Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Stewardship and Instrumentality

After a lot of ranting and joking on the subject of climate change and recycling and the environment generally and thoughts about favourite words, it occured to me that a small, serious word on it was necessary to bring my mind back into check.

The earth was created as a home for us and we were given stewardship over it. Stewardship is a pretty old-fashioned word these days but I like it. It has a serious tone about it, a real sense of responsibility. Something has been entrusted to us and we have both the duty and the ability to look after it. A bit like our own bodies and our kids. We are instruments intimately involved in the welfare of the planet. And we can choose to be instrumentally positive or instrumentally negative. However small an instrument (apparently size doesn't matter...?!?)

There really is no argument about each of us doing our bit. It doesn't really matter whether everyone else is doing theirs or not. It shouldn't change our attitude whether China builds a new power station this week or not. George Bush (or we could even wait for Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton) signing up to emissions reduction targets would be a great thing. Our government and oppositions getting together to agree policy to reduce emissions is laudable. But whether they happen or not, none of it changes our own, individual duty, responsibility and ability to do our bit and to try and persuade others to do theirs.

So I for one will continue to recycle - including paper because I'm not convinced that the entire life-cycle does prove that it's better not to bother. I will continue to drive a diesel car because I think that the increased fuel economy outweighs the other more harmful elements in it versus petrol. I will think very seriously about where I fly and how often. I will even seriously consider carbon offset programs - even if they don't completely offset, planting more trees has still got to be a good idea, hasn't it? I will continue to be annoyed by excess packaging. I will continue to try to get a local organic veggie-box delivered (the village is too small and they won't come to us unless we sign some others up). I'll continue to use home delivery for my shopping rather than individually drive a 20 mile round trip to do it. I'm still pleased the mooselets were in cloth nappies.

And I will buy a motorbike because it's even more fuel efficient (even a BMW...) And I will fight to get Mooselet #2 into the same fantastic school as his brother because then we'll drive less miles on the school run.
Ooops, those last two slipped in there...
Maybe they aren't quite so altruistic - even though they are true.

The truth is what we all do matters in so many ways. More, we matter to other people, we matter to the earth and the environment and most importantly we matter to God. Every single one of us out of all 6.6 billion people matters.

Our choices determine not only the state of the planet for our kids to inherit but also the well-being of our hearts and souls. Practising appropriate stewardship and recognising our responsibility and instrumentality are good things in themselves and I'm all for them, even if they don't save the planet.


Anonymous said...

Moose - I have only one thing to say:



Anonymous said...

Moose et al,

Good morning,

Please forgive my absence from morning blog registration these last few days:

I have a small window in the morning 8.15-8.22am during which I had been posting but it was making me late for work. My boss said to me 'leave the house earlier, it works for me!!' oops!!

YOu see, getting up earlier wouldn't work as I have to take younger to bus at 7.45am and then get back to house to blog (!) at 8.15am!!

Must dash now, see above.

Sorry I haven't read the above.

Am off to face the fall out from my faux-pas at work the day before yesterday.

Keith - it can only mean that the (not thought of or undiscovered) option Z is round the corner : )

Have a good one friends,


Anonymous said...

Oh, are so right (not said in a fauning manner...oh deer...oh no! SOMEBODY STOP ME!)

Start again.

If everyone only managed to put their litter in a bin, they'd be doing something to help this lil ole Planet Earth to survive, and for the future generations of whoever (or whatever) inherits it when we are dead and gone.

On that note, I've copied what I put on CE yesterday, hope you don't mind? I don't care that the sea produces more emissions, or that China has 100 power stations per square foot, but I do care about waste, and in particular, waste of resources.

I've thought for years that there is a divine assistance in the way the world is run. Another earthquake, another flood, another plane crash etc etc. Then the human race, and all the other races and beings who have come before, does what they always do and did - TRY TO SURVIVE.
Nothing we do now is going to stop 'our' world from ending. It's natural selection. All 'we' can do is to try to live as well as we can, and make the most of the time we are given.

'It's like that film when they all ended up having to eat eachother'

'What film's that, Viv?'

'They All Ended Up Having To Eat Eachother.'

nice, with a bit of mustard...

ps KEITH - so sorry hon, but at least they didn't keep you hanging on! BIG KISSES just because I can XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and you've had a bit of interview practice now too X

pps Why didn't 'anonymous' at 5.43 yesterday leave their name...if they feel that strongly?

