Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Westward bound...even further west that is

Flights booked now for the moose family annual trip to the good ole U S of A. It will be a road trip again, once more starting and finishing in LA. For any Campari and soda fans out there, that's Los Angeles.

We have invested in bigger seats for the trip out there and still a hope for an upgrade on the way back. Am so looking forward to Santa Barbara and Monterey. I do hope my PVR thingy will cope with so many episodes of House to be recorded while away.

I have a very red face from Sennen beach yesterday. And we went to a reservoir today for mooselet #1 to have his first ever go at sailing. I took mooselet #2 out on a kayak and got a very wet bottom. We only had one near miss when mooselet #1 aimed straight for us!

I am driving back home on my own Thursday, to be joined by the others on Saturday evening via those friendly little Irish people at Ryanair. I have a man to see about a job on Friday up in London...or maybe 2 men to see about 2 jobs, as I still have one appointment to try and fit in.

Am still trying to work out if and how I can blog from hols. I am thinking that I might just take a complete two and a half week break. I'm sure you'll keep yourself going with all the poking you seem to be doing with each other (I am not on Facebook so don't bother even trying to poke me, even if you were tempted!)...hope that's OK with everyone.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a two and half week break would be good, Moose! But we would miss your words of wisdom! Hope your drive home goes well, honey.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all for your love and support and prayers. Sadly Monday's scan showed that the baby hadn't grown any more, so I had a D&C on Tuesday (with a bit of a scarey moment when my blood pressure plummeted and I passed out, to awake in another bed with drips attached!!).

It may sound a wee bit strange, but I kind of knew on Sunday when I glanced at the TV and saw the lyrics to a hymn/chorus. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed is His Name. And speaking to 2 friends, seperately, they had both been thinking about that very verse, having not seen the programme.

Though we are grieving deeply, we know that the wee life that had started inside, lives on in a far more wonderful place. In the midst of our sadness we have a deep peace.

Thank you again - you will never know just how much your care, concern and prayers meant to all of us.

Bless you my dear friends,

Susan <><

Anonymous said...

SusanS - Am sending you love, thoughts and huggles. xx

Anonymous said...

Susan S, how thoughtful of you to come on the blog to let everyone know how you are. You know we are all sending our love, it's really all we can do. xxxx

Moose, we will miss you so much, but I think you should probably just have your break and come back raring to go! When do you leave? Hope the meetings go well!

DWNB - how good to see you! I know you pop in next door from time to time. I will check out the moon!

Have a good day everyone.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Well then Moose. You say Sennen Beach as though we should all know where it is, but more to the point, what happened to the factor40?

The holiday sounds fab. I wouldn't worry about your blog while you are away (when is it you are off then?) we'll look after it for you. Then we can have time off in lieu upon your return. I think that's fair.

Kayaking eh? I prefer a captain at the bridge on my boats, but then once we have our Gin Palace, I'll have an entire crew...

Anyhoo, am disappointed that will be unable to read any missives while you are on your road trip, and am equally disappointed that will be unable to set up fairground attraction similar to Pop the Mole. This would be 'Poke the Moose'. That's my first milyon darn the drain. Unlike the Mooselets who now appear to be accomplished sailors and would coast right over the drain.

I have no pc at home and can't look at any utube or facebook or anything at work, so can't look or poke even if I wanted to half the time!

Campari and soda?
Well, the sun'll be past the yard arm somewhere...don't mind if I do...

SusanS, a pleasure to try to look after you my angel

Dogwithnobrain said...


Heartfelt sorries. Everything for a reason, but sometimes we just can see the reason.


Great day out with the Mooselets! How fantastic. I was sailing in a little banana boat catamaran thing on holiday, I so enjoyed it, rowing my wee oars up and down inthe still of a Scottish Sea loch. So peaceful, and so inspiring that right now, sitting here in the marina, I'm tempted to climb aboard the Pushmepullme (our work boat) and have a wee sail round the big yachts!

TAke Care all. It's a Big World Out There!


Jo said...

Susan, have emailed you, thoughts and prayers from us to you.

RE Facebook - am in danger of it taking over whatever's left of my life after MooseBlog and BabyCentre. I am in touch with some old friends from back in the day though so it has proved somewhat interesting!

I once learnt to windsurf while at university at Calshot Spit which is on the Solent by a bif Oil Refinery. Other stoodents were learning to dinghy sail but one had to be rescued as they were bouncing across the waves towards and oil tanker, before learning how to turn around!..... It was quite funny at the time, although I suspect with a different outcome it wouldn't have been!

As for Kayaking - I'm the glamourous bird in the bikini at the front whenever we go on tut river, Mr Jo is all decked out in life jacket and oars while I recline serenely soaking up the sun! I feel that that's fair!

:o) Jo (who is feeling quite chatty today!)

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the job front Moose. Don't spend too much time thinking about blogging from your hols - we'll miss you but you and the family Moose can have a great time in the US sure in the knowledge that we are quite able to amuse ourselves for hours ... thanks to you and your wonderful blog facilities (and not a poke in sight!).

Is Pop the Mole like Splat the Rat?

Susan S - take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Which reminds me, would a prostitute in Cornwall be called a Westward Ho?

Jo said...

Only if she were American

Anonymous said...

Jo - very good! You are chatty today!

C xx

jollygit said...

Moose - we'll miss you but you really deserve this break with the family and I'm sure us bloggers can behave ourselves for a few weeks unsupervised (he he he)!

