Monday, 12 March 2007


...if Tony Blair had David Cameron arrested to stop him campaigning against him
...if anyone had dared to say that Henry VIII wasn't fit to be king (oh they did - look what happened to them!)
...if everyone made decisions based on being taxed £12m for not destroying the environment
...if businessmen were regularly abducted here
...if we were told by North Korea and Iran that we weren't allowed to have nuclear energy

It's a funny old world!


lyndyloo said...

Morning Bloggers!

What a gorgeous morning, blue skies and sunshine for bear walking. Shame I have to go to London to meet someone so will miss on most of the bogging.

Hope everyone enjoyed the filolet and mush last night. The extra bottle of collapso was indeed justified and I can't tell you how wonderful it was to have virtual pud (not one calorie a mouthful you know!).

have a good one.

Susan S- Thanks for the photos cheered my day up too.


lyndyloo said...

ps. That should have been fillet and mush. Have no idea what filolet is.... answers on a postcard!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Moose and al.

Well hallo lyndyloo, goodbye heart, sweet lyndyloo etc etc

The boy started 'nights' last night...more money, but less boy, but it's not for ever...anyway, I had a SUPREMELY dire night's sleep last night, so am running on empty, and liable to get a bit mad a bit earlier than ushool, so this is your first written warning, AND IF ANYONE (be they world leader, my mother or my boss) TRIES TO TELL LIL OL' ME WOT TO DO (TODAY) THEY'RE GONNA KNOW ABOUT IT...although now one out of the three has seen me, I can't imagine it happening, frankly...

til later mes petits

...and a filolet fish for my wife...

I quite enjoyed 'bogging' too...hope London goes well xx

lyndyloo said...

Note to self-
Check check and double check...then use a spell checker!

Off to the train......

Anonymous said...

Hi Moose,

Certainly, it's true, Britain is not perfect but I really don't fancy living anywhere else! It's just your Donald Duck where you are born!

So far, lovely day. My daughter is 16. 16 years ago today, I was in hospital waiting to be taken to surgery for a Caeseran section. I remember being very excited but fairly terrified and was convinced I was having a boy. Secretly, I was hoping for a girl, but thought I would jinx it if I actually said the words. Of course, if it had been a boy, I would have been over the moon, but when they lifted that wee tootsie out of my womb, and it was a girl, wow!

Mary, I read your comment from last night. Isn't it incredible that everything happens for a reason? You were meant to hear Jeremy Vine and it led you to seeing your nephew and giving him your support. I hope he will be o.k.

Hope everyone has a good day. Hazel, you are so quick and very funny! BTW, there is NO WAY I'll be stepping on your toes today!

C xx

jollygit said...

Is a filolet a Spanish fumble? Let's not go into 'bogging'!

Hazel Love - hope your day gets better xxxx

Had a great start to the day - stopped off at Tesco (other supermarkets available) and had reversed out of my parking space and was just about to move off, when a senior citizen reversed out of her space, slap straight into the back of me car. Luckily she'd reversed slowly, no-one was hurt and there was no damage, just some paint that had swapped vehicles(!) so we said no more about it but it still shakes you up a bit, especially at 8.30am!!

My boss is being very sarky today, the sun is shining, and I really don't want to be here. Redundancy is in the air for me, but no-one has actually had the guts to sit me down and explain what's happening. So, let's hope it's over soon and I can get on and find something that I enjoy with a company that might actually appreciate me.

I'm in a bad mood - sorry folks - will stay away until I cheer up.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Good morning all! It's bright and sunny, though rather windy, here in Inverness too!

Was so upset to miss dinner at Lyndyloo's last night! But we were trying our 'new' (read been there done that) bedtime routine of getting Charis down to sleep without nursing her. It worked, but what battles we had to get her to stay in bed.

Broke my heart seeing her so upset and, in the end, resigned to the fact that Mummy and Daddy weren't going to be swayed on this one, so she just lay there and sobbed. Hopefully we'll be quicker and less stressful tonight!

AT the moment she is 'doing' my hair with the fan thing from her bubbles! I suppose it sounds a bit like a hair dryer!

Lyndyloo, I thought filolet was some fancy dish that you'd made for us all! As for me, I won't be bogging today, but might be blogging! :) Glad you liked the photos - an old friend sent them in the middle of it all kicking off with Charis and it was just what I needed!

