Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Confession time!

The 9 weeks is up. The end of phase 1 of the Moose's Fatfighters.

Weigh-in tonight shows that I lost 3kg in the 9 weeks, as opposed to the 12kg that was the target. I should be thinking that the result is pathetic. But you lot told me not to be too hard on myself. So let's focus first on the positives:
  • I lost 3 kg!!!
  • I'm at my lowest weight for about 5 years.
  • My fat % has dropped significantly. That means I've put on c. 3kg of muscle since I started. Meaning I've lost 6kg of fat.
  • I feel thinner and fitter than in a long while.
  • The trousers I'm wearing now are 1 size smaller than 9 weeks ago and are feeling loose.
  • I've had to add 2 holes to each of my favourite belts.
  • I'm eating less. Even when I do binge the binges are smaller.
  • I'm often not eating until I'm hungry rather than when it's a mealtime.
  • I'm eating better. More veg and fruit. Less fried stuff.

So what went wrong?

  • I didn't stick to the rules.

That's it really. There are so many of the rules I didn't stick to fully that detailed analysis is pointless.

What happens now? Phase 2 started today. Originally I had planned to give myself 4 weeks off now - not off completely but a month of keeping the weight stable rather than trying to reduce it. But the reality is that I lost the 3kg in the first 4 weeks so I've already been roughly constant for 5 weeks. So I'm going to plough on now. I've written a new target and renewed my desire to stick to my own rules. I'm going for a longer time but more weight loss. 20kg in 20 weeks this time. My spreadsheet has been drawn up, I'm ready to go, and as soon as this is posted I'm going to add up my calorie total for today.


Anonymous said...

I love your re-newed enthusiasm Moose, well done on the loss from what i can virtually see, you are looking great.

have fun tonight, as i said last night, i am genuinely wishing i was there - certainly will be there in spirit.

have a nice day all. I feel that today's a good day.

Kim Ayres said...

Aim to eat healthily and your weight will fall to a natural level. Aim to lose weight and you can be tempted into unhealthy eating patterns which damage your body and metabolism and as soon as you stop dieting the weight piles back on.

Make the healthy choices at each stage and you can't lose.

Anonymous said...

Well done Moose! All inches are good inches as far as I'm concerned. It's the extra one that makes all the difference...allegedly...

Time for a Diet Coke break then?

I'll take mine in the Naughty Corner.


Anonymous said...

Just had to say WELL DONE MOOSE on your terrific weight loss - it is not always about the numbers, the clothes and belt scenario are a more telling way of how much you have lost. Good luck for continued weightloss, we are all routing for you.

Hope you guys have a fantastic night tonight - I too am jealous that I will be unable to attend and expect to hear all the gory details - and to see any available piccies in the near future.

HL - I agree we are very lucky to live where we are - I would prefer to be right out in the sticks with nothing around but cannot afford it. Where we are is great as it is a mile from town but you wouldn't know it. Yes, my bat friends were out and about last night and we heard the owl as well. We have only ever seen the shadowy figure flying by but hear him often. I know what you mean about neighbours etc., we have dodgy ones but they have been fairly quiet of late. We teach our boys to treat others as they would like to be treated and so far they respond to that and wouldn't dream of kicking their ball against the house but they do have the luxury of the field in front and we often play out there instead of the garden!

Sammie - have a great Batwatch on Friday, if you get a chance to go out just before it goes dark you may hear where they are coming from as ours get very rowdy before coming out. It is a high pitch squeaking and a kerfuffle! You may only hear it if it is quiet where you are.

Anyway happy hump day and more importantly OAMC day. Have a fab one, I will raise a cuppa to you all tonight!

A x

jollygit said...

Moose - well done on the old weight loss but more importantly on feeling so much better.

DD - my ex-husband used to play football at Waterhall and many's the wet and windy Sunday I've spent sitting in the car 'watching' him whilst reading the papers!! The only highlight for me was the drinkies afterward in the pub .......

I really hope that the OAMC tonight goes well and to everyone who makes it, have a brilliant time. Unfortunately I can't make it but will be thinking of you all and toasting you with a glass or three of the red stuff!!!!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Moose, I think you have done wonderfully well over the last nine weeks (can't believe those nine weeks have passed so quickly). You are feeling so much better and that's what matters, much more important than what the scales say. You are definitely on track! And of course you have inspired me to make a wee bit of an effort too. I have managed to lose another couple of pounds over the last two weeks - 6lbs lost, and it's thanks to you for that blog nine weeks ago!

Kim, really good advice and you obviously know what you are talking about!! Losing 100 pounds - you must feel fantastic!
However, when faced with the choice of an apple or an apple pie, that's when it all goes horribly wrong for me!!

Guys/Gals attending the OAMC tonight - have a great time. It will be terrific to meet up at last! Please keep detailed Minutes and report back to the rest of us tomorrow!

Have a good day everyone.

C xx

Jo said...

Moose - congrats on your continued weight loss. Remember that you have just been through a major change in routine with your job etc. and that will have made it more difficult to lose weight. We are still all Rutting for you (although I fear we may me out of season for the moose rut, maybe rutting for yourself would help the weight loss??)

