Friday, 16 March 2007

Time for a new image

I have decided that today was the day that I should begin brushing my antler velvet towards the right. It's nice to have a change now and again, and I find that spring is a good time for a make-over. I thought people wouldn't notice, seeing as how the velvet really is quite short and it makes little obvious difference which way it is brushed.
But I've been getting comments all morning.
I fear it may be making me look like a girl moose.
Or that people will think I've changed my political persuasions.
Maybe I'll get on BBC Breakfast where they can have an in-depth discussion about it.

Update: I was in a 3 to 1 discussion on climate change last night. Apparently there was a program on BBC4 recently that "showed" that the CO2 changes FOLLOW the temperature changes and don't cause them. Something about sunspots and volcanic eruptions producing more CO2 than a population explosion of Chinese coal-fired power station engineers could make in a million lifetimes. I guess the way I think about it, the stewardship thing still holds...if these guys are right then we'll just have to satisfy ourselves that we did a good thing that didn't save the planet. And if they happen to be wrong...

Another small update. Confession time. Indirectly, I have discovered that I will in fact be donating to CR. Mooselet #1' s school appear to have put on a special day for his birthday, where the kids are allowed to not go in uniform if they donate at least £1. So he's going off to school in his party gear (no time to go home and change...) and giving over his couple of quid. Which of course came from my wallet.
Ho hum. Still, on an average basis, I've now done my bit since CR raises a whopping £1 from each man, woman and child in the country or £5 per person that will watch tonight.
Good job for the other estimated £7 billion annually given to charity (2003 figures) - that's about £120 per person. 40% of people give nothing at all in the average month. Another 30% give something but less than £5 per month. 25% give between £5 and £50 per month and 5% give more than £50 per month. Just a bit of perspective...

But to be fair, it is indeed £60million or so that people probably wouldn't give otherwise and it does do a lot of good. And I'm sure a lot of the celebs involved are in that top 5% of charitable givers. So have fun tonight if you watch, have fun if you don't.

I expect to spend my evening getting paint off my fur and tattoos off my antlers. I'll probably spend it regretting the number of sausages, crisps and bits of cake that I ate. And fussing in front of the mirror trying to decide whether to stay with the left to right velvet or switch back.


jollygit said...

Hi Moose - I want to keep saying 'dressing to the left or the right' but that's a whole different subject, isn't it?! Oh well, at least you have some velvet to brush .... my boss (for only another six hours) would envy you greatly!

I hope Mooselet #1 enjoys his day in mufti gear and his birthday.

Will you be able to come to my leaving lunch in Whitstabubble? I've got the picnic rug for the beach and I'll send you off with a packed lunch if time is tight .....

jollygit x

Anonymous said...

Blimey Moose, have just done outstanding post next door too!

Keep it like that. At least for the Spring. Moosettes (lady Mooses) like to see the feminine side of their chosen mate. You can go all butch again after the summer.

Are you having face-paints tonight? Can I be a Clouded Leopard please? I'll give the lady 50p...she can donate it to wheresoever she pleases...

I watched CR does the Apprentice last night. All to see Maureen Lipman to say 'Fu*****' out loud...I love her!

lyndyloo lovin the limerick - You've come over all Irish already haven't you! My team is London Irish btw - we own them! Perhaps I should try and get the box for an OAMC...

Todays Friday Pome dedicated to lyndyloo...

There once was a fella called Stan
Who was a peculiar man
When asked if he would
He said if I could
But I'm really not sure if I can

all my own work

ps Moose, am I gonna be ok in my maroon velvet dress with the sash belt and Mary-jane shoes?

Moose said...

oops...methinks I struck a chord in my comment on CE yesterday. The poor chap sounds a mite defensive today. Trivial in the real world indeed! How very dare they.

Jo said...

Hello this morning Moose - Loving the new do!

Am so excited about pp at lunch time I might burst, then on to the evenings entertainment, have you got a couple of trees I can string the tightrope too for the party??

Thanks for all the entertainment, look at the time, it's nearly lunch and no work has been done yet!

As for Maureen saying the eff jeff word, I'm still having an occasional giggle at Moose putiing TW*T in his blog the other day.

Hazel - does Mary-Jane mind you borrowing her shoes?

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

She has taken the fancy buckles off and left me with the button and loop fastening as she doesn't trust me not to get mud caught in the diamante.

Now I have told her I'll be wearing them to Whistabubble as well, she has specifically asked me to bring her back some oysters in case they have pearls in them. Very materialistic is Mary-Jane...and I don't think she likes the thought of me wearing them with an anorak either. She could only just about cope with the fact that my velvet dress isn't silk velvet.

I ask you!

Anonymous said...

...and funnily enough Moose, I see exactly what you you've pointed it out, it does appear a bit that way...

Like your fringe.

Anonymous said...

Just dropped by to deliver some lentil and sweet potato bake, a nice accompaniament to the traditional pp methinks.

Jollygit - its all good, you sound bright - your future must definately be orange..... or something. x

Cant stop, got to go and cork 30 bottles of wine in prep for tonights interval. The Minster in which tonights performance takes place is currently being lit, its new west facing window is looking very spesh and the red noses are ready for the performers to don (sorry moose!) so all looking good.

enjoy your lunchtime soiree. happy belated to mrs mfr, have a good party tonight - give mooselet 1 a kiss from me...

got a day off tomorrow - shall familiarise myself with the mancub!

Have a good un all.


Anonymous said...

See everyone at 1pm! Though, as usual, I may be a bitty late, so I’ve left the ice bag with the wraps, egg mayo sarnies and bubbly behind the 3rd tree by the pond in Whitstabubble!

Hazel love - throw the card over here!

Wow, look …. a moose eating his hat! I think you need to post a photo and let us decide if it should go left or right! Hope the Mooselet has a fabulous day! See you a 4pm for setting up! Blimey - party at 1pm, party at 6pm, ceilidh at 8pm …. I’m knackered already!

Whar's for dunking?

Anonymous said...

moose - forgot to say, hair cut sir hair cut sir how about you cleopatra.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Hazel, you are so dapper ... will you help me choose a dazzling outfit for all these parties we have today?

Anonymous said...

Anna - yum!Perhaps we could all stop by tonight for a wee peek and a snifter?

Oh, and you are all, ofcourse, cordially invited to the ceilidh tonight!

Anonymous said...

Ooh goody - a seaside picnic. Just as well I put on my cerise and white striped top today - it will blend in well with the deckchairs!

Moose I didn't realise antler velvet was long enough to part - is it a bit like shag pile carpet??? I know - naughty pen, fashioned from several windbreaks in a squareish pattern here I come!

lyndyloo said...

Happy Birthday Mooslet #1! You share your birthday with my friend Jules who I won't be celebrating with as the tablets are making me very nausious!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

Moose, I have a hairdresser appointment at lunchtime today, so I may experiment a wee bit too!