Susan - my thoughts are with you, Andrew and Charis and I send you much love and huggles xxxxxxx

jollygit xx

Jo said...

Chrissie, I think I'm trying to keep myself awake, it's not really working!

Mr Jo has an interview at 11:30 for a job nearer to home (although no one knows where that is, mwah ha ha!) so have a bit of nervous energy too!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Moose - have a fab holiday and we will look forward to hearing your travelling tales on your return. Good luck with the job meetings. Have my fingers crossed for you.

Susan - Hugs to you, Andrew and Charis.

Mary - sorry you've been in such pain and hope you are soon better.

Only 2 days 'til Dorset and I can't wait! Still not sure if Jo's abode is on my way down to the South Coast but with all the poking going on she is sure to surrender her whereabouts anytime now!!!

Have a lovely afternoon everyone!

Hope this makes you smile!


Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose woman.

The priest ask, "Is that you, little Johnny Parisi?

Yes, Father it is.

And who was the woman you were with?

I can't tell you , Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation.

Well, Johnny, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later, so you may as well tell me now.

Was it Tina Minetti?

I cannot say.

Was it Teresa Volpe?

I'll never tell.

Was it Nina Capeli?

I'm sorry but I cannot name her.

Was it Cathy Piriano?

My lips are sealed.

Was it Rosa Di Angelo, then?

Please, Father, I cannot tell you.

The priest sighs in frustration. You're very tight lipped, Johnny Parisi and I admire that. But you've sinned and have to atone. You cannot attend church services for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself.

Johnny walks back to his pew, and his friend Nino slides over and whispers,

What'd you get?

Four months vacation and five good leads....

A x

Anonymous said...

Morning lovies! And thanks! You're an amazing bunch! Many thanks for all the emails!

We took Charis out on the local boating pond - she loved it and wants to go every time she feeds the ducks! What age can they start sailing, Moose?!

Campari and soda? Oh, go on then!

DWNB - I so love that marina - my Dad was there at the weekend. Wrote a wee story on a postcard for Charis whilst sitting at Gannet Point - then another one from Fullarton Woods!

Jo - any word on the interview?

Facebook - on it - don't get it!!!

Amanda - thanks for the laugh!

Going for a shower now! Think I'll venture out for lunch!

Anonymous said...

Susan - I started sailing at 26, and first ventured into a small dinghy when I was 38. I don't recommend you wait that long for Charis!

Haven't sailed in years though - since the "Hello sweetie, I just lost my wedding and engagement rings in a reservoir in Cambridgeshire" incident ...

PS it's only half past 12 but it's 5 o'clock somewhere

Anonymous said...

HL - sennen beach, up the road from lands end. Fewer americans, cheaper and in its sandy memory somewhere says 'anna, will you marry me?' cos thats where i got engaged.

Jo, fingers crossed for Mr jo.

Jo and Jillygoat - am loving facebook. Lots of old friends are in touch including an ex boyf whom i havent spoken to for years but who - with blessing from 'im in doors - i am meeting tonight to get back my golfclubs and generally lay the ghost to rest. Feel like i am about to see my little brother after 10 years... which is probably exactly why we broke up in the first place!

Hope you are all ok, moose - holiday sounds wonderful, however much we would miss you.

DWNB - hello!


Jo said...

Anyone know where my Husband is? Interview was at 11:30 - no response as yet!

Have spent most of the morning sending random messages to old friends on Facebook - hopefully they'll get in touch

Anna I'm jealous of your romantic proposal and Kudos to Mr Anna for not kicking up a fuss about meeting your ex, although he probably wants the golf clubs for himself!

:o) Jo
:o) Jo

Jo said...

Oh he just rang, it went OK but we'll see I guess, if successful they'll let him know tonight, who'd have though Cannock would be so appealing (that's anouther clue for you there about my elusive location!)

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

anna, that is so lovely! Brought a real smile to my face. As opposed to a pretend don't mean that at all. You've made me feel all emulsional now. Think will need to pop to B&Q for some magnolia!

So Jo? Any news? I take it this employment for Mr Jo will be in the Starea? Wooo hah hah hah speaking of which, has anyone heard from Caroline lately? After all it is Mr Caroline who is (allegedly) Master of the Pantomime Baddie Laugh...

Lawks is that the time

Anonymous said...

Cannock is in WS, but close to ST.


The net is closing in. Perhaps the people who are watching me (and they ARE there...they're there now...) can find you?

I bet the RAC could.

In the meantime, you're driving me potterie.

Anonymous said...

Analog, you have a credit next door - Pam Monks #44

Jo said...

Hazel - close - but not that close!

Is this guessing game fun? I drive past the RAC building everyday on the way home from work, heading northbound on the M6 fromWest Bromwich, well for the next 4 weeks I will be!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Badger broke down by there a while ago.

The RAC man just patted him on the head and told him it'd all be all right.

On the map there appears to be somewhere called Dummy2647. Is this where you live, or don't you have a spire?

I have spiers.

Anonymous said...

Of course I KNEW it was going to be serious, but it COULD have going to have been a picture of Daniel Craig...Albert R. 'Cubby's latest conquest...

Anonymous said...

Isn't Walsall in Poland?

Anonymous said...

Lodz is in Poland.

Fancy getting a mention next door. Apparently digital tv is far less energy efficient than me. Everyone that knows me knows how energy efficient I am. Sit me in a corner (even NC1) with a book and a cup of tea and I won't use any energy for hours. Fat, idle lard bucket? Me? Surely not!!!

Jo said...

It is hazel correct, your geography is impeccable.

