Thursday, 1 February 2007

Unlikely statements...

There are some things that just seem incredibly unlikely to ever be said.

I was editing the book today and came across one that I particularly like. Of course it's the context that makes the difference. This particular one is a great example because, in the context of the conversation in the book, between Bryan and Katie in chapter 8 (yes they are still together then...), it is completely natural and understandable.
But take it out of context, and you immediately wonder why anybody would say such a thing.

Now, my statement is undoubtedly true. So it's not truth or lies that makes the difference.
I just love the thought that context can make so much difference. I think it's the beauty of writing a book. You have to write about the context in such a way as to make the dialogue believable and natural. And it's getting both of them right together that is so challenging and enjoyable, for the writer first and then, hopefully, the reader second.
And my statement?...well here it is:

"it’s more likely for an academic to play a small cameo role in a movie, than it is for a movie star to write an academic paper"

If you're interested and haven't done so before, look up Bacon numbers and Erdos numbers, and in particular Erdos-Bacon numbers on Wikipedia and all should become clear...

So what have you heard or said that is ridiculous out of context?


Anonymous said...

Oh Moose you pose such a question tonight - what have I said that is ridiculous out of context? You know I just can't think - but I'm sure there are loads of examples.

Really just dropped in to say hello from my sick bed - bad asthma attack. The mixture of inhalers, sniffing probably too much vicks, and having taken a sudafed tablet combined with constant coughing has zapped my brain for tonight.

So, hopefully I'll think about this tomorrow and get back to you then.

Thinking about all you blogers.


lyndyloo said...


Can you please send me your first couple of chapters to and let me be entralled by all this?

In the meantime I'm rading about a couple and their journey through life with a golden labrador who is wrecking their very existence.... Sounds like my life and the Bears without the "couple bit".

Mange Tout

&the Bears

lyndyloo said...

That should be "reading" not Rading.... as apposed to Reading (other football teams paid far too much money are available)...

lyndyloo said...

I shouldn't really be up and blogging at this time of night it's a case of "don't drink and blog" but what the hell..... is anyone watching central Tv? I love the welsh accent (just like myt Mum), shame that we couldn't sign such a great player. I'd like to say that due to the CE blog I just had one of the best nights with one of my friends I've had for ages which has been great"!!!!!!!!!!

I'll love you all tomorrow....

& the Bears

Dogwithnobrain said...

AW Lyndy Lou did you miss the first issue. I'm gripped. I'm waiting for the rest of it. I want the Whole Thing, and I want it now.Like Gaby's Trio, Yes Petal it did exis- Hope you are feeling better today!

I looked up Erdos Bacon... Yup, Looking forward to that coming in to the story.

No idea however about the likelihood of statements in fiction as opposed to real life... too early in the morning for me. I'll read it again later when I go to work.


lyndyloo said...

Out of context...

"If we could just take $40million off the table up front all our lives would be easier!!!"

Anonymous said...


I like that - have never really thought about the context-thing with book writing - but you are so right and I guess that when we are reading a particular book, we are open to and ready to accept the facts that are congruent with the context because of exactly that.

I often ponder (oh no, I hear you cry), about the english language and the variety of different meanings and intentions a sentence can have according to the precise language ( I think the use of email has really emphasised this). I have to think of an example now, don't I???? Ummm let's think. Can't!! Well, if you change a 'this' to a 'that' or a 'could' to a 'should' etc etc it can completely change the tone of your sentence - and the outcome of your question!!

I guess it's the old 'eats shoots and leaves' syndrome really - I have just noticed myself observing it's consequences recently - maybe because I have been communicating like this with you guys - we type a sentence, maybe saying it in our heads and yet when we re-read it on the page we notice how differently it could have been intepreted, and indeed just how many different ways it could be intepreted. It obviously is read by the recipients without the benefit of the added gestures of voice intonation, smile, emphasis on particular words etc etc and the subsequent meaning is altered.

Got myself in a right muddle there! : )

I think it is time for some caffeine.


ps Talking of context, of course there is I suppose the odd situation where a statement can be 'in context' in two completely different books. I think I have an example : )

The following was ALSO seen in the best-selling manual entitled 'How to be a Rich and Happy Footballer'.....'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.' : )


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everybody

I have a funny feeling that Moose, you could become a cult leader - i am usually of sound mind etc etc have just looked up Erdos Bacon on Wikipedia (thanks for that - never knew it was there, v v useful)
1. Why did i do that? A strange compulsion sequenced with humming moose sounds and antlers visions! 2. Well blow me down with a feather, I can't beleive someone did that as scientific research..why can't i get that kind of gig!
I knew Katie was some kind of thread in the book..I just knew it!
One day are you going to ask us our Erdos Bacon number?

Gaby - totally understand what you're saying re communication via email/blog etc One has to be careful doesn't one.

eg(scotland) - tuck up warm

DWNB - you and me both

LyndyLoo - Glad you had a good night, got a headache?

I wish Hazel would hurry up, All these bottles are heavy..I'm waiting outside the hall and it's freezing..I'm tempted to start on the millionaires shortbread to give me sustanance in the bitter chill.
I'm supposed to be working from home today..fat chance, i'm going to be talking to you lot, and of course manning the bottle stall - including chutney too.
see you later

Caroline x

Anonymous said...


I would start on the millionnaires - I won't tell anyone and anyway, I am going to bring some garibaldis as back up!! - everyone LOVES them : )

Just looking for a couple of white elephants and then I'm on my way


Jo said...

Hello everyone - I've got a boot full of clothes and related jumble in bin bags - where do I put them?

It's not just working from home that leads to blogging all day, I do it anyway and am in the office, wish I was WFH though Caroline - I know your waiting for Hazel but are you still in your PJ's??

I always say things out of context - I start a conversation then half way through my brain jumps to something else and I blurt out something that makes sense to me (as I know it's context) but really confuzzles the husband, then i get annoyed cos he can't follow my drift!]

