ps Sammie, so sorry you are feeling so pants babe. The badger and I both succumbed to the (proper) flu before Christmas, and in truth I think we are both still not quite over it! Anyhoo, when you're up to it, please can you let me know about your 'quickie' divorce? I need to get one! Five and a half years on...
I don't have quite that sort of cash on me today, but I could swap you for a bit of genuine Etna rock, collected whilst still slightly warm. (It's cooled down now though, you'll have to take my word it was warm when I picked it up.)
There are some nasty bugs about - Mr L and I have had a cold/cough thing for several days and he doesn't seem to be able to shake it orf. I'm just trying to ignore it.
Moose, I'm out of the loop on this one! I'll have start reading the newspaper more closely!
Sammie, sorry to hear the dreaded flu has got you. If it's anything like the flu I had recently, you are in for a long haul, so be patient! I still feel exhausted - four weeks down the line! (yes, I know, they used to shoot the bearer of bad news!).
Hazel - sending you good thoughts. Life's b*tch at times but this, too, shall pass.
Morning troops - have been given a virtual kick up the bum by Susan to come back so here I am :o). Thanks for you email Chrissie - I do miss it here when I don't pop in but life is pretty demanding and sometimes I don't think I have enough brain power to join in!!!
I can however talk the hind legs off a donkey on the following subjects - Cloth Nappies, Baby sleeping habits, the fact that baby bogies seem to be about 3 foot long, baby sick and generally any thing baby related...oooooh am quite good on Big Bro:Celeb Hijack too!
Hazel - I could give you the extra £, it would mean raiding Wee Man's piggly bank but I'm sure he wouldn't mind!!!
As for the flu - still got the dregs of it here, manifesting as a rasping least when I smoked there was something to cough up, a good reason to restart???
lol!! Is that for the wall or the whole house!? Is it a Banksy!?! lol
The link - for Chrissie - you'll need to cut and paste it together! tol/arts_and_entertainment/visual_arts/article3187837.ece
Moose - how's the writing going?
I am so out of the loop on everything!?! Can anyone fill me in!? Thanks for the emails btw!
Just trying to persuade Jo and bambino to come North of the Border to visit the virtual Aunties!
Hazel - I guess the law is different in Engerland, but I got my divorce nay bother after 5 years. Just a signature from Baw-heed and that was that! Bit of an anti climax after all the blood, sweat and tears he put me through, but hey-ho! Onwards and upwards as they say! And look what I have now - a gorgeous toddler and a hubby who can be as much work as his toddler! Hmmm .....
Hugs Hazel and Sammie and anyone else who needs them! Paracetemol analog?
I was just looking forward to when all the 9s turned to 0s one by one...ridiculously cute babe too I have to say, and Jo, you just KNOW I'd be SOOOOO interested in your current conversational topics...if I indeed were! Odd that.
Turtley GAWJUS George!
Thank you Sammie and SusanS. Shall look at the website...have not had much luck just general surfing, and the courts don't seem to be too approachable if you just have questions! Nice to see you about again too, you highland lassie!
Anyhoo, Pickers old girl, are you moonlighting as Marianne in Sense and Sensible? From wot I have seen, you do seem to bear a remarkable resemblance if 'tain't you...
look at my flags love hazel x
Thank you for all your best wishes...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Have had my car clamped this afternoon. What for? You cry. Well, let me tell you...
My tax disc hiolder fell off the window and wouldn't stick anymore. My tax disc, displayed on the dashboard blew out of the window when the passenger door was opened.
So, I contacted the DVLA last Friday and told them and asked them to send me another. Today, my car was clamped for not displaying a valid car tax disc. Conspiracy theorists will have come to the same conclusion as I, that the s*ds used the information I gave them last week to track me down and clamp me. I am severely miffed.
To unclamp my car (as I am still waiting for tax disc), will cost me £200. I can claim this back apparently, but have to pay this within 24 hours (unless tax disc turns up in tomorrows post), otherwise,l my car will be removed and the price will rise to £280 + 15 per day in storage.
OUTRAGE!!!!!!! I have spoken to a solicitor friend who has told me to pay the £200, then claim it back, + compensation for not being able to use car, distress and embarrassment.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH, why don't they go after real tax and insurance dodgers??????
Sammie, what a complete nightmare for you. What a great country the UK is, eh? Meanwhile, women are being raped in broad daylight, but let's get our priorities right.
No wonder you are blazing mad, and quite honestly who has the odd 200 quid lying around in the middle of January?!
I'm livid on your behalf! Make sure that when you do write to claim back the money, you write a cracker of a letter - accompanied by a letter from your doctor confirming that your blood pressure has gone through the roof!
Chrissie - oh, don't you worry, my solicitor is well and truly on the case with this one!
Deep breaths...
I really don't like January, but February for me is worse! Valentines Day, followed by my birthday a week later? AAAGGGHHH.
Both are bad enough as a Singleton, BUT, the next birthday means I am definitely on my way to 40 and - oh I am scared! I am going to have Hollywood birthdays from now on and take a year off each birthday, for as long as I can!
So chaps, FYI - that puts me back in the mid 30's!
Soooooo don't want to have surgery and look like a bizarre, speaking wax doll - is there hope for me?????
Good grief, you get busy for a few days and all the moose blogettes return. Parrots eat em all, to all those suffering with coughs and colds, for anything nastier I suggest towels!
Aaah Lyndyloo, a cute bronchitis to add to everything else that you have that's cute! You is spoiled girlfriend!
Aaaah Jo! I don't do babies, but iddle widdle piddle cutesy!
Chrissie, pay the money, claim it back, and do as your legal beagle says!
For ye other Spice girls of the Moose blog! Welcome home!
DD out!
PS Moose! Why would anyone want graffitti done by a cack MP?
