Maybe I'm not cut out to be a writer.
I've spent today trying to create two character profiles for Katie and Bryan. Some of the stuff came easily...Bryan is a 6 feet 2 Texan Adonis with blond hair and blue eyes, lean and strong from all the rowing. Katie is 5 feet 8, also blonde (what else?) who wears a lot of surfer chick chic.
It's when I get to some of the other more personality based profile questions that I start to struggle. I manage to make things up but I have less confidence in my convictions that the answers I have are believable and recognisable. I need to understand more about real people and their answers. And I couldn't think of anyone more real than my virtual friends.
So I thought, if it's Ok with you, to try and get a bit of free research. Don't feel obliged to answer any or all of the questions if you don't want to...reveal as much of yourself or as little as you like. Or go for an anonymous post if you'd like to.
What would most embarrass you?
What is the worst thing that could happen to you?
What motivates you?
What makes you happy?
What makes you sad?
What is your best personality trait?
What is your worst?
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Oh - this is a good one Moose. First off you ARE cut out to be a writer. In terms of what follows I'll try to be as honest as I can.
1. I get embarrassed at a lot of things - and on other people's behalf. If I see someone else do something embarrassing then I get embarrased for them. I'm clumsy at times - drop things and that embarrasses me. I try to give off an air of professionalism and sophistication and that's usually when I literally fall flat on my face. I could go on but I won't!
2. Personal level - losing a loved one and that includes my pets. These are things that I don't recover from - life is never the same. Professional level - probably not the worst thing, but my boss trying to undermine me in front of my team (have been there - not nice - but team give me their backing and see through him - a*se!)
3. Personal level - I'm really not sure! I just get on with life - my family (including my buns) is paramount Professional level - doing stuff to help the people of Scotland! I want, through my job, to make Scotland a better place. I'm not being parochial - it's just what I'm about. If Scotland is then a player in the UK beyond that, that's fine - it's just my home ground. No offence to anyone intended.
4. Lots of things. But especially: Spring days - new beginnings and all that; Easter - for the same reason. Looking at the stars - awesome. Climbing - did I really do that - woooohoooo! Laughing along with my family. Chritmas day with my family. Watching the wildlife in my garden. Eating something I've growen - soooo sweeeet. A friend saying thanks for being there.
5. On top of the things that impact personally (and at the moment worrying intensly about my parents getting older) - Injustices in the world - famine, war, illness. The fact that in the 21st century we have a society that seems to be less tolerant and more and more selfish. The loss of community. Issues around celebrity status - is this what we are reduced to - why do we seem to hero worship some of these people. The loss of sense of purpose. The fact that no matter what govt does there are still those that we can't reach and can't help. Not sure if I can make a difference. I better stop!
6. Basically an optimist - hard to belive I know! If we all seek to better the cause then we can make a powerful force - the sum of the parts and all that. And, I get on with most people - I can see the good in most people.
7. I find it hard to say no. I have MUG printed in capital letters on my forehead. I can be a wee bit bitchy - especially about the boss (a*se) but he's driven me to it.
Sorry if this is too much. Not sure, I've been so honest before!
Ok, but first check this out!
I'm sitting here trying to write an application for promotion - and at the same time trying to blog - what's important? - I'm not so sure now. I've had several glasses of wine . I blogged ealier next door - stream stuff! I think blogging has brought out stuff that is usually kept inside me. The wine is probably bringing out even more - and the spelling gets worse by the same degree. Anyway, I'm trying to get round to say thank you one and all (extra special thanks to Moose for hosting this). It is such a joy to have this network of friends. Maybe some day we could all meet. Until then - love you all.
May the force be with you.
Right (Charis has started saying that all the time now too!) .... I'm going to take a leap and trust you guys as much as I trust my pal Ann (of the Clan MacLeod) who knows EVERYTHING! I thought about going anonymous, but that would mean I don't trust you guys, and I do.
What would most embarrass you? - I really went off the rails when my 1st hubby went off with another lass. It would REALLY embarrass me if my family, friends or current hubby knew just how badly off the rails I went, especially with me being a Christian. And on a different note - I would be really embarrassed if I wet myself! Oh stop laughing .... these days it's almost a reality, my bladder has become so weak!!! :) Yup ... Jo do those pelvic floor exercises RELIGIOUSLY!
What is the worst thing that could happen to you? To lose my daughter - that really would kill me.
What motivates you? Hmmmm ... not very good on the motivation these days! This might sound holier than thou, but my Creator God motivates me when I see a beautiful flower, a sunset, the sea, the mountains, etc. I feel cleansed, inigorated and renewed, so therfore more motivated! And, I have to say, you guys do a great job of motivating me too!
What makes you happy? My daughter!
What makes you sad? My daughter!!!! Seriously! I can't explain it, but I get sa knowing that one day she won't need me and will be out in that big bad world on her own, without me to protect her. Losing loved ones makes me really sad too. Losing my dog, Bobby, has broken my heart.
What is your best personality trait? Hmmm ... that's a hard one! I think it's that I'm accepting of people and where they are at, if that makes sense?
What is your worst? Oh ... where do I start!? Ummm ... I can be very moody.
Hope that helps!
EG - Tues 3rd April - Glasgow! Thought 6.30pm 'ish at :
China Buffet King,
22/24 West Nile St
Tel 0141-221-8899
What Not To Put On Your Application For Employment
NAME: EG (Scotland)
DESIRED POSITION: Reclining. Ha ha. But seriously, whatever's available. If I was in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in the first place.
DESIRED SALARY: £185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz style severance package. If that's not possible, make an offer and we can haggle.
LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle-management hostility.
SALARY: Less than I'm worth.
My incredible collection of stolen pens and post-it notes.
PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30-3:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
Yes, but they're better suited to a more intimate environment.
If I had one, would I be here?
Of what?
I think the more appropriate question here would be "Do you have a car that runs?"
I may already be a winner of the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.
DO YOU SMOKE?: Only when set on fire.
Living in Bermuda with a fabulously wealthy A-list actor who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually, I'd like to be doing that now.
SIGN HERE: Scorpio with Libra rising.
Susan S - yes, sounds good to me! Holiday at that time is now on hold - only thing that will stop me attending is possibility of interview next day. Sooooo looking forward to meeting you and others. By the way tried to post to your site at weekend but couldn't - your story so moved me. Lots to talk about when we meet.
Oh my gosh Anonymous - do you know me? I don't get paid overtime, so I take what I'm due in pens and post-its - I can't move for them! I hate celebrity - but yes let me be one - pleeeeeeeze. And salary - well that's what I'm holding out for. Position/Special skills - who has been talking? Have I inadvertently posted my application on this blog?!
EG - for some reason only other folks with Xanga sites can post on my site, which is a tad annoying! Lyndyloo and Sally have set up accounts so they can post, which was sweet. Glad you liked my story!
That would be great if you could join us!
