Why are people sycophantic?
There is one school of thought that people try to fill the emptiness of their own lives with what they perceive to be useful things from outside themselves. They build up a kind of worship relationship with the supplier of these things and sycophancy is born.
Some people's view of religion is similar. The God that they believe in (or have created for themselves) becomes this supplier from outside and the worship/sycophancy relationship kicks off.
In the modern world, there are more and more people who have rejected religion but without giving up the very human tendency towards the sycophantic. They therefore create a need to find an alternative object of their sycophancy.
The most common object for this is some form of "celebrity". It can be a radio DJ, a television presenter, a sports star, even an entire football team or a soap program.
What can happen next is as varied as the individuals concerned.
Common themes are:
- planning lives around these people's "appearances"
- feeling part of their lives and feeling that they are a part of ours
- going to extraordinary lengths to see them, follow them
- a reduction in attention to the other parts of our lives in order to accommodate the celebrities
So what's the way out if we are caught up in the sycophancy?
In observing people that are distinctly NOT sycophantic I have observed the following traits:
- they are incredibly busy living their own lives
- a large proportion of their "busyness" is focussed on others
- they are very private people
- they are very aware of their priorities and constantly assess and readjust them
- they are often very outspoken about celebrity
- they are unaware of who many celebrities are
Consider the following sliding scale as an example:
1. You have never heard of "Comic Relief does Fame Academy"
2. You have heard of it but never seen it
3. You have heard of it, seen a little of it, but don't really have any idea who any of the "z-list celebrities that can't sing" are
4. You have heard of it, sometimes have it on in the background while doing other things, and you know who 3 or 4 of the celebrities are
5. You have heard of it, always watch it, you didn't know who a few of them were at the start but you do now
6. You plan your life around the BBC1 episodes. It is "can't miss" TV. You have a favourite, opinions on who will win, who should win, and you vote occasionally.
7. As above but you vote regularly.
8. As above but you not only watch the BBC1 episodes, but also the BBC3 behind the scenes, you vote so regularly that you have RSI in your texting thumb from the frequency of voting, you talk about it at work every day with your friends.
9. As above, but you've also started watching other programmes that the "celebrities" are in as well - Eastenders, Casualty, Blue Peter. You've started to lose sleep worrying that your favourite might have a sore throat or was a bit nervous on their last performance. You wonder if there is anything you could do to help. You try and find an e-mail address that you can send an offer of help to them.
10. You write about it in your blog.
I'm a 10 - what about you?
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morning Moose et al,
very interesting blog Moose.
I had never really thought of people being THAT tied up in it all, or rather of what that is an indication. That is not to patronise, that is just to confess my lack of understanding really.
I am probably a 3/4, although haven't got list in front of me(laptop will crash if I try to pull that page up at the same time as this!!!) I LOVE music and although most would say that Fame Academy can't be 'classed' as music (!) I do enjoy the arrangements of the songs and especially (vis a vis Strictly Come Dancing) a live band arrangement and sound. Both my parents were professional musicians. My Dad played for Johnny Dankworth and my Mum played in Ivy Benson's Band(first all-girl band).
My brother was at school with Tim Vine (one of the 'z-listers') so I am interested to see him, although he 'went out' last night.
The above is not a defence, I am happy to confess to watching it sometimes - but it is out of a passion for what is happening rather than a passion for the people who are the perpetrators : )
ps On the other hand, I wouldn't turn down the offer of a bit of sycophancy with Matthew Wright : )
pps Hazel, my lovely, I am so sorry that I 'rogered and out' when you were still there. When I saw you and eg sign off for the night I took that as a 'lights out and no talking' signal and turned my laptop off
Good morning my lovely bunch of virtual pals!
Great post, Moose! Half way through you had me panicing that I really truely was a toady sycophant! The I read your list and I'm only 4 .... phew!!!! Panic over!
I find it really disurbing when you see people whos lives are completely consumed by their idols, whether that be a celebrity, football team or a certain TV programme. But perhaps if I didn't have God and my family as my focus I would be like that!
And I have to say I am rather possesed with this blogging lark! Surely I won't turn into a sycophant with the Moose!?! Ahhhh ... perhaps my subconcious is telling me that one day he'll be a great, famous author and I can bask in the glory of having known him before he was famous!
