Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Stick to your knitting...

I'm no great negotiator.
Granted, today I was confronted with one of those situations that was probably impossible to negotiate out of, but I still don't think I'm very good at it...

I spent most of last week trying to convince my boss that we should allocate a cost savings task on my "fair" basis, rather than his "simple" basis.
Today I had to go and see one of the Board members to convince him that his allocation (twice as much under the simple method as under the fair method) was correct and that he hadn't been "stiffed".
Well I lost count of the number of times he used the words stiffed and flawed. And at the end he sent me away having made no inroads.
I think I did quite a good job of arguing something I didn't really believe in. The fact was he was in no mood to give in, especially not to me, a mere underling two levels below him, who was telling him something he didn't want to hear.
So I failed dismally in my negotiation/persuasion attempt.
Back at the office, I told the boss what had happened. He asked me to calculate the difference and he was going to suggest to the Chief Exec that we "let the Board member off".

Had we followed my method, someone else would have picked up the difference (and probably not complained too much) so we would have delivered more.
Still, the boss, just like the customer, is ALWAYS right...

So I think I'll stick to my knitting. Only take on achievable persuasion attempts, and concentrate on my skills, not my weaknesses.
The whole thing sums up why I dislike big companies, and why working in them can be so frustrating. I just want to get on with helping them with ideas to save the money, and all they want to do is argue how much of the pie they get. Not exactly abundance thinking or win-win. Maybe I'll send each board member a leaving present...2 books each. the first is obvious - it's my book. The second is Stephen Covey's "7 Habits". The frightening thing is how successful these people are with little visible sign of practising the habits. Maybe Covey was talking rubbish all along!

PS Check out the OAMC link on the right...February details of the London meet now available!


lyndyloo said...

Ahhh the corporate culture thang! I have had one of my friends round to see me tonight who was caught up in the big corporate culture world before she was made redundant late last year. She has since returned to another job in a similar enviroment. I don't claim to understand it all as I work with people that I've worked with for years. We all work independantly but look after each other. In fact this latest project is the first we've all been jointly involved in and we're all finding our own strengths and weaknesses as we go along. We pat each other on the back for any gain and take joint responsibilty when there's a problem. I feel very privilaged to work with such a great bunch of people and hope I don't ever have to deal with the corporate mentality that I hear from so many of my friends. (Moose and Kieth included.)For what it's worth.... you sound as if you put the greater good above all else and that surely can't be a bad thing. Long live Moose!


Anonymous said...

Morning all,

Moose, we must all fail some time or another otherwise we would never know and understand our weaknesses. Use the failure to help make you stronger and better prepared for the next time. Anyway it could be worse, you could be Steve McClaren… he is getting used to failure ;-)

Amanda……….I know you are there ;-) Thank you xxx

Keith the BigUn

P.S. It was a terrible night, blowing cold and rain in a most frightful manner. The streets were deserted and the local baker was just about to close up shop when Bernie slipped through the door. He carried an umbrella, blown inside out, and was bundled in two sweaters and a thick coat. But even so he still looked wet and bedraggled.
As Bernie unwound his scarf he said to the baker, "May I have two bagels to go, please?"
The baker said in astonishment, "Two bagels? Nothing more?"
"That's right," answered Bernie, "One for me and one for Bernice."
"Bernice is your wife?" asked the baker.
"What do you think," snapped Bernie, "my mother would send me out on a night like this?"

Anonymous said...

You see, it all depends on expectation doesnt it - i cant even knit. Crochet is so much easier!

Slightly self indulgent post to follow, but a story that i hope links in:

When i first left school i worked for a very large high street retailer well known for quality garments. The hierarchy was demoralising and the lack of respect for people on the shop floors knowledge of customers and customer needs was astonishing. I was there for 18mths and at the tender age of 17, handed my notice in by telling the store manager that there wasnt enough staff on the shop floor, the quality of garments was decreasing rapidly and that the store layout was hampering customers ability to see what they wanted and enjoy the shopping experience. My final words were "if you dont sort something out in the next 5 years you will be in real trouble, the competition are creeping up on you". That was 12 years ago, and i am quite smug to see that i wasnt that far wrong, and its taken (taking) a lot for them to regain their position in the market. Shame that the coportates dont realise just how much knowledge their staff actually have. Would save a lot of money, time and reputation if they did.
I always was (have been) a gobby little bugger. How to win friends and influence people!?!