Huggles, Susan <>< (aka Anon)
Night, Night Susan S - and anyone else tuned in. I'm due to be up at 6am - but may have to snooze for an extra hour!
Sweet dreams.
Nighty night, sleepy tight!
Huggles, Susan <><
PS Don't forget your bright clothes and cameras in the morning! I'll be looking for lots of photos in my email box tomorrow night!
Good night Maw, Paw, John Boy.
EG - get to sleep ... you're up at 6am!
Oooo ... I sound more and more like my mother every day!
I'm still laughing!
Blimey moose - answering these really opens us up. i just hope that it doesnt make everyone hate me.... see no:5!
1. If people found out that i had flirted outrageously (and slightly inappropriately) with a client. The prospect of someone finding that out still haunts me now. Never again.
2. Anything horrible happening to my man cub. Losing my family home.... i know its just bricks and mortar and is not really valuable on the grand scheme of things but the materialistic person in me would be absolutely devastated.
3. success, acceptance, love, life. (freudian order methinks)
4. My mancub, him in doors, the sea, trees, good friends, good wine, good food and purely superficially - diamonds and a louis vuitton handbag.
5. injustice, rejection, me, my family
6. I find this hard to answer..... i suppose i may be considered fun or .......... supportive of others..... i do believe that anything is possible by anyone..... i find this really hard to answer. I think my personality is so split given different situations that i am not sure qualities i posess in certain situations are not neccessarily there all the time..... and does that mean they are really me..? hmm.
7. Much easier to answer! I am selfish, materialistic (much as i hate to admit it!), thoughtless and lazy. I could go on - but i think thats probably sufficient for now!
hope this is useful Moose!
off to get my bright blue dress on. If i get chance i will photograph!
Firstly good morning lovely Moose and lovely others!
I toasted with a small lager last eve coz I've cut down on el vino after being poorly last week...a couple of weeks til lent ain't gonna kill me is it! I am also a black/grey suit kinda gal for work, but as well as black trews, am today sporting a purple polo neck jumper, a BRIGHT pink brasseirhdrere (Plungey pushy uppy if anyone cares) and BRIGHT red pants. So it's just between me and the boy!
Now, today. Free research Moose? But of course dear boy xx Let's see now...
Emabarrass - Being caught inflagrante delicto by anyone, but in particular either of the boy's best friends.
Worst - The boy packing up and leaving while I'm not there.
Motivation - All my buckets being at a manageable level.
Happy - The people and animals I love.
Sad - Something bad happening to any of the people or animals I love.
Best trait - Enthusiasm/Spontenaity
Worst trait - Indecision
Isn't 'trait' an odd word.
Now, I have LOADS to do, so I'm gonna get on with it. I am actually going to switch my internet off. Work first today i think. Or maybe no...
Laters pertaters
BIG love to lyndyloo and Caroline, thinking of you both today babes xxxxx
But first,
M W A H!!!!!!!!
a big kiss for MfR
actually also one for Keith
M W A H!!!!!!!!
just because I can, and you both probably deserve it
Morning all,
I am wearing a bright t-shirt lyndyloo.
Right Moose (you ARE cut out to be a writer, by the way)....I will list my answers below - have tried not to read others' replies, as I wanted my answers to be 'from me' rather than my getting good ideas from others!! How insecure does that make ME sound!!! lol!!
oh no, this could be embarrassing........
1. I had an awful and embarrassing problem for a few years. It has gone now, but the memories of it will never go. Allegedly, due to the stress of divorce, solicitors, unhappy stuff, divorce, solicitors, more divorce and the sillysodders (as I prefer to call them - sorry for any offence made), I had an uncontrollabel gut : ( I said it was embarrassing!! I was unable to drive the 5 minute journey to drop my daughter of at a friends' house before school (so I could go to work) without fear of/actual sh***ing myself. It was really horrible. After all, you can throw up anywhere (more or less) but you can't do the other anywhere. Journeys were an absolute nightmare. I am grateful everytime I go out in my car these days that I don't have this problem any more. Oh no, please don't press the off button - I am a clean and nice person : ( Nothing I could do helped - my gut was in an atrocious state. The fear is still with me!!!! Once bitten, or rather shitten.....I would rather it were once smitten, but hey.....
2 Worst thing is for me to die and leave my two most treasured possessions without a mother and hence living with the new wife
3 I love using my brain - especially quantifyable stuff - like when I ran my own shop - used to do the accounts over a large congratulatory glass of red at home in the evenings. Used to lie in bed thinking of promotions and just couldnt wait to get to work the next day. Saturdays were my fave days as we used to get more men in then (joking!!!)....(I think!!)
4 Makes me happy :If my children are safe and happy. Also, spring flowers and a happier soul which has taken decades to achieve. I have a very basic starting point as far as happiness is concerned, a good friend tells me that 'I deserve more than that'. I don't see it that way. The afore-mentioned in my opening 2 sentences of this paragraph are more than I could wish for.
5 My kids being hurt and the subsequent hurt that my heart feels.
6 listening to others and helping them to think clearly to achieve the helpful thing for them.
7 very very very very very self-critical, not on the surface - am not self-depracating ( had to type that carefully after what I shared in my first answer!!!), but deep down, I mean - have come a very long way but am still hard on myself.
Please don't give up on me my darlings : )
Good morning all!
Happy Hump Day!
I'm just about to go iron my pink top (my wardrobe is sadly lacking in bright things!) and Charis's red dress> Might heve to get someone at Little Fishes to take the photo ... or just chance it and set it up on timer! That's always good for a laugh!
EG and Anna - thanks for being so open with your lists ... don't feel quite so vulnerable now!
What time is the picnic? Thinking I'll take the laptop to Little Fishes with me so I can join you!
Have a great HumpDay, y'all!
Group Huggles, Susan <><
anyone for a garibaldi and a glass of pino grigio
Hazel love - I still want photos!! :)
Gaby - I made myself not read EG's before I posted! Certainly not going to give up on you ... though I dpon't think we'd have been very good on car journeys ... my seat would be wet and yours ... well ... 'nuff said!!! Photo please darling .... below the neck shot if you still want to remain anon will suffice!
Huggles, Susan <><
susan s - lol!! : )
photo...mmmm....that needs technologicogicogical goes - hang on need to refresh my mind as to where it is to be posted?
I'll blog them later on my Xanga! Thanks Gaby! Looking forward to Hazels, though don't normally have photos of scantily clad women on my site!
Yay! And we have our first photo! Thanks Anna! Love your hair! And the mirror!
I feel shattered after posting such revealing information!! time for a cuppa methinks. I have some men coming to lay a floor for me this morning. Ahem. In my little shower room. Size doesn't matter.
Morning - am ready to jump straight in with both feet.
1. I think I would get embarrassed if I exited a toilet with my skirt in my pants flashing my behind at everybody. I find this whole pregnancy thing quite embarrassing when telling people face to face, am not a big fan of having attention forced on me. In the virtual world it's much better though :o)
2. The worst thing that could happen is that we could lose the baby, or indeed any of my family, friends and so on. Alternatively one of the worst things that could happen would be that my work police turm of the internet from my computer!