Only Wednesday, it feels like it should be at least Friday (in 3 weeks time!)

Bats - In France where my Ma and Pa have a little Maison, the bats come out everynight to play. They had a small inflatably pool type thing and the bats would swoop down to nibble the insex that would congregate just above the water - amazing stuff, and they make really ace squeaky noises. When I was younger I used to look for Captain beaky and the reast of his band as we had Batty Bat there already!

Didn't get the job, but onwards and upwards my friends - I've got another year to go till it starts to get a bit desparate!

:o) Jo

jollygit said...

Jo - bad luck my lovely xx

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Jo - sorry you didn't get the job. It's their loss. Keep your chin up.
A x

Anonymous said...

Jo - sorry you didn't get the job. The right one is out there and you WILL find it!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Fair play to you, celebrate the loss that you have achieved. For me I need to keep small targets and short time to keep the progress going. But whatever motivates you will keep you going.

For me, I had plateau'd but now the loss has re-commenced, funnily enough since I had to reduce my training, damn this muscle weighing more than fat.

Stepped on the scales this morning and had a 3lb (roughly 1.25kg) loss over my previous weight. So renewed vigour from now on.

Moose don't turn sideways this evening, the other OAMC'ers wont see you.

Have a good time at the OAMC I'll be raising a small glass of red stuff!

Jollygit, Many hours spent watching uncle playing footie at Waterhall and Preston Park. Gambling on which leg he would break this week! A tad accident prone is unc.

DD out

Anonymous said...

Moose you sound in good form - well done.

Have a great OAMC tonight - will raise a glass to you all xx

Jo - sorry you didn't get the job, something better will come along when the time is right. The bump is looking good :o)

Keith - Thinking of you and sending lots of love and {{{hugs}}}for today xxxxxx

Amanda - sorry you had a tough day on Monday, pleased your feeling better xx

Hello to all my other virtual friends xxxx

Happy hump day
Lots of love
Mary xx

lyndyloo said...

Moose you're a star well done!
Jo Soz hunny :((
Who's going to the OAMC? I'll not be able to make it as I have presentations this afternoon in Leicester but will be with you all in spirit (of one kind or another).


Anonymous said...

Moose - well done on the weight loss, and even more well done for your positive attitude! It doesn't matter if you don't shed the pounds/kgs on the scales - it's how you feel and if your clothes are looser that's most important.

Hope y'all have a fandabidozy time tonight at the Village Inn. I'll be thinking of you and raise a glass of something at the appropriate time.

Jo - bad luck about the job, but focus on that bump for the time being (it looks impressive by the way!). That's far more important at the moment.

Back later

Moose said...

Boy today is dragging. There was a big society invading the golf club so I only got 9 holes in (1 birdie, 3 pars and 3 very-nearly/ should-have-been pars).
I think I'm just very tired...mooselet #2 had a very broken night last night and we were all awake between 1 and 4 because of it. And I mean all of us - he was shouting the house down! I'm struggling to keep my eyes open and have reverted to caffeine for support.

The drive home from Gatwick this evening could be fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo, a jolly poor show that you can't make it ce soir. Were you at the Bunburys thing? Saw it in the paper and thought of you.

Amanda. Didn't make the batwalk last night. I think I may have persuaded the boy to take me to see P of the C on Thursday eve, so will have to put it off til Friday. Every time I've checked the weather, it seems to be getting better for the weekend, so hopefully Friday will be the night. Sammie, we can do bats together!

Looking forward to later. The boy was taking me but due to cs beyond our c, I have to get the train. My car will still only make it about 3miles before it won't do anymore, so c'est la vie as they say. Well, I'm sure someone says it.

ChrissieS, have just seen next door, so I'm sending you some pretty weather. Just for you, wherever you are going to be today. Can't get over how blimmin lovely it is darn sarf. There is a mummy bunny out with four tiny tiny baby bunnies, and it is all too cute. I have also just found a golf ball. Huzzah!

What's that Levellers record?

DD. Was just thinking about you turning sideways. I guess you'd just keep going round and round for the minute. Like the little boy with one foot nailed to the floor.

Anonymous said...

Oh Moose.

Have beaten you I'm afraid.

I have...er...26, no, 25, no, 26! birdies, 16 bunnies and a glasshopper. Sorry, 25.

There are seventy gazillion b&bs/hotels etc in the LGW area if it gets that bad, but then you can't really leave Mrs Moose alone to cope with multiple Mooselets on her own for the whole of the night really can you. Spesh if you were ALL up. Nightmare. It's usually only me who is awake. The boy can sleep through anything, and doesn't remember me belting him in the houdini the other night at all.

make that 26.

Moose said...

Hazel. The golf ball is mine if it's a "Nike 4". A wild tee shot on the 12th I'm afraid...hope it didn't take out any bunnies.

jollygit said...

Issa luvverly day down here too, not that I can see much from where I am based. We were moved to a different office yesterday which means that I no longer have an outside window. Methinks that's what's giving me a headache .... all that artificial light can't be good for one.

