Thursday, 10 May 2007

How life has changed...

So it seems that in the political life of this little island, today, May 10th was an historic day.

I remember a certain day, in 1990 or 1991 I believe it was, that the last PM to serve more than ten years was expelled by her party. I was working in an office in London and the news was broken to my three roomies and me by one of the more senior members of the office running up the stairs and coming into our room dancing and chanting "The bitch has gone, the bitch has gone!" Most of this was for the sole benefit of one of our number who was a member of the Conservative Party and one of the staunchest Thatcherites I have ever encountered.

Today I heard Blair's speech sitting in the car park of Aldi, shortly before observing a presumed alcoholic buying a bottle of wine with pennies.

A lot has changed in the last ten years and even more since 1990/91. The main thing being that I don't think the UK had been introduced to Aldi then, so the poor alcoholics had to buy their booze with pennies from other places instead. Probably Tesco or Kwik Save.


lyndyloo said...

Ooops! Sorry to be a child of the "please make the most of my life" ... times of my life.

Bye bye Tony!

& my bears

lyndyloo said...

I'm going to refrain from political opinion on the blog here as I think that's probably not going to be the best way to start a new day. I will say that I'm all for the introduction of Aldi (other cheapo supermarkets are available)though. They have their main hub here in Athertsone and it took a fair number of years to get the planning permission to build one of their supermarkets here but now it's up and running my grocery bills have reduced in size and the cheapo wine is great! I can even get some organic foods from there now at not "ridiculously overpriced" organic prices.

Right I'd better get the bears and take to the woods for our morning stroll... catch up laters...


Anonymous said...

Morning all,
I too recall the day that Steve Nallon, sorry Maggie bit the dust. My old man couldn't stop smiling all evening. I have never known a person have such equal measures of love and loathing by a population, apart from Mrs Beckham.

I don't get the general impression that the love and loathing is of a similar level with the grinning monkey, but I do feel that a generation of voters feel that their hopes and expectations for new Labour have been wasted. In short, there has been progress domestically of sort, but on the major issue(s) we have been sold short, by our close alignment with the muppet show across the pond.

Unfortunately, TB will be tarred (and feathered) with the same brush as Bush, and he will go down in history, I believe, as an idiot!

Ooooh a little bit of politics there!

DD out

Anonymous said...

oooh, politics - am out of my depth on this one i think. Have opinions, not least that i dont think anyone is capable of doing a better job than anyone else, but not sure i can talk fully informedly.

Am working from home today, apart from a brief trip to Doncaster (well somebody has to) so catch u later i hope.

Sammie - hope you are managing the stress! x

Jo - any flutterings yet, am guessing you mustnt be far off feeling the little one now!?

Hope SusanS is ok.

bye bye now

Anonymous said...

Hello all
am on early because i was checking if I have won a bid on a certain auction site, Blimey - times have changed - the only place you could buy something in 1990 was a shop (or a pikey catalogue) Well, all I can say about TB (and labour prime ministers in general) is they know how to go.
1990 I bought my first flat, still smoked, and I broke my leg and was in hospital for 20 weeks, and I had never heard of Aldi or Pikeys or Chavs.and the internet was either a sparkle in someones eye or something used by academics or geeks...I'm glad some things have only regret is that I didn't embrace exercise into my life then!
See you later
Love Caroline

Jo said...

Morning all - well we made it to Friday at last. I was disappointed in the Eurovision Semi Final last night as 3 out of my favourite 4 didn't get through but oh well - am now fully supportive of Belarus in the Final!

Anna - as for feeling the baby, I think so, either that or I have mammoth wind (which I imagine would be much worse than moose wind)!

Hope you all have a good day :o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Morning lovelies,

Mmmmm TB: domestically OK-ish, I think we will miss his ambassadorial (word?) countenance on the world stage. The spin has spun us too many a yarn. I think the front page of The Independant represents many sentiments.