Anonymous said...

i know, smugness is not an attractive thing.... but sometimes you cant help it.

Anonymous said...


Moose, I do not envy you working for a big outfit. You must feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall. I work in a very small office (5 surveyors, 2 secretaries) and as long as the work is done, we are left alone, no-one breathing down your neck. Sure, the MD is a bit of a pain, especially because he always thinks he's right.

Along the lines of what Anna was saying, about the staff knowing more than the management - my boss recently sent out a fee to a client, it was for £10,000 and he charged the client for a letting board and travelling expenses, on top of the £10K. I went into his office and said, look I think this guy will flip when he sees you are charging extra for expenses, why don't we just include them in the fee? Well, of course I was over-ruled. Two days later the client called in a fury, absolutely livid at being charged an extra £180 for expenses. He was so right when he said, "it's not the money, it's the principle". Result? I would imagine that guy will use one of our competitors in future and we have lost very tasty future business.

Now, I am a typist and I knew what to do, why do the big guns make an a**e of it all the time?!

Can't believe it's Thursday already - will check in later to keep up to date!

C xx

P.S. Sorry for you guys in the south - we are really lucky in that there's no snow in Glasgow, it's just freezing!

Jo said...

I know that I have better ideas than my bosses but then i get a bit smug (sometimes it can be attractive anna!) and think that if I give my bosses a long enough rope they'll do themselves a fatal injury with it (so long as you can prove that you were providing them with good ideas that they ignored!)

Anyway - where's all this snow then - M6 was a pleasure to drive on this morning between 10a and 8 - normally hell on earth!

It's trying to snow here in West Bromwich but not really succeeding - am hoping it's done a bit better at home in Shropshire :o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Morning Moose

Learn to knit. That is/was possibly my only NY resolution. I can't actually remember why I wanted to now, possibly because it was supposed to be the new black, but that's 'staying in' or is that the new going out...?

ANYWAY It sounds to me like the stiff flawed guy is very stiffly flawed if he wasn't even prepared to listen to you properly. He is obviously SO smug and comfortable in his position that he wasn't ever going to bother listening to you. (bear in mind that he probably plays golf or squash or something with the CE) I shouldn't think it was anything what so ever to do with any shortcoming in your negotiation or persuasion was ALL HIM.

Someone will kick off sooner or later, and as long as you have the meeting documented, you have both legs to stand on - mind you, you may not be there then, so...

Ultimately Moose, most of us want to help. Some choose not to accept the help however well intentioned and that dear Moose, is the cross we have to bear. Don't count it as a defeat, chalk it up to experience, and as soon as you get your answer (use the extension of your PA/E to good effect) get the halibut outta there!

I love anna's story. I too have been (and can be if the need arises) a 'gobby little bugger' and I think that I have possibly been a case of constructive dismissal (although had NO idea at the time) because I stood up for the just and true, so got labelled a trouble maker.

and here's one I made up earlier...

Whaddya call an eskimo chav?



oh dear, and another...

The result of the knitting competition?

Pearl won.

BigUn, both of those were just for you just because I can x;-# (toothy grin) xxxxxxx

Dogwithnobrain said...

Hey ,

I knitted six scarves for christmas, now I'm knitting a baby blanket. They are all square or rectangles. That's all I can do, but it stops me eating!!

Re: Big Heads not knowing... why does this happen over and over again.

My previous company put a bid in for a contract worth £47 million, and they were told to rethink as it was 15% over budget.

I told them not to resubmit as a "rethink", but to say that I had made a mistake in the typing of the proposal and had typed "exclusive" of VAT, when it should have said "inclusive". then it would have looked like they had the right price all along.

But they said, no, we'll let them see that we are open to negotiation. And resubmitted, by lowering the price by 16%, and they were rejected, because they had obviously priced it too high in the first place to get as much money out of them as possible!

Duh. If they had just done what I had said they would have gotten it... what did I care if I looked like an incompetant for the sake of £47Million worth of business!

ARGHHH men in Suits!


Anonymous said...

Hey, DWNB, perhaps for next Christmas you could knit suits for squares?

by the way, just caught up on yesterdays later posts...thank you Keith, Jo, what is DES?, Lyndyloo you are a gitbag and I'm not sharing my shortbread with you (not really xxx) - by the way, I got the train home last night, first class, with that Carlossantanaman...jillygoat, I'm a first & nearly a second, never again! Caroline, ChrissieS and Cathmel - three seas of calm xxx

Now, before I start some work, I have things to do, so happy morning to all of you xxx


lyndyloo said...