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

PJ's - no wonder I'm blinking freezing! However, Millionaires SB is quite delish, luckily I brought a flask too, so I'll survive.. Just wait until I start on the bottles of Buckfast!
I do the same thing with my brain, and when I do, Mr C does a flying over his head gesture with his hand, and a swooshing noise and says "Low fligher.where did that come from"

just look out for the mad eyed woman in the stripey PJ's sitting on the step swigging from a bottle

see ya
Caroline x

Moose said...

Morning peeps,
Caroline - I will just be hugely impressed if you think you have a Bacon number, an Erdos number OR an Erdos-Bacon number.

My whole plan is to get myself all works like this.

1. Get the book published and film rights sorted.
2. Kevin Bacon plays himself in the film (oops - plot spoiler!)
3. I play a cameo - what do you guys think about me playing the Professor?
RESULT: Bacon number of 1.
4. Someone sees the film and wants to write an academic paper about Six Degrees, and invites me to co-author it.
5. I work out who else I need to drag in to get the lowest Erdos number I can.
RESULT: Erdos and Erdos-Bacon number sorted.

So did anyone see "The truth about food" last night?
I have had eggs and bacon (yes I know!) and a yogurt for brekkie, I'm planning soup and a yogurt for lunch and dinner...for the rest of my life.
Did you see those piles of lard!!!

I also edited chapter 8 over brekkie...
Planning to try and get my synopsis written today and over the weekend.
I feel that next week woul dbe a good week to get the synopsis and a chapter or two out to some literary agents...what do you guys reckon?

Of course there will be time to attend the bring & buy too...I'm particularly looking forward to millionaire's shortbread, cos who knows, this time next year, Rodders...

How many books would I have to sell to become a millionaire? More than 10?

Dogwithnobrain said...

My thought pattern can bounce so dramatically from one topic that my conversations are frequently totally out of context.

It's taken twenty years but my husband has finally worked thru my train of thought, and so what may appear out of context to others makes complete sense to him.


lyndyloo said...


Head is fine thanks Caroline, though for how long I don't know... Saying that, have been out with the bears to the woods, washed the car and made breakfast after having showered and washed/dried hair ready to go meet clients at 12!

& the Bears

BTW WFH is great, as long as you are self motivated and don't need to have someone to remind you what you should be doing... I've done it that way for 20 years-x-x-x-x-

Moose said...

Used to have someone in my team that her boss described as having "Jumpy brain syndrome"...because her brain jumped from one thing to another all the time. Seems like it's more widespread than I thought, at least among half the population!!!

PS had an e-mail from BigUn yesterday - he's snowed under with work but Ok apart from that.

PPS also had an e-mail from Anna - I think she could do with some of those positive vibes from us all...

Anonymous said...

Moose. You are SUCH a poser(sic). You have now asked a question on the blog which is virtually IMPOSSIBLE for me to answer. I say so many things that are entirely ridiculous and so out of context that many of my friends now choose to bring a sony walkman with them when they come to visit.

I do however think it is quite difficult to hear things out of context. I think you can mis-hear, (which unless the speech you mis-heard sounded like 'my lemon-squeezing pig skoda acne fridge repair niblick' total nonsense (or not if you are from Planet Foil Sock Bobbin Bracelet)) then it is easy to take whatever has been said, out of context. This is especially dangerous when you may be dozing off during a 'Violence and Aggression at Work' Seminar, and you immediately leap up to punch the lecturer's lights out.

As our Gabster says, the email has a lot to answer for context-wise, as indeed does the SMS. More analysis and tension has been caused by these two mediums being introduced into our lives than ever was before...You can only truly understand if you can hear the tone of voice or see the expression on the face.

Fair Gaby, I think you'll find that the quote was from chapter one of the wonderful Pride and Prejudice written by (for whom I am named no less) Jane Austen. However, I don't think they used to play football in the olden days...lickle children ran about kicking a sheep's bladder while using their sunday best suits for goal posts.

*I am a poseur and I don't care

ps *That was for MfR

pps No sheep were harmed during the writing of this missive but I am not answerable to the animal rights people as to what may have happened to them before I was born.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Moose!

First, thank you for Chapter 3 - I will read it at lunchtime today - last night was too hectic with "family stuff"!

Second, your blog today - this is where my total lack of intelligence shows! I haven't a single example I can up with! That is my project for the day (in between working!)

JoJo, please believe me (for I cannot tell a lie) I tried and tried to wish you a happy birthday yesterday on CE's blog. Couldn't get through, no matter what. My first comment went through straight away, but after that - totally stuffed! Hope you had a lovely day!

G, just read the wonderful comments from last night, hope you don't mind me saying something. I don't have experience of your particular problem, but would it be possible to tell your ex that you are concerned about the children, and that you can tell from their "body language" that something is not right? That way, you don't have to betray any confidences, you can make out that you, and you alone, can sense there is something wrong.

Just thought I'd pass on what I'm thinking - I'm quite into body language!

Right, must get on, someone has to keep this country on it's feet!

C xx

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I'm now looking at Bacon number..on Wikipedia and it occured to me that in years to come..(maybe less than we think)there might be a MOOSE number! However, as the prof said - Face to face, so unless you organise a meet none of us(well, maybe some of us) will have a 1.
Am I being simplistic, or if one has a connection with a famous person somewhere surely that will lead eventually to Kev (obviously more than 3 though)
Moose - go for it - synopsis and contacts...the publishing world awaits
I miss Keiths Jokes - However, Hazels list was funny a couple of days ago.
Anna- P V's to you

