Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Is it me?

...But why do we have to make such a big show of giving money to charity? Call me a curmudgeon, call me a grumpy old man, call me whatever you like. For I know I am going against the flow and most likely find myself in a minority of one. I'm probably about to offend some or all of you so stop reading now if you want...

....Ok, you asked for it. Brace yourselves, but I just don't understand Comic Relief and Children in Need. I find the evenings themselves tedious beyond belief. If there ever was anything good on the TV (unlikely for a Friday night) then it's cancelled for this rubbish. And it's all just such a waste of time.

Don't get me wrong. I am all for charity and people giving until it hurts. We have it far too easy anyway. But why do people have to sit in a bath of beans to get us to donate 50p? Another 50p will get some long-haired bloke to shave his hair off. Just tell him he looks terrible anyway (sorry but they usually do) and get him to give the 50p to charity as a thank you for letting him know and saving him years of future embarrassment of looking like a twat.
And if some so-called men want to get their legs/arms/chest/back shaved then they should just do it, wear their wives dresses and high heels, put on some lippy and a wig and be proud of it. Don't hide behind the old "I did it for charity" excuse if you are really a closet transvestite.

Why do we find it so difficult to just give the money quietly, without any fuss and bother, and then get on with our lives? Set up a direct debit so the charity gets a regular flow of income (they can usually function better like that). Instead of using the time we spend having our parties, pushing people around in supermarket trollies or watching the dreaded CR does Fame Academy, go and use the time for something really worthwhile.

And celebs...don't get me started on the celebs. Too late!!! Even before we knew that some of them get paid for hosting these tediously banal events, I question why someone as rich as them thinks that the best thing they can do is present a show, sing a song and dress up or whatever. These people have loads of money. Together, they could eclipse the donations that all the little people make in a flash and not even notice the dent in their bank accounts. The ones who get paid for it don't notice that they've been paid for it, allegedly, so they wouldn't notice some money flowing out. Or would they? Do they have so much money precisely because it's "easy come and nothing ever, ever goes"?

I will not be watching on Friday. I will not be donating to Comic Relief. Nor to Children in Need. I never have and I'm not going to start now. I will not be sitting in a bath of beans. I will not be having my back waxed or shaved (even though it could probably do with it...). I will not be singing a song on the TV (I used to think that my lack of singing ability precluded this anyway but that clearly is no longer a relevant criterion). I don't like the Vicar of Dibley and couldn't care less if it's the first or last episode. Peter Kay is funny but not worth enduring the other crap to wait for his bit...I can probably watch it on YouTube within 24 hours if I want to.

Why can't we, just once, have one of these events where we all just say nothing. Do nothing. No beans, no waxing strips. Just cheques, direct debit forms and wads of crisp cash in collection boxes. If anyone tries to say anything about it, just hush them up gently, shake your head and move on. A giant NON-event in aid of charity.

I'll tell you why not. Because we wouldn't raise as much money. And I find that very sad.


Anonymous said...

Good morning moose, managing to take 5 and catch up with you all.

Interesting blog this morning, and i totally agree with you, it is sad that we need that much noise to get people to donate, but - and i am ashamed to admit it - i am one of those people who needs all that fuss to get my head out of my arse long enough to consider those less fortunate than myself.

Altho i dont like this part of my make-up, i am quite self absorbed (dont tell me you hadnt noticed) and altho i recognise that the world is not a great place for a lot of people, and i am fully aware of the need for us to take responsibility to help our global neighbours (and those people who need it in this country!) but that somehow doesnt translate in to me putting my hand in my pocket. Life passes me by and i never quite get round to it.

Comic Relief et al, is my chance to make up for my lack of giving and support throughout the year and i am confident, that the organisations who co-ordinate this sorts of days are well equipped to manage the monthly dissemination of funds to those areas that need it.

It is sad that this is what it takes to get people to put their hand in their pockets (or their arses in a tin of beans), but i am glad they do - it gives me the kick up the arse that i need, better that than doing nothing at all.

So with that, i have organised for the musicians in the Armonico Consort and Orchestra of the Baroque to don a red nose for their finale piece (something by purcell i think) whilst the festival team hand round the donation buckets. A sad state of affairs maybe, but better than nothing.

i hope.


PS i am also very childish, reading the word twat in your blog made me laugh out loud.
PPS so the moose and MfR may meet up - have fun and fill us in! The first blog meeting??!!
PPPS good luck for today Keith
PPPPS hope all the grumpsters from yesterday are feeling better
PPPPPS hope tracy-ann and jax are ok.
PPPPPPS hiya Sammie!
PPPPPPPS CLP Blog - yawn yawn.

Anonymous said...