Do you know what I love about blogging on the Moose site? Being able to say things like....
Kieth- it's good to know you're ok and I hpoe the suits don't grind you down too much
Hazel- I kind of knew you'd forgive me
DWNB- my bears are both sooo happy today and would like to know if you fancy a roll with them later
Jo- How can West Brom have missed all this white stuff?
Anna- It's just great to be smug (as long as you share it with friends)
Chrissie- Morning!
Moose- Thanks for being here!

And no-one is going to have a dig about me being cliquey or too sugary... (sweet substitutes are available).

With that I'm off to fetch provisions for my parents as they are sufferring with flu type symptoms and need to be spoiled.
Catch you all laters


Jo said...

Morning all

Hazel - DES as in DESignated driver

Vote type Poll thing on my blog for puppy names :o)

Make your vote count!

:o) Jo

PS - Evening meeting cancelled as Director who was presenting is 'working from home;' today. Am fuming at the hypocrisy of it all - underlings expected to be in work or lose day's pay whereas overlings allowed to lord it over the rest by flaunting their decisions!


PPS. Am preganant so 'severe weather policy' does not apply to me - only trouble is, work don't know yet so think I would be making it up. D'oh!

Jo said...

Lyndyloo - I was a bit premature - snow flurries a go go here now :o)


Anonymous said...


I agree, it's just great to comment on Moose's blog. You just feel free to say whatever is important at any given moment, and then move on!

Thanks Moose!

C xx

Moose said...

Morning all,

Lyndyloo, can you please stop being so cliquey and sugary!!! :-)
Sorry, but someone had to dig you out, just for a laugh!

I'm in a great mood. Had a long chat with Mrs Moose in bed this morning and we cleared the air on a number of issues. I decided against trying to get to work this morning. Great decision. I've just arrived having had the easiest journey EVER!!! All the suckers out there at 7 or 8 or 9 am just cleared the roads for me!

The two things I came in for I don't really have to do. Which I knew before I left home, but we still decided I would come in (and it really was a we).

So now I'm here, blogging. I will do the two small things anyway, save a couple of files down onto my zippy little flash drive dooberry, and then head back home before it gets bad again.

But first I think I'm going to have lunch!

By the way - the board member I met yesterday is the one out of all of them that I have the most respect for. He actually does have a really good point. He has been stiffed and I didn't want to do it to him, because he is actually one of the good guys. He cares about his people (and there are about 200,000 of them!) is calm, measured and hardly ever wears a suit! He's very unusual in my experience of big company bosses - the world would be a better place if there were more of his type in charge. The reason he feels so aggrieved is because his colleagues don't act in the principled way that he does...leading to him being stiffed!

I guess I don't really see yesterday as a failure, as such. More a reminder that I don't like the big company thing where you get forced into arguing stuff you don't believe in, and sent into battle by your boss when you just can't win...having to go in and take defeat on the chin for him.

Anonymous said...

is it just me that sniggers whenever we talk about stiffing.....

possibly....probably.... sorry then. Ill get me coat. Am over here if you need me!

Anonymous said...

Jo, I'm so excited...and Hatty is in the lead (gedddit? lead!) 100% of the vote goes to Hatty hoorah...I've never been winning at anything before...

Actually lyndyloo, I'd like to complain about my knees being a bit cliquey, but I think that may just be the weather.


ps did we win the foot ball?

What did the eskimo say when he was found guilty of building a wooden igloo?

There snow justice.

Moose said...

What football?

Aaaah, denial is a wonderful state. Blissful ignorance follows it...

jollygit said...

Moose - you sound far more upbeat and happy than you did yesterday - it's good to hear.

I've never worked for a big corporate firm, only the small, sometimes family-owned, businesses; they too have their disadvantages. You can't blend into the background and be anonymous, if that's what you feel like doing on the odd occasion, and it's unfortunate if not everyone gets on.

Ah well, for the moment a job is a job!

BTW - not one single snowflake here in Kent - once again, I've been cheated!

jillygoat x

Anonymous said...

Moose, having just read your post, I feel HUGELY PAE'd with your man! You is both salmons swimmin up the wrong way innit by the sound of it.