Moose said...

I managed to avoid the mustard explosion this not having mustard.
Have you ever noticed that a dried in mustard stain has a glow-in-the-dark quality about it. That can't be good for you to eat can it?

Anonymous said...

I spilt my tea all over my skirt. Fortunately I had made the tea prior to having a rinse through, so it wasn't that hot...

Moose said...

Happy Birthday to Mrs MfR!!!

And Susan...if you're still up for helping, the party tomorrow starts at 4. Party 4 til 6 so turn up anytime and the clearing up of the village hall will be between 6 and 7.

Anonymous said...

Blimey, forgot Mrs MfR's birthday. Matt, d'you mind stopping off and picking me up a card please? If you write it with your left(?) hand, and don't give it to her with wet sticky, she'll never know...

...and Moose, can I stuff the lucky bags please? If they're gonna be that lucky...

btw - have you ever tried a dried mustard stain under black light? Man, that's good dude...

Anonymous said...

Good morning you lovely bunch of coconuts!

How are we all today? Hope you don’t mind me reposting from yesterday? Thought it kind of tied in with your blog today, Moose.

Scott Harrison was a very successful DJ in New York, living, as he says, selfishly, thoughtlessly, unhappily.

So he decided to volunteer as photojournalist aboard a floating hospital with Mercy Ships (our friend, Charis Robertson, did a year with them) - this is a humanitarian organisation which has been offering free medical care to the poorest people on our planet for 25 years. The world's top doctors and surgeons volunteer for free. In fact the chief medical officer, a surgeon from Los Angeles, volunteered for 2 weeks ... and 19 years later is still there!

Anyhoo, Scott's experience in Africa, documenting the poverty, visiting leper colonies, coming face to face with the world's 1.2 billion living in poverty, changed his life forever! He spent 8 months with Mercy Ship. On his return to 'civilisation'he set up a charity called .... 'charity'.

You can find them on

And this will make you think again the next time you leave your tap on whilst brushing your teeth:

Back to try desperately to catch up on all the I missed out on yesterday!

Love ya, hug ya, squeeze ya!

Huggles, Susan <><

PS Moose - who was Anon yesterday?

Anonymous said...

Moose - as you know I'm a follower of the belief that God created the earth and comissioned us to care for it. Every little thing we do makes a difference, I believe. When I took my photos for my weekly photo challenge on Bags, I was saddened and horrified that even that small thing such as a bag has a huge impact on the environment. I just can't believe that people are so selfish and self centred that they think it's ok to drop their litter and bags all over the place. I do worry about the world that we are leaving behind for our children, so hubby and I are active in our church and community in sharing about our duties as citizens fthis world!

I can't wait to see a Moose on a motor bike though!

Anonymous said...

Right, determined to catch up on everyone from yesterday and today! Then a shower and Charis wants a shot on the laptop!!!

Jo - I loved that scan! Glad it all went well and I hope you got a wee wave from baby!

Sammie - Thank you so much for your emails yesterday - they really encouraged me and kept me going! What a sweetie Kevin is turning out to be! So very chuffed for you honey! Can’t believe HL got in there first to snaffle the ticket! As for the poem …. awwwwwwww! Makes you think! You should post that next door!

Lyndyloo - Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday! I hope it got better after your scream! At least you might get to go to Dublin!

Hazel love - Any birdies yet? Might I suggest binoculars? They would enhance your enjoyment of the flocks of birdies that will soon grace your table … and clarify whether it is cows or binbags that need saving! Is Claudia Hoojamaflip pregnant? I am not watching CRDFA … my sensible husband, elder of the Kirk, has it on every night!!!! And gets quite upset if he doesn’t see who gets chucked out! Who on earth is Ray Stubbs? Sorry, but he (like many, I have to say!) is not in there for his singing abilities!!! ADHA it is then! Liked what you posted next door!

Annalog - LOL!! And so sorry that you had a bad day yesterday! Raised a glass for you last night!

Anon - It is tremendous the amount of money that is raised for charity through such events, and I know that the majority of celebrities will be taking part in it because they really do want to make a difference. It would be wonderful if every single person who donated on the night set up a monthly donation of even a couple of pound - poverty could be eradicated if our government and the people of this country put their minds to it. Hubby and I do voluntary work for an organisation called Tear fund - the stories of poverty break your heart, but what a joy to see the difference the organisation can make to individuals, families and communities. Hope you have a grand day on Friday! And I know that those whose lives will be changed by the work done will thank God for your work. (Have to admit that I will be recording from 9pm to see CLP and Take That!)