Coffees gone...the Buckie is looking very tempting

Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Ok...laydeez an gennelmen...the moment we have all been waiting for...Caroline put the bottle down, you'll only hurt your teeth...THE CHARIDEE EVENT OF THE YEAR, THE OAYBBS.
I'll be opening up around 12.30. Then I expect I shall be running around like a blue arsed fly.
Mrs Bronson has been asked not to attend unless she has partaken of some listerine lately.
Caroline, just be careful with all the glass. We really don't need another pickled onion incident.
DWNB, when you've finished your paper round, we need you to do a paper chase for the Scouts as they appear to have been getting sponsors...sorry but they've only just let me know as you could have done it at the same time.
eg (scotland) if the haggis is defrosted, you can do the 'Guess the Weight', but you'll need to do your own sign.
lyndyloo, you're down for judging fruit and veg and the cat show. We aren't doing the dog class after what happened last year. Moose - Treasurer, and if you could help Caroline with all the bottles and tables please.
ChrissieS if you take the jumble from Jo please(no need to open the bags dear, they may be a bit whiffy lets face it...)
Jo, if ChrissieS does the jumble instead would you be able to do your 'colours' thing again please, but do remember that 'Tiggy's Boutique for Modern Ladies' does only have a limited supply of pink.
Gaby - the second hand football memorabilia may go down quite well as Mr Charlton has agreed to open the event for us, there may be a few fans about. (That would be Mr Charlton from the solicitors office for any one who is interested)

jillygoat and anyone else wishing to take part, please meet Freda Wales at the hall at 1pm sharp.

Any probs, I'm on my mobile...

Anonymous said...

Hazel (Re:Joyce) You're so organised, how long is that list...?
I'm being a durbrain, whats the OAY(BBS is obvious)
Oh, I'd better change..any clothes in that jumble bag?

Caroline x

Anonymous said...

chrissie S...Thank you so much for that, and to DWNB and again to all of you last night. Moose, your story of your German friend was really thought provoking and helpful. Thank you.

The body language thing is a great idea. great idea.

I am pleased not to be at work today - just treated myself to little of Matthew Wright - I DO like him - I think we would make a great couple : )(thank goodness for dreams, that's what I say : )) One of my bestest friends is so convinced of our compatibility that she wants to get tickets for the show to manufacture an introduction!!! lol!!! bless her : )

...and of course, on a day off, it is great to be able to tune in with you lot on these pages.


Anonymous said...

Hazel - you are hilarious!! : )

is it ok if I bring my own tressle table?


ps am going to attempt to flog my geraniminimums - left over from the summer - going to market them as 'Extreme Spring Bloomers'.

Anonymous said...


Wonderful stuff!

Happy to take on the Jumble. My husband would suggest I donate my three years worth of "Osmonds' World" magazines circa 1973-1975, but as I've told him at least a MILLION times, we are sitting on a gold mine! These beauties will be our pension!

Hopefully Freda will let me set up a little before 1pm!

C xx

Moose said...

This comment is in NO WAY blowing my own is totally dedicated to you lot...

Those poor idiots next door don't know what they are missing. The vast majority of the funny stuff has moved over here. Well, at least for us lot, the banter going backwards and forwards was always a major attraction of the CE blog. Now we have somewhere else to swap banter and there is next to none next door now (apart from Susan S - good on you for keeping it going!!). I have little or no appetite for it over there and just get my fill over here.

So Thanks...

I've written a synopsis. Anyone got any ideas what really should be in a synopsis and what shouldn't?
Also, I need to think about which chapters to send to the agents. Some want 1 chapter and some want 2.
I think my synopsis makes chapter 1 not necessary to send, so I was thinking 2 and 4 if I need to send two chapters and just 4 if I need to send one. I know you haven't seen 4 yet...but it continues Matt's story. I think it's important to get two different threads if I send two chapters...or do they just want to assess your writing style and general idea, so is it all irrelevant?

Might have to do some research...

lyndyloo said...


Will be happy to have a look around all the enormous oversized leeks and onions lurking on the tressle tables. Will I be able to award a special prize for the fruit that looks most like Gordon Brown?

-the bears (as they like to chase the puddy-tats)

Anonymous said...

hey moose - we must get your book onto Dickie and judy - I know others, probably you, mentioned this before

Anonymous said...

I could imagine Richard just LOVING the 6 degrees concept

Anonymous said...


am no expert on what they are looking for but I would think that your idea about sending two different threads is the best idea.

will research and report back

Your roving researcher and reporter from Reading


Dogwithnobrain said...

Sorry Hazel,
Bit of a problem with the paper chase. Husband taking Scouts newspaper ski-ing tonight, so am afraid I stole all newspapers on round this morning for use as Skis. HOwever, I do have this months audit report on my desk, and am currently expediting it to the shredder, so should be ready in about 2 hours. (there's lots of it).
Happy also to do the Face Painting. Pretty damn good at that and enjoy sticking brushes up kids noses.

Moose - Take three Paragraphs of Chapter one, 4 of Chapter 2, and 5 of Chapter 3. And then forward me ALL THE REST OF THE BOOK PLEASE.

Where is Keith? I'll email him find out if he is okay.


Anonymous said...

A propos Chris.

did I dream it or did Chris say that he was driving back to Surrey yesterday and that we may see him again or we may not? It just seemed a little random, nay unusual. Am not reading anything into it, just 'struck' me.


ps I just saw Freda behind the bike shed with the trifle sherry. Could be a late start.

Anonymous said...

Actually it could be OAYBABS...
anyway on the QT, I am currently doing some sign writing which could possibly bring an entire city to a standstill. My evil plan is starting to take shape...anyway, back MUCH later.

jillygoat, do you mind picking up the keys please hon...


Anonymous said...

chrissie s - you are right - hang on to those magazines. When it comes to realising your pension, if you think it would help if you had someone on your sales staff who shared the same birthday and same favourite colour as Donny, then I'm yer gal : )


Anonymous said...

Just to let you know I am still alive and well :-)

Busy, busy, busy I have got to go!

I thought I woulf leave you with this quick thought:

To make it stand,
you wet it!

To make it wet,
you suck it!

To make it stiff,
you lick it!

To get it in,
you push it!

Damn, threading a needle when you get older is no joke :-))

Keep smiling

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

Moose - not sure how helpful this is but came across it when I googled 'what should be in a synopsis'.

