Saturday, 3 February 2007

Why do I do it?

It's half past midnight on a Friday night/Saturday morning and I've just finished working and e-mailed off the work to the boss.
Quite why I bother, I don't know. As far as I know, his daughter is ill, and he's going to Twickenham to the rugby tomorrow/today. So he's unlikely to look at it until say Sunday morning.
But Mrs Moose had a good point, that if I didn't do it tonight, or get up early in the morning, then I probably wouldn't get it done tomorrow. Wise woman!!! Only got one decision wrong in her whole life...
And I really didn't fancy getting up in the morning. So it's done, I've sent it off, I've kept my commitment (hey how about that! Responsibility!), and I shall sleep better for it. I hope.
I now have one of those too-much-MSG-and-red-wine headaches, unfortunately brought on more by the MSG. The wine was a cheeky red that we uncovered a while back. The label is in German, so our guess is that it's at least 8 years old. Normally age is a good thing for decent wine. However this was the Californian Carafe variety where I wasn't so confident that the ageing thing would apply.
But surprisingly it did.
I now have a mouth that feels like the proverbial bottom of a parrot's cage. Too much salt from the soy sauce. But I'm feeling so full I can't face drinking anything.
I decided not to do my weigh-in. By the time I got in with the Chinese (about 9) I couldn't be bothered. I shall do it in the long as it's a good result. If not I'll pretend it never happened.
I must say that all the evidence does point to Paul McKenna working. I haven't listened for more than a week now, and I've been struggling all week. Will have to get back to it next week...


Anonymous said...

Testing, Testing, 1-2-3!

Home computer up and running, so let's see if it works!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Well, Helloooo!

Moose, I think that's a lovely picture of you and your wee son! Hold on to it mate, because when he's 16 you will find it hard to believe he was ever this cute!!

I had a terrific night out last night with a couple of girls I work with and another girl I used to work with. When I say "girls", they are 23, 24 and 30. I do feel like their mother. Anyway, the 30 year old was telling me she went to see a hypnotist two weeks ago to help her stop smoking. She can remember everything that was said and apparently he said to her that all he would do was change the "CD" in her brain, the one that says it wants to smoke - to the one that says it doesn't. She hasn't wanted a single cigarette since, and she's over the moon. The reason for this ramble is, would it work with weight?! I am most defintely too fat, 5' 2", over 11 stone, so I'm fairly fed up. I may try it and will report back! (I've just remembered the 45 minute session cost £150!!!).

Now that I know this computer thingy works, you'll probably never get rid of me!

Have a great weekend everyone!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Morning Chrissie,

Glad to know you've got on at home though you could find your life dissapearing if you're not careful. I've just taken delivery of my new mini lap top and am downloading skype etc ready for my IT man to load all the rest of my programs next week.

Moose,that's a fab picture, young Mooselet looks sweet.

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Good morning,

Moose, lovely picture of you and the wee one.

Like you I brought work home too, and had to do it last night otherwise I wouldn't have done it! I also had chinese take away, think it was the callers on the show who put me in the mood for it, well that's my excuse anyway

Helloooo Chrissie, nice to have your company on the weekend. It's amazing hypnotism has helped your friend stop smoking. I'm 5'2" also but too embarassed to say my weight, I've put a lot on over the last couple of years because of not being able to do much excerise, now that I'm improving I'm gradually getting back into exercise, which I enjoy and have missed. Funny you should mentioned hypnotism for weight loss as Moose mentions Paul McKenna in his blog. Think it's something I need to get more info on too.

Bye for now
Mary xx

lyndyloo said...

I can highly recommend hypnosis as a means of helping to reprogramme your mind. I have trained in hypnosis and NLP over the past 5 years and have spent some time working with Paul McKenna and had the fortune to have a weekend with Richard Bandler (other NLP innovators are available) and can say without a doubt that it can be a very useful tool for your life. Whatever you chose as a way to improve your life it all depends on you beleiving that it will work and that the changes are already occurring.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Lyndyloo. I'm due to start a homeopathic programme at the end of the month for general well being of the mind and body so maybe I could combine the two.

Btw keep meaning to say to you, your bears are gorgeous. My friend has just got a chocolate brown puppy and he is sooo cute :-)

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Lyndyloo and Mary,

Having another wee peek while listening to Jonathan Ross!

Lyndyloo, very interesting about the hypnosis thing. You will know all about what follows: about four years ago my daughter (she was 12 then) was very agitated about attending school. She had had a spate of bad health with one thing and another and when her body got better, her emotions were in a terrible mess. I took her to see a lady who hypnotised her and discovered that actually my daughter had some anxiety about her birth. I was in the room listening to everything and my daughter just suddenly said "I didn't know I was going to be born" and this lady then identified that because my daughter was born by Caeseran section, apparently because there is no warning caused by labour, the baby is lying perfectly peacefully one minute, and the next it's being hauled into the world! Just wondered if you had come across anything like this? Incidentally, after that, my wee petal went back to school and we never looked back!