3. Sunshine motivates me, and tight deadlines. I'm one of these people that would prefer to leave everything until the last minute then work like blazes to get things done.
4. Again, sunshine and blustery days make me happy. Dogs chasing their tails, good news, surprise visits from friends - the list could go on.
5. Loneliness makes me sad, and fighting with my man indoors.
6. My best personality trait - I'm upbeat (most of the time) and like to think that I'm very supportive of my friends. The one thing they have all said is that I am a very loyal friend.
7. I talk to much, sometimes over people too. how rude of me!
:o) Jo
i've never heard of a Xanga before.
Have we all got one?
I think I could do with a few shots of some in this tea
Just taking a break as a man is drilling RIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOOR so I can't concentrate, and quite frankly Susan, after yesterday's shennanigans, I should think having scantily clad women on your web site is the least of your worries...
Christians II Lions V
My younger has had a tough week. In a brave and much-admired (by me) attempt to keep on the straight and narrow, she re-arranged her bedroom furniture. She said to me 'Mum, you know that thing, status quo, well I'm going to do it in my bedroom, to try to feel better'.
I replied, kindly 'ah yes, feng shui, my darling....what a good idea'.
She walked away smiling, having realised her delicious and most tiniest of errors....the irony was also delightful if a little lost on one so young : )
Gaby - you look gorgeous girl! Love your hair too ... nice tidy bedroom! Xanga shots in tea .... hmmmmm!
Come on Jo - get the camera out!
Huggles, Susan <><
HL .... scanitly cald women up a tree??? I'll bet Rachel would be up for that!!!!!!!
PS - Xanga is the host of ma web site!
susan s - I tidied bedroom this morning !!in preparation of the thing to be laid..............floor
Men on the floor ... scantily clad women up a tree ... Moose may be employing Blog Police at this rate!
G'morning everyone!
In honour of Lyndyloo's friend, my friend and Caroline's grandma - I'm sporting a bright blue top, together with the obligatory black trousers. Me knickers are also a garish colour but I'll spare you the details!!!!
Moose - here are my answers:
What would most embarrass you?
That would be if someone was to pay me a compliment (luckily it doesn't happen often!! I just can't cope when people are nice to me and would blush dreadfully even at 45) and also being the centre of attention - that would probably be THE most embarrassing thing for me.
What is the worst thing that could happen to you?
Losing a loved one.
What motivates you?
Getting to the end of each day having done the very best that I can, whether it's at work or home.
What makes you happy?
Making other people happy/laugh
What makes you sad?
Cruelty in any form to humans or animals, and the tragedies that people go through.
What is your best personality trait?
My sense of humour/cheerfulness
What is your worst?
Impatience, and an intolerance to the f***wits of this world.
Having re-read the above it appears that, apart from the rude word at the end, I come across as a bit of a goody-goody, but I'm really, really not!!!
Laid/bedroom/floor/scantily clad women - the naughty corner is going to be crowded today, methinks!!!!
Lyndyloo & Caroline - thinking of you both today xxxx
Hazel Love - well done again hon!!
jollygit xx
Have no camera and am at work - may have to do it when I get home later!
Gaby, try these...
Xanga is Roo's mum in Winnie the Pooh.
You've been Xanga'd.
Last Xanga in Paris.
Morning you wonderful bunch!
I am very stripy and bright today and the sun's out which is even better! Thanks for joining in in my celebration of my friend I'm sure she'd be over the moon! And Caroline I had a dunk in honour with my morning tea!
Moose I'll be back to you on the questions, for now I have to get out and see some peeps!
& the brightest clothes I can find!
From Citril to Sex in Six Easy Steps
Fat Pipe
49, 53, 66, Hup! Naughty corner, I've got ma head down, and I'm a-comin' a-runnin'!
Man now glueing. Head floating. Today just got even high.........
Photos will be gratefully accepted at any time of day or night!
Lyndyloo / Caroline / Jo - do you want to email me a wee somthing about your loved ones?
Charis and Amy just asked what I was laughing at! How do I explain that one!?
Heading to Little Fishes and going to dunk a cookie in a double skinny latte wjilst there. Any orders?
Have done this at speed to give spontaneous answers - gosh it gives a lot away!
1. What would most embarrass you?
A surprise party and watching drunk people showing themselves up
2. What is the worst thing that could happen to you?
Being alone and unloved
3. What motivates you?
Thinking of my family’s future
4. What makes you happy?
My family and the seaside
5. What makes you sad?
The unfairness of the world
6. What is your best personality trait?
Caring and funny
7. What is your worst?
Bossy and impatient
I am sorry but I never have enough time in the mornings (getting me and the boys ready and out the house for 8.30 is enough of a challenge) to do everything so a photo was out of the question! I am dressed in turquoise vest top and pastel check shirt with gold thread running through - other than that I am quite mundane - ooh apart from my cerise pink socks hiding under my black boots. Wish I hadn't worn my loudest clothes yesterday now!
What time is the picnic as I have brought a virtual groundsheet so we don't get damp bottoms as the grass is still a bit wet outside. Have also got loads of nibbles.
Thinking of you Lyndyloo, Caroline and Jollygit - you are all in my prayers.
Hello everyone
Well, I just got my head down and wrote…make of it, what you will!
it's a bit long..but once i got going....!
What would most embarrass you?
Nakedness in myself and others/saying the most appallingly inconsiderate things to people because I don’t think before I speak/farting in a business meeting/falling over in the supermarket or public place/things you say and do when your drunk/daughter - I remember a time when daughter would not eat anything in a Chinese restaurant and shouted (at the top of her lungs) “I’m not eating that it’s poison” (I’m laughing when I’m writing but at the time it was the most embarrassing thing)
In young adult years/20’s E V E R Y T H I N G embarrassed me, I embarrassed myself!
I still remember crying at work up to age 35, but after having a child things don’t embarrass me so much – blimely, when you’ve exposed yourself to 12 student doctors/3 nurses/an anaesthetist and a surgeon..nothing much can embarrass you after that!
What is the worst thing that could happen to you?
Loss of family, loss of sight, loss of limbs or ability to look after myself/ me or a member of my family doing something which would cause me/us to be outcast
What motivates you?
Work: Holiday time/freedom motivates me way more than money/doing a good job and getting recognised for it.
Personal: My husband, and an inner voice telling me to keep on going
What makes you happy?
Friends and family, spending time pottering, holidays, bargains, Friday nights, wine and generally alcoholic beverages and the feeling they give, holding hands, lie ins, daughter in bed in the mornings, daughter being happy, presents, parties and clothes in a lower size than I really am.
What makes you sad?
Frustrations due to other people husband and daughter included, thinking about my dad (died 11 years ago), when things don’t go my way I’ll get mad and then feel guilty which makes me sad. Guilt generally makes me sad.