I think I too have 'jumpy brain syndrone' but I think it's caused by 'spinning on the spot syndrome' and 'having an a*se for a boss syndrome'. I seem to have so much to do at work that my thoughts jump from place to place. I can be sitting in a meeting and I'm thinking about what I need to do as soon as I get out or what I've not done that I need to do and on and on and on.

Anyway, now on day 2 of sick leave - is it any wonder?

I think the banter on this blog is fab - though sometimes I don't understand half of it - but I'm not sure that matters so long as I enjoy it!

Confused & sick in Scotland.

Dogwithnobrain said...


Halloooo, boy are we pleased to see you.


Anonymous said...

EG (Scotland)

get well soon xxxxxxx

Your experiences at work sound just like mine - it's no wonder some of my balls drop sometimes (ahem) when I am trying (and failing) to juggle so many.


ps I don't understand half of what *I* say, let alone what else is going on. : ) sometimes, when I am speed post reading to catch up and then I try to post something funny, I worry that I may have got the wrong end of the stick and that when I have joined in with what I THOUGHT was a running joke, i am, in fact, making a fool of myself as it wasn't a joke at all!!!! lol!!!

wrap up warm cos baby it's cold outside x

Anonymous said...

the only way i am going to get anything done today, is to turn my computer off - as it is, I keep coming back for more.

catch you later....I think I mean later, I may mean sooner.


Anonymous said...

hello All
Maybe the chapters are to prove the submitter has actually written the book?
R&J - now that would be a coop!

Gaby - I've just listened again to Chris - and he does say that...Ooer that's how gossip and speculation starts.
That means his blog will be mega late..Too busy here this a.m ( and WFH plus OAYBBS) to even look.
Plus I looked back over the blog, Gaby - luckily i'm not in your situation, I do feel for you though, what ever situation one is in one just wants to bring up well balanced children..just remember though, a tree with sturdy roots nurtured well in the beginning,will thrive and survive - you are the well rotted compost (not literally!) which surrounds and feeds the tree...and it sounds like you are doing fine.. the body Language idea is good. {{G}}

Keith - good one (Finbar saunders and his double entendres)

Blimey that lady over there has got cream, custard and sponge all over her face, and she's holding a HUGE bunch of keys..she's smiling..she's tottering.......OMG she's just started giggling..
H A Z E L !!!

Caroline X

Anonymous said...

Aaah, Friday.

Except it won't be a real one if I don't get cracking as I'll be here tomorrow (Hong Kong people want five sets of accounts by 9.00am Tuesday).

So, I won't make it to the B&BS chaps.

Lyndyloo. Could you have a quick squiz round and see if you can find me some jam? Strawberry would be nice, but blackcurrant will do.

Gaby. I've left the greengauge chutney at home (doh!), if anyone wants any could you jot it down and I'll see they get it.

Didn't catch the end of the show, so I don't know about Chris heading back to Surrey. It'd be odd if he did on a Thursday. I'll keep an eye out for him over the weekend. In fact, I'll park my brand new Land Rover next to his second hand one!

Got to get on. I fancy G&T tonight and not having to head down here tomorrow morning.

Hasta la vista


Jo said...

Well - have been on a mad dash round all the charidee shops looking for pink stuff for the 'colours' stall, so far have managed to rustle up

1x fairy wings
1x pair barbie roller skates
3x fluro pink socks
2x Pink Vest
5x rara skirt
27 x pink cheesecloth blouse

On the plus side I have also managed to get a purple crushed velvet suit for a gent, anyone got rid of something similar recently?

Right, pass me the sherry (or has it all gone) (other fortified wines are available)I'm coming in!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Guys you are having so much fun and I can't keep up! :-)

Loved the "a*rse for a boss" describes mine to a T xx

Keith I loved the joke :-))))

The reason Chris said we may or may not see him again because he was driving back to Surrey in his VW and wasn't sure if it would make it!

Sorry I will miss the BBS :-((
don't suppose there is any millionaires shortbread left?

Catch you all later xx

Moose - I know next door has changed but please don't abandon it, after all if it wasn't for next door none of us would be here. We owe it to Chris to get it back on track, BP permitting of course, which is where the problem lies!

Bye for now
Mary xx

lyndyloo said...

MfR- Have managed to get you strawberry home made variety!

Will be going for covert meeting at service station on M40 shortly to meet 2 very handsome clients so may not be back... Happy Weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

Caroline & Gaby - thanks for your thoughts.

Caroline - been relecting on your suggestion that there might in future be a Moose number - great idea. However, I'm puzzling over the bit in Chap 2 when the Prof talks about whether we 'know' or 'don't know' someone. Do we actually know someone just through a blog - or do you actually have to meet the person in the real rather than virtual world? OVER TO YOU MOOSE.

This also brought back to mind other thoughts I've been having recently about blogging. How do I know that my boss, yes the one that I referred to earlier as an a*se is not one of the bloggers on this site - I mean in reality I very much doubt it. But with the names we use, someone could hide behind it. I realise that I've given out here and on CE's blog in the past snippets of info about myself - so someone might just piece together my identity and could secretly blog against me!


Moose said...

Richard and Judy - already gone there. Apparently they just take what the publishers push through to them. It's up to the publishers to send them a couple of nominations. So you have to be properly published and suggested to get on...
Lots of bridges to cross before we get there...
If you do get there, you sell millions!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone

Mary -There's a bit of fluff on it, but I brushed it off..1 bit left..I'll save it for you - I've got some clingfilm..ooh where is it?.

I've just commented on the other side..but for the third time am getting the error message, that is why here is great - so true on instant gratification ( and of course great company)

Anyone for a swig?( I wiped the top with my PJ germs then)

Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

eg (scotland) I'm so sorry to have given you so much responsibility hon! I'll get every one to write their guesses down, and send the list on to you. In the meantime, can you keep it in the fridge so it doesn't go off because the winner gets it....


Mark Timmins said...