Didn't manage to get back to the blog yesterday, but managed to catch up this morning. Everyone is sounding in pretty good shape.

Jollygit - you are sounding really positive, and that's brilliant. This is definitely a good opportunity for you, so all the best.

Susan S - what about Charis being such a star! How many nights did that take? Three? Well done!

Lyndyloo, poor you! I NEVER read the possible side effects of drugs! I did read a leaflet once that came with a bottle of Nytol, and of course couldn't get to sleep for worry! At least you will be finished the course of antibiotics in time for Dublin! Hooray!! Please tell St Stephen's Green that I love him!

EG - hope everything goes o.k. today.

To everyone else, have fun at lunchtime and I'll check in later!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

A Mooslet called numero une
Was humming his favourite tune
When the teacher asked why?
He returned with a cry
"It's my birthday! I'm over the moon!"

Thanks HL much appreciated!

Jollygit- I'm packing my bathers for Whitstabubble, won't eating or drinking but thought I might take a small paddle!

jollygit said...

Anna - strangely enough, I AM feeling bright today. I think it's because after all the wondering and worrying about job security etc, I now know that I'm being set free to do other things. Not sure what yet, but I'll get this place out of me hair first and then worry about all that!!

Thanks for the lentil & sweet potato bake - looking forward to that xx

Chrissie - thanks for that and I'm sure you'll look absolutely gawjus after having your 'air done x

I'm off to Milton Keynes with an old workmate tonight to celebrate another friend's 40th birthday. We're going to London tomorrow and will be at The Comedy Store in the evening, and dining in Chinatown, so there's nothing to be down about at all. 'Im indoors is happy 'cos at last he'll have the TV remote to himself!

Can't wait for the picnic - hope the tide doesn't come in too soon .....

Susan S - have found the sarnies, thanks, and we'll save a bit of everything for you.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...


What a week. 7 hour yawn-a-thon yesterday, M25 Wednesday and deepest Essex on Monday.

I've managed to find a crucially important job to do this afternoon which involves driving to Reading (if I see you Gaby, I'll wave), collecting a couple of files and driving home. If I time it right, I could be home by 4.00.

I've popped my request in for CRARF, but I still think I'm blacklisted for speaking to Chris too many times at the gym.

Have a fab afternoon and weekend all.


Moose said...

Great limerick Lyndyloo...he's probably humming right now.

Quick meeting now then I jump in the Bavarian Manhood Wrecker to nip off to the party. If I drive carefully, I should be able to have a virtual lunch with you guys while I'm on the road...

Have to share...was in the T supermarket last night (well the discount is attractive...) getting the coffee and sugar to keep the adults lubricated at the party, and inadvertently slipped down the sauces and pickles isle. My eye was inexorably drawn to the piccalilli shelf and I came over a little queer.

lyndyloo said...

Poor little queen.... Moose you really should be more careful!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mooselet #1 !!

Moose, hope the party goes well. Once you are finished there, please pop over to our place and for heaven's sake take my husband for a pint! Can you imagine the poor guy? NINE 15-16 year olds prancing about our house tonight! He'll be terrified to even come out of the room!

C xx

Anonymous said...

A timely reminder for you all...

Before we all get caught up with jollygit's Farewell Luncheon, and Mooselet #1's Birthday Fandango...

Have you all sent, or bought at least, your Mothering Sunday cards for your mothers, mums, wives, all of the above and quite possibly some others? It's this Sunday.

I have just this very second purchased, rit and posted mine, so am now hoping ye olde poste office gentle menne manage to get it there for tomorrow!

Not expecting Brownie Points as have used those up LONG long ago, but she should still be pleased...

jollygit said...

Susan S - I meant to say, big hugs {{{{hugs}}}} to Charis for doing so well on the bedtime thing after such a short time xx and well done to you for not cracking!!!

jollygit x

Jo said...

Bought M day card but lost it somewhere so am going for 2nd one this arthur noon

Anonymous said...

ChrissieS - you'll be getting the Moose all exited now...the very thought of prancing 15-16 year olds...whether there are nine or two...

Moose. Down. You'll have someones lightbulb out in a minute.

Moose said...

15 or 16 year olds are a bit old for me, I'm afraid.

We are talking moose years?

Oops I might have made a little faux pas there...

Moose said...

The soup special for St Patrick's Day...why is it Leek and Potato? Shouldn't it be Potato and Potato?

Don't get me wrong, I like leek and potato, but surely it should be served as the special when celebrating the Welsh-Irish Alliance of 1124 (3rd Thursday of May only during leap case you were wondering).
And it's too hot to drink quickly...

Jo said...

Ladeez and Gentlemen get out of the way. Pork Pie eater coming through :@)

lyndyloo said...

Right then I'm off for a dip.... SPLOOOOSH!!!!

It's great in here, anyone care to join me?

lyndyloo said...

A ode to a Jollygits (soon to become) Boss!

Boring person when I meet you
My head starts a throbbin'
I'd like to take you by the throat
And punch your boring gob in!

"purple ronnie '92 "

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your kind words re my nephew. Sorry for taking so long to say thank you!

A very happy belated 16th Birthday to Chrissie's daughter, they are going to have a ball tonight!

Also a happy belated birthday to Mrs Mfr, I'm sure you were thoroughly spoiled by Mr Mfr!

and last but by no mean least.....a very special happy birthday to Mooselet #1 have a fab time at your party. lots of hugs and kisses.

Jollygit - enjoy your last day, think of the pleasure you will feel walking out the door for the last time tonight!

Jo - good news about your scan, look forward to seeing the pic. Hugs and kisses to baby xx

Susan S - What a little star Charis is and well done to Mummy and Daddy for being so strong xx

Lyndyloo - Sorry to hear you are poorly, hope your better soon xx

To everyone else......hello :))

I will probably get the chance to lurk again this afternoon, not sure about posting, just incase I don't have a great weekend.

Lots of love
Mary xx

Anonymous said...

I'll join you for a paddle, but only if I can keep my hanky on my head please.

Roll up, roll up, getchor Malt Loaf Soldiers 'ere!

...and for the lovely Jo...

They're pies
They're pies
They're pork and jelly

They're not olives. They're mine.

Kalamera kalispera kalamata
Hakuna Matata

ps Has anyone tried the Leprachaun and Chick Pea dip?

Jo said...

Hazel Hakuna Matata was my suggestion for Don't tell me that doesn't make you feel better.

Lyndyloo watch out, I'm coming in. Is it safe to swim this soon after PP?

Along the lines of pome and limericks

The Park and Jelly
Is in my Belly
Give me a welly
to fill with custard and wang!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jo, for the dtmtdmyfb I had blowing a raspberry on someones belly - makes 'em larf every time! (Once they are over the initial shock of course...then you see them going off to do it to someone else...just another part of my evil plan to take over the world coming to fruition)

Try it on somebody you love! Or at least, know reasonably well...