Ooh ooh Sammie! The badger got pulled just before Christmas with no insurance...he is insured fully comp on TWO other cars...but because he is not the policy holder, he isn't covered to drive other vehicles...which we only found out when he was stopped! That cost us £305. £200 fine (which I am contesting) and £105 to collect his car from the compound, and the blimmin car hadn't even reached the compound by the time he got there to collect it! After I'd spent time on the phone to the insurance company, and extra cash to get one of the policies changed...made me SOOOO mad! I've got it back on your behalf now!
I was spitting I'm sure you currently are....
Have just remembered...I once got three hours detention for writing on a wall with chalk...when I complained and said that it would wash off in the imminent downpour, I was told that it may encourage others to write (Dean loves Dawn etc) using more indelible mediums...
Dawn and I then had to spend the next three evenings cleaning off some far more interesting graffitti from the toilet walls...heh heh heh...DEFINITELY NOT FOR HERE!
Good morning one and all!!! See .... us absent bloggers are like buses - wait forever for one to come along then 4 come all at once!!
Crumbs, Sammie!!! Road rage of a different type, eh!? You get 'em girl!! Why is it that they things that are sent to try us normally end up costing money too!? ANd I'm guessing that you are round about ages with me as I have THAT birthday next year. I lay in bed last night panicking as I have not achieved all the things I wish to, and time just seems to be not just marching but doing a high speed sprint!!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! Surgery? Nah .... you don't need it beautiful!
Lyndyloo - you poor darling - you are having a time of it with your health! Sending up lots of prayers for good health and for some peace and calm for you and all of us!!
DD - I have an abundance of towels here if anyone would like to partake of my hospitality and excellent mopping up skills!! I have no fear of such things ... having a toddler put paid to my squemishness!!! Have I heard you mentioned periodically on CLP's over the last few months?! And can I be Scary Spice? Can't stand ANY of them ... but I like scaring people!! Mwahahahaha!
Hazel - I couldn't imagine you doing ANYTHING to get detention! Actually .... strike that .... I can!! :o)
Sending lots of love and thoughts to everyone, present and absent, and especially to darling MwK.
Starting the garden project today ... Marianne and her two delights aged 4 an 1 are joining us to help. We have a ton of gravel to shift and then need to turn the soil front and back!!! Sounds easy, doesn't it!?! With 3 kids under 4 it should be an absolute hoot! Pictures will be posted!!!
Sammie- I turned 40 last year in the midst of all that was falling apart around me... the birthday party was still fab! I work on the premise that I don't do numbers so it can't make a difference whether I'm 23 or 67 it's the way that you feel that makes your year. As for Valentines day... just another day. Me & my friend went speed dating on the 14th the other year which was good fun. I've not had a man in my life for years now on the V day or indeed Christmas but after listening to all the complaints about the fall outs over the festive season I think I have a happy time of it overall. Losing my Bear then my Dad might have been easier to deal with if I'd had a man to lean on but I doubt I could have had more support than I got from my friends and family.
When the right man comes along it will all fall into place... I doubt it. Maybe one day my man will turn up and I'll be happy to be in a loving relationship with a gorgeous man... far more likely!
Life's good and we have to enjoy every moment that we have here, with or without a life partner.
Oooh, it's wonderful to see so many bloggers returning! And great comments from everyone, but a nightmare for Sammie, Hazel, and Badger!
Lyndyloo - I am sure you are aware bronchitis is no joke - please look after yourself and treat it with the utmost respect, we don't want any complications occurring, so no snowboarding or whatever for the foreseeable future!
I thought your comment to Sammie was wonderful - so wise. It is very difficult for me to imagine being on my own, having been married since I was 19. While I have been very lucky in that MrS and I have a good relationship, nothing is ever what it seems. We see people and think we want what they have, but what I say is: you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors.
I'm not knocking marriage or relationships at all, but I can see the view that being on your own isn't the worst thing that can happen.
Having said all this, Lyndyloo and Sammie - you are both such lovely girls and I really hope there are two terrific guys out there for you!
oooohhhh I do like a party. I'll be there. Is it themed fancy dress or can we do our own thing?
How lovely that people are returning. Nice to see y'all back again. Best wishes to everyone - with or without germs. My lurgy is retreating slowly - I am left with a cough that sounds like it's sponsored by Players Weights. (My colleague thinks I may bring up a fur ball at any minute!)
And Sammie - don't get fixated on all that stuff. Age, like Lyndyloo said, is how you feel not what it says on a calendar. I'll be 50 next year but in my head I'm still 30ish - some might say I haven't grown up even that far! And being single is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes its a great deal better than the alternative ....
I know you said not to bother with RSVP, but I always think it's a wee bit rude not to say yeah or nay.
As it happens, I have an unused Hattie Jacques dress and wig hanging in the wardrobe and will be delighted to don this on Friday! (I have been gaining weight at a frightening rate since January 4th - must be January's fault!).
I will be delighted to attend the party and if I can find any spare children, I will drag them along too!
Been a lurker for a long time, often meant to comment but never really felt compelled, however after last nights news at 10 with Sir Trev - WAS THAT YOU MOOSE for the last snippet ?
annieb, welcome. I just wonder how long it will take you before you decide that you have in fact sunk to the depths that most of us have on here...Moose has ENDLESS patience...
Are you going to come to the party? They usually start around 11.30 and carry on rowdy through lunch. I am secretly hoping that some of the guys get their kilts on again...and that Moose wears something similar to his speedos once more...but that's not for here...
ChrissieS, how polite and thank you for replying.
'tis indeed I love hazel x
ps regarding the BYOB, after the incident with the Creme de Menthe last time, (and pointing NO fingers you know who you are) please can everyone bring a small bag of soda crystals...just in case we need to clean the carpet...again...
pps Lord Dissing, I trust we can rely on you for the balloon animals?