What is your best personality trait?
These are hard…! I am generally a go for it upbeat kinda person, I work hard, I complete things, I am reliable, I suppose I am quite brave socially e.g. I will go up to someone and make a conversation..but I’ve learnt that, it’s not inherent.
What is your worst?
I am selfish, I do want my own way, impulsive (which is actually sometimes Ok); I’m not so good with change (unless it’s my idea)
Hope that helps, Moose…keep on writing, you just got to keep on plugging at it!
Thanks again for the good wishes, my mum was bemused but touched when I told her about you all.
Love Caroline x
Ps Susan S went to the utube things..funny…and I’d never ventured to u tube before..thanx And I don’t think they’ve noticed we just burrowed under the fence to join in do you?
Hope I'm not too late with my list. I have read everyone else's as I don't think they will influence me (I hope). Everyone has been SO honest, and I will, too.
1. The thought of someone reading my diary. I have kept diaries for years and they are really personal. I worry that if I am run over by a bus, my husband or sister will read them and then discover the real me. I should probably destroy them fairly soon!
2. Losing my daughter. I literally could not breath without her. I know that sounds melodramatic, but it's true.
3. Kinda spooky. I am motivated by the thought of what my darling, deeply missed, mother would think of me. I used to moan to her about all sorts of things, like having to go to work every day, and she used to say, be grateful you can actually get up and go to work - you are such a lucky girl.
4. My daughter and my husband make me very happy. I also love white wine, Italian food and just talking rubbish with acquaintances!
5. I have to say I'm with Susan S on this one - my daughter makes me sad in that I had no idea of the enormity of responsibility she would bring to my life. I would, without doubt, kill anyone who harmed her. Life in prison would be a breeze as long as that person was out of the picture.
6. Difficult, because it sounds like you "fancy" yourself. I am honest, not brutally so, but will not lie to you. I am also completely confidential. If I am told a secret, I would never divulge it. Also, I would never read anyone's diary!!
7. I do moan quite a lot. I am trying to be better, but just about everything annoys me. I wish I could be different.
That is really, really tough!
Good morning, troops. Hope everyone is o.k. I am indeed wearing my emerald green sweater, with white camisole underneath and black trousers. It has caused chaos in the office because I only EVER wear black or brown!
Will check back later!
C xx
I'd like a double tall, extra whipped, super creme, triple half caff decaff moccachino with a mashie niblick and a sprinkle of whirtles please. Should be about £4.20. I don't need a straw. Or a cherry.
Lyndyloo, I have just heard a bird singing outside. I think it is a finch or some such (note to self: will have to purchase Observers Book of British Birds(other identifying aids are available)) and it made me think of you. I have no idea why. Anyway, it looked so pretty and bright, and sang so beautifully, it felt as though he was there for you.
Actually have just checked on wikipedia (other encyclopaedias availabl but not preferred by this user) and it turns out to be a Parus major. I'll let you translate that, else we'll get Susan going again, as if Gaby isn't bad enough.
Now I amd getting soppy and the glue is wearing off.
I've sent him to you too...
I start the day in a different building and arrive to all this at only 11am. Well done you lot and thanks for all the honesty. Very, very helpful.
I feel indebted to you all and on the hook for an equal level of revelation, so here goes:
1. Being paid compliments, Mrs Moose knowing how little I do at work while she is rushed off her feet at home, when I forget personal details about people that I should just know.
2. Mrs Moose leaving with the mooselets. I think I could better cope with them all dying. Does that sound callous?
3. I really struggle here. I have always found it hard to pinpoint what motivates me. Latterly writing motivates me (includes blogging here!). At work, being busy and feeling important. Not been motivated for a while!
4. Again, writing, plus walking along beaches, the mooselets telling me they love me (the little one is so cute he says it all the time), and on a very temporary but practical level -decent coffee to drink and sushi to eat.
5. Friday nights. Sorry not to be more specific.
6. Optimism.
7. Self-absorption.
I think I'm looking forward to the photos...
Now I am done for the moment, something has occurred to me.
Moose, do you mean rowing as in boat or rowing as in screamin' and shartin' like they do in 'Stenders?
...and I just have another embarrassing thing for you.
Noticing at 11.15 that you have marmite on your chin. Realising that you ate the toast at around 08.40.
Thanks guys!
5'7 Rock Chick Chic Punkadelic Chikadee, Blonde, Green Eyes &c.
Moose, what time are you laying out (heh heh) the virtual tablecloth please? The virtual Krug needs a few mins in the virtual freezer just to finish off it's chillin'.
I can't take a pic of me peacock blue top as I haven't got a Box Brownie with me.
Moose - thanks for your honesty too and I hope that our answers help you in some small way with your writing. Don't give up - it's hump day after all so it's just a wee hump - or would that be a 'hu' ?
jollygit xx
Hazel - rowing as in get your oar in. Tight lycra shorts. Vests showing off rippling shoulder and upper arm muscles. And that's just the women (calm down Rachel!)
I am thinking of a 1 o'clock lunch. At this point the tablecloth will be removed, revealing a vest top showing off rippling shoulder and upper arm muscles. Good job it's virtual! And no I can't take a photo.
So pop the Krug in at about ten to one...
Is there virtual pork pie? And virtual scotch eggs - am there under the virtual tree!
I suppose the good things about virtual picnics is that you don't get any virtual ants!
:o) Jo
Can't take a picture of the bright pink top (and matching underwear too) as I don't have the required technology with me. I'll try later at home.
Sorry if I'm a bit late with my list, but it's taken me all morning to catch up. Here's my contribution for what its worth ...
What would most embarrass you? Being found contributing to the blog??? Being the centre of attention - having to stand in front of a room full of strangers and speak coherently to them.
What is the worst thing that could happen to you? Losing family/loved ones.
What motivates you? That feeling of satisfaction/contentment when you know you have achieved something useful.
What makes you happy? Frosty sunny days in winter, spring sunshine, fluffy lambs in the fields, daffodils and flowers generally, holiday times with my “other half”
What makes you sad? Soppy films. Injustice, cruelty and the way society is generally changing for the worse.
What is your best personality trait? My sense of humour and loyalty to those who are close to me.
What is your worst? Doing myself down at every opportunity - I have a huge inferiority complex that I can’t shake off, even though all logic and common sense tells me I’m really OK (if that sounds big headed, sorry but I don’t know how else to describe it).
I'll pop out and join you briefly for the virtual picnic but have to get to a class at 1.15. I'll drop off some sausage rolls if you like.
Moose, am warning the oven for the virtual Soss Rolls as we speak darling, and the alarm is on for the Krug.
I only have one fork...but that's going back to No.7 yesterday, so we'll leave that there, but I have a small inflatable if anybody wants to share.
Now, Rowers in tight lycra shorts dressed as firemen. That's more the ticket. Tickets £10 advance or £13 at the door, and I don't care who you are, you're not comin' in.