Get them to give you 50p, which you can then donate to the cause of your choice.

You know how to blow a just purse your lips, and blow...

isn't that better

Anonymous said...

afternoon all,

Nothing like a preen in Spring young Moose.

I am afraid to say that the first thing I thought of too (jollygit : )), was 'dressing' to the left/right....sorry : )

Loving all your posts friends

The summer will be over soon, enjoy the last couple of days.


Matt - here's looking for ya

Anonymous said...


Fab blog again Moose - very thought provoking - did you know they grew grapes as far north as York in Medieval times???? Cycles, cycles, cycles...

Have been into office this morning and met with a man about a job... think it went well - should know by Monday if I've got it or not.

Really bummed that I can't see this blog when I'm in the office - missing out on the fun!!

Right, well, MAJOR project stuff happening this weekend and as predicted, the you know what's hit the proverbial - MAD is an understatement for my day so far - I haven't even had tme to pee without the damn phone ringing - have turned it off for 5 mins though so I can blog...

There is lots of CR stuff at work today. We were told to wear red and donate a £1 for the privilege. When I was challenged on not wearing red, I asked "How do you know?" and left it at that... ;-P

Right - madness and mayhem beckon, I'd take kiddies birthday parties over this work crap anyday - I love them, they're especially useful for embarrassing the kids - Mum Dancing and Mum Karaoke are sure fire cringers!!

Susan S - great big smacker to you, hubby and Charis for doing so well!

Later all!!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, Sammie - did you still pay your £1?
Secondly, Sammie - I would NEVER cycle to York just for a grape. not with a handy green grocers (other grocers used to be available but many closed down due to cheaper supermarket (other types market available (possibly even with free car parking (other parking possibly with charges may be available))) just a wee stretch darn t'road.
Thirdly, Sammie - hope you want it, hope you get it.

As I said yesterday...BURGEONING!

Gaby...Wot's up doc - kids left the laptop on, and free for your use! How lovely to see you this afternoon too xxx



jollygit said...

Wey hey - how do I look in me itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini? Shame it's three sizes too small, but at least it keeps the children away from the water!!!

Oi, who keeps kicking sand in the sandwiches?

Lyndyloo - loved the pome, thank you so much xx

jollygit x

Jo said...

Am all pruned now, staying in the water for an hour not really advised.

Sammie - I'd take kiddies partoies too, in fact I might set up a kiddies party company and earn some money acting the fool. I don't want to be a clown or anything, just me, with some toys, and being at kiddies partys (please notw, I have full enhanced CRB disclosure although it was last July so is not really current)

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

HL - lol, funny you should say that : )...I have even managed to post on CE - but the order got all cocked up (technical term) and then it's the right order and then it's not cetera, cetera et, te aretec.

loving the sound of your bird table.

ah, they are playing my song - 'I am not in love, but am open to persuasion'

crudites sur la table

Anonymous said...

even better .....crudites SOUS la table


Jo said...

Gaby - be careful sous le table, you never know who you might meet down there!

Anonymous said...

jo : ), that's what I was banking on

Jo said...

PS - don't bother looking at the cricket scores anyone, depressing stuff

Jo said...

Gaby, unfortunately you won't be able to receive free kisses anymore from strange men (or women!) so make sure you introduce yourself before swooning and feigning heart attack.

Anonymous said...

HL - firstly - hmmm - yes, aws the kids had rifled my purse for CR this morning, I didn't think it fair to leave one little squid in there all on it's own...

Secondly - wouldn't you? I might - if the said grape (and it's siblings) were turned into a decent bottle of something lovely...and I could stay at lovely luxury hotels on the way!

Thirdly, I DO and so do I!!!!


Anonymous said...

Currently on work break.

Currently 'listening' to Radio 1 due to spesh request from colleague.

Am gettin' darn to sum garidge innit.

Well, I think it's garidge.

That or Hip Hop.

Ooh, bit of Iggy now. Thassssss better!

chow chow
lust for life my angels

Eggsellent Sammie - all +d for you xx

Qu'est que c'est sous la table?

Je ne sais pas.

Elle dire a moi to shove off.

Je pense. Honi soi. Que male.

Back to work...gotta a lust for life!


Anonymous said...

First off - Update on Big Bun. She's home from the hoppytal and is doing well. A bit groggy but now resting. It'll be a couple of weeks before I know whether the op has worked. But she's home safe and sound which is what counts for the moment. Thanks to those who sent postive thoughts and prayers.

Happy Birthday Mooselet #1.

Lyndyloo - sorry you're not feeling so good. Get well soon.

Jollygit - have I missed a party. Sorrrrrrry - be there next time.

Moose - great blog again. I'm sure you will look equally great no matter what side you choose to brush to. On climate change - can I recommend that anyone who has any doubt should watch Al Gore's An Inconvienient Truth. Put aside the American polical twee and the playing of some of it for laughs and focus on the stats - for me that says there is something that is not right. And if you don't believe any of it then just look after our Earth because it is the right thing to do.

OK - I've had a bit of stress today so I'm tired, have a thumping headache and heartburn. So I'm going to go now and spend some quality time with my Buns.

Have a great weekend you Beautiful People. Speak again soon.

Luv ya.


Anonymous said...

Hello everybody,
Just back from Bristol yesterday night, and going back tomorrow, but I just wanted to catch up..I've not had time to read everything but :
Moose..profound stuff...I'm half glad I was away, because shallow old me would not have an opinion about such matters! but I LOL when I found out you did contribute to CR! (am I rotten?!)
Happy birthday Mooselet no.1
Keith ne'er mind eh? as Hazel says, you've had interview practise now. Stick with it.
Susan S that Noodle person next door was horrible, it's lovely what you do (makes me feel special when i'm directly acknowledged) and well done to you and Charis for's a slog, but worth it.
Jo - Scan - exciting
Chrissie s = hope party is success
Jollygit - walk tall and proud out of that office
Gaby - you and your crudities!
Sammie - hello
Everyone else - hello and goodbye again, and don't squash your sandwiches, or drink blue cocktails, they stain!.
Will be out at a quiz tonight, so will miss CR. the apprentice last night was great though, wasn't it? have fun virtual friends
Got to go now, keep safe.....I wonder how many posts CE will get during his holiday? Did you notice how he didn't ask us ( like he did last time)..But hey, we have got the fabulous MOOSE for 1st point of call anyway!!!!!

Love Caroline x

P.s..just 1 but the lightbulb has to want to change!
P.P.S the flagon with the dragon

P.P.P.S There was a young lady called Hazel
she put MFR and Keith in a daze(l)
Annalog and EG cried,
Gaby and Jo sighed
and agreed Moose's writing amazed all

Anonymous said...