Jollygit - Will be thinking of you at 11.30am - guess you won’t be joining in for a dunk, then?

Gaby - We don’t hate you, sweetie! We do miss you, though. What a scunner that your boss picked up on your timekeeping! You do need to share your faux-pas, though!!!!

Moose - Why do men always end up with stains?! What does go down well on top of a nice tart? Thank you so much for your encouragement yesterday! It really gave me the lift I needed! So looking forward to the party on Friday, see you at 4pm, but we may have to leave early as we have a ceilidh to go to @ 8pm! It'll be a quick tidy up! I'll do wraps with cream cheese and grapes .... the kids love them! (And if the grown ups come and speak nicely to me, I may have something under the table for them!)

PS I think Anon was CLP!

Keith - Sorry you didn’t get the call, honey! You did your best, so be proud of that. Onwards and upwards.

MfR -Happy Birthday to Mrs MfR! Give her a big hug from us all! What loverly things did you get her? The pressie wrapping thing is definitely a man thing! Hope your meeting goes well.

EG - Sorry you were feeling low, honey. Anything we can do?

jollygit said...

Mornin' all

I'm just off to Head Office for my meeting with HR etc to discuss plans for my redundancy. I've got me notes at the ready so that I don't forget/miss anything and am sorry I'll miss the dunk-in.

As Arnie said, "I'll be back" to let you know what they say!!!!

Susan S - thanks for your good wishes xx


Anonymous said...

A Moose on a Motorbike would need...Hoof operable brake, clutch and gear levers. Extra large 'KILL' switch (for extra large Moose emergencies). Basket for transporting food (shrubs etc). Trailer for transporting Mrs Moose and Mooselets. A specially adapted helmet. And an extra-soft tank cover.

Bonkers Motorcycling Weather

Port out, starbord home

With a Capital P

Moose said...

Hazel - sorry the lucky bags have already been stuffed. 33 of the blighters all lined up nicely in a plastic crate. My job is to hold the bag open while the mooselets drop the appropriate items in...finally finished them last night after tea.

As to Anon - can't believe CLP had time to post at 5.43 - IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHOW!!!

But don't put pressure on Anon - whoever it is (would be nice to know...).

You lot know that I like to PROVOKE a debate. And there is nothing more boring than a one-sided mass debate. I was expecting (and hoping) to get dissenting views yesterday - to be honest I really thought I'd offend more people than I seem to have done. Oh well, I'll have to try harder next time. As Anon says - everyone has and is entitled to their opinion - long live debate!

Moose said...

...and how about a dunk-in at 11.30 especially for jollygit?

Anonymous said...

Doh! Didn't look at the time!

So who's for a dunk ... a wee bit late I know, but Charis made dinosaur cookies yesterday. Don't let the bright green colour put you off!

Citril said...

A dunk, a prayer and positive thoughts for Jollygit at 11.30am it is!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Jollygit is getting on?! Dunking furiously!

Anonymous said...

Well, hellooooo!

Yes, we must all do our own little bit to look after this planet. In our wee family, we recycle everything possible, walk when we can ditch the car, and just try to be sensisble where possible. However, Moose, I am utterly, utterly ashamed to say that I did use disposable nappies. I could give you six good reasons why, but the bottom line is - it's a bad idea, environmentally speaking.

I couldn't check in yesterday as I had to leave work at 10am due to having to take my daughter back to the dentist - complications following a tooth extraction a couple of weeks ago. She's o.k. now.

Sorry I missed you Keith - what a bummer you did not get a call. So, so frustrating when it's something you know you would be good at. It's dead easy for me to say, but something else is around the corner.

Jo, glad to hear you have had your first scan - very exciting, eh? And just a tiny, tiny, bit scary!

Sammie - your guy is a keeper! What a sweetheart and he is completely smitten with you! How fantastic - it would seem you have had a fairly tough time of it, so enjoy this lovely new stage of your life!

Gaby, hope everything was o.k. at work today.

Jollygit - what a week you are having. I was thinking about you last night!

Mrs MfR, have a lovely birthday.

To everyone else - hiya!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Missed all the Dunk Ins. However have just been presented with some Caraway Tea so am just gonna prepare a small infusion.

Have just seen next door, CE has commented himself...