OOOOOO..that previous one was me..I'm a bit confused with the sign in using Blogger/Google stuff OMG!...fuddled me brain is, fuddled.........however, if there's a party i'm sure to become unfuddled (Creme De Menthe Frappes anyone?) was that me and the carpet, last time? Surely not! Well, I've moved to a more sophisticated drinking style- Pints of Baileys ( no ice) I know how that dilutes it - eh, Hazel?) Glad to see lots of you returning, and hello to the new'un - welcome! See yer on Friday...lunchish time? Can't start earlier, because I'm going to the hairdressers for a bob. LOT OF LOVE CAROLINE xx
Now ... food ... anyone fancy large mushrooms, filled with haggis and topped with Edam then grilled? A couple of drops of whiskey in the haggis given it's a party!
Drink ... hmmmm ... well I'll bring a screw red, but fancy a liquer (if I could spell) too!
We have 2 new picnic rugs (having left two behind by mistake at one of the music festivals!).
What else? Who's bringing music? Where is the party location this time?! I'll email MwK and EG ... don't think I have anyone else's email!
Can you tell I'm just a wee bitty excited!?
And WELCOME AnnieB!!!! You will LOVE the party .... though they can get rather rowdy ... especially if there are kilts!
Oh Cazzer, how lovely to see you! And, yes, I was thinking of you...I have to say though that it was a turtley impetuous idea and I HAVE NOT YET GOT MOOSE'S PERMISHUN TO BE HOLDING THE PARTY SO WE'LL HAVE TO TRY TO KEEP IT QUIET TIL TERMORRER...
I spec even Jollygit from forn climes may pop by too...that'd be nice...
Morning all! Hope you are all having a terrific, taupe Thursday!
It is dull and cloudy here in the Highlands - I'm glad we got the front garden de-gravelled and dug yesterday! Missing a cat though - hoping hubby has locked him in the shed!
I've been having trouble with my normal balloon supplier, so I'm having to try these new style balloons, they seem to come in all sorts of funny styles and colours, some of them are even flavoured. Personally I can't see the point of a banana flavoured giraffe! or the authentic green apple flavoured crocodile with authentic bobbles on it's back!
but hey ho we'll see how they go up tomorrow! Kilt is unfortunately still at the dry cleaners trying to get the creme de menthe frappé our of the inside of the kilt! That took some explaining I can tell you!
I could come as Emu tomorrow if I can find the correct denier of tights for the occassion!
Susan good luck with the hunt for the missing pussy! thoughts are with you!
I would consider wearing a kilt again but only if you ladies promise not to make me climb a tree and then all stand underneath laughing whilst you are looking up! ;-)) Mind you it is a little windy for the kilt, inside and out! :-)
Keith, of course you can come. Lord Dissing of Dave is to fashion balloon animals, so perhaps you can get him to create some kind of sporran...or a dirk...or a baggy pipe...or similar...I believe he is very cheap...or maybe that's not for here...
DD I've got some 100 watt tights you can borrow if it helps with the Emu costume.
As I have developed a particularly attractive wheezy cough I'm going to come as Muttley tomorrow - I can do his larf without even trying! Just need to find a flying helmet by the morning ...
I shall be coming as Popeye. That's all decided. Since last evenings trip to the dentist (he's brilliant and I've told him if he ever moves or retires I'm going to haunt and stalk him til he sees me!) I have a fat right cheek (B-I-G filling top, back) and I have ear-ache and can't feel my nostril!
Hence, I feel as though my eye is hanging out quite hideously (although the Badger says it doesn't look as though it's bulging but that's not for here) I still reckon I'm a bit eye-y if you know what I mean.
I shall mainly be drinking from a straw love hazel x
Where's the kitchen til I pop me mushrooms and haggis in the fridge?! Did a rice salad too .... mind the chilli!! Charis did a pineapple/cheese hedgehog - she'll be along later in her pixie outfit! She wanted wings like Mama!
Right ... managed to find me cocktail shaker, got the ice, and managed to get Crème de Cacao, Tia Maria, Amarula, Ponche Diva, Crème de Menthe, Cointreau and Metaxa!
Got to nip out for more food - via the duckpond and playpark (do you think anyone will notice my wings!?) so may be a few minutes late!
Hey these new balloons are fab! I particularly like the ribbed ones, it gives an authentic look to all my emaciated animals! Anyone for an under-filled donkey!
Hazel move away from the creme de menthe! We are not going through that fiasco again!
Someone pour me a glass of red wine, I've only bought a pint glass but fill it to the brim anyway!
I've prepared two very special sherry trifles and have put them in the fridge for now. They're a trifle on the large side, so I had to remove the vodka jello shots, get 'em down you quick!
Man - you're grand at the Strip the Willow, DD!! That's Willow ... not Hazel!! Keith - put her down!!! Chrissie .... can you do something about that pair!
Sammie ... Lyndyloo ... it's the Dashing White Seargent next ... let's go find Moose!!
OK who's undergarments are these in the chocolate fountain? We have a growing choccy puddle because they've blocked the intake valve and caused an overflow!
Susan, you have obviously been holding the fort...and all I have akshully managed yet is a couple of mouths full of choklitty feathers and a slippery cowboy...whatever that means...i got slightly held up in the ballpond.
LOVING my balloon animal, but a tad concerned as to the mysterious sticky we won't go there...
...and re one would know, so instead I have removed my top...someone may notice...
am very busy, internet is acting up and am having a supremely dismal day just so's you know but i'll get on here when i can coz it's making me smile!
Analog, Didn't mean to insult your skanky's, but they seem to have 5 holes in them! I presumed at first that Hazel had got her crotchless ones out again, but the fifth hole threw me! But it's OK 'cos I made par on the sixth and managed to find a birdie on the seventh! Wahey! I suppose they could have got shredded a little on the intake valve!
Hazel, the sticky substance is probably it's tongue (I used a pre-masticated marshmallow supplied by Susan)! I know you asked for a gecko, but I could only make it's lizard big brother! Soz! I certainly didn't expact you to attach it there and start swinging it about like that!