Crikey Moose - who rattled your antlers?? Actually, as someone who donates, quietly, to a number of charities throughout the year on a regular basis and also donates TIME, I do have to agree that it's sad that the only time people give is when they are urged to do so by what frankly, 95% of the time, is a bunch of wannabes!

You've got me started now... Calm, calm, calm...

Problem is, I listened to 'Eye of the Tiger' in the car this morning - it really does get me motivated for work - how sad is that???? So am firing on all cylinders now and waiting to take head on, anything that dares to challenge me!!

Found out yesterday that when I leave my team, my work will be babysat by the one person in my team (of 12) that I dislike - suddenly I don't want to go - am I childish????? Hmmmm...

Right, the loevly Flutterby Man AKA Kevin) didn't ring last night, but sent a lovely long e-mail for me to erad this morning - all is well with the world AND what a glorious day!!

Later all.....

S xx.

P.S. Thanks for the warm welcome!!

Anonymous said...

BTW - have decided that after 14 months of finding myself again, that it's time to get a plan in place for the next five years - you know a little direction. Was chatting with a friend last night who's in a similar situation and we discussed engaging a Life Coach - has anyone else done this?

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Good morning O fair Moose
Wodda lodda stuff in there today!

I agree. I have agreed since the first Live Aid.

I am an avid second hand shop rootler...and when ever I have a clear out, I give all my stuff to them too. Apart from the odd p given to RNLB or PDSA I don't donate. I do do gift aid, and if a friend is running, skipping or walking for Cancer Relief, I do sponsor them because it is for a cause which they believe in, and it certainly isn't usually a charity that is 'advertised' on television on a four hour 'entertainment' programme.

I usually tend to be out when Comic Relief or Children in Need is on, but if I'm in, I'll dip in every now and then because I've paid my licence fee.


Dear Mr Mugabe
I'm pleased you finally found it in your heart to support Comic Relief.
I shall be sure and let the Queen know.
H. Love

Anonymous said...

Morning Moose!

Interesting post for Hump Day ... you well and truely got one didn't you!? I have to admit that I will be watching .... but only to see Take That and CLP, and I'll be recording that! The rest of the evening will be spent enjoying a good old hooch and a chooch at the Bogbain Ceilidh!

I do cringe when I see the lead up to these things. But I have to say that the programmes are probably getting folk who would not regularly support charities to donate money. Like yourself we donate monthly to various charities and tithe our income for the benefit of the church, community and those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

The thing that really upsets me is seeing 'celebrities' being flown into places of dire need and circumstances and doing a piece to camera beside someone who's life is lived beyond our worst nightmares and imaginings. Then they will breeze right back to their luxery hotel, leaving the poor soul to what? And all for what?

Is this voyarism (?spelling) ok just because it will make people give more money? Can you imagine the ruptions if a film team and a celebrity turned up at our home if we had AIDS or had just suffered unspeakable horrors from Civil War, and had us in the background whilst they did a piece to camera. It would be totally unacceptable here, so why do we think it's ok for entertainment?

At the end of the day, why, exactly, are people watching these things? Is it out of a sense of duty to our fellow man who is suffering ? Or is it because we know we shall see our favourite celebrities doing something ouwith the ordinary?

Awww, man .... you've got me started now! And all that with a pounding head!

So, we will not donate to Comic Relief or Children in Need (never have) ... not because we don't think these charities don't deserve our money, but because we already have child sponsership, local charities we support and worldwide charities we support too.

I have to go get sopme paracetemol now ... bad night with the girly! Be back to say 'hi'!

Anonymous said...

Anna - good morning honey! Very honest blog! You certainly never come across as self absorbed! It is good that these events get people, who would not normally do so, donating. But we can give you the addresses of some really good charities! :)

Will there be photos of Armonico Consort and Orchestra of the Baroque to donning red noses?

Morning, Sammie! Glad you're feeling more positive today. What a bummer about the person who is taking over! Hard as it is, though, it's not your problem once you are there. So long as you are remembered for the contribution you gave whilst there, try to forget what may happen once you are gone! I would love to go to a Life Coach! Let us know how that goes!

Morning Hazel Love! Dis you sleep better last night, honey? I love second hand shops!

Hope everyone has a great day! Wearing pale yellow underneath and praying that all goes well, Keith!

Huggles, Susan <><

PS This grumper is still grumpy!

Anonymous said...

PS - Posted this for you guys cos you make such a difference to my life! http://citril.blogspot.com/2007/03/friendship.html

jollygit said...

G'morning everyone and happy hump day.