Moose, I promise I won't ramble like this all weekend! Be assured, I am going out in an hour!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Great picture Moose!

That's two bloggers unveiled.

Who's next?

Good weekend so far. Bought a new mountain bike this morning and intend to test drive it tomorrow. And, Fulham won! Sorry Moose, not looking good for your boys.

Mrs MfR is downstairs making Mexican corn bread and I am about to crack open a beer. A perfect, quiet, staying-in-is-the-new-going-out Saturday evening.

Hope yours are going well too.

Good to hear from you Keith.

Peace and love


PS You don't do heavy metal in Dubly.

lyndyloo said...

Hi Chrissie,

I've worked with a few people that had problems from before they were born, it always seems a bit strange when you first encounter it but it's not at all unusual. Often once the problem has been identified and the emotion released from it, it simply ceases to be an issue. That's what I love about the NLP tecniques, they're unobtrusive and don't involve anyone having to hurt any more.

I'm so pleased that your daughter had such a positive reaction.


Anonymous said...

Evening Moose - Great photo - nice to put a face to the blogger and indeed one of the Mooselets.

Chrissie S & MWK - we could be triplets! However, I'm probably the runt as I didn't make it past 5 foot nothing. I coasted through my 20s at 6st10lbs mainly because I did a lot of exercise, especially karate. In my early 30s I put on 2st so worked hard to take it off, including exercise and sat at about 7st4lbs until I hit 40. At the same time I took quite seriously ill and needed an op but before that took a massive bad reaction to antibiotics - that seemed to knock my system to h*ll. And now I have weight issues. I started my diet first week of the new year and lost 5lbs - but have already put it back on. Problem is although I'm not hungry I just feel the need to eat! Any advice from anyone most welcome.

Lyndyloo - what is NLP. I've seen it referred to quite a bit recently but have not looked it up.

Can I just say what a great day I had blogging yesterday. keep up the good work with the blog Moose and fellow bloggers.


PS I suppose one of us Scots has to say it ..... well done to the England team today. (I did actually congratulate the England Cricket Team on the CE blog yesterday.)

Dr Joseph McCrumble said...

'The label is in german so our guess is that it's at least 8 years old'

Now, I'm no wine expert Mr Moose, nor am I a gifted linguist, but even I know that the Germans are no longer using a different script to describe their wine vintage. I suggest you look for an inscription on the bottle that resembles '1999'. If that's missing, the wine is indeed cheeky, and should have probably been avoided altogether.

Hope this helps


lyndyloo said...

EG- NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a series of tecniques which can help you acheive change in your life. It was developed by 2 guys Bandler & Grinder who obseved the ways that some of the finest therapists of their time aceived the results they did. They then modelled their behaviours and taught others how to do the same.

NLP flies in the face of conventional psychology where the belief is that change takes time and involves lots of emoting. NLP techniques can be learned and applied by anyone, which makes it a lot more accessible.

I hope that helps.


ps. nice to see you back Dr McC and I'm loving your art work.

Anonymous said...

ladies and gentlemen

ooh, my, I tried to make contact with you yesterday - but technological breakdowns prevented. I get nervy when the desktop stops connecting:

a) 'cos I need to be in touch with you!!
b) 'cos the girls need to be in touch with the internet for their homework/coursework.!!!

Yesterday, was a busy one - but I would always want to pop nose round the door and say hello. Pooter wouldn't allow that yesterday.

Fired up the laptop this morning, on the basis that just 'cos main pc isn't working, it doesn't necessarily mean the whole lot won't connect. ....the old gal has done me proud!! It uses the same wireless connector (that has lost the will to network!!) so I was a bit nervous!!

Catch you later.

Lovely pic Moose


ps sorry for boring post - I am just relieved that me and the girls have some internet access for the next few days

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone

Moose, lovely photo and sweet mooselet! Nightmare journey, so you both look pretty chipper!
Hope other mooselet is better soon.

Reading posts with losing weight is something I should be doing! have bought the PMcK "I can make you thin" book..However that is for a different website/blog/time...
Well done to ChrissieS and Gaby with computer gliches! and Get you Lyndyloo how modern - Mr Caroline sorts all that out, I'm rubbish with anything past 1980.
Having a lazy sunday, but I do have to do some work, and MUST watch Ugly Betty this afternoon (going out on Friday night with girlfriends prevented this)
So some lovely family/chill time to come!
Happy Sunday everyone...looking forward to Monday..MEGA busy at work, so may pop in, otherwise will be lurking!
Love Caroline x

Anonymous said...

Just dropped kids at station for them to go and see their dad : (

Oh, well - must be positive - we have to smile, don't we?

A lovely sunny day here in Reading - I thought I would allow myself a purely self-indulgent daydream. Acuatlly, maybe by definition all daydreams are self-indulgent?!