Excuse me is this the parochial church hall bring and buy sale?
I tried to park my bike outside but there seems to be some sort of argument between two Chelsea tractor drivers going on. I think it was about Bacon butties or numbers but I am not sure.
anyway here is a bag of clothes...
I wonder wether there is any earl grey tea and a nice scone.
Mr Caroline

Anonymous said...

Hello folks
Would it be OK if I hang around with you for a while? You look like you're having fun and I haven't been to a B&B sale since my granny went to that great jumble sale in the sky (she loved a good old rummage through other people's cast offs!).

I've been out of touch for a week or so and have only just managed to sort-of catch up on goings on. Things seem a little flat "next door" as I've seen it called and I have been mightily amused by all your ramblings ...

If I'd known before I would have baked some lemony muffins (my speciality and usually rather good!) but they'll have to wait until next time.

Hope you'll let me stay for a while (thanks Moose for letting me through the door).

Anna Log

Anonymous said...

Get him out..that Mr Caroline is a trouble maker..Earl Grey & Scones my a*se -
Call security!
he's got a pump and he knows how to use it.

Really gotta get back to the WFH only 7 more product briefs to go, then child from school.. Mr C I am working..honestly!

love Caroline x

Moose said...

Welcome to Anna Log. I'm going to enjoy a virtual lemony muffin anyway...I already have my coffee here.
Just had a long lunch break when I should be working...20 mins to a meeting and about 3 hours work to do...oh well!!

Moose said...

Mr & Mrs Caroline...
Can we have some of CE dinner party rules on here marital rows to be brought on to the blog. Although then we'll have that atmosphere on here...oh well, just carry on then...

Anonymous said...


Checking in briefly. Things have been hectic, what with the arrival of Mr Caroline with a HUGE bag of clothes for the jumble and then I had to smuggle him several scones that Mrs McGlumfer had her eyes on!

Mary - you are so right of course. None of us would be involved in any of this if it wasn't for Chris's blog. We must support him. Certainly, I do try every day but when you are zapped time and time again, it gets pretty frustrating! However, I, for one, will not abandon him and I urge every one on Moose's blog to hang in there!

EG - I think the whole point of "knowing" someone is not so much learning things about them but most definitely meeting them face to face. I don't know about you, but I make up my mind about someone within about 30 seconds of meeting them. I don't know whether that's fair or not, but it's just the way it is. This is why I am a TINY bit worried about a OAMC - though I would love to meet you all! What happens if I am "bombed out" almost immediately?!

Anna Log - come on in, the water's lovely! Moose is doing a terrific job and we have all been made welcome. It's great fun, but also pretty serious and that just about sums up life!

All right you lot - leave those Colin Firth Table Mats alone - I haven't even priced them yet!

C xx

Anonymous said...

wow!! - I can't keep up either : )

EG (Scotland) - I know what you mean about the identity thing - I think I am pretty much 'identified' now or rather 'identifiable'. I really could have gone to town with my ramblings last night. There is a delightful collection of Scottish friends on here. My ex's new wife is from Scotland too. I know it is unlikely for any of you to be connected but you never know!!!! lol!!! I think I said on a post next door that a friend of mine locally had said to me 'is that you on the CE blog??!!!!

Mary - thank you for clearing up the trip to Surrey thing. Speculation was running rife : )
Also, I agree with you re Chris' blog. Chris has given us so much, and so much to think about and relate too.

Mark - YOu referred to a bag of clothes. Please could you look through it for my address book - I still haven't found it. Oh, and if you come across a thousand used purple notes....they are mine too.

Lyndyloo - please could I borrow one of the handsome ones.

Caroline - when you said I was the well rotted compost, I thought for a minute I had left my web cam on again!! - No really, thank you for your kind comments. I haven't got a web cam really. My friend has a webcam (I have more than one friend) and when her daughter is on msn with the webcam on, the daughter's friends always ask 'why does your Mum keep running past with a big glass of red wine in her hand?' !!
Actually, she runs past in order that they may not see her due to her swift movement from kitchen (refill station) back to living room!!


Jo said...

Anna log - can i interest you in having your colours done? The only proviso is that you like pink!

I only have 1 rara skirt and 1 vest left and 1 pairof barbie roller skates, can i interets you in them?

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

I must say you are all in fine fettle today! Thanks for keeping me cheerful, although I have almost been caught by the prying eyes of my boss on more than one occasion! Blooming cheek anyone would think he is paying me to be here :-))

Anna log, you will love it here, welcome xx

Caroline.....thanks for shortbread whats a bit of fluff between virtual friends :-) that doesn't sound right, but I'm leaving it in :-))

Here is a question for you all - if you meet someone you haven't seen for a while and they say to you "you are looking well" what do they mean by that? It's just happened to me and after I walked away from him I thought what did he mean! For me it's something I would say to someone if they had recovered from a long illness. He is someone I used to work with, and work don't know about my ME or depression, otherwise I wouldn't have a job - hope there is no one from work on here - so it can't be because of any illness. Is it because I'm overweight? So instead of saying you look great, which could be a contradiction because I'm fat, so he said I look well! Or have I just over analysed my analysis????

Sorry now I've gone and spoiled the fun but I had to get it out of my thoughts otherwise I would just keep going over it again and again..........

Help.... :-))

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Anyone for greengauge chutney?

Sealed bids in by 2.10pm please.

Sold when seen

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mary - we must have pressed 'send' at the same time. My greengauge chutney comment seemed a little uncaring after your post : )

I think he was paying you a compliment and said it because he meant it : )


ps catch you all later

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say, on behalf of all the OAYBABS, ladies and gentlemen. You seem to be doing an absolutely M-HARVELLOUS job while I can't be with you. We've got the use of the hall until 5, so we'll need to start clearing up around 4.30..

edgar allan poe of nothing at all..Goodness me, 14.04, still no blog next door! I for one am perfectly happy to keep using it...and listen to the show as much and as often as possible...and after all, if it wasn't for CE, none of us would be here now!