Lyndyloo - am preparing an ambush at a certain dinner date with Nic and A N Other - can I count you in as my 'wing man' ?!! : )

Busy days my friends, my apologies for absence.

Thinking of you all and loving your work.


Anonymous said...

Did I imagine it, or was Tel talking about antlers this morning?



Anonymous said...

Gabs, I'll be your driver if you like...

...and I have to say I echo the words of DD in that I feel we were sold short...anyway, my mum said I was never to talk about politics, money or I ain't gonna...

But isn't it funny how Tesco has been promoted? Hoorah for Chavda, Aldi and Lidl...There's nowt wrong wi' a bit of competition, and I reckon Tesco and Sainsbo are going to have more of a fight on their hands than they may have thought, given yesterday's interest IVA is for life, not just for Christmas...

phew. am going for lie down. need dark room and damp lettuce to soothe brow. a nice lollo rosso.

Wasn't Hustle good last night

jollygit said...

Moose - I know I've got a note from my mum for my absence today but I've just got time to sneak in.

Gaby - I heard Tel talking about antlers this morning! He said they're not too tough to eat if they've been slow-cooked .... sorry Moose!

Hazel - I love Hustle, and as for Marc Warren - phwoar!

Am now off to London, so have a good weekend all and see you Monday.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but, isn't antlers like horns? So it'd be like either eating hair (fur ball) or finger nails (trip to hospital).

I, personally speaking for myself and this would not necessarily be the opinion of anyone else ever, would rather have them towering over me, still attached, in a non-threatening but kind of menacing

Sorry, I let my guard down for 30sex and she's at it again.

Sorry Moose.

Anonymous said...

Tony Blair - obviously a clever boy and I will sort of miss him, but I have to agree with DD that because TB's reign has been tied up with that complete and utter numpty Bush, Tony will be remembered as an idiot.

Aldi and Lidl - great stores for certain things - best coleslaw I have ever tasted comes from Lidl!

Moose, I have been meaning to say this to you since the very start of your blog - about 8 years ago, I was travelling back from Tucson, Arizona (I had been visiting my lovely, no longer with us, sister) and I was in Tucson Airport. In that part of the world, they are VERY into guns, hunting and generally being quite, quite mad! (apologies to anyone who has American relatives!). Anyway, there was a price list of how much it cost to take extra luggage on board the plane:

1. Guns: $40 per gun
2. Skis: $20

and so on.

Then, underneath in bold lettering:

ANTLERS - check with airport staff!!!

You would be sooooo at home in Tucson!

Have a great Friday everyone.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Morning All.

Quite shocked, as I have just got back home from my GP's, where I went to discuss my daughter and any help that may be on offer.

After bawling for 30 mins, I finally left (wearing sunglasses), with an appointment for me to see a Therapist and a prescription for Prozac. Ho hum.

I have been trying to get in touch with daughter's school - they really are useless. As soon as we make some progress with her, I'm going to try and get her transferred to a better school - it will be a battle, but that's for some time down the road, I think.

Never thought I'd say it, but thank goodness for work - it really is my sanctuary at the moment.

As for Bliars 'reign', well, I'd really rather not go there. Far too distracted to have to get my soapbox out this morning!

Lindyloo - I know where the Aldi hub is, it's just down the road from a supplier of mine I have been spending a great deal of time with recently...

Thanks for all your kind words re: my little man. He's a bit achey, but fine and looking forward to his Rugby Club's end of season party tonight - so he can show off his war wounds!

Catch you all later,

Loving the madness,

S xx.

Anonymous said...

I was in the gym last night, where we have TV's in the changing room, volume is always ramped to the max, when they were showing the WKD add with the guy getting undressed and "scoring a hat-trick, samba dance, pants land on mates head, you know the one." At the end of the add there was a siren. I saw three half-dressed men heading for the exit thinking that it was a fire-alarm in the gym.
Most amusing seeing one of them heading out of the door trying to put his shorts back on!

Just to clear up, I never said the TB was an idiot, but "Basil" Bush is daft as a Brush!

