Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Busy busy busy

Feeling tired this morning but then I did go for it rather in the new gym this morning. It's strange getting used to such a small gym - my other one is a large chain where you hardly ever have to train next to someone else, ideal for an anti-social moose with an i-pod. In this one you are nearly always next to someone. I had to laugh in the sauna though - it's one with coals but they've obviously removed the bucket of water and the ladle due to too many fights between sauna-indulgers like CLP!

After the gym, I descended to the depths of pikeyness for breakfast - I went to the M supermarket cafe. It is the only place on the way to the office. Not sure I'll be doing that again in a hurry.

Weigh-in last night: I've lost 0.6kg of the 1kg I'd put on.

The Writers group talk last night was good. A real life crime writer (6 books published) talking about research for novels. A great source of ideas, encouragement and confidence that I'm not doing everything wrong. Was also sitting next to a really interesting guy and chatted with him a lot beforehand and during the break. The writer talked about writing about 500 words per day. I'm off to do today's quota...

I have to visit the school that mooselet 2 won't be attending in September. Pointless apart from the fact that we have to say we've been.

Then I'm playing my first round of golf of the year this evening. All in all a busy day.


Anonymous said...

Morning Moose - well done on the weight loss, you must be a bit pleased with yourself and deservedly so.

Enjoy the golf later on and have a good day in between!

A x

lyndyloo said...

Moosey sounds like a very busy day, what with the gym and golf! What fun! I have confirmed my birthday party for the 1st Saturday in December (yes you heard me right Decemeber). All I have to do now is find myself and ABBA tribute group to play at it and I'll be a happy bunny... anyone know any budding Frida's?


lyndyloo said...

p.s. that's the birthday spelling of Decemeber there!

Anonymous said...

What a delightful start to the day Moose...and playing around tonight as well?

Sounds terribly exciting!

Why would the Mooselet #2 not be going to this skule please? Is it too far? Do they only play 'soccer'? Is the subject of 'Caribou, Elk and the Welfare or Moose' not covered in Home Ec? Always good to go for a visit though. If only for the free T&B that they tend to supply. Of course, if it's a bit posh, they may have warm wine.

The Writing Group sounds like a blast. I wonder if I may have read any of the six books. Mind you, I'm not very good at remembering authors. Apart from Enid Blyton.

Anyhoo, I have had a dire start to my day. Not as bad as the boy's though. I've put it on my blog if you care to care, but all is ok now.

Psy of relief

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - I know a budding Frida'Y' namely Friday 30th November. The day before the first Saturday in December. Saint Andrew's Day. Winston Churchill's birthday. The day Harold Wilson opened the (now defunct) Crawley Leisure Centre in 1974.

...and also...wait for it... birthday TOO!!!!!!!!!

With regard to an ABBA tribute band, ring your local theatres. They probably have some on their books - save you hunting about for ages - and they may well be able to recommend one who are quite good too! Speak to someone in the promotions dept rather than the box office.

Good luck finding yourself. (I need an aerial photo and an atlas if I get lost...)

agnetha (waterloo)

lyndyloo said...

Oooh HL we're almost the same BD (though mine is actually the 5th). I'll try the local theatres... great idea!

Anonymous said...

Moose, you are sounding in top form, really in positive mode, and that's terrific.

Lyndyloo - I did a quick Google and there a hunners and hunners of Abba tribute bands! I quite fancy the first couple listed - (based in Kent) and (based in north of England). I can't remember where you are located, but you'll definitely come up with something. I've seen a few tribute bands and they've been great - but then you can't go wrong with Abba's music - it's just fantastic.

Very briefly, I have to confess I did not go to WW this week. I know, it's the slippery slope! However, I really couldn't face it because I am just not playing the game by sticking to the plan! Only myself to blame of course, but I'm fairly fed up with myself!

Hope everyone else is o.k. Will be back later.

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Chrissie S- Yep I did the same thing and have contacted some agents to see what they can come up with.

On the ww front. It's only a slippery slope if you want to see it that way. Just forget what's past and concentrate on what's in front of you. Every day will be a good day if you want it to be. You know how to stick to a plan so just plan to stick to it... We're all behind you!!:))))))


Anonymous said...

Wise words, Lyndyloo, wise words.

Now, where is my menu for take-away pizza?

Only kidding!!

C xx

Moose said...

HL - he's been given a place in our so-called local school rather than the one that's a couple of miles further away, loads better, and more importantly the one that mooselet 1 goes to. We are appealing the decision and we will win!

Michelle Spring is the author from last night.

Lyndyloo. I can do a mean Benny - just give me a green beanie hat and I'm away. And I used to work in Germany with a guy called Bjorn who had a brief career as part of Fake That - Barry, Gary, Harry, Larry (I think Cary had left acrimoniously by then). I think he was Larry.

Any ideas then for my 40th bash? Being far less organised I have less than 3 weeks to plan it.

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all,
My my what a busy moose today!

first time of flogging round a golf course this year, damn another good walk spoilt!

you'll lose the rest of the Kg next week no doubt! Stopped the Gym for the time being have a touch of an URTI this week, big breaths are painful, and panting is a killer.


DD out

Anonymous said...

DD, if you have bad lungs, you shouldn't be painting anyway. I bet you aren't even wearing a mask are you?

I also have a hurti on my foot. Still not better, and unlikely to get so as will definitely be dancing (queen) at some point over the upcoming long weekend...