Anna log - babe - where's you bin! Nice to see you xx

Back to business. I'm pleased to announce that up to 2pm this afternoon, we have already made £9.04. It would have been more, but the courier from Sweden demanded cash on delivery for the tables.


Could the person who has their bicycle chained to Lady Snort-Hurdling's new Nissan Prairie please remove it.

I thank you.

one more sign to go and my domination will be complete...wooo ha ha ha ha etc

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me welcome.

Jo - I love pink, but sadly I don't have the legs for a rara skirt any more. Could I try the roller skates on a test drive? It's a while since I skated but I'm guessing it's like riding a bike (when you haven't done it for a while you fall off a lot!).

Like others I have an a*se for a boss but there's no danger of her checking in and identifying me on here. Some of my colleagues might though so I'll have to be careful ...

MWK - don't analyse it too much or you'll go mad! I recently had a letter (a real, handwritten missive not an electronic substitute) from someone I haven't seen in about 15 years - and she said something along the lines of "although we haven't seen you for years, mum says you haven't changed much". I've been fretting about what that means - am I still as awful as I was then, does she think I've still got the same pants on or what??? I'm not paranoid though ... And I haven't seen her mum for just as long, so what does she know??? Perhaps they are just remarks that fit into Moose's ridiculous out of context category.

Anna Log

Anonymous said...

Mary, I agree with Gaby - (Mass generalisation coming now,..) Men don't usually mean anything in what they say ( in that context) except for the thing they are saying (if you get my drift) Eg no back agendas etc.. but I'm sure there will be other opinions about that!

Gaby- please don't sell any greengage chutney to Mr C- chutney always used to cause flatulence to put it polietly.

ChrissieS - priced those coasters yet..ooh and what about the hugh grant teatowel?

Moose - how's the meeting?

Everyone- on the downhill slope until 5pm! Hooray! the weekend is coming!
still no joy next door - I am still trying
Love Caroline x

Jo said...

Did I here someone say we've got the hall till 5 pm? It is Friday don't you know - I can say with some authority that the 'colours' lady will be out of here by 3:30 latest, apologies for those of you wanting colours doing but hey ho, thems the breaks.

Anna, I can see that you're enjoying the roller skates but be careful around the bottle stall, greengage jam can be a bugger to get out of ones hair.

:o) Jo

PS. Do we have one of those Blue Peter type machines which shows how much we've raised?

Anonymous said...


Just had this emailed to me:-

Apologies in advance Keith for stealing you slot :-)

Husband always insisted on makin luv in the dark. After 20yrs, wife turns on light, finds him holding a vibrator. She goes balistic, how could you lie to me all these years? Husband looks her straight in the eye and calmly says "I'll explain the toy, you explain the kids?


Apologies for any offence this may have caused.

Exciting day tomorrow, start of the six nations - England v Scotland - come on Scotland :-)))

Mary xx

Anonymous said...


I know exactly how you feel! What's it all about - you are looking well!

I really think it's like an "embarrassment thing". You don't really know what to say, you want to say SOMETHING NICE, so you say "you're looking well"!!!

I hate to admit this, I have done this myself!

Nothing to read into it, I am sure, and I'm also pretty sure you ARE looking well!

What a life, eh?

C xx

Anonymous said...

This has been great being able to pop in and out all day.

Chrissie S - like you I tend to make my mind up about people fairly quickly - although there are a couple of people where it probably took me a wee bit longer to warm to them.

On the a*se boss front (again .... sorry but I seem to have a need to download this today), the first time I met him (before I worked on his team) I thought what a plonker and indeed thought the same every time we came across each other. But I didn't trust my instincts (why should I, after all I pride myself on the fact that I get on with 99.9% of the people I meet)and I've been paying the price for the best part of 3 years now.

Anyway Chrissie S, I'm sure that if any of us met at an OAMC meet, we would all get on just fine. I think there's a respect amongst us bloggers on here.

So on that note .... Respect to all the Moose bloggers.


Anonymous said...

Yup - this afternoon when the researcher from Chris Evan's show phoned regrding my request for ARF!! In the middle of talking to her I piped up, 'I like photography!' ... for no reason whatsoever!


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone

we've had a good day, haven't we?

Moose, you counted the money yet?
also - I'm a bit shy to ask but I've been wondering for a while..what does OAMC stand for?

Hazel - spot on..those tables arrived then ( good memory) I LOL re: bike..I'm smiling now.

Mary - I'm in a quandary, I'm English, live in Scotland, husbands welsh, child is scottish..who should I support?

Give you SusanS remember to say Hello to us lot as well when you're on? what tune did you choose?

Chop Chop - chairs to stack I have to clear up that greenguage chutney (even though MfR forgot it)

Ooh where are those rubber gloves?
Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Bl**dy B*gger I meant

"Get YOU SusanS" Fancy, maybe being on the show!

what a durbrain I am

Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the mess with the greengage chutney - I never should have tried those roller skates in a confined space. I would help to clear it up but it's going to take me ages to get the stuff out of my hair and I don't think my fluffy jumper will ever be the same again... Don't know about having a*se for a boss - I've got a bruise for an a*se! (am I allowed to say that? - sorry if it causes offence to anyone).
Anna Log

Anonymous said...

Hello Beautiful People :)

Sorry I haven`t been very visual this week, its been a mad one. Missed you all and missed the show etc. I am still here... Just !!

I hope you all have FANTASTIC weekends doing fantastic things with fantastic people.

I promise I`ll be in touch more next week.

Love to you all

Tracey-Ann x x x

Anonymous said...

Susan S - Well done, with ARF.
I will be so excited if you get on :-)

Caroline - Who should you support ermmm well you could support England, your hubby Wales and the wee one Scotland.... that way everyone gets a wee bit of support from the Caroline household aaahhh that's nice :-)

Do you think I've used support enough times in that paragraph!!

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Anna Log - you just made me laugh out loud re your bruise. Thank you.

By the way, I hope it's a virtual bruise and not a real one - if the latter then soz for laffing!