Now you know why it takes so long to get to work everydasy, I have to go via poland!

In a shock clue to Jo's location....

It's somewhere on this page!,-2.179413&spn=0.196314,0.358429&z=11&om=1

jollygit said...

I'm sorry that I haven't poked anyone today after all, and that I've been somewhat habsent, but it's all been going off here today! Just found out that I'm moving to a different job within the establishment next Thursday and as such, have got to take four days' holiday as at 4.30pm today - well, it would have been churlish to have refused wouldn't it?!!

So, I won't be fully with you (am I ever?!) until next Thursday but will be pottering abart at home, NOT trying to be a domestic goddess again, but just chillin' and hopefully enjoying the sunshine and will be popping in to the blog every so often.

Take care all and beee-hayve xx

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Have just discoverd Mars Planets (small round chocolate items, not astronomical bodies). They're yummy! And on special offer in our shop - 4 packets for £1.25. Well what's a lard bucket to do ...? I had to buy 4 packets. Have only eaten one though (so far).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations jollygit! Hoorah for new jobs!

Hazel Slade?

..but then I quite like the sounds of Rudge, or High Onn or Little Onn, although the last two should be a lot closer to Flashbrook...

So, Allimore Green?

Perhaps I will bring in my divining rod tomorrow and wave it at my computer.

...and analog, just get 'em darn yer neck, gel, coz once they is gorn they is gorn, and then just don't go back to the shop very soon.

I don't appear to have been in the Naughty Corner this week. Something must be awry. Perhaps I will bring in my divining rod tomorrow and wave it at my computer to see what that thing may be.

Or lets just see what tomorrow brings. One thing is for sure, my hair will be shorter.

paddle your own

Anonymous said...

Moose, saw this and thought of you!

S xx.

Moose said...

Sammie - yes it was just like that...only bigger rocks and more white water!!!

Susan...mooselet #1 is 6. I think it's a good age to start - he seemed to get the hang of it quickly enough. Hang in there. Sounds like you have the perfect attitude so hang on to that...

We are off on Thursday morning so I'll try to pop on a few times before then... I now have 2 interviews tomorrow and need to do some prep this evening. Not a bad drive today...about 5 and a half hours. Not including the pasty stop and the supermarket stop...

lyndyloo said...

Hi all.

Just a quickie to say that Mum has had her op yesterday and I fetched her back home this evening. She seems in fine spirit (though I think she might be in a bit more pain that she lets on to) and she's had a big plate of lasagne for tea and I left her in her PJ's with Dad watching TV and deciding if they should have fresh fish off the market tomorrow lunch or go to the chippy. She's amazing! I love her so much I could burst!

& the Bears

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo, fab news babe. Big love to you all!

Moose, best of luck for your interview(s) today x

Good morning everyone else!

...and analog, I do hope today finds you well, and not passed out after your sugar rush!

toffee flavor(sic)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

I woke up this morning at 6.42 - I had been asleep since just before midnight - what a fantastic uninterrupted sleep! Can't believe it!

Lyndyloo - your mum does sound amazing! Mums are just the most incredible inventions. And I know that you love her so much - I'm sure your mum would describe YOU as amazing!

Jollygit - enjoy your break, how lovely to just potter about until next Thursday. Hope the new position (oo-er) will be good for you!

Moose - good luck for today.

Have a great Friday everyone, I'm now off to open a HUGE mountain of mail which has only arrived today -thanks to the Postal Strike this week!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - your mum does sound amazing, my best wishes for a speedy recovery to her. Loves to the Bears too.

Jo - we are travelling down the M6 tomorrow - will be in to ransack the fridge and cellar aound 7.30am! Hazel where shall we rendezvous so you can collect the booty? ! !

Jollygit - unplanned time off is just the best - make the most of it!

Chrissie - hope you come out from under your mountains soon.

One more day 'til Dorset and I am getting excited now. Only problem is the accountant is only coming this afternoon to do month end so I shall probably be here until 7pm to finish off!

This was apparently voted the best Irish joke of 2007:

An Irish school teacher asks her class to use the word "contagious".

Roland the teacher's pet gets up and says, "Last year I got the
measles and my mum said it was contagious."

Well done, Roland," says the teacher.

Can anyone else try?"

Katie, a sweet little girl with pigtails, says, "My grandma says
there's a bug going round, and it's contagious."

Well done, Katie," says the teacher. Anyone else?"

Little Irish Sean jumps up and says in a broad Dublin accent, "Our
next door neighbour is painting his house with a 2 inch brush, and my dad says it will take the contagious."

Off to NC1 now ..............

A x

Anonymous said...

Aha the ARF has finally arrived! It's been a damn long week. Good weather, stuck in an office, and up to my botox in work! Not a good combination! TFI Friday!

But tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen! Early stack from work, get home and tittivate myself for we are attending a free cocktail party at a local zoological establishment! It's Friday It's five to five and it's .............!

Taxi booked both ways, so bring on the weekend! Tonight I shall mainly be pished ash a fartsh! and I could make it with a griller!!

Have a great weekend all, catch you on the flip side!

Laissé Fairy

DD out

PS The Lions sleep with one eye open tonight!

PPS Ooo ooo ooo I wanna be like you ooo ooo!

PPPS Do do do the funky gibbon!

Anonymous said...

Dissing, there are so many things wrong, and I have so many questions with what you have penned this morning, I can't even begin to articulate.

