Monday, 5 March 2007

The alternative 10 steps to happiness

Call me an expert if you like...

1. Plant something and nurture it - preferably marijuana
2. Count your money at the end of each day
3. Take time to talk - use an hour a week to chat up good looking members of the opposite sex
4. Phone a friend that you have not spoken to for a while and scream at them for not being in contact - it's good to release the tension and if you haven't spoken for so long they can't be that good a friend
5. Give yourself treats whenever you feel like it even if it takes all day to enjoy them
6. Laugh all day every day, no matter what happens
7. Get physical - have sex at least 3 times a week
8. Smile, say hello to a stranger and then stalk them for at least an hour while grinning inanely
9. Throw your TV out - and buy a 40" widescreen HD with surround sound instead
10. Spread some madness - have a funny turn every day


lyndyloo said...

I'm struggling with No7... In fact I'm struggling with 3 times a year!!!!


Anonymous said...

1. Plant some carrots and lettuce and the likes - you'll so enjoy harvesting and eating them.
2. Always remember to give at least a little to those in more need.
3. Take some time to talk to those who might have no one else to talk to.
4. Think forgiveness.
5. A treat should be just that - too often and it becomes a habit.
6. Laugh when you can - except where it's not appropriate.
7. Yeah, ok - if you can!
8. Fine apart from the stalking.
9. Listen to the radio.
10. I do - always!

Now where's my halo?


Anonymous said...

Hey Lyndyloo - we posted at the exact same time. Fancy that! You must have been a nano-second ahead.


lyndyloo said...

OOOh! eg How spooky is that?

I think I'll have to stick to laughing lots harvesting my herbs, listening to anyone that wants to talk, singing and dancing my way through most days and exercising by walking the bears :)

Anonymous said...

You know, I actually felt myself smile today - in fact more than once. Me thinks spring is in the air.

I'm going to make tomorrow my 'make someone happy day'. (ooooh, lots of self doubt now - can I live up to the task I've just set myself.)


Anonymous said...

well if you insist.

1. its actually quite a pretty plant i think. Yeah man.
2. £1.76, a button and a 20p from Jersey.... is that legal tender?
3. I so like a bit of harmless banter so thanks moose for giving me a legitimate reason to flirt all day.
4. alternatively eat cake and bitch about them with a real friend.
5. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.
6. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha
7. Do i have to - it ruins my hair and Eastenders is on.
8. I am currently doing this to half of the nations arts editors. They are not responding.
9. Under no circumstances email this list to him in doors. He needs no encouragement and i need the money spending on a louis vuitton handbag... no really. its very important, LV is the new black.
10. is that like a funny walk from the ministry?

now, i will try EG's too but i have to admit to not being terribly halo worthy.


Anonymous said...

Moose - I loved that!!!!

No7...Mmmmmm - well, it's the thought that counts, I guess....or THOUGHTS!!!

My lovelies, what a good memory Mr Evans has. Do you remember, I know you will, when they did the 'show on the road' thing. Just before they went to Wales (I think it was the Wales 'gig'), they sent a 'Nick' to do a bit of research. He came on air from a chip shop in Wales and was talking about the area. I remembered seeing the pic of a 'Nick' on the web and so I texted in and asked if Nick (chip shop one) needed an assistant, as I was willing and able : ). Chris must have remembered - hence his comment last night about my 'often' texting re Nick. 'Often' was somewhat of an exagerration. I am not flattering myself here friends, ie that he remembered, in fact, quite the am I ever going to end up with (euphemism) Matthew Wright if I am known as ye olde stalker of Radio 2 !!!!!! : (

Am just off to work, but will read your list again Moose to make me smile.

Have a good day friends.

ps another fence down at the back, so it really is like living in a commune round here. Allegedly, there are no fence posts or panels to be bought and a waiting list as long as your arm to have a quote done, let alone the work.

Anonymous said...

is it thirsty thursday yet?

Hazel - I hope you are feeling much better today xx


Anonymous said...

Moose ... you crack me up!

EG - are you a gardener? Hubby, who definately does not have green fingers, has decided we need to plant vegetables. He seems to forget that the garden is actually paved and gravelled (which I do hate)! I do like your 10 .... swot! :)Let us know who and how you make happy today!

Gaby - I missed it last night ... due to a friend coming round who wanted to talk! Grrrr!

Anyway, my gorgeous bloggers and blogettes ..... HAVE A FABULOUS DAY! Sorry it's only Tuesday ... but, as someone pointed out, the light we can see growing on the horizen is the weekend coming ... either that or it's he Second Coming! Sorry .... couldn't resist that one!

Group huggles,

Susan <><

Anonymous said...