Hazel Love - Sorry you had such a bad night - if I'd known you were up I'd have got you to see to Charis when she woke at 3am and 5am! Tonight ok? Thanks for the Royal photos! That was funny!

Off to read another book to Charis then to catch up on yesterday's shenanigans!

Huggles, all,

Susan <><

Citril said...

Oooo ... Chrissie S ... I'd forgotten we had a party today! Oh, what to wear!

I hope your daughter has a fabulous day today, honey. What did you get her? Are there many (apart from us, ofcourse) coming to the party? If you want me to put together a memory page for her on my site, feel free to send photos and memories to my email!

Charis's birthdays always bring back memories of her traumatic birth!

Huggles, Susan

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jollygit! Silly OAP! Do you want us to all come round and sort your boss out, honey!? More dunking in the loo (not bogging!)? My hubby's job is in the same precarious position as yours, but some are saying it won't happen and others are saying it'll be 3 years before it does. They won't get redundancy, though, they'll just be told their job doesn't exist any more! Must be so unsettling for you honey - not conducive to a happy working atmosphere! Please don't stay away just cos you're feeling grumoy! Share the mups with us!

Anonymous said...

Susan S,

I wish I had the technological know-how to send you photographs! I would not know where to start, but thank you so much for the offer!

Lots of clothes were the order of the day for the lovely lady. She had already chosen them last weekend. However, the Birthday Wizard surprised her with a PINK DVD player, PJ's and a lovely new purse. Naturally, today she has a big smile on her face. Come Saturday when I ask her to clean the bathroom, it will be quite another matter!

Can I just say you are being so good about getting Charis off to bed. Hang in there, because it will not be easy and you will feel like a monster. We took the terrible, but easy way out of taking our daughter into bed with us. Huge, huge, mistake! Took us years to get her to stay in her own bed. I remember the tears and tantrums. And that was just me!!

Jollygit, sorry your day is terrible so far. I have been made redundant and it's no joke. Hope we can help you out today, just to get you through it.

C xx

Anonymous said...

ChrissieS, I am wearing v pointy shoes today. Must be indicative eh?

Anyhoo, please can you make sure that you put some French (other nationalities are available) Chalk down for the dancing, otherwise I tend to land on my a1se when jiving, and everything goes up in the air...wouldn't want to embarrass your poor daughter now...well not actually ON her birthday anyway eh???

jollygit - Good job you weren't at lidl - you'd have been mowed down by a 4x4 (pram).

Susan, my mum used to swear by a liddle bit o' rum in my bedtime munk. If I still didn't sleep, she just used to swear.

OOOOH, and I'm not telling you, just making a small recommendation...Dunk In at 10.30?

Time for toast said Zebedeee

lidl...when you're too pikey for asda...

Just off to invade Poland, back in a tick...

Anonymous said...

Well, no-one said I shouldn't so nur.

jollygit said...

OK, I'm smiling and chuckling at you lot now, so bad mood has almost passed. If I can just hurry the boss up out of the office I can sit back with a cuppa and some stolen biccies and relax.

Chrissie & Susan - the redundancy has been lurking for a few months now and I wish they'd just tell me it's over. There's no money to come from them and to be honest I want to go 'cos I'm bored (can you tell !!). I'm sorry you're experiencing the same problem Susan and hope hubby's job will be OK for a long while yet. Chrissie - it's never pleasant is it? This will be the second time for me but I'm not worried - I'd be glad of a few weeks to take stock and work out just what I want to do.

Hey ho - you've cheered me up, anyway, so thanks for that and here's to a better day all round.

more jollygit than grumpy git now xx

Anonymous said...

'Get a wriggle on!'

For those of you who bemoan their size or shape (or both)(that goes for you too Moose) have a look at this when you have a min...

It ain't what you move, it's the way that you move it. Apparently.

Moose said...

Hazel - It works. I just went out into reception with a pronounced shoulder swagger. All the women got out of my way but I had 5 blokes wiggling their hips at me in a suggestive manner.

Citril said...

Moose - I often find it incredible that we get away with what we do because we are Britain! And it’s heartbreaking to see what other folk have to live under day in day out. But who on earth are we going to vote for in the next election!?