Drat! Did anyone leave a doggy bag for me?! Dis Jo eat all the pork pies?

Chrissie S - How did it go at the hairdressers? Thank you for your encouragement, honey - we started the new routine/bobo withdrawal on Monday evening, so I am really proud of the wee honey! She woke up this morning (having been up twice through the night) and said, ‘Mummy’s reaaly proud of me’! Gets you right there, it does! So, we’ve had Jollygit’s going away, Moose’s Mooselet’s party next, then Chrissie S’s teen party, then a ceilidh! Phew! What a bunch of party animals! Hope the party goes well! Photos …. on a CD … and I’ll set up a site for you! Go on! You know you want to! It’s easy peasy!

Lyndyloo - I think you, Jo and Hazel should do a collaberation with your pomes and sell them for Dr JMcC’s charity! Did you enjoy your dip - I‘d definitely have come in if I‘d made it in time!? Did anyone take a photo? I could send it to the delectable Nic on Drivetime!!

Jollygit - Happy 40th to your pal’s pal! Will raise a glass of something at 8.30pm! Sounds like you are in for a great weekend - look forward to hearing all about it! Glad you found the sarnies! And a HUGE thank you for the hugs! I’ve had a couple of all night sobbing sessions, but Charis seems to be taking it all really well! You guys really have kept me going, even though you won’t have realised!

MfR - Sorry you’ve had such a bummer of a week this week!!! Have you been stalking CLP again!? Are you home yet!?

Moose - Where do you want the tightrope for Jo? And this pile of chairs? LOL Piccallili!!!! Forever, now, I will think of you all at that picnic, with that rug, and that bra in that tree!!!!!

Hazel, darling - my card for Mum is in the bedroom, Charis’s card is in the bag with the Teddy and pome she got for her! And please … dinnae speak Greek … makes me miss the Greek Isles!!!! In what situations would you say it’s acceptable to blow raspberries on folk’s bellies!?


Mary!! - we missed you!!!!! How are you?

Gaby - don’t tell anyone, but I thought that too!!!!!

Sammie - Bags me not clean the fan! I hope work gets better, honey! Thanks for the smacker!!! Hope you managed the bog as well as the blog!!

Gaby - You’ll have to translate!

Well …. best go do the dreaded hovering! Back in a wee while!

Huggles, Susan <><

PS Girls … don’t you just hate it when you get crumbs in your bra? Sorry …. just had to share that cos had to tip them out!!! THE CRUMBS, you manky lot!!!!

Anonymous said...

EG - Glad the op went ok, here’s hoping the next 2 weeks show the desired effects. On Global Warming, I read a fictional novel by Michael Crichton, which he based on ‘fact’ - it was quite an eye-opener. Hope you manage to distress, honey … and open a nice bottle later!

Caroline - Welcome home!! Missed you too! Something freaky just happened … the cat just sat on the mouse (pooter mouse!) and highlighted ‘Susan S that Noodle person next door was horrible’ before I’d even read your comment!!! How weird is that!!! But, thank you … I shouldn’t have taken the huff, but I’m back next door now properly. Although I was posting incognito, it wasn’t the same! Hope the quiz goes well. I think you need to join in on the pome collaberation!

Anonymous said...

Darn I missed the fun. Had to take a work break and it was longer than expected.

Susan - I welcome any additions (within reason!!!) to my bra - a couple of crumbs would double the cup size!

Have a great weekend peeps - and don't forget your mummies. I'm off to see mine on Sunday for the first time since Christmas - she's bound to have something to tick me off about ...

Anonymous said...

There was a young lady called Caro
Who kept all her shoes in a barrow
She had high tarty stillys
and small pumps with frillies
and sandals, all tiny and narrow

Happy birthday Mooselet #1

You'll be face down in your cake by now. and your dad nicked our NC1 sofa for musical chairs, so i hope you're having a SUPERB time!

Hope everyone has great weekends. I spect you'll all be around in some way shape or form on Monday...

Now back to Radio2, and the White Stripes

My cup is runnething over AGAIN today.

missing you all already

I mean it!

Anonymous said...


Thanks Susan, I'm ok thanks. We can start to get excited about the SOAMC it's two weeks on Tuesday!

Welcome back Caroline xx

EG - Wishing a speedy recovery for your bun xx

TPT to win......go girl!!!

Keyran to win....DOI!

Have a nice wee bottle chilling in the fridge when I get home! Although it's so cold here now it's more a night for mulled wine!

My boss is standing opposite me as I type this :-)) It's very difficult typing without laughing!! I've asked if I could just finish off this email hehehehe

Not long now Jollygit.......

Must go
Mary xx

jollygit said...

Right, well I'm packing up me pooter and am about to depart the office for the last time - yippee!!!!

Thanks to you all for joining me on the beach in Whitstabubble - the seagulls are currently squabbling over the last few crumbs!

I won't be blogging over the weekend so try and behave yourselves (no, not really) until I see y'all on Monday. Ooh, I get a lie-in, yaaaay!!!!!

Love to you all and thanks for all your good wishes and positive vibes. Milton Keynes, here I come!!!!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Hi there everyone, back from course one and have not really caught up but have to say quickly:
1 - Well done Susan and Charis!!!
2 - Unlucky Keith - keep searching
3 - Hope Mooselet #1 enjoyed his birthday and party and that the antlers weren't too soiled.
4 - Hope all works out for you Jollygit and you soon find a new job
5 - Hello Sammie, nice to see there are newcomers this week.

Anyway am on another course next week so probably be silent again.

Have a fab weekend everyone and hope to catch up next week!

Amanda x

Anonymous said...

I'll be back later, but just wanted to thank you all so very much for a wonderful week's blogging, and for all your support! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend, and that you share your tales with us when you can.

Love you all loads!

Huggles, Susan <><

PS Two weeks on Tuesday .... YAY!!!!

Anonymous said...


Sorry, I have to say it though (lindyloo and Keith - special apologies to you two...)


Looks like I'll be finishing this one at the end of the month, having a weeks holiday and then start my new job!!!!


"I'm so happy, oh so happy, I'm so happy..." tralaa!!!

Caroline and Amanda - thanks for the welcome!

Susan S - I got one of omy colleagues to clean the fan as it was their ineptitude that caused the sh1t in the first place...

Hmm - fan cleaning finished for the time being I think - time to kick some other asses!!!

Tra laaaaaa!! I don't care!!!

S xx.


lyndyloo said...

Well done!!!!!
I'm so pleased for you!!!
Have a great weekend... and that goes for all of your lovely bloggers out there.......

& The Bears

Anonymous said...

oh my, so many people I want to reply to........where to start, you guys are so good at doing that....I am hopeless.

love to you all you lovely people

eg - have a good evening my friend - hope you feel better.