I do, however, have to turn my wheel in the opposite direction to that which I need to reverse.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for enquiring Hazel - I'm afraid the sugar rush didn't really happen. I only ate 2 packets and saved the rest for today. Don't think Mars planets have the same effect on me as the jelly beans had on CE last night. But then he starts from a more lively platform than I do.

Good luck Moose and best wishes to all those that need them (and even those that don't). The sun is out, summer's here, it's Friday and there's only me in the office. whoopee!

Anonymous said...

La Love,
Please elaborate, or decorate the blog fest with your expounded wisdom in relation to my blog! For today I am accepting everything! The sun is in the sky and not a cloud shall cross my full moon!

My very best wishes to you in Brighthelmstone!

DD Out

PS The sun has truly got his hat ON!

Anonymous said...

DD - it's always good to see you! You are sounding a very happy bunny ..... and other animals! Hope you have a fantastic time - make sure there is some Nurofen in the bathroom cabinet for tomorrow - you're gonna need it!

Amanda - loved your joke. You must be getting so excited about getting away tomorrow! (Yes, there is the small matter of the accountant, but that will soon be in the past). Have a fabulous holiday!

C xx

Anonymous said...

And now I shall submit my entry for the Naughty Corner!

How To Shower Like a Woman:

Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks.

Walk to bathroom wearing long dressing gown.

If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.

Look at your womanly physique in the mirror - make mental note to do more sit-ups/leg-lifts, etc.

Get in the shower. Use face cloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and pumice stone.

Wash your hair once with cucumber and sage

shampoo with 43 added vitamins.

Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean.

Condition your hair with grapefruit mint conditioner enhanced with real passion fruit.

Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red.

Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and jaffa cake body wash.

Rinse conditioner off hair.

Shave armpits and legs.

Turn off shower.

Squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower.

Spray mold spots with Tilex.

Get out of shower and stand on bath mat.

Dry with towel the size of a small country..

Wrap hair in super absorbent towel.

Return to bedroom wearing long dressing gown and towel on head.

If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.

How To Shower Like a Man:

Take off clothes while sitting on the edge of the bed and leave them in a pile.

Walk naked to the bathroom.

If you see wife along the way, shake wiener at her making the 'woo-woo' sound.

Look at your manly physique in the mirror.

Admire the size of your wiener and scratch your ass.

Get in the shower. Wash your face. Wash your armpits.

Blow your nose in your hands and let the water rinse them off.

Fart and laugh at how loud it sounds in the shower.

Spend majority of time washing privates and surrounding area.

Wash your butt, leaving those coarse butt hairs stuck on the soap.

Wash your hair. Make a Shampoo Mohawk.


Rinse off and get out of shower. Avoid bath mat.

Dry off forearms and butt only.

Fail to notice water on floor because curtain was hanging out of tub the whole time.

Admire wiener size in mirror again. Shake it to watch water fly off.

Leave shower curtain open, wet mat on floor, light and fan on.

Return to bedroom with towel around waist.

If you pass wife, pull off towel, shake wiener at her and make the 'woo-woo' sound again.

Throw wet towel on bed.

If there is anyone who did not laugh at the truth behind this, there is something so very wrong with you! LOL

Have a great day! And, "woo woo"!!!

DD out

Jo said...

Morning all :o)

Still not heard about Mr Jo's interview so things not looking that great but fingers crossed all the same!

DD I want some of what you're on please - and it can't just be sunshine and flowers, are you taking chemical enhancements???

Amanda - will leave some booze outside my front door, feel free to collect but please don't wake me up if it's before 9am, a girl needs her sleep! (Do you know where I live yet?)

Right, that's it, am raiding the biscuit tin to liberate the final bourbon biscuit!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

DD - I agree with Jo. Can I have some of what you're on??

PS Mr L is more of a "waay-haay" than a "woo-woo" man. Is this significant?

Anonymous said...

I'm hi-I-aye-I-eye on emotion!

Just feeling in a better place today than I have been for weeks! Acceptance / Forgiveness & Forgetfulness. but praps that's just old age creeping up on me! Trust is damaged but it will recover!

The weather is fine, and I'm still alive. That gives me a fighting chance and boy am I prepared to scrap!

To those in a predicament, you have my sympathy and concern, but being purely selfish for now, I feel great!

DD out

Jo said...

DD - glad to hear that you have sorted some stuff out. Forgive, forget and acceptance is a great start!

Analog - I would guess that as a Waaay Haaay man Mr L likes to take his chance but knows that you are the boss.... Woo Woo men I think are more self confident and know that it'll provoke (a tiny bit of) interest!

:o) Jo

PS Mr Jo is more of a 'when are you going to have this damn baby' man at the moment!!

Anonymous said...

DD - it is wonderful that you are feeling so good. There is no doubt that when we "ditch" the bad stuff, we really do start to feel good again.

The showering stuff is very funny and would probably have been fairly accurate for me and Mr S in a past life. Now, we would never dream of getting the bathroom floor wet. You could slip on that, you know!

C xx

jollygit said...

Happy Friday everyone!

Well, it's 11.39 and I've only just showered (loved the joke by the way!!!!) and got dressed. Feeling rather decadent and enjoying not having to go to work! Am orft for a short perambulation along the prom to purchayss t'paper. Might even stop at the little cafe a few doors along from t'paper shop and imbibe a latte 'n doughnut. Oh, the possibilities are endless! Wish you could all be here with me - the sun's shining, the seagulls are making their usual din, but life is good.

DD - hang on to how you're feeling right now and enjoy the ride. Long may your happy state last!!

Moose - I know you've already gone, but have a lovely holi-oli-day.