So, Moose. It's a local school for local Mooselets. #1 and #2. Will Mooselet #2 carry (or larry) on being called Mooselet #2, or will he instantly become Mooselet Junior and have to be a fag.


My internal system has just crashed. Oh dearie me. Catalogue of disaster. Isn't it.

Calling International Badger Rescue

lyndyloo said...

Ideas for a Moose 40th you say!!!
You could have a
"The Sound Of Moosic!" party,
we can all come as mooslets of varying sizes and you and Mrs M can be Cpt Von Moose & Maria?

No? Well I suppose you could have an afternoon foraging then cook everything you find (once you have identified the fungii as edible that is). "The Forty & Foraging bonanza" party!

ok, ok how about "There's a Moose loose around this hoose party" where we all go and decend on Susan S in the highlands and wear kilts and eat haggis?

Anonymous said...

Just back from lunch and I just want to say to Lyndyloo, thank you for your encouragement earlier today - it more or less saved my life. (well, slight exaggeration!).

However, thanks to you I went for a walk at lunchtime along to George Square in Glasgow which is where the City Chambers are situated. I sat on a bench and had a ham salad sandwich and bag of grapes as opposed to a take-away pizza!

Thank you my friend!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Put me down for No #3 please.


I'll be wearing Douglas.

Anonymous said...

ChrissieS - the longest journey starts with the shortest step. It's the getting up (at all sometimes) that I have a problem with...

You GO girl! the moment, I'm not trying on any summer clothes. Ne'er cast a clowt til May is out...and hopefully they'll fit by June...

Less food, less tea, less biscuits, more water, and a bit of walking...

It all sounds so easy doesn't it. So IT DAMN WELL SHOULD! (Sorry came over a bit all 'my mum shouting at me' then...

Now I have to go, again

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. in the midst of organising a wee b day party for our neighbour from across the road (he's a widower and we thought it would be nice to invite him for his tea)..anyway it escallated(sp) a bit, and so I've baked a cake and am going to do the famouse caroline crispy lanb chops, local potato wedges with garlic and broccoli for main course..with as ever smoked salmon for 1sts ANd any's a wednesday, but Cava is called for..Hooray!
Moose - v V productive and busy moose today weren't you. At the gyn i go too, you almost have to form a queue for the running machine..So now i'm doing a pilates class instead..much nicer and not so sweaty bettyish. How about a swiming pool party OR wear what you were wearing when you got this invitation party, or 80'S revival party? Or black and white party? Moose aboot the hoose sounds good too - Mr c has a Graham of montrose kilt and all the prince charlie stuff, so he could be a bouncer!.
lyndyloo...I know someone who knows someone in an ABBA tribute band..shall I ask them? chops are calling...see you all soon.

Jo said...

Am here - but busy at work....just thought i'd drop this one into the mix - how about a pink party, I have probably enough outfits for everyone.

Going home now cos Sally Traffic's just told me the motorway is closed southbound which means all the traffic will be on the bit of road I need to be on, and I have to shopping to S supermarket on the way home and would like to be home by 7pm!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Hazel, thank you for the advice and yes, it should be easy. WHY oh WHY, then, is it not? (Yes, yes, I know - I should get a life!).

Re: avoiding casting clowts (or cloots as they are pronounced north of the border), one day two weeks ago, it was such a sunny morning I went to work without my jacket. Holy hand grenades, did I regret it! Are we allowed to mention nipples on this blog?! One and all - keep the thermal vests on for another wee while!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Chrissie! Well done hon!!! It's no trouble to give you encouragement it's waht I'm here for :)

Caroline- Yeah yeah yeah please!!!!

HL I thought I'd wear my "Donald where's your"s for #3

Anonymous said...

Just popping in quickly - work is so busy at the moment I can't stop long. Just to say:
What a busy Moose!
DD - if big breaths are painful, get a good sports bra.
HL - #3 sounds OK to me. Can I wear my mini-kilt? I haven't quite got the legs for it these days, but hopefully no-one will care too much. Hope your hurty foot recovers soon.
Chrissie - I think you can mention nipples as long as you don't show them. Invest in some pasties (American sticky things to cover nipples on TV, not meat and tatties in a pastry case from Cornwall).
Sorry Lyndyloo don't know any Abba tribute bands but I have got some elastic bands in my drawer if its any help.

Must go - part of my vertical blind has just blown down.

Anonymous said...

Moose, I need some of your get up and go; mine's got up and left.

COMPLETELY unmotivated. That's one description.

Chrissie - I know just how you feel - but it's times like this you really do need to go to your meetings - they will help.

I stayed the same this week. Shame really, as yet again (very stupidly) I'd had my dinner before I went to get weighed - could have made all the difference between getting to goal and not. Oh well, this time next week...

S xx.

P.S. I am a Plonker.

Anonymous said...


You and I are soooo reading off the same page at the moment. No motivation, etc.

But you are NOT a plonker! You are going to get to goal next week and you will feel fabulous! Just look at what you have achieved - thinking about it makes me quite determined to keep going!

Hang in there kid!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Moose- CLP just dedicated his show to you... "if you're chipping away at your own materpiece!"

And may you chip until it is done!

eg(scotland) said...

Moose -well done on the weight loss. Everyday things must seem weird for you at the moment - like changing your gym. I like a nice quiet gym - maybe that's why I've stopped going!