A small boy is sent to bed by his father.
Five minutes later....."Da-ad...."
"I'm thirsty. Can you bring a drink of water?"
"No, You had your chance. Lights out."
Five minutes later: "Da-aaaad....."
"I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water??"
I told you NO! If you ask again, I'll have to smack you!!"
Five minutes later......"Daaaa-aaaad....."
"When you come in to smack me, can you bring a drink of water?"

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

To be fair, Hazel, I still have a lot of weight to lose, so it wouldn't matter which way I'm facing, I can't be moved!

Moose, if the tee shot was that wild surely you should be playing with a Nike Fore!

Jo keep the chin up! a la Mourinho!

No bunnies, grasshoppers (that are visible) but plenty of Rooks, and Kites. Mainly Blue Skies and little white fluffy clouds.

If I was at home I would need to be Baz Luhrman'd.

DD out

Moose said...

Jollygit - that's just too reminiscent of last night. He pestered for a drink for an hour, we gave him water. He took one sip and burst into tears and shouted that he wanted milk!

Moose said...

DD - no danger of any golfers being in the farmers field I sliced that baby into!!! Only bunnies and muntjacs (nearly took two of them out on my way home last night!)

Anonymous said...

I dunno Moose. It looks a bit well used yet to be one of yours. If it isn't claimed, I shall bring it with me this evening...

You miss having many boys on here don't you. Boys you can discuss slicing babies with and everything. It does show you know...

Would you know, by the by, which speeshees of muntjac they were, or just barking deer..? In the blimmin road. As if there's loads of them.

Fabulous drumsticks

Amanda, have just mremberd, me and an ex-boyfriend nearly ran over an owl with our car. We came around the corner, and the thing was just sitting in the middle of the road. After turning it's head 360o at least twice, it hooted and took off. We couldn't move as we were totally spellbound, even to the point that it may not have happened. Of course in another time it would have been decorating the radiator grille, so I'm so glad we were going slowly round the bend!

Beautiful creature it was!

Moose said...

Hazel - you know how to hurt a golfer's pride. I'll have you know that last Thursday's golfing exploits were particularly notable precisely because I used the same ball all the way round...the very ball I then sliced off into the field this morning. It was a brief but intense relationship. But not as brief as my relationships with my balls usually are. So you are completely correct - if you find a nice bright shiny ball lying around somewhere it shouldn't be, then it could well be one of mine.

Anonymous said...

There HAS to be something in 'all the way round' but I just can't...get it...Captain!


I just keep getting pictures of our Dissing friend in my head and it really is most distracting...
See, my uncle used to make this little model thingamajig with a cotton reel, and when you twisted the arm around it would creep along the floor.

I think I must be holiday crazy, and just a wee tinie bit scared of finally meeting the Moose face to antler. Dunno what to wear either. In my experience, the airport is either boiling hot hot, or just chilly enough to make you wish you'd listened to your mother.

Anonymous said...

DD - Isn't "Wear Sunscreen" one of the most majestic records of all time? (Ms S tells me "mum they are NOT called records any more!!).

I digress. Just adore every word on that CD and when I play it (which is fairly often) I drive my housemates completely crazy because I repeat it at least 10 times!

Or is it just me?!

C xx

P.S. Respect YOUR elders.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (HL?) - whatever you wear tonight you should keep your vest on! May isn't out yet.

My granny used to make things out of cotton reels that involved 4 nails, a hook of some kind and remnants of lot of old wool "knitted" into a long thin tube thing that served absolutely no purpose whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Moose - Know the routine well! Our youngest has problems with sleep, hubby and I have problems with the lack of it! Not an easy one to conquer though. We find a rubber mallet useful for such situations (only joking, ONLY JOKING!).
Our 4, soon to be 5 year old often wakes up in the middle of the night not distressed or anything but sits in bed and recounts the conversations he has had that day with his cuddly toys. He speaks all parts of the conversations then he laughs, louder and louder. Then he gets up and jumps on his bed! With age he is getting a bit better at sleeping through but if something or someone upsets him or his routine we go through this.
This week has not been a good one! So I do sympathise!
A x

Anonymous said...

Chrissie S, I couldn't agree more, Sunscreen is one of my fave summer tracks, particularly if in car, sun roof and windows open, full volume, or as much as the old lug'oles can stand.

Could do with a touch of Baz on the way home, quite frankly!

Anonymous said...


DD out

DD out

jollygit said...

Moose - I'm sorry if the joke was too close to home for you - it wasn't deliberate, 'onest gov!! My brother's children each go to bed with a non-spill cup/beaker of water in case they wake up in the night ...... I guess that's too easy and obvious isn't it, otherwise you'd already be doing it? Tell you what, just ignore me ...... hello????

Analog - I used to make woollen sausage type things from a cotton reel with four nails in it and a crochet hook - ooh, the hours of fun we had. Thank goodness daytime TV came along when it did!!!!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Moose & Amanda,

Sleepless nights - I remember them well, and funny it is not!