Lyndyloo - sending love to your mum for a speedy recovery, although by the sound of it, debating fresh fish v fish 'n chips is a good sign that she's feeling OK!!!!!! Mum's are the best, aren't they?

My mum has been staying with her 88-year old sister in London for the last few days and is due back to B&HA on Saturday. It's amazing how I miss her - I know I live in Kent and she's in Sussex, but knowing that she's not at home seems odd - perhaps it's me! Anyhoo, spoke to my dad this morning (he's 76) and he said he's missing her like mad. He always meets her off the train at Brighton and he usually sweeps her up off her feet and plants a great big smacker on her lips - they've been wed for 52 years now but they're still potty about each other.

Right - I'm off t'shop - who's coming for a coffee & cake with me?


jollygit xxxx

Anonymous said...

Bugger all this for a lark.

I had just written a wonderful and inspired message, involving all of you to some extent, and my system crashed.

Am now going to join jollygit for a coffee. In spirit anyway.

Possibly Jack Daniel's.

DD, hope with all your joy, Little DD is out too. Why waste such an opportunity, and the weather, and NC1...

gorn orf

Anonymous said...

Afternoon lovely people!

Jolly - I'll have carrot cake and a tall, black, decaff Americano thanks. Btw - I know what you mean about your mum being away, I always feel a little lost when my parents go to Crete, for the first few days anyway! Phone bills are terrible!

You all brighten my day, I have to say!

Off to Norfolk for the weekend, with special friend, but have so much work to do, we'll be leaving quite late tonight - B&B is on standby!

Going to have lunch now...

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon!

I see the weekend approaching, just a couple of hours to go! The blog today is just brilliant - lots of being in love, being happy and appreciating our lovely parents!

Jollygit - I wish I could have joined you this morning for your wee jaunt for a coffee, doughnut and newspaper. But some of us have to keep this country on its feet! So wonderful about your mum and dad. Both my lovely parents were mad about each other until their last minute together. I aspire to that!

Hazel - what a shame your system crashed - I'll say it again - I hate technology!

Sammie - I really mean this - you brighten our day too! You are so frisky at the moment, it's quite addictive!

Jo - any news of Mr Jo? I am sending good "vibes" - awaiting the results of a job interview is awful!

Be back soon.

C xx

Jo said...

I just had a chunky kit kat - YUM!

Now I need a kip I think.....

Or a Starbucks Latté with apiece of Rocky Road?

:o) Jo

PS Having circulated the Shower joke to select people in the office this morning a colleague proceeds to tell me that he once hit a tennis ball with his, but as soon as the little hairs on the tennis ball came into contact he knew it wasn't such a good idea!

And then he sounded quite upset when he detailed his wifes response as 'Well, what do you expect?'

Than it prompted us to go through the NHS Supplies catalogue, where you can purchase anal plugs and rectal injectors.....Much fun

:o) Jo

jollygit said...

Just back from my jaunt along the seafront. I downed a pot of tea and a bakewell tart and watched the world go by ...... it was lovely and I'm glad some of you could make it!!

Chrissie - my mum will still sit on my dad's lap and kiss him, with dad protesting all the time that he hates it - of course he loves the attention and it's so good to see them behaving like teenagers. They're both potty - praps that's why I still haven't grown up myself!!!

Jo & Anna - am going to try poking again today ..... you've been warned! Anal plugs - bleurgh!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Jo can't you just look at a stationery catalogue for heaven's sake? Some of us have delicate dispositions. Not me obviously - I spent 10 years of my life poking things into other peoples' orifices. Hasn't done me any harm. Has it?

Nice to see everyone so jolly today. I would be, except that my lovely parents are coming to stay for the weekend and it means I have to clean the entire house when I get home. I may be 48 years old but my mum will still make me feel about 18 with a teenager's view of housework. "Look at the dust on that sideboard - you could write your name in it" - and she will. But despite all that, she's my mum and I'll be pleased to see her.

Anonymous said...

Would you Adam and Eve it, the accountant arrived at 9.30 this morning and has finished - as are our accounts for the month!!!!!

So some scans to send to Oz and then a sharp exit is in order!

Jo - haven't got a scoobies where you live - other than Stafford way somewhere. So I would request you leave the booty at Stafford Services as I am in no doubt that everyone will need a toilet break by then (probably the 5th one) and I will collect it from there - LOL! Seriously though, I hope that Mr Jo gets the job and you continue to blossom!

Jollygit - good for you - that'll be me next week - but it will be fizzy pop and digging holes in the sand as opposed to coffee and a newspaper! But I wouldn't have it any other way!

Anal plugs - now there's a thought for my old boss - she talked enough out of it!

Chrissie - will mail you before I leave but you take care and love to Mr S and Miss S!

Susan - take care, will be thinking of you.

Mary - hope to hear you are fully recovered when I get back!

Sammie - go for it girl - everyone deserves happiness!

DD - glad you found your peace and all the best mate!

Moose - have a fab holiday in the US and we look forward to hearing about it when you are back.

Everyone else I haven't mentioned - wish you all well and here's hoping the weather keeps it up!

See you in a fortnight!

A x

Anonymous said...

So have you ever looked up any old friends?

Mwah ha ha ha ha

DD out and heading for the NC

Anonymous said...

Jo, are you just getting supplies in for after the birth? Don't forget the preparation H! After all fail to prepare, prepare to fail!

Still happy after all these hours!

DD out

Jo said...