DD out ....... and taking off Ben Elton's old Chernobyl suit!

Anonymous said...

DD - sorry I misunderstood what you meant.

I stand by my statement!

As Hazel would say - thank you for your time.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all

Sammie, I am pleased to hear your son is on the mend ;-) Do not let the thought of Vitamin P get you down it will help in the short term and your kids will grow out of adolescence one day (worryingly my mom says I have never grown up!) for sure. ;-) Here have a {{hug }} form a BigUn just because I can). xx

Politics.... I think we need the return of satire like spitting image where the puppets can take full advantage of the Muppets we have running this country. There that’s enough politics from me :-))

I am off to the hospital this afternoon for yet another meeting with my cancer consultant and specialist nurse. I hope the nurse’s hands are warm ;-)

Have a good weekend one and all.

Keith the BigUn

P.S. A final thought for the weekend -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.

The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbour was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.

Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbour, the little boy said, "Nothing, I just helped him cry"

Anonymous said...


Thanks honey. I am going to take some time off work this afternoon to go and visit a friend who I know will give me lots of hugs!

Have some for you too - {{{}}}

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Keith, dearest babe...just get her to hur on them first...

Anyhoo, I feel that if Dubya Brush'd had his way, everything would have gone boom boom...maybe that's just me.

No, not going boom boom. Although I have had my moments.

Some of them going 'hur'

Jo said...

oooh - I was being frozen out by firewall but I managed to get through by altering the security settings - I may get in trouble but oh well!

Keith - best of luck with your appointment, sending some warm vibes your way

:o) Jo

lyndyloo said...


1.. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't.

2.. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.

3.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

4.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

5.. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.

6.. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me

7.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

8.. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.

9.. I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are just missing.

10.. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

11. Night nurse, the stuffy, sneezy! , why-th e-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine.

12.. God must love stupid people; He made so many.

13.. The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

14.. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.

15.. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

16.. Being "over the hill" is much better than being under it!

17.. Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew up.

18.. Procrastinate Now!

19.. I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts; Do You Want Fries With That?

20.. A hangover is the wrath of grapes.

21.. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance

22.. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!

23..They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.

24..He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless DEAD.

25..A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory.

26..Ham and eggs...A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.

27.. The trouble with life is there's no background music.

28.. The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson.

29.. I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on.

Anonymous said...


Fingers crossed that the nurse's hands are warm....and of course it goes without saying that I hope all is okay for your appointment {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} xxxxxx

Sammie - {{{hugs}}}

Mary xx

lyndyloo said...

Gaby Count me in on the espionage! I can't believe he'd rather a Danish pastry than me or thee the rotter!

HL Get the car!

Sammie- you're not that far from me are you? Does your little boy love rugby? Would he like some autographs? I know a load of star rugby players!

lyndyloo said...

ps. Good luck Big Un {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}

Anonymous said...

Lindyloo - My lad loooooves rugby (he's 2nd row, don't you know), some autographs would be wonderful!!!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

I appear to have lost my mojo this week. I am unable to write any pomes and this upsets me slightly. This week has been a right funny one, and I mean funny me and the colleagues are supposed to be leaving (very) early to go for drinkies, and the 'boss' (not my lovely boss, who for the sake of this paragraph (other descriptions of this escribe are available) is a colleague) has turned up together with some other 'bosses' and they are about to have a meeting. This will go on for blimmin ages, and we aren't gonna be able to get off etc etc etc and now my colleague is having to explain why he is wearing jeans. It's amazing. The upyoursmanship that can go on sometimes.

I'm going to say adieu now. Because I now have to look as though I am doing something constructive. I am going to compose a letter. Possibly to my MP. Possibly to Father Christmas.

We shall see...

Thank you for another spanking week in Moosetown dearest everybody!

Mines a pint of JD&Coke (no ice)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Just had a day-brightening experience! Am now published author.


Blimmin heck eh?

Anonymous said...


Oooh, well done! Fame at Last .... Fame at Last!!