I wish I had words of wisdom.
Ms S did not sleep a single night in her first two years of life. (Look away Jo!!). And then we had several years of sleep-walking, sleep-talking and general not-letting-us-sleep activities, such as "I need water!!".

However, I can only say it does get better, but ye gods, it takes time. My best wishes to you both in this regard!

C xx

Anonymous said...

For those with sleepless m=nights etc.

Just so you know, I didn't sleep a night through until I was 3. My mum used to out a nip of Brandy in my nighttime drink and it still didn't work! The doctor was aboout to prescrobe me valium (so they say) but then I just started sleeping. Appparantly They used to have to either, take me out in the car or walk me up and down the lounge in my pram to get me to go to sleep. My baby is going to be perfectly behaved though and none of this stuff will happen!

De Nile ain't the only river in Egypt either!!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Jo - OF COURSE your baby will sleep soundly, feed well, be potty trained at 2 years old and, ultimately, be a future Prime Minister!!

OAMC-ers - anyone getting excited yet? I'm really excited, and I'm nowhere near Gatwick - blast it!

C xx

Jo said...

Most definitly Chrissie.... And 'she' 'cos that's what it will be (everybody think pink!) will also be an England netballer!

:o) Jo

PS - was talking yesterday to my dad who was saying we had to get ravel insurance just in case something happens a bit early when we're staying with them in July. I told him it would be quite nice to have a Dual nationality baby and it could solve some of the inheritance laws over there!

He was not amoosed!

:o) Jo

lyndyloo said...

Ooooh! I'm really jealous of you and the OAMC tonight now. I'm still waiting on my rugby coaches comeing in for a presentation but I'm thinking of you all. Who's taking the camera? Can you have a drink for me? Will you send me the photo's? will ya? Pleeeease!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Jo - I have to ask (sorry to have forgotten, because you must have mentioned this) - where do your parents live? Dual nationality is the biz! If Mr S and I had had a baby in the USA in 1979, we would have had automatic green cards, etc and the baby would have had dual nationality. Of course, at that time I was 23 years old and 10 years away from being sensible!!

C xx

Anonymous said...

I am excited. I promise to wear a vest of some description. Possibly fashioned from small knitted tubes.

I'll take my phone anyway (have NO idea where the camera is, and the batteries are proberly nacked too) so there may be some pics.

Who knows...see you all tonight or tomorrow

Do the cheers at 8.15!

Anonymous said...

Have a good one OAMC'ers.
A x

Moose said...

Have been sweating for the last hour. In the gym. Just having a coffee to keep me awake for the drive and yes, I am excited!!!

We used to do the beakers in bed but weaned them off it, so have no desire to go back there. This is a one-off. His leg is hurting with 'growing pains'. Can't do much but wait for it to go away...

I shall be wearing my brown leather jacket, hopefully it's not the shade to put Hazel off!

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh, when is the next flight to Gatwick?! Mr S, I just gotta go!!

Have a great night!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Hey All

Sorry I've not been around. 5 days without internet access - then managed a quick hello - then I don't know but my world seems to have gone crazeeeee. Very, very busy at work. Late home, into bed then up for the next day of crazzzzziness.

Lot of posts to try and catch-up on so can I just say:

Anyone that has had good news and celebrating - yipee, I'm so glad for you.

Anyone that has had not so good news or a disappointment - I'm really sorry, hope things are better soon.

Birthday boys and girls - happy birthday to you. MOOSE - I think I missed your 40th so belated Happy Birthday my friend.

OAMC or other such gatherings- hope you have/had a great time.

Weight loss - wooohooo - well done.

Weight gain - never mind - there's always next week.

Anybody that missed me - I luv you so very, very much.

Luv ya all.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, Hope you have a GREAT time tonight - I have 'virtually' been there with you...

Hmmm - where to start...

K is well and trulyout of the picture... No surprise there!!

Ex, well, here's the surprising thing, spent 45 mins on phone with him tonight and he agreed that comms via e-mails/txt wasn't sufficient. Then he surprised me, by saying that despite living with new girlfriend, he's not happy. I feel sorry for his girlfriend...

Ho hum...

On the other hand, I had a FAB night last night, haven't stopped grinning/giggling! See my poston CLP's site for further info...

I do miss you all!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to say...

Went to WW last night, with my 1.5lb to lose to get to Goal. While in the queue to be weighed, I checked my notes and realised that actually I have 2.5lbs to get to goal! Sods law, I stepped on the wretched scales and had only lost 2lbs!!!!!!!! I am now as fervent as a new member and determined to get there next week! I will be there next week, although once I reach Goal, I'm not sure I will be happy stayng there... and will want to lose more - we'll see.

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Morning all,

I do hope the OAMC (Gatwick branch) went well last night. I will attend one of these days so watch out! ;-)

Mary {{{Hugs}}} right back at you ;-)

Keith the bigUn

P.S. I do not know why but I have a little story for you all…

It was my first time ever and I'll never forget I'd do it again without a single regret.

The sky was dark the moon was high we were all alone just she and I.

Her hair was soft her eyes were blue I knew just what she wanted to do.

