Saturday, 24 March 2007

Quick one tonight

Went for the gym this evening...

Managed to offset a relatively big eating day and end up with 130 cals under my target...

Not bad for a Saturday. Roll on tomorrow. Weekdays are so much easier somehow.


Anonymous said...

Well done you! I thought I was going to have a bad day today, but we walked from 2.30 - 6.30pm, all round Cromerty, then I had a few dances whilst out with my pal Ann (of the Clan MacLeod) tonight, and we alked home, probably about 1 1/2 miles. So felt ok! Didn't snack at all and had sensible meals.

Ann and I have decided to dance more with Charis, as we reckon that'll burn off a few!

Had a brilliant day today - 28 internet photographers wandering round a wee fishing village, snapping everything that moved and didn't move!

Will catch up with everyone later ... hope you've put your clocks forward!

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

Moose - well done my friend.

I did some sit ups today and some press ups. Just warming up for my swims next week. Easy does it for one of my age.

Anonymous said...

And a good afternoon to you.

Gaby. What do you mean 'my age'?

Get in the pool and don't come out until you've swum a mile.

With tumble turns.

What a lovely weekend. Done bugger all really.

Watched Casino Royale last night. Really enjoyed it, although, while DC was good, I still think he lacks that certain something.

Gym this morning, which was a feat considering the amount of wine consumed while checking out 007.

Must start doing some serious planning for the road trip. Having created this elaborate route, I really need to fill in some gaps and plot the daily mileage.

This is the kind of trip that really floats our boat.

Anyway, hope the rest of your weekend is lovely and you all sleep well. I'd better go and tend to my veggie hotpot.

Peace & love


Anonymous said...

Hello All!

Manic lifestyle has taken it's toll AGAIN and I have the most appalling cold. Only managed half a game yesterday, then went out last night, returning home after only two hours. Little man's rugby training was definitely not on the cards when I got up (how guilty do I feel?) and have spent the day alternating between bed and sofa...

HAVE to work tomorrow and Tuesday and have all my prep to do tonight for tomorrow - the good news is that I don't have to leave too early tomorrow and I should be home for 3 - traffic permitting.

Have started a new regime of vitamin supplements, in the hope that these and a week off work next week will help me get back onto an even keel.

It could be worse, K could be back today, at least I have a week to recuperate.

Well done for all the hard work everyone, keep going with it - you'll be amazed at the results in a relatively short time.

As for me, I'm going off now to examine finances and see if I can start my writing career earlier than planned, as I'm convinced this malais is work related....

S xx.