Chrissie S - I can't believe you said nipple!

Lyndyloo - I'll try again.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to second eg(scotland) with the 'I can't beleive you said nipple' comment.

Mainly because I wanted to type the word nipple. There. Done it again!

Okay. ChrissieS. Listen up and listen guid. I have got until the next full moon - 31st May - to fit into my summer clothes. Recently I stated that I was going to start walking, which I did, but rather half-heartedly, but not enough to start feeling the benefit. My Boss (love him to bits, and a bit like the pot calling the kettle) mentioned this morning that he is thinking about getting me an exercise bike. One, HOW RUDE and two, I don't need another wardrobe. Anyhoo, we know eachother well enough to say stuff like that, and I thought I was looking rather fetchingly Francaise this morning, but apparently not. SO come 31st May, all my summer clothes will fit me. My chosen sunbathing outfit will not curl up in submission, and my sandals will slide neatly on and off my feet without needing to be crammed.

This is my target.

Carry on with WW, but don't feel bad if you slip. No-one ever got happy on a 'diet', but go out for a walk this evening at 8pm. That is when I shall be taking my first turn...around the park I think...just for about half an hour...

...and that goes for you too Sammie, unless you have a super fabby night out planned, and thinking about it, that is why you aren't doing too well, because you've started enjoying yourself again! Not a plonker at all, but a plonker for thinking it! And now you are feeling happier generally, you should be feeling better in yourself, not beating yourself up!

analog - you and me both in the mini-kilts I think. I have cammo ties on mine too. Having said that, I think it fits neatly into the 'a bit too snug to wear comfortably' category at the moment

Sorry Moose - had to get all this off my chest to avoid nipple chafe.

Now, much to your surprise no doubt, I have work to do.

...if I still have any typing left in these fingers!

ps lyndyloo, that's quite enough talk about chips.

Jo said...

Morning All - Nipple Nipple Nipple, tee hee hee.

I finally succombed and jumped on the scales yesterday evening, as Mr Jo was expanding his cheeks rapidly to try and show that I was a Fat wallah I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I have only put on around 5 kilos so far (according to pre-Christmas weight). And most of that was weeks ago. I did have a thought that the baby was growing around the back in my love-handle area but am now assured that it's not!

As for exercise, walking the dog everyday has certainly helped and I did get on the bike the other day to go to the post box!

As for other interesting facts - I once saw (completely randomly) an ABBA tribute band at a hotel in Birmingham the night before a friends wedding, we'd all been for a meal with the grooms family (Mr Jo was best man) and they found out that there was an ABBA band in the ballroom (where the reception was being held). Anyway, next thing I know the parents of the groom are strutting their stuff to 'Waterloo' and the grrom is hiding in embarrasment in the corner...we crashed the event anyhow and a rollocking good night was had by all. I can't remember their name though so not much help on that front!

:o) Jo

PS. It took me 3 hours to get home last night - Sally Traffic didn't say anything about that (although I did have to go to S Supermarket on the way).

Anonymous said...

Gooood Morning!

Hazel, have just read your message - thank you, thank you! Very good advice and I will take it. Your positivity is helping already!

This morning Mr S said to me, that due to the fact we have to go out to vote this evening (who on earth for, I really don't know!) he suggested we walk to the polling station and take the long way back, which happens to pass the door of our favourite pub! If I save some calories at lunchtime, am I allowed a port & lemon tonight?!

Analog, EG & Hazel: Sorry to have used the word nipple. But there's just something naughty about the word and indeed nipples in general.

Promise, that's me finished with the subject of nipples.


Be back later.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Absolutely nipple-tastic mate! (Sorry, that was my alter-ego 'hazel bad' typing there)

Also have to vote this evening. Am thinking of voting for the "Buggere Alle Thyss For A Larke" party, and go to the beach with a can of lager. Port 'n lemon darlin! Luvverly!

...and now I can't stop her...

Jo, it only counts if you pedal, not if it's a Harley Davidson. But can I have a go?

GET OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now i have to do control alt d

Anonymous said...

Chrissie S - I think it must be the naughty corner for you today.

Hazel - I like the idea of a walk - it would be fab if we all went at the same time.

On voting, I was going to go this morning BUT ...... I'm a tad hungover!

I'm on holiday from today through all next week - yipee. Celebrated by having a whole bottle of Rose. Dom God had to open another bottle late last night just so he could have a wee glass.

1am - went to bed. Had one of those repetitive dreams - over and over and over - it was all about blogging. Yes Hazel - I'm very much over to the dark side.

5am this morning thought something or someone was in my head and trying to get out. Managed to get up and take some tablets.

6am - kept hearing this strange wooshing sound in my ears. Put a pillow over my head - it didn't work.

7am - dull thudding - me whining - why won't this go away.

8am - thudding - Dom God getting up!

9am - I get up - manage cup of tea.

9.17 - I have to go back to bed. Feel acid tummy coming on.

10am - up again. Can't stand this - can't even sleep.

So back on for a bit more blogging!

Going now to take more tablets. Staying off wine for the next week+. Who needs to drink when their on holiday and not at work?


Anonymous said...

Morning all

Exercise - it is always my intention to do more but I'm such a lazy slob that I can never get off my a*se long enough for any benefit. However - I have just got myself a new job and as it's on the 7th floor I reckon if I do the stairs a couple of times a day that should increase my workouts ... probably kill me before I get any benefit though. I might have to ask my new boss to have an oxygen cylinder waiting at the door for my first morning!