Her skin so soft her legs so fine I ran my fingers down her spine I didn't know how but I tried my best I started by placing my hands on her breast.

I remember my fear my fast beating heart but slowly she spread her legs apart.

And when I did it I felt no shame all at once the white stuff came.

At last it's finished it's all over now my first time ever at milking a cow...

What, what…. :-)))))

Jo said...

Keith - Such filth at this time of the morning ----- I like it :o)

Morning everyone - am feeling a bit more cheery today after the job disappointment. Chrissie, my mum & dad have a house in a really tiniy hamlet about an hour south of Poitiers (if you're not good with French Georgraohy I find half wasy down on the left hand side usually works!). They don't live there full time (quite yet) but I reckon that's the way things are going. They've just been over there for a month and are going back in June and stopping until Septamber - If that's what retirement's like point me in the right direction!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Keith - now then - naughty, naughty!

Jo - glad you are feeling chirpier today.

OAMC'ers - did you have a good time? You are all being shy this morning and us non-attendees want the lowdown!

A x

Anonymous said...

Jo - I agree, wouldn't it be lovely to have a wee place to escape to a couple of times a year? Sounds gorgeous and you, lucky girl, get to visit!

Checking in hoping to hear from the OAMC-ers! No sign as yet - do you think they all decided to just camp down for the night at the airport?!

EG - really good to hear from you. It's a nightmare when life it that busy, isn't it? Try not to overdo it!!

Be back later once we receive some news from last night!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Well then.

The time: 20:40
The place: The Village Inn, London Gatwick Airport
The date: Yesterday

It was me and Moose. There are no pictures. We had a lovely time. (Well, I did anyway. I hope my company was scintillating enough. He did appear to be awake unless he is one of these people who can remain compost menthol but be asleep really and given the night he'd had the night before) No one had claimed the found golf ball, so I took it for him as promised. I have to say that it is a little worrying when a Moose can recognise the make of a beaten up golf ball. There is a Moose with a subscription to 'Which Tee?' (other types of biscuit available). A small amount of antler damage was suffered by a Liverpool supporter who wasn't looking where he was going, and he was definitely looking a tad fuzzy after about the first hour and about 19 JDs. He had a chicken caesar salad but I had already et at home. The evening passed in a jovial manner and was over all too soon...I got my train (14mins late due to driver waiting for Big'un to finish a joke) and arrived home safely at 22:47 and Moose text me around 23:45:28 to say that he'd got home ok too.

The boy had stayed up waiting for me bless 'im...and proceeded to sit there with a fixed grin for about 4hrs listening to me telling him what a great time I'd had. Coca cola has a lot to answer for.

...and today the sun is out again...I'm such a lucky girl!


KEEEEEEETH! you know I love you! because I can!

Anonymous said...

EG who?

Anonymous said...

Awww Hazel,

Thanks for the report. Sounds like you and Moose had a lovely time - I'm so glad you have met up at last!

STOP GOING ON ABOUT THE SUN!! It's freezing here. Rain, clouds, cold weather! (Only kidding of course, delighted for my blogging friends south of the border!).

Mr S was in Liverpool yesterday and he said to me as he got nearer Liverpool he just couldn't believe how sunny and warm it was. Then, on the return journey as he approached Glasgow, he said the weather just deteriorated before his very eyes. It's not fair!!!

C xx

Moose said...

Morning all. Indeed a good time was had by all (both!) despite the lateness of the arrival home and the appalling traffic getting down there.

After Hazel left I suddenly thought that I really ought to ingest some caffeine for the road safety of myself and other M25 drivers...a double espresso later and I was on the road. Can anyone explain to my why they had to take the motorway down to 1 lane...yes just 1 lane...and hold me up for 20 minutes? No, thought not.

Was really good to meet up. There were a lot of red shirts there and so next time (which will be central London) will be arranged NOT to clash with a football match.
The evening's conversation was dotted with "Is that Matt?" "Is that him?" "What about that bloke in the black jacket?"
Matt - sorry you didn't make it, or sorry we missed you if you did! Next time...

Anonymous said...


who ate all the pies?

Moose said...

What could I eat so that I could burst?
Pasties? Cream Teas? Both? What about going for it next week...

Anonymous said...


Thank you for reporting in. It would seem you and Hazel had a good night - did you recognise each other right away?

Shame Matt didn't make it, but he will one of these days. As will I!

C xx

Moose said...

I saw someone I thought might be Hazel but wasn't confident enough to march up to a strange (sic) woman in a pub and say "Are you Hazel?" So I called to check. I should have had more courage in my guess!

Anonymous said...

Moose and Hazel - Really glad you two successfully met up and sorry Matt didnt make it! Sounds like you had a rare old time together.

Can't answer the motorway closure question other than to say they did it to b*lls up your journey - 'cos thats the normal reason.

Happy Thirsty Thursday to you all!

A x

Anonymous said...

a. A whole chicken

b. A cabbage stuffed with brussels sprouts

c. The Isle of Wight

d. All of the above

Other news...---...,...---...