Another personality trait for you. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether you think it is a good or a bad thing...I'm very easily swayed.
By the way Moose, PLEASE stop apologising for not telling us about Fridays. We don't mind! We'd all rather you weren't sad, but we don't need to know why! Promise!
Ripple on MacMoose...
Good point re ants
for I am only wearing
virtual pants!
Moose - I'm all a-quiver now with the thought of yer rippling muscles and not sure I could eat any of the virtual picnic. Mind you, shovelling Hazel's virtual sozz rolls & Krug down my neck means that any weight I put on will be virtual too - yaay!!!!! Bring on the picnic.
I'm also sorry that Fridays are sad for you but as Hazel said, you don't ever need to apologise for not telling us why. We're not nosy on here, just concerned, so not another word, d'ya hear?!
jollygit xx
Can I just say, I think everyone's contribution today has been fascinating. We are all different, but similar in our hopes and fears, etc.
Annalog - I hope you don't mind me saying something about your inferiority complex. This will be very difficult for you to shake off, but I promise it can be done! You told us that you know you are o.k., but then you apologised if that sounded big headed! You remind me of me!
Please, please try to ditch it. Believe in yourself, you are o.k. - more than o.k. You are every bit as wonderful, individual and fascinating as anyone else. Of course, just like everyone else, you are swimming in a huge sea with no lifebelt!
Is any of this making sense? You are allowing your life to be dictated by feelings of inadequacy and I just know, with a little belief, you can turn this around.
Why do I know? Because I used to loathe myself, felt totally inadequate and useless. But it was making me so unhappy, I just had to put it all in the bin. I still have doubts (lots of times I say things on this blog and then fret about it) but I am much, much better. You can do this! Good luck!
C xx
Time to stick it in now...
Oh Moose, you say the sweetest've made me go all wonky wibbly woo now, and that's without a glass too!
anyhoo, just winding up the gramophone. Any one got any 78's they want to bring? Anything over 140bpm will do fine.
May I just say, I think it might be better to pre-slice the Swiss Roll and the Malt Loaf, otherwise there'll only be enough bits for two people.
3 mississippi 2 mississippi 1 mississippi so near and yet so cigar...
Is it me?
I have only one thought in response to today's CE blog that I dare not post...
"Pushing a bunch of actors and DJs to their intellectual limits"...can't take that much effort!!!
I know, I need to change my answer to number 7 (today's not yesterday's) to "Intellectual snobbery"
So, are you ready...
Da da da dah.
Da da da dah.
Da da da da da da da da da.
Da. Da dah. da dh. dah da da da dah
etc etc etc
Can I leave my hat on?
I was going to say that!
Hazel - remember not to get it out until it is cold....Or in the case of sozz rolls flaky, but firm, hot and golden.
personally, i prefer a good roll ..........with some cheese and tickle.... OOH i meant Pickle
OOh, and I love the fact it is virtual, so we can stuff outselves and not put on any weight, thanks for pointing that out jollygit
is there a naughty corner behind that tree?
How's about some smoked salmon nibbly things..i can contribute those? Bon appetite tout le monde
caroline x
Ps. have almost broken both PC trying to comment on CE(felt a bit remiss having concentrated solely on you moose this week)Bl**dy disaster.....almost given up.
Too much fat in cheese for me - I'd prefer a bit of slap with my pickle. Or should that be tickle.
Jo - don't eat all the pork pies!
Caroline - I'm glad we've got an expert here to provide some sophisticated food.
Salmon sausage anyone? Come to think of it, would anyone like a bite of my Moose sausage?
I know it's a bit cannibalistic, but I ate reindeer sausage once in Alaska for breakfast and it repeated on me badly all day. You can get elk salami in Ikea too - same effect. Gaby - to be avoided in your case, I think!
oooooh that satisfying 'pop fizz...' your comments hit the hot coals, have really made me larf and the boundaries of my intellectual capacity even!
Pass the slap and pickle please
Just to be clear, was the pop fizz the sound of the Krug opening or you taking a bite of Moose sausage?
Aren't we all exotic now posh are we with our Moose Sossages 'n all. We'll be organisin' a huntin', shootin' an' fishin' trip soon. Polishin' off me monocle as we speak m'deario!
Am actually v hungry. Would go so far as to say hank. Hope chaps return with fodder shortly as can feel weight dropping off by the gramme...oooh head getting light again...another free high...whoopee!
Jo, mind that kite out of the way!
Moose didja get the pic?
Anyone got any piccalli? Nice on a pork pie...
We are not worthy...
Got the pic. One of your better days?
moose....naughty corner....You started it, get behind that tree OR sit on the naughty step..a minute for every year of your life! That'll be lunchtime then !
I'll pass those nibbles around, shall i?
I've also go some lovely bramble liquor if anyone wants a drop..where are those paper cups?
I'm going to be a bit late getting to the picnic so will you please save some for me, especially Moose's sausage - thanks. I love a bit of sausage, especially outdoors in the sunshine ..
BTW - is there room on the picnic rug for us all?
Watch what you're doing with that piccalilli...accidentally had some on my moose sausage once and boy did it make my eyes water.
OOOOH - sorry I am late - technical hitch with the old PC. Have brought a bottle of blue Thunderbird (and some straws) and some Skips, take your pick ................ actually have also got Jo a virtual cheeseboard so she can tuck in as I know she is struggling 'sans fromage' at the mo.
I must say, Moose, I am glad the virtual shirt is big enough for us all to fit on.
Am raising my glass to family and friends both absent and here. The sun is shining and if I could hear the birds I just know they are singing.
And now a second toast - Cheers, virtual friends!
moose - i have tears in my eyes from laughing. I am supposed to be very very busy and as the most snr person in the office right now leading by example - everyone is wondering what i am up to but darent ask!!
i really hope it wasnt the moose sausage that went pop fizz. that could make an awful mess.
and picallili - im crying.
beetroot soup anyone?
Amanda - I think even the real shirt would get close to accommodating everyone!
Jollygit - plenty of room still!
Just a thought: Have you all got your stories lined up for when your husband / partner / significant other / daughter / cat asks you what you did for lunch today?
You wouldn't want to just blush, laugh and be lost be for words...except if the cat asks you - then you would be lost for words.
please can I have pickle with my pork pie?
and a straw for the fizz?
I typed something about enough sausage to go round - but thought better of it!! : )
Right, the virtual dustbin has arrived ..... what we got here then? Ooh, sozz rolls and swiss rolls, yummy.
Excuse me, but can you budge up along the end there - Moose's shirt is a manly size but some of us are falling off the edge here? Aah, that's better - thanks!!
Now then, where was I? Oh yes, cheers everyone and special cheers to all those we love xx (and to those we'd like to love but can't because the restraining order is still in place - hey ho)
beetroot soup - yes please
piccallili 'accidentally' on your sausage.........that old chestnut
There may not be virual ants but I have just seen avirtual wasp zooming in for the jam tarts - anyone got a virual swatter??