Sammie - well done in your job

jollygit - you and I could perhaps look out for an 'employ one employee and get another one free' offer, for I, too, will be job searching from friday : )

well, my friends, it is friday which means that I will be falling in love with Matthew Wright all over again this evening.

JO : )

I feel like fish and chips

mange tout

Anonymous said...

hi caroline : ) welcome back

susan s - thank you for all your lovely comments : )

Anonymous said...

Irony is a wonderful thing (at times).

Next door I posted the statement 'timing is everything'. It was a comment reflecting the lack of incorrect order of appearance of my posts next door : )

However, despite the fact that, for most of the day today, I have been itching to get onto these pages I have had other things that needed seeing to. Now, I am sat with fingers poised and my 'interacting' hat on and everyone has gone home : )

Timing really IS everything.

loving your work

Anonymous said...

Well done Sammie!

Break out the Champoo!

Back in Rudgwick, vino is flowing.

After a week of ups and downs I feel at peace with the world.

Looking forward to getting some (leg-trouble free) exercise this weekend, seeing mother-of-MfR and lunching with Mrs MfR on Sunday, maybe at The M.

As long as I don't get accused of stalking the landlord.

Hope you're all enjoying CR, I will flit from there to here, if anyone is around.

Love to all


Anonymous said...


I told you...BURGEONING!

jollygit, your turn next my love!

See you over the weekend probably, possibly...well you never know...


Anonymous said...

ps MfR - I'll be checkin' in periodically...

So, maybe see you later

Anonymous said...

Oh and Gaby, I was going to email you back from home, but for some reason the server is down, so I can' I may just ring you instead...

Have your excuses ready my girl.

H. Love

Anonymous said...

Sammie well done xx

Your lovely man will be home before you know it!

mfr sorry to hear youve had a tough week, glad your feeling better!

Vino is flowing here too. Enjoying CR, dont do Little britain so thought I would check in and say hello :)

Mary xx

Anonymous said...


Hazel, dear.

One day,in the not too distant future, Mrs MfR and I will head to Brighton (it's only down the road, after all) for a day's shopping.

Would a coffee with your good self be out of the question?

'cos you crack me up. You really do.

mwk. Keep checking in. The more vino, the more interesting the posts get.

Breaking my golden rule. NBP.

CLP is on soon. He often heads for our sauna when he is 'on holiday', so I hope to catch him for a chat over the next couple of weeks.

I'll keep you posted.


Lots of wine. Hanging in there.

Anonymous said...

MfR, honey, I'd be DELIGHTED to join you and Mrs MfR for a coffee!

You can get my email from the lovely Moose, or I'm sure you can pull it off one that he's sent to email me, and I'll give you my phone number!

Unofficial BOAMC. British Overseas Airways Motorcycle Club. In Brighton. At a lovely coffee place. And I know a LOVELY coffee place!


Still later

ps MfR, back at work Mon, although I think Moose also has my home email address...up to you angelcakes x

Anonymous said...

Cheers Haze.

Christoph is looking fine tonight.

His crash diet (plus make up) has worked wonders.

Look forward to seeing you, treacle (other East-end tacky familiarities are available).

Must off, VoD.


Anonymous said...

..and hopefully more later...

How cool were Sting and our Trude???

Anonymous said...

MfR...have you gone?

Me and Sarah watching spotted the blue screen. Rather pleased with ourselves actually...

..and Rod, Jane and Freddie during 1,000 miles! I amazed even myself...

don't need to go to specsavers coz I can see!!

d'ya think there is an end to VoD or was that it?

Disappointed of Hove

lyndyloo said...

HL surely that should be Hove actually?

Yes Sting (my ultimate hero) was as cool as they come... ahhhhhhh!

And hooray for TPT!


Anonymous said...

have switched off now. have moosak, good wine and good company.

I spotted Rod, Jane and Freddie from Rainbow in the Peter Kaye crowd.

Have amazed self.

Good to see you so late lyndyloo...enjoy the Rugger B*ggers...


Anonymous said...

Just want to waRN you ... I have had several glasses of wine so may not make much sense!

Did anyonme record CLP? And Take That? cOS i'M JUST HOME AND NOONE DID THAT FOR ME! ooPS! Caps lock! Can't be bothered redoing it!

Ceilidh was definatley not as good as the ones that Andy and I used to run! VERY disappointed! The company was fab - 2 old school mates and a family we have just got to know! So Andy and I are thinking oforganising a ceilidh for the charity we do voluntary work for in a couple of months. Who's up for that?!

Sammie - YAY for you!!!!! I am so very chuffed for you!

Everyone else - I have read your comments but have to get the girly to bed and am rather the worse for wear of 4 glasses of very nice vino!

Loving you all so much, cos I talked about you all for ages!!

Huggles, Susan, signing off!

Did anyone record CLP and Take That? I am so upset I missed them!

Anonymous said...

morning all,

Were they my sequitors that CE was using to cut the ribbon that co-joined those boys?

He did look dapper.

Anonymous said...

morning all.

Gaby - was driving home last night and turned on radio 2, there he was. the love of your life. Mr M Wright talking about stuff, funny how you popped in to my mind - given that i dont really know you. Anyway, he was clearly pining for you.

Well done sammie! Good Luck and onwards Jollygit, Good work Susan S, Hazel LOL, Jo - hope the prune skin has recovered, Moose, hope the party went well, MfR you are a lovely man, hope you and mrs MfR enjoy coffee with HL.... there is no doubt more but i have forgotten.....

24 classically trained musicians donned their red noses half way through the Dido & Aeneas alast night, half the audience thought it was hilarious, the other half were a bit stunned...... raised some cash tho. And the MInster looked beautiful all lit up with lights that matched the colours of the stained glass windows. A very special evening! Back there next tuesday with Dame Evelyn Glennie. what a crackin job i have.

Anyway, got the rugger later, gonna do roast pork sarnies for all the neighbours. And kick back with my boys. Got to go see my nana first, she is 94 and not very well, bless her. Will be good to have a nice family day together.

Have a good one all of you, really loved reading up on the lunch yesterday. You are all very lovely.


PS sorry if ive bored you with me me me stuff.
PPS there i am, at it again.
PPPS so no-one used to watch Vic Reeves then.... haircut sir. Never mind, Ill get my coat.

Dogwithnobrain said...

I have decided to wear a pair of pants on my head for the rest of the day.

My hair sits neither to the right or the left, but a kind of guddle in the middle.

I don't get Ricky Gervais, I don't understand his "humour", I don't even think it is. I was embarassed by his last one -(skit for Comic Relief) and even more baffled by this one?

Anyways Mid-life-me guest book is working if you want to say hallo over there, i'm back.

Yawn. I had a major vomit last night.


Anonymous said...


Thanks Heavens I didn't blog last night - was a little the worse for wear when I eventually climbed into bed....