Good blog Moose. I don't give to Children in Need or Comic Relief and never have. I put money in the charity boxes in pubs, at supermarkets and at various events, just like many others, I give clothes, books etc to charity shops and myself and 'im indoors donate by direct debit to a couple of causes. My problem with CR and CIN is that there are so many other tiny charities, run on either a shoe-string or voluntary basis, who can't get the publicity and coverage that these massive events get. And why do so many celebs get involved with these events? Is it because it's trendy and doesn't do their careers any harm at all, or is it because many people only donate to these events because of the celebs involved - either option doesn't seem right to me but I suppose at least the money comes rolling in.

The lady on CE's show last night who'd raised £650,000 by doing up houses donates some of the money to a tiny charity run by volunteers - bravo to her, and she's done it without the aid of any celebs.

If I've got it, I will give money to anyone who needs it but someone has to pay for these huge TV extravaganzas and I have serious doubts as to whether "all the money" goes straight to the charities as they claim.

Sammie - I had help from a Life Coach which I've mentioned on CE's blog before and it helped enormously - it can be a bit painful sometimes, just like counselling, but you have to go through that part of the process to come out the other side with a clearer idea of who you are, what you want and where you're going. Take the plunge and go for it - you won't regret it, I promise. Good luck, whatever you decide xxxx


Moose said...

Morning all.
Sammie - I've had an Executive Coach...that's a Life Coach that your company pays for!...I must say it was very useful. I am also thinking of becoming a coach. If you want to, you can e-mail me via the link on my profile, and I can send you some of the information I had from my coach...there's one particular exercise that I found useful that I have on a spreadsheet (well I am an accountant) that I could send to you. It might give you a flavour of what they do. Of course, if you would like to be my first client, I will be doing a "significant" discount for blog friends...

And on charity...can I suggest that if anyone feels like doing anything this Friday as an anti-Comic Relief action, go to McCrumble's page and donate quietly and without any fuss to the Matangini project...and tell your friends too. Or you could do it today instead.

Theme for CE today? Can't be bothered? OK then...

Anonymous said...

Susas S

Now I'm in tears! Have shared it with my friends and loved ones also.

With regard to the little lady - it WILL get better, I promise. Take strength form the knowledge that what you and Daddy Bear are doing is the right thing - for you all!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - morning honey! I have to say, that I do wonder if all the money goes to the charities too! I mean, someone somewhere must get paid for all the air time! Very interested in your experience with the Life Coach! Did it help you turn things around?

Moose - would you mind sharing some of that with li'l ol' me? How much of a discount do we get? I'm interested in NPL, mainly because DaVinci's mind fascinates me! Great idea re Dr JMcC's charity!

What about Comic characters for today's theme?

Sammie - sorry I made you cry, after you had such a great start to the day! Thanks for the encouragement - I spent most of the night sobbing cos she was so sad ... not really crying as much as the night before, but so, very sad and didn't want me comforting her. :(

Anonymous said...


Once again you’ve hit the nail on the head. Like (I presume) most people I’ll quite happily donate to charities of my choice when and as I can - not because some z-list so-called celeb with a failing TV career jumps up and down on my screen and says I should. I have to say that anything CR or CIN related gets very short shrift in our house - if you think I’m grouchy about it, don’t ask Mr L his views - he could rant for hours in the subject!

I have a reputation at work as being uncharitable (and probably mean and selfish too) because I won’t contribute to every last little thing that someone does. I won’t send Christmas shoe boxes to eastern Europe. I won’t sponsor every Tom, Dick and Harry for every breath they take and I won’t toe the department line of contributing to every charity that darkens our door. I have said on numerous occasions that charitable gifts and deeds are a personal matter and I will donate my time / money / secondhand items / unwanted gifts when and where I want to. This does not go down well with a number of my colleagues. However I get the feeling that there are others who agree with me but are not willing to come out and say so.

Sorry for the rant, but that’s got it off my chest! Morning all, by the way. Hope you’re all feeling more chipper today yesterday.

Got my fingers crossed for Keith.

Bourbons at 10.30???

Moose said...

Annalog - bit early, but as Sarah K played "5 o'clock somewhere" this morning I suppose I could have my arm twisted.

Make it a Jim Beam and Coke then.

Citril said...

Putting the kettle on!



Anonymous said...

OK Moose - if you insist on the Jim Beam ... just for you I'll get some, but Coke - at this time of day??? I'm not sure that's allowed.

Anonymous said...

B*gger the tea, I'm in the Jack Daniel's queue (yes yes to those pedants and ungulants among us. I KNOW JD is Tenessee Whiskey, but it's what you get given and have to lump it if you ask for bourbon at the Sett). I shall be dunking my swizzle stick.

I've actually put quite a long comment on CE. It is as much nonsense as his I think. The BP have let a couple of other tomes through though, so I am holding out great hopes for mine.

During the meanwhilst, I've got a red nose. I also have gout.

No ice

Anonymous said...

Bourbon Moose Wants!