:o) Jo
PS - Guess I'm the virtual driver again!
spoonful of saccharine with that m'lady?
I had a virile squatter once - said he would only stay for 2 weeks - eventually left after 2 months : )
Moose - I shall be completely truthful when 'im indoors asks me what I did for lunch today. I'll say "I had lunch at my desk". It's not a fib is it?!
You're all completely bonkers out there. Thanks for making me feel warm and fuzzy inside - oh, nope, that's the Krug xxxx
sorry - have just was virtual swatter ....not.....
I couldn't even begin to start spelling piccallilllillillii so I gave up halfway through...and if the boy asks what I did for lunch today, I shall tell him I spent in in the company of some very special people, each with their own needs. So there.
Jo, it's virtual champers, so you don't need to drive at all. We shall call you a virtual charabanc.
Yes Moose, one of my better days. Do what you like with it.
The rest of it is just borsht.
Pass the branson!
Gaby - you are so cheeky!!! I'll have 3 spoonfuls in mine please, takes a lot to sweeten me up!
Jo - have you had enough of the virtual cheese board now, may I have a bit please? Then I must dash back to the office and do some work.
I have to admit that I had to look it up!
I had a lovely Polish guy make me borscht once
Thanks for a memorable lunch hour everyone.
Does anybody mind if I take the remains of the moose sausage home with me? It’s gone a bit limp and shrivelled in the sun anyway.
It’s clouded over and I’m getting a bit chilly now the warming effect of the piccalilli I spilt on my chest has worn off, so I’m afraid I’ll have to put my shirt back on. Thank you all for helping to clear up the mess – it’s so much better when everybody joins in.
Once again, I apologize for the premature pop-fizz. It’s never happened to me before, honest. Just a shame that no-one was prepared to catch the drips and so much got wasted on the ground. Still, that dog got a nice surprise when it drank from the puddle.
Jo – please, stop eating pork pies now.
Hazel – is that your pink bra or mine hanging in the tree?
I’m sure that the departed ones will be happy that we all had such a good time.
Enjoy the rest of your hump day…and remember, as Jollygit said, honesty is the best policy – we all just had lunch at our desks.
Now the Polish have got good sausages, haven't they?
wouldn't mind polishing off a polish sausage...actually.
You know, Gaby there is enough Moose sausage to go around....
I feel like i'm in a hareem (sp?)...Moose and his virtual womenfolk! too. Great isn't it?
An afternoon chuckle as we all get back to our desks after our picnic lunch:
A woman was walking along the beach when she stumbled upon a Genie's lamp.
She picked it up and rubbed it, and lo-and-behold a Genie appeared. The amazed woman asked if she was going to receive the usual three wishes.
The Genie said, "Nope ... due to inflation, constant downsizing, low wages in third-world countries, and fierce global competition, I can only grant
you one wish. So ... what'll it be?"
The woman didn't hesitate. She said, "I want peace in the Middle East. See this map? I want these countries to stop fighting with each other."
The Genie looked at the map and exclaimed, "Gadzooks, lady! These countries have been at war for thousands of years. I'm good, but not THAT good! I don't think it can be done. Make another wish."
The woman thought for a minute and said, "Well, I've never been able to find the right man. You know, one that's considerate and fun, likes to cook and helps with the housecleaning, is good in bed and gets along with my family, doesn't watch sports all the time, and is faithful. That's what I wish for
... a good mate."
The Genie let out a long sigh and said, "Let me see that f**king map!"
i've never had piccallili - but, I'm open to persuasion
Caroline...ooh good : )
Gabster, I just KNEW there was a C in there somewhere...and Moose, I was saving that bit til last!
Meanwhile, back at the desk. I have ended up with a toasted cheese sandwich with the two crusts, and a spoonful of chicken and sweetcorn sandwich 'Fillers' on the side.
Ooooops hic...he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he...krooogs'mde me g'wall gigggllglgly oooooh nooooo...
Caroline! Save me!
Amanda - LOL !!!
Caroline - you little tinker!
Moose - have you ever been surrounded by so many adoring laydees?
jollygit x
I think you'll find that it is your pink bassirnreaeire Moose. There would have been an awful hullaballoo if it had been mine...
I just wanted to say 'hullaballoo'. What an EXCELLENT word.
Gaby, any floor fitting fit tottie?
I love the word DISCOMBOBULATION - iss brill, and I kan spel it tooo.
Sorry I couldn't join you for the picnic, but I'm glad the sausage rolls all went. Who'd have thought Moose would bring his sausage out? with with piccalilililili too.
My hour was spent in a classroom trying to get to grips with italian verbs. I would have preferred italian sausage, but that's another story ....
Annalog - Ciao bella!
annalog - I think piccallillini may be part of an Italian noun declension.
Hazel - funny you should ask re floor fitting laying man.......he broke down (his van did) this morning - he has JUST arrived. Apparently, his starter motor has gone (that old chestnut), so he has left the engine to his van running outside my house, in order that he may drive away again unhindered at the end of the job (ahem) rather than have a van that won't start.
It's not doing too much for my street cred that the only visitor I have all week knows his visit will be so short that he actually keeps his engine running!!!!
have made him a cup of tea - I said we had sugar but we right out of saccharine (was just testing him to see if he was one of those!!). THere was no reaction, so there was no need to give him one of my 'special' cups of tea!! joking!!
I wanted to ask him to explain to me the goal aggregate thingy to do with the champions league as I want to know about it; the paper and the tv news won't explain it to me. The boys at work will tomorrow, but I want to know now!!....however, I thought floor man may think that it was a come-on or that I was trying to be one of the lads, so have left it.
oh annalog, you missed a fabby day. It was all in celebration of life, and the sun was out, and the birds were singing, and once we find out who it was that threw up behind the hedge, it will have been perfect.
Meanwhile, I'm grappling with some fine colombian 'erbs...not a free high...
Oh gawd. Have just said 'Hallo Big Boy' to my boss. Think will hide under desk as prelude to sneaking off a bit early...they'll never notice...
I can hear man in my kitchen downstairs. Why is he in there? - the ensuite (where floor-to-be-laid is) is upstairs!!....the boys at work would say he is looking through my undies drawer. But (sorry to start sentence with it) I don't have any in the kitchen. I don't mean that I don't WEAR any in hte kitchen...although....
I need to investigate - he may be thumbing through my doylies ......
Back later
Afternoon, you lovely bunch! Got the fat lattes, thin lattes, teas, poofy-teas and cookies! Am I to late to plonk my botty on the rug?! I hope there is plenty of bubbly - I brought strawberries!
Who ate all the sausage rolls!!!
What a gorgeous afternoon here! All day I've been thinking about Lyndyloo's, Caroline and Jollygit's lost loved ones .... and the losses we have gone through as a family. Shed a few tears, but, do you know what, I'm filled with joy at the happy memories I have of them!
