Monday, 7 May 2007

Let them eat cake!

So a long weekend nears an end. Strange that a Bank Holiday still seems to be so different even when you don't have a job.
Busyness continues...Swedish furniture store visit in MK on Saturday (why can't we get out of there without spending over £300?), TruckFest on Sunday afternoon (didn't see Sally B!) and putting together the new shelves today (nice!) plus a quick trip out for coffee and cake.

The whole afternoon tea/coffee and cake experience is so disappointing in England. We used to relish the Kaffee und Kuchen trips in Germany - proper coffee you could stand your spoon up in and cakes, oh the cakes. Fruity, creamy, whatever you wanted - always good whatever you chose even if it was the Rhabarber-streusel-kuchen (an extremely unusual choice for me as I'm no fan of Rhubarb after an unfortunate incident involving school dinners when I was 6).
This afternoon we were presented with a couple of lumps of dry stuff that tasted vaguely of the advertised flavours (namely raspberry/coconut for Mrs Moose and chocolate for me) but with little else to distinguish them from a piece of particularly crumbly chalk. I think the mooselets choice of a toasted teacake was the best one as at least they had jam with it to make it taste of something and be somewhat moist.

Have just polished off the remains of a bottle of Pinot Grigio Blush. The new wineracks we got on Saturday have reminded us what wine we have had sitting on top of the fridge for ages.

Tuesday holds swimming lesson duties for Mooselet 2 and probably a return visit to MK and the Swedish furniture store for more shelves in the same style. I refuse to use the words 'I told you so' even though we bought the amount of shelves that Mrs Moose recommended and now need to return to buy the remainder of what I suggested in the first place. Also, I'll try not to spend over £300 again! And I hope I'll get another 1,000 words written once I get to the office.


Anonymous said...

Moose - I know exactly what you mean about coffee and cake. It's so disappointing in so many places now. It's like they just serve up the worst possible coffee and mass produced yuk. There's no pride any more.

I've had a weekend at home cleaning my kitchen. Not exciting but very satisfying. And I'm off for the rest of this week - hence posting at this late hour.

Have a good week everyone.


Anonymous said...

Morning all, missed all the posts over the weekend, but well done Hazel you clever lady.

Moose, I have to confess to a little bit of envy (all of the positive kind i admit) at hearing what your day has in store. Its like the best job in the world when you can work your life around your 1000 word committment! Good on yer.

So this weekend we took up the voucher from a family member that allowed us the chance to leap around and be silly in front of the camera - all in aid of contemporary photography. Im sure the images will be beautiful, but in order to truly appreciate them i would have to re-mortgage the house to afford one. Oh well, i will enjoy the 7 x 8 complimentary photo we get instead!

Last week, him in doors came home with a boy toy. Apparently the new car that i had (because my old one was poorly) meant that he needed something new too.... not sure where the logic is there... so he bought the new games console that allows you to play tennis, golf, boxing, baseball etc etc etc. And i have to confess to being completely won over by it. I have been playing it each night since he got it, ache from head to foot because the more effort you put in the better the results and I think i may have found my new excercise regime.

Roll on svelte me!

Have a nice week all. xx

Anonymous said...

Good morning one and all,

Moose you seem to be so organised, not something that I can claim recently at all. I went to the Swedish furniture store once, yes just once! I did not like the way that once you were in you had to follow the fixed route and could not get out of the store. Not for me thanks, Mrs B now she loves it there…

I bought a new Laptop this weekend as mine has been playing up for months now and kept freezing on me so enough was enough.

Monday I was on the Somerset levels in a village called Kingsbury Episcopi attending their May Festival. It is a super day out with May pole dancing, morris men (now they are strange) music and stalls selling everything you never knew that you needed. The rain did not quite hold off but this in England and a little bit of heavy mist never stopped us! The day ended in with a few beers in the local pub.

Still upwards and onwards for yet another week of toil… I guess I deserve it. Well it keeps the wolves from the door. ;-)

Keep smiling!

Keith the BigUn

P.S. Hazel well done on the course. Xx

P.P.S. Congrats aunty Jo! Xx

P.P.P.S. Mary, I am so pleased for you, honest I am! XXX

Anonymous said...

So, Moose...I for one would like to hear more about the unfortunate Rhubarb Incident...please? And, quelle coinkydink...I had a wee pot of Early Greyey and for the first time in 'ing YEARS, a piece of Apfel the Ye Olde Tea Shoppe, before my (successful) was blimmin' GAWJUS! I DO like a nice bit o' cake.

...and oh, how I envy you, being able to spend £300 in the Swedish Store. We have a thing where we always spend at least £20 (no one leaving the country on that) and come home with a cheese grater, 100 tea-lights and some wooden coat hangers. Usually feeling a bit sick after over-indulgence in the meeta ballsa too...

