepstake next door - woss me prize then, eh?
Off out for a curry tonight with 'im indoors at a new restaurant in town so will toast your healths with a few glasses of the cheeky stuff.
Hope y'all have a great weekend and I just might pop in over the next two days to see what you're all up to .........
jollygit xx
did you just hear Chris say....'never too early'....good lad : )
Evening all,
My I think 120 is a record! For one day anyway...
We had a power outage at work for about half a millisecond, that put our servers out for about 3 hours. Then the pointy haired one announced he had an 8am mtg on monday and needed some work done, then Mrs Moose wanted me home early, then we were going to meet half way, then she had a blow out (out I said!)...anyway, just about to try to get two very tired mooselets to bed.
Good job I wasn't around - I am may have felt the need to laugh out loud!
Well done everyone.
Hazel - what's the prize for the essay? - I only write for money, don't you know.
evenin' blogmeister,
my, you have earned yourself a glass of the cheeky stuff
Matt - have we heard from you since you tried to avoid the Reading gridlock?!!
Let me know your bearings and I will be on my way
lyndyloo - I have looked for your pics - did you post some where?
guys - I AM old, I am listening to 'Friday Night is Music Night'!!!....and, that ain't all.......I AM enjoying it!!!!!!
Oh man .... you guys just took off and left me behind! I'm so lost that I should be on that island with the polar bear!
I’m still none the wiser as to what Moose has done … or where he’s going! I’m guessing that when you are talking about moving north, you mean northern England?
EG - dissolving stitches, so the wee man didn’t have to traumatic a visit! The vet thought he and his wee lady were a ‘lovely couple’! Hope you enjoyed the latte!
Amanda - that was sooooo funny! If you come WAY up North to the Highlands, you’ll find we have a wonderful sense of humour! A bit sick at times, but a good sense of humour none the less! On saying that, I got lost on Brenda’s story!
Hazel love - do you skin the squirrels too??!!!
Not quite so smug bug - homework?! At the weekend?! You’re so mean!!!
Keith - you always have such funny things in your comments! You obviously have a gift for making people laugh!
Anna - I’m just a simple lass from the Scottish Highlands! I know nothing about football …. or rugby … or the players who run after pig’s bladders! Hope you have a great night out.
Lyndyloo - sorry … he’s too young for me!
Gaby - it’s most definitely screw time! I have a rather nice cabernet sauvignon merlot here - a cork so need to use it up - large glass or small?
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
What a great blogging day - I've so enjoyed myself. Thanks Moose, as always, for hosting this.
Susan - latte was soooo good. I've another trip to the vet in 2 weeks with Big Bun. Glad your wee man is ok.
I'm on the screw tonight - and not red but rose - see I do look after my health!
But ... must tell you all one more thing about the clinic visit today. In the midst of all my lies, I said that I thought weight gain was mainly down to serious illness I had a few years ago - knocked my system to pot, never been the same since. I think by this point nurse was seeing through the lies .... "Hmmmmm" she said "it could just be down to your AGE". I think that was her way of slapping me. Biatch!
Have a great weekend everyone.
morning all,
hope you are feeling fine and dandy.
Keith : ) cheers
susan s large please : )
eg (Scotland)....you did make me smile with your account of your clinic visit.
ps c'mon the teams : )....sorry to mention the 'f' word, but it IS saturday : )...oh, and of course, there is the rugby too : )
Morning! Thought i was on me own this morning gaby. Just been cleaning the house whilst 'rockin out' to some of the heavy stuff cos him in doors and the man cub have gone to grandmas.
Off to sunny doncaster to hand out some special saturday ticket deals for the festival that starts in a couple of weeks then back to cook a joint of pork for hot roast pork sarnies that we will be devouring at half time in the rugby. Expecting a house full as all the neighbours and their kids are coming too. I love saturdays like this....apart from the work bit....
have a good day gaby, and anyone else who's about.
just peeked next door....
I don't really want to be controversial or unsupportive of Chris who has enabled our gang ("well, why say it then?" I hear you cry)....but.....do any of you think that it can be a bit of a strange atmosphere next door at times. I can't put my finger on it.
sorry for lack of capitals at beginning of sentences. i am nervous about the match this afternoon.
laters my lovlies
anna - HI : )
Ah, you have a fab day planned - the pork sounds garjus.
Enjoy the match : )
Since Hazel's post in which she imparted those sayings, I have de-cluttered and de-cluttered. Such a good feeling, but you have to be 'in the mood' don't you ??!! Somedays I feel like I can't put one foot in front of the other nad others I feel like I want to redecorate the whole house.
Have a lovely day and enjoy your match.
ps Anna, I had the best chinese meal I have ever had in Doncaster. When I was going out with this guy who lived in the north east, we visited some of his friends in Doncaster, had SUCH a lovely evening. : )
pps no prizes for guessing how I met him (him living in the north-east and me living down here!!!) It certainly wasn't at my local!! lol!!! Well, you have to give the internet a go, don't you? Lol.
Afternoon, y'all!
I'm feeling rough .... nothing to do with the screw last night. Head hurts, chest hurts, everything hurts!
Going to haul my larda** out of bed and find some paracetemol!