Anna - I couldn't be doing with No 7, so hoping hubby isn't reading this! To tired!!!

Hazel love ... I know you're out there ... come in HL!!!!

Must go ... Charis just waking up and I have to get her breakfasted, get us both dressed and out the door by 9.55am latest! Like that's going to happen! We have a get together of Mums and tots at a friends house .... who signed her text to me at the weekend as 'love Mum'!!!!!!

Moose said...

Oh it all started so well...

I started at number 5. I spent too long in the jacuzzi this morning, went straight to the canteen when I arrived for a bacon and egg sarnie. Thought that was enough treats before 10am so I started on 3 - chatting up the good looking young lady who works in the canteen. I progressed onto number 8 with her, hoping for a further progression to number 7. Clearly she didn't like my smile and has reported me to security. Fortunately I know the head of security very well and a number 1 as a bribe should work wonders to nip it in the bud. Not much to do today so I shall log on for a number 2 in a moment, when I've got myself another coffee (5). Laughing at the CEO (6) when I bumped into him in the corridor and he mentioned the words petrol and silicon, may not have been a great career move.

See you all later!

Did I really say "log on for a number 2" and get away with it?

Anonymous said...

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo utterly embarressed with my comments next door! I had it in my mind that Wilsmar was a guy called Grahame (Sorry honeybun!!!)! And thought the French was an invite for Hazel Love!!!! I don't know if I can show my face here, next door or round at Hazel's again!

Anonymous said...

Moose, every day I love you just that little bit more...and Mrs Moose by proxy!

There is a really good noise that the Scots make, something like 'Wheeeesht' when they think something is totally stoopid. Bleedin experts. How to spread happiness? Wot a crock. I prefer your list by 100 miles!

Anyhoo...I have had just a small go at one of my own.

1. Plant a seed in your partner's head that it may be a nice idea to try to go on holiday TOGETHER this year.
2. To actually see why on earth you bother going to work at all, go into the bank on the last working day of the month and have them drop £1 coins through your fingers.
4. Keep in touch by leaving copious messages on your friend's answerphone asking if they are lying by the phone having banged their head and do they need help.
5. Give yourself treats, or if you prefer, Minstrels or Maltesers instead.
6. Laugh all day every day, no matter what happens. This can also cover for bouts of mild hysteria instead of crying, obviously.
7. If you can't have sex 3 times a week, do some housework or home decorating in order to cover the scratches from climbing the walls.
8. Smiling and saying hallo to people. It doesn't need to be at a stranger. It is just as easy to unnerve a colleague. Pick a particularly strange smile, and practise in a mirror first to see if you can freak yourself out.
9. If you need a 40" widescreen tv with surround sound, please take into account the amount of space available to you. Would you have to move house as your present living room is only 30"? Alternatively you could make do with downloaded videos on your mobile phone.
10. Spread some madness. Try a pirouette in high heels. Guaranteed to cause concern amongst friends and colleagues. Then as you crash to the floor, you hear the phone ringing and your friend leaving a message to see if you have banged your head and need help.

I can feel a book coming on. Published by MooseMcCrumble and Sons (and unknown at present) retailing at £10.99. £5.00 from each sale to the Mantangini Project and the rest to all of us!

"The Bloggers Guides To Happiness and We're the Experts!"

Yes Gaby, this time next year, we'll be milyonnaires!

Anonymous said...

ps Re No.3. Was using the time to flirt. Sorry.

jollygit said...

1. Far out - where am I?
2. Count your money at the start of each day in preparation for 5.
3 & 4. Talk for ages to people you don't even know for ages, using the work phone, thereby giving you more of 2.
5. As long as you've done 2, 3 & 4 properly - fill yer boots with treats - you can afford it now.
6. Always have a smile on your face - it makes people wonder what you're up to!
7 & 8. Have sex with a stranger at least 3 times a week, having stalked them first and grin like a loony afterwards.
9. Get rid of your TV and watch someone elses, giving you even more of 2.
10. Impersonate John Cleese (in the early years) at least once a day.

jollygit x

Anonymous said...


Great start to the day! My take on the 10 would be:

1. I'm confused enough already.
2. Once my daughter has fleeced
me yet again, there's no money
to count.
3. Still like talking to a not-
unattractive man, but
flirting? Where would it
lead? Ironing his shirts
and cooking for him?
Thank you, but no!
4. Have no friends left - thank
the good Lord!
5. I used to limit treats, but
it's later than you think, so
what's the point?
6. Yeah, I love laughing, like
when I almost killed myself
in a fall a couple of weeks
7. Birthdays and anniversaries,
whether he wants it, or not!
8. I love smiling at strangers
(don't have an hour to invest
in them) but the smile
un-nerves them enough!
9. Agree entirely about the TV,
even if you have to move all
the other furniture out of the
room. This, from someone who
only watches Life on Mars and
Top Gear! Everything else is
god-awful. Well, perhaps
University Challenge for a
wee laugh!
10. In Scotland, a funny turn is
when you have a sort of "fit"
or "stroke-type thingy".
It's a daily ocurrence once
you reach 50!