Hazel L - there was no whirtles, so got you marsh mallows instead! Just for you and Lyndyloo, I'll post a photo of a great tit too! But not in pink or red undies! Did you bring the marmite?
Moose - thanks for your honesty too - I know exactly where you're coming from with 2. And I have aquired a photo of you having a drink, ripples in evidence, so will post that! MWAHAHA Oh, and congrats on being more interesting and popular than CLP, much as I love him to bits!
Chrissie S - you are such a great encourager! I used to be a self loather too and really had to work hard at realising I'm fearfully and wonderfully made and can make a difference in people's lives.
Moose - why are you humming the wedding march at our picnic? Are Wilsmar and Pottsie coming?!
Don't give Caroline any more bubbly ... she'll be rolling off with someone!!
Naughty Moose!!!! Put your sausage away, before I pickle and slap you!!
Jollygit - you saying I have a lard-a**?!
Amanda - make sure Jo doesn't have any of the soft cheese!
Anna - does it have vodka in it?!
Moose - just trying to work out the excuses now! Imagine if our spouses/partners/daughters/sons/etc read this!?!
Jo - I'm severely allergic to wasps! Can anyone do CPR!?
Moose - budge over in the naughty tree ... Gaby is joining you! NO KISSING
Fading away - is that special needs?!
Moose - you are staying in the naughty tree one minute for every year of your life - get back up there!
Amanda - good one!
You are the most amazing, nutty bunch of friends I've ever had the pleasure of knowing! I just know that the dearly departed will be smiling down on us as we shake the crumbs from the 'rug'!
Huggles, Susan <><
Gaby - I think one of your neighbours was girning to Jeremy Vine about your van man leaving his engine running! Oooo-er!
I can't believe you said that to the boss!!!
susan s - lol!!.....there is a dodgy looking bloke next door (not my neighbour...although...).. a bit worried he is going to drive 'my' man's van away!!!'s all getting too much.
ps I think I prefer Richard Allenson to SW ...........sorry. I like RA's voice.
Singing never was my strongest was supposed to be the stripping music not the wedding march. Would be funny if they got mixed up the other way round at a wedding...
I think the branch of the tree will break if I sit on it for one minute, let alone one for every year...
Hazel - you need to be more careful separating work and blogging!
Finally summoned up enough energy to post next door...
Moose - me too - re next door!!!!
I had just typed 'Jezza Vine' next door and then came back over here and susan s posted re Jeremy. I though I was diagonally parked in a parallel universe for a minute : )
Keith...we miss you xx
Was talking the other day about the reasons we like listening to the German radio station we used to listen to when we lived there...
One of the reasons was that the presenters were "normal" people, not "jumped up so-called celebrities" - not mentioning any names or attributing the quote!
I like Richard Allinson too - I think partly because of the above. You don't see him getting paid to do Children in Need or Comic Relief, do you? Anyway, in my case it's not his voice...ahem [deep voice] pass the peanuts and the whisky.
Actually I think MY main reason was that it brings back memories of good times.
Oh...and Susan was 100!!! Well done...
some of you may remember my job application situation..... am in the office of said client today and somebody has just turned up out of the blue to ask more about the job am only person in with sufficient info to tell them.....
moral dilemma - do i tell them.... or do i trip them up as they come down the stairs.......
of course, some of you may not remember and in which case wont understand why i wish to harm the competition...... i mean lovely applicant.
SW is awfully up his own bahoochie!
anna....mums the word
Chrissie S - I meant to say thank you for your thoughts earlier (much earlier before this lot went on a rampage through the spring countryside with wasps and sausages and stuff). I'm working on it and getting better at believing in myself - you'd think at my age I'd have cracked it, but all I do these days is crack my teeth on granary bread ...
Gaby - hope your doylies remain unthumbed. Last thing you need on a day like today is a hole in yer doyly.
And I'd just like to echo Susan's sentiments - you are all amazing but nutty. I love it here!
Yay! balloons, streamers, party poppers etc yay!
SusanS, are we to take it that you have received your copy of the Which? Guide to using your PC?
Look atchu with the posh font!
ps didja get the pic?
Not of my best I feel...I have no (publishable) pics of myself in the scantily clad, so that's the best I could find...
Such a shame you missed it, but I'm sure if there are any gaps, you can fill them in from here. I also am allergic to wasps.
...and then there is Gaby with doylies. I'm gonna have to get my antimacassars out if anyone comes round aren't I?
hic pardon
ps pass the flit!
Yay! 100 is even more exciting than 1!!!
I want to thank my Mum ... my Dad ... my agent ... my husband ... my daughter ... my pal Ann of the Clan MacLeod ... my virtual friends ... my cat ... my guinea pigs ... wail ....
Anna - I have a banana skin if you want it?
antimacassar is such an awesome word - I don't know just is.
floor man has gone very quiet - so has his engine. Ahem
Ahhh ... have been puzzling that pic! Yup - just heading over to Xangaland to start working on something. I'll update as and when I get anymore thoughts/pics from anyone!
Wonders to self what this one does?
Susan S - you're anything but a lard a**e (I don't sound like Rachel, do I?)
Anna - you do whatever you've got to do!! It's dog eat dog out there - I don't mean that you're a dog, you know what I mean .... oh blimey, why did I start this?!
I once rang a company which was advertising for someone of my calibre (other non alcoholic beers available) and the lady who answered the phone said "oh no dear, you don't want to work here, they're shocking payers and everyone's really miserable - I'm trying to find another job myself"!!!! Needless to say, I didn't apply .......
I like Richard Allinson - he doesn't have to try to be funny.
Anna - give the competition one of Gaby's special cups of tea - it seems to have done for her floor man!
I know I'm being a real dim drongo, but is there any way that I can see the pics of peeps in their brignt clothes? They're not virtual as well, are they?
Getting there gradually jollygit
Jollygit - The pics are in the process of being posted on my wedsite - I'll let you know when they are online and you just click on my name!
No-one is getting this job but you babes! If you trip someone up/poison them, etc., you may lose some Brownie Points!
Can anyone PLEASE tell me how you know which comment is which number? Sorry to be a thicko, but other than counting them individually, I don't see how you are doing it!
Can't tell you how much I missed the lunch you all had today. Sounded hilarious but how Moose will explain all the stains is beyond me!
C xx
I think floor man has run out of petrol, or by the sounds of it....diesel!!
How slow is it next door?!...It's a wonder we ever got any sort of 'conversation' going. Then, when we did.......
Chrissie - you don't know/see it. You just get the total number of comments. So when it was at 106 I counted back to see who was at 100. There might be a switch I can flick to number them...I'll check it out.
Ok, guys. I've put something together on my site - hope it is worthy enough.
Has anyone been to the other side lately. Catch J-not-J being ever-so-slightly a bit sickly...