I saw him first, but with just enough doubt to wait for my mobile phone to ring as he dialled the number!

By the way, for you Moose Watchers out there, the jacket (very smart, soft leather) was definitely brown. A sort of dark caramel and certainly not any sort of dodgy geeza ox blood red.

He is also quite tall. Aren't you Moose. And with the antlers, grayshus me, you wooden wanna tangle. No sirree. And I'm 5'7. 5'9 in lifts.

And weather. Darn sarf it continues fine. There are bunnies outside in the shade under the tree. It's like bleedin Beatrix Potter it is.

Thank you for your time.

Anonymous said...

...and he's quite right.

I am strange.

Anonymous said...

Is it just in lifts or are you taller on escalators as well?

Moose said...

Hazel - not any more you're not!

jollygit said...

Eureka!!!! That's the answer - travel around in lifts and I'll be taller than my pathetic 5'5" ..... thanks HL!

Down here in the back end of Kent, it is sun, sun, sun. Have just been sitting outside with me sarnie enjoying the weather but it was too hot so I had to come back in again.

We're all wishing we could have been at the OAMC last night and sooooo pleased you both enjoyed the experience!

More air-con please ......

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

...depends if I'm going up or going down...

...and thank you Moose...but I do have a certain reputation to uphold y'know!

How's the ball?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone xx

Jollygit - more air con..... have a wee trip up to Glasgow, it's blooming freezing :o) Send us some sunshine, go on, please pleaaasssee......

Moose & Hazel please to hear you had a nice evening xx Shame Matt didn't make but it. Like Chrissie I will make one of them one day :o)
assuming I would be invited of course :o)

Sammie - Sorry to hear things didn't work with K, as long as your are okay, thats all that matters xx

Keith - thanks for the {{hug}} and the joke xx

EG - Lovely to see you, hope things calm down at work for you soon.

Happy thirsty Thursday all xx

Mary xx

Anonymous said...


Good to hear a wee bit more about Moose. I didn't expect him to be tall! (That doesn't mean I thought he was short ...... ach, you know what I mean!).

As for you being strange - when we eventually meet up, you'll see someone who is strange!!

And, Hazel and Jollygit - no idea what your weather is like today, I mean no-one has even MENTIONED it -hope it's sunny for you guys!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Weather check for Greater Mancester area - cool wind, dull, dark and threatening rain clouds.

MWK, Chrissie and others oop narth - hope that makes you feel a little better. My boss has just said the temperatures are going to plummet on Sunday - he said 15 degrees but do you think he meant in old money?

Batwatch last night - they beat us to it and were out before proper dusk had fallen. The lure of juicy insects was obviously just too much for them. Either that or they knew it was going to chuck it down with rain overnight!

Good afternoon one and all!

A x

Moose said...

Hazel - the ball is fine thank you. It's not often you get to go out on a night out and get home with an extra ball in your pocket. It's a little smoother than my others - I suspect it has been used a lot more.

Definitely on the warm side today. As I got the car washed to clean away the West Sussex grime (!) it was almost too hot to sit in the sun and watch the Kosovans do their stuff...

I forgot to bring my tupper full of fruit and yogurt today...I have been chomping on my nuts to keep me going but I'm getting bored of them and starting to crave a visit to the M supermarket caff - things must be desperate! I think I might go home and cut the grass.

Have had two good conversations about potential jobs today...one in particular in Cambridge I would really like. The consultant sounded slightly dubious about my experience but I'm sure if I can get a foot in the door I can blow them away with the sheer weight of my personality. The other one is an interesting company based in the West Midlands with a not very clearly defined role they want to see me about that could allegedly be based anywhere in the South East.

Moose said...

...gotta love the Bee Gees!!!

Anonymous said...


I have just read Mary's comment and I'm so annoyed with myself, I forgot to say something to you earlier. (Normally I have to make a wee list or else I forget - Mary's really good and always remembers).

You are sounding o.k., but I'm sorry it's over with K. It certainly appeared to be wonderful at the start, but you seemed to know how it would go in the long run. As for your ex - isn't it amazing how many times this happens. It would appear that the grass is never greener on the other side! Thinking of you.

Also, Keith - I did think of you yesterday - hope everything is o.k. Your joke today was very good and definitely not one I would text to Ms S!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

HL- Going down indeed NC1 off you go! and I might be in Brighton this weekend if you fancy and ice-cream?

Moose said...

...and Tony Christie...if SW could just play good music and shut up for 3 hours, it would all be fine!

Anonymous said...

Hello All
It's great to hear Moose and Hazel hooked up, brill.
I've been absent for a few days because of lovely french customers, but they've gone now (neither would write an excuse note, sorry!) however, I am picking my mum up at the station this evening..will a retrospective note from her do?
I'll not be around until next tuesday either..Loads and Loads happening, and child's B Day on Monday.
Have a good long weekend everyone

jollygit said...

Moose - all this talk of ball action ... get to NC1 immediately young man! You'll have HL for company - again!