Thanks for getting the old brain going this morning!

C xx

P.S. Susan S - don't be embarrassed - easy mistake to make!
I'm sure Hazel loved it!

Hazel, hope you are feeling better. Did you go to the doctor?

Gaby - missed your mention on the show. Nothing wrong with a bit of stalking. I remember stalking someone about 25 years ago. Back then, we called it being interested in someone!

Anonymous said...

Dear Blog Police

I have at last found my way over to the next door as it is known. I find the saccarinity of the whole situation sick-making. This whole thing is a self indulgant tripe and I can't beleive that people can be bothered to read any of it let alone reply and put their own messgaes on it.

I can't believe you are condoning growing drugs either. I am voting with my off button and i am glad I have found it. This blog was supposed to be entertaining but it is worse that Chris Evans ever was.

Now someone is smileing at me and I don't like it.

Anonymous said...

Who the blimmin heck is Victor Obinna? Is this Sam Downie in disguise do you think?

Anonymous said...

Hazel and all,

I know sometimes I can go on a bit on this blog (you don't have to be nice, I know I do!) but have to say I really lost the will to live trying to read old Victor's dirge!

I think he may have over-indulged just slightly with Moose's marijuana!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Moose, I think your 10 steps are miles better than the original. My comments are as follows:
1. I’ve planted my posterior on a chair and am nurturing the cellulite …
2. Never count your money whilst sitting at the table, there’s time enough for counting when the dealing’s done …
3. I’ll talk to anyone - doesn’t matter what they look like
4. Don’t bother phoning - just carry on talking to the geek from 3.
5. It’s a treat just to be allowed out for the day.
6. I can’t laugh all day since the episode involving a nice warm overcoat with wrap around sleeves that fastened at the back.
7. No thanks. Don’t do exercise (see 1).
8. See 6.
9. Throwing the TV through a window made me to laugh a lot. See 6.
10. Today’s funny turn involves 4” heels and an inability to walk any further than the kitchen without falling over (hence 1). My colleagues think its funny, but I’m trying not to laugh (see 6).

I'm having such fun ... ooh I feel a chuckle coming on ... nurse! the screens!

Anonymous said...

D'you know, I can't be bothered with next door today. He should be glad he got more than twelve posts yesterday, even though the last few were mainly just us.

The nearest word to saveloy (that's how they spell it at my local chippy anyway) is 'suavely' meaning smoothly agreeable or polite; agreeably or blandly urbane.

I quite like the 'blandly urbane' definition myself. Oh the irony.

S'all for now.
love and fishes

Anonymous said...

Chrissie S - I don't think you go on at all.

I didn't really understand what the Victor bloke was trying to say so I gave up halfway through!

Glad you found us j-not-j, did you find the off button though? Each to their own - we enjoy ourselves over here and on CE blog as well;-)
and yes I am 'smileing' at you and sending PV's.............

Let me know whether the next dunk in is here or next door so I can get ready guys!


Anonymous said...

but then take annalog (please any one!) you can make me laugh, and I'm damn sure that could be the automatic or the inner you...and strangely enough my colleague was admiring the new ribbons on my jacket earlier. Sturdy crimson canvas donchaknow. La Croix.

...and Susan S, I trust you are suitably worn after your mothers and wreckers morning. Please imbibe of No.1 and come back to earth once I've told you that not one, but BOTH my husbands were called Graham.

time for a cig

Moose, where you gorn nar?

ps As far as I know, they are still called Graham.

pps I wonder where CE puts his toothbrush lately?

Moose said...

Sorry - nipped off for a quick meeting...I appear to have stepped on somebody's toes and with my weight and large hooves, that's gotta be painful. But I smiled at her a lot, flirted a bit, stopped short of suggesting a 7, and she went away quite happy. Maybe it was the 1 I slipped into the tea. I just have to go and stalk her for an hour...

Who is impersonating j-not-j?...that's my trick.

Anonymous said...

