Saturday, 3 March 2007

Sleep glorious sleep

Well I think I made up for the last 2 nights....I hit the sack at 9.30 last night, and despite being awoken a number of times during the night by various restless snuffling children, have slept well. The 7.30 on a Saturday morning was actually a joy this morning, ready to get up, make a coffee, switch the laptop on, and I feel ready for a day of washing, de-cluttering and whatever else gets thrown at me.

Have been litening to a debate on childhood obesity on Five Live- doctors are now treating 3 and 4 year olds. I think maybe I should take the mooselets along for malnutrition treatment. Not that they were malnourished last night - they got the remains of my sausage/lentil combo and after some persuasion ate it all.

Hoping the weather gets better later so I can throw the boys out in the garden for some running around.

Have a great weekend everybody!


Anonymous said...

and you too moose. gald you got a good night sleep and feel refreshed. I work up at 5am worrying about an ad i signed off for the guardian guide next week which i realise now i want to change. hence switching lap top on to email someone about the change.

just thought i would drop by! Am going to spend my last weekend for the rest of march with my two men - festival starts next week and will wipe the rest of the month out. Hope i can catch up with you lot at some point.

have a good weekend moose, mrs moose and mooselets.

and of course anyone else out there.

Anonymous said...

Morning both and all,

ooh, a very good night's sleep Moose - you must have really needed that. I got up a little late this morning after my late night libation and chats with lyndyloo : ) thanks lyndyloo : ) At one point, I think we were matchmaking for each other...such fun : )

I, too, need to clean and declutter. At least the sun is shining and I can fling the windows open. However, I can feel Cafe Nero in Wokingham calling and I think I can even smell the coffee beans. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. My little treat is to go there on a saturday and read my fave saturday paper 'The Guardian', Russell Brand's column on the back of the sports' section is always a treat too.

Anna - I hope the change is done as you requested and that you can now relax. Enjoy your weekend before the busy festival time.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Thought I would take a quick look in! I am at work unfortunately - I just have so much paperwork to tidy up. Also, I spent most of yesterday trying to get blasted Take That tickets - to no avail!

I'll be here until about 1pm and then we are heading off to see a lovely new baby boy (McKenzie) born to my husband's niece. So we're all very excited, especially our 16 year old daughter who seems to think that babies are some sort of toy! She asked can we have him for a full day? I said, what a three day old baby? I'd be terrified!

Have a great weekend all, wish I was joining you for a coffee, Gaby!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Morning all!

Great chat last night Gaby, enjoy your coffee, I'm making do with the home brewed variety with the sun streaming in through my french windows and my bears at my feet... bliss!

Have a great weekend!


Moose said...

I'm getting dizzy...
2nd washing in the machine already, a bread on the go, the downstairs has been hoovered and I too am enjoying a quick brew of the bean before moving on to the upstairs and the sorting of the papers (mostly sorted, I just need to reorganise the garage to make way for the archive boxes...) And it's only 11.30 - usually still making breakfast at this time on a Saturday and I'm already working up a hunger for lunch!

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all,

Hope you are all having a good one.


Anonymous said...

...and so Sunday is with us once again. Had an odd sort of day yesterday as we were supposed to be doing weekend with just the two of us (aaaaah) but unded up going out with the boy's son (18) and his friend (who last time we saw the friend was more than two years ago and he was about this tall, and is now about 6ft...) and today just the two of us (aaaaah) are going out for lunch.

I have an afternoon appointment with the sofa so I hope you are all having grand times, and see you tomorrow I spec...


Anonymous said...

afternoon all,

Just thought I would hop on to say hi.....HI...

Hazel - hope you are enjoying your lunch a deux : )

Moose - will you be watching the game? I just read an article in 'The Observer', about the huge amounts of money being gambled by West Ham players on the way to matches (in the coach) and how it, obviously, effects relationships on the pitch. I guess fleecing one of your team mates of £35K is hardly conduisive to team morale. I am sure it happens in other clubs. I had no idea. I am so naive, although am open to persuasion ;) It is such a shame what has happened to the Hammers. Some say Reading could go the same way next season. Memories of Ipswich and now the Hammers. Sorry to talk football. I know it's not really allowed, but when the blogmeister's team is playing surely one can deviate from the rules? Especially, when the missive is one of serious commiseration rather than taking the p***.

C'mon you Irons.


ps Ain't weekends lonely

Anonymous said...

Hi y'all

Just popped in to see what's happening whilst waiting for my family tree to launch on the unsuspecting universe via the wonders of the internet.

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend, whatever you're up to. The rain is flying sideways past my windows and has put a stop to any thoughts of gardening, boo hoo.

Toodle pip!

lyndyloo said...

Hi Peeps,

Who said that talk of sport was not allowed? It's a big part of my life... and when you're single you need things like sport. Personally my boys got a respectable 2-2 away result and I watched the Tigers beat Quins so it's been a good sporty weekend for lyndyloo.

Sundays are a strange time, lonely and yet a time to be happy in my own space, picking up cars from whence they were abandoned, walking bears and making up new recipes.... then self indulgent TV time!