By the way, it was me yesterday. I have been bitten by a leprechaun and have the work of the piskies to do until 17th March! he he he
Pass the toadstool!
pussycat willow
ps CAN'T STAND SW. Never have, and I doubt if I ever will. An ego the size of a planet, and a brain the size of a pea.
I shall now hold my piece.
sorry, PEACE.
I am suffering from a very severe vegetable craving. I might have to defrost the last bag of the famous red soup tonight to satisfy it.
Also, apart from being a mentor and blogging, I have achieved absolutely nothing today. Not that I had anything to achieve. That answers my "what makes me happy/sad" question...not having anything to do, feeling that I've been no use, definitely doesn't make me feel happy.
Oh shaddup yer moaning Moose-man!
You are Super Moose with your pants outside your trousers, and a big M on your vest.
Without you, all of our days today would have been a little darker.
So there.
Now I'm gonna hold your piece.
With or without piccallilli or diesel.
Or an antimacassar.
Now I'm all discombobulated. We have some broom handles, and I wanna go and do Maurice Dancing. Maurice works in another bureau.
ps The soup may be just what you need. Have some yummy granary (proper loaf not pre-sliced) with it.
I can taste it already...
H. Love
I've just been playing with a 'Whip Arrester'
more tomorrow
loved today, thank you all xxx
Love to Jollygit, Caroline and Lyndyloo
Hi Keith xxxxxxxx
Susan S - Loved the piece - it is beautiful and has had me wiping a tear from my eye.
God Bless You
Thank you for the explanation.
Trust me to sit here thinking "where's the counter, where's the counter" when all I had to do was some simple subtraction!
Hey Ho, it's been a long day! And I'm here until 6pm!
Susan S, I can't get onto your pages, my computer just gets bunged up!
C xx
Hmmmm .... try -
Hazel you can't just throw in terms like Whip Arrester and go home. More info needed. Oh, Ok we'll wait till the morning.
Ciao amici. A domani. See I did learn something today after all.
I think Rachel (next door) has a suitor
I'm having a 4o'clock dunk in memory of Elaine.... and now to you Moose...
Anyone making comment publicly about me being "a big girl" really embarrasses me.
The worst thing that could happen to me would be to lose my hearing I think. I can't stand the thought of my life without music or the sound of the birds, dogs, laughter and noise in general.
I'm motivated by the pursuit of success.
I'm happy if I have the feeling that I'm heading in the right direction in my life.
I get sad if I think I've upset someone or I think of losing my parents or the bears.
My best personality trait is that I'm very loyal.
My worst is that I suffer with foot in mouth disease.
I've missed you all today and will catch up with the posts later.
ps. I know this post is very late but I did start writing it at 4pm then the phone started all over again.
I'm so glad I couldn't log on from work.
You've made me cry!
In a good way.
...and Gaby, so do I!
A Whip Arrester is as interesting looking as it sounds. The job it is supposed to do, isn't.
and thoughts
ps Moose, have just sold Tesco out of yoghurt. I have also bought a bird feeder and some seed which I am going to put up at work tomorrow.
I can't stop blo*dy crying now!
Susan- Thank you! I have cried, then cried a bit more and now I've sent you a multi coloured shirt photo.
And thanks to all my virtual friends out there... you're all wonderful and I'm not sure what I'd do without you all now.
Sorry I made you cry!
New photo on the blog!
Aaaaaaaarrrrgh - so many blogs, so little time to read them. A quick hello - HELLO. Will try and pop back later.
Susan S - you got the last word last night!
Great work. Thank you!
EG - It's not often I get the last word!
I'm so knackered! And Charis is still on the go!
Raising a glass of red to you all - not a screw so who's going to help me finish it off?
Any more photos?
Public speaking.
Knowing I can.
Not sure.
Knowing that I could. And have tried.
Incredibly, optimism.
Lack of patience.
Best wishes all.
Susan S - I've had a couple already - but hey you know me, if I can help out ..... Go on, fill my glass up baby! Hic!
MfR - to the point! I'm far too long-winded.
Matt - thanks for joining in after the day you've had. At least the shared optimism means we can hope for a better day tomorrow!!
Susan S - good work with your blog. well done.
night all. nick nack paddy wacked. its been a long day.
Sláinte mhaith EG! Glug, glug, glug!
Charis has decided that she doesn't need to sleep tonight!
Sleep well, Anna!
Susan S - thank you dahling - it's lovely.
In all seriousness, well done on a fantastic tribute page to Lyndyloo's friend. I'm afraid I can't get the technology to work from here. Have loaded a photo and now can't find it - it may come late - very, very late.
Best wishes to all.
Will keep adding photos as they come, so don't worry when you send it!
MfR - Thanks you gorgeous man you! Stay strong and positive, honey.
New photo on the blog!
Pouring another ... anyone else? Putting on some toast too!
Going off to bed now. Very busy day tomorrow and early start - giving a presentation and only just finished my notes.
So good night all.
PS - wow Moose! What a lorra, lorra posts.
am I too late for a glass of red?
have fun today guys. Work is calling .....and loudly
Can I join in (not for the first time I hear you cry)?
Sorry I have not been around. I took a rare day off work yesterday to go to a car auction. I did not buy anything (just window shopping) but it was a great day out for someone like me who is a dedicated people watcher and there was a lot of very strange people there to keep me amused.
Now for the list of seven that moose posted.
1. I think walking into a room naked expecting only your wife to be in there, only to find the neighbours had come in for coffee… wait that happened ;-)
2 Probably death…still too much to do ;-)
3. Fear of failure.
4. Doing good for others.
5. Being taken for granted.
6. I would have to say my sense of humour
7. I never put myself first.
Hazel, thanks just what I needed and right back at you XXXXXXX just because I can! ;-)
Gaby….missed you too ;-) xx
Lyndyloo, very sad about your friend but what a great celebration these lovely people joined in with you and for you. What a splendid tribute!
Susan what a fabulous thing you did on you web site. I have taken a look and I have to say this old softie was moved by the words there. As for the pictures all very good. I thought Hazel looked a bit pale though ;-)))
Keith the BigUn
...but Keith, were the neighbours naked too?
...and it's not pale, it's wan. (as in lacking colour, not ...ton soup)(it's also something my friend did to the was at the Hallowe'en Ball after all)
...glad I did because I could! for cars?
Anyhoo, a good and wholesome morning to you all!
What a day yesterday! Don't really know what else to say on that. I, for one, felt absolutely shattered when I got home last night, and hasn't Susan done a fine job! Well done babe. Hope (Charis) you eventually got some sleep...XX
I've just cleaned all the windows (three of, not quite such a feat as it sounds) here this morning. As high up as I could reach. Inside and out It's amazing how much more I can see out of them now...and I've done it so I can see all the wee birdies should they choose to visit my brand new bird feeder.
Tesco (other supermarkets available but not quite so near to my house or handy for parking) also sells 'Fat Balls' but I think I'll leave it there for the time being.
salut mes belles amies
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