Chrissie S - Well, if you do want it done, just take your photos to a shop and ask them to put them on CD, and you can post them to me. I have one blog-section, that I posted last year, about the Commando Memorial at Spean Bridge that is linked to all the Commando websites - it‘s quite amusing to think about all these soldiers, veterans and serving, popping into my site! I used to love cleaning the bathroom, even at 16! Hated all the other chores though … still do! Thank you so much for your encouragement with Charis! We did get there in the end … but we, too, take her into bed, usually at the 5am waking slot when I’m too knackered to think! Thankfully she has always loved her own bed, it’s bright pink and makes her feel special because she was the first out of her peer group to be in a bed. That’s fine til we go on holiday and she’s faced with a travel cot!

Citril said...

Sammie - WELCOME!! I think you’ll enjoy it here! No Blog Police and a kindly gentleman who only sends us to the naughty corner once a day!

Mary - thanks for the vino! Will be praying for good news from your tests, honey. It’s not easy waiting, but do try to stay strong - mind over matter is a powerful force. Keep us posted, honey. You know where we are if you need to sound off or cry on our shoulders! I heard that lady on Jeremy Vine too - so upsetting, so sad. Praise God that you listened to that wee voice that said go visit your nephew. It’s amazing how things happen sometimes, isn’t it? If you hadn’t listened to Jeremy, you wouldn’t have had that extra bit of info to use. You sound like the kind of Aunty I hope and pray that my sister will be for Charis! BTW Missed you! Glad you were touched by the blog for the girls - it was so nice to be able to do something for them. Glad you had such a nice time with your sister - where does she live? I miss having a beach that I can walk to and stroll along.

Anonymous said...

EG - I’m glad that you were forewarned then! It’s hard dealing with situations like that, but it sounds like you were able to do it honestly and sensitively … but it is draining! Hope you enjoyed a nice glass or too! Hope Martin doesn’t come over here … he’ll think we are all alcoholics!

Jollygit - hope your weigh-in goes well! Smiling at the thought of you scrunched bouncing on your trampoline! Thanks for the insight into your brother’s situation with their kids. That was the first technique that the Health Visitor suggested yesterday .. But we’ve tried that one before and Charis has been violently sick each time! At least with the ‘disappearing chair’ method that we tried last night she wasn’t sick, though she was still upset! You certainly don’t sound preachy honey! Just because you don’t have children, doesn’t mean you can’t have helpful hints. My single or childless friends don’t realise what a blessing they are to me and how often I sit here just praying that one of them will pop by or phone! Glad you’re feeling a bitty brighter! Hubby doesn’t really enjoy his job, but he’s been there 12 years and we’re a bit peeved that they won’t be getting any redundancy!

Moose - what are you like! There is nothing worse, though, than getting used to a car, thoroughly loving driving it, then having to change it! But …. It’s a BMW!!!!!!!!!!!

Hazel Love - use the pointy shoes .. it’ll make you feel better … though will probably end up in you being booted out the door yourself! Re Charis’s bedtime munk … that’s the problem … I am her bedtime munk, so there probably is a wee bitty alcohol there! Can I make a confession? That was one of the reasons I started taking a glass of vino with dinner, cos someone said that she might sleep better! That was just under a year ago … it didn’t work, but it was lovely to have a glass again after 2 years of abstinence! How did the invasion go? Hope you weren’t wearing the pointy shoes whilst driving the tank!

What are we dunking? Apart from any nasty people next door!?

Citril said...

Ok, girls ... altogether now ... one, two, three ..... SWAY!

Anonymous said...

Moose, Keith ,MfR, Dr JMcC ... where's that 'characteristic shoulder movement'?! Work it, boys, work it!

Anonymous said...

Moose - you crack me up!! :)

Charis is sitting painting her hands and arms whilst watching a CBBC programme about smallpox! She won't let me turn it over! Think we got a bright 'un here?

Anonymous said...

3, 2, 1 ..... dunked!

Anonymous said...

Ok, ok ... going to stop hogging it in a minute!

Sammie - thanks for the comments on my site - I try and do the Weekly Photo Challenge ... well, weekly! It's such a blight on the landscape to see these awful plastic bags all over the place! I think there should be a tax on them!

Moose said...

Susan, I'll have to start deleting comments soon!!!