Caroline - OAMC = Once A Month Club - I asked same question recently. Chris talks on his show about meeting up for his OAMC.


Anonymous said...

BY THE WAY...I really have been sign-writing today, and they really will put a bit of a spanner in the works of my fair city (mainly because I think I may have put the direction arrows round the wrong way)...I suddenly realised that what I had written could be horribly taken out of context (how odd to get back to the original thread however tenuous the link) after all that stuff about those blokes doing a publicity stunt in America somewhere.

Mary, I find people usually say 'You look well' either when you've put a bit of weight on, or they think you look absolute poo and are trying to be nice. The best and easiest thing to do is to accept it as a compliment and just say thank you. I find it easier to say 'Ooooh what a lovely blouse, where on earth did you find that?' Mind you, you do have to be careful who you say that kind of thing to...

Anna Log - and anyone else still wearing the same pants...

You haven't changed much - usually means you still haven't really got the figure for that top, and you always did look like mutton dressed as lamb. The only difference now, instead of just a dab of tinted moisturiser anna bitta gloss, you're using both day and night moisturiser, concealer, foundation, touche eclat and powder.

Every one with an a*se boss. I'm intrigued to know what an a*se boss 'front' is? Sounds a bit rude dunnit....heh heh heh

My boss is wearing his Friday Pants again. Earlier he drew an 'X' on my hand with one of my big pens. Apparently this is so that I can come back in again.

Right that's got that ootw.

eg, glad you could keep popping by. We've raised £17.00 on the Guess the Weight of the Haggis stall, so I'll send you the list, and you can let the winner know, or just send it on...up to you love. Keep your vest on.

Jo, startling job. The general idea was to advise the ladies (and Mr Pickering) the colours that would suit them...I for instance am a Cool Summer with a hint of Dappled Walnut...However the pink has brightened up the day no end, so well done you!

Gabster - superb idea getting them to bid on the greengage chutney. It is gopping muck, but the bidding idea made it all sound a bit special so it ALL went! Fabulous...

EVERYBODY, you have all done so well...and while you have all been clearing up (put the bottle down and listen just for one minute please ChrissieS, and Caroline you're just encouraging her!) I've been adding up.

We have raised...
in total...
can you believe...
This is mainly due to a slight error in the silent auction, but Mr Pickering said that as long as I didn't tell anyone what he was bidding for, he'd be happy to pay.

Thank you all for all your help. Once we've paid to have the roller skate scuffs removed from the badminton court, the monies will all be going to 'Give a Moose a Home not just for Life but for Christmas'.

For those who don't know, it's a bit like buying an african tribe a goat or a borehole - speaking of which 'VOTE MCCRUMBLE'

Now, lets all push off to the pub for a darn good pint of Brittles Old Bottom Clencher...

thanks moose - have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hazel - all cleared up, we've all got rosy cheeks, sun in our hearts, laughter on out lips and gin in our tummies (found a bottle behind the washing up liquid in that cupboard under the sink)
How's world domination going on? Nothing on the news..Have you stopped CE getting to the studio on the Surrey Road?
MfR can you help?

we'll leave the keys under the stone It's Ok, hope you don't mind - Anna's going to roller skate them to the HOME
with the remaining Colin Firth Coaster and the greengage chutney.
Pink is the colour of the day.

Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Don't worry EG - it's a virtual bruise. I got it from trying out Jo's virtual Barbie roller skates in a confined space at a virtual B&B sale in an unspecified virtual hall. Being a little out of practice I careered wildly around the room hitting a virtual bottle stall and sending several jars of MfR's virtual greengage chutney in all directions (and as he apparently left it at home anyway that's quite difficult to do!). My well padded posterior (that's real, not virtual!) took most of the force when I landed on it, but unfortunately the chutney what flew up in the air when I hit it rained back down on me and I'm still picking bits out of my ears, hair and once fluffy angora jumper. What a way to spend your afternoon. I really should have stayed at work.

Have a great weekend folks. I'm off for a lie down in a darkened room now because it's been a funny old day.

PS Is that enough virtuals?
PPS Caroline - I'd support Ireland - they're going to win anyway!
PPPS I'll pay for any damange and the broken jars next week - just let me know how much I owe.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm off for the weekend...

I hope everyone has a FABULOUS time dahlings...and thank you all for being such great fun!

Gaby, I'll pick the email up at home! love ya xx

Now, it would appear that all I need is Chapter Three...


Anonymous said...

Hazel - haggis is chilling nicely. Sounds like the Brittles Old Bottom Clencher would be the ideal thing to wash it down.


Anonymous said...

Well, I have had a great day blog-wise! Really enjoyed it!

Susan S - I hope you get on the show, but I won't hear it!! Girls night out. Don't be nervous, go for it and I wish I could come up with something for you to say about photography, but I haven't a clue!

Tracey-Ann - so good to hear from you! Hope to hear from you next week.

Caroline - as explained by EG - OAMC is the Once A Month Club. Chris talks about it in his blog, he meets up with a couple of his mates Once A Month. Now, I lost the thread with this at one point, but I'm pretty sure that Moose then suggested the bloggers (who could make it) should get together for a OAMC. Moose has another section dealing with this on his blog. The meeting arranged for January ended up being cancelled (due to horrendous weather) but Moose has suggested a date for February!!

Finally, this is a question that I don't know who can answer -we now have our computer set up at home. This sounds daft - can I access this blog and can I comment? Bearing in mind it will be a different email address, and all that?

Sorry, totally at sea when it comes to computers!! I will check in tomorrow morning to see if anyone can give me an answer!

Have a great weekend everyone. Thanks Moose, so much for letting us have so much fun. Hope your day went well. (Still to read Chapter 3 - had to go out at lunchtime, so couldn't read it then. Can't wait, taking it home with me for the weekend!!).

Going now, promise!

C xx

Anonymous said...


Thank you for the birthday wishes.