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to ask how Moose's .... ummmm ... BMW's were!

Anonymous said...

by the way, I meant nonsense in the way he puts his thoughts together. It's kind of what I do, and what my mother used to tell me off for...Waffling...

Anonymous said...

Jim Beam and coke…. Any spare?

I will admit to being just a little nervous this morning. (Can’t think why?) Maybe a JB and coke is just what I need to calm me down?

Clothes are pressed and ready rock and roll!

I still keep going over my script for the 3 minuets (no song) presentation …can you read it too much?

Have a good day everyone ;-)

Keith the BigUn

Moose said...

Susan - Getting used to it I think. I have now noticed that the offset is quite big on the driving position. So I'm looking out the side window while trying to steer straight ahead. I do believe that the general lack of comfort while driving may have a lot to do with this...my old car was a little offset but not very much.

Why can't they manage to make cars where you face forwards? What's so hard about it? Isn't that the place you'd start when designing a car?...First the seat, facing straight forwards, steering wheel in front. Right now let's draw a box around it, an engine in front and we're off and running...
Is it the sacrifice we pay for a miniscule improvement in drag coefficient? Do car designers not drive themselves? Do they sit there in their labs and say..."Almost perfect new design, Wolfgang. Just one little thing. Can you turn the seat at a 45 degree angle to the steering wheel and we'll put it straight into production."

Answers on the usual postcard.

Anonymous said...

morning all

wow - very thought provoking blog Moose.

YOu are quite right, a silent donation with no fuss just wouldn't result in donations.

As I confessed the other day, I have been watching CR does FA - and, to be candid, when I have watched the couple of videos that they have shown demonstrating how the donated money has helped, it motivates me to vote more and therefore donate etc.

You are so right about the celebs having so much money etc and how effective their percentage donation could be over, for example, mine.

I guess, like so much in life, we must just all do our bit, no matter how insignificant relatively speaking. Some people, by definition of their profession/career save lives (paramedics, surgeons etc), others make 'a difference' by reaching out to those that others wouldn't perhaps, or by just smiling and making that first move to be friendly in the increasingly self-centred society that we find ourselves in.

I guess that takes me full circle to CR. The evening that we will witness (if we watch) will comprise people and communities coming together and working together for the good of others. I know perhaps some would say that we should be doing this all the time by being active with the Church. I am not disagreeing with that, but where that is not happening or where it is happening in addition to Church-related work, surely that 'community', social interacting can only be good.

Also reverting momentarily to your sycophancy blog: I think there is a huge percentage of our population who live alone and in lonely existences. Partly, due to families not living locally to one another, partly due to divorce, partly due to the knock-on social effects of familial groups not getting together. We are sadly less used to people gathering in groups in our houses. To some people, having people over is quite a big thing. It is not the casual activity it once was - for some people it requires more planning and 'controlling'. The 'link' and 'sycophancy' with celebs/TV is , IMO, one of the sequators (is that a word) of this isolation. Maybe, people don't have the REAL contact with REAL people dropping by and filling their homes. They subsequently, rely and enjoy for company TV personnae and indeed virtual ones.


Anonymous said...

or have

Big Moose Windows

now I can't stop. Some assistance please - and Keith, NO STIMULANTS before your interview, and if they offer you tea, have tea, it's better for keeping the throat lubricated (NC1 - tickets please) and water looks like you're just showing off and being healthy.

My, but you're lookin' MIGHTY FINE!

...and step, two, three, and, back, two three...FOUR!

Mind out for the low flying balls...

Anonymous said...

btw Sammie, I don't have life or an 'executive' coach, but I DO have a small minibus that picks me up and drops me off if you'd like the number?

Anonymous said...

Good luck Keith xx

Please can I have lime-flavoured coke with my JD - lots of ice and a slice of lime too.

I made a complete arse of myself at work yesterday. The MD came over (very rare occurrence) and I was asked my opinion about something. I opened my mouth and that was the start of some ridiculous diatribe.

A really good example of 'if you can't think of anything good to say - keep your trap shut'.


Jo said...

Had a scan yesterday - Good news is that the rapidly expanding waistline is down to baby and not pork pie!

Will be back later

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...


The minibus may come in handy for netball team tours... will bear it in mind ;-) Of course, the girls would probably prefer a Coach - of the male persuasion, early thirties, fit, toned and healthy - wow - can imagine subscriptions to tours being at an all time high if we could get THAT kind of support! Hmm - la la la... Not that I'm interested of course, even though my lover has abandoned me to work Stateside... Big Sigh (imagining airport reunions - gulp!!)

GOT to get back to the work thing

S xx.

Jo said...