So if poultry was the topic for yesterday (even though not many joined in...) do we want to pick a theme for the CE blog once it arrives?
How about infamous dictators?

Anonymous said...

I'm up for that! I guess I'll still be incognito ... just under a different name from my other different name!

PS Please don't curb me for malicious content!

Anonymous said...

Well, hellooooooooo bayayay-by!

Have just made a cup of delish hot choccie, having just got the radio working hoorah (boss bought me a wee pressie so that 'You don't feel as if you're on your own all the time. It's cheaper than a puppy'.) and am practicing 'sashaying'. they say....DONG!

Moose, find out what THEY can do for YOU first...

Anyhoo, thanks for that lovely mental picture Susan...a wee bitty too much information...Though just a thought, may the W'een be allergic to red wine? Iron can make you quite twitchy if you aren't taking in much vitamin C at the same time...dunno. The cats tend to turn their noses up at milk with anything other than milk in it, so I have no experience to draw upon m'fraid.


I've got one for you already Moose. My ex-mother in law. Gosh, imagine.....

By the way, I got to Poland. It was closed. Much the same at the Isle of Wight. (If before March 31st please knock at No.9)

Anonymous said...

What exactly is a shoulder swagger? I think we need video demonstrations. I'm not so much swaying as teetering - it's the 4" heels again. But I'm trying. Once I get moving at any speed its more of a lurch and guaranteed to scare normal people off ...

Hazel you've got me worried - is the Isle of Wight really closed until 31 March? I'm supposed to be staying there for a few days before that - got the ferry ticket and everything. They never said when I booked.

Glad everyone is cheering up now. I suppose I'd better make an effort and put on the smiley face. After all the sun is out and so is the boss, so it can't all be bad.

jollygit said...

Hazel Love - can I borrow your pointy shoes please? I know someone sitting opposite me in the office who would benefit from them greatly! There is a violent streak within me which is just bursting to get out ... grrrrrrr

Susan - when Sam was about six months old my mum & I stayed the night at my brother's so that he could take sis-in-law away for the night for their wedding anniversary. We barely slept all night in case we couldn't hear him breathing via the baby monitor. My brother said the next day that they didn't use the monitor because Sam slept right through the night and had done so for months! He could have told us the night before!! It's just his nana and auntie who were awake all night! Hardy little buggers, aren't they, kids?!!!! They can learn good habits as fast as they can bad habits though and it's not easy trying to be one step ahead, so I wish you luck!!!

jollygit x

Anonymous said...

Vylance never solved anything diddit nar jollygit? (but get one in fer me gel!)

Right that's that out the way.

annalog. No.9 is just up the road on the left (the sea being on the right) and is easily recognisable by the giant fake butterfly they have attached to the 'thatched' roof in a vain effort to look more rustic.

Ask for a Mrs Miggins (Obviously a made up name, see reason for butterfly) and she'll be sure to let you have your welcome pack of tea bags, loo roll and a box of 'Go Home Furriners' Wightian Cookies.

Don't forget your bottle of sunscreen because you'll need it for bashing the seagulls.

...and you're not allowed in the Yacht Club in a hoodie.

ps When I have been to the Isle of Wight I have had a lovely time. My favourite bit is the hovercraft.

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - if Hazel's pointy shoes don't work, you can borrow my 4" heels ...

Thanks for the advice Hazel, Mrs Miggins and her fake butterfly it is. I rather like the sound of Go Home Furriner cookies and might order a batch for Moose's next virtual event.

jollygit said...

Annalog - I may well borrow them off you - that'll learn him won't it?! Ooh, I'm starting to feel so much better now - thanks for that!

jollygit x

Moose said...

I've counted up to a million. Is everyone still hiding?

Anonymous said...

My but it's a slow day.

Or are you all practicing your swaggers/wiggles etc.

Bored. Tired. Actually VERY tired. Cannot wait until boy leaves for work this eve if truth be told. Then can take nytol (other soporifics available but they don't work quite as well for me) with proper gold top hot munk and go to bed.

BTW Have put crusts of sarnies out for birdies as well as seed. Have just realised sarnies were Chicken Salad. Is this cannabalism?

Anonymous said...

I'm not!

Anonymous said...

Have also just realised that if I sit over the heater whilst looking out of the window (with anticipation at the bird feeder), my earrings get REALLY hot.