Not as good as all of yours, but here's my twopennthworth

1. I’m always up for a cash crop, and the attic is lovely and warm
2. what, all of it!? Will take too long under that mattress
3. nobody’ll look at the haggard old me, and if I tried to chat someone up I’d get all tongue tied, and it will turn into no.8
4. Phew, did that last evening – to a stoney silence ( thank goodness it was an answer machine)
5. Pepperami here I come!
6. This blog makes me I’ve done 2 so far
7. I’m with Lyndyloo ( obviously not in that sense, you finbars) – once a year on his birthday is the best I can manage
8. Has some one been reading this? That happened to me last night……..Mr C!
9. well, it’s a 32” but what’s 8” amongst friends
10. Is a funny turn like a funny walk? If so, problem

Love caroline x

P.S re yesterday – we’re in St Ives for 2 weeks end about an OMC in St Ives?

Moose said...

Caroline - will need to consult the social secretary. We have a double birthday in the family at the end of July and are always either in St Ives or on holiday at that time. Not sure which it is yet for this year. If it's St Ives then definitely an OAYC is on the cards!

Talking of OAMC, it's time to try again. Third time lucky. How is Tuesday 20th March looking for anyone?

Jo said...

This is quite funny (my favourite is number 3)

In response to your list moose;

1. I'm so over being a dope head, think I was in a haze for most of the time between 17 and 19 years of age. Now it would just make me sick and my face turn gray. Good idea for Cashflow problems though.

2. Have no money thus can't count.

3. Unfortunately I work in Sandwell which is possible the least attractive area of the UK. At home I sometimes talk to my husband but only if absolutely necessary.

4. Alternatively send them a card for their August birthday asking if they had a nice Christmas - it does work!

5. Treats - I prefer revels (but not the coffee ones)

6. Am having too many mood swings so am permanantly laughing or crying - quite a lot of hysteria though.

7. Am pregnant so NO THANK YOU!

8. Have been doing that for years, people think I'm wierd.

9. Tv is my best friend am currently flilrting with LCD flat thingy on the never never from Argos (stupidly cheap!)

10. As ever, it helps to do office yoga sometimes, then people really wonder what you're up too!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

There is something going on that I am not wot of. First of all it's Susan and wilsmar, now has anyone seen Rachel?

Oh dear.

I've just had my first 'goodness me' moment whilst reading CE. My inner voice sounded just like my mother.

It must be the full moon.

Jo said...

Forgot - this is the quite funny thing

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

I’ve just been next door for lunch and realise that I owe you all an apology. Apparently I should only post if I have something to say and if I’ve listened to my inner voice. Automatic responses are not from the real me apparently. So apologies for all the out-of-office messages I’ve been leaving here.

And in response to Hazel and her ex-Grahams - I made a point of only dating people called Paul for several years. It was so much easier than trying to remember a new name for each date. (The current Mr L is not and never has been a Paul - but as he’s a Phil and therefore not too different I can usually bluff my way out of any memory lapses!)

PS. It’s the inner voices that get you into the back to front overcoats - try not to listen to them.

Moose said...

Hazel - If one of your ex-Grahams has the surname of Harris and went to Manchester Uni, we need to have a serious talk...hopefully there are a lot of other Grahams from your neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

...but Jo, I particularly like the last sentence of this one too...

jollygit said...

Ooh, it's all getting quite interesting next door - has the naughty corner been swept lately? It could be having a few new residents shortly!

jollygit x

jollygit said...

What good is an improved sex drive when I'd be in and out of the loo for hours after drinking 10 cups of coffee in one go?!!!!


Anonymous said...

The Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs went out to dinner one night. The waiter came and took their drink order.

"I would like a Sprite," said the first little piggy.

"I would like a Coke," said the second little piggy.
"I want beer, lots and lots of beer," said the third little piggy.

The drinks were brought out and the waiter took their orders for dinner.

"I want a nice big steak," said the first piggy.

"I would like the salad plate," said the second piggy.
"I want beer, lots and lots of beer," said the third little piggy.

The meals were brought out and a while later the waiter approached the table and asked if the piggy’s would like any dessert.

"I want a banana split," said the first piggy.

"I want a cheesecake," said the second piggy.
"I want beer, lots and lots of beer," exclaimed the third little piggy.

"Pardon me for asking," said the waiter to the third little piggy,"

But why have you only ordered beer all evening?"

You're going to LOVE me for this....

The third piggy says -

"Well, somebody has to go 'Wee, wee, wee, all the way home!

Anonymous said...

Dearie me. The news seems to be hitting the silly season early.

'Rare Bugatti crashes into trees.'

Well, that'd make 'em even rarer now wouldn't it.

Everybody involved is fine by the way, I may be lots of things but i ain't callous...

Now I have to write some nice letters.

but first a dunk!


lyndyloo said...