Sammie -

Who do you play for - am big netball fan and we always used to go away together but unfortunately babies have got in the way over the past few years (and now it's my turn). Am gutted am missing this season bu will be back raring to go for next year!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

also, Keith, yes you can read it too much. You can't afford to be parrot fashion (too many feathers for a start) as you'll sound monotonous, and if you lose your thread or get mixed up, it is hard to make a good recovery...but you can do yourself some cue cards as aide memoires to use throughout your presentation.

Gaby, EXCELLENT use of the word "sequitur".

I need food I think. Blood sugar level plummeting. Toast alert. Blimey it's 11.30...and push down!

Brought My Wine x

lyndyloo said...

I am admitting to not having read the bog or any comments yet. i just needed to have a scream...

It's a nightmare day! Why do people who agree to buy property seem to think that a completion day is something that is variable? At the moment I hate all agents, pension trustees and clients who live in Ireland!!!!

Rant over!


Anonymous said...


I play for a team in the Coventry and Warwickshire League! A few of the girls in our club have got into Loughbrorough Lightening's development squad and also into England Training camps, which is exciting.

Did you know Sky Sports Extra show the Superleague matches on Thursdays? Also, there's a test against NZ and the Aussies in May - at Manchester, Birmingham and Earls Court! I'm taking my kids to Birmingham (Eng v Eng A and Aus v NZ), so they can see how netball SHOULD be played!

Congrats on the baby news by the way. Loads of my netball buddies have children, we all look after each others on a Saturday afternoon.

Keith - remember the golden rule - tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you've told them! I'm sure you'll be fab - I'm not wearing pale yellow - cream jumper is as close as I can get, but I'll be thinking of you!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Darling Lyndyloo, you know we are all here for you, and I think I'm quite safe in saying that none of us are any of the above...phew!

Our friend, Mr Frisky, is completing tomorrow. The boy and I are keeping safely away until he's IN. It has been a bit of a hit and miss rollercoaster ram raiding ride for him of late, and although the boy and I love him til the world explodes, we can't see it having a happy ending...I am however, happy to say that although he is of Irish extraction, he doesn't live there...

Jo, good news hon! You can go back to eating the pork pies with a clear conscience now...

Yum, the toast went down well.

The crusts went to charity.

Well, the birds don't want it.

Sometimes you just can't do right, can you?


Anonymous said...

B*gg*r Me Wolfgang! Bl**dy Marvellous Wheels. B*ll**k Manglers? Whatever ... British Men'll Want (one.)

Now you've got me at it!

I need a new sequitur thingy for trimming my herbaceous border - Gaby where did you get yours?

Anonymous said...

I am one of them : (

annalog - I think mine are blunt

ps Although, I AM one, I play with a very straight bat

jollygit said...

Keith - really, really hope the interview goes/went well for you. I can't wear yellow shirts/jumpers - not with me blonde locks - but me knickers have got yellow flars on 'em so that must be a good omen for you, surely?!!!! Oh sorry, was that too much information?

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

We really are hated by everyone. Yes, there are some bad practices. No, the ease of conversion of offer to exchange of contracts is not dependent on our work alone. Yes, the solicitors never get the blame. Yes, the messenger is always the one that is shot. Yes, the people that never get a lunch break are always blamed before those who spend friday afternoon on the golf course and every lunch hour actually having lunch. Yes, it would be a good idea if solicitors worked in high street 'shops' where punters could come in and scream and shout at them, like they do us. Yes, that would definitely inject a sense of urgency into their work.

Sorry if I have offended any solicitors with the above.

Seriously though, Lyndloo - sorry to hear what is happening my lovely friend.


jollygit said...

Breaking news ...... I've been summonsed to Head Office tomorrow at 11.30am for an official meeting regarding my proposed redundancy.


Moose said...

I have a bright yellow stain on my shirt from where my mustard sachet exploded at breakfast. I rarely eat mustard but every time I do I seem to end up wearing it. That's as close as I can get to wearing yellow for Keith...I hope it will suffice.

Jo said...

oooh jollygit, am sorry about your out of work stuff. May I suggest jobs.nhs.uk

If you want to have a look around (not that I look that often!!) seriously, the only reason I'm having this baby is to get off work!

Hazel - Ate loads of P.Pie before scan yesterday as was at conference all morning. And scotch eggs, was reminiscent of the nessie picernicker.

Sammie - am in Shropshire and was playing some county stuff until the restructure. Unfortunately don't have sky but keep trying to get my dad to Sky + it for me to watch on a Saturday but to no avail. I love netball, maybe Johnny should have someone netbally in the locker one day?

:o) Jo

Jo said...

Have white pants on today but due to pelvic floor stuff they may have some yellow on them :o)

Anonymous said...

Jo - that was DEFINITELY too much information!

Jo said...

Oh well - you lot shouldn't make me laugh then!