Chrissie S - did I not say? Oh well, it's 25 deeegreees here - phew (tee hee). Sorry :(( If it's any comfort, it's not meant to last the whole weekend - just until tomorrow - then we'll be as chilly as the rest of youse xx

Mary - I'm cramming as much sunshine as I can into a jiffybag (other padded envelopes are available) for you and hopefully it'll arrive with you in time for tomorrow morning!

Sammie - a hoooge hug for you {{{{{{hug}}}}}} xx

jollygit xx

jollygit said...

Mary - when it arrives, could you please pass some of the sunshine on to Chrissis S and EG for me?


jollygit x

lyndyloo said...

Now much as I love the CLP I'm getting very bored with the lateness of the blogging these days I can hardly be bothered to comment....

I didn't have any misconceptions about Moose being anything other than tall. He's a moose when all said and done.

Right I'm off to take the old bear to have her 'jections so I'll catch you all laters


Anonymous said...

Oh thank you jollygit :o) Chrissie and EG look out for sunshine coming your way tomorrow :o)

Awwwe the poor bears xx

I know it was good when CLP blogged in the mornings but I'm just grateful he still blogs :o)

Mary xx

Moose said...

...the thinner you are, the taller you look.

Muntjacs are actually very close relations, just fat ones.

Anonymous said...

Lovely to hear the news of the GAtwick Meet - so pleased you had such a lovely time.

Well done on the weight loss Moose..


Anonymous said...

are you all shouting


Anonymous said...

are you all shouting


Anonymous said...

I would love to join in with Judy, Judy Judy, but we don't have a radio in the office and people may think I'm even crazier than usual!

Lyndyloo, I agree about blogging next door. It has become something of a chore and although I do contribute most days, things are not the same.

On this subject, Moose - I don't want to ask you this out of turn, but I take it you won't go back on to CE's blog? You've been away a long time and I really mean this, when I started reading the CE blog, I was first attracted to it by reading you, Hazel, MfR and the BigUn. Certainly that's what I seem to remember - because you guys had an immediate rapport. (Of course MWK was the first person ever on the blog, and DWNB was around then too).

Just asking - you must go the way you want to go.

C xx

Jo said...

Chrissie - I have a pod (music one, not related to the BUMP) and it's just started Nellie the Elliephant by the Toy Dolls - I'm loving it.


:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Jo - when Santa brings me my i-pod in what seems will be the next few weeks, I will have various tracks on it, including Wear Sunscreen (as discussed yesterday) but also the song from Toy Story 2 - "When She Loved Me". Ye gods, if any of us are in the need of a good, bawling your eyes out, cry - try listening to that!! But, yes, I also love Nellie the Elephant!

C xx

Jo said...

Takes Santa a while to get to your house - Have you thought about suing him?

Anonymous said...

have you been partaking of the Cabbage Stuffed with Brussels Sprouts?

So this fat bird goes into a shop and the bloke says what size?
she says what sizes have you got? he says large, extra large, double extra large, triple extra large and de sade.

she said whats de sade?


thank you for your time

Anonymous said...

Chrissie - Just been scrolling through the comments next door and was pleasantly surprised to see a comment from Steviefaedundeeandglasgow..... it's one for you my dear :o) You may already know it's there but I didn't spot it early when I looked.

Mary xx

Jo said...

Are you here all week???? No brussel sprouts have passed my lips since the age of about 5 - I think they may be out of my system by now although you can never be too sure!

Home time now
Woo Hoo

Until tomorrow :o) Jo

Anonymous said...

...and for crying out loud pur-LEASE! ChrissieS, I am SO with you. I am terrible muriel at writing to other people...so...

SAMMIE! I do hope you are ok honey. Spending the night with a coat hanger in ones mouth can take it out of one terribly. But you're sounding fairly chipper, so I'm sure it was/is worth it...

Me tardes

...and I'm sorry if I upset anyone, but I cannot ABIDE Keira Knightley. Mouth-open acting, a bit like Vim Diesel and Susan Tully. I don't see it myself. But then that is probably just me.

Anonymous said...

the head of the herd was calling ... so I've been too busy to join in. She's gone to a meeting now so I can safely chip in with my two penn'orth without fear of interruption. There's nothing like an afternoon of bossus interruptus.

Glad Moose & HL had a good evening. I never thought Moose would be anything other than tall. He sounds tall ...

Sorry about the weather in Scotland, but sunshine and blue skies aren't always a good thing. I've got the window open and there's been two blokes outside (one floor down) with a tinny old radio on a local commercial station most of the day and they've been making the most infernal din and stench with their roof burning equipment. If only it was cold I could have not known they were there. And don't even think about a Diet Coke break scenario ... let's just say I'll stick with the fantasy rather than the fact.

ChrissieS - perhaps you should send Santa a link to GoogleEarth or Multimap (or other location finding websites are available) if it takes him the best part of 6 months to find your house.

Ooohhh - House. Must remember to tune in tonight. Big blue eyes ... hhmmmm. Do't forget to switch on at 9pm Moose - Cameron is still hot (or so Mr L tells me!)

Anonymous said...

Which is what Doctor Who said when someone said whats that big blue police box?