Right, best go put coffee on - Hazel's finished the bucket of liqueur!!! Keith is flying with the helium!!! DD is under the table with .... who's that!?!?!
Greetings, just back in land of reality. All I remember is at 10.07 this morning, I was getting into my Hattie Jacques dress, adjusting my wig and Susan arrived, kicked open the kitchen door, not knowing I was behind it, getting dressed! Knocked out cold for a while!
Then, I could hear everything - hilarity about balloons, vodka shots, and underwear. Tried desperately to get up during the Steps montage but no-one could hear my desperate cries.
Hope you all had a wonderful time. I have contacted a local cleaning company who will be here in the morning. Please send £4.12 each towards the bill.
C xx
P.S. Susan, no hard feelings. I needed the rest!
P.P.S. I would love to cook-a-long with Gordon, but I hate scallops and would never eat a chocolate mousse, so I think I may just watch, have glass of wine and just for laughs, stay dressed as Hattie!
Now we really are getting out of hand! Who part-filled that multi-coloured balloon with, is that creme de menthe? and then inflated it with the helium? If that hits the ceiling fan and bursts, it will certainly hit the fan!
Hazel that is not the equivalent of Mint Aero Bubble! Stop poking it with that stick!
are you lot still partying? Good grief but you've got some stamina ....
I've had to slope off and do some work so missed a bit. Probably just as well. Now I just have to go home and do some laundry - my smalls will never be the same again ...
Have a good weekend folks and see you back here on Monday.
Many thanks to Moose & Chrissie S for hosting such a wild and enjoyable party today! Apologies for the plethora of stains everywhere! Creme de menthe balloons and chocolate puddles and as for what Susan did with the trifles well! Least said and all that!
Have a great weekend all, and catch up with you all at some point on Monday!
Hazel you can just continue to sleep the frappé's off! I'm sure you'll wake up with the hoover in the morning!
Oh, man ... who's going to clean that mess!!?? I think Cazza, Jo and Sammie should make a start, given they are sobererererereeeeeeeer than the rest of us!! Amanda said she has a great recipe for taking stains out, so hopefully Moose won't notice what Hazel did after she drank that bucket combo!!!
As for Keith and Lyndyloo .... how you managed to do that ... hmmmm ... I hope someone got photos of it!
Ummm ... can someone get an icepack for Chrissie .... that's some lump!!! Sorry babes!
I have exactly £199,999.
I shall have to ask my Banksy Manager for a lawn.
Or is that what I want to be.
ps Sammie, so sorry you are feeling so pants babe. The badger and I both succumbed to the (proper) flu before Christmas, and in truth I think we are both still not quite over it!
Anyhoo, when you're up to it, please can you let me know about your 'quickie' divorce? I need to get one! Five and a half years on...
Poo - I have done something to my screen... aaaaagh!
Moose, I have even less money than Hazel, but if we pool our resources...
Hazel - you should be able to get divorced even quicker than me, with the amount of time you have been separated! Have a look at this website:
Hope that helps!
Going back to bed now,
S xx.
I don't have quite that sort of cash on me today, but I could swap you for a bit of genuine Etna rock, collected whilst still slightly warm. (It's cooled down now though, you'll have to take my word it was warm when I picked it up.)
There are some nasty bugs about - Mr L and I have had a cold/cough thing for several days and he doesn't seem to be able to shake it orf. I'm just trying to ignore it.
Moose, I'm out of the loop on this one! I'll have start reading the newspaper more closely!
Sammie, sorry to hear the dreaded flu has got you. If it's anything like the flu I had recently, you are in for a long haul, so be patient! I still feel exhausted - four weeks down the line! (yes, I know, they used to shoot the bearer of bad news!).
Hazel - sending you good thoughts. Life's b*tch at times but this, too, shall pass.
Thinking of all the missing troops!
C xx
Morning troops - have been given a virtual kick up the bum by Susan to come back so here I am :o). Thanks for you email Chrissie - I do miss it here when I don't pop in but life is pretty demanding and sometimes I don't think I have enough brain power to join in!!!
I can however talk the hind legs off a donkey on the following subjects - Cloth Nappies, Baby sleeping habits, the fact that baby bogies seem to be about 3 foot long, baby sick and generally any thing baby related...oooooh am quite good on Big Bro:Celeb Hijack too!
Hazel - I could give you the extra £, it would mean raiding Wee Man's piggly bank but I'm sure he wouldn't mind!!!
As for the flu - still got the dregs of it here, manifesting as a rasping least when I smoked there was something to cough up, a good reason to restart???
Hope to be back more often
:o) Jo
If you wanted to see the little monster
CUte aint he??
lol!! Is that for the wall or the whole house!? Is it a Banksy!?! lol
The link - for Chrissie - you'll need to cut and paste it together!
Moose - how's the writing going?
I am so out of the loop on everything!?! Can anyone fill me in!? Thanks for the emails btw!
Just trying to persuade Jo and bambino to come North of the Border to visit the virtual Aunties!
Hazel - I guess the law is different in Engerland, but I got my divorce nay bother after 5 years. Just a signature from Baw-heed and that was that! Bit of an anti climax after all the blood, sweat and tears he put me through, but hey-ho! Onwards and upwards as they say! And look what I have now - a gorgeous toddler and a hubby who can be as much work as his toddler! Hmmm .....
Hugs Hazel and Sammie and anyone else who needs them! Paracetemol analog?
Chrissie - need to compare diaries!!
Susan <><
For those of you listening in Black and White
Jo - what a cutey!!!
I bet he's the light of your life, isn't he? Great to read you hear - it's amazing how busy little people can keep you, isn't it?
S xx.
Oomargourd...all outta the woodwork! Blimey.