Love ya, hug ya, squeeze ya! Hope you all have a great day!
My goodness .... we all must have had busy days! Hope you all had a fabulous Saturday - do make sure you share your exploits with us all!
If I EVER ask for 2 double sambucas, having consumed 2 large vinos (other colours of vino are available) please shoot me with a taser gun! Thankfully the room has stopped spinning, bnut now I can't sleep and there's nobody about! And, yes, next door has gone decidedly bleauch ... but perhaps CLP didn't inspire everyone as on previous days and it's led to a strange bunch!
Stevie frae Dundee+Glas has suggested a Chinese in Glasgow for the meet in Glasgow (yes, I know it's a whole month + away, but i lie a very quiet life as a full time Mummy and I'm very excited! Plus Mum and I are going to see Lionel Ritchie (other ancient pop stars are available) then .... though I think I'm more excited aboot the Scottish Meet!!! If anyone else has any suggestions, we could put it to a vote!
I'm also excited about a meet up with a bunch of photographers I have 'met' online (Gaby, I want more details of your expolits .... cos I'm nosy!). We are getting together in the scenic, historic village of Cromerty on 24th March. CLP was quite sceptical of 'online' buddies getting together, but I've found that the friendship is enhanced by the honesty (most of the time) that arises from online friendships.
Anyways, best try and get some sleep! Huggles all round, Susan <><
EG & Susan- Thanks for the comments on the blog, Gaby you ca find my blog and photos by clicking on my name on here or next door.
I'm almost ready to add some of the funny stories from Thursday night too.
Well done LCFC 1-1 against the top of the table is still a good result. I won't even mention the rugby :(((( though did anyone notice Austin's "life on mars" coat? I sent him a message to say that the cravat didn't make it any less 70's but for some reason he hasn't botheres to answer me!
Happy Sundays
& the Bears
Quiet today, in't it?
Didn't make church this morning, though Charis and hubby are away. Charis was very unsettled through the night - I had thought she might have worn herself out at Grandpas while Andrew and I were out for dinner ... nae chance!
Then, in the deep, dark middele of the night there was an almighty crash .... too loud for the cat being kicked onto the floor ... poor wee Charis had rolled out of bed! She's never done that before! 'I never liked that bed,' my Mum quipped when I phoned her earlier! When Charis got up this morning, she told everyone, including the cat, 'I fell out of THAT bed!'
So, I'm sitting here, exhausted, sore chest, sore head, feeling sorry for myself! Yawn! And there's nothing nice in for dinner.
Cheer me up, guys!
Susan S- I used to fall out of bed all the time when I was little. I always blamed the bed too but I don't think it really had anything to do wit the bed at all, I was just a very unsettled sleeper... and still can be. I almost rolled out of bed while I was away in France last month. It was the first time I'd slept in a single bed for a while and I only woke upojust in time to put a hand onto the wall and stop myslef from ending up in a heap on the hotel floor! Maybe it's just one of those things that us active minded people do in our sleep? In any case I'm sure she will be just fine and you'll still be a top mum so don't worry yourself about it.
More tales of the "do" now available!
I do sometimes wonder about our family!!!
As I said earlier, Andrew and Charis went to church this morning. Before they were even back home, I got a text to say that our cat, Xander, had tried to go into church with them!
When we headed out to the cemetery at around 3pm, there was still no sign of him, so we had a quick drive round the area. After our walk we returned home around 4,30pm ... still no sign. We lost a cat years ago and our last cat was knocked down and killed, so I was a bit panicy by now. I settled Charis and headed back out in the car. I couldn't see him anywhere! Just as I was about to give up, I thought I'd head back to the church and check the car park. Turning into the car park I glanced up at the tree infront of the church .... and there he was, right at the top!
So, I'm standing there, trying to talk him down, but realising that he's not for moving, so I'm thinking, 'I'm going to have to call out the fire brigade!' Lucky for me the scouts were just leaving from their hall opposite, so one of the Dads offered to get a ladder and go get Xander. I was so glad to get him back!
No church for me again tonight ... can't stop coughing!
Evening All (or anyone that's tuning in tonight).
What a lazeeee weekend I've had - I think something to do with having a cold. Out for a bit Saturday morning then sat and watched DVDs with my neice Saturday pm and evening. Had a pyjama day today - and sat and watched more DVDs. Enjoyed it v. much but in other ways I think I feel even more tired now. It funny how doing nothing can be so tiring.
Susan S - the Chinese in Glasgow that Steevie mentioned sounds really central - seems like a good venue. Will let you know as soon as I can whether or not I can make it - but hope I can.
Well tomorrow will be the start of a new week - have a good one everyone.
Hi EG- thanks for the comment on the blog. I know what you mean about doing nothing making you feel more tired. I always feel better if I'm doing something. Have decided that I'm having a TV night in tonight... it's just too good!!!
Hi Lyndyloo - had another look at your site earlier today - and have now added it to my favorites list too. I love checking out everyone's sites.
I'm going to have a tv night too - just waiting for Lewis to come on -I love police dramas and the likes.
Actually starting to get that Sunday night feeling aka the Sunday night blues - never used to get them! But tomorrow will come and I'll get into work and I'll be fine - I hope !!
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