We purchased a new stand for the telly on Saturday from the well advertised by the beautiful Richardy Grant shop...then the boy got a bit of the dowel stuck, so the top is now broken, but it doesn't show, because, thanks to International Badger Rescue, we've put the phone on it to cover it up...phew!

So, had a lovely weekend...did a fair bit of celebrating, and I'm quite surprised to say that I feel not too bad at all today...possibly adrenaline carrying me was fab meeting jollygit too...the boy has made a new friend!

Anyway Moose, it sounds as though you've fallen on your hooves (at least for the time being) so I just hope you don't have any screws left when your shelves are built...

Ola muchachas!

anna, it sounds more like roll off than roll on. But then you'd be like a ferry...hope the new employment is going well...

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Tuesday already - I love long weekends!

We didn't get up to much, the usual housework, etc but we did go to the Speedway on Sunday and it was terrific. I was completely in another world, circa 1968 when I used to go to Speedway every Friday night with my lovely dad. I'm sure he was with us on Sunday, I could really feel his presence. Kinda spooky, but also nice!

Sammie, what a nightmare having money stolen by people you had let into your home in good faith. You are right to involve the Police, I hope they can do something. I know you are fairly in despair with your daughter, but hopefully things will get better, and I agree that you probably need professional advice as to what you should do. In no way are you a failure, and I do recognise myself in what you say. Some of the stuff my daughter thinks is o.k. makes me wonder if she has ever listened to a single word I have said to her.

After all this, I hope your weekend with K was wonderful, because you certainly deserve it!

EG - I spent last weekend cleaning my kitchen - makes you feel great doesn't it? But day by day it goes back downhill and you have to start all over again!

Be back later.

C xx

jollygit said...

Moose - I love the Swedish furniture shop - especially their Dime cake! Sadly it's over an hour's drive to the nearest one to us down here in the a**e end of Kent. Hazel Love - you just have to buy the wooden hangers & tealights once there, doncha?!!!

I ended my BH weekend with a migraine last night and still feel very icky indeed. Was due to see an agency today but can't even face the shower, let alone a drive and a complete stranger, so have rearranged it. Instead, I'm going to lay on the sofa wallowing in self-pity ... at least until the tablets kick in!

Anna - I wonder if your photo session was a bit of a Venture?! If so, I did the same thing with my brother, sis-in-law and the children, as we wanted to present a family portrait to mum & dad a few years ago. It was chaos but they were brilliant with three particularly lively kids and the results were stunning. Happily, I was given one of the pics as a momento otherwise I'd still be paying for it now!!!

Later peeps

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

morning all,

lovely to hear your news.

Sammie - sad to hear that things are difficult for you. lots of love..xxxx

I could do with a trip to the Swedish store - feels like a long way from here - in fact, I could do with a Swede (other nationalities would be welcome) - that ALSO feels like a long way from here.

MattfR - congrats on Fulham being safe.



Anonymous said...

Have only now had a chance to look at Friday's Moosemail Post, so have only just seen the bit from Sammie about the money!

What a horrible thing to happen! The thing is, it would be just as bad as if it were £5. It's the fact that anyone has done it at all! We had stuff stolen from someone to whom we gave shelter, and it is just one of the worse things that can happen to you in your own home. Sammie, you are definitely right in getting the cops in...and I wish you all the luck in the world that the matter is sorted out very very soon...

I do hope that you are able to get to the bottom of your daughters behaviour without too much upset too. I was an extremely wayward child, but it's only now that I'm older that I appreciate what an absolute dance I led my wonderful mum, so I feel for you!

Thinking of you with love babe...

Anonymous said...

Morning all,
It's been a tanfastic weekend, spent Saturday trying to catch up with northern derby day score between test-driving various potential new charabancs. Test drives are an interesting concept in the Dissing household, I test the engine, the suspension, the handling, the torque and the brakes. Mrs Dissing tests the ride comfort and vehicle atmosphere and sound quality of stereo! V offputting hearing City get a penalty whilst on one of the busiest roundabouts in MK. Still Queen My Friends!!! ;-))
Cheers to the Gooners!!

Well done to the Cottagers (is that legal?)

For one day only next weekend I will be praying that the 'Ammers get a result against my own United at OT.

Have now recovered from URTI so back to the gym tonight, 'twas nice having a week off but I do miss it. (v. frightened at this thought).

First chance I've had to Well Done to the Love Lady! Congrats Hazel!

Moose-meister, my wife cannot get round the SFS in MK without buying something/anything/everything (delete as appropriate), so fully understand the £300 problem.

nuff for now

DD out

Anonymous said...

DD - it's legal where I live

Moose said...

