Thursday, 29 March 2007

Oh no I've missed most of House!

I've just arrived in not quite remembering what my 9pm date on a Thursday is. Mrs Moose switched the TV on and I immediately remembered....doctors walking in corridors!

Now I've missed most of it and I can't find if or when it's repeated.

Good data day today. Couple of hundred cals over target. Still losing.


Anonymous said...


It's Friday. Last day in old job, start of the weekend. I feel like a wet dish cloth.

K isn't coming back this weekend. Will find out later whether the delay will be a few days or a week. Not a lot really in the grand scheme of things. I didn't cry, I didn't sulk, but I did pout. And I still am.

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Morning all

First game of squash (not salsa) last night since 'gym-leg'. Got well beaten and feel like I've done a few rounds with Mike Tyson this morning. On the upside, slept quite well, so mentally good and positive while physically knackered!

Quiet day of last minute tidying for the end of the month. Fingers crossed for no problems and a swift departure at 5.00.

Hope you are all well and feeling back in balance.



T said...

Morning all – am so glad its Friday.

I hope everyone is feeling better and I would like to thank you all for passing it to me – I have woken up this morning feeling awful, definitely feels like I have a cold on the way. I do hope today goes quietly, but I think it may be a struggle, I have 2.5hrs of training and an exam this morning and then a 2hour meeting this afternoon – what fun for a Friday!

Will try and check in at lunchtime if I can – have a good day all.

Anonymous said...

Morning all

Sammie - sorry to hear K's return has been delayed :o(

Moose - Can't help re when house is repeated....sorry.

Glad it's Friday, month end doesn't seem so bad on a Friday. Actually it might be because I'm not having the usually mad rush trying to get more shipments out! Have already beaten my billings target so anything else today is a bonus or I might just sandbag it for April :o)

Gaby - I'm thinking of you {{{hugs}}}

Hazel - Hope your feeling better xx

Chrissie - I hope you are having a great time, look forward to hearing all about it on Tuesday!

For those of you still feeling under the weather, hope your all better soon xx

Have a good day
Mary xx

jollygit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jollygit said...

Moose - well done on still losing weight. I've managed to lose the few pounds that I'd put on through comfort eating and generally slothing around, so I'm back where I started and mean to go on.

Having said that, we went for a curry last night, washed down with a couple of glasses of red wine, and there followed one of the worst night's sleep I've ever had. Terrible dreams about being trapped underground (watching CSI before bedtime obviously didn't help) ..... very distressing and I actually woke us both by crying! Urgh - got back to sleep eventually but look sh*te this morning.

Sammie - so sorry K not back this weekend - practice the pouting though, he'll love it!

T - sorry you've caught the bloggers' virus - the weather forecast is c**p for this weekend so a good excuse to wrap warm and hibernate for a few days after your hectic Friday. Get well soon

We've got visitors this weekend so today's a day of cleaning, shopping and cooking - great ....

If I don't get back on here today, have as good a weekend as possible and CE is back on Monday - woo hoo!!!

jollygit xx

jollygit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jollygit said...

Oops - there was some repetition going on here so I've deleted my comment twice - my eyes very puffy after last night and I can't see the keyboard properly!!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Mornin all,

Sammie - hope last day in old job goes well. oh, I'm sorry that K isn't coming back just yet.

Mary - that's great you are not having a mad rush : )

My belly is still big - I wonder if the steak, chips and mushrooms last night had anything to do with it? Can't think that it would have : ) I am trying to 'think it smaller'.....and I thought it was the thought that counts?

I am sat here with heating on and COAT on - I'm glad I made the most of the summer while it lasted.


ps It's Friday, I'm in Love

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your thoughts - I should really pull myself together. Have far too much to do today to be self-indulgent.

Gaby - it is freezing here too. I have the heating on full, have put on an extra jumper and am now contemplating adding a scarf to my ensemble.

MfR - Squash (not salsa) is a very energetic game. I used to play when I was younger ( and v v fit!), but no longer. Netball is about as much as my creaking knees and ankles can take these days, I'm pretty sure a game of squash would finish me off!

t - aatchoo!!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone is OK as it is awful quiet here today.

Well done Moose on such wonderful progress with your weightloss plan.

Sammie - so sorry your K cannot come home this weekend.

t - hope your day is not as chaotic as it sounds and you are soon better

mwk - sounds like you have everything under control and are ready for a relaxng weekend

MfR - hope the aches clear up for the weekend.

I am really proud as I went swimming last night with someone a lot younger and a lot thinner than me (was dreading it 'cos I thought she would be away ahead of me) and I actually had more stamina than her......... so the mini health drive I am undertaking is obviously working!!!

Anyway - a good weekend is wished to one and all, I am off home early this afternoon and intend a relaxing weekend.

Take care everyone.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, Youre; right, it's very quiet - "Is anybody there????"

Hazel is certainly conspicuous by her absence, as is Susan and Jo and MW. a and, well everyone really!

Hope all are fine and dandy.

S xx.

P.S. I'm the dandy Highwayman

Anonymous said...

I'm here!

Only 3 and a bit hours to go.

MfR - hanging in there

PS Ridicule is nothing to be scared of.

Anonymous said...

Signing in for afternoon registration,

I am well on course for my the commencement of my exercise routines. I have collected the time-table from my local swimming pool - 'adults only' sessions are much more fun (joking) - and, of course, am going to try the sauna thang - which seems to be popular amongst our celebs, Matt(squash not salsa) and Christoph.


ps showing me you're handsome

Anonymous said...

I clearly haven't got enough to occupy me today - am contemplating my navel - seriously - and thinking about piercing.

Hmmm... jury's out at present. If I have it done, what do I say to Madam when she demands the same?

Hang in there MfR - not long now.

S xx.

P.S. Your conscience will be mine

Moose said...

Since it's a song lyric day, I'm convinced I should now post the new post that I wrote this morning and have had parked in drafts all day...

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Anonymous said...

Go for it Sammie.

I don't go in for piercing personally, but I had an urge to have a tattoo (mid life crisis kicking in early).

Now I have two.

Mrs MfR was hard to break down on this one. First the ciggies had to go and then the January detox.

Both of which I would have done happily anyway!

Don't tell Mrs MfR though.