I am soooooo glad that Tarara won - going to be a bit mean now - I didn't like Tricia! I mean, she has a better voice than TPT, but she expected to win right from the off! Hmmmph - hope she's been brought down a peg or two!!! Ooooh- I'll have to go and do 20 good deeds now for saying that!!

Didn't see any Comic Relief last niht, cos when I got home, the lovely man was waiting for me online! So I chatted with him for quite some time and the wine flowed!!!

Got up at 7, took some paracetamol, drank a pint of orange squash and put myself back to bed. Got up about 30 mins ago, but feel fine!

Right, I have birthday present for brother in law to buy (he's Matt From Brum) and think as he collects watches that a spiderman watch or something similar is in the offing! Then it will be off to his house for a party and rugby watching! Don't expect any sense from me later! (Well after teleconferences anyway!!!)

Hope you all have a great weekend - Susan S - how's the head honey????

Thanks for the congrats, I had a drink with you all last night I think!!!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Good evening you loverly bunch of people!! How has your weekend gone so far? Hope the parties were a blast! Where are our party bags?

Well .... we have had a lovely day today .... woken at 7am ... Charis sick all over our bed at 7.30am .... bed changed at 7.45am, but Charis up by then! My head was fine, thankfully ... I'm blessed in that I don't get hangovers!

So, took Ann (of the Clan MacLeod) into town at 8.30am as she was getting the bus to Oban for a few days and had breakfast in M&S (other stores are available)! A bit of shopping then back home for a snooze whilst Andrew amused herself. I was woken by Mum appearing up from Oban, then we headed to a garden centre for lunch, followed by a wander in town.

On the way home, we noticed that a new restaurant, The Kitchen, looked like it had opened. Whilst having a look at the menu, a waitress popped her head out the door to say that this was their opening night! Well .... within 10 minutes we had arranged a babysitter and Andrew, Mum and I had booked a table!

Anyhoo .... we have had the most wonderful meal, with fantastic wine .... when are some of you guys going to come up here for a great weekend!!!!????

PLEASE ..... tell me someone videoed CLP and TAke That last night!!!!!!??????

Anna - your evening sounded fantastic! What an amazing job you have!

DWNB - At least I'll recognise you in Glasgow if your wear pants on your head!!!!

Sammie - How is the party going?! I'm sitting here hoping you're going to blog tonight!

Huggles to everyone!

May be back later .... Mum is booking tickets for The Proclaimers on the Isle of Arran in June - anyone else fancy it!?

Love, Susan <><

lyndyloo said...

Hi Susan,

Sounds like you're having a great weekend. Mine has been a bit on the quiet side. My boys lost today and then I came home and watch England get beaten by Wales (my Mums Welsh though so she was happy). I feel lots better though and will be off to see the Irish boys tomorrow. And in order to keep a happy Mummy I presented her and my Mum2 (her best friend Hazel) with tickets to see Dancing on Ice at the NIA with her heros Torville and Dean.

Right I'm off to bed, I need an early start to drop the bears off before I go to the airport.

Night night peeps

&the Bears

Anonymous said...

So this is where you are all hiding.

I too spotted R,J and F in 500 Miles, and also, much to my horror, Frank Sidebottom. Sure did remind me of the nightmares I would have each night in my younger years. There is just something far too eerie about that ridiculously rotund head of his, and his eyes! Not just the sort of eyes that follow you round the room, but follow you wherever you may be, then camp outside your house in the bushes, making unsavoury comments to passers by and finalising his plot to finish you off once and for all. Sends shivers up me spine he does.

MW, a!

Moose said...

Evening all,
Well it feels like a week since I was last much seems to have happened in your lives while I've been away and so much in mine...

First...welcome MWa! and welcome back to Amanda, Caroline and anyone else who knows me...

The party was very good. The sports lads took all the kids outside for an hour - us parents had the quietest party ever. Plenty of time to drink tea and nibble. The kids were SO well behaved during tea, they played more indoor games afterwards...the sight of mooselet #2 (3 and a half) trying to hop with a full size football between his legs wa spriceless...and we were cleared up and home by 7.
Mooselet #1 had a great time - his best bit was "doing lots of sports and being allowed to eat as much cake as he wanted".

Today we went to Colchester Zoo - where everyone except father in law (driver) and me (navigator) caught up on some sleep on the way there and back.

Have pigged out on fish and chips this evening and feeling like I need to get me one of those gym diets - if I can just work out how to spend 3 hours a day in the gym!

Outlaws on their way in the morning, and I have a day of Scalextric planned after church. Well, I have to help mooselet #1 use his favourite present don't I?

That global warming prog is on RIGHT NOW by the way on More 4...will watch the end before retiring.
Cheers all!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning and Happy Mothering Sunday to all the yummy mummys!!!

Susan S - I was in no state to blog last night - even less so than Friday night! My alcohol to food ratio was seriously out of kilter last night and I woke at 3 am, not knowing whether to be sick or eat!!! YUCK!

Anyhow, had a big SOFT drink and went back to bed. Up at 11 am - slightly jaded, but otherwise not too bad.

(Hope Charis is OK.)

Moose - the party sounds as though it was great - can just imagine Mooselet #2.... lol!! Also, inspired by you - I switched my parting on Friday night - no-one's said a word!!! No newspaper speculation, no interviews with my hairdresser, nothing! Wonder if that would be the case if I had some pink highlights put in next time????

We had a great discussion last night about Global Warming, etc. My dad used to be an Environmental Consultant before he was made redundant and all matters environmental are very close to his heart. Unfortunately, the discussion ended with comments about "that masterbating bugger and his taxes by stealth...", so we had to change the subject!!!

Rugby was poo - gave up watching - can't believe we got beaten by the Welsh (no offence meant to anyone) and that the French won the Championship in the last minute of their game - boohoo!!!

Right, off to see MY mummy now! Have a lovely day.

S xx.

jollygit said...

Happy Sunday everyone, and to all mums out there, gawd bless you!!!

I've returned from Milton Keynes having had the most brilliant weekend with girlfriends who I haven't seen for ages. It was exactly what I needed after the week I've had and I blew off rather a lot of steam, aided and abetted by vast amounts of vino tinto!!

We caught the train to London on Sat morning and went to a restaurant near Covent Garden called Sarastro's. It's the most amazing place I've ever seen - I can't remember if they have a website but it's worth a try. Excellent greek/turkish food - wonderful. We wandered around C/Garden and had our palms read and generally had a bit of a mooch, and then we went to The Comedy Store for the 8pm show. I'd never been there before but it was one of the best evenings I've had - didn't stop laughing the whole time. Happy hour meant that we bought four bottles of wine which lasted the four of us the evening and we arrived back in MK at midnight. Had a good old fry-up for brunch and have just got back home, tired but happy.