Glad you and Mrs Moose have done the talking thing. Me and the boy did the same last night. Not everything in garden as rosy, but then our friend who has just had his 6k car written off has been offered 1.7k and is not entirely happy either. Apparently he is on his way towards Badgers Sett (our house) for solace, as his missis is not as good as me and Mrs Moose.

Enjoy your work break

...and anna, I larfed when I read your post, so no, it isn't just you...

jollygit said...

Jo - I have voted for the puppy's name and am with Hazel - I think Hatty is a fab name and the pup looks gawjus!!!

jillygoat x

PS Anna - no it's not just you!!!! (tee hee) - OK if I keep you company in the corner?

Anonymous said...


yes - but you have to put your finger on your mouth and think about what you've done.


Jo said...

Have had a tumultuous morning - was supposed to have an evening meeting which was then cancelled but then back on then cancelled again then back on again - This just came through from those on high!

Severe Weather Conditions - Arrangements for leaving work today

Due to today's severe weather conditions, we are recommending that Sandwell PCT staff aim to leave work by 2.30pm today (Thursday 8 February 2007).

This arrangement is for all Sandwell PCT staff that do not directly deliver patient care. All such staff members should consult with their line manager before leaving work.

Those that are not affected by this arrangement should have already been in discussion with their line managers.

Individuals should monitor weather and travel conditions (especially those travelling by car) to determine the best time for them to leave work this afternoon.

Please assume working hours will be as normal tomorrow (Friday 9 February 2007), but refer to the Severe Weather Conditions Policy when making your decision about travelling to work. The policy can be found on the Extranet at

In summary the policy states that all staff must make a reasonable effort to attend their normal place of work.

I LOVE IT - But feel guilty as someone else will have to saty and be the supporty type person :o(

Oh Well - afternoon of snowballs for me (not the drink unfortunately - Gaby, you're missing your opportunity for a sneaky drink here!)

:o) Jo

lyndyloo said...

Do you think that Nic will need a Lyndyloo to look after him after his being run over yesterday? I could put myself forward for nursing duties... In fact I could kick myself for not thinking of such a sly way to make an introduction to the beautiful boy myself!

Nurse Lyndyloo

Jo said...

I thought it was funny too - is it just girls in the corner thinking about what we have done?

:o) Jo

jollygit said...

Anna - I've thunk and feel v v bad (still funny tho)

Anonymous said...

to be fair, if there is 3 of us here, we can probably claim corner freedom. There is afterall, power in numbers.

in that case...

stiffing. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

i feel better now.
moving on.

Moose said...

Yes it is. Boys never bother to think about what they've done...
You do realise that I won't be able to keep a straight face when I meet the man in question next Tuesday if he says it again...

I think I'm going to home soon. Two hours in the office is enough for today, methinks...

lyndyloo said...

Anna- I keep sniggering but can't remember why :))

Anonymous said...

Moose, if you can't keep a straight face, try a stiff upper lip.

it's ok...I'm going back to the corner....

Anonymous said...

I am heartily sick of CE blog. This page cannot be displayed. Well bugger it then. I'm not going to try and look at it anymore.

so nur


voting with my red button

Jo said...

Nur Nur to you - it works for me :o)

smug smug smug!

And I took the number one spot today :o)


jollygit said...

Oh sorry Moose - will it 'stick out' in your mind now?

I know, I know and I'm back in the corner ...


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm the CE blog. I have tried to send a post to it today and who knows if it will get to them let alone be published? The format has slowed down to a crawl at best and the sense of community we once had seems to be waning. I am not sure it is Chris’s fault though as the BBC provide the site for him.

Still we have the moose bog ;-) Thanks moose ;-)

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

That sucks!

Got more to say, but need to take the wee lass out and get myself a double latte!

Hope you're having a great afternoon, y'all!

Huggles, Susan <><

PS STILL no snow in the Inverness! Grrrrrrrrrrr!

Anonymous said...

By the way -

Who all is still up for a SCOTTISH MEET?

Looking forward to it! Will give some dates later!

lyndyloo said...

Hooray, we all just got posted on the CE blog...... at last! We shouldn't blame CLP it's the BBC coffins in IT that should be repremanded!


T said...

Wow – I can’t keep up – away for 1 day and loads has happened. I feel so behind already and not sure if I will have time to catch up today.