Oooh EG you sound ruff. A can of Coke (full fat variety) and 2 paracetamol should work wonders.

Back later

lyndyloo said...

EG I wke at 6am this morning thinking I may have consumed more wine than I intended last night too. Had some friends round for tea and they all brought wine! Well it seemed a shame not to indulge... now though I'm starting to regret the last bottle I opened. Good news was I staggered down to kitchen for large bottle of Strathmore and found that I'd cleared everything up before going to bed...RESULT!!!

Now have to make self look beautiful to go meet ex rugby player and sound like I know what I'm talking about.

oh and ps. The Bahamas has a new government today!

Anonymous said...

Checking in.

EG - poor you, I do sympathise. I agree with Analog, a CAN of Coke is a definite (somehow it just doesn't taste the same out of a bottle). And painkillers for the thudding head - Nurofen are terrific. These instructions may require a trip to the shops which by the sound of things ain't gonna happen, so you may have to compromise!

This will come as a NO surprise, but I always eat for a hangover! I would only have toast or bread, but I guess most people avoid food when they are hungover. Hope you feel better soon, pet lamb!

Lyndyloo, it is just the best when you discover you have cleaned up the living room and kitchen before going to bed after a bit of a night! It's such a nightmare to face a mess the next morning, and I almost always clear up, but it must be by remote control!

Be back soon.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Good gracious what is going on with this blog today talk of N*ppl*s and overimbibement! I am shocked! How very dare you all!

Isn't it amazing how it's always the last bottle of wine that does the damage?

Lyndyloo, I thought I had cleared up after a party once afore retiring. I had put things away ............ in the wrong place, and my door keys were on the doormat, but I was impressed with myself. I discovered 3 days later that it was my guests who had tidied up before leaving the house after pouring me into my bed, then locking up with my keys and posting them back through the letter-box. [Blushing at the memory].

OK back to working on the car, now where is that nipple grease?

DD out

Anonymous said...

Message from the Pedantry:

To ChrissieS - we usually find it is better to drink for a hangover. Over-indulgence of bread just brings on a fit of hiccups.

Thank you for your time.

Anonymous said...

DD and Lyndyloo.

Your tidying up was done by the Wine Fairies.

You do not get Beer Fairies tidying up. Not even in the bathroom. And they certainly wouldn't wash up, or change the loo roll.

Keep a bucket and cloth handy just in case. That's my motto, and try to eat VERY soon after starting to drink. More than an hour and your buggered really.

I am just enjoying a delicious 'home-made' Beef and Stilton Pasty - purchased from the previously mentioned another day lovely butcher's shop - it has a small nobble on the top...which looks just like a nnnnnnn...

Oh all right!
I've gone. I'm taking my pasty with me though.


ps when is the Naughty Corner water cooler arriving. I get terribly naughty in the hot weather...

Anonymous said...

Excellent! "Wine fairies" that's a new one on me. I've heard of, and ridden on a few occassions, the "beer scooter" which usually travels via the kebab shop! The wine fairies sound fabulous, has anybody ever seen them?

Beef and Stilton pasty, mmmmmmm! with a n on top!

DD out

Anonymous said...

Check this out. Amazing.

or two bits if you need...

Anonymous said...

I went out with a guy once (yep, it's true) and he was obsessed with (other women's) nipples.

I asked him once if he could concentrate more on mine and less on theirs.....perhaps. Just a thought. Too much focus on other women's nipples can trigger the beginning of the end. Ahem.

I have an absent note, but left it at home.

Loving your work.......


ps mentioned the 'nipple' word thrice.......but think i got away with it

Anonymous said...

I guess that would be a focal point!!


Anonymous said...

What a brilliant idea - that power station thingy I mean. Gaby's nipples got in the way of my reply ... ooh err - on my way to the naughty corner now. I'll bring a bottle of liquid refreshment for Hazel as the cooler hasn't turned up yet.

Anonymous said...

analog - that is (sadly) a compliment not often afforded me : )

Anonymous said...

HL - do you want still or sparkling water in the cooler - am on my way to the NC, methinks

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gaby! Missing you!

ps can you use the note to get off swimming too?

Anonymous said...

only if you haven't used the 'i have lost my cap' excuse more than 4 times in the last 7 swimming sessions.

Anonymous said...

Oh definitely still please...and not too cold, else it'll make my chests stick out when I swallow.

PS my last post was an impression of a lady runner coming towards you while you wait at a bus stop.

Anonymous said...

glad we nipped that in the bud

Anonymous said...

lol....must dash



Anonymous said...

My, my, my - the nipples have it today.


Anonymous said...

On another point (heh heh) entirely.

T-shirt bras. Designed so that your n*pples don't show through your t-shirt, BUT, they do make your bre*sts look larger to anyone enquiring, so they get looked at more.

Or is it just me?

Jo said...

At the moment (having just been for a wee and seen myself in a mirror) I have a permanent headlamps on main beam issue, which is a bit embarrassing in the warm weather - am having to wear lots of layers to try and cover it up!!

:o) Jo (^)(^)

Anonymous said...

...but apparently your belly button will look like ( o ) soon, which will knock your cigar butts into a cocked hat.