MWK, a dubious distinction indeed, but wotta claim to faim!

Nearly home time
as they say

Anonymous said...

I thought he'd be more stocky (other gravy flavourings available) meself...

...and on another point entirely Moose, I hope that you all get a good nights sleep tonight! I'm sure you deserve it...

Remember the mushrooms

Anonymous said...

Good grief, I've obviously not explained myself clearly re: Santa. What I meant was - it's May already - MAY - any minute now it will be Christmas - thus why I said Santa will be here in a few weeks. Look, it makes sense to me, but I fear I am digging myself into a really big hole!

Hazel - I cannot stand Keira Knightley. Thought she was fabulous in Love Actually, but since then she has started to believe her own publicity and it's doing my head in!

Mary - I did see the comment from Steevie, but haven't had the chance to reply. I'm telling you -it's a LONG walk from Glasgow city centre to Hampden Park - I don't care what he says!!

And Moose, of course I got it wrong. You're a Moose - you must be tall!

Going home - bottle of wine in the fridge, waiting for House!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Chrissie - I agree re the walk, haven't actually done it but just thinking about it makes me want to go and lay down :o)

Will join you in a glass of wine.....cheers

Mary xx

lyndyloo said...

Chrissie S - I have to admit to understanding your quip about the C word coming round oh so quickly
MWK - You are, as always, caring for us all in your lovely way. It's a real comfort.
HL - I'm not keen on Kiera, 'speshly cause she gets to be so close to the lurrrrvely Jonny Depp and even that Orlando (you might be a bit short but I could wear flat shoes) Bloom!


ps. Roobear is AOK!!! Yipppeeee!

Anonymous said...


Explanation time.

I'm sorry I didn't make it, it was a mixed combo.

When I finally left Cheshunt, I got caught in the M25 nightly fun, and, having had a low couple of days, I actually talked myself out of heading to Gatwick.

I couldn't do it. Can you believe it, I couldn't do it.

Don't ask me why. Maybe because I wasn't feeling good about myself I didn't want to finally meet you when I wasn't firing on all cylinders.

Pathetic isn't it?

All I can say is sorry and please do it again one day. I'll make sure I'm relaxed and have had at least a couple of nights sleep beforehand.


Anonymous said...

matt, i respect your honesty. Hope you feel up to scratch soon!

Lyndyloo - yay re roobear!

Sammie - sorry to hear about K. Was fun while it lasted i guess!

Moose and Hazel - you did it. Huraagh. I wish i had been there, maybe one day!

hope you are all well.... i have just cooked peppered steak and have now blown my head off.... hooo hooo hoooooooo



Anonymous said...

Hi All

Moose & Hazel - well done on meeting up. Sounds like it was a good night.

Chrissie & Mary and any others interested in next SOAMC - Susan text me and asked if 9 June in Edinburgh was posssible. How is it for everyone else? Caroline - you up for it?

Jollygit - thanks for sending the sunshine via Mary. A little bit has just arrived. It's currently peeping through the rain clouds.

MfR - sorry to hear you've had a couple of low days. Hope you feel better soon.

Jo - sorry about the job.

Dissing Dave - well done on the weight loss.

Keith - XXXXX & hugs.

Still catching-up with the posts. But as always love to all.


Anonymous said...

sorry jo, forgot to say sorry about the job.


Anonymous said...


MfR - You had to do what was right for you, don't feel bad about it xx

I've just come through a black spot, thanks to the help of a friend but also the words you shared with me when I was really bad at the beginning of April and those were "the sun will come up tomorrow" Take care xx

Hi EG - Susan had asked me about the 9th but I will be on holiday so can't make it, she suggested the 16th, just waiting to hear which date suits the majority.

Lyndyloo - Pleased Roobear is okay xx

Mary xx

Moose said...

Chrissie - my absence from CLP started as a break but do you know what? It became a habit to stay away. i did try a brief return under another name (did you spot it?) but it just didn't feel right. So now it's just not part of my routine. I'm rarely logged on when he blogs and don't see his blog until the next day at the earliest when it feels passe to comment. Haven't decided if it's permanent because I haven't really decided not to be there...it just happened.

Hazel - I have removed all mushrooms and blunt instruments from the house.

Talking of House, I'm with Mr Analog. She is still hot!

Matt - no worries. I think I was in the same M25 traffic! I should have looked out for you on the road! Let me know next time you're in Cheshunt and maybe we can do that coffee...you have my mobile number.

The mooselets are in bed but I'm hearing the odd cough and murmur. It's fairly hot and I've got the fan on in their room. Mooselet 2 was at the doctors today and they can't identify anything specific so we have some rub for his knee - we'll see how he does tonight. I am bushed, big time, and think I'm coming down with something - Hazel are you sure you didn't slip something into my drink?

Adverts over - have to watch Cameron in action...

lyndyloo said...

If you make the SOAMC on the 16th of June it will be the same day as Roobear's 100th birthday party in my garden. You are all of course invited!!! (It's actually a good excuse for me to hold my annual summer bash but the Bear needs to be honoued!).

& the Bears