Gaby - morning sweetie! Do you play an instrument or sing?
So ... wht is everyone up to today? I feel rotten too! Sore throat, swollen glands (immediate panic as this is how an ME relapse starts for me), achy limbs and a child who only slept form midnight to 3am, 3.20-5am, 5.15-7.30am!!! Amanda .... I will certainly be emailing you for a 'chat'! Andrew has her out now - they have been to feed the ducks and are now in town! I just got a text saying 'Pooey nappy'!!!!!!!!! Glanced round the side of the sofa, and there is her nappy bag! I still feel woosey so I am not rushing to get changed and go in. He'll just have to go buy some more nappies!
Mum is still poorly too so our weekend to Oban is definately off! She is coming up next weekend for a ceilidh, but Dad is too busy with the vacant charge he is covering (Appin and the Isle of Lismore church. We have realised that we can't afford the holiday to Malta that we had all hoped to take as a family in October. I really need the sun this years though, so does anyone have any suggestions of a way of doing it cheaply!?
Going to take some more paracetemol and get dressed! Have a great day, y'all!
Huggles, Susan <><
Who's going to come to the playground with me so I can 'claim' Debs75 (#33 next door)and batter her after school!? I am so not in the mood for being picked on today.
In fact, the way I'm feeling just now, I'm sorely tempted to let rip with a tirade about folk like that. So ... going to turn off the laptop, have a bubble, and go meet the two loves of my life who appreciate me for who I am and what I do.
Sorry ... don't mean to come across as a sulky witch!
Susan s - hope you are feeling a bit better and that you haven't had to rush off to supply 'rescue bag'!! I really felt for you - it's not seldom we get a break and then when we do, we don't!!
I am sorry to hear that your mum is too poorly for you to go. Also, that you won't be able to go to Malta. I really know what you mean about the sun. I took the girls to Majorca 2 years ago - it was a big trip for me for a number of reasons. I don't think I will be getting any (ahem) this year. Maybe, in my back garden - IF I can get the fences up in time!!!!!
Can't believe Debs '75 - how prattish (is that an adjective....it is now) can people be? Take no notice my friend. Oh, you don't have to go and find your 'special two people' in order to be amongst people who appreciate you for who you are, just as you are. YOu are surrounded by them on here.
In answer to your question about my musical talents: none. No, ummm i play the piano although we had to rid of ours when we got divorced...we have a keyboard but it ain't the same. One day.
*I* think that I can sing. Sadly, am undiscovered.
Have a good afternoon
Afternoon Huggle-bunch! Awfully quiet here and next door, isn't it? Does that suggest that everybody but me has a life!?! Hmmmm ....
Feeling better, thanks - did me good getting out the house, instead of sitting here feeling sorry for myself like a prat! Andrew and Charis were shopping for messages, so I had a wee while to kill in town before they met up with me (I'd have gone for a latte, but had forgotten my purse ... DOH), and thoroughly enjoyed people watching! I spotted this couple, I think in their mid-to-late 50's - he had his greying hair in a pony-tail, a slight beard and wore leather trousers, cowboy boots and a long, barbour type jacket. SHe had a long greying blonde hair, a cream trenchcoat and the brightest, highest pair of stillettos (?spelling) I have ever seen .... and a handbag to match! They looked so cheery and content too, but were oblivious to the fact that they made such a striking pair! What would you have these two characters doing, Moose?
Then there was the tiny elderly lady, quite sprightly despite the walking stick ... and engine backfired and she ducked! Made me wonder if she was somewhere scary during the war.
As for the goth teenagers ... why do teenagers think they are the centre of the universe and have the right to comandeer the pavement and subject the whole city to their meaningles conversations?! Surely we weren't like that as teenagers!?
What age are your girls, Gaby? I'll bet you had a blast in Majorca! Perhaps you could find somewhere cheap and cheerful this year?
well, best go - Andrew is huffing that I'm not making the soup!
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!
Catch you later for drinkie poos!
HE: was a rock star in the mid 70's. His group had one top 10 hit that has since been lost in the archives. He was the drummer. Brain completely addled with drugs. He still thinks he's attractive and talented. And he still thinks he could make a comeback - he's planning to audition for the X factor next year in the new "drummers turned singers" category to be mentored by Phil Collins.
