Monday, 14 May 2007

Manic Monday?

After a big weekend of sport, I feel I must congratulate those who got the results they wanted (especially Lyndyloo and, well, me!) and commiserate with those that didn't (sorry Gaby and any Sheffield Utd lurkers!) Who would have guessed that West Ham would finish above Fulham? At the moment anyway...

This weekend went very fast indeed - maybe the long one last weekend set the expectations just a little too high. I played golf with an ex-colleague on Saturday morning, went to a church get-together with the mooselets in the afternoon. On Sunday afternoon we went to a very very wet craft fair where we met up with the Moose muvva.

And I'm in the office pre-9am...the first time that's happened in a couple of weeks. I am going to do a determined couple of hours writing. Finishing chapter 6 is the goal for today. And if I can get 1,000 words of Chapter 7 done too I will be even happier.

You can forget how much you like a radio presenter - there is something I really like about Johnnie Walker.


Anonymous said...

Cazza, fab pome!

Moose, Muvva Moose, an antler to be reckoned wiv by the sound of it? I agree about the speed of the weekend. I have no idea about the sport mind you...but after I got home on Friday night after a fabby evening spent in the company of my lovely colleagues, the rest of Sat and Sun flew past like the red arrers...

Not seen the boy much lately due him working nights, so we just did lazin' abart in dressing gowns. He cooked lubsly Sunday lunch. We bought 'Severance' and 'The Sentinel' on the V+, and enjoyed both of them, 'cept we both agreed that 'Severance' could've done with about another 1/4hour.

Anyhoo, congrats to those sporty bods amongst you, if congrats are due...commiserations if not...Chapter 7 eh? I just have to look after Chapter 8...

Back on the bicycle

DD - I'll have to listen again, won't I...

Anonymous said...

Ah-Ha, my favourite day of the week, Monday, has rolled around again!

Another quick weekend, went to see a friend on Friday night - a lady I worked with many years ago, she was the senior PA then and I learned so much from her. She has just had her 73rd birthday and she said to me (totally seriously) "you know, it really upsets me to know that I've probably only got another 25 years to go! I have to be honest, if I make it to 73 it will be a miracle, let alone looking to be around at 98!!!

DD - I listened again - very well done! I would be terrified if I managed to get through!

Moose, I have a love-hate relationship with Johnnie Walker. He wasn't very nice about Noel Edmonds a while back, and that sort of annoyed me!! I am aware that has nothing to do with his DJ-ing abilities!

Hope everyone has a good day. Be back later.

C xx

Moose said...

Chrissie - not being nice about Noel is just too easy...but fun!!! Sorry!

In my small way I am trying to compete with Hazel's publishing and DD's appearance. I've just had my 'Spin it to win it' read out on Ken Bruce!!!

Anonymous said...

Moose - Heard Ken Bruce read your entry out!!!!!

A x

lyndyloo said...

Moose- Thanks for the congrat's now all we have to do isbeat the Wasps next week and we could make rugby history!

I'm afraid I don't share your sentiments about JW I was sooooo happy to see him go, he drove me to dispair! There again, I'm a Steve Wright fan so isn't it good we're all different, life would be so very boring otherwise. Is anyone else a Janice Long fan? I love her show, have done since radio 1 days.

I'm driving in front of my Dad & Mum today to get them to their fishing holiday log cabin in Leicestershire as Dad doesn't like motorway driving any more and they can't fit his wheel-chair and all the fishing tackle in their little car.

And HL I had a dressing gown day yesterday as well, even the bears weren't interested in going out in that rain.


Anonymous said...

Moose, how exciting for you! I will listen again at lunchtime.

Yep, I do know what you mean about Noel, but I'm still in his corner!

C xx

Anonymous said... you say, Lyndyloo, "so isn't it good we're all different, life would be so very boring otherwise." Janice Long brings me out in hives. If she says 'um' once every five seconds she says times. Please accept my HAs if you haven't noticed...because you probably will now...

...not only but also, I thought of you and les bears yesterday...there is a dog fud ad which shows a young healthy, and an older stiffer-jointed retriever (I think??), and the miracle that ensues when the older dog is fed the ambrosial substance. This means he can now keep up with the more active youngster when they're off for a w-a-l-k. Thought of you straight away I did!

Hope the weather gets better for the Leicester Two and the Great Fishing Adventure!

Noel Edmonds. Easy target. I find him quite easy watching and listening...but I really don't get the DOND programme...I think that is definitely an acquired taste...

AND MOOSE I MISSED IT!!!! I was taking up an issue with our postieman, and had to turn the radio down while he phoned his boss! Will have to listen again to everything in the world now...people all over the place!


vive les dressing gown days!!!

Anonymous said...

For all you animal lovers....

