Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Exercise is king

Well today shows the importance of exercise. I've been pretty good all day - OK I could and should have done without the Jaffa cakes - and only had 1,460 calories all day, not many by moose standards. But because I wasn't able to do any exercise today (too tired this morning and a quick trip to Addenbrookes tonight with a mooselet with suspected but probably not appendicitis) I was over my allowance. I would only needed to have done 15 or 20 minutes hard exercise to have balanced it off.
But the last 3 days seen together I'm still under and I'm not going to get down about it. I'm also well under my allowance for no weight loss - so I'm still losing. But I have stopped eating now though...determined that no more calories will pass my lips except for the milk in a coffee I'm about to make.

Mrs Moose and the mooselet are still at the hospital checking with more senior doctors that there is nothing to worry about...and I'm just waiting to hear any news.

Moose's Fatfighters data for Wednesday 21st March for Moose:
Basic allowance: 3,000 cals
Exercise: 0 cals
Total allowance: 3,000 cals (for zero weight loss)
Target: 1,200 cals (for 2st weight loss in 9 weeks)
Actual: 1,460 cals
Balance: (260) cals


Anonymous said...

Moose - I really hope Mooselet #1 is ok. Thoughts are with you - let us know as soon as you can how he is.

I had to take my little man to hospital a few weeks ago and was so panicked, I could barely drive. He's OK, having a check up with the Paediatrician this Friday though and also has had a request from the Optician for him to see an eye specialist, so, we wait and see (not a pun!).

One of my biggest probs at the moment is that I'm skipping meals. If I don't eat enough, my metabolism doesn't work efficiently and I put weight ON!!! Hence the importance of eating 3 healthy meals each day and supplementing them with fruit in between times. (Says she that has had a handful of chips tonight for dinner.)

I am going to my old WW meeting on Saturday morning, knowing full well that the woman that leads that meeting will take me in hand and motivate me to sort things out! She really is wonderful.

K has telephoned me 3 (yes 3!!) times this evening. I have pointed out that we are at the halfway point and that it's all down hill from here. He's not having a good day "All those nights I could have been with you and I worked late instead..." We're both learning I think. This dating thing has been full of highs and lows. I've really enjoyed my experiences (except telling A I didn't want to see him anymore), but I am TERRIFIED!!!! What if this guy stomps on my heart??? What if it all fizzles out when he's back. What if, what if, what if? I have had my heart broken before and I have survived. I am a little jaded and a little wary, but so what? This guy thinks the world of me and I him. Maybe we are jumping in with both feet, but so what - who made the stoopid rules anyway? He loves me. He told me so this morning. And do you know what? I love him too.

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Moose - really hope you get some very good news about your son, and very soon. I know everyone says it .....but, he will be fine in a couple of days time and you both will be knackered. Hope to hear that he is well soon.

Sammie - enjoy it babe. The thing is, would you stop yourself going for it for fear of being hurt? No. More relevantly, COULD YOU stop yourself going for it?. No. They would be my answers anyway. Have a wonderful time my friend. YOu sound so happy : )

Matt - thank you re CE blog - you are so right, we get a lot of (ooh, never used to be allowed to use that phrase at school) stick at work - don't really need it during my 'playtime' too : )

I have a nice treat now (easy tigers)...I bought a 'Property in France' magazine today - am going to take it to bed and daydream : )
This time next year, my friends, we will be millionaires.

au revoir et fleurs du saison


Anonymous said...

Moose - you are doing so well with your calorific intake - I have eaten loads and loads today.

This evening alone, I have probably consumed enough kilojoules (ooh, european) to keep a full team going

Anonymous said...

ooops, just realised that probably sounded saucy when, for once, I hadn't intended so.

What I meant was that I had eaten enough to supply a whole team of people with energy

vive le france

Anonymous said...


Saucy lady - I know a rugby team...

S xx.

jollygit said...

Moose - I'm really, really hoping that Mooselet #1 is OK and that there's nothing to worry about.