I have to say good bye to a friend tomorrow who lost her battle with the big C after years of fighting. She was an inspirational, beautiful person and her family will have her buried in the woodlands that they planted last year close to where they are planning to build their new home. She asked for everyone to wear bright colours as she didn't want a black day. I'm not going to be able to get to the service so I've sent her husband and boys a japonica to plant near to her.

I'd like to dedicate a tea brak with cake to her this afternoon as we often shared a cuppa after a day out skiing in Andorra together.

I've also planted some mini daffodils in my wall baskets today to remind me of her.

Piece of fruit cake anyone?


Anonymous said...

Well, I've struggled all day with next door! What is CE looking for with his blog? Does he READ any of the comments, does he know what's making people tick?

Anyway, I have replied, maybe not eloquently, but I have wanted to say to him for ages that he should be with Billie Piper! Well, in my humble opinion! It's just a gut feeling, and could be wrong.

Anyway, she's gonna marry "I have no chin" Larry and then three years from now, she'll be back with CE! I'm not a gambler, but all the money in my purse right now (£4.37) tells me it is so!!

Hope everyone is getting through Tuesday. I am struggling slightly and I don't like it!

C xx

P.S. As for Rachel - I'm glad my mother is not around to read this stuff!

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful Lyndyloo - very sad but beautiful.
Fruit cake sounds just the ticket, I'll be toasting absent friends with my cuppa and cake.

I am so sorry for your loss - your memories sound so precious and what a fantastic way to remember your friend.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Dear all and Caroline

I have just heard that I am to be invited for interview relating to the course I have applied to join.

I am so excited.

Caroline, I took the bull by the horns and called them.

I know it doesn't look as though I am excited, but once as long as I am accepted, this is a life changing moment. I could cry.

A big 'Cheers In' at 19.30 for everyone, with the full moon comes burgeoning opportunity!

I shall be celebrating all my wonderful, kind, understanding, saccharine, aspartame, unrefined cane, totally gorgeous new friends.

Do you realise we've known eachother for nearly seven months now??????????


Anonymous said...

Chrissie S - I am with you, I read the CE blog and responses but rarely, if ever, comment as there is a strange atmosphere over there since the New Year. Now he is asking bloggers to answer from your inner voice - what and lay ourselves open to the anti-saccharine brigade? - no thanks!


Anonymous said...

Well done Hazel - will keep everything crossed that you get accepted onto the course.


Can't keep up with this everytime I post there is a new one I feel the need to respond to!

Moose said...

Lyndyloo - I always think that the best combination is people who want their funerals to be a celebration of life and their friends wanting to celebrate their life. Sounds like that's what you got in your friend...

When I'm gone, will you make sure I get planted in some woods too?

Hazel - well done. I shall run off and get a cuppa to celebrate with! And some rotwein will be opened tonight too. When's the interview?

I've just had a headhunter call. Always nice to be wanted again. It's in the City but for a smallish company in a business I'd like to be involved in. 2 out of 3 ain't bad. So I shall see them and find out what they have to offer...

Anonymous said...

Oh lyndyloo. I wish I had seen your post before I wrote mine, I totally ran off...

I shall wear bright colours tomorrow too, to honour your friend, as your beautiful words have brought on a tear, and she probably deserves much more than that!


ps The owl looked up to the stars above and sang to a small guitar, "Oh lovely Pussy oh Pussy my Love, what a beautiful Pussy you are, you are, what a beautiful Pussy you are" x

Anonymous said...

Hazel, Well Done you!
bull and horns are always the best thing in that situation.

I will be thinking of you as I do my ironing at 19.30.

Can I join in the dunk Grandma died yesterday, so can I join in the dedication too, please?..she loved a dunk ( and she let me stay up til way past midnight when I was little..I loved her)

love caroline x

P.S Hazel - It's only 5 months for me as I did not start commenting until after my appearence on Womans Minute in Oct 06! Hope you're OK to have me in your happy band!

Anonymous said...

afternoon all.

I have my tea in hand Lyndyloo and have nodded a toast (and a nice reiki symbol) to your friend. x

Anonymous said...


When I sent my last comment, I had not looked at the blog again and didn't see your message regarding your friend. Puts my drivel into perspective.

So sorry to hear your sad news and I am sorry I missed the tea break. I normally wear black a lot (my brain tells me it's slimming) but I have a seriously bright emerald green sweater that I will wear tomorrow with your friend in mind, would that be o.k?

Hazel - way to go, my friend!! Well done! You must be so excited and this is the start of a whole new direction for you. Just fantastic. Isn't it always astonishing that in the space of us all talking to each for a couple of hours, all sorts of lovely, sad, and sometimes brilliant things happen!

Yes, it's amazing how long we have "known" each other now!