Moose I am fully with you - earlier in the year my boss started to over rule some of the decisions I had made about my team, now he leaves me to make them. It is great to watch because sometimes he just cannot help himself and you can see how hard it is for him not to comment. Perseverance has paid off an he has now admitted that (which does not happen very often) that on occasions he was wrong and should have listened to me.

Sorry – not sure how that sounded, I am not trying to blow my own trumpet, but am just please to have the admission for him.

Everyone seems really upbeat today – perhaps its the snow or is it simply because its thirsty Thursday? Anyway, I best get back to it – got a long slog this weekend as we are in the middle of performance reviews at work and it takes up so much time – I hate it!


Ps Anna you are not alone, should I get my coat as well

Pps Jo I love Chloe and Hatty as names, but from the pics I think its definitely Hatty

Anonymous said...

Well, lyndyloo, you can knock me darn wiv a all their glory!
(by the way, did check out your pussies outside too, Morticia doesn't give the outside a glance these days, and most of Colin, apart from his black bits, disappears on the snow! Growler? Interesting name...)

If anyone else wants to check out the 'cutest picture today' link (just in case I didn't mail you the koala) its picture two on

t don't start about blowing your own trumpet. Moose is finding it hard (heh heh heh) enough to keep a straight face as it is. Mind you, if you can't blow your own trumpet, who elses are you going to blow! (raucous laughter from brassy woman at end of bar), mind you, if you CAN blow your own trumpet, you should be in a circus! (brassy woman falls off stool)

Oh look, we've found Gaby!


This is going to be the longest hour and a half of the day now. According to recently received affirmation, our friend has reached the domus, he and the boy are already on the beer, so...tic toc tic toc

There is no snow forecast now, so I really can't go home early darn it, but hey ho (insert false jollity here) not long now...

drive safely anyone going now

ps hope jillygoat not out as poorly!

jollygit said...

Thanks Hazel but am now back at work xx Still feeling rough but at least coughing keeps me warm!!

Need to rub some Vic on me chest (other embrocations available) but where is Vic when you need him, eh?!!

jillygoat xx

Anonymous said...

Hazel, my dear.

With each blog you get madder and madder, you do cheer me up!

The snow has well and truly given way to rain down here, so no skipping off early. Can't decide whether to drag myself to the gym or just dive straight into Thirsty Thursday.

I would chip in with a few Mrs Slocombe-esque pets name quips, but frankly I can't be arsed. I'll just try and look busy for the next hour and then slope off quietly.

It's Friday tomorrow!

I would pop a request in for ARF but they'd probably end up playing the wrong song.

MfR - Not still bitter about his gobsmackers. Honest.

lyndyloo said...

it's officially Thirsty Thursday!

I popped in home from my office (above the garage) to let the bears out for another romp in the snow and to make myself a cuppa but on my way into the kitchen I spied the bottle of vino rosso I opened last night and poured myself a glass of that instead. Anyone care to join me?



Anonymous said...

Have been trying to keep up with the blog stuff over the last few days but haven't had time to contribute. You do all make me laugh and/or give me something to think about which can't be a bad thing. Keep it up chaps! and thanks Moose for letting us into your blog (or should that be bog, as per Keith's earlier missive - does this mean we can we use your facilities in an emergency??)

Snow, what snow? We had a bit here this morning but an hour or two of rain has put paid to that and now the sun is shining ... no chance of sloping off early then.

Back to the grindstone - only an hour to go.


PS forgot to mention where "here" is - it's a well known city in the west with its very own hot springs and "spa"kling water.

Anonymous said...

MfR...why thank you kind Sir, I do try...and re the gym? Drink mate. You sound as though you need one.

and greetings to you too lyndyloo!

Cheers and up ya bum!

Getting all too over-exited now - too many ways out!

Jo - as previously mentioned, I try, but try as I might, I cannot find a recipe for a non-alcoholic Harvey Wallbanger...HOWEVER if you are allowing yourself a small amount of units per week, you could always halve the quantities of the alcoholic one...hmmmmm???

Two bottles of half-decent wine for just a fiver my man? Guaranteed no hangover on Friday? With my reputation? You betcha!

Happy Thirsty Thursday Moose - hope you got home safe and your antlers are still in one piece! ps I think it's about time you got Mrs Moose to take off that last bit of tinsel and that bauble...

charles de gaulle

ps MfR - have been trying to think of an ARF choon spesh for you regarding the error l'autre jour, but as yet, rien...xx

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, anyone there? Perhaps you are all ploughing your way through the snow - please take care!