This is wot I rit yesterday, 'All 'we' can do is to try to live as well as we can, and make the most of the time we are given.'
This is wot he has rit today 'The answer to any problem of this nature is to live one's own life as well as one can, regardless of what is, or what is not happening in the world in general.'


Moose, a mass and a half for the Naughty Corner please...and you thought we wouldn't notice...

jollygit - didja geddem didja didja???

Hope ya did!

Anonymous said...

Hazel love I didn't see that one! Moose! Naughty corner now!!! I'm always amazed that CLP takes the time to read our comments! Have you guessed who I have been?

I'm wolf-whistling! Deal with it!

Moose said...

One prepares the ground.
One plants the seed.
One waters the seedlings.
One tends the maturing plants.
Another harvests the crop.
Yet another burns the stubble.
One mills the flour.
One bakes the bread.
And then I eat it all...

Who takes the credit for the feeling of satisfaction as I lie on the sofa unable to move? Well, everyone did their little bit.

Anonymous said...

Moose will you have to get specially adapted handlebars on your motorbike or have you evovled opposable thumbs so you can hold on tightly?

They've just discovered a new species of leopard in Borneo or somewhere. The man on the Today programme (other breakfast radio shows are available) said "you don't wake up to that kind of news every day". You could prove him wrong and enter a new species of moose ...

I'm all for recycling and just love my home compost bin (sad, but true) and I think we should all take responsibility for reducing waste when or where ever we can. However, whilst I can see that our industrialised society does have some effect on climate change, I'm still not entirely convinced that the human race can be blamed for all of it and that we can do anything to stop it. The earth has been going through hot and cold cycles for millions of years and will continue to do so with or without mankind's interference. How can we tell that this isn't just part of one of those cycles?

Crumbs this thinking lark takes it out of you. I need a (cold) hot cross bun to replenish my reserves.

Anonymous said...

Moose maybe these will have what you are looking for?


Moose XCR Back Pack, Moose XCR Back Pack. The only motorcycle backpack designed with comfort in mind.

Worth a look ;-)

Keith the BigUn

Citril said...

Annalog - Hotcross buns .... yummy! Yes please!

It is absolutely bucketting down here now! Started off so promisingly too! I have to persuade the girly that she does want to eat some lunch, before the cat nicks it, then we have Little Fishes and I'm meeting a friend for more coffee afterwards. Her husband is poorly again, but has also taken the hump with our minister and is threatening to get a delegation together to confront the minister then take it to presbetery! No wonder folk don't go to church when they see such shenanigans! He is right in a lot of his grievances, but it's not confrontation and conflict that is going to solve it!


Anonymous said...

Keith - quiet day at work today, then? :)

Anonymous said...

For the authors amongst you - and I know you're out there - you may have seen or heard about this

I heard it yesterday morning but didn't have a chance to send this until now. It was a competition to identify obscure book titles and come up with an alternative opening paragraph or two. It seemed quite amusing at the time, but the novelty may have worn off now I'm a day late with the news.

Anonymous said...

Heavens above...running to keep up...puff pant etc...hard enough to be in today!

lyndyloo - hope you don't have to go to Dublin...seriously, hope your day is better today...

Sammie, your pome from Mr Flutterby made me cry. Beautiful. I've printed it off and emailed it to about a million people too.

Shame the goody bags are done. I had some special surprises too.

btw, all I meant re CE was that I am pleased we have at least one thing in common...not that he was copying or paraphrasing or plaguarising, or any other ing, or in any way not original.

See how black my tongue is...

Citril said...

Sorry, the requested Web page may no longer exist, or has been moved to another server with another address.


Citril said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Citril said...

Oh ... that's not going to work, is it?! Doh!

jollygit said...

Ooh, you luvverly lot - thank you so much for the dunk-in at 11.30.

Well, the meeting happened, and tomorrow will officially be my last day in this particular employ. I'm not quite sure how I feel now - I think I'm a bit excited that I can look for something that interests me, I'm sad that after six months I've finally got the hang of it and now I've got to go, and I'm also relieved that at last I know where I stand and can get on and plan. So, application forms by the dozen should start arriving at home over the next few days and I'll be busy hawking myself and my CV around town!!!

I was told that it's either an opportunity or a crisis - it's how you deal with it that decides which it's going to be; for me this has to be an opportunity.

Thank you for your thoughts, PVs and the dunks xxxx

Happily, I've got a PC at home so I won't be incommunicado, just in Kent!

jollygit xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hey - look what I found! Ideal for goody bags!