Amanda - rather embarrasingly I sometimes stop at Stafford service M&S food on the way home when I can't be bothered to cook - I think it's the Hilton Park ones, not the Stafford ones though.

DD- you said the B word, now I have to stick my head in the sand and go La La La La! De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt you know!

:o) Jo

PS. All is currently well with the world - the colleague who once used his willy as a rounders bat just bought us all a Magnum :o)

Anonymous said...

DD - Look, I can't explain this, but I actually DID need Preparation H after Ms S was born - and that was by Caeseran section. No pushing, but still had haemorrhoids! Why would that be? Is there a doctor in the house?

I have wondered about this for 16 years!

Jo - it was, like everything else to do with childbirth, a breeze! I think the worst thing about it was when Mr S had to go to Boots for the Prep H and went on at great length that it was not for him!

C xx

P.S. Sorry to bring down the tone of the blog.

Jo said...

I think Mr Jo would love to go to the chemist and ask rather loudly for a roid cushion for my wife!

Not sure I would appreciate that though....

This conversation is more horrifying than the NHS Supplies catalogue!

:o) Jo

Jo said...

Oh - and after a traumatic look in the mirror this morning I rashly booked for a cut and blow dry tomorrow morning at 9:30 - going to be more glamour puss than the current bag puss!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

I do like the phrase 'Rectal Injector'. It has a certain ring to it.

anyhoo, lookachoo all up up and wayhay in your beeyootiful balloons!

The sun is art here, but the North wind doth blow, and I think I'm going to have to shut the window.

MUCH better. Thought it was half past four too. Hey ho. it your teeth I can hear, gritting? I love my mum too, but everytime I go on hols with her, where we have a perfectly lovely time, I want to kill her by day 4. The badger no longer answers his phone at 3am if he's worked out that I've been away for a few days already!

Isn't Sophie Ellis Bextor bloody boring.

but the suns art
the birdies is twittering
the buns is grass munching
and it's probably gonna take me about AGES to get home this eve as Brighthelmstone is taken over by the great, the good and the downright outrageous for the next two days...


ps ChrissieS, Mountain or mole hill?

Anonymous said...

Hazel - this is me. Of course it's a mole hill!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Chrissie my friend had a similar problem when expectating her children (and this isn't "friend" as in me but I don't want to admit it - I've never been in that condition). In Hazel's terminology it was more mountain than molehill. She called it Percy.

DD I've never had the pleasure of looking up an old friend. Old biddies yes, old friends, no. Thank heavens. I'd never be able to look them in the eye again!!!

jollygit said...

I think the sun's got to everyone today ........ talking about poking, looking up people and problems with yer farmer giles!

Whilst typing this, I've just spied my neighbour sitting in t'garden in a bikini ..... I can't bear it, she's far too slim. I'd bought a spare bakewell tart for 'im indoors but methinks I'll take it round to her - she needs feeding up by the look of it.

Then it's off to put some washing in the machine so that 'im indoors thinks I've been busy all day ..... but we all know the truth!

Nearly ARF time - hurrah

jollygit xx

jollygit said...

Jo - tried poking you again but seems I've had to add you as a friend first, so that's what I've done - just in case you're wondering who Jill is!!!!!

jollygit xx

Anna - are you 'Sheffield'?

Anonymous said...

Just to say - I'm just getting ready to go - a half an hour early - hurrah! Have to send a package off by Courier and then I'm heading for the train.

Have a great weekend everyone. Thank you for this week (as always, thank you Moose). Sorry about the Prep H chat. But it could have been worse, couldn't it?!

See you Monday.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Well I'm sneaking orf early today - houses to clean, mothers to impress and all that.
Have a great weekend folks, whatever you're doing. See you next week.

Anonymous said...


My visits here are fewer and further between than I'd like, due to our wonderful IT people at work (I honestly think that it is the 'muff' that they have a problem with - hey), so I have only just caught up with the news of your forthcoming road trip.

As a fully paid up member of that particular club I would love to know more about where you are going. I've done, as you know, the California thang once or thrice in the past, so if there is anything I may be able to help with, drop me a line.

I hope everyone else is dandy. HL, greetings will be paid to Cranleigh for you on Sunday, maybe you could pop up? This time, I guarantee I'll be there! Well up to about 1.30ish as we have a table booked at Mr E's place for lunch later.

Love to you all


Anonymous said...

DD - good to hear you all bright and fluffy tailed. Hope your tail is still fluffy this morning. fnar fnar.

Lots of love to ma lyndyloo for a speedy recovery. She should defo do fish and chips - she deserves them!

Jo - still crossing my fingers for mr jo. hope he hears soon.

So has moose gone now then? I have lost track.... if so hope you have a lovely time mr moose. missing you already!

Jollygit - i am in sheffield, well im in the sheffield network, live in sherwood forest now, next door but one to Robin, but i joined my homecity network on facebook. Im anna mansell.... and i have a fish called wilf! :o)

The mancub has gone orf with him in doors for some father son time, whilst i get myself ready to go to work, am doing an outdoors festival in Nottingham today - have a nice day all.


Anonymous said...


Shumbody put a drill in my head!!!

DD Out................

PS Keep the noyz from the Alka Seltzer down

wooo wooo

Anonymous said...

I'm moving on.

It is time to depart Moose-world.

For good.

This place, from its inception in the darker days next door, through much planned OAMC get-togethers to everyone's day to day traumas, dilemmas and dunk-ins, has been a sanctuary for me as I have battled insomnia, self-confidence and probably OCD!

And for that, I thank you all.

I really do.

And, I wish you so much luck and love for the future.