Excerpts from a Dog’s Diary

8:00am - Dog food! My favourite thing!
9:30am - A car ride! My favourite thing!
9:40am - A walk in the park! My favourite thing!
10:30am - Got rubbed and petted! My favourite thing!
12:00pm - Lunch! My favourite thing!
1:00pm - Played in the yard! My favourite thing!
3:00pm - Wagged my tail! My favourite thing!
5:00pm - Milk bones! My favourite thing!
7:00pm - Got to play ball! My favourite thing!
8:00pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favourite thing!
11:00pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favourite thing!

Excerpts from a Cat’s Diary

Day 983 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a “good little hunter” I am. B*****ds!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of “allergies”. I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow - but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.

The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now.....

Anonymous said...


jollygit said...

Hi everyone

I had a lovely weekend in the big smoke with two friends ... two of us witnessed a mass brawl (lads) in the pub where we were waiting for friend # 3 to arrive ..... waiting for food to arrive an hour or so later in a restaurant we all witnessed a mass fight (gals) and on the tube the next morning I was verbally assaulted, at very close range, by a woman demanding money so that she could stay at a hostel for the night, whilst assuring us she wasn't a p***head or druggie .... apart from that, it was quite uneventful!!!!!

Living down here in the a** end of Kent, we don't witness a lot of trouble, and the biggest brawl - if you can call it that - is usually at S supermarket when the reduced items appear on the shelves! Anyway, we had a brilliant time doing lots of walking, talking, eating and drinking.

Now it's back to job hunting ....

Hope you all had good weekends, despite the bloody awful rain.

DD - I listened again! Thought you were very good considering the nano second that you were allowed. Well done!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Addendum to Cats Diary!

I am expected to do my natural business in the open, in full view of all of the conspirators, and in spite of my attempts to make this as odious for them as possible I am praised for being a clever soul, because I try to cover the evidence for the benefit of myself.

I have been taken to visit a person in a white coat who has been so boring that they have sent me to sleep, and when I have woken up I find they have shaved my lovely coat, made an incision and then vaguely sewn up the offending area. I believe I have had a satellite tracking device insrted into me because I woke up with a large dish shaped contraption around my neck, I believe they are trying to discover my thoughts of escape and domination of the world!

Anonymous said...

I was here in spirit last week and although I lurked a bit wasn't able to contribute. I can get a note from my mum if required.

DD - have listened again. You didn't get much time did you? But well done for getting on at all.

Lyndyloo & the Tigers - 2 down, 1 to go. Congratulations! (said through slightly gritted teeth as my heart was really with the opposition being an adopted west country girl.) Good luck for next week.

I like Johnnie Walker in the mornings, preferably with the Red Label. I'm with HL about JL though - bleugh!

HL - you're on fine form today. Love the cat story!

Hi to everyone else and good luck with the job hunting Jollygit.


Anonymous said...


You must have been a cat in another life - I am certain that's how cats think! Very funny!

And I am warming to dogs at long last. We have a lovely dog next door to us (I'm sorry I'm hopeless at telling which breed) but she looks just like Lady from Lady & the Tramp .... and her name is Lady! Well, she yelps like mad every time she is outside and we come outside, but yesterday she came into our driveway, well halfway, and she sort of said "hello" so I feel I'm getting somewhere with her. She's got big sad eyes ..... awww!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Dahlings, my dear sweet babies...much as I would love to take credit for the cat diary, I can't as 'twas not me...

however, I can furnish you with an addedum to the addendum...

Day 984: Today I found a warm sunny spot on my captor's bed, just on top of where they were sleeping. I walked up and down for a minute, then proceeded to turn around in circles until I found a comfortable position in which to sleep and shed hair. When the sun moved, so did I. Then I went downstairs and found a warm sunny spot on the carpet, just where my captors need to walk to and from the kitchen. There I spent a good three hours, sleeping for two, and the rest of my time lying there with my paws in the air listening to them saying how cute and pretty I am. Poor saps. I only went outside for long enough to eat some grass and throw up a furball for one of the neighbour's children to collect for their class nature table. Watched a bit of Doctor Who whilst nestled right into the middle of the sofa so that my female captor had to perch on the end, then went out to watch where the seagulls go at night.

Day 985:



ps def cat in previous life - well spotted (other colours are available) ChrissieS

pps prob was tramp too

ppps neighbours dog sounds too cute. Give her a cuddle from me!

Anonymous said...

of course I meant addedum. and I meant that one too...where it on a chain around you're neck...

Anonymous said...

Day 985: Found another nice warm spot on top of a pile of freshly washed and ironed clothes. Proceeded to lay down for a quiet nap. Sudden screaming awoke me, and one of the captors is obviously trying to break my spirits with sleep deprivation. Poor fool if they think that's going to work on me. As a warning I collect a bunch of feathers from the garden and drop them onto the white carpet. Bunch of feathers moves so I decide to stop this occurring. More sleep deprivation tactics follow. I hide under the bed!