Since finishing work on Friday I'm afraid that myself and my appetite have been all over the place. I don't have the same routine at home as I did in the office, and although there aren't any 'naughty' foods in the house, I've suddenly started eating great amounts of bread. Admittedly I've got a really sore throat and feel slightly flu-ey which I'm sure is to do with the stress and tirednes of the last few weeks, and I'm no doubt comfort eating. Needless to say, exercise has taken a back seat too but after this weekend of treating 'im indoors to a surprise trip to We Will Rock You, I'm gonna get meself sorted out again.

Not able to get to the pooter as much nowadays, with 'im indoors working from home, but he's in London today so it's mine, all mine!

Sammie - you must enjoy this time and not think of what could go wrong. In truth, he's probably feeling exactly the same as you but he's been brave enough to tell you how he feels about you. It's not easy to trust someone with your heart, but if you never try, you'll never know if they're 'the one'. I'm sooooo pleased for you xx

Susan S - did you get the photos OK?

Gaby - we were about to step up our plans for house-hunting in France until the redundancy came along. Now, of course, I can't get even the smallest mortgage without a salary so rather than look and fall in love with something we can't afford, we'll have to wait until a new job presents itself. Mind you, that hasn't stopped me buying three magazines in the last week!!!!! Hey, no harm in looking .....

MfR - perhaps CE was accompanied at the sauna? Eh, eh, eh????

jollygit x

lyndyloo said...

Morning all!

Moose- Thinking of Mooslet#1 and sending lots of +vibes.

Sammie- Am soooooo jealous (in a good way) of your new found love. Enjoy every last minute of it... Better to have loved and lost.... and all that!

Everyone else- It's our BIG presentation day today or rather tonight where we finally get to tell all our clients about the meetings last week with the government of the Bahamas. It's all good news and I think a few bottles of the bubbly stuff will be opened by the end of the night. So fingers crossed and d'ya know bloggeroonies "by this time next year..."

Have a great day!


lyndyloo said...

ps. there aren't many cals in the bubbles are there?

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the good wishes Ladies! Lindyloo - bubbles are better than regular wine. Lower WW points!!!

Jollygit - you'll be fine in a few days. A new routine takes some getting used to. Enjoy your new found 'freedom' - you'll be back on the treadmill before you know it!!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Jollygit. I couldn't possibly say.

Morning all

Best wishes to your poorly tyke Moose.

I am really hoping for a nice, quiet day today. Left Reading at about 3.30 yesterday, so was in the gym by 5.00. Then went really wild and crazy and took Mrs MfR out for dinner at one of the local 'gastro pubs'. I hate that term, but it seems to be the given nowadays.

Sammie. Sometimes in life you've just got to go for it. Don't fear the outcome, throw caution to the wind and take a chance. Nothing ventured....

I will try and construct a diagrammatical guide to 'tumble turning' for the budding 'Thorpedoes' out there. You'll be showing off those well-honed six packs in no time!

Oh, and Hazel. I have a couple of tattoos, but certainly not autographs and definitely not on my.....

Happy Days


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Chaps!

Moose - hope it is good news with your Mooselet. What a worry - it's a nightmare if our children are in pain, isn't it? We would gladly be ill ourselves, than have them go through it.

Sammie - just you enjoy your life as it is now, today! How wonderful that this has happened - you and K have been looking for each other for quite some time. The risk is worth it - don't try to look into the future, just cherish what's happening now!

Gaby - not at all boring about the "door hanger" person. Never in a million years would I leave my daughter in the house with a workman. My husband has been a workman in the past, and he would have refused to work in a house with just a teenage girl there. You can never be too careful.

Also, Matt is absolutely right - you stay on the CE blog and just ignore these idiots! They love it when we rise to the bait, and I must confess I have done that a couple of times!

And - sorry about your date being cancelled, but at least your hair will be lovely!

Lyndyloo - what an exciting evening ahead for you! On these occasions, I always think, calories in alcohol doesn't count!

Matt - how lucky that you meet up with Chris Evans! I mean, Chris Evans! You are quite right to remain confidential on anything he has told you. However, when you are ready to spill the beans, we are here!