Anonymous said...

Susan, I never seem to have a quiet day anymore ;-(

I took the day off yesterday for the job interview so have to do two days work today ;-(

I am however entitled to a wee break or two during the day to pop in and out, sadly I missed the dunk.

I think I am far too dedicated for my own good. The weekly job pages are in today local paper so I may have t go home on time this evening.



A blonde (other colors are available) was playing Trivial Pursuit one night. It was her turn.

She rolled the dice and she landed on Science & Nature.

Her question was, "If you are in a vacuum and someone calls your name, can you hear it?"

She thought for a time and then asked, "Is it on or off?"

Dogwithnobrain said...

I buy Bags for Life, and then leave them piling up in the bag of my car. But I carry all my shopping to the car in my handbag.... so if you see a strange woman staggering about under a pile of shopping in a Morrison Car park. Is me.

Hello - I'm back. Briefly. My absence hass been noted, and I apologise. I was just busy busy busy.

Anonymous said...

Personally I can't believe that you ate all that bread, 1, with no fishes, and 2, apparently without anchor.


AND!!! Shock Horror Probe

jollygit, opportunities is burgeoning. I tolju they would, BURGEONING they are.

Right proper burgeoning.

All over the place.

...i've got a birdie on the feeder...really quiet yay!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, me again, took a work break briefly there...

Keith, do you mean a wee, short break (as in not a long break) or a wee break (as in to pop in and er...y'know..pop in and out)

..and I thought of one for you this morning whilst I was watching the buns cavorting (other bun frolics available)...

Why did the bald man paint rabbits on his head?

Coz from a distance, they look like hairs!

Birdie still there but think he is picking and choosing. Millet appears to be in way of sunflower seed.

By the way, DWNB, I heard that the Mother Ship is apparently made of Bags for Life. These bags are supposedly indestructible, so are the best things to make things out of. I'm sure 'they' will approve your storage effort.

spec later

jollygit said...

Hazel Love - if I keep comfort eating the way I have been this week, I'LL be the one burgeoning!!!!

I might bring some decent choccy suggestives in on Monday for me last day, given that I've pinched some out of the boss's biccy tin without him knowing, tee hee!!

Keith - I'm sorry you didn't get the call about the job xx

MfR - happy birthday to Mrs MfR xx

Sammie - your fella sounds absolutely peachy and just what you deserve xx


lyndyloo said...

Afternoon all you lovely bloggeroonies!

Today is slightly less manic than the madness that was yesterday. I've been to the dentist to be told I have Acute Ulcertaing Gingivitis (aggghhh!!!) and have got a mega 3 day course of antibiotics to stop my gums from collapsing. I noticed a strange metallic taste in my mouth and phoned my dentist the lovely Dougie (of the clan McLeod)who told me to go see him immediately. Anyhoooo I've taken the first of my 9 tablets and I have to be off the alcofrol for the next 3 days... which means I can't celebrate Paddys day in the normal fashion and then I'm off to Dublin for 5 hours on Sunday!

Just luvving my life!


Anonymous said...

I don't know if any of you will be in the slightest bit interested, but...

My cup is runnething right over this afternoon. I'm so excited.

Not only has the Great Tit finally seen fit to alight on the feeder and munch on seed therein, not only has there also been a sparrer and a chaffinch eating what seed I have spread on the grass, but the pheasant wasn't et at all, because he is back, in his fine Spring plumage doncha know. I'm REALLY hoping the fox isn't getting too peckish lately...I know it's all natural selection, but...all the same...y'know...

My colleague said how do I know it's a chavinch is it wearing burberry?


Anonymous said...

Golly lyndyloo, you are sounding a bit run down honey, and not surprised frankly.

The only consolation I can think of for you, is if I drink 'too much' of the black stuff, I wake up the following morning with a metallic taste in my mouth, so hopefully you already have the cure!

Although having said that, I'd be checking the pills on t'internet just to see if a little something in moderation isn't gonna hurt...

Yes, try that.

Or ring your man at Boots.

You'll find something!

and spit

ps is Dougie from the same Clan McLeod as Ann - SusanS's friend?

Jo said...

Have spent all Arthur Noon playing circus skill at an open day (wasn't really supposed too, just felt like it!). Do you want some extra help at t'party. I can stilt walk and hula hoop and do diablo things!

