And I don't mean DD's arm or Amanda's knee!
Life seems to have overtaken blogging for the last few weeks. Maybe I've just had nothing much to say...
Not that I have too much to say today, apart from Happy New Year to everybody.
And with that, the thoughts turn to resolutions. I'm no big fan of New Year's resolutions, mainly due to my complete inability to stick to them. But I was interested to read of the psychologists analysis of them, what works, what doesn't etc etc.
So for men, we seem to be playing up to the 'can't multi-task' stereotype by saying that we do best if we have one very specific resolution and concentrate on that. We also need to break our goals down into small manageable steps so we don't get disheartened by too high a mountain to climb.
Not to be outdone, women have to live up to one of their stereotypes and talk a lot about their resolutions to other people, enrolling them to help, support and encourage.
It also seems to be important not to leave it all til New Years Eve.
So, to back this up, I thought we could use the blog as a public service broadcast tool.
I have one very specific resolution (no multi-tasking whatsoever required) that I have already decided on (well in advance of New Years Eve), have lots of small intermediate goals towards achieving the big one, and I'm not going to tell you all what it is (not being a woman - at least last time I checked).
For you women out there, you can tell us all about any resolutions you want to, and will, I'm sure, receive much virtual support and encouragement in achieving your goals for 2008.
For the guys, pick one thing and don't tell us what it is...
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Firstly- Thanks to Moose! This has been a very valuable tool in my box this past year and has introduced me to some top people who I am now proud to call my friends.
Secondly- My only resolution for 2008 is to move through the year with as much grace and elegance as I can.
Thirdly- Here's to 2008! May you all be proud and happy of what you acheive!
& Booboo
Moose - we can always count on you to publicise our thoughts...
I have a dreadful confession to make: I am jealous of my sister - not of her lovely husband, nor of her job, her house is lovely and she has a beautiful daughter... I am jealous because she is pregnant.
I always wanted 6 children. I have two wonderful children, but feel incomplete. I want more. I loved being pregnant and bringing new life into the world. When I hear my sister moan about her pregnancy, I want to scream - doesn't she know how lucky she is? I know that at my age, I will not have any more children - I can only dream about it.
Don't judge me Bloggers - I needed to offload. I'm sorry - I have no-one else I can tell this stuff to.
My new year resolution is to respect myself. This may be the first step.
Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, I hope you're happy.
S xx.
Sammie - jealousy is human nature. Albeit a pretty ugly one, but human nature all the same. People who say they dont feel jealousy are usually the ones that use more acceptable/flowery words to describe the same thing. The fact that you can admit that is how you feel and say it out loud makes you human, and honest. And i respect you for it. Dont beat your self up about it missus.
Happy New Year all. Hope you had a good break. We have had a lovely christmas and new year together, but a fairly hefty one with the rest of the family. Visited some family that treated the man cub like he was invisible - which broke my heart. Him in doors' sister and husband came to ours to stay and following quite some time of problems found themselves finally able to admit it wasnt working. That was not before some very difficult discussions whilst we were around (and their kids were in bed). I found it difficult not to be a bit selfish about it in that the shouting and atmosphere took me straight back to the twice it happened to me as a kid, when my various parents split up, it quite knocked my duck off. Getting better and feel bad for talking about how their awful situation has affected me (me me me me me me) but hopefully things will get better from here on in.
So new years resolutions. Well maybe i am a secret man in disguise cos im not going to tell anyone my resolution. Partly cos ive harped on about it to anyone that would listen for the last 15years. Its time for me to take responsibility.
I get the sense that 2008 is going to be an interesting one for lots of people. Hard work, i mean - really hard work, but with some good outcomes. Im a bit over awed by all the things i have to do this year - to prove a few things to myself - but i can do it. I think. I know. I think....
Happy New Year cyber pals.
Well now. New year's resolutions. I only had one last year, and that was to learn to knit. Which I have still not done. I think everyone is heaving huge sighs of relief that they didn't get balaclavas or unfinished scarves for I'm not bothering at all this year.
I do have to knuckle down and get college going properly, and have a bit more of a positive attitude to work (as it is being here that is enabling me to actually DO my college work after all and I do like the guys I work with and there probably isn't another job anywhere where I'd get time to do extra curricular activities...ahem) so I'm here today...first day back etc etc and I'm going to use the next couple of days to really shake myself up.
Still not 100% I have to say, and some really bad stuff happened with the badger just before Christmas which has affected us both, but we're ok, which is the main thing.
I thank God and whoever else is looking after us, for the chance for the opportunity to wake up every day. I know we'll get there, where ever we are supposed to be going, eventually...and we have to stop setting so much store by the change of a date, and try to take and deal with each day as they come.
Thank you everyone for all your love and encouragement and support last year, it's really warming to know you are all there.
Well a happy new year to one and all, old friends, new friends and those that I haven't yet met!
The plaster cast is off, although still some residual pain in the wrist. I'm sure that will ease off eventually with rest!!!!
Popped down to the gym for the first time since the cast came off! Gave myself a 25 minute beasting on the treadmill and half an hour on the bike. Then some weight work, but not on the left wrist! and followed it up with 20 lengths of the pool!
Feeling completely knackered now! and sitting here typing while watching the cricket (South Africa v West Indies), making the most of the time off before the return to work on Monday.
I trust you are all well, hope things smooth over for you Hazel, I know you had a rough end to 2007, so thoughts are with you, and also to you Lyndyloo!