Will not be doing that again due stinging in auricular region.

Moose said...

It's only cannibalism if you have pigeons visiting...

I have an announcement to make. Sit down, this news is big...

I have done some work today. Hooray! First time in a week. But now I am stymied until I can meet with someone else tomorrow at 2pm. Roll on 5pm so I can justify leaving. Antler clipping on the way home...maybe then I won't bash against the roof of the new car so much.

Did anyone see Hugh Grant on Top Gear a while back. He described a complaint he had while driving his brothers VW...a complaint that they christened Golf Ball.

Well this new BMW is doing something similar to me. Either that or I got up to stuff in my sleep last night that I really wish I'd been awake for...

Moose said...

And pardon me if I just have a bad memory but did Gaby have a note from her mum?

Anonymous said...

Gawd Moose, but you read my mind! Have tried to reach the Gabster, but as yet no reply...Hope all is well in Berks.

Antler clipping eh? What do they use? Buzz Saw? Chain Saw? Careful in the night so you don't get Saw?

Anonymous said...

So there is someone out there. Is everyone keeping quiet so as to not scare Hazel's birdies away from the feeder?

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Just checking in. Looking forward to going to my sister's after work for a celebration dinner for Miss "I'm 16, I'll have you know". Hoping there will be glass of white wine waiting for me as soon as I get my coat off!

Moose, poor you with your problems with the old nether regions! You are obviously right, and BMW's are best for laydees!

I'm outta here at 5pm on the dot. I have my "Working Girl" trainers on, ready to go!

Have a good evening y'all.

C xx

Moose said...

Chrissie - freak her out by wishing her a happy birthday from all of us will you...

I'll be off on the dot of 5 in my B******s Made Worse...sorry couldn't do better than that. Hazel - over to you!

Anonymous said...

See you about 7.30 then Chrissie.

My golly but I'm tired! Won't be stopping long at Ms Sixteen's do. One glass and a vol au vent and I'm off.

annalog, you could have mentioned you were there earlier! I still have my pointy shoes on. Am just hoping by the time I get home I won't have pointy feet.

A pome - even though it ain't Friday yet, and I have stolen it.

The Pointy Birds
Are Pointy-pointy
Anoint my head

Coo. Nearly 5.

Thank you stars

Moose said...

I don't think the Blog Police liked my dictator idea very much. Oh well...
They probably didn't want to get sued or assassinated (or a light beating requiring hospital treatment at the very least)

Anonymous said...

Moose, if you were on a bike, you could (vase)line round all the corners on the way home...

I tried hon!

jollygit said...

And I thought you'd all sent me to Coventry because I was in a bad mood ... no-one came out to play for ages, and I got scared out here on my own, so I went home .... sniff, sniff

There's an email from the Personnel lady about my redundancy on the boss's PC - I was going to sneak a look but the swine came back at that exact moment. I'll probably be the last to know what's going on but let's hope they want to let me go NOW!!! I'm sooo bored ... I've sent my CV off to some agencies, I've written some letters and I've even turned my handbag out and tidied it up, which is no mean feat, let me tell you!

jollygit xx

Moose said...

B*****s Mangling Wagon?

Anonymous said...

British Manhood Wangler

Anonymous said...

Bavarian Moose Wrecker

ta da!

Anonymous said...

Nearly home time...

Brave Men Walking

Anonymous said...

or in your case Moose, Brave MAN walking!

Moose said...

I knew you'd do better...that's it.

Moose said...

I meant the Bavarian one...although I quite like the combo of Bavarian Manhood Wrecker.

Moose said...

Do you think the wide-legged gait goes well with a shoulder swagger and makes me even more attractive?

Maybe only to other Moose...and I only know maybe I should try it when I get home. It might be a painful conclusion, but it'll be worth it. I'll suffer it.

Moose said...

Home time at last...

Good luck for tomorrow Keith.

Citril said...

Jollygit - Charisis 2 years old and I still worry about her breathing (though we have had a couple of scares with her!)!! Thanks so much for the good wishes!

Hazel love - don't tell Big Un that you have stinging in the auricular region - he'll go running for docling leaves again!

Moose - don't tell Hazel about your golf balls, she'll be fighting Big Un for docking leaves!

Oooooooooooooooooooo ... Take That!!!

Citril said...