C xx

Jo said...

Lyndyloo that's a lovely thought, that's the lkind of thing that I would want as well - no darkness, only bright colours and a thorough piss up afterwards!

:o) Jo *dusts off red cardigan and pink skirt in preparation*

Anonymous said...


Just like you, every time I go back and read this blog, something else has happened that I must respond to!

Caroline, your lovely gran xxxx. Both my grans had died before I was born, but I just know that had they been around, they would have let me stay up late too!

C xx

Anonymous said...

........oh and Moose, good news for you too. Will keep everything crossed for you as well..........

There seem to be changes afoot for Moose and his bloggers. Must be all the positive vibes being sent around - and the power of virtual friendship.

Hazel - that is such a lovely idea that we should all wear bright clothes tomorrow in memory of Lyndyloo's friend and Caroline's grandma. I am wearing a very bright tie die top today so will put my thinking cap on for tomorrow's outfit in keeping with the occasion.


lyndyloo said...

Thankyou all so much! I know she would have been delighted that we will all be wearing bright colours tomorrow. I for one, am intending bright red boots and multi coloured stripy shirt and jeans and my crimson coat with a daffodil in the button hole.

I feel really privilaged to know all my fellow bloggers over here and want you to know that you can always bring a smile to my face.

Caroline- Here's to your Gran and a special dunk for her!

Hazel- Good Luck and Go4it Gal!!!


Moose said...

It's hard for me to do bright...but I do have a splendid blue gingham shirt that looks like a tablecloth. If I wear that, I can virtually take it off, virtually spread it on the ground in the woods, in order to virtually enjoy our virtual picnic celebration of 2 lives lived and many others still being lived.

Don't panic, I'll wear a virtual t-shirt underneath so that there is no virtual swooning from the sight of my virtual naked male torso.

jollygit said...

Lyndyloo - I'm so very sorry about your friend, but what a lovely way to say goodbye to her.

I had to say goodbye to my lovely friend last week who had also fought cancer so I'm going to be wearing bright colours tomorrow in both their honours if that's OK?

Thinking of you xxxx

Hazel - well done me darlin'! It's just the sort of news you need at the moment and, with the boy's new job, things are definitely on the up for you both

jollygit xx

Dr Joseph McCrumble said...

Moose - I think we need to meet and discuss our forthcoming partnership. Are you in Cambridge anytime soon. I am currently visiting my marketing manager on a collaborative matter and would be pleased to make your personal acquaintance


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your good wishes... a good dunk is a reviving thing.
virtual friends are a good thing too.
Thanks lyndyloo for letting me join in too!
My Grandma was 96 - so a good innings, as they say.
Go for it all of those with good career/education news...!
Love Caroline x
P.S Red top, black skirt but with loads of colourful enbroidery and red coat tomorrow!
P.P.S Thanks again x

Anonymous said...

Moose, dahling...please could you pass the virtual smelling salts...headhunted eh? 's gonna be big!

Please can I book a virtual space on the virtual tablecloth for a plate of virtual Soss Rolls?...and a slightly larger space for some virtual (and only ever virtual, at least for the time being) Krug?

Caroline, big kisses honey xx


now...what to wear...

...and Caroline, I got stinking drunk and smoked in the street when my Gran'ma died. It would have given her so much pleasure to have told me off! You make sure you stay up til after midnight as much as you like!

See you all at 19.30 for the Cheers In for all our loved ones who will still be able to see and hear us xx

Anonymous said...


It's always flattering when someone approaches us for a job, isn't it? I have said before that I missed by Big Chance about 6 years ago. Was head-hunted, was very flattered, but also very scared. Have regretted saying no, ever since.

It this meets the criteria at all, give it serious consideration.

C xx

jollygit said...

Caroline - big {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}} to you and I'll be at the 'Cheers In' for Lyndyloo's friend, my friend and your Gran.

My lovely grandma died before I was five and I don't have a single memory of her - it's a huge regret as I know she loved us so much and I suspect she'd have let us stay up late too - make sure you don't go to bed until at least 1am !!! Thinking of you xx

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Hazel, Jollygit - Ta babes!
Caroline x

Off home now, and day off tomorrow Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Ooh you lot don't stay still for a minute do you? I go to do the minutes of a (very boring) meeting and come back to find hours of reading before me! Congratulations to some and commiserations to others. You know who you are and I haven't got time to list you all - sorry.

I'll be wearing my bright pink top tomorrow especially for all those absent friends. (Can't wear anything outrageously bright as the work-related dress code/fashion police will give me a fixed penalty notice!) My grannies both died a long time ago, but I was lucky enough to have them around till I was in my late 20s. Both of them loved a party and didn't want too much black at their funerals, so they both had a bright and cheerful send off. That's what I want for myself ...