Allegedly there is always something new and delightful to look forward to, while you are pregnant...

Anonymous said...

Hiya guys,

Brilliant discussions re: nipples and clearing up.

DD - loved your story about your guests clearing up, putting the keys through the door and all the while you were sleeping it off! A year ago, we had a "office get together" for past and present staff, at one of girls' houses, who left a couple of years ago. She collapsed into bed, the remaining eight of us tidied up the mess, then realised we had arrived by taxi and had no idea where we were. We had to look in her kitchen drawer to find an 02 bill showing her address! Took us all HOURS to get taxis and get home!

Nipples - the real reason I started this was the story about going to work without my jacket. You know what the cold does to the old (or even young) nipples.

However, that's my very last word on the subject.

C xx

P.S. Nipples.

P.P.S. Gaby! So good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

in view of the information I'm about to disclose ...

Enough already! I'm feeling a bit left out ... well left in actually as I've only got one nipple that works properly. It just won't stick out. Never has.

PS Would the wine fairies come and clear up my place even though I rarely touch the stuff?

Jo said...

To Anonymous Blogger

On a cold day is it like this???


This looks like some sort of cryptic game!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Nipples? I have to confess to suffering today. I wore quite a sheer top to my suppliers offices and they sat me down under the air con vent and then turned the thing up!!! I put my jacket on AND buttoned it up!!!

Indeedy, I have been caught out - yes, I am off out again tonight - no alcohol (driving) and eating low fat Spag Bol, so should be OK there.


Gaby - glad you're back honey - was worried!

DD - Not only is there the Beer Scooter, but there's also the Ugly Bus... arrives when you're in the loo, leaving only stunning people behind... (To be used in conjunction with Cider Visor/Beer Goggles...(

Jo - Try a minimiser darling - I did, they saved my life (and blushes!!!)

Right, back to it lovelies,


S xx.

Anonymous said...

(^)(O) - love it!
Jo - it's like that EVERY day. Cold, hot, rain, snow, air con vents, old man shouting at it ... He says if I die in a horrible accident that removes my head he'll identify my torso by my left nipple.

And if he's reading this he'll now know who I am!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the hints and tips - I SAID TIPS - earlier re getting over hangover. Thanks also for sympathy - probably not deserved as very much self-inflicted.

Dom God says I shouldn't feel bad - he says I've been working hard, am very tired, and am in need of holiday. I was right to enjoy myself with the bottle.

Seems at 5am this morning while I was searching for headache tablets, I knocked my handbag to the floor -which given it's so full made quite a clatter. I knocked-down my work suit. AND, I knocked-over the pile of ironing which Dom God did while I was drinking!

Dom God is leaving home today!....

.... Only for a week - phew. He's been and got the grocery shopping - which he always does but went early this week because he'll be away. Has bought me massive quantities of Rose - bless. Said to him I wouldn't be drinking when he was away - I'm having a week off. Aye Right - he said. Don't know what he means!

See you all later.


Anonymous said...

There are also the 'Beer Skates' and Rose-tinted Make-up.

Beer Skates: Usually to be found on a slippery floor when one is wearing heels, and thinking that one is doing rather well walking along clutching two full martini glasses.

Rose-tinted Make-up: At about 0130 or later, when one looks in the mirror, and thinks 'Oooh, all I need is a bit o' lippy, a dab o' powder and a brushette with the 'scara, an' I'm STUNNIN'! In shorti'mreadytarockenrollengoclubbinwitheveryone...

In actual fact, a bag on the head or a cab home would be the better option, but there you go.

By the way, ChrissieS, I still haven't found my spare pastry crimper. It was in that drawer, and then it wasn't. I also didn't appreciate the raft of taxi bills arriving 'on my account' having already shelled out for the twelve of us to have takeaway that evening...and Caroline, you still owe me for that bottle of pomagne.


Dear Boss has the same thing. He just says it's shy. He would just love it if he knew I'd written about it on here...oh yes!

Anonymous said...

Secret Identity - now we're sharing - one of my sisters couldn't breastfeed her baby because NEITHER of her nipples stuck out! The baby survived and -hope this is not too much information - her husband is still pretty happy after 35 years!


C xx

Anonymous said...

Chrissie S - you are on a roll today!


Anonymous said...

Hazel - is your office really cold? Or how do you explain your knowledge of the boss's introverted chesty regions?

Anonymous said...

Message from the Pedantry:

To anonymous

Would this be ANY old man shouting at it, or one old man in particular. We wouldn't come out if we were being shouted at by old men either, quite frankly.

Thank you for your time.

Anonymous said...

Analog - surely Hazel knows because she's looked at her boss's back! Obvious innit.


Anonymous said...

Shy nipple. Cautious ....... No I'm not going there.

ALERT! Rose is still in the system.

Anonymous said...

Dear Pedantry
I was using the term "old man" to designate he-who-thinks-he-should-be-obeyed, ie my husband. As in "my old man's a dustman" (he's not a dustman, by the way, and he'd also say he's not old). He doesn't actually shout at it either, more of an encouraging speech now and again. To my knowledge he's the only man that's done that. But I have fallen over drunk on occasion with no recollection of events, so someone could have had a word that I don't remember.

Anonymous said...'s just one of the things we talk about on these long cold winter evenings, when we are all sitting around the brassiere, toasting our nuts and supping stewed tea...other things come up too...but then that doesn't surprise you really does it...