Anonymous said...

Day 986: Have got captors guessing about weird smell. Female thinks it is an untraceable corpse rotting under something (heh heh heh), whereas male says it is just the bin. Also correct.

Anonymous said...

HL - you're mad! But just love the cat stuff. I'm coming back as one next time round - preferably belonging to a little old lady (one of the ones that doesn't smell of old biscuits) who'll feed me treats on demand and let me sleep for 22 hours a day.

Perhaps you can tell me why my mog sheds enough hair in a week to build a new cat but never has a bald spot ...

Anonymous said...

Day 987: Female captor complaining of itchyness on legs. I try to "soothe" them by rubbing up against them, allowing more of my miniature army of freedom fighters to invade the infidels!

I am being attacked by my captors with strange multipronged metal sticks. They seem to have discovered my army of insurgents and are utilising chemical warfare on the back of my neck. I try to deploy the full remaining force of the army to the carpet, but my captors seem wise to this tactic and are deploying their "Dyson" weapon of mass up suction! My army of fleas are defeated. Vengeance shall be mine!!!

Anonymous said...

The Secret Diary of an Edwardian Tom age nine & 3/4

Day 1: woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep dreamt about having sex woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep woke up had sex ate went to sleep

Day 2: See above

Day 3: ditto

Day 4: same ol' same ol'

Day 5: similar to previous entries

Day 6: as before

Day 7: repeat as necessary

Day 8: What? You expecting it might change?

Anonymous said...

Just back in the office and have been reading the terrific cat stuff.

However, Hazel - if you didn't start this - who did? Who is "anonymous"? Now, you never give your name at the start of a comment, but almost always at the end.

We have been invaded by "anonymous" before, remember? There was some serious dialogue re: Comic Relief, but this individual did not give a name and never did reveal their identity.

Could be one and the same. This "being" likes working towards raising money for charity, but all the while is, secretly, a cat.


C xx

Anonymous said...

Does that Edwardian Tom never cr*p in someone else's garden so they can chuck it back over the fence when you're sitting in a deck chair admiring your pelargoniums?
Or leave furballs on the stairs for his owner to tread in with bare feet at 3am?
Or vomit piles of semi-digested goldfish onto the kitchen floor?
Or bring home other people's socks and/or underpants through the cat flap?
Or release semi-stunned and soot blackened starlings that have fallen down the chimney into the front room so they can cr*p on the curtains and spread soot over your best cream funiture?
or is he saving that to day 10?

Anonymous said...

Re. Cat thread

Causes hours of amusement!!!

Addendum, Day 985, Day 987, were down to moi! Re. the others 'twas not I!

I was in catoflague! In fact I was kitting you all along! That's enough for meow!

DD out

Anonymous said...

Sorry - it was me, clicked wrong box! Love the addendums and addedums or whatever and however they are spelt.

I am more of a doggy person than a cat one - but my favourite pet would be a canary - 'cos I love them! However one of the boys cannot stand any kind of animal so we are unable to have one...... still maybe when he is older things will change!

A x

Anonymous said...

A Cat Sheds

Cat sheds are not to be confused with human sheds. Bald is not a good look for cats so the sheds is taken from a millions of years (at least in cat ears) genetically worked-out pattern from across the body so the loss is evenly spread and does not detract from our outstanding natural beauty for which you will need a hairial photograph. Humans do also lose body hair but mainly from the head as their jeans rub here the most. However a cat sheds at a proportionate amount to a human, you just don't find the hairs on your soap or in the plug hole.
There are bald cats but they do not live in the real world mainly on Star Trek or on cushions.
Cats do not shed enough for a second cat else there would be more of cats. Humans sheds every Sunday. Usually when the cricket is on the radio and a beer.

I hope this clears it up. Otherwise you will need to try a dustpan and brush or sellotape.

Anonymous said...

CAT Questions/Facts

Why are my people not awake when I am?

Why can't I use my paw on your nose to wake you up at 5 in the morning?

Why do my people insist on me coming in at night? Don't they know this is the best time for hunting?

Why are my people awake when I want to sleep?

What is that noisy thing that appears every Sunday and frightens the bejaysus out of me?

Why do my meal times not occur when I am hungry?

When I get a "take-away", why do my people get upset?

Why am I not allowed to share your take-away?

If you throw your sock across the room in a ball, I will not bring it back, but I will make sure it ends up in the most inaccessible place possible.

If I say it's for playing with, it is for playing with?

No, I don't know where your pen / sock / paperwork / anything small and moveable went!

Why do you think I know how it got under the TV unit?

Dry cat food and slices of ham are not equally appetising.

When you open a packet of chicken breasts, I know, OK!