Sorry about anyone's lunch :o)

Anonymous said...


Jonny's already had Sonia Mlokoma ion his locker - you can hear the interview here:


BTW - WAY too much info (snigger!!!)

lyndyloo said...

Ok I'm calming down. Thanks for the support HL and Gaby.

Looks like I might have to get on a plane to Dublin and meet the Irish rugby team when they get back from Rome on Sunday if I can't get this organised.... Now why was I moaning again?

Hey ho!

jollygit said...

Sammie - lucky Sonia, that's all I can say!

Jo - thanks for the websites - I'll take a look this afternoon. And yes, too much information, but I still laughed out loud. Couldn't tell the boss what I was laughing about when he asked though .....


Anonymous said...

Lunch. Wot lunch? Am working through lunch in vain hope of getting off a bit early a week next Tuesday to meet the principle.

I am not wearing yellow. I am however, sitting smugly grinning to myself at the thought that all I did was suggest Keith wore or carried some pale yellow, but delighted that all of you are...

On another note, I have just walked across the field to rescue a stranded crow. For that, please read - piece of black binliner.

Should have gone to specsavers.(other lo-cost lo-market bogof 2-4-1 opticians available but without such a catchy catch phrase)

new boots and panties

Anonymous said...

don't believe it. Hit me with your rhythm stick now on R2 Jezza - yay!

Anonymous said...

lol!! takes me back a bit!!!

My brother was at school with the Vines - I look at where Jezza has got contrasted to where I have got!!! lol!!

Anonymous said...

OMG - am in a state!!!! The gorgeous Kevin has just offered to pay for me to go the States for a week!!!!! I know he'll be at work during the day, but he'd be mine at night time.....

Be still my beating heart - am all warm and fuzzy and full of flutterbies and giggles....


Of course, I can't go. I do have a week off soon, but it's so that I cans pend time with the kids during the holidays and as tempted as I truly am, I have to put them first. We haven't had quality time together for ages.

BUT how lovely to be asked - how special do I feel!!!!

S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

Sammie - how lovely! And how special, so special, you've gotta have some of his attention...etc!

BUT, y'see...

I could go. The boy is on nights so I'm not seeing him lately anyway. He will feed the cats. He probably wouldn't even notice I wasn't there. Except it would be slightly messier that usual.

Yep. I can go. Please let Msr. Papillon know.

Thank you
H. Love

Anonymous said...

oooh lyndyloo...you've got it hard haven't you...

(NC1 - there's no re-entry on the first ticket, you have to get your hand stamped on again)

What a shame about Gareth Hunt!

mis amici (zat right?)

Anonymous said...

anyway...back at the blog.

What is up with Claudia Windkclkdjnalmadiabndealeman's fringe. I have had issues with her fringe before, and now it would appear she is also wearing extra-strength eye lashes too.

Yes I am watching CRDFA but only for Ray Stubbs. He used to play for Chelsey Wanderers y'see...and how I LOVED him...mwah drool etc

jollygit said...

Sammie - ooh lovely, an invitation to the US - what a shame you won't be able to go but that was really sweet of him. Still, I'm sure there will be more invitations in the future .......

Hazel Love - did you release the black binliner back into the wild?


Anonymous said...

Yes jollygit, in a manner of speaking. It will be able to join all its friends when it is released by the local council on Friday at the landfill site.

Have just found this - labelled under 'No such thing as naughty anymore? '

Having considered most of the 'symptoms' listed below - how do you mark yourself?

I got 7, maybe 8/9. There but for the grace of God etc...

Easily distracted, Restlessness, Difficulty remaining seated when required, Difficulty awaiting turn in group situations, Difficulty following instructions, Difficulty in playing quietly, Often shift from one incomplete activity to another, Often interrupts others
Often engages in physically dangerous activities without considering the consequences.

...and the link, in case you are interested is:

I consider myself very lucky that I just got told off or a smack if I was naughty, rather than hauled off to the docs.

I blame the Government.

Oh yes I do.


Moose said...

They forgot...
Difficulty saying no when it's someone's birthday in the office and they bring a tray of cake round and you end up eating a piece of carrot cake and then being persuaded to finish off the last piece of tart (and who am I to say no to a tart?) because it just wouldn't do to leave it and she's the big cheese's secretary so you really don't want to upset her by saying no and you can't even justify it from the work-out this morning because all you did was sit in the steam room for five minutes.
And...difficulty writing short sentences.

Must go and get a cup of something now to wash all the cake down. What goes down well on top of a nice tart?

Haven't heard from Matt yet - he must be lost in deepest darkest Cheshunt...and there are indeed some deep and dark parts.
Parts? Have you ever been here?

Moose said...