I was just looking forward to when all the 9s turned to 0s one by one...ridiculously cute babe too I have to say, and Jo, you just KNOW I'd be SOOOOO interested in your current conversational topics...if I indeed were! Odd that.
Turtley GAWJUS George!
Thank you Sammie and SusanS. Shall look at the website...have not had much luck just general surfing, and the courts don't seem to be too approachable if you just have questions! Nice to see you about again too, you highland lassie!
Anyhoo, Pickers old girl, are you moonlighting as Marianne in Sense and Sensible? From wot I have seen, you do seem to bear a remarkable resemblance if 'tain't you...
look at my flags
Thank you for all your best wishes...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hmmmph - it doesn't rain it pours...
Have had my car clamped this afternoon. What for? You cry. Well, let me tell you...
My tax disc hiolder fell off the window and wouldn't stick anymore. My tax disc, displayed on the dashboard blew out of the window when the passenger door was opened.
So, I contacted the DVLA last Friday and told them and asked them to send me another. Today, my car was clamped for not displaying a valid car tax disc. Conspiracy theorists will have come to the same conclusion as I, that the s*ds used the information I gave them last week to track me down and clamp me. I am severely miffed.
To unclamp my car (as I am still waiting for tax disc), will cost me £200. I can claim this back apparently, but have to pay this within 24 hours (unless tax disc turns up in tomorrows post), otherwise,l my car will be removed and the price will rise to £280 + 15 per day in storage.
OUTRAGE!!!!!!! I have spoken to a solicitor friend who has told me to pay the £200, then claim it back, + compensation for not being able to use car, distress and embarrassment.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH, why don't they go after real tax and insurance dodgers??????
Deep breath Samantha....
I am calm, am thinking of calm place....
S xx.
Sammie, what a complete nightmare for you. What a great country the UK is, eh? Meanwhile, women are being raped in broad daylight, but let's get our priorities right.
No wonder you are blazing mad, and quite honestly who has the odd 200 quid lying around in the middle of January?!
I'm livid on your behalf! Make sure that when you do write to claim back the money, you write a cracker of a letter - accompanied by a letter from your doctor confirming that your blood pressure has gone through the roof!
C xx
Hi Peeps!
I have no idea what the graffiti stuff is all about but I'm not sure I'd want to pay that much for any of it!
Nice to see so many people back. I've been told that I'm recovering from the acute bronchitis and I just have to give it time...yawn!!
Let's all put our positive thoughts together for a healthy February!!!!
& Booboo
Chrissie - oh, don't you worry, my solicitor is well and truly on the case with this one!
Deep breaths...
I really don't like January, but February for me is worse! Valentines Day, followed by my birthday a week later? AAAGGGHHH.
Both are bad enough as a Singleton, BUT, the next birthday means I am definitely on my way to 40 and - oh I am scared! I am going to have Hollywood birthdays from now on and take a year off each birthday, for as long as I can!
So chaps, FYI - that puts me back in the mid 30's!
Soooooo don't want to have surgery and look like a bizarre, speaking wax doll - is there hope for me?????
S xx.
Good grief, you get busy for a few days and all the moose blogettes return. Parrots eat em all, to all those suffering with coughs and colds, for anything nastier I suggest towels!
Aaah Lyndyloo, a cute bronchitis to add to everything else that you have that's cute! You is spoiled girlfriend!
Aaaah Jo! I don't do babies, but iddle widdle piddle cutesy!
Chrissie, pay the money, claim it back, and do as your legal beagle says!
For ye other Spice girls of the Moose blog! Welcome home!
DD out!
PS Moose! Why would anyone want graffitti done by a cack MP?
Ooh ooh Sammie! The badger got pulled just before Christmas with no insurance...he is insured fully comp on TWO other cars...but because he is not the policy holder, he isn't covered to drive other vehicles...which we only found out when he was stopped! That cost us £305. £200 fine (which I am contesting) and £105 to collect his car from the compound, and the blimmin car hadn't even reached the compound by the time he got there to collect it! After I'd spent time on the phone to the insurance company, and extra cash to get one of the policies changed...made me SOOOO mad! I've got it back on your behalf now!
I was spitting I'm sure you currently are....
Good luck hon!
Have just remembered...I once got three hours detention for writing on a wall with chalk...when I complained and said that it would wash off in the imminent downpour, I was told that it may encourage others to write (Dean loves Dawn etc) using more indelible mediums...
Dawn and I then had to spend the next three evenings cleaning off some far more interesting graffitti from the toilet walls...heh heh heh...DEFINITELY NOT FOR HERE!
Good morning one and all!!! See .... us absent bloggers are like buses - wait forever for one to come along then 4 come all at once!!
Crumbs, Sammie!!! Road rage of a different type, eh!? You get 'em girl!! Why is it that they things that are sent to try us normally end up costing money too!? ANd I'm guessing that you are round about ages with me as I have THAT birthday next year. I lay in bed last night panicking as I have not achieved all the things I wish to, and time just seems to be not just marching but doing a high speed sprint!!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! Surgery? Nah .... you don't need it beautiful!
Lyndyloo - you poor darling - you are having a time of it with your health! Sending up lots of prayers for good health and for some peace and calm for you and all of us!!
DD - I have an abundance of towels here if anyone would like to partake of my hospitality and excellent mopping up skills!! I have no fear of such things ... having a toddler put paid to my squemishness!!! Have I heard you mentioned periodically on CLP's over the last few months?! And can I be Scary Spice? Can't stand ANY of them ... but I like scaring people!! Mwahahahaha!
Hazel - I couldn't imagine you doing ANYTHING to get detention! Actually .... strike that .... I can!! :o)
Sending lots of love and thoughts to everyone, present and absent, and especially to darling MwK.
Starting the garden project today ... Marianne and her two delights aged 4 an 1 are joining us to help. We have a ton of gravel to shift and then need to turn the soil front and back!!! Sounds easy, doesn't it!?! With 3 kids under 4 it should be an absolute hoot! Pictures will be posted!!!