Please excuse, just thought I would share.

DISCLAIMER: none of what follows is meant to sound like I would prefer to be without my girls. Whilst reading(and dreaming) one must assume they are having a happy day with their dad.

Well, it's a beautiful day so I would dream of a day out somewhere with my man ( you need no reminding that I ain't got one of those, but just thought I would refresh memories). Wrapped up warm and feeling bright and inspired by the beauty of the day.
Perhaps a walk by the river, sea even better, holding hands - being loved and doing some loving (from the heart I mean, I don't mean a bit of hanky panky on the tow path), enjoying nature and being together. Perhaps a pub meal. More walks.
All of the above would just be lovely - but most of all, to love someone.

Ah well, at least I have a year's worth of housework to catch up with today to take my mind off all that sentimental stuff!!

Just had a thought ("oh no", I hear you cry), quite often when you are out and about, you see adults on their own. Perhaps us singleons could wear a badge that says 'fancy some company along this tow path, just for the day, no strings, no commitment, just a walk and sharing the day' : )

The above words are honestly not those of a desperate lady - just those of someone who would rather be out sharing the day than doing jobs : )


Anonymous said...

to be honest, I would usually go out and enjoy the river anyway but just got too much to do today : )

I don't need the company of 'him' to enjoy myself - was just dreaming that's all. I think it was Steve W's sunday L songs that set me off!

Anonymous said...


Just in case you check in again - I echo what you say, and I'm sending you a big sunny smile from me. Don't overdo it today, allow yourself a bit of pampering! You may not 'need' that other person, but we all know experiences are more meaningful if you have someone to share them with.


Anonymous said...


Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. Well done to England for the Rugby, delighted for Johnny Wilkinson. Forgot who I was supporting a couple of times :-) Got carried away cheering on Johnny, he is such a gentleman it's difficult not to :-)

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sarah : )

Hi Mary - how lovely - your comments re. the England victory yesterday. I MUST remember to be as gracious when Reading go to Old Trafford in the next round of the FA Cup!!

Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine.

In the interests of feeding the kids, I went to Tesco instead of the river - I didn't find my man but I did get buy one get one free on dishwasher tablets : )

Too easy to please??!!


Anonymous said...

Hi All

Just dropping in to catch-up and to say a quick hello.

Lyndyloo - thanks for the explanation.

Enjoy what's left of the weekend folks.


Anonymous said...


I love RU and Johnny (what a hunk)was amazing. I live only 3 miles from Twickers but spent the weekend in Leicester, but watched it on the box - what a lift for English sport (apologies to any non-England supporters, but Hey! we have to live off it while it lasts).

Gaby - I love your single badge idea for river walks - wouldn't that be great! Although from experience, my badge would be interpreted as 'I attract nutters, walk with me....', it doesn't matter where I am - train, Sainsburys - I am the one they ALL want to talk to. Need to learn the heads down, no eye contact technique fast.

Moose - you and your delightful mooselet are cute - not the picture you painted of yourself!

I too am thinking about the Thin McKenna CD. Holiday in the sun at Easter is drawing closer and I am not looking beach body friendly.

Lyndyloo - thanks for clearing up the NLP - I was clueless too.

Have a lovely Sunday evening everyone.


JoJo x

lyndyloo said...

Good evening everyone, thought I'd have a quick blog while watching Top Gear (oh how I'd love one of their jobs).

So pleased to be of help to anyone who asked for it. I seem to have been here a lot this weekend but hey-ho... Thanks Moose for giving us an outlet..

My footy team had a very average draw on Saturday afternoon but the England rugby boys made me proud (I love the fact that I know so many of them it's just a shame that most of them have such nice wives/girlfriends) so it's not been a bad sporting weekend.

I hope everyone else has enjoyed a few hours away from work... I'll no doubt be in touch real soon.

& the Bears

ps... Jo Jo - Did you have a great Birthday BTW?

Anonymous said...


Lyndyloo - Birthday was good - thank you.

JoJo x

PS Johnny is single again, according to the press!!!! Ummm!

Anonymous said...


Lyndyloo - Birthday was good - thank you.

JoJo x

PS Johnny is single again, according to the press!!!! Ummm!

lyndyloo said...

sorry jojo I don't have jonny's number :(

Moose said...

Evening all,
Sound like you mostly had good weekends.
Mine was pretty busy.
Saturday domestic god day: washing, washed the car (properly!), shopping trip for a few home things, tried to fix a broken light, sorted out my wood shed, made bread.
Sunday: church followed by more bread making (1 loaf still in the machine - cranberry and orange and should be finished in an hour) and a great walk at Anglesey Abbey - lots of snowdrops and bumped into a few friends there too.
I should be ironing now but my shirts aren't dry enough yet, I'm tired and Top Gear/Waking the Dead were too irresistible.
Didn't see any sport over the weekend - both too busy and not inclined - I obviously influenced myself too much with my own blog last week.