SHE: was a groupie in the mid 70's. An ardent feminist, she has always combined FMP's with no underwear because she thinks she is making a statement.
They married, eventually, in the late 90's when they both gave up hope of finding real love. They moved to Inverness to set up a company running "Spot Nessie" boat tours, but without enough research, they arrived to find the place overrun with competitors. They gave it a try but he suffers dreadfully from seasickness. They now live on the social and have to wear their 70's clothes again because everything else is worn out and they can't afford anything new.
I think they might have a secret love child called Gaby.
That's brilliant! For a minute I actually thought you knew them, especially given the number of cookie folk who have moved to this area to look for Nessie!! ... then I read about their love child! :)
Hope you, Mrs Moose, and the Mooselets had a great Saturday!
I'm off to pour a wee glass of something to go with the lemon sole & courgette gratan (?spelling) Andrew is making!
Enjoy your evening all!
Huggles, Susan <><
Good afternoon, everybody! Hope you are all having a lovely Sunday! We are just heading out to the duck pond for a wee run about and a bit of fresh air after a loverly (even if I do say so myself!) roast beef lunch! Feel I need to run a marathon now to work it off!
I've been a silly girl next door! I was feeling pretty low as it was this morning, then thought I'd visit CLP to see if anything was happening there - it's gone all weird, or is it just me!? Then I read Chicken Noodle #39, took it very personally, took a hissy fit and told them I wasn't coming back! Stupid Highland lass!!!
So, now I'm thinking I'll have to go incognito as one of my novel's characters! I'm too gobby, so there's no way I can stay away from CLP's blog and not comment!
So ... here's the challenge - try and guess who I'm incognito as from tomorrow!
Catch you all later!
Huggles ... cos I can ... kisses ... cos I can ... love you all honeybuns!! COS I CAN!
Susan <><
Hi everyone
Hazel - sorry I had to dash off on Fridy night but thanks for being around to chat to.
Susan - thanks for the encouragement to set up a blog. Have actually been thinking about doing that but probably need a bit of a push. I'm now trying to think of how I might structure it - so one small step forward. Sorry too, to hear about your Mum - hope things are better.
Gaby - you've got an interesting background.
Moose - as always an interesting blog. I think this is one side of sycophancy - although I had never seen celebrity worship in that way before. I have in mind someone I used to work with who I would describe as a sycophant - but he did this to get into people's good books - especially senior people in the organisation - and once in he used the relationship to try and then destroy others - his peers. This may sound very strong but I know this is what he did. I had the misfortune to come across him very recently again. He asked me to do something which was actally to rat on someone else - I won't go into all the detail - but I realised that he was still up to his old tricks. Anyway, my view is that sychohants can be much more devious than they may appear on the surface. So beware!
So, it's 4.15pm. 45mins till 5 o'clock. Can someone play the music - pleeeeeeze " .... it's 5 o'clock somewhere .....". Oh maybe I should just wait for 45 mins. Open bottle ..... wait. Open bottle ...... wait. Oh I don't know ..... " ...... it's 5 o'clock somewhere ......" Gotta go, their playing my song!
Susan S - I've left a wee message of support for you next door.
Big, Big:
Afternoon all
Moose. I guess I'm a 3/4. I don't really watch TV, but Mrs MfR likes her fix, so I trip over the odd programme and have suffered a couple of doses of CRDFA.
Having seen Mr E at the club yesterday and just come back from a lovely drink in the sunshine at his pub, I guess I qualify as a stalker!
Susan. Just ignore the children next door. I took it personally once and then thought sod them, this is a public forum, if I want to say something, I will. I toned down my long blogs on the basis that I couldn't be bothered anymore and no-one was really interested. Don't refer directly to them either, they like that, just toss in the odd thinly veiled jibe.
I'm off for a glass of something and a trawl through the Sunday papers.
BTW. Watched Borat last night. Didn't get it. Utter bilge. Sorry.
Sorry .... should have made clear in my first post that I did not rat.
Wot no Antiques Roadshow, wot no Top Gear! Will be going to bed at 7 at this rate. Have selected 'Fallen Angel' for my evening's delectation and delight, but if it's too 'thriller-y' I may just give it up and snug up with a book in bed...
Anyhoo, re the blog...
To start, I'm a pwhoar.
Now I'm going to read the 12 comments before I carry on...
