Friday, 30 March 2007

The Moose is dead, long live......?

I've come to a difficult decision this morning.

I've decided that the Moose must die.

It was a crude and ill-fated idea to resurrect the past. It hasn't worked. It has served merely to prolong the agony of the loss I was trying to heal and delay the inevitable. This morning my loss has become too much for me to bear in public. It has become too painful a reminder of what once was. I need to build a new, real future and the Moose can't be a part of it. The Moose is tired and needs to wander away alone, sit under a tree somewhere and wait for the snow to come and bury him. Please don't go looking for him. Don't try to rescue him from the snow. Just let it be.

Out on the road today, I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.
A little voice inside my head said 'Don't look back, you can never look back'.
I looked back and I should never have done it.

I have to look forwards now. I have to accept the future as it really is, face into it and move on. Harking back to a happier and simpler time will not solve anything. It will drag me further down and hinder me from moving on.

It's been great while it lasted. And I was very happy that you all joined me in my little virtual world. You made it a special place. Thank you.

I feel bad that destroying the Moose also means destroying the place that you all helped to build and create. It's a unilateral decision and it may well be a wrong one. I am in a blue mist and you know how good my decisions are then.

But you will all make somewhere else into a special place instead of here...please, I beg you to make somewhere else into a special place. Maybe even the new me will turn up there one day...

I don't know how to suspend this blog, only how to delete it entirely. I haven't quite got the heart to do that just yet. Not even virtual suicide is painless, the M*A*S*H song got it wrong.

So the blog will still be here for a while at least.
But the Moose won't.


Anonymous said...


I would just like to say THANK YOU for everything that you have provided for us here: your thoughts, your ideas, your inspirations, your motivations, your questions...and, your answers, and much, much more.

You must not feel 'bad'. You must feel GOOD - you have given us so much.

Your 'unilateral' decision won't be the 'wrong one' and how brave you are....unilateral decisions are not easy.

The MASH song is special to me for two reasons (and now three) and it was I who guessed you supported QPR in the beginning. So, in my eyes, we start and close with a commonality which in itself feels special, so thank you.

I hope you feel that I, as your English Grammar student who needed the most help (commas and all...back on CE's blog!!), have progressed and that I now, manage, to position, most, of my com-mas, in the right, place.


Anonymous said...

Moose - It's a sad day to see you go, but a moose has to do what a moose has to do!

I want to say a HUGE thank you to you for giving us your time and keeping our virutal community together XXXXXX

Take care Moose, hope we see/hear from you sometime soon xx

Lots of love to you, mrs moose and the gorgeous mooselets xx

Mary xxd

Anonymous said...

The writer (formerly known as Moose),


S xx.

Anonymous said...

The Moose is dead.

Long live the Moose.

Thank you my friend.

That it is indeed a brave decision, but if you feel it is the right one, you must do it.

I hope we will still hear from you, maybe next door, maybe by mail.

Who knows, the fabled OAMC may yet, one day, still happen.

If ever you fancy that pint down The M drop me a line and we'll do it.

Best wishes


PS Listen to 'Find The River' by REM. It'll all make sense.

Anonymous said...

Farewell to Moose. You'll be missed.

Thanks for the thought provoking blogs.

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Stop Press....

K will be back on Thursday!! Watch out for a romantic airport reunion!!!


S xx.

jollygit said...

Dear Moose - the author

Thank you for allowing us to share your thoughts and words - it's been wonderful here in our virtual community.

I'll especially miss the picnics and dunk-ins but understand totally that it's time to close this particular chapter.

As Gaby says, you've given us all so much, especially of yourself, and I wish you and the Moose family all the very best for the future.

Hopefully we'll still hear from you - you've got various email addresses should you want to keep in touch - and I can't wait to see your book in print. I'll definitely join the queue for the signing!

Thank you for everything

jollygit xxxx

Dr Joseph McCrumble said...


don't go...

I had at least 10 hits a week from your links list. It might not sound a lot, but when you have but twenty hits a day (excluding my own), that's a significant percentage.

How will I recognise the new You?


Anonymous said...


1. I am crying
2. I have been drinking Gin
3. I want you to know that you have made a difference to my world, for sure
4. I am so proud that 1 day you will be PUBLISHED and I can say..I commented on his site
5. Gary, give us the nod, and I for 1 will be back, if you require it so
6. Good wishes to Mrs M and Mooselets
7. Enjoy your life
8. You have my email
9. I respect your decision
10. Thank you for the music

With love to you and fellow commentors/bloggers..........Will see you on an other side, somewhere.

Caroline x
P.S Virtual frienship is great, Virtual Bring and buys are the best, accountants Rock!

Anonymous said...

I can understand the need to 'reinvent' yourself.

I have. I'm a different person now to the one that told my husband it really was over last year.

Don't look back, don't regret and don't be angry.

Be yourself. Not what you think everyone else wants you to be.

S xx.

P.S. Don't look back in anger...

P.P.S Heartfelt good luck.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Moose and goodbye.

It has been a wonderful fun time and I hope we can still catch up with your musings on CE blog.

Wishing you the very best of luck on your future as a writer and to the Mooselets and Mrs Moose as well.

