Monday, 10 December 2007

Dog (collar) gone

I just wanted to say a quick word of support for the actions of Archbishop John Sentamu on Sunday - if you didn't see/hear it he has cut up his dog collar and refuses to wear it again until Mugabe has gone from office.

It may only be a symbol but I certainly think it's a better one than the symbol that many others have given and continue to give by doing absolutely nothing.


Anonymous said...

Good for you Moose!

The only thing I've heard is that Gordy 'boycotted' the talks because Mugabe was going to be there. Nothing was made of that apart from a wee mention on the one here has any idea's nearly as bad as Darfur and all the stupid people saying they were going to withdraw any aid because of the teacher debacle.


Anonymous said...

Morning all,

I watched that on Sunday morning as well moose. It did look to me as if he just decided to do it and that it was not orchestrated. I do think it was a good jester by him, probably more so due to the colour of his skin. Mugabe would have been stopped by now if he had any oil supplies on his land!

I have a big meeting today as I am the key witness in an Independent Grievance Appeal Panel today as one of my staff resigned over a year ago and he is claiming discrimination against me and our work using the disability act and his hammer because I would not accept his resignation withdrawal! I was the line manager making all of the decisions so the buck stops with me I guess. Why do I feel like I am on trial when I did nothing wrong? Even if we/I win today we could still end up with an Employment Tribunal! This has made it a very long year so far. :-(((

Keep smiling

Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Woops I meant Gesture {{Blush, blush) not a clown! ;-( see I said it was a bad day! :-)

Anonymous said...

Moose, I did read this in the paper yesterday. Well done to the man for sticking to his principles. It's not always easy to stand up and be counted.

Hope everyone is o.k. today. I am so cold I can hardly stand it. I have a radiator behind my desk, but unfortunately also have great big windows which are as old as the Ark and there is a brisk north-easterly breeze coming through the cracks in the paintwork! I AM FREEZING! And I'll probably end up with a stiff neck ..... but as Hazel would say - that's not for here!

This is my last day of being "only" 50. From here on in I can only see it being the slippery slope! This year is the first time I've really thought about my age and I don't like it! My lovely wee mum would have said "just be grateful for every day" and I am trying, but I'd much rather be 10 years younger!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Keith, I do hope it goes well for you. A friend of mine was put through a nightmare time a couple of years ago where the plaintiff was alleging my friend of saying and doing various things, all related to the colour of her skin. The girl was actually really not very good at her job, and then just three hours before the 'trial' she withdrew her charges.

Quick buck it seems to me!

Good luck nsb

Anonymous said...

Good for him I say. No-one else seems to make even symbolic gestures in that direction.

Chrissie - come down here love - I'm boiling! I came to work dressed for the cold as the wind whistles round and through our block at all times of the year. So, thick tights, boots, woolly skirt, long sleeved shirt, woolly jumper ... No wind, bright sunshine lighting up the office and radiators on full blast even though I've turned them right down. My cheeks are very rosy! and 50 isn't old - it's the new 40!

Keith - hope today wasn't too traumatic.

Anonymous said...

Analog, please stop it with the descriptions of your clothing, I can't take too much more stimulation!

DD out

Anonymous said...

DD are you Welsh? I only ask because my attire is very non-stimulating. In fact, I'm wearing more wool than your average sheep ...

Anonymous said...

analog, for crying out loud, don't start him on sheep...

It'll all end in shears!

Very proud of that one

Anonymous said...

Analog - thank you for your kind words. And of course you are right - 50 is the new 40 - at least I was sure of this 12 months ago!!

Keith - I did mean to say earlier - hope your day has not been too difficult.

DD - some men just love women wearing lots of clothes. Well, actually, you are the first guy I have heard of with this condition, but hey ho!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Analog, Baa Humbug!

Hazel v.v. good! even for Ewe!

DD out

Anonymous said...

snip, snip. Oops. There goes a perfectly good woolly pully.