Susan, Deb75 has no friends. End of.
Chicken Noodle - similar.
MfR, I put my 'Borat' opinion on next door, loud and clear. Having said that, dunno if the comment is still on there, hold on...yep #26.
One of my favourite film quotes of all time, from 101 Dalmatians with Glenn Close... "What kind of sycophant would you like me to be?"
Anyway, I've had the survey back, and tbere IS a tree capable of supporting a Hazel with a pair of binoculars and a night-vision lens, RIGHT OUTSIDE MOOSE'S HOUSE. (Although I feel this may be more stalker orientated than sycophantic?) I LOVE YOU MOOSE! Please can I have your antler velvet for my altar? I promise to do everything you say!
See you all tomorrow
ps - Gaby, if the weather is nice, we do have a small (minute) spare room and we're only 10mins from the beach.
pps - likewise, Susan, but there would only be room for you (the noo)... Darling, have faith. The money will be there if you need it.
ppps Two words - Sam Downie
pinot grigio rose? don't mind if i do...
'ello, 'ello, 'ello!
Evening all!
What's going on here then?
Chin, chin! I've taken paracetemol for the punding and have a lovely red screw opened! Bummed that I can't get to church though cos I feel so yuck. But did have a lovely time at the duck pond (videos to be posted shortly on my Xanga), then went over to North Kessock, parked the car and had a walk along the beach under the bridge. Andrew and Charis are away to church now, so got some peace to myself and my thump-thump in my head!
EG - looking forward to your blog already! And thanks so much for your lovely message next door - sweetiepie! Mum's just got the flu, but never takes poorly and seems to be catching everything that is going. I just worry too much about my folks! Sorry to hear about the situation at work - that's a horrible position to be in. Glad you were able to disregard what he was saying!
MfR - very supportive of you to left Mrs MfR watch crappy TV! My hubby is very kind to me when I go through fazes of watching duff TV, like You've Been Framed and the such (not into soaps, etc) ... but won't sit and watch Buffy or Angel with me! He naffs off to another room, but at least he lets me watch it! I can't believe you are turning into such a stalker!!!! Must be quite strange to be part of his blog community, then see him in the flesh! I hope the lad doesn't get too much bother from folk, that must be quite frustrating for folk with celebrity status! And thanks for your kind words re next door. I know it was daft to get so upset, but you've been there (as have we all!) and often your words just run away with you! I'll just read, I think, for a few weeks ... but may pop in as someone else, just for the crack! Anything interesting in the Sunday papers? Have no interest in watching Borat! Watched X-men3 the other night and cried my eyes out!
Hazel love - you can't go to bed yet, honey! Stick a DVD on and stay with us! Next door, you said, 'It's gonna be a better year for lots of people with lots of opportunities and new projects, new people etc, and yours is just starting...' - that has really spoken to my heart, honey, and I'm claiming that for myself this year! I loved your advice for Sammie! I kinda miss those feelings, being the old married woman that I am!!! Is there room in the tree for anyone else? I made some lovely cream of veg soup yesterday, so could bring a thermos! You can have the antler velvet, though .... I'm aiming for the actual antlers for above my fireplace! That spare room sounds tempting!!!!
Huggles, all
Hey, guys ... pop over to Sally's blog and see someone taking break a leg just a wee bitty far! (Sally contributes next door)
This is getting kinda deja vu-ish. I seem to come on the Moose blog every Sunday around this time and say things about the end of the weekend and the start of a new week ...... and .... and .... guess that's just how I feel on a Sunday night. I've never much been one for going out on a Sunday night - don't know why - maybe I'd rather just sit here and depress myself about going back to work. Not that I an depressed - I'm not. But I don't like the weekend coming to a close. Think I'll start a petition to lengthen weekends. Anyone want to sign along with me.
Oh well, have a good week everyone.
I'm up for that petition! I don't have that depressing Sunday night feeling of having to go back to work on Monday, but I'm up for a longer weekend and more days for family fun!
Hope you had a great weekend everybody! It's my sister Ali's 30th birthday tomorrow so I won't be around for lunch, but I should manage a dunk in the morning!
If you feel like it, pop over to wish her happy birthday!
Huggles, Susan
PS I'm really touched that anyone next door would be bothered about me not joining in! Sticking to my guns for now, though!
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