Susan <><
Sammie- I turned 40 last year in the midst of all that was falling apart around me... the birthday party was still fab! I work on the premise that I don't do numbers so it can't make a difference whether I'm 23 or 67 it's the way that you feel that makes your year. As for Valentines day... just another day. Me & my friend went speed dating on the 14th the other year which was good fun. I've not had a man in my life for years now on the V day or indeed Christmas but after listening to all the complaints about the fall outs over the festive season I think I have a happy time of it overall. Losing my Bear then my Dad might have been easier to deal with if I'd had a man to lean on but I doubt I could have had more support than I got from my friends and family.
When the right man comes along it will all fall into place... I doubt it. Maybe one day my man will turn up and I'll be happy to be in a loving relationship with a gorgeous man... far more likely!
Life's good and we have to enjoy every moment that we have here, with or without a life partner.
Ooooh that was a bit deep for a Wednesday morning
Oooh, it's wonderful to see so many bloggers returning! And great comments from everyone, but a nightmare for Sammie, Hazel, and Badger!
Lyndyloo - I am sure you are aware bronchitis is no joke - please look after yourself and treat it with the utmost respect, we don't want any complications occurring, so no snowboarding or whatever for the foreseeable future!
I thought your comment to Sammie was wonderful - so wise. It is very difficult for me to imagine being on my own, having been married since I was 19. While I have been very lucky in that MrS and I have a good relationship, nothing is ever what it seems. We see people and think we want what they have, but what I say is: you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors.
I'm not knocking marriage or relationships at all, but I can see the view that being on your own isn't the worst thing that can happen.
Having said all this, Lyndyloo and Sammie - you are both such lovely girls and I really hope there are two terrific guys out there for you!
C xx
I'd like to moot that we have a party on Friday?
No reason other than to have one.
All invited, BYOB and some grub.
No there or be whatever your heart desires.
Fancy Dress Compulsory
Children welcome
oooohhhh I do like a party. I'll be there. Is it themed fancy dress or can we do our own thing?
How lovely that people are returning. Nice to see y'all back again. Best wishes to everyone - with or without germs. My lurgy is retreating slowly - I am left with a cough that sounds like it's sponsored by Players Weights. (My colleague thinks I may bring up a fur ball at any minute!)
And Sammie - don't get fixated on all that stuff. Age, like Lyndyloo said, is how you feel not what it says on a calendar. I'll be 50 next year but in my head I'm still 30ish - some might say I haven't grown up even that far! And being single is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes its a great deal better than the alternative ....
Dear Anonymous (I'm assuming Hazel):
I know you said not to bother with RSVP, but I always think it's a wee bit rude not to say yeah or nay.
As it happens, I have an unused Hattie Jacques dress and wig hanging in the wardrobe and will be delighted to don this on Friday! (I have been gaining weight at a frightening rate since January 4th - must be January's fault!).
I will be delighted to attend the party and if I can find any spare children, I will drag them along too!
C xx
Been a lurker for a long time, often meant to comment but never really felt compelled, however after last nights news at 10 with Sir Trev - WAS THAT YOU MOOSE for the last snippet ?
Yippeee, I'll be wearing an Andy Pandy costume with my hair in pigtails and my best red cheeks on! Anyone want to come as my Ted?
annieb, welcome. I just wonder how long it will take you before you decide that you have in fact sunk to the depths that most of us have on here...Moose has ENDLESS patience...
Are you going to come to the party? They usually start around 11.30 and carry on rowdy through lunch. I am secretly hoping that some of the guys get their kilts on again...and that Moose wears something similar to his speedos once more...but that's not for here...
ChrissieS, how polite and thank you for replying.
'tis indeed I
ps regarding the BYOB, after the incident with the Creme de Menthe last time, (and pointing NO fingers you know who you are) please can everyone bring a small bag of soda crystals...just in case we need to clean the carpet...again...
pps Lord Dissing, I trust we can rely on you for the balloon animals?
Did someone say PAARTAY!!!
OOOOOO..that previous one was me..I'm a bit confused with the sign in using Blogger/Google stuff OMG!...fuddled me brain is, fuddled.........however, if there's a party i'm sure to become unfuddled (Creme De Menthe Frappes anyone?) was that me and the carpet, last time? Surely not! Well, I've moved to a more sophisticated drinking style- Pints of Baileys ( no ice) I know how that dilutes it - eh, Hazel?)
Glad to see lots of you returning, and hello to the new'un - welcome!
See yer on Friday...lunchish time? Can't start earlier, because I'm going to the hairdressers for a bob.
Oo-oo-oo!!! A party!!?!?!
I'm RSVP'ing!!
Now .... what could I come dressed as!? Ah-ha! I shall come as my alter-ego!!!
Now ... food ... anyone fancy large mushrooms, filled with haggis and topped with Edam then grilled? A couple of drops of whiskey in the haggis given it's a party!
Drink ... hmmmm ... well I'll bring a screw red, but fancy a liquer (if I could spell) too!
We have 2 new picnic rugs (having left two behind by mistake at one of the music festivals!).
What else? Who's bringing music? Where is the party location this time?! I'll email MwK and EG ... don't think I have anyone else's email!
Can you tell I'm just a wee bitty excited!?
And WELCOME AnnieB!!!! You will LOVE the party .... though they can get rather rowdy ... especially if there are kilts!
Oh Cazzer, how lovely to see you! And, yes, I was thinking of you...I have to say though that it was a turtley impetuous idea and I HAVE NOT YET GOT MOOSE'S PERMISHUN TO BE HOLDING THE PARTY SO WE'LL HAVE TO TRY TO KEEP IT QUIET TIL TERMORRER...
I spec even Jollygit from forn climes may pop by too...that'd be nice...
I still don't know what to wear.
Mornin' all ...