Have a good day everyone, be back soon!

C xx

Moose said...

Morning all,
Thank you all so much for the good wishes.
Mrs Moose and Mooselet #1 came home at about 1am this morning. I am really so happy and grateful that our local hospital appears to be one of the best in the country. 6 hours in there and he saw 7 doctors/paediatricians etc (planned second/further opinions not chaos, I hasten to add).
It appears not to be appendicitis but a "viral infection" - read, they don't really know! He seemed to be brighter this morning and was even a little disappointed that he wouldn't be going to school today or tomorrow - he has to go back to the hospital tomorrow for the results of the blood tests and to have some more taken. He's been incredibly good about it all, ably coached by Mrs Moose to treat the whole thing as a big adventure rather than something to fear. He's wearing his cotton wool patch where they took blood with pride!
My big worry was (and still is a bit) meningitis. The hospital haven't mentioned it specifically but who knows?
They have given Mrs Moose a "pass" which gives her immediate and direct access back to the paediactric unit of A&E if she's at all worried about him today.
The cubicles there all have a TV/Video and drawers full of books and toys - I'm guessing pretty much all donated. Amazing!
This is not just the NHS, this is Addenbrookes NHS.
And somewhere in there is a painting of Mooselet #1 - painted as part of a commission from the hospital by an artist friend of ours - he was dead proud of that!

And I even managed to get to the gym this morning and shed 770 calories! I enjoyed the bacon bap and cappuccino I had there afterwards in the knowledge that they were less calories than I had burned. Whoever said there was no such thing as a free breakfast?

Briefly to other matters:
Sammie - you go for it girl. better to have loved and lost and all that! And always remember that a handful of chips is better than 2 handfuls of chips!

Gaby - hope your daughter is better.

Lyndyloo - enjoy the presentation and the celebration. Wine/champagne counts as one of the 5 portions of fruit and veg anyway!

Moose said...

Sorry - only just caught up on last nights comments on yesterday's post...

Gaby - don't be chased away. You can join me on my 2 week holiday from it if you like though! I'm not a door hanger and I think I'm safe...
Also, let me know if you need or would like any help with putting a business plan together. My excel models are famous throughout Europe...well, a couple of new business guys at a bank in Vienna were impressed with them once...

Matt - I think it's right for you not to spill the beans on here - very public. E-mail on the other hand...

Anonymous said...


Moose I hope your wee one is ok xx

Sammie - I second what the others have said. Don't look too far into the future, just take each day as it comes and enjoy it!

Gaby - Don't let the idiots drive you away from the CE blog! Funny how they are not regulars, the ones who complain do so under a different name each time!

Lyndyloo - Good luck for tonight, sounds like a fab evening is in store! I got my CD this morning, thank you very much. I really appreciate you sending it. Will have a listen later.

Have a good day xx

Mary xx

Anonymous said...


Great news about Mooselet #1. Lets hope it is a 'viral infection' and that the little chap will be back at school on Monday.

S xx.

jollygit said...

Moose - so pleased that Mooselet #1 is back home and hopefully on the mend. The hospital sounds wonderful and it's so good to hear a positive experience of the NHS for once. Hope Mrs Moose manages to catch up on some sleep - she must be worn out, poor soul.

Sammie - thanks for that. I'm not used to having time on my hands and although it's something I've always thought must be wonderful, I'm all at sixes and sevens being at home! I've so far today had breakfast, showered, hoovered downstairs, cleaned bathroom, and mopped the bathroom & kitchen floors. Now I feel justified in a few minutes of daytime TV (although that's as much as I can take of it anyway!!). You're right though, I should enjoy the freedom while it lasts as hopefully it won't be for long xx

Susan S - are you OK?

jollygit x

Moose said...

Jollygit - if you want to keep yourself busy with cleaning, you could come up to our house for a day!!! I did joke with Mrs Moose when she got home from the hospital that if she went straight to bed she would be getting an early night for her. She didn't of course...