But, I feel I must do something different. I'll still post next door sometimes, but I feel that life needs to take me in some new directions.

As a parting shot I am proud to say that today, Mrs MfR and I had lunch at The M and Mr E and the future Mrs E came in and CLP came over to our table and shook me by the hand and asked me how I was. I introduced Mrs MfR and bid them well for their future nuptials. How chuffed was I that he remembered me?

Anyway. Keep well all. This place is special.

Keep it that way.

Peace & love


Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you & yours in the future MFR, we'll see you on the flip side from time to time, but until then hasta la vista baby!

DD out

PS 'eds all clear now!

Anonymous said...

Awww Matt,

So sorry to see you go. I wish you all the very best for the future and look forward to seeing you next door sometimes. It was lovely that Chris remembered you yesterday - well, he's that kinda guy! Take care and have fun in your next stage of life.

DD - It was worth it, I assume?!

To everyone else today - have a good one. Through gritted teeth, I am trying to say "I still love Mondays"!

C xx

jollygit said...

MfR - how nice that CE remembered you! You will be missed, but thank you for your wit, wisdom and friendship during our time here. Be happy in whatever you do and see you on t'other side xxxx

DD - glad the head's better!!!

jollygit xx

Jo said...

Morning all

DD, sterling work on the drinking over the weekend, I hope a good time was had by all and that the Alka Seltzer did their job!

MfR - See you around over the fence, nice that Mr E remembered you too.

Hazel - I kind of joined in with your Pride weekend via VH1's 100 best pride songs ever - I never knew I was such a camp queen!

Any spare positive vibes would be welcomed for my friend who is just starting her 2nd IVF protocol.....Fingers crossed that all goes well for her as it's been a bit difficult, what with me in my predicament!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

There just HAS to be a joke in here somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find it...

...actually that is similar to what the Indian policeman, wearing the latex glove said...

aaaaaaaaaaaah feel better now I've got that out.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOh and another one!

Grayshus me it's turning out to be a packed morning already isn't it!

Better slow down

ps DD, glad yer 'eds better nar - an' that the yangova woz wurf it matey...btw yer startin ter sarnd like bingo starr!

pps MfR, hope team MfR wins this season. If you ever see someone outside the Falmer ground (it WILL happen) waving a big orange badge, only when Fulham are playing mind you, come and say hallo, but I can't really see it happening! Been a pleasure to meet you in all but body. Have a fun time and see you on the other hazel x

jollygit said...

Jo - positive vibes winging their way to your friend. Amazingly, my brother's four children were all IVF babies, so fingers crossed that there is good news very soon xx

HL - that poor sweeper ... still, it's probably not the first c****y day he's had!

jollygit x

Anonymous said...

Jo - it must be so nerve wracking going through IVF - best wishes and positive thoughts going to your friend. I can imagine that you feel for her because you are pregnant, but Jo, this is how life goes. For some reason, it's never easy!

C xx

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say that I kept the NC1 end up on Friday night, So much so that they had to close the park on Saturday, and can you believe that they tried to pass it off as because of Foot and Mouth! puh-leaze!

Still the hangover had cleared by about 4, and was then reinstated thanks to the mighty Men of Kent and Kentish men winning the 20/20 cup on Saturday evening!

However, unlike Bingo I was not arrested at any point over the weekend.

However, we did have a nice trip to Stratford upon Avon during the day on Saturday.

DD out

Anonymous said...

MfR - [lovin your work]


Anonymous said...

Jo, shocking behaviour, but then I spec I'd have known all the songs too! Sending good wishes to your friend too...and hoping that Jo-ette is fit and well and kicking or whatever they la la la la la etc

DD. Keeping your end up in the park indeed. Good for you!


Sounded MUCH more interesting on the front page, but is fairly amusing...'Pongpat Chayapan' is a favourite of mine in particular, as it sounds as though it should come from the previous story...

Anonymous said...

Ooooh the oomiliation of having to wear a Hello Kitty badge. If they did that for every minor infringement round here you wouldn't be able to move for the darn things! I could give up wearing t-shirts altogether and just join my badges together in a vaguely attractive but naff statement of my rebelliousness (sp?).

Jo said...

Have had a depressed day today - am looking forward to a better nights kip tonight and to wake up tomorrow all guns blazing!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Jo - yes, I have been a bit down today too. I hate feeling like this because there is so much to be grateful for, but today has been a bummer.

I hope you do get a good night's sleep and you will feel much better tomorrow! I'm hoping I'll be in better form tomorrow too.

Didn't get the chance to say earlier today that we attended a 16th birthday party on Saturday - Ms S's best friend. There were a few adults and 12 hysterical, squealing girls! And that was BEFORE the pink Hummer limo arrived for them! All very exciting, they all poured into it and were taken away for about an hour, leaving the adults to have a glass or two of wine and a chat about the price of onions! Ms S told me that as they were driving along, loads of absolute scum were swearing at them and giving them "the finger". What is wrong with this world?!

Thank you for listening!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all,

Apologies for not being around lately. I took a few days off with Mrs B and headed off to Lynmouth in North Devon. We love this spot and could not miss the chance of spending a few days without our children. My son stayed at home and looked after the dogs and my two girls spent the week building a musical (which was performed for us on Friday evening) in a residential theatre group (for the fourth year). A fine time was had by all!

I have spent the day attempting to catch up with my work! :-( I will have to do the same tomorrow!