I have only just put 2 and 2 together for Friday night...I am spared!!!!
It's Mooselet number 1's birthday, so we'll be busy til 6 with the party, til about 7 or 8 tidying up and getting home. The outlaws are coming to stay so I won't be stuck in on my own with nothing else to do. And everyone will be knackered from having thirty 6 year olds running about for a couple of hours so an early night is easily defendable.
Never was I so glad of helping to run a kid's party...
...although if there are any blokes there with long hair I could be persuaded to shave it all off for them...as a favour you understand.

Anonymous said...

Hehe...there's somewhere called 'Freezy Water' he he he...

Matt, turn left at Frosty Bottom and you can't miss it!

You're looking for a new (to the Moose) Beers Might Wait car with slight antler damage to the roof. A big trough full of Jim and Coke. Possibly a big straw for the coke. Possibly a big bucket from 'Freezy Water' for the ice. Automatic entry doors (well known fact that hooves cannot cope in small revolving spaces). Lots of windows. A carpark surrounded by box hedge in an effort to make it look rustic (see Isle of Wight). A security guard all self important in a small hut with a fan heater.

How hard can it be?

Anonymous said...

I'm not lost, I'm undiscovered!

And that's not me going by the name Susan next door!

Citril said...

Moose - what on earth is offset?! I’ve been driving for 18 years and don’t know what this is! Aaaarrrrgggghh! Glad you’re getting used to it though … hate the thought of my Spiritual Guru being uncomfortable! My last car, an astra, had the perfectly positioned seat all round - I hate the vectra we have now and have sciatica with it!

Pants - Mark what’s-his-hoof is playing my Friday song! No chance of getting it this ARF, then!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gaby - a greatly put comment (if that makes sense!). It is really sad that we don’t have the gatherings in our homes that we perhaps experienced growing up. Hubby and I have always tried to have an open house feel in our home, but find that the last couple of years things have really changed. That’s probably mostly down to having Charis, but I do miss throwing meals together and sitting round having a game, chatting or watching a DVD with a bunch of friends, or with the young folk we used to mentor.

Anyhow - off to make the paella, so I’ll get back to everyone else after.

Moose said...

Susan - it's where you don't sit square on to the wheel. All cars have it to some degree or the other. My BMW more than most. My old car was very small amount of offset. Land Rovers are very good, allegedly. Most MPVs/vans etc are very good for it. I think the lower you sit, the smaller or sportier the car, the worse it tends to be...

Matt's probably more of an expert...I'd ask him but I have to leave now - party bags to be filled ready for Friday.

Anonymous said...

Sorry in advance but AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH! Ooh I feel better now.

Just returned from a meeting that should have ended at 3.30. Why do some people (my boss especially) never think that punctuality and efficient time management don't apply to them? I need a drink. A long one. And I'm going home to get one. See you all tomorrow!

Hope MfR turns up soon Moose! and hope Keiths interview went well.

ps As I don't drink alcohol these days perhaps you could all have the drink for me. Don't suppose it'll be too much of a hardship for some of you! I'll stick to tea.

Anonymous said...

Oops. Just spotted the deliberate double negative in my last missive. it should, of course, read "Why do some people (my boss especially) think that punctuality and efficient time management don't apply to them?" Still a complete mess grammatically, but you get my drift ...

Anonymous said...

Moose - I don't sit square on anythinga nd I certainly don't sit on the wheel! That's where you're going wrong, my deer ... you're supposed to sit on the seat!!!!

What time are you expecting us at the party?

Anonymous said...

Anthing raised for charity is better than nothing raised for charity. CR work for some amazing causes, lots that don`t get shown on the night. So far CR has raised over £330 million. Would it be possible with out all the "fuss" - who knows. If I`m honest, I don`t care how its raised so long as it is.

The recent Tsunami is a wonderful example of how we can raise exceptional sums of money for a very needy cause. Yes, celebrities got involved, but, it was not a "big song and dance" it was people coming together and knowing they could make a difference. They could help.

If like a LOT of the celebrities taking part in CR they believe strongly about the cause why the hell shouldn`t they use their public profile to help support and make people aware.

Alot of the people involved in CR (celebrities) do an awful lot throughout the year without shouting about it, without going on TV, without using their celebrity. Not every celebrity is involved to "boost their flagging career" - they have beliefs, concerns like the rest of us. They want to make a difference. If they can do, publicly or privately - why shouldn`t they.

I am all for Comic Relief, all for the fantastic things they do, all for a load of celebrities coming together back in the 80`s and saying hey, lets use what we`ve got, lets use our fame and do something positive with it. £330 million is very positive. Even if it was only £330.00 or £3.30 it still helps. It can still change one persons life. Imagine if it was your child dying of starvation, dying of AIDS, living in an orphanage because your parents and family have all died of AIDS, working the streets, being sold as a child prositute. If a guy shaving his head or sitting in a bath can change that, how ever small a change, then thats fantastic.