Hope we will all stick together and have virtual meetings of one sort or another in the future.

Loadsa love to you all and thank you.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, honey! My heart breaks, but you know that you will always have a posse of friends here for whom you have become very special.

Please do stay in touch. I will certainly be emailing Gary, I hope that's ok.

You provided a very special place for us here, a real haven from the daily ups and downs of life. Thank you so much for that.

We will raise a glass to you at the Scottish OAMC on Tuesday. God bless you honey.

Love and huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

Dearest Moose

I know you don't want to be talked out of your decision so I'm not going to try. I very much respect that you need to do what you need to do - and only you can decide what that is.

Thank you so much for providing a space for all the guys here to engage in. Thank you so much for all the effort that you put into it - it was immense. And most of all thank you for being a friend.

If I can offer just one small piece of advice, it is to be yourself. You don't have to hide behind anything. You are a special person. Just make sure, please, that as Moose goes YOU emerge.

Good luck with all that you want to do.

Good-bye for now my friend. I do so hope we meet again in the future.

Love always.

EG (Scotland)

Anonymous said...

Moose, you are a good man, who despite our lack of reality friendship - i have grown virtually very fond of. Whilst I would love to be able to say, no - dont do it - i, like all the rest accept (and respect) your decision. I think that i virtually know you sufficiently well to appreciate that you are a man of conviction and will not be swayed.

Thank you Moose for all you have given and shared. I will often wonder how you are, especially on a friday. xx

take care, be happy, live, love, laugh, inspire and be inspired.

see you in waterstones.


lyndyloo said...

Looks like I got back just in time.
I've enjoyed spending time on here. I hope that you enjoy your life without the Moose as much as we've all enjoyed life with the Moose. I'm sure we will all find somewhere else to share whatever we need to share. You, Mrs M and the Mooslets will move on and grow and I'll look foirward to reading the book once it's published (you could give us a clue to what it might be called somewhere).

You can all get in touch with me (if indeed you want to) by clicking on the link.

Meanwhile... Have a great life Moose. You have been an inspiration!

& the Bears

Anonymous said...

Oh Moose

How sad...but how wonderful you have brought us all together.

It's been mad, bad and sometimes dangerous to know, but it has been an experience to be treasured, and we've all come to treasure you and your thoughts and feelings, and we've come to know another little section of the human race just that little bit better because of you.

Maybe the Moose was a bad thing for you, but it was good for me, and for that I am thankful.

Thank you for sharing yourself with me Moose, and I can't tell you how many wishes I am sending to you so that you may eventually be happy and at peace with yourself.

Missing you and the Swiss Family Moose already...just you make sure you take a nice hot wallybottle with you under the snow, and don't get too cold...and your natural warmth will help protect you.

Keep the faith angel

Anonymous said...

Virtual farewells to virtual friends are virtually as painful. So long dear Moose!

DD out

Anonymous said...


I completely understand your decision but I am bereft. Perhaps I have come to rely on you too much, so it looks like you may have made the right move!

Good luck to you Moose, I will miss you so much. Best wishes for the future to Mrs Moose and the Mooselets. Hopefully we'll get to hear how you all are at some point in the future.

Thank you so much for everything, you've really added so much to my life, ridiculous as that may sound, because I don't know you!

You have my e-mail, if you want to get in touch, please do.

I'll see you at the book signing, but you can rest assured I'll behave like just another admirer - no mention of this really special place.


Chrissie xx

Jo said...

Moose - at a time like this I feel that words are not quite enough so I would like to offer a virtual sluate to you and yours for making my working day pass by with smiles and little surreptitious chuckles.

Your blog was also the forum on which I first vocalised (well typed) the whole baby thing so thanks for that.

Am looking forward to seeing 'the book' in all it's finest glory and will definitely but a copy when I can :o)

Lots of Love

PS - am feeling slightly guilty about the moose-aka on Friday night - am hoping it wasn't a relative...

Anonymous said...

Oh Moose,

I understand and respect you decision and I fully understand that it the right one for you, Mrs Moose and the Mooselets.

I would very much like to echo what has already been said in the previous post by all of these wonderful people. What you created here has been truly inspirational and brought together so many people from all walks of life yet all seem to have a very similar outlook on life. This blog has brought down barriers that existed in the CE blog where relevant free speech, good humour and great friendship have been in abundance.

I know I will miss this blog a great deal and to be honest I do not know where to lay my hat as “wherever I lay my hat that’s my home” and truly “Don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”.

This has been my first experience of the internet as a place to meet new virtual friends and this experience has been so rewarding and I am honoured to call you and the other bloggers, friends. ;-)

Good luck, health and happiness in finding the new you, as for the past it is what has made you into who you are today. I am sure the book will be a success…

Keep smiling

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...


Oh no! I for one will be sad to see the demise of this little corner of cyberspace - it's been fun and I've enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you for letting us share everything from our darkest secrets to Jaffa Cakes with you and the rest of the "gang".

Very best wishes to you, Mrs Moose and the Mooselets and I hope that your future dreams all come true.

So long and thanks for all the fish ...

Annalog x