'Im indoors has been brilliant and I'm looking forward to filling in and sending off all me job applications which arrived over the weekend.

Sammie my darlin' - well done you. I really, really hope you enjoy the new job and the return of your man!!

I set Sky+ for quite a bit of Comic Relief and I'm going to whistle through it until I find the bits that I'm interested in. I know it's after the event but what the heck - I want to see how CLP looks after his TV diet. God knows, I need something like that meself now!!!!

Will pop in tomorrow inbetween job applications, so see you then.

Love to all

jollygit xx

PS Hazel Love - if you're going for coffee in Brighton, is the Mock Turtle still open down near East Street & The Old Steine? They used to do the most deelishus cakes ......

lyndyloo said...

Hi Peeps,

I'm sitting in Dublin airport waiting for my delayed flight home. I can confirm I've managed to acheive what I set out to do and signed up my luuurrvly rugby players. I think I could have a crush on David Wallace who is definately a bad boy! He was still a bit tipsy after a heavy night out last night celebrating their victory and the afct that it was paddys night. I met with him, peter Stringer (nice guy) and Girvan Dempsey (another sweetie) after they got a rousing cheer from the home supporters that had waited to welcome them home off the plane.

Once I get home I'm off to fetch the bears from Mum & Dad and hopefully get a bit of saved sunday lunch before a night in front of 24 and Lost.

Hope you've all had a good one!


Anonymous said...

Evening all! Sounds like everyone has had a good weekend! I’ve opened a bottle if anyone wants to join me?!

We’ve had a good weekend too. Was lovely to have Mum join us yesterday, and even better being at the opening night of a new restaurant with fabulous food and wine! This morning Mum and I got breakfast in bed, cute cards and lovely pressies. My sister, Ali, stayed over last night and taught Charis to sing the line, ‘Mama, I love you’ … yup …. I cried!!! Then it was church, a coffee with Mum and Ali before Mum headed South to try and beat the snow, and lunch at Andrew’s Dad’s. A snooze when Charis went down for the afternoon, then church again, though I was on creche. Now I’m enjoying pasta, fruit salad and a lovely red before I take the girly to bed. She was awfully upset through the night because she couldn’t have bobo, but she eventually accepted that it was only water on offer, had a drink and settled down. Ok, it was in with us, but anything for a few more hours sleep!

Lyndyloo - Sorry the boys lost! Can’t get very excited about rugby or football, sorry! What a lovely treat for you Mum! I only caught the end of DoI last night and was so chuffed when Keiran won! What a job you have! Glad Dublin went well …. I keep having visions of you in the changing rooms for some reason!!! LOL Hope you enjoy your evening in front of the box!

Mariells - Hello, honey! Glad you found us! Hope the shivers have gone!

Moose - Glad the party went so well! The Mooselets sound so cute! Sounds like you had a great day at Colchester Zoo, too. Was the Global Warming programme interesting?

Sammie - I find drinking water inbetween drinks helps! LOL But eating does help too, honey! So, what’s your Dad’s take on it all … barring the stealth taxes!?

Jollygit - Thanks! Glad you had such a fab weekend! I’m going to try that restaurant next time we are in London. We love wandering round Covent Garden! Will be sending up prayers for your applications - I know there is something better there for you! Don’t suppose you can video Sky+?!?!

Well, love to everyone! Hope to pop back later, though hubbie has a Bible study to do for tomorrow, and he’s still looking for somewhere hot to go in October. Any suggestions of somewhere nice, in a small hotel, that is family friendly and not far from a beach, but with plenty of history!?

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

MWa! hello

DWNB - nice to see you

Morning to everyone, i am up bright and early preparing for the interview for my job that i told you about. Have written my 5min presentation on how the organisation could be more entrepreneurial and am raring to go, if a little nervous.

Interview is at 2.30 then straight over to sunny donny for the ballet tonight. Hope you all have a lovely monday - see you all soon.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry I appear to have repeated myself on Friday. I shall put this down to distractions. Please accept my most 'umble...


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry I appear to have repeated myself on Friday. I shall put this down to distractions. Please accept my most 'umble...


lyndyloo said...

Morning all,

Good luck Anna!

Hazel Hazel Luv Luv--- Dear dear!

Anybody got anything profound to tell me?


Anonymous said...

Profound indeed. You should know better than to ask my dear...

There once was a lady called Lyndy
Who was so incredibly bindy
When she started to laugh
She doubled in half
And her Barbie looked just like a Sindy.

AAAAAAAAAAAH love to love you baby!

Anonymous said...

Good morning all

What a fab weekend.

Took Mrs MfR shopping for her birthday present on Saturday and then got the new bike out and cycled to the club in the sunshine for a swim, sauna and steam.

Gym yesterday and managed to run 5k - first time since 'gym-leg'. Mr E was in attendance, but he was out on the golf course.

Popped over to my Grandmother's in the afternoon to see her, my Mum and Sister. Amazingly, you can see the new Wembley 'arch' from her house - in Guildford!

Followed that with a pint at The M by the fire plotting our US road trip, before heading home for a bottle of red stuff and the Sunday papers.

And now it is Monday.


Hope you are all well. Good luck later Anna.



Anonymous said...

I thought they meant a car.

It sounds as though everyone had dandy weekends! I had a FAB Friday with my lovely friend, then paid for it dearly all day Saturday...

I had a severe case of the best laid plans of etc, and then on Sunday, I did all the stuff I wuz gonna do Saturday, so all ok in t'end. Spoke to Mother on the phone. She was far too busy and important to be doing Mothering stuff, what with operaticals rehearsals and going out to a G&S concert, darling...but all good as card got there on Sat (phew) and am seeing her this Thu for my step-dads 70th birthday do.

Good luck Anna, well done Sammie, all good everyone else

love ya til the new one

ps Moose, I'm not missing a new one am I?

pps All stops need to be pulled out for our Jollygit this week. She has a lot of forms to fill in...

Anonymous said...

Good morning all,

Sorry I was not around on Friday. I had a tribunal to go to where a certain individual has accused me against the disability discrimination act. I am very pleased to say I have been exonerated fully; in fact I was complemented on the adjustments I had put in place to his working practices. To be honest he was only after a payout no chance now! It was a stressful time though as it felt like I was the one on trial at times.

I had a good weekend. I have been cars searching all weekend seeing what is on offer. I will be test driving an E Class Mercedes later this week (just because I can not that I will be buying one, from a main dealer anyway) I am a creature of habit so it may well be back to another VW. My old Passat is starting to show signs of better days as the miles creep ever upwards.

I took my mom some flowers on Saturday evening as she was being spoilt by my sister on Sunday.

Mrs B was taken out to a restaurant of her choice on Sunday following breakfast in bed. No need for an evening meal as we were stuffed! I am I the good books ;-)

Anna good luck today for the interview! Xx (positive thoughts coming your way) ;-)

Moose I am so pleased the little moose #1 had such a wonderful birthday.