Anyway, just want to say I've had a quick look next door and I am INCREDULOUS at #56 - how on earth do these utter morons get on CE's blog, but every time I want to say "hi, how are things?" - I'm zapped out of the water!

I have sent a comment, but the chances of seeing it before April 20th are remote!

Thank you for listening!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Chrissie- Yes I had much the same thoughts about Jade (what an apt name) but you'll be pleased to know that your blog has got through.

I'm a bit concerned that I've had no response from Nic for me to attend as his personal nurse!

Hope everyone gets home safe, I made the treacherous (other spellings are available) journey from my office back through the back door safely. Me and Booboo then had a game in the garden of hunt the snowball. I make them, throw them and Booboo chases them and can't understand where they go when they hit the rest of the snow.... Blessss!

& the Bears

jollygit said...

Chrissie - you made it next door in the end! The likes of #56 are, thankfully, few and far between so don't give her another thought my lovely (it must be the name, eh?!!)

Despite some dubious posts (mine I mean, everyone else is a complete genius) our lovely Moose lets me blog away over here where I feel I am amongst friends! It's safer over here .....

Only one more sleep and the weekend's here - yippee!!

Rien de neige :(

jillygoat xx

Anonymous said...

lovely jubblies,

what a delight to read your posts - I read Moose's first (obviously) and had my reply ready - by the time I had read everyone's posts, just about every angle had been covered (ooh matron)

I was GOING to say that you could have taken a pot of gold in to see that member of the Board Moose and it would have been the wrong colour. It wasn't you.

Then later on in the day you sung the praises of said guy - you two should defect and start up together - you could have my MD too - all decent, honest, hard working people. I am the same - but would be happy to settle for a lesser post like scraping ice off windscreens or UN Negotiator.

Oh no, I didn't make notes - and have forgotten what I wanted to say to you all ("thank goodness for that", I hear you all cry.)

Not a very nice couple of days for me - eldest went away yesterday for a week - I asked her dad to get her phone unbarred so that she could text us a couple of times to keep in touch if she needed to. He pays for their phones and so has the password etc etc. Vodafone cocked up and so she couldn't use it. Having not heard from her (and not knowing about the cock up) I asked him to check they had done it right....they hadn't - they had arranged for her to contact people in that country (handy when you know nobody that lives there) but not to be able to contact UK!!!! Apparently, nay allegedly , they have fixed it now. I just hope she switches her phone on and tries to make contact again. Bless her. Miss her. Love her.

Sorry, to go into all that.

What else....Chris is still on in the background but I can't really get in the mood.


ps somewhere over the rainbow

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo - absolutely agree with what you said about freedom of posting (FOP) on this blog. Would never have put what I just did on the blog next door, not these days.

bien sur monsieur.

Anonymous said...

Gaby, hope she texts - cant imagine how you feel not having her around for a week!

Anonymous said...

Cant believe the mancub, we have just been outside on the road with the rest of our close, building a snowman. its his first proper snow experience and altho he wasnt totally sure about it - i am sure that he chucked a sicky today to get out of 'school'.

A temperature of 104 is not ideal for playing in the snow, but as it started to come down i thought the fresh air would do him good.

so manipulative - and such tender years!

Anonymous said...

Hazel, love.

Took your advice - albeit without actually realising it as I've only just caught up with things since about 4.30 as 'guv' decided at that point he wanted to go through the accounts (did I look bovverred?) - and went for the drink.

As a result, a rather splendid Californian (warming up for the trip in June) 'cab sav' is slipping down a treat.

Gaby. So sorry to hear of your woes. Keep smiling. I know that sounds trite, but the MfR brand of mindless optimism always wins through.


I've worked out my strategy for ARF. No hope of getting on of course, although I did get the call the other week.

Ease gently into the weekend, my friends.

Peace & love


Moose said...

I've got another method for ARF. Wait for a song to come on that you really like and convince yourself that's what you would have requested!

Missed the show completely today. Was at home already! Painting with the mooselets, making their tea etc. Ho hum. Seem to have lost interest...

I seem to recall that CE's daughter is called Jade...

Anonymous said...

anna and Matt - thank you so much.

I really MUST stop going on about me and mine.

New leaf tomorrow.


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