Glad to hear about birds on the feeder. My Sophie likes to watch the birds but I worry she'll start chasing them soon (god forbid when we start walking her along the K-nal) even ducks and swans!

Should be back better tomorrow, have just been busy busy busy (had to retype that bit as wrote busty busty busty, one of the plus points of pregnancy apparantly)

:o) Jo

lyndyloo said...

Hazel how exciting! Your tits are out in force!!! And aparrently Jo nearly had hers out too!

NC1 here I come

Anonymous said...


Many thanks for your birthday wishes for Mrs MfR, I have passed them on and she is suitably chuffed that a bunch of people she has never met should take such an interest in her happiness.

It's a funny old game, isn't it?

We were off out tonight, but it seems she was treated to such a lovely lunch earlier (while I was justifying my balance sheets) that a night in with a bottle of fizz is the preference.

Who am I to argue?

We recycle. And we're pretty good with it too. But then, I drive a 4x4 (diesel, at least, when it works) and we take a couple of holidays a year. Abroad.

I guess that we can all only do our bit. I became veggie almost 20 years ago and am as proud of it today as I was then. I don't preach to people, but I feel delightfully smug as we lurch from one meat-based food scare to another.

That's my contribution to the opposition of the terrible treatment of mass-farmed animals.

But I wear leather shoes.

The line has to be drawn somewhere.

Must dash, I think I heard another cork pop.

Your friend


Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone!

Been into the office today (booo) and the poxy server (I know its proxy, but I prefer poxy) won't let me onto your Blog, Moose, (boo hiss!!) so no contact with lovely people ALL day (except when K rang - twice).

Jollygit - crikey - what a shocker, did you know it was going to happen that quick? This IS an opportunity Honey. The chance to make real positive changes in your life - having been on the brink of redundancy a number of times, I know how it feels.

Keith - shame for you matey - but this time it just wasn't meant to be. It's because there's something else just round the corner...

Hazel - Love your brand of madness lovey.

Moose - Stewardship - hmmm - did post something along those lines recently over the way a while back - I completely agree - we all have a responsibility to do the best we can.

My news for the day - have had an informal chat about a new role. Sounds just up my street. Am meeting up with my potential new boss tomorrow morning - so will blog all later!!

Right - I have a headache, so am going to treat myself to a bath and early night!!

Take good care of you and yours,

S xx.

Anonymous said...

MfR - Happy Birthday to Mrs MFR.

Moose - mustard stains - YUK!!!! On provoking debate I didn't agree entirely with you yesterday but did agree for the most part. Would you like me to express strength of feeling more? Problem is, like it or not, I think you actually refelct and write a lot of what we all think. Maybe it's because we are all quite like-minded that we hold together as a group.

Susan S. Thanks for asking re being low. Had my Big Bun at the vet on Wednesday and now she's going in for an op on Friday - so I'm really worried. Been through this before but it never gets easier. Will report on progress tomorrow.

Luv to all.


Anonymous said...

Good evening everyone! How are we all tonight? Charis has been amazing and went to sleep just after 9pm! In fact, she stopped her prayers half way through and said, ‘Mummy, I want to go to sleep now.’ Bless!

Jollygit - My goodness! I didn’t realise that it was going to be that quick!!! Did you? Lots of prayers and positive thoughts for a new job for you! OOOO, everybody, party at Jollygit’s work tomorrow!!!! YAY!!! I’ll bring the bubbly and I’ll just make more cream cheese and grape wraps …. oh, and I got some nice organic eggs today, so I’ll do some egg mayo too!

Annalog - That is just brilliant! Guess we’ll all be rushing out to get Moose’s birthday and Christmas pressies there! Personally, I’d like a shot of Moose in these for my site!

Keith - Life never seems quiet these days, does it, honey!? Hope you got home early! Anything in the papers? Maybe you and Jollygit should set up together. In business I mean!!!!!

DWNB - I do that to!!! LOL OR I leave them in the utility room, then feel guilty getting plastic bags for the shopping, so buy another one! Doh! Umm ….. are you brining that handbag to Glasgow? Sounds like you could fit all our gear in it!! Glad you’re back and I finally have a site that will let me leave you a wee note!

Hazel love, whispering - what kind is it, what kind is it?! Though at this time I‘m guessing it‘ll be an owl!! Ooo … and a pheasant too! You’re just showing off now!! Why do Bunnies make you think of the Big Un?! Lard. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ann and Dougie were related! She has relations everywhere whom she hasn’t even met before!