Caroline how do you find a hairdresser for a bob? It costs me the best part of thrity quid these days!
or even thirty quid ...
Morning all! Hope you are all having a terrific, taupe Thursday!
It is dull and cloudy here in the Highlands - I'm glad we got the front garden de-gravelled and dug yesterday! Missing a cat though - hoping hubby has locked him in the shed!
Susan <><
Good day to you all!
I've been having trouble with my normal balloon supplier, so I'm having to try these new style balloons, they seem to come in all sorts of funny styles and colours, some of them are even flavoured. Personally I can't see the point of a banana flavoured giraffe! or the authentic green apple flavoured crocodile with authentic bobbles on it's back!
but hey ho we'll see how they go up tomorrow! Kilt is unfortunately still at the dry cleaners trying to get the creme de menthe frappé our of the inside of the kilt! That took some explaining I can tell you!
I could come as Emu tomorrow if I can find the correct denier of tights for the occassion!
Susan good luck with the hunt for the missing pussy! thoughts are with you!
DD out
From the author
and for those of you with the red ball behind the pink
Oh a party!
Can I come, can I?
I would consider wearing a kilt again but only if you ladies promise not to make me climb a tree and then all stand underneath laughing whilst you are looking up! ;-)) Mind you it is a little windy for the kilt, inside and out! :-)
So many posts to read and so little time…..
I will be back when I can
Keith the NotSoBigUn
Keith, of course you can come. Lord Dissing of Dave is to fashion balloon animals, so perhaps you can get him to create some kind of sporran...or a dirk...or a baggy pipe...or similar...I believe he is very cheap...or maybe that's not for here...
One, two, three....
DD I've got some 100 watt tights you can borrow if it helps with the Emu costume.
As I have developed a particularly attractive wheezy cough I'm going to come as Muttley tomorrow - I can do his larf without even trying! Just need to find a flying helmet by the morning ...
Mornin' all
I shall be coming as Popeye. That's all decided. Since last evenings trip to the dentist (he's brilliant and I've told him if he ever moves or retires I'm going to haunt and stalk him til he sees me!) I have a fat right cheek (B-I-G filling top, back) and I have ear-ache and can't feel my nostril!
Hence, I feel as though my eye is hanging out quite hideously (although the Badger says it doesn't look as though it's bulging but that's not for here) I still reckon I'm a bit eye-y if you know what I mean.
I shall mainly be drinking from a straw
ug ug ug ug!
Hoy! Mind ma wings!!!
Where's the kitchen til I pop me mushrooms and haggis in the fridge?! Did a rice salad too .... mind the chilli!! Charis did a pineapple/cheese hedgehog - she'll be along later in her pixie outfit! She wanted wings like Mama!
Ok - off to get the drinkie-poos now!
I've left a plate of egg & sardine rolls in the kitchen. Just off to get a couple of bottles of Vimto to wash them down with.
Back later folks. Sassnrassnfrassn rick rastardly ....
Right .... just got 2 boxes red and 2 boxes white ..... could someone make sure DD and Not-so-Big-Un don't position themselves under the taps?!
Off to get liqueurs! Who's doing the music?!
Right ... managed to find me cocktail shaker, got the ice, and managed to get Crème de Cacao, Tia Maria, Amarula, Ponche Diva, Crème de Menthe, Cointreau and Metaxa!
Got to nip out for more food - via the duckpond and playpark (do you think anyone will notice my wings!?) so may be a few minutes late!
Hey these new balloons are fab! I particularly like the ribbed ones, it gives an authentic look to all my emaciated animals! Anyone for an under-filled donkey!
Hazel move away from the creme de menthe! We are not going through that fiasco again!
Someone pour me a glass of red wine, I've only bought a pint glass but fill it to the brim anyway!
I've prepared two very special sherry trifles and have put them in the fridge for now. They're a trifle on the large side, so I had to remove the vodka jello shots, get 'em down you quick!
DD out
Here's your red vino DD - nice balloons! The giraffe is very effective with that ribbed neck!
Jo ... Caroline ... move your bums off the radiator .... got me wings wet feeding the ducks!
Come on guys ... get dancing .. Charis always enjoys a chortle!!!
Anyone for cucumber sarnies?
DD I'm a bit concerned that all your balloon animals seem to have moist little noses. Shouldn't they be quarantined for a while?
What's your tipple analog!? And, what is that you are wearing!?!? :0
It's OK Analog no quarantine necessary, they've all brushed up against Susan S's wings! Honest! Would I lie to you!
Who brought the Chocolate fountain? My chinese balloon monkey has just shoved his face in it! He says it tastes rubbery!
DD out
Marshmallows!!! Give me the marshmallows!!! Ah, stuff it .... stand back ... I'm going in!!!
Why are these crisps all crushed? Could it be that they had an emergency landing! They seem to be all plain!
Who wants to lick the chocolate off my wings?! And who gave Charis the blue smarties!?!?
Someone stop Hazel!! She is tipping all the liqueurs into that bucket the Not-so-Big Un brought!
Ummm ... Keith - what was in the bucket?!
Jo - I don't think the wee man will appreciate being sat upon the spinning decks!
Oh goodie, the DJ's playing a highland fling! Ready to strut your funky stuff Susan?
We may even dry those wings off a bit, if we can stop Hazel from wringing the chocolate from them!
DD out
Man - you're grand at the Strip the Willow, DD!! That's Willow ... not Hazel!! Keith - put her down!!! Chrissie .... can you do something about that pair!
Sammie ... Lyndyloo ... it's the Dashing White Seargent next ... let's go find Moose!!
I've just seen a bloke playing Dancing Queen on his didgeridoo. That's aboriginal.
OK who's undergarments are these in the chocolate fountain? We have a growing choccy puddle because they've blocked the intake valve and caused an overflow!
DD out
I thought it was drafty in the nether regions ... can I have 'em back please?
Who put Steps on?!?!