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear your wee tootsie is home and it sounds as if everything is o.k. You are right, though what IS a virual infection? It covers everything, right up to, as you say, they don't know!

This is easy for me to say, but I think there would be real signs of Meningitis, so please try not to worry.

Mrs Moose has been wonderful and Mooselet #1 has been a very brave boy!

Just as well we never know what is going to be presented to us with each new day!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Good news Moose.

Final word on CLP/saunas etc.

I'll tell you at the OAMC.

Anyway. Quiet day is going well and I will slip away on time and head straight to the pool to burn some calories and to fine tune my tumble turn technique.

Does SM do ARF? I can't remember, but I do like his taste in music, so I might bat a request in anyway.

Keep smiling everyone, the weekend is but a whisker away.


Wot no Hazel?

Moose said...

Matt - great idea to make everyone turn up to the OAMC to hear the CLP gossip!!!
By the way, Hazel has a note from her mum, well actually her father-in-law - his big birthday blow out today!

Anonymous said...


just popping in en route (66), en route to hairdressers for hair hightlighting in preparation for cancelled date. lol.

Moose - so pleased Mooselet #1 is ok.

Thank you Moose for the invitation to take a holiday with you. I accept. I knew carrying on regardless with my hair appointment was the right thing to do : )

Matt - yeah, excellent tictacs (ahem.) to get a good turn-out at the OAMC - we really want to go anyway - weather permitting!!!

Man is in garden erecting fence panels that are a peculiar shade of thursday brown. Hope my neighbour over the back (not a euphemism) ( sorry!!) is ok with the colour. Bit late now - 5 have gone up .....with posts. Internal door hanging man ordered the wrong sized doors. Fence erector is now trying to hone in on the business - exploiting the fact that door man made a few mistakes.

Must dash - loving your work.


Anonymous said...

Sammie....about that rugby team..... : )

Anonymous said...

Matt - SM doing ARF - I think I read about those sorts of websites when the boys at work were a little clumsy at erasing the website history on my pc at work : )

Anonymous said...

that was meant to imply that THEY were looking at those sites.....not ME



Moose said...

Gaby - the lady doth protest too much!

jollygit said...

Moose - I appreciate the invite, I really do, but having just finished dusting & polishing throughout the house I am already fed up with housework and I've the upstairs to do tomorrow, plus a mountain of washing. And where does that all come from? There's only the two of us at home so I can't understand why there's always so much washing! I think I must have a secret resident in me loft ... mind you, I've been told I've got bats in me belfry - would that be the same thing?

jollygit with hands like prunes 'cos she forgot to buy new Marigolds (other types of rubber glove are available) xx

Anonymous said...


You are quite right - Hazel does have a note excusing her from attendance.

However, Susan S - where are you?

C xx

Anonymous said...

Back again, hope that's o.k.

Jollygit - I did mean to say to you earlier, you will feel all at sea at the moment, but don't worry about it! Catch up on the washing (I know, a complete nightmare) get out all the old movies you keep meaning to watch, while ironing the clothes generated from the washing. When all else fails, get out the ENORMOUS box of photographs you are sure to have and pitch at least 50% of them!

I was "between jobs" when we came back from America a thousand years ago. I stayed up until 2am, reading, listening to music etc and then slept until 12 noon every day. Just such a waste. I swear, if I am ever faced with having time to myself again, I will use it wisely!

This is only temporary and before you know it, you'll be back on the treadmill. Nothing else for it, apparently!

MfR/Moose - I really mean it, I will attend the London OAMC if we are to hear what makes CE tick! Confirm the date, please!

C xx

Anonymous said...


About the team.... hmm - what would you like to know????

It's my netball club end of season presentation night on Saturday - have invited some of the (senior and single ;-) ) rugby guys from my sons rugby club - should be a FUN night. The girls at my club are WILD - I really can't keep up with them, but hopefully, the guys should give them a run for their money!!!

Where is Susan S? Hope Hazel's having a great day with her dad!

Hair's looking good by the way Gaby - he doesn't know what he's missing!

S xx.

Moose said...