Ok ok I'm going. You know you are all gonna miss me termorrer!

NC1. Calling NC1. Come in NC1. Ah, there you are...

H. Love

ps SO, we're all going for a walk at 2000hrs this evening then? Hear all the gates clanging shut instead of the arteries?

Anonymous said...


Just sent an e-mail to chappy re: nipples etc (not going to go into it... ;-0) and he was on the phone within 5 seconds of the thing leaving my Outbox!!!

Good to know some things don't change!

Countdown has commenced - 70 hours apparently...

S xx.

P.S. Never ever sticky outy? Wow!!

P.P.S Eg - I find that Lucozade Hydrosport and junk food do the trick for me xx.

P.P.P.S beer skates - once upon a time a fairly lathered sammie and friend went dancing. Imagine our drunken excitement when a jive started to play... I was wearing shoes that were slightly too big and the establishment we were in had a stcky carpet (My mum always told me to avoid places like that!). During one pretty spectacular move involving lots and lots of very fast underarm twirling, my shoes stuck to the carpet and I was caterpaulted head first into some unsuspecting chaps lap!!! 1. Great way to meet potential dates, 2. NEVER EVER dance when out again!!!


Anonymous said...

Just remembered something I've been meaning to say all day:

Hazel - good luck for tomorrow!!!!

Are you on the road early doors?

Sounds as though what you have planned for the future is pretty impressive. Certainly beats filing property portfolios and arranging keys for saddos! (which is what I do in between talking about nippy things!).

Go for it Ms Love!!

C xx

Anonymous said...

I am currently unable to get out of my chair in order to visit the little gels room, because I may inconveniently dampen my clothing from LARFING!

'an encouraging speech'

F**king SUPERB. Absolutely SU-PERB!

Anonymous said...

Sammie - thanks. Brain is so fuzzed I forgot Lucozade does it for me.

Chrissie S - well remembered re Hazel.

Hazel - all the best for tomorrow. Sock it to them.


PS - I do apologise for my earlier comment re what else goes with a shy nipple. It was out of order - nearly. ;-) Nudge, nudge

Anonymous said...

Am hoping to nip (just one more g'warn!) off fairly shortly. Am hoping Virgin call mimmiimntetly then I have an excuse.

Thank you for your good wishes. I think I shall be leaving after 9 once all skule runs finish, then if I get there early, at least I'll get the chance to chill innit. The interview is at elephant o'clock.

Jollygit is meeting me for a coffee and some lunch, how exciting is that, and we shall be raising a double-rinse smooth-filtered skinny crustaceanacino to your fine selves.

anyhoo, when I'm back, I'll let you know...I think they tell you at the time, but I'll find that out tomorrow anyway!

Not nervous AT ALL.


Have fabby weekends all! A virtual glass of Pink Wine for the pregnant lady please!


Anonymous said...

Hazel - good luck for tomorrow. We'll miss you and keep our fingers crossed that all goes well.

Perhaps we should keep our legs crossed as well to prevent the "inconveniently damp ..." effects that this blog seems to have on those with old and tired bladders ...

"inconveniently dampen" - that made me larf. What's wrong with an encouraging speech? It sounds nicer than shouting.

Anonymous said...

...analog...d'you think he could get my cat to come out of it's carrier when I take him to the vet?

That was what made me laugh...the way you wrote it...and I'm still a-chucklin' now...

Anonymous said...

Back again for a last comment or two:

Hazel and Jollygit - how fab you are meeting up tomorrow. Would so love to be there!

EG - glad to see you seem to have recovered and how marvellous that you have your supply of Rose in place ...... not that you'll be drinking it. No ... of course not!

C xx

Anonymous said...


Just "nipped" in to say - Good luck for tomorrow Hazel.

You are all on good form as usual today, very entertaining :o)

Also want to say a HUGE thanks for all your kind thoughts re my hospital appointment, the scan results were clear :o) Just need to go through a process of elimination to find out what's wrong but at least the most worrying possibility has been ruled out!

Have a lovely evening everyone :o)

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Hazel - he's no good with cats in baskets. Refuses to take ours to the vets and will only go to the cattery if I go with him.

Anonymous said...

Mary - that is such good news on the scan results front. As you say you still need to find out what's wrong but at least you'll can put your mind at rest a bit.

Have a lovely evening whatever you're going to do.

Luv always to all.


Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, this is the last visit of the day.

Mary - so glad to hear the good news about your scan. Honestly, I didn't forget about you, but sometimes it's better to say nothing until the person in question talks about it first.

Hopefully your mind is more at ease.

C xx

Moose said...

Been out of range all day - good job too! Nipples, shy ones, two of, always have been.
Another fairly busy day today but did manage to squeeze a quick 9 holes in at lunchtime. Which is better than quickly squeezing into 9 holes at lunchtime.
Am on mooselet school run, washing machine delivery reception and extreme gardening activities tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I dissappear for a few hours and all hell lets loose! Inverted nips, Beer skates, inconvenient dampening! My God the fun you lot can squeeze out (sorry Anon) of a subject in a short time! You're quite TENAcious LADY's!

Good Luck for Tom Orrow Hazel

And Moose is now going to finish playing a round!! Oo er

DD out (drying eyes, and changing soiled undercrackers)

Anonymous said...


So pleased for you. A (little) weight off your mind at any rate.