Hazel Love - your reply to Mary and Anna re: other peoples comments and what they really mean. Don't sugar the pill, beat around the bush, gloss over the cracks! Fantastic! I just love the way you tell it as it is. You could be the alternative agony aunt........Dear Hazel Love........


Moose said...

Just leaving the office...glad everyone had such a good time today.
Hazel - ALL my e-mails to you keep getting returned...that's why there is no Chapter 3 for you...any other ideas? Maybe I should do a beach trip again this weekend, but do the south coast. If I follow the signs, will I find it? I could bring spare copies and hand them out to everyone I meet. If I keep going for long enough, chances are I'll give a copy to you, or someone you know, or someone who knows someone you know, get the idea!
Alternatively, I'll send a copy to Tony Blair. He'll rewrite it to make it sound better (he does it with everything else!) and then send it on to the people!!

Will pick up Chinese on the way home...will be a better Friday evening tonight, despite the fact that I'm feeling very fat this week (and dreading my weigh-in), I have work to do tonight when I get in, and I'm still here and have now missed the entire CE show, as well as most of the B&BS.
Good work everyone!
Thanks Hazel for being chief organiser and sign writer.

Come on England! No offence to all the Scottish bloggers...

Any guesses on how many minutes into the game Jonny will be stretchered off?

Dogwithnobrain said...

Ok - So I went into the "Other Side" today. Read it, boy was it an after thought eh? A kind of "write something down or they'll moan".

Maybe he should reduce it to once a week, then he might have something exciting to say. Think it started as a good idea, and then he got bored. Do you realise he started almost 6 months to the day (7th August... I'm not sad, I checked back). I think maybe attention span is the problem here. Radio show taking off... BBC looking for him for Cooking... Woman,... .new House... Enzo..... He doesn't need his blog to fill the day any more.

Good job we've got you Moose... hey ... 6 degrees. If you know Colin M, then maybe we're connected in less than 6.

Anonymous said...

Hey! (Isn't that how they always greeted each other in Friends? Not my choice of viewing, I hasten to add, far more Mrs MfR's bag)

Well. I ploughed, furrowed and cultivated and did enough to ensure that the office would remain empty until Monday.

Hurrah! A whole weekend in and around Rudgwick.

The plan is; a quick raid on the supermarket in Horsham followed by a sesh down the gym (Mr E present or not). I'll then peak out from behind the sofa to see how Fulham are getting on (I ought to go, really. Didn't bother getting a ticket as I thought I'd be working) before settling down with a movie (I fancy The Sentinel; Keifer & Mr Zeta-Jones) and a bottle of Champagne or two (the wagon has disappeared into the distance). On Sunday, more gym (Mr E or otherwise) and then a large dose of bugger all.


I hope you all have a suitably relaxing/energetic time, dependant on your plans. I'm sure that I'll drop in here to see what's happening.

By the way, the greengage chutney is for real and several jars are maturing nicely in the garage. If ever the OAMC happens I'll bring a jar!

Peace and love


PS It's not a crime when you look the way you do.

Anonymous said...

Evening all you lovely people,

Thank you so much for all of the (royal we) concerns as to my whereabouts. I know I have been neglecting my blogging duties and the spreading of a laugh or two!

I can assure you all I am fine and well just for the moment I have to work too many hours. This week has been up to 14 hours a day and now it is the weekend I have a mountain of papers to read before I disappear on Sunday for a day of briefings in Wales on Monday. My workload has just increased by 40% for the next couple of months and I simple have to do it. I have spent loads of time getting financial authorities to put the staff in place to work for me.

Before you all start I know my working practices are not good for my health and I should take more care of myself …yady,yady,yady ;-)))

I do try to read the blog every day it is just I do not have time to attend bring and buy sale although I was nearly tempted earlier in the week by the Jaffa cakes :-)))))

Still keep up the good work all of you and to borrow a phrase from you all know who “I am loving your work”. Keep at it as what we have here is special!

Keith the BigUn


An accountant's joke. Sad I know isn’t it

At the end of the tax year, the Tax Office sent an inspector to audit the books of a synagogue. While he was checking the books he turned to the Rabbi and said:

"I notice you buy a lot of candles. What do you do with the candle drippings?"

"Good question", noted the Rabbi. "We save them up and send them back to the candle makers, and every now and then they send us a free box of candles."

"Oh", replied the auditor, somewhat disappointed that his unusual question had a practical answer. But on he went, in his obnoxious way: "What about all these biscuit purchases? What do you do with the crumbs?"

"Ah, yes", replied the Rabbi, realising that the inspector was trying to trap him with an unanswerable question. "We collect them and send them back to the manufacturers, and every now and then they send a free box of holy biscuits."

"I see!" replied the auditor, thinking hard about how he could fluster the know-it-all Rabbi. "Well, Rabbi", he went on, "What do you do with all the leftover foreskins from the circumcisions you perform?"

"Here, too, we do not waste", answered the Rabbi. "What we do is save up all the foreskins and send them to the Tax Office, and about once a year they send us a complete dick."

Mark Timmins said...

Chrissie thanks very much for the scones they were delicious...and in answer to your query yes you can do it at home and we will all be able to see...
Mrs Caroline has gone out so I am having a lovely cheese and greengauge chutney cobbler
very nice it is too whoops sorry pardon moi...
thanks once again to you all and well done on raising so much cash for such a worthy cause ( I hope you don't mind but I put the notes I found next to the address book in the donations box) and I look forward to coming again soon.

Mr Caroline

Anonymous said...

Moose - try

Mr Caroline - you don't need to refer to Caroline as Mrs...she just are Mr Caroline...but we love you anyway, and you're hooked now aren't you?!

Oh happy Friday and two bottles of wine for a fiver...

Cheap, moi?

ps Despite having no interest whatsoever, I hope all your teams win! xxx

lyndyloo said...

Goodnight and God Bless to you all.....

Com'on you Leicester!

& the Bears

Dogwithnobrain said...

Hey MfR

How YOU doing?