Now I'm off home for sausages and mash ... mmmmm ...

Anonymous said...

ironed (and that doesnt happen very often) my bright blue dress and dug out my big red bag. The wine is chilling for later and my outfit is sorted for tomorrow.

[[caroline and lyndyloo]]


Anonymous said...


signing off

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - I'm a black suit sort of person (that's what the office has done to me). However, tomorrow will be a very bright orange t-shirt under the black suit. OK?

Susan S - yes I love gardening but don't get enough time for it. Work/life balance very much out of kilter. I have reasonable sized garden but only small patch for veg. So I'm into growing them in tubs - just about anything does. You should try it - it's ideal for small or paved gardens.

Was reflecting on whether I had made someone happy today. Got off to a bad start this morning when 2 people cut me up on the way to work - so grumpy, grumpy me. Did have a moment of madness at a meeting with my team and some others though. Team member brought malteesers (spelling? & others confectionary available). I suggested that a la tv advert someone roll a malteeser to me. Trouble is, table was about 25 feet long - an other member of team blew it all the way up the table to me. Not sure I fancied it after he had blown on it but what with the effort and all, I felt I had to! And I'm looking to be promoted to even more senior ranks!!!!!


Moose said...

Funny, I got cut up on the way home. I was very calm, just braked, let the guy go. OK I did swear lightly but he didn't know that. As I pulled onto the dual carriageway, I pulled into the outside lane and overtook him. He gave me the "Tony Blair" signal. What's that all about? Guilty conscience?

Sorry I missed 7.30 - we were running late and still doing reading before bedtime. We've reached that stage where they read to us - homework!

I shall raise a glass when I can summon the energy to get to the kitchen and the red wine supplies!

Anonymous said...

Moose et al

Just wanted to say hi.

I've checked in every day, but haven't felt right in myself to contribute.

As you've noticed, I've continued to blog 'over there', maybe out of a blind loyalty to Mr E.

I don't know.

Anyway. Glad you are all well.

Stay positive and keep smiling.

Your friend,


PS Oh well, whatever, nevermind.

Anonymous said...

MfR - so good to hear from you on this site. Wish I could think of something more to say but every time I write something it sounds naff. So, big huggles to you.


Anonymous said...

MfR - your absence was noticed and missed.

you are an important contributor to this blog methinks.... no pressure of course.

hope you are ok.


PS smells like.....

Anonymous said...


so much to reply to, I just don't know where to start.

lyndyloo, Caroline xx

hazel - well done, my friend : ) x

eg(scotland) - can i please reiterate the post that you addressed to Matt : ) my sentiments too.
You mentioned in a previous post that you had wondered if you had made someone happy. You made me happy today when you talked about your garden. I miss my big garden lots. I now have a small one and am determined to get my fences re-erected so that i can make my garden lovely for the summer. your post today has further inspired me, especially re growing vegetables in pots etc. Last year, I grew peppers in a pot - they looked so lovely when they 'fruited'. I had about 25 of them on a single plant, which was only a small one. I know, I know, i should have pruned and allowed less of them to grow to get bigger ones : ), but hey , they looked so good we didn't even want to pick them to eat them!!!

Thank you


Anonymous said...

Gaby - thank you. That was so nice - made me feel really good. A bit more on my garden ..... as well as me and the Domestic God (hubby) eating some of what we grow, we share with others. My bunnies love the carrots and the lettuce. The caterpillars love the sprouts - I've never yet had them for Christmas (the sprouts that is!). And the birds seem to sooooo love the strawberries. The greenfly got my peppers last year (I just have to leave them to it) and the snails (facinating creatures) got the cabbage and also seem to have a pick at other things. Do I worry - NO! I absolutely love having them all in my garden. Once when I was telling my friend about how I watched a snail eat a bit of a rose leaf, she said to me I needed to get a life! I think I'm ok - I appreciate snails - what's wrong with that!


Anonymous said...

Evening all! Can I come back in after suggesting Hazel Love and Wilsmar are kissing up a tree!?!

Here's my list (sorry, I just know it's going to be boring and unwitty!):

1. Plant some herbs - done!
2. Count your money - no point, don't work so don't have any!
3. Take time to talk - that's what I blog for ... I don't scare of anyone cos they can't see what I look like!!
4. If I haven't phoned a friend for a while there's probably a very good reason for it! So I email friends!
5. My treats - quality coffee and exquisite wine and a bath ... preferably all at the same time!
6. I laugh hysterically when I read you guys! However, I have to be careful as my bladder is dreadfully weak since having Charis!
7. I'd rather have a cup of tea in bed, thank you very much!
8. If I even smile at a stranger these days they think I'm stalking them!
9. I'd be quite happy with a wee portable in the bedroom, please, thank you!
10. Been there ... doing it!