I will be at CR on Friday, supporting an AMAZING cause and amazing friends who have given up their time to make a difference.

Each to their own. Thats just my take on it all....

Anonymous said...

Evening all

Well I am all interviewed out! I think it went OK to be honest ;-)

Now it is the waiting game :-(

I have been told I will get a phone call this evening only if I have made the short list. If not then it is back to the grind in my old job. I have told the kids they are banned form using the phone… just in case ;-)

I certainly think I did my best and in reality that is surly all one can do.

Thanks for all of the support again it really is appreciated.

Keith the BigUn

P.S jollygit I am so please I did not see you comment about your yellow flares before I left as I may not have been able to concentrate ;-))

Anonymous said...

Keith, well done my friend : )

Good luck : )


Anonymous said...

Oh Bugger no call :-(

Well I guess it was not to be. Still I gave it my best so no complaints.

Time for a G&T I guess ;-)


Anonymous said...

Evening chaps

I made it!

I've dropped you an email Moose. My Cheshunt trips are to be OAM, so the OAMC may yet happen!

I'm just wrapping pressies for Mrs MfR. Birthday tomorrow, you see.

Is is me or a man-thing in general, that I simply cannot wrap a present without it ending up like it has been through a combine harvester?

BTW, I've been to Jack Daniel's in Lynchburg, Tn. As you wander around, it is exactly as you see in the ads, old men in dungarees pushing barrels around etc. My sister spent the whole time pushing her conspiracy theory that it was just a film set and there was a huge modern plant churning the stuff out down the road.

Interestingly, it is in a dry county, so you can buy the stuff there, but not drink it.

Anyway, a long tedious meeting beckons tomorrow, so probably another blog-free day.



Anonymous said...

Just catching up on the day's posts.

Sorry to hear that the call hasn't come Keith.

If it doesn't happen, it wasn't meant to be. Something even better is waiting around the corner.

MfR Brand Of Mindless Optimism (TM)

Keep Smiling, One Day You'll Win.

Anonymous said...

Hey Grumpy Old Man aka Moose - only kidding! - I agree with everything (well nearly everything) you say. I think it is bizarre that giving to charity now is so linked to 'performing' by so-called celebrities - and what they do is so awful. If people are going to sing to raise money then why not get people who can sing. I've watched bits of Fame Academy a couple of times now and have cringed. I keep saying "well at least they are doing it for charity" but at the same time, synical old me is thinking that they are personnly looking to get something out of it. BUT if that's what it takes to raise money and raise awareness of the plight of the less fortunate then I'm afraid I can't stand in the way. I'm afraid that a great many people look for something in return for their pennies - even if it is tosh and drivel. I do give to Children In Need but I also give to a number of other causes.

In terms of celebrity more generally - I'm simply going to say that I find the whole thing OBSCENE. The money, the lifestyle and the fact that people seem to covet it.

I too find it all very sad.

However, I don't want to end on a low note, even though I feel that way tonight. So let's think that together as a small group we have the opportunity to make a difference and let's seize those chances when we can.

Love to all.


Anonymous said...

Just popping in for two minutes!

Scott Harrison was a very successful DJ in New York, living, as he says, selfishly, thoughtlessly, unhappily.

So he decided to volunteer as photojournalist aboard a floating hospital with Mercy Ships (our friend, Charis Robertson, did a year with them) - this is a humanitarian organisation which has been offering free medical care to the poorest people on our planet for 25 years. The world's top doctors and surgeons volunteer for free. In fact the chief medical officer, a surgeon from Los Angeles, volunteered for 2 weeks ... and 19 years later is still there!

Anyhoo, Scott's experience in Africa, documenting the poverty, visiting leper colonies, coming face to face with the world's 1.2 billion living in poverty, changed his life forever! He spent 8 months with Mercy Ship. On his return to 'civilisation'he set up a charity called .... 'charity'.

You can find them on http://www.charityis.org

And this will make you think again the next time you leave your tap on whilst brushing your teeth: http://www.charityis.org/newsletters/waterinliberia.html

Thanks for putting up with my soapbox! I shall now retire for a wee while with my vino and a book to read to Charis in the hope that she goes to sleep soon!

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

The lovely K just sent me something so lovely, I have to share!!!

If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would videotape each action and word
so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.

There will always be another day
to say "I love you",
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day.
That you didn't take extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today
and whisper in their ear,
tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear.

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank You," or "It's OK"
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.

Forgive the length of this Moose - I did try to edit - but it just wasn't the same...

S xx.

P.S. Very, very smiley!!!!

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