Thursday April 19th for the OAMC. Put it in your diaries now!

Anonymous said...

Moose - the lady can come with us then : )

jollygit said...

Chrissie - I know, you're absolutely right, as is Sammie. I've just done two loads of washing (well, the machine has anyway) and I've even put the clean clothes away. I'll resist the ironing for another day.

I've got masses of photos to sort out, paperwork to be either filed or shredded, and the spare room to blitz before we have guests next weekend, so there's plenty to keep me busy, but I just can't get motivated. Does that sound mad, bad or normal? Sorry - I'm sounding petulant and selfish, I don't mean it - I'm just feeling a bit sorry for meself. I'm still feeling tired and I've got swollen glands in my throat so maybe I should just wallow for one more day and then give meself a kick up the a**e!

Thanks peeps - at least it's Friday tomorrow!!

Ooh, talking of which:

Gaby honey - I hope your last day goes well tomorrow. Love what you've done with your hair by the way ...... it's his loss xx

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys ... your concern is really so appreciated! Have had a rough 24 hours with family issues that I won't bore you with just now. Then Charis woke at 6.30am and was sick all over the bed and decided that she was up for the day! Didn't want to post because I was in such maudling form! Feeling better after a triple then double latte, a couple of really nice emails and a text. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

I'm now trying to work out the logistics of getting to the London OAMC in April!!! Anyone else going from Scotland?!?

I'll be back on form later. Going to catch up with my sleep.

Thanks again you guys - you don't know how much you have touched my heart!

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jollygit - don't think I have your email or any photos!!!

But I am slightly wired on espresso just now, so may be overlooking them!

Having CLP withdrawal, so posted the following (how sadly demented am I?!) -

Anonymous said...

jollygit - perfectly normal, my friend : ) thank you for the good wishes for tomorrow - if we lived nearer we could spend next week drinking tea and thinking of our next ventures : )

susan s - you poor babe. xx

Thanks for your lovely comments about my hair : )...I was beginning to think that I was on Big Brother and you could see me. Then I remembered that that was Teddy Sheringham's OTHER girlfriend that was on that programme.

oh oh, have just realised that it is friday tomorrow - in love all over again. Friday, I'm in love.
Mr and Mrs Wright.


Anonymous said...

Susan S - oh dear - poor you!!!Hope everything is all better soon, including little Charis!

OAMC in London.... Can you believe I will be down there for TWO nights that week, but not Thursday :-(

I'll just have to wait until May!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Moose - Good news about Mooselet #1

Susan S - {{hugs}}
Thanks for the CLP link :o)

Jollygit - It's perfectly normal to feel how you are feeling. Make sure you take time out for you though, have a day of pampering!

Jo - hope you are ok?

I'm working on a way to get to the OAMC on the 19th! The things we do for CLP :o))

Have a nice evening everyone.

Get well wishes, hugs and kisses to
Mooselet #1, Gaby's daughter and wee Charis xxxxxx

Mary xx

ps. Chrissie my sister still calls me tootsie or toots :o)) you don't hear it much now, made me smile when you called Mooselet #1 tootsie :o)

T said...

Wow - so much to catch up on! I have 1 day off work to have the most wonderful day shopping and lunching with friends for a birthday, come have a peek at the blog and so much has been going on!

Not had time to read fully so will sit and go back to the top and try and catch what is happening.

Oh on the health front, I have not started the calories count yet apologies, but retail therapy from yesterday distracted me slightly.

jollygit said...

Susan - I'm so sorry you've had a rough time and I hope little Charis feels better soon xx (I'll send pics & email again, no worries) xx

Mary - one of my best friends is known as Toots to all who know and love her! Having cleaned the house (well, half of it anyway) and caught up on the washing, I've decided to do what you suggested, and am giving myself Tuesday as a pampering day for meself. Grand idea, thanks!!

Gaby - what a lovely thought, but never mind. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Enjoy next week and I hope your daughter is feeling better now!

jollygit xx

Dogwithnobrain said...

Oh Shit, did House Start Last night? huh?

Having a bad day.