Have a great weekend.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Camera's now turn to centre stage, where we see the mighty CLP, starting the ARF. At 5:10 the ladies of the blog get ready for a treat.

Remember the puppies with pink noses discussion last week. It is The Pointer Sisters!!! Yay Rock on!!!

lyndyloo said...

Right gang. I'm off for the train station, off to see my friend for the evening and then a meeting tomorrow morning before heading back to watch my Tigers in action in the afternoon....

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


Anonymous said...

hazel, blimey, was your nan Jordan?
well done on being published (pssst! don't tell moose!)
Everyone, there's a call for participants at
We could be on telly!
Have done lots of jobs today, you know, the ones you put off for ages and then they actually only take 5 mins.
A pome for Hazel et al (Pedants and pendants look out, it doesn't scan so well)

There was a stylish girl called Haze
Who's week was a bit of a daze
she felt out of sorts
but she joined her co horts
in Aldi, which started a craze

Our Haze she stared at the Moose,
who said "Sammie, EG, Amanda I've let loose"
Lyndyloo met her match
DD had a stratch
Ana & Gaby giggled in the Hoose

When she ventured out
Chrissie had to shout
her love to the Mary, Big Un
and Jo with her bun (in the oven)

Have a good weekend everyone
Love caroline x

Anonymous said...

Just popping in to say have a lovely weekend everyone.

I really enjoyed this week - great to talk to all of you.

Moose, as always, thanks for making it possible.

Caroline - great wee poem!

See you all on Monday, I hope.

C xx

P.S. EG - hope you enjoyed your week off (I hate to say it, but didn't it fly past?!)

SusanS - thinking of you every day, but don't want to go on and on about it! xxx

Anonymous said...

Calm, Calm! I was cacking myself!

Aaaagh Bonjour Christophe!

DD out

Anonymous said...

DD et al,

Pointer Sisters: AWESOME!!!

Rock on


Anonymous said...

What did he say before he played it. I missed it cos I was posting a letter?


Anonymous said...

Hey DD

he didn't let you talk for long did he? You did good, enjoy your fame
Enjoy your bottle of red
I'm just cracking open my bottle of gin...hoorah!

Love Caroline

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness DD - did you actually speak!!! - I can't wait for listen again

well done Mr Famous


Anonymous said...

Hey I'm sooo excited a blogger got through, well done DD xx

Just had a listen again.

Hazel well done on getting published :o)

Loved the pome Caroline :o)

Keith {{{hug}}}

Susan S sending you lots of huggles xx

Lyndyloo what a lovely thing to do for Sammie's wee boy, he will be over the moon i'm sure!

Have a great weekend
Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Yes that was indeed the voice of DD.

I was told to keep it short 'cos they want to get the ARF off to a quick start. Unfortunately I had to turn my radio off so I don't know how much of it went out. I'll have to set the speakers up on the PC and listen again. Mrs Dissing says they cut me very short, you didn't even get to hear me say "DD out!"

So for those of you that missed it;-

DD out

Dr Joseph McCrumble said...

I was changing No.3 when Blair made his farewell speech. As I bagged up the formerly-clean, but now poop-filled, nappy and threw it in the bin, I was struck by a powerful metaphor. It all dissolved, unfortunately, as soon as I put the fresh nappy on the little chap. I should have wrapped him in sackcloth with a lining made from turnip peelings and a cover fashioned from a highland-sheep's bladder.

Anonymous said...

DD - I nearly crashed the car into a field on Friday at 5.12pm when I heard your dulcet tones and then I 'sang' top note to the Pointer Sisters! I was one of those mad drivers I was berating earlier on in the week!

Keith - hope everythings ok

Sammie - hope you are feeling calmer too.

Jo - Ukraine were my favourite on Saturday - gutted they only came second!

Lyndyloo - 29 lines made me smile!

I do believe that after 3 weeks my throat is finally feeling better!

Hope everyone had a good weekend and feeling fighting fit for the new week.

A x