Well it wasn't £300 but it wasn't too far off. At least they are not so busy as on a Saturday.
A very good job that today I've just been paid my very last payday from the old employment-givers...and a very nice payday it was too. Worth 6 months of frustration and turmoil in the end. I just need to stop it all going straight into Ikea's bank account!
Just arrived at the office now so 1,000 words may be a stretch...but we'll give it a go...

Anonymous said...

Hello all

Cake..Cake I like a bit of cake, much tastier than dust! However, it sounds like dust is what you got Moose..homemade is the best...get your hooves around a wood spoon and do a bit of creaming!
Anna..sounds like you have been enjoying a WEE (sounds same but spelling is wrong, as I think I’d be BP’ed if correct) They are F A B..our child is a wiz at 10 pin bowling and defeats us regularly!
We were visiting sick “out”-laws in Cambridge this weekend, so Ok, but I got daughter in law brownie points for doing vacuuming, ironing and cooking..and they got to see their grandchild and son, so all good really. We went to the Fitzwilliam Museum, which was lovely. Then on the train back ( big “green” brownie points for us) we met a lovely family from Australia and the 2 children spent 4 hours chatting about differences and similarities of where they live, what they do good too.
Off to BumsLegsTums class tonight.. I need it, put on 4 lbs this w/e..HOW????? Does anyone know if there are reasons for unexpected weight gain ( apart from pregnancy – not poss)
Hazel, well done
Moose, your days are sounding more and more envious making! You go, oh hooved one!


Anonymous said...

sammie, for you, in case I get BP'd next door...

There was a young lady from Leicester
Who wanted an afternoon siesta...
While she started to doze
A problem arose
And the police came along to arrester.

Anonymous said...

What a struggle today has been!

I had one of the worst sleeps ever last night, fell asleep around midnight and have been awake since 3.20am! I feel absolutely shattered and of course we have arranged to meet up with a couple of friends after work for a bite to eat and a bottle or two of wine. Could totally do without it, but I suppose I'll be fine once I'm there!

I thought I would be refreshed after the long weekend, but there's no way to be refreshed if you can't sleep!

Moose, I meant to say earlier today that I just cannot shop at Ikea. I've only ever been once. It's just too big, and like Keith, I hated the idea of being stuck in the place with no escape! However, put me in Next Home and I can do some serious damage to the bank balance! (Not this month, I hasten to add, don't know where the money has gone but I checked the bank today and wish I hadn't!).

Anyway, it's been quiet here today - hope everyone is o.k. See you tomorrow when I am less grumpy, I hope!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Chrissie S - you and me both! I was up to 3.30pm after having been in bed. At least I didn't have to get up for work though. Hope you enjoyed your night out though. maybe it will help you sleep better tonight.


Anonymous said...

Golly. S'quiet innit!

The weekend has chosen today to catch up with me, and my head is pounding for England...not very good sleep either. Cats to v-e-t as soon as I get home too. That will be fun. Both of 'em.

Chrissie, hope you are feeling better today honey! Nights like that are either brilliant fun, or not. I did think about having a wee drinkie before I went to bed last night, then remembered that we have not yet replenished supplies...ah well...

Virgin eventually made it to the Sett last evening. The man was worth the wait, now I just have to get used to the box (heh heh heh). The boy won't get the chance to test it yet as he is only just home (0843) from nights as an accident had happened on the M25 which held him up. He is ok, and I just hope that those involved are too.

So, wassup with you all today? Moose? Shelves? Up, I mean...

If I don't answer straight away, keep trying, as I may be asleep...

Anonymous said...

Morning all,

I can sympathise with all of you that are being deprived of sleep at the moment. I do not know why but for the last two nights I have slept very well… for me anyway. I still do not need an alarm clock to wake up by 6 am. I still feel very tired all day though and really can not understand it as some days with just a few hours sleep I feel much livelier. Now how can I explain that?

Hazel if you need any help with the virgin I am always willing to help where I can ;-))

Keep smiling! :-)))

Keith the BigUn

Anonymous said...

Keith, darling boy, thank you for your sympathy, but it is most certainly not deserved. I had lovely sleep for the most of last week, and for the first time in AGES...BUT I was hitting it hard with a shovel all weekend, so it was bound to happen s or l...

With regard to Virgin, he still has to crimp my ends, so, if you've got the crimper...

See you in NC1 in about 10secs...

mwah moi

ps stocking filler

Anonymous said...

Hi Troops,

Hazel, thank you, I am feeling much better today! What a difference a night's sleep makes!

Our "night out" was in the bin. We always go to the same place with this couple - one of those "Two meals for the price of one" places. Really good though, and terrific value. However, for some reason they decided to close the pub at 8pm last night for "staff training". What business closes it's doors in the evening to train staff? Surely they could get the staff in at 9am and train them for three hours before the pub opens at 12 noon? Methinks it was a fib and they were actually having a staff party!