May you all get everything you hope for, and nothing you would wish on the Prime Minister!
DD out
Happy New Year to everyone - let's hope that it brings you all you wish for. Be happy and live your life.
Thanks Moose for letting us all share your space and providing a place where we can just be ourselves and not be judged by the trivial stuff - what we wear, look like, earn or sound like. I like it here among cyber-friends.
I'm not a one for New Years resolutions. I don't think I've ever made one that has stuck longer than about 3 January. So now I don't even bother. But that said I have decided that this year I will make the most of what I've got (too much watching Gok Wan on TV perhaps?) and take life as it comes. I'll be 50 next year and have decided that life's too short to spend it worrying.
PS Hazel - learn to knit girl! I learned from my great granny when I was a small child and have never really stopped. It's quite a cool thing to do these days apparently.
Hello everyone! Last work free day today and I'm making the most of it by not really doing very much - which is lovely!
Out tonight and then tomorrow night, which is nice, as I haven't really been out much over the last few weeks, except to see family, due to one bug or another.
Have a great weekend everyone and I'll drop by next week.
S xx.
Happy New Year everyone.
Apologies for absence, yet again ..... have been wading through piles of work in order to clear my desk for nearly 4 weeks as we're off to New Zealand on Sunday.
I'd like to thank Moose once again for giving us all this lovely place to come to whenever we want and need to ...... you've all kept me going at various times throughout the year, that's for sure.
My only resolution this year is not to plan anything. I've realised that all the planning in the world cannot prepare you for the unexpected such as redundancy, illness and even death, so I'm just living every day as it comes and will try to embrace anything good, bad or downright ugly that may well come my way!
Hazel - special love to you and Badger xxxxx
See you in a few weeks and take care of yourselves .... and each other
jollygit xxxx
Well, I'm all ready.
Briefcase cleared out. Old papers ready to take into work for 'safe' disposal, suits cleaned, blouses ironed and hanging in wardrobe.
I've missed work - too much time to think!
S xx.
Very Happy New Year to one and all in mooseland!
I have just come back into work today after a well deserved rest for the festive period. My body has been crying out to me to take it a little easier for a month or so. I decided to take a rest over the festive period and not worry about training or my weight. I have achieved both and feel better for it I have to say. ;-)
New years resolutions are not my thing really, I have already given up smoking (19 years ago) very rarely drink these days and am already loosing weight so what of the traditional resolutions are left? I would rather just make myself a promise to treat myself better for this year and continue to take my life back! I do have goals that I would like to reach and some in the background that I would like to rekindle. The main on the back burner is another degree. I did start one and have 120 credits sat there waiting for me to pick up and run with for the last year of studying. I would like to do it just to say that I have done it, not because I need it.
Moose thanks for this forum it has helped me over the last year and I know that is due to your hosting and the wonderful virtual friends that I have met on here. Thanks one and all for the support. Bless you! ;-))
Keith the NotSoBigUn
Happy New Year to one and all!
This will sound sort of pathetic, but I've really missed the blog! Unfortunately I have been so ill with the flu (the actual flu, not one of his cousins) and I can honestly say I have had the most miserable Christmas and New Year break ever. Christmas Eve, I felt so ill that I was crying, which MrS thought was slightly exaggerating the situation. Until we checked my temperature and it was 104! It's been an uphill struggle since around 20th December and even today I still feel exhausted! I really don't like this!
However, I really hope you all had a lovely Christmas with your loved ones and I hope Santa was good to you. He was very good to me, I got an iPod which I am very excited about - all I have to do now is take some time to learn how to use it!
Lyndyloo - even through my general feeling sorry for myself, I was thinking of you and your family over the "festivies". Very difficult time of year, and I hope it went as well as could be expected.
To all the "regulars" I hope we will all stay in touch during
2008. The blog has meant such a lot to me over the last 12 months - thank you Moose.
No New Year Resolutions from me. I have made Resolutions every year since 1976 and I haven't achieved even one of them! I've decided that rather than put myself under any pressure, what I hope to achieve this year is .... to appreciate every day, (even Mondays!) pray that my family and friends stay healthy and I also plan to make a huge effort not to moan quite so much!
Hope you are all recovering from the trauma of the alarm going off early this morning!
C xx
Happy and Healthy New Year to Moose and all you lovely bloggers!
A lot of you have already thanked each other for the amazing support this blog brings and I would like to add my voice to that cyber thank you too, long may it continue!!!
I do not do New Year's resolutions and have never done, my main aim at the moment is to get healthy again and take things from there. Another 4 weeks laid up at home according to my doctor and thereafter months to recover properly and I am beginning to feel down about it all mainly because I am so unused to being inactive. At least I can get up in the morning, prepare breakfast for my boys before their grandparents take them off to school. I really hope I can soon walk with them (it's only a mile) but I have been told I need to slow down, maybe I will try next week.
Our house was attacked by a nasty throat virus over the festive period, just as everyone got better I came down with it! Still at least the house has been quiet for a few days. Feeling much better today so it's hopefully on its way out.
I hope everyone had as good a time as their circumstances allowed over Christmas and New Year.
Thank you Moose for a really interesting 12 months and a big thumbs up for the next 12 as well!
Take care and I will pop back as and when I can.
A x
Back at work and got the grumps.
hab gumbah! Get up and go had got up and gone this morning!
Best wishes to all those of you suffering with illness still!
Otherwise Happy New Year to one and all.
DD out
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