I dance!

Anonymous said...

Evening all ;-)

I am sorry I have not been around today but I have been very busy.

I kept sneaking out of the office to practice my 3 minuet presentation I have to give in the interview tomorrow. I will be word perfect by the interview ;-))

I have prepped well so no complaints there! I have a pale yellow shirt pressed and ready to go ;-) I have been informed if I am successful tomorrow I have to go back on Thursday morning for a second interview so I have already pressed another shirt….is that wrong? No pressure then!

I think what is in my favour is that whatever happens I still have a job to come back too.

Thanks again for the best wishes!

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

Nearly home time ….. I can see I will have to stop and get a larger stock of dock leaves …. I an on my way ;-))


Anonymous said...

Chrissie S - hope you and your sweet 16 year old have a fabulous party tonight! I’ll probably be round around 8.30 ‘ish - got shopping to do! Then again, it might be later depending on the tantrums at bedtime! I’ll have Hazel’s other glass!

Hazel love - any birdies yet? I haven’t been this quiet in a long time!

Annalog - shhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Moose - I wondered where the dictators had gone! Next idea?

{{{{{{Jollygit}}}}}} - sending up prayers for your job applications.

Moose - yup …. That gait really goes with the swagger … though can you try not make your shoulders go one way as your hips go the other?

Keith - praying all goes well tomorrow!

Off to finish the weeks menu and shopping list. I hate shopping!


Anonymous said...

The Value of a Drink
"Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel shame. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this wine, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this wine and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."

~ Jack Handy~

Anonymous said...

Hmmm .... what do I have that's pale yellow? Oh dear, may have to buy some new clothing! It's for a ggod cause, Hubby, to support the Big Un!!!

Keith - I really do think you should send me a photo of you in the yellow shirt (other pieces of clothing optional!)! Anyone else want to play along to send good vibes for Keith?

Citril said...

Telegram force and ready I knew this was a big mistake
There's a fine line drawing my senses together
And I think it's about to break
If I listen close I can hear them singers oh-oh-oh
Voices in your body coming through on the radio-oh-oh

Citril said...

I dance .... again!

Anonymous said...

Keith, good luck with your three minute minuet tomorrow. What music have you chosen?

Good luck my darlin! Knock 'em dead.

Sorry above poss in poor taste given that you're going for an interview for the NHS...

Bavarian Moose Wriggling


Anonymous said...

The Value of a Drink
"Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel shame. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this wine, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "Why on earth am I looking at the bottom of an empty glass?"


Anonymous said...

They'll talk about me showing cleavage and my belly, but they don't say anything about the artists who accept an award and can't even talk because they're so drugged out.
After the awards show, I go home, drink my tea and go to bed.

--Britney Spears--

Ummm .... since when?!

Anonymous said...

Starkle, starkle little twink, who da hell you are i think.

I'm not as drunk as some thinkle peep I am.

Besides I've only had tee martoonies and all day sober to Sunday up in.

I fool so feelish, i don't know whos me yet,

but the drunker I sit here, the longer I get.


Can't open the red 'til we've been to the evil that is Tesco! Who'll join me later?

Anonymous said...

awww ... moose .... thanks for putting my link on!

Anonymous said...

I always feel like I come in at the end of a good day of blogging. Anyway:

Moose - in reply to your blog - isn't it just, isn't it just.

Sammie - big welcome.

MWK - so good you listened to your inner voice. Clearly your nephew was crying out for help without actually saying so. Keep us in touch with how he's doing.

Keith - all the best for tomorrow.

Jollygit - good luck.

Susan - thanks for the photos.

Anonomous - the value of a drink. NICE ONE.

Do you think as a group we consume more alcohol than a group like us would normally do? Ah, who the heck cares!

Everyone - peace and love.


Anonymous said...

Susan - don't rush off to Tesco - Have a glass of mine. In fact let me pass round the bottle to everyone.


Anonymous said...


Before I begin, I would like to confirm that an ice cold beer is currently on the go.

I wouldn't want to be out of place.

Just been to the gym and pulled that bloody muscle again. I know, I know, rest it and all that, but we 'were' supposed to be walking up Snowdon on Saturday, and I figured I ought to test it. It failed, so that's out the window now.

Just have to stay in and get pissed watching Comic Relief (we were driving up Friday evening).