Mr S and I were quite happy to go on somewhere else for another wee while, but the wife of the other couple wanted to go home. Was it something I said?!

Have a good day, all. Be back soon.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Morning everyone - it is quiet in here isn't it?

Moose - hmmmmmmmm, Swedish furniture store, my hubby refuses to come with me so I have not been for a few years!!!

Kaffee und kuchen - reminds me of my time spent in Germany! My tastebuds are on the alert now! My favourite Coffee shop was in the centre of Bonn and it was the first time I ever had delicious hot chocolate with whipped cream on the top, ooooh I can still remember the taste! Those were the days (nearly 2 decades ago!)......

Hazel - many congratulations to you and wishing you the best of luck for the course. It sounds fascinating!

Sammie - so sorry your daughter is such a worry to you right now and that her 'friends' have treated you so badly. I fully agree with your decision to get Police intervention - hope things have gone ok with K - keep your chin up.

Keith - you are sounding better and it is so good to hear. I think sometimes with sleep deprivation you just carry on and don't feel the tiredness so much, whereas with a good night's sleep your whole body relaxes a lot more and that induces the feeling of tiredness during the day.

Jollygit - hope you recover soon from your migraine.

To all those I haven't mentioned - good morning and hope you are all well. I can report that the sun is breaking through the rain clouds here in NW England, but where has the warmth gone?!

Thought I'd share a funny with you today:

When our lawn mower broke and wouldn't run, my wife kept hinting to me that I should get it fixed. But, somehow I always had something else to take care of first, the truck, the car, playing golf, the house, always something more important to me.

Finally she thought of a clever way to make her point. When I arrived home one day, I found her seated in the tall grass, busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors. I watched silently for a short time and then went into the house. I was gone only a minute, and when I came out again I handed her a toothbrush. I said, when you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway.

The doctors say I will walk again, but I will always have a limp.

Moral to this story: Marriage is a relationship, in which one person is always right, and the other is the husband.

Have a good day everyone!

A x

Anonymous said...

morning one and morning all,

How did Mooselet 2 get on with the swimming yesterday Moose?

I have so much empathy with you poor insomniacs - last autumn, Keith and I co-founded the Insomniacs members always welcome, bleary-eyed and bushy-tailed.


jollygit said...

Mornin' all

Amanda - thank you xx I felt horrible all day yesterday; the headache started to ease mid-morning but the nausea went on well into the evening. However, I slept well and apart from some woolly-headedness (not for the first time, surely?) I'm feeling a lot better.

Off into town later to do some chores and tomorrow I've got an interview with an agency ..... it's all go here you know!!

I'm off to London on Friday for the weekend with three chums for a belated birthday celebration. We've rented a flat for the two nights which is costing us £50 each so cheaper and more homely than a hotel. Just hope the weather will be fine although the forecast isn't looking favourable.

Hazel - is the virgin man still there? Does he need some company?

Have a good day everyone

jollygit xx

Jo said...


Was having a G rumpy day yesterday so I decided to just lurk, don't know why I was grumpy, I just was. Am getting prepared for Eurovision this weekend, I would advise you to watch out for the swiss entry, contoversial in their native land I believe! Also the danish entry is supposedly one of the favourites.

Me I quite like the Belarussian entry but come Saturday night it could all be different!

Hazel - BIG CONGRATS (belatedly) on your course stuff and even bigger on finding a Virgin man to pop round one evening (shame he didn't have his crimper with him!)

Am adjusting to being an Aunty but am slightly freaked out with the thought that it will be me in a few months time (is it me or is this pregnancy thing going on forrreeevverrr??)

Went to see the baby on Saturday with my ma and pa - She's ace, although she currently has hairy ears which is quite funny!

:o) Jo

lyndyloo said...

Good day everyone!!!

I've been missing in action for what seems like forever! Moose, talking about cake has made me long for some NOW!!!! I must admit to having slight pmt but the chocolate cake cravings are HUGE so I will have to get some before the dya is out. It was a good BHW and I was in London yesterday so apologies for not being on parade.

Of out to another corporate dinner do tonight so I might have to sneak off in a bit and see if I can treat myself to some new shoes to go with me frock. I could also do with someone curlin' me 'air for me but it's a bit short notice nah... hmmmmm thinking of people that might owe me a favour .....

will report back later.

Well done again HL


lyndyloo said...

I travelled on a virgin yesterday!

NC1 yes I know!

Jo said...

Lyndyloo - was it a nice ride???

I'm gone - off - is there a water cooler here yet??

:o) Jo

Moose said...

New post!