Keep well,

S xx.

jollygit said...

Mary - fantastic news!!!! So, so pleased for you and good to have you back! xx

Excited about meeting La Love tomorrow and Hazel, if you get to read this before setting off, good luck and I'll see you when it's all over!!!!

Take care all

jollygit xxxx

Anonymous said...

morning all,

Mary - am so happy for you : )(((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

DD - lol re Tenacious Ladys....!!

Hazel - good luck today and I hope you and Jollygit have a lovely meet : )

Friday already?......I must be in love.


Jo said...

Morning all -

Moose - you were on arah Kennedy this morning as I troughed my oatibix.....

Am sending confidence boosting vibes at elephant o clock for HL.

Mary - I'm so pleased your scan results were clear, it must be a lift for you. By contrast I'm really hoping that my scan results a week on Monday aren't clear otherwise I will just be fat and not having a baby...

Speaking of babies my sister is having hers today, I'm so upcited. Her husband is too as he wants to do the whole may the 4th thing. My sister, to say the least, is not amused!

:o) Jo

Jo said...

Gaby - I though you said Tenacious D which nearly made me go off on a complete tangent but I'll stop now before I have to get a permanant resident's VISA for NC1 rather than a tourist's one

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Thank you all you lovely people xxxxxx {{{{{{hug}}}}}}

Jo - Lots of love to your Sister for today xx I too hope your scan is clear but not too clear if you don't want to see if he is a he or she is a she :o))

Hazel & Jollygit have a lovely time today xx

Susan S - Sending you lots of love and positive thoughts {{{hug}}}

Chrissie S - Well done for getting over your little hurdle this week, very proud of you xx

EG - How's the rose going down? Very well I hope :o))

Sammie must be around 50hrs now :o))

Gaby {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} just because I can.........

Have a good Friday everyone and a great bank holiday weekend.

I'm off to visit my Sister and brother-in-law at their caravan by the seaside.....can't wait!

Take care
Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Morning All

Jo - look forward to hearing your sister's news.

MWK - no Rose (or any other wine last night)! Don't know if I'll get through the weekend though!!! Remember to take your bucket and spade and have a great time.

Hope to see you all later.


Anonymous said...

Hola Chicas y Chicos!

(Who's kidding who, my Spanish is rubbish!)

Well, we got through the week and now it's Friday! Hurrah!

Nothing much to report, just checking in. Woke up this morning and thought about Hazel and Jollygit meeting up today - it's kinda surreal when you find yourself thinking about people you don't really know, isn't it?!

Speaking of which, Jo - look forward to hearing the news about your sister. I really am thinking about her contractions right now, as I type! Re: May the 4th - is this in reference to Star Wars? Wild guess, I could be completely wrong!

And believe me, when you have your scan you will discover there really IS a baby in there!!

Mary - hope you enjoy your weekend. I just love staying in a caravan. When Ms S was about three years old, we rented a terrific caravan in Ayr and one day when we were sitting outside on the deck, Concorde was flying in and out of Prestwick Airport on a training run. It was completely awesome to watch - just almost touching down on the runway, and taking off again at the last minute. But hey, that story has nothing to do with caravans!

DD - very clever with the Tena Lady's!

Will be back later just to see how things are going.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all

Just checking in - it seems to be very quiet. P'rhaps we overdid it yesterday???

Mary, I'm jealous. Would love to spend the weekend by the seaside but will be spending it with friends who live in the fens. All that flatness just makes me uneasy. Give me a hill or a beach anytime.

Chrissie - I saw Concorde fly past once. It was flying in formation with the Red Arrows over the Solent and was absolutely breathtaking, as well as very loud because they were all flying low. I hadn't planned to see it but just happened to be in the right place (top of a cliff!) at the right time.

Back later

lyndyloo said...

Well well, didn't it all get frantic yesterday once I'd left to go flirt with v.v.handsome ex rugby star. It's a good job I'd not read all about the nipples or I'd have been in all sorts of trouble. I only have to think of them and they're out there!

Luckily I've invited said man to join our table at a tribute to Dickie Bird night next week. If I'm really lucky I could end up sitting between my all time Leicester City hero and a gorgeous ex Tigers player.... ooooh I love my job!!

Mary- Great news honey I'm really pleased for you.

HL & JG- Thinking of you both and wishing HL loads of luck (not that she'll need it)

DD- hysterical story

The rest of you, it's nearly the wick end! Another bank holiday! Anything amazing planned? I've got a LCFC match to attend and pay homage to Alan Birchenall and his charity run around the ground for thr ruby rainbow appeal and then on Monday a trip to Welford road. Apart from that I will be sampling my latest delivery of vino.


Jo said...

Oooh Oooh Oooh - she had a pink one - hannah may (the 4th be with you), mother and baby doing well arrival time approx 1pm!

Am Aunty Jo for the 1st time ever!!!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jo! Although I must admit I was off on an entirely different tangent when I first read your message!
Mother and daughter doing well we hopes?

Following yesterdays N discussions, thought I would request for the ARF

The Pointer Sisters - I'm so excited!

DD out

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Aunty Jo - and how lucky for you she is a girl. Just think of all the pink stuff you can share!

lyndyloo said...

Jo Oh how lovely congratulations! So pleased it's a pink one, she really will get showered with all manner of pink goodies from Aunty Jo!