Lyndyloo - Glad you had a better day today! How on earth did you get AUG? Take regular warm salty mouthwashes, it’ll help your gums. I’ll bring non-alco bubbly for you! Is Dublin on Sunday a good or bad thing? LOL!!!! Just noticed that Hazel’s tits are out in force! Oooo-er!!!!

Jo - A lass in your condition will not be stilt walking! Can you watch the 33 kids don’t get near te ounch … I’ve got a wee bit something special to sneak into it, but don’t tell Moose! Mind you, If we have Jollygit’s going away party first then the Mooselets, I’ll be in no fit state for the Gay Gordon’s and Strip the Willow at the ceilidh!! Charis chases ducks and swans too … she would love to go a walk with Sophie! She adores puppies!

MfR - Mrs MfR probably thinks we are a very strange bunch of people! Glad we made her smile! Hope she had a lovely evening. I’m sure you can make allowances now for your holidays abroad, can’t you? Do you think you are healthier now as a veggie? New Scientist reckons we’ll all be veggies one day. And, as a Christian, I believe that God originally intended for us to be veggies … cow’s milk for humans (yup, I do take it) … can you imagine if you offered breast milk with someone’s coffee, yet we use cow’s milk? (Guess I’ll not be getting everyone’s teas and coffees tomorrow?!) We buy organic, locally sourced meat as much as we can. And I feel great every time I introduce a friend to the concept as I did this afternoon …. smugness setting in!

Sammie - Enjoy your bath and early night - I’m off after a cuppa and peanut butter & strawberry jam piece! Look forward to hearing about the new job!

EG - Ok, don’t laugh at me, but I’ll send a wee prayer for Big Bun. Do let us know how she gets on - I worry about my pets as much as the rest of my family! You’ll need to email me a photo of your buns!

Huggles all round!

Love, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

Just because it is Friday what about a fishy tale?


A young lad moved to London looking for a job.
In his first interview the boss asked “do you have any previous sales experience?"
"yep" replied the lad.
The manager liked him so much he gave him the job.
His first day on the job was challenging and busy but he got through it.
At closing time, the manager came down and asked "ok, so how many sales did you make today?"
"one" said the lad.
"Just one?! Our sales people average 20 to 30 sales a day! How much was the sale for?"
The manager choked and exclaimed "what the hell did you sell him?!"
"Well, first I sold him a small fish hook, and then I sold him a new fishing rod.
Then i asked him where he was going fishing and he said down at the coast, so I told him he would need a boat.
So we went to the boat store and I sold him that twin-engined Powercat.
Then he said that he didn't think his car would pull it, so I took him down to the car sales and sold him the 4x4."
The manager said "You mean to tell me... a guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and a 4x4?"
"He came in to buy a packet of tampons for his lady friend and I said.....
Well since your weekends f***ed, you might as well go fishing!"

Keep smiling :-))))


lyndyloo said...

Morning everyone!

I hope everyone's feeling good as we head for the weekend. My mouth is still tasting very strange but I have been assured by Dougie (of the clan McLeod) that this is normal for the condition. He also tells me that AUG only tends to affect people with very clean mouths who are stressed or run down... hmmmmmmm (what on earth do you think that might mean?).

It's a beautiful day here today so I'm making the most of it. I've got washing on the line, the bears and I have walked through the small wood (as Roobear can't make it much further).

Have a great day and remember we're nearly at the weekend. I'm off to Dublin to meet up with the Irish rugby team when they get back from Rome... mixed feelings... it's work but it couls be a lot worse!



Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone! Fab Friday is Finally here!!!

There once was a rich man who was near death. He was very grieved because he had worked so hard for his money and he wanted to take it with him to heaven. So he began to pray that he might be able to take some of his wealth with him.

An angel hears his plea and appears to him.
"Sorry, but you can't take your wealth with you."
The man implores the angel to speak to God to see if He might bend the rules.

The man continues to pray that his wealth could follow him.

The angel reappears and informs the man that God has decided to allow him to take one suitcase with him. Overjoyed, the man gathers his largest suitcase and fills it with pure gold bars and places it beside his bed.

Soon afterward the man dies and shows up at the Gates of Heaven to greet St. Peter.

Seeing the suitcase St. Peter says,
"Hold on, you can't bring that in here!"