Have a good one everyone!


Dr Joseph McCrumble said...

Hi Moose

Sorry for relative silence of late. Have been preparing for forthcoming birth of Np. 3.

You would think that sleep is something we have to earn, rather than being a necessity. Why our minds can't filter out extraneous noise after billions of years of evolution, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Dr J McC - how lovely to hear from you : ) I hope this missive finds you and your good lady very well and not too tired.

Yes, 'tis true what you say about filtering out noise. I think it is referred to as survival of the fittest : )

I hope you are all having a fine evening. I am struggling but managing to stay positive despite 'stuff'.

We have to keep smiling, don't we?


Anonymous said...

Evening all,

Just thought I would pop into say hi….Hi!

Dr J good to here form you again.

I do not get this sleep thing… I really do not sleep ;-) I here you about the mind and noises, I think that is my problem. My mind is always so active. I wake up two or three time a night and I am inevitable thinking of something that I have not done or need to do the next day as if I have told myself that I must not forget to do it. I am normally wide awake by 4:30am and listening to Alex Lester. He is on holiday this week so I will have to wake up with someone else….oh ….err! ;-)

Mrs B and my two daughters have been away this week to the south of Spain on a short break. I have to collect them form the airport this evening so I have popped into work (as it is closer to the airport) to catch up on a few things as I have decided to have tomorrow off to spend with my good lady. I hope she missed me!

Keep safe everyone and keep smiling. ;-)))

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

Evning All

Can't believe it's Sunday night again - where does the weekend go to. Anyone see the article in the papers that said - it's official - the weather is worse on weekends. Like we had to be told that. Like we don't know that 2 weekend days are shorter than 2 week days!

Oh well, here we go again and again and again. Have a good week everyone.


lyndyloo said...

Is it me or has anyone else been trying to work out what on earth they're going to do next Sunday at 8pm? How in the blazers am I going to get through Sunday evening without a dose of the Hamster, May and Jezza? I think I may decide to make 8-9pm on a Sunday an exercise hour, maybe a dance session... I'm not sure I can wait until the summer to get them back, though I could end up a bit fitter!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning to you all. Its a beautiful sunshiney morning here in Nottinghamshire and despite the tragedy of last nights bombshell from jeremey clarkson (im with you Lyndyloo - dont know what i am going to do....... but excercise?!? There is no need for that!) I am raring to go this week.

Dr J McCrumble - hello!
Gaby - [hugs]
Keith - pen & paper beside your bed will let you write your thoughts down and because you have offloaded it you can get back to sleep. I dont think i would get a wink of sleep if i didnt do that.

Hope you had a good weekend moose - have a good week everyone. xx

lyndyloo said...

A beautiful sunny morning here in Warwickshire too anna and it makes me a lot happier to be up and about. The bears are still going to be filthy by the time we get back though, the massive rains seem to have created several lakes which used to be green fields nearby. Ho-hum time to go...... catch y'all laters!

& the Bears

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, due to still not having shaken off this bleedin' lurgey, (am still aching for England, and even took a mild stupifier last evening which although it resulted in me missing the last 20mins of Top Gear (oh non!)) I am still feeling like pants. However it was lovely to cuddle up wiv me boy on the sofa, and then watch him win (other outcomes are available) £20,000 on play poker. West Ham? Amateurs. Bring it on!

...and who said we couldn't talk about Sport. I gather Chelsey won?

Thank you Gaby, our lunch a deux was delightful, and although I made a valiant effort, I couldn't finish it for love nor money! The big Rastafarian chef came over and tutted that we must have had a good night 'last night', but when the boy explained I was poorly sick, he turned into an aaahing and cooing lambkin!

What sort of charge are you making for Comic Relief Meals, lyndyloo? Will you be sending food parcels out? I have no idea whether I could make Leicester in my current transportation...

JMcC, lovely to hear from you. I have been voting periodically, and I'm sorry to hear about MacCavity too!

I'm sure I have got much to do today, but I am definitely gonna try to get an appt with the quack.

I hope you all had jolly times, and see you all later...

Love to Moose

ps I have a blackish mist this morning. That may have something to do with the fact I can't quite unstick my eyelashes yet though...

Anonymous said...

PS Son of Boss (age 2 and 1/4yrs) is here today. At present, I have been almost run over by a tricycle, and have three Fire Dept. vehicles on my desk. Apparently, as well as having brainstorm inducing flashgin lights, the Fire Engine also goes nee-naa.

Can't wait.

pass the ear defenders

Anonymous said...

BTW that would be flashING not flash gin. Flash gin would be Bombay Sapphire...although the lights are blue, so maybe I was right after all, but I doubt it.

The weather continues fine.

jollygit said...

G'morning all.

Hazel Love - sorry you're still so poorly and even worse, that you seem to be babysitting at work!

I had a few days off work last week, with Wednesday being my friend's funeral. It was a celebration of an all too short life, and whilst there were a lot of tears, there was also laughter as we remembered how we'd shared our time with her.

The sun's shining here - let's hope we all have a good week.

jollygit xx