Lyndyloo, I am very jealous of you for the trip to Dublin. Mrs B is a Dublin lass and we do not go there often enough. I must make the effort this year.

Hazel can I recommend Gaviscon as it may help stop you repeating yourself ;-)

Have a good day and keep smiling ;-)

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

Good morning all! How are we today? Is it Maudling Monday or Manic Monday today?!

I'm being subjected to Bill and Ben! I'm desperately trying to think of something interesting, inspiring or witty to say, but it's not working! It is snowing, but it's that horrible wet snow, so I'm thinking sledging is out the window!

Anna - all the best for later! Sending up prayers! Let us know how it goes and knock 'em dead!

Lyndyloo - How was your evening? Did they save any lunch for you?

Hazel love - Very profound, my darling, for a Monday morning!

Moose - What inspiration can we post next door to keep things going? Don't suppose you and Mrs Moose and the Mooselets fancy a weekend at Abernethy Christian Centre in April?! We have a great speaker and some folk have just pulled out at the last minute!

MfR - So glad you both had such a great weekend. When does the road trip start and can you get a winniebego (???spelling) big enough for all of us?! Thanks for sharing about CLP ... it's strangely comforting to hear about him when his blog is dead for 2 weeks. How sad does that make me!? I miss my Grans ... cherish yours, Matt.

Ok, so who wants to join me for a sledging picnic this afternoon on Craig Phadraig Hill?

Anonymous said...

Good Morning and it's my favourite day of the week, Monday!!

Have managed to catch up with the blog since Friday afternoon. I can't believe just how much happens while I'm away!

First - well done Sammie! You must be so pleased - it's a great feeling!

Anna - good luck today. Wish I could meet up with you to see Evelyn Glennie. The girl is an absolute genius.

MWa! Well done finding us! It's terrific fun on Moose's blog and also very informative!

Susan S - prepare yourself ..... I have taped CLP and Take That from Friday night! That's the good news. The slightly bad news may be - it's taped at double speed. Can your video recorder be set at double speed? If not, it will just be a blur. If you can - you are welcome to borrow my tape! I can bring it with me to the SOAMC, if you wish!

CLP was terrific, I thought, but definitely quite nervous! Take That - just brilliant. I HAVE to start stalking Gary Barlow!

Moose, glad the party went well on Friday. Thanks for taking my beloved for that pint, he really needed it! The Sweet Sixteen bash was great fun - I have never seen 9 people enjoy themselves so much without a single hint of alcohol! We are really, really lucky that our daughter's friends are so switched on and they really do feel they are too young to drink. Yes, I know, give it time!!

To everyone else - Amanda, Annalog, Caroline, DWNB, EG, Gaby, Hazel, Jo, Jollygit, Keith, Lyndyloo, Mary, Matt - hiya, and I look forward to chatting with you all!! (PLEASE tell me I haven't missed anyone!).

C xx

Moose said...

New one up NOW...

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ceived misunderstanding with Dr. Dre and Interscope chairman Jimmy Iovine, rap mogul 50 Cent is now claiming him and Jim are back seeing eye to eye.According to 50 the record label head and Dre were upset with him for his new line of headphones "Sleek By 50" which are direct competition to their popular "Beats By Dre."The Queens rapper Tweeted this late last night,¡°Jimmies not mad at me any more we kicked it. I just have to talk to DRE now.¡±Fif then posted this picture of him and the Interscope co-founder.
For nearly two decades, music producers Kevin Johnson and Aaron Smith have been joined at the hip-hop intersection of beats and samples. They started out in Rubberoom - one of the best-known crews of the 1990s. But just as Rubberoom was breaking big, financial realities and personal adversities derailed the band. Fortunately Johnson and Smith were already developing their production team, The Opus. As producers, they go by Mr. Echoes and the Isle of Weight, respectively.Friday, the Opus will perform a show h.Aliexpressite noring the work of famed hip-hop artist, Dr. Dre.The Opus performed all hour for Eight Forty-Eight and sat down with host Alison Cuddy to talk about their journey.Their latest album, Praying Mantis-Plus, is out now; they'll perform Friday night at Dre Day, a hip-hop showcase at the Double Door in Wicker Park honoring the work of hip-hop legend Dr. Dre.Complete list of music during The Opus segment:Music Button played before segment: The Opus, ¡°Save Me (Void Pedal Remix)¡±, The Save Me Remix ProjectFirst song performed live:The Opus, ¡°Constellation Nine¡±, originally appears on Praying Mantis-PlusMusic played underneath interview:Rubberoom, ¡°Born¡±, ArchitechnologyPublic Enemy, ¡°Brothers Gonna Work It Out¡±, Fear of a Black PlanetThe Opus, ¡°Serpent¡¯s Fruit¡±, Praying Mantis-PlusThe Opus, ¡°Praying Mantis¡±, Praying Mantis-PlusRubberoom, ¡°Architechnology 9¡±, Architechnology
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d, white, and blue fireworks*). And yeah, that shit is a pretty obvious ripoff. It isn't unusual for an artist to reference someone else's work, but usually they are told about it ahead of time and are given some cash, a cheeseburger, and tickets to see the latest blockbuster movie in 3D to smooth it over. By leaving LaChapelle out of the loop, Rihanna's people made a huge mistake and might have to pay for literally pay for it.Then came news that "S&M" would be played on BBC Radio 1 under the edited name of "Come On," which Rihanna was not happy with. BBC Radio 1 responded by essentially saying, "Bitch, don't have a sandy vagina about this shit¡ªwe're playing the unedited version during late nights. If you've got a problem with this, take it up with your bosses. They were the ones who made the call in the first place. Ho." (They put it another way, but it was boring.) So I'm guessing that my song-in-.ite soccer store

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or Sunday's game against Seattle. “He doesn't have a particular injury or anything,” Fox said of the 44-year-old quarterback. “Just the wearing of the game.”
Mr. EDDIE ROBINSON (Football Coach, Grambling State University): I want to teach this young man who.Aliexpressite o's playing for us, and any other youth, you got to put something in it. You've got to get into the system and understand what it's all about and work at it.FARAI CHIDEYA, host:That was former Gra.ite soccer mbling football coach Eddie Robinson. He died this week at the age of 88.And NPR's Tony Cox has this remembrance.TONY COX: The son of Louisiana sharecroppers, Robinson led his Grambling Tigers to 17 .ite soccer store outhwestern Athletic Conference titles. He also retired with 408 wins. At that time that made him the winningest coach in college football history. Though he never coached in the pros, he certainly coached a lot of pros. Robinson, or Coach Rob as he was known, sent at least 200 players to the National Football League, including Hall Of Famer Willie Brown, Super Bowl XX

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