But, the man explains to St. Peter that he has permission and asks him to verify his story with the Lord. Sure enough, St. Peter checks and comes back saying,
"You're right. You are allowed one carry-on bag, but I'm supposed to check its contents before letting it through."

St. Peter opens the suitcase to inspect the worldly items that the man found too precious to leave behind and exclaims,
"You brought pavement?!!!"

Anonymous said...

so Moose, you must have been busty last night putting the final touches to Mooselet #1's Birthday Preparations eh?

lyndyloo. You sound a little chipperer(!) this morning! My brother's birthday is in AUG. He doesn't seem to suffer from a bad mouth even though he drinks like a fish who is out with a friend who keeps buying him drinks. Did you check with the pharmacist, or are you having a rest? I've not had one drink this week, but have a mate coming round this eve, so I'll have to take it easy I think! Give Dublin my love. My boss went last week and he forgot. He did see the Tart with the Cart though, but he didn't know who she was til I told him last Friday...Love the pics of the bears before their walk btw!

Have just been outside and been calling for the birds but I think they are sitting up the tree laughing at me behind their wings, and they'll only come to eat when I'm not looking. They are no fun.

By the way, I have a large Jack Daniel's and Coke (no ice) lined up in front of me. Well, it's grain isn't it? Lots of carbohydrate and that counts as food right? So I won't be drinking on an empty stomach later...

I'm on the hay diet!!!

lovin it like that

Anonymous said...

Oh Moose! Have just realised you've put a lovely link on for my blog too...I don't expect any prizes for observation as I suppose it's been on there for ages, and I have just been TOO engrossed in your Moosings to notice before.

Thank you honey
H. Love

lyndyloo said...

Hazel- have just looked up the drug I'm taking and now am very afraid!!! It's got a potential list of side effects as long as your arm (other arm legnths are available) including paranoia, confusion, nausia (agggghhhhh!), loss of apitite (yipppeeee! there is a God!) though that's probably one of the ones I won't get... Why is always me? Huh? Huh? What did I do wrong? I am a freakkkkk!!!!!!!

What paranoia?

Anonymous said...

Dr Love signing on pip pip pip...


The list of side effects gets longer as people report feeling or getting something they have never felt or got before. If you think of the number of people that have been prescribed that medicine against the list of side effects, its actually REALLY small.

It probably says 'Unusual taste in mouth' or something similar, as one of them too...does it?

Don't be scared! Just make sure you're tucking away some yakult or natural live yoghurt too - should keep any nausea at bay...

Dr Love out

jollygit said...

Good morning everyone

Susan S & Sammie - the redundancy decision was a quick one but I'd known it was on the cards for a while, so it came as no real surprise and I've been getting appliation forms for the last week so am ready to get out there and knock 'em bandy!

To thank everyone for their support and kind thoughts, you are cordially invited to my leaving lunch at 1pm today. Not sure where it should be - does Whitstabubble appeal? It's quite a nice day here and it would be good to take in some sea air. I've got some bubbly (in honour of Mrs MfR and Mooselet # 1's birthdays) and some pork pies for Jo, so shall I see you there?

jollygit xx

Jo said...

Morning all - am first in the PP queue (am typing pork pie so much I've decided to abbreviate!), do you have brown sauce to go with?

What kind of job are you looking for Jollygit, will keep an eye out.

Hazel - glad to see the birds are a flocking round you feeder, unfortunate for you that you only got one great tit, does the other feel a bit left out??

Am hoping not too have a busty day so will be around more today. Entertain me someone!!

:o) Jo

Moose said...

Sorry I'm late post up there now in case you didn't spot it yet...

lyndyloo said...

Jo- Please allow me.....

There once was a man from Bombay
Took a slow boat to China one day
He was strapped to the tiller
With a sex-starved gorilla
And China's a bloody long way


Anonymous said...

Jollygit - am on way as we speak dahling! Will stop at Spa for supplies and a rub down with a Malt Loofa.

Jo, I'm keeping an eye out for Mrs Tit. I appear to only be getting a cock or two at the moment. However, the Sparrers don't seem to be roosting yet, so they are both about. I'm starting to worry about the Robin though. He's getting so territorial, I think he's gonna be buying some Leylandii at the weekend...

Does anyone else still need to sign jollygit's card? I've put a quid in for everyone, so you can pay me back at the lunch...hope that's ok?

Live from the twiglet zone

ps Brown sauce is now only available in the Netherlands.