MfR, good luck and farewell from moose. I hope you find what you are looking for; of course you could always just pop in to see how things are going along, no strings attached and all that ;-)

Jo, a big BigUn positive vibe moment for your friend. Close friends of ours has just been successful with IVF after 4 attempts and are due to be with child in another month or so. So precious the things some of us can take for granted.

DD I hope the road to recovery is a smooth and quiet one! ;-)

Moose, good luck with the trip, sounds like a blast!

Lyndyloo, I am so pleased for you and you mum that her op went so well and she is in such good spirits. Xx

Susan S, I just wanted to say I am thinking a special thought just for you right now, bless you and a {{Hug}} just coz I can. Xx

Keep smiling,

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

I have a really weird feeling that I might be looking for another job soon. I have no idea why. It may just be paranoia...or it may not...however my boss goes away to far-flung shores to be married a week on Friday, so I think I shall try to sort something out before then. Have felt like it the last week or so, but seems to be more definite today, but I really don't want to pull the vibe towards me if you know what I mean!

ChrissieS, it is because 'they' thought that the limo was probably full of 30 year old horrible slapper types drunk on pomagne and getting their bits out to show the lads. The fact that it wasn't at all just shows how narrow minded and stereotypical the rude b8stards who gave Ms S and her friends the insults really are.

How rude to try to spoil someones night out because of other peoples reputations!

Need to smile now! Get the endorphins (other sea dwelling mammals available) flowing in time for Badger to collect me from work.

We are going to Pizza Express with some varchers donated to the 'A Badger's Gotta Eat' cause by the lovely jollygit.


Termorrers anuvver day, and there ain't nuffink wot'll change that x

Anonymous said...

Hazel, just for you….

A Red Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand and a bucket of buffalo manure in the other.
He says to the waiter, "Me want coffee."
The waiter says, "Sure chief, coming right up."
He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee, and the Indian drinks it down in one gulp, picks up the bucket of manure, throws it into the air, blasts it with the shotgun, then just walks out.
The next morning the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one hand and a bucket of buffalo manure in the other. He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter, "Me want coffee."
The waiter says, "Whoa, Tonto! We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday. What the heck was all that about, anyway?"
The Indian smiles and proudly says, "Me training for upper management position: Come in, drink coffee, shoot some crap, leave mess for others to clean up, disappear for rest of day."

Keep smiling ;-)

Anonymous said...

Keith - I know the joke was just for Hazel, but I hope you don't mind, I read it - and it's very funny!

Good to hear you enjoyed your wee trip - it must be great to get away just the two of you! Our time is coming - a year from now Ms S won't want to be seen with us!

Hazel - thank you for understanding exactly how I was feeling! The really frustrating thing is that the girls could have had bubbly in the car, but they were more than happy not to and anyway they were already so excited, they didn't need outside help! Ah well, we just have to ignore the morons. Enjoy your pizza (and, I hope, a wee beer!).

C xx

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone
I'm glad to see you've kept the old blog a goin' in Mooses absence, he will be very proud.
I'll not mention you all by name, but I am thinking (and were thinking) of you during my holidays - so for those of you a bit sad, a bit happy, expecting something, moving somewhere, looking for something, moving away, happily ensconced, looking forward to something, or indeed just the same as you've always been...a big fat hug and hello to you all{{{{{all of you}}}}}
Hazel, you were looking for me and Mr can we help? Any parties to crash? cocktails to drink? Hope you enjoy the pizza.
My boss is away tomorrow and seeing as it's my B day i will endevour to pop by after lunch to say hello...Oh, I've put a few virtual € behind the bar at the Bloggers Arms, and there's some smoked salmon nibbly things in the fridge, so if any of you would like to join me for a B Day drink at 1pm..feel free.
Actually, it's also the CE blog's birthday tomorrow as well...blinking heck!!!

Lots of love

Anonymous said...

Hello Blog Fiends (not a typo!!!)

FAB weekend, on the beach, for the whole day yesterday, topping up the holiday tan. Blissfully relaxed!

HOWEVER, got a B*llocking at work today, because I didn't know the ins and outs of a gnats sex life - well that's how it felt anyway.

My response? "How the hell do you expect me to pull a rabbit out of the hat, if you don't give me a hat to start with. You've set me up to fail my contract. How can I be expected to manage all of this, when I'm working until midnight as it is?"

Their response? "Yes. You do have a lot on your plate. Develop an action plan for other members of the team to take on certain aspects of your work."

Hmm, they even gave me actions from team meetings held whilst I was on hols, to complete BEFORE I was back!!!!

Not a great start to the week. Cheshire tomorrow with back to back meetings from 9.30 until 4pm. Important meeting at suppliers from 10 - 2pm Wednesday AND project meeting I apparently HAVE to attend on Wednesday from 12pm onwards.....

Hmmm - add to that a day in London Thursday (working), with a b*llsh*t night out in flash restaurant, oh, also working, on Thursday night.... you beginning to get the pic?




Sorry folks. Tough day at the office, on top of which...

A good friends mum died while I was on holiday - he really doesn't have anyone now.

My cousin had a baby at the weekend, that is now on life support, 'cos the hospital made some grave errors and there are inquiries going on left, right and centre...

It never rains people...

Ho hum.

The sun shined today. That is something positive anyway.

Special friend is a real sweetheart - there's something else positive to think about.

By golly, my house is quiet without the kids!!!


Sorry for the rant! Will dive in tomorrow night and catch up properly with you all. Until then, I hope you all had great weekends and that everyone is just fine and dandy.

S xx.

P.S. The sun WILL shine tomorrow!

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