Q. How many line
dance instructors does it
take to change a light bulb?
A. Five!…Six!…Seven!…Eight!
Who said that?
I think they may be beyond even the powers of Daz, assuming they were originally white!
DD out
Who's for a game of Spin the Bottle, Truth or Dare!?! Excellent!!
Charis tootles over with the empty bottle Sammie gave her
Right ... I'll spin first .... and it stops at .... HAZEL!
Dare - I dare you to pretend sneeze at your desk, but say "I got you" instead!
Of course they were white!!!! M&S's finest.
I admit they may be a bit past their best, but with a bit of Vanish oxy action who knows ...
Susan, you have obviously been holding the fort...and all I have akshully managed yet is a couple of mouths full of choklitty feathers and a slippery cowboy...whatever that means...i got slightly held up in the ballpond.
LOVING my balloon animal, but a tad concerned as to the mysterious sticky we won't go there...
...and re one would know, so instead I have removed my top...someone may notice...
am very busy, internet is acting up and am having a supremely dismal day just so's you know but i'll get on here when i can coz it's making me smile!
trust woolite
Didn't mean to insult your skanky's, but they seem to have 5 holes in them! I presumed at first that Hazel had got her crotchless ones out again, but the fifth hole threw me! But it's OK 'cos I made par on the sixth and managed to find a birdie on the seventh! Wahey!
I suppose they could have got shredded a little on the intake valve!
Hazel, the sticky substance is probably it's tongue (I used a pre-masticated marshmallow supplied by Susan)! I know you asked for a gecko, but I could only make it's lizard big brother! Soz! I certainly didn't expact you to attach it there and start swinging it about like that!
DD out
Don't you just hate it when your pants get shredded on an inlet valve? Happens all the time round here ...
I caught a duck in an inlet once. Once it was cooked, I shredded that. Does this count?
By the way, the crotchless ones had to go...they are no good on a bicycle...
My pal Marieanne and her 2 wee ones have just arrived .... she brought a bag of grapes .... hmmmmm!
Hazel - are you not a bit chilly now? I'm sure you scared the birds off the bird table doing that!?
Helium!! Woo-hoo!!
Anyone doing the cook-along the night with Gordon!
Well, well Susan pass the helium! I do a very good impression of Kate bush ;-)
Oh dear not Ra Ra Rasputin!
Look at Keithy go, with his svelte physique!
Go'arn Big 'un
DD out
Do we have any more? My voice can not stand the high notes without the helium!
Have you seen how susan and marieanne are peeling those grapes….
Right, best go put coffee on - Hazel's finished the bucket of liqueur!!! Keith is flying with the helium!!! DD is under the table with .... who's that!?!?!
Greetings, just back in land of reality. All I remember is at 10.07 this morning, I was getting into my Hattie Jacques dress, adjusting my wig and Susan arrived, kicked open the kitchen door, not knowing I was behind it, getting dressed! Knocked out cold for a while!
Then, I could hear everything - hilarity about balloons, vodka shots, and underwear. Tried desperately to get up during the Steps montage but no-one could hear my desperate cries.
Hope you all had a wonderful time. I have contacted a local cleaning company who will be here in the morning. Please send £4.12 each towards the bill.
C xx
P.S. Susan, no hard feelings. I needed the rest!
P.P.S. I would love to cook-a-long with Gordon, but I hate scallops and would never eat a chocolate mousse, so I think I may just watch, have glass of wine and just for laughs, stay dressed as Hattie!
Aye - with our teeth!
Marieanne has just given Keith a slap! Ooooooooo
heh heh heh heh
DD out!!!
Okay who pulled the stopper out of my giant Posh Paws balloon, he's wreaking havoc all over the place!
DD out
DD I a sure that it was marieann, she is very excitable you know..;-)
Now we really are getting out of hand! Who part-filled that multi-coloured balloon with, is that creme de menthe? and then inflated it with the helium? If that hits the ceiling fan and bursts, it will certainly hit the fan!
Hazel that is not the equivalent of Mint Aero Bubble! Stop poking it with that stick!
DD out
Neither is it called a Cillit Bang!
I do like a good bang!
Take's it outava gel all that creme de menthe. Am trying to get balloon to ceiling so that there is still some left for Cazza...
Charis has gone to sleep in one of my shoes
are you lot still partying? Good grief but you've got some stamina ....
I've had to slope off and do some work so missed a bit. Probably just as well. Now I just have to go home and do some laundry - my smalls will never be the same again ...
Have a good weekend folks and see you back here on Monday.
Many thanks to Moose & Chrissie S for hosting such a wild and enjoyable party today! Apologies for the plethora of stains everywhere! Creme de menthe balloons and chocolate puddles and as for what Susan did with the trifles well! Least said and all that!
Have a great weekend all, and catch up with you all at some point on Monday!
Hazel you can just continue to sleep the frappé's off! I'm sure you'll wake up with the hoover in the morning!
DD out
PS Ciao
I dishunt rewalise everyone had gawn aweady!!!
Have a shooooper weeeeken.... hic!
(cunningly disguised as a beer tent)
Oh, man ... who's going to clean that mess!!?? I think Cazza, Jo and Sammie should make a start, given they are sobererererereeeeeeeer than the rest of us!! Amanda said she has a great recipe for taking stains out, so hopefully Moose won't notice what Hazel did after she drank that bucket combo!!!
As for Keith and Lyndyloo .... how you managed to do that ... hmmmm ... I hope someone got photos of it!
Ummm ... can someone get an icepack for Chrissie .... that's some lump!!! Sorry babes!
Failure to respond to demands for thrust?! That sounds familiar!
Ooops ... I didn't see the line as I crossed!
Grrrrrrr .....
wee lass poorly (hope it wasn't something she ate at the party!!) ...
hubby AWOL aka at the pub having office Christmas doo ...
ER Orr502 is nicking the post next door again!!!
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