Mooose - you're still cracking me up!!!! Logging on for a No2, indeed!

Hazel Love - love your list! Love even more your plans to make us all rich this time next year!! And, hey, us Scots have hundreds of good noises like that! Are you Inner Voice!?

Jollygit - naughty! But so nice with it!

Chrissie S - smiling at your No3 ... and your No7!!! And you have us as your friends ... what more could you wish for!?! How on earth did you fall!!!??? My hubby and best pal Ann (of the Clan MacLeod) say I stalk CLP! If only they knew ... I also now stalk Moose ... MWAHAHA!

J-not-J - Wayhey! Welcome to the dark side!!!! Look behind you ... BOO! Oh .... your bit about the tea next door had me thinking of the tea lady in Father Ted!

I just popped back next door to yesterday cos I vaguely remembered Victor Obinna - now I remember that I didn't bother reading his comment cos it reminded me of those spam emails you get!

Annalog - Stop it! I'm laughing too much again!

Amanda - missed the dunk again! Had a get-2-gether with the creche Mums&Tots in the morning, then had Little Fishes in the afternoon .... our Mums&Tots group! Now sick of Mums and Tots!

Hazel Love - Oh My Goodness! That is just WAY too scary! Both Grahame?!

Moose - naughty boy! Has the OAMC actually met yet!?

Caroline - pictures of you stalking MrC roundthe house now running through my head! And less of the downing yourself!

Jo - No3 - I'm like that with ubby sometimes too! Roll the coffee ones over here!

NEFI - I had to clean tea off the laptop when I read Rachel's comment! Had to re-read it to make sure that I had really read what I thought I'd read! How come BP let that through!!?? And, hate to tell you , but the moon is now waning, so you can't blame that!

HazelL - the coffee don't do it for me, baby! 'The 1,000 horsepower Bugatti can accelerate from 0 to 60mph in 2.5 seconds' ... ummm ... not now it can't!

Lyndyloo - Joining you in a very late dunk (in a glass of red) to your friend. Cherish the memories, honey. I'm off to find something bright to wear for tomorrow. And I'm going to get some daffs for the vase.

Chrissie S - I said that about Billie a couple of months ago and got BP'd twice! Haven'tmustered the energy to write something meaningful next door, having just listened to another almighty fight downstairs!

Hazel L - CONGRATS darling!

Amanda - I'm paddling like mad to keep up with everyone too! This has taken an hour to read and type!!! No wonder hubby says I'm obsessed!!

Moose - CONGRATS 2!! I want my funeral to be a celebration and have even thought of recording a wee word for it! I have the sneaky suspicion that I'm going to be gone before I'm 50 (yeah, sad, I know!)! But maybe the 2nd coming will come by then!

Caroline - oh, honey, big hugs. Was it sudden? Oh, and I've only been here a wee whiley too! I think I managed to sneak in when they weren't looking!

Anna - one of my goals for 2007 was to redo my Level 1 Reiki and get to Level 3. Could you and DWNB do a little Reiki to help me get my butt in gear and out of this rut!? Cheers ma dears! Though .... that means I have to gift you in some way ... hmmm ... will have to think about what I can do for you both!

Chrissie S / Jo / Lyndyloo / Amanda / Jollygit / Moose / Annalog / Anna / EG - I think those of us who are putting on our bright things should take a photo of themselves, email it to me and let me blog them as a tribute to Lyndyloo's friend, and to Jollygit's. Even better, take it whilst dunking and we can commemorate Caroline's Grandma too.

Amanda - I sometimes think I get more sincerity, honesty and genuineness from my virtual friends here!

Moose - you now have me crying and smiling at the same time! I want a real photo, though! Of the bright top ... not the naked torso. On the other hand ....... I'll bring some crisps and hummus!

JMcC - oooo .... sounds intreaguing!

Annalog - my maternal Gran died when I was 18, my paternal Gran just 5 years ago. I miss them both so very much. :(

EG - tubs .... great idea!!! And your shenanigans with the malteesars made me smile, smile, smile!

Hubby just brought me a nice cup of tea and a cream egg! Yay!

Group huggles, Susan

Anonymous said...

MfR - you ok, honey? You know we are hear for you, don't you?

Anna - peppers grow ok in tubs?!

EG - I think you have a great life, honey!

Off to dunk my cream egg!

Anonymous said...

Note to self - dunking cream eggs ... not the best idea in the world!