DD NC1!! lol

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Aunty Jo xx How lovely, best wishes to Mummy, Daddy and lots of hugs and kisses to Hannah May xxxxxx {{{hug}}}

Thanks Lyndyloo xx Hope your meeting went well!

DD - Hilarious!

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

This time I will engage brain.....
lots of hugs and kisses to Hannah :o))

My head is full of sand and thats before I get to the seaside.....

Mary xx

Jo said...

MWK - she really is called Hannah May!!

Anonymous said...

oooh, congratulations Jo.....wonderful news - and what a beautiful name : )

lyndyloo - do you need a hand handling all these men? Good, I am on my way.

DD - ARF - awesome!! : )


Anonymous said...

Jo - :o)) my first comments still stands then.....

Is it five boss took me out for lunch and now I just want to go and lay down...

I'm glad I had a productive morning because I won't getting anything done this afternoon.

Lyndyloo - Just incase the rugby players are too much for you and Gaby I'm more than happy to lend a hand :o)

Keith - Thinking of you xx {{{hug}}}

Mary xx

lyndyloo said...

Gaby & Mary Thank you so much for your kind offers and as soon as I need help in coping I'll be straight on the blog to you. I can usually manage them one or two at a time but if they're mob handed I need assistance!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the naughty corner has had some use!

HL - belated good luck and hope everything went ok today. Trust you and Jollygit rendez-vous'd safely as well!

Jo - should I say Auntie Jo - congratulations to you and good luck on Monday. Also congrats to your sister and welcome to the world Hannah May.

MWK - Glad the results were clear, hope you are soon feeling better.

DD - Tenacious Lady's - LOL!

EG - you go girl!!!!

Susan S - {{{{huggles}}}}

Chrissie - {{{{hugs}}}} - 'cos I can! x

Moose - thanks for giving everyone the chance to converse in this virtual world. Hope the extreme gardening does not cause any further tweaks!

If there is anyone I missed I am sorry .........

Anyway, have a good weekend one and all.

A bientot!

A x

Anonymous said...

Hello lovelies!

Spent the day in the orifice today - I know, on a Friday!! Met a certain friend for lunch though, which was really nice.

Had a very good, productive day, working on Business Continuity Plans (zzzzzzzzzz), which is why I wnet into the office, else, I would have done all sorts at home to avoid the subject...

Only about oooh - 50 hours now!!!

Jo - how wonderful - a pinkie, much love and hugs to mum and dad and of course, baby too! Hannah May...

I told my son the May the Fourth thingy tonight, having spent the day at my desk giggling about it - golly, I thought he was going to wet his pants! he's a BIG Star Wars fan, so should have said something this morning really!

Right lovelies, am off to enjoy the extended weekend, and guess what? Not even brought any work home!!!

Peace and love,

S xx.

Anonymous said...

evening all, blimey would you believe it - a week away and it only seems like two minutes. Congrats aunty jo, gr8 news Mary, Hope today went well Hazel, Sammie - fingers crossed, Rugby,... woof woof - don't think i need say more, Moose, hope your first week went as well as it appears to have.

You know this week is a (albeit in some cases not important at all) monumental week for me. I have left the world of self emplyment and joined the employed. How do i feel? Not sure yet, tho the red wine is helping. Is it the right decision, very definately.... i think.

Leaving my clients was really tough this week, my heart and soul is firmly placed in some of those projects and their brands are my baby. How very silly.

I guess it is onwards and upwards in the world of contemporary/experimental dance. The first job? Set up a blog and myspace page to start 'engaging' people in our activities. I think i have my work cut out.

I love a challenge.

PS sorry for indulgent post, typical - she's away for a few days and then she comes back all me me me. Sorry.
PPS another thought, Joannie from Torronto... anyone heard from her!?

Anonymous said...

Antoher self indulgent post follows...

Have just got home having gone via a friends house...


I am far too over-excited to read any of today's posts, except to say I did have a quick squizz

Huge congratulations to Auntie Jo, and to sister of Jo, who made her sister's day by having a pink one. It's funny coz if she'd had a blue one, Jo would have to be an uncle...I think that's right...

It was fab meeting Jollygit. She did have a rose between her teeth, and a copy of the Financial Times, so she was easy to recognise...AND...she met the boy too, because he decided to drive me rather than let me get lost on my 'im eh?

Anyhoo, thank you all SO much for your kind words and good wishes. I'm sure they all helped, and I'm on such a buzz it's untrue.

The course itself doesn't start until about the end of October, so have plenty of time to prepare, but once again...



Anonymous said...


Will have to open a bottle of vino to celebrate your good news and wet wee Hannah May's head :o)

All packed (included bucket and spade) ready to set off early in the morning :o)

Hello Anna, nice to hear from you. Good luck with your new employment.

Take care friends
Love Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Hazel, soooo glad today went well for you, but then again, how couldn't it? You're very special and obviously, the course people saw that - WELL DONE YOU!!!!

Anna - indulge away - we'll support you xx.

Mary - bottle here was opened at 6!!! V early for me, but hey ho - good (albeit hard) week, so what the hell?

K has been on the phone and e-mailing non stop since he informed me of his homecoming - 'normal' service resumed - can't wait to see him!

Gotta go - 'Have I Got News For You' on TV (Following the excellent My Family - wish I had a wrestler hubby in my closet!), so going to catch up on da politics, innit!

S xx.