I spent yesterday at a car dealership in very deepest, darkest Essex (yum) and I shall spend most of tomorrow in very large queues on our favourite orbital motorpark.

What a life.

Hope all is well with you all.

Moose. I'm still marginal for the 20th. I will know on Friday (as aforementioned to be spent sozzled in Rudgwick).

Bestest wishes


Anonymous said...

BTW Moose.

Headed up your neck of the woods tomorrow - Cheshunt. Close?


Anonymous said...

Evening all

I feel awful writing to you all when I haven't read any of the above.

I could be missing commenting on something really important.

I am so sorry

I have been away from pc and laptop for a couple of days due to extra-curricular activities after work on both days (no, not THAT sort of thing), also kids are on both of them much of the evening so, when we have been at home, it's difficult to get connected!! sorry for awful know how the old saying goes.....more haste....less gramatically correct.

Must dash - meant to be helping someone with something. Can't remember who and can't remember what it was.

Will read the blog tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Evening All!

Hazel - I have been kicking bottoms today too - also in v. pointy shoes! Had to make the weekly trek to the Metropolis that is London - I do love it there - just not the work part!

Susan S - Stick with the tough Mummy and Daddy thing - it WILL be worth it in the end - hope tonight was easier for you...

Moose - I've missed you on CE's Blog... so glad Susan invited me here - just miffed that I've missed out on the fun today as I've had a HELLISH day!!!!

(Takes a deep breath, holds for the count of three, then releases slowly...)

Smile back in place (in place of the grimace) and patiently awaiting a call from Flutterby Man. He's really busy today too. Only a four hour time difference at the moment, so shouldn't have to hang on for too much longer.

Put weight on AGAIN!!! Have now gained almost half a stone in the last four weeks! So miffed at myself - I know why and how, but am struggling to get back on track - just goes to show, even four and a half stone lighter and I haven't learned a thing!

BUT I have eatned (not eaten - earned - silly Freudian type slip...) a halo today - NO VINO!!!

With that thought and the knowledge that tomorrow is the longest day of the week, I'm off to get some well earned sleep!

Until tomorrow...


P.S. I love Rock and Roll

P.P.S The sun ALWAYS shines on TV

P.P.P.S Take That and CLP on screen at the same time!!!!

Moose said...

Matt - exactly my location. If you have time, we should meet for a coffee. Call the main switchboard and ask for me (real name, they don't know me as Moose!). I'll e-mail you my mobile number too.

Sammie - look harder, I'm there...

Anonymous said...

My, my, it’s quiet out tonight! What’s happened next door!? It’s mega quiet over there! Is there a party and I didn’t get an invite? Where is everybody!?

Eg - had to do the Tesco torture, but thanks for the lovely glass of with the cheeky nose! Did I get a whiff of cherries in the autumn time with an after niff of spring rains on the first flowers of the year? Ahhh, thought so! Have to confess that I didn’t get any tonight … no, not that you naughty bunch … wine! We’ve had a few comments on my site after I took a picture of out glass recycling pit out the back garden for a weekly photo challenge. It looks like everyone from the blog has dumped their empties there!

MfR - I hope Mrs MfR ran you a nice bath and rubbed some deep heat into your sore bits! I’m guessing you wouldn’t have managed Snowdon if it went in the gym? Did you hear the tragic news of the 3 cross-country skiers from our area who were found in Norway? yeah, I know climbing Snowdon isn’t cross-country skiing but it sounds just as energetic and I’m sure there are dangers there too!

Gaby - don’t worry about being late … we just worry when we don’t hear from you and, whether you are late or early, I always love to ‘hear’ what you have to say.

Sammie - thanks so much for your encouragement! We had a better night tonight putting her down - no screaming, no crying, no asking for Bobo (apologies for too much info earlier!). Sorry you’ve had such a bad day, honey! I hope Flutterby Man cheered you up! You must be too happy … happy women always put weight on! That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it, but I’ll let you borrow it if you want! Anyway, you’re gorgeous as you are, so behave!

Well, best go - just discovered Dr Who and Rose on YouTube and I’m off to bed with the laptop to cry my eyes out! I know to have a good time, me!

Looking forward to talking to you all tomorrow!

Huggles, Susan <><

PS - Posted this for you guys cos you make such a difference to my life!