Cat litter is meant to be spread all around the conservatory!

and finally

Me padding on your belly is an endearing trait not a reason for you to throw me off the bed at two o'clock in the morning!

Anonymous said...

Well, that clears up the mystery!

Well done one and all - this saves me yet another sleepness night, wondering who the Cat Blogger of Old London Town could be!

Speaking of London, Jollygit - sounds like you escaped within an inch of your life! Slight exaggeration - London is fabulous, no doubt about it, but there are quite a few crazy people about! On the other hand - Glasgow, of course, is merely an olde worlde village where nothing of any import occurs!

C xx

Jo said...

hello :o)

Pleased to say that scan wasn't clear and there is definitely a baby there!

We didn't look at it's bits but skirted past them quickly, we did see it yawn and munch on it's fingers a bit, then kick me a little!

AND - I just found out I've got an interview for that job I applied for in Warsaw, who knew Poland was really in the West Midlands!

Eurovision was ace, and just as fun sober as blind drunk. I liked the Ukraine too and even voted for them but had to vote for Turkey too as they had English Dancers even though the song was shite.

Glad to see the rest of the country must have thought the same as that's where our 10 and 12 points went!

Cats and dos is v funny, although we had 3 dogs this weekend. After preparing for overnight guests by buying new bedding and erecting a bed I was understandably delighted when I went in the room at lunch time only to find that the visiting puppy had wee'd everywhere (on new bedding). ho Hum, washed it all and noone else knows so ssshhhh.

Had major power outage last night, Matt was gutted as I'm sure you appreciate, that I am already pregnant and the darkness (other overrated bands are available) couldn't be put to any use!

:o) Jo

PS Hazel - skip this bit

PS - nice to see the mighty RAMS flying high at the weekend :o)

Anonymous said...

Dear analog.
I find it easier to sit in a deck chair and admire someone else's pelargoniums. However if anyone throws anything over our fence I usually retaliate with a brick through the window.

Dear Amanda.
Thank you for starting it! I think when I was a cat previously, my favourite pet was a canary. Tweety something if memory serves...
Very small drumsticks.

The brown humps are not molehills, they are rabbits. Also small drumsticks

Anonymous said...

Jo - re: your scan - how lovely! Isn't it just surreal?!

We watched Eurovision and I have to say, yes I know the UK entry was cheesy and downright awful, but I loved their performance! It was classic Eurovision - there was a time ALL the songs were in this vein! The UK definitely did deserve more votes, but it's never ever gonna happen and I really think we ought to pack it in! I'm not a sore loser, honestly, but I just don't believe it's about the songs any more and that's really sad!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Jo, delighted you have found a baby. This must have really put your mind at rest. Can't think of many things worse than finding out that you have, actually, just eaten all the pies.

Nice use of the word 'skirted' too, when you went past his/her/their bits. But then 'trousered' wouldn't be a very good adjective would it?

By the way, could they tell whether it has spots?

jollygit said...

Jo - so pleased all went well with the scan and that it is indeed a baby in there! How much longer have you got to wait until you know whether it's a pink or a blue one?

Sadly, I missed the Eurovision but got the lowdown from 'im indoors .... we'll never win it again, or get even close, thanks to a certain number of countries sticking together, so I'm not quite sure why we continue with it.

It hasn't stopped raining here - luckily that has enabled me to clean the house from top to bottom, having restocked cupboards and fridge with provisions, including new Marigolds (other brands of rubber glove are available) .......... I'm in danger of buying myself either an apron or an overall these days - heeeeeelp!!!!!!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...


Apologies for my absence recently, although you must be used to me going walkabout now and then.

Had a few negative days lately, not helped by lack of sleep and a bit too much fermented grape juice. Today was particularly bad, I almost turned round halfway to work. But, I lasted the day and went for a lovely walk when I got home, just me and my pod. After this I shall bath and then head into my sleep sanctuary with a good book. But you really don't need to know all this rubbish.

I found another sleep therapy thing on i-tunes by a chap named Glenn Harrold. When I first listened I thought it was awful, but it really grows on you and to date, I've never reached the end. I emailed him via his website while I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday and he sent a lovely reply today.

Road Trip plans are going well. I've booked hotels along the way for all but two nights on the Oregon to San Francisco stretch which takes in the Redwood forests and wine valleys. To tell you the truth, I can't wait. We both need a change of scenery before we collectively crack up.

I have been dipping in here now and then and will continue to do so. I'm so pleased that you all seem well and on top form.

Best wishes


Anonymous said...

Hiya Matt, really good to hear from you! As I've said before, I completely understand the nightmare of depression (or the blues, as I call it), and to add to that, not being able to sleep makes everything so bleak. I really believe once you get your holiday you will be brand new. Why is it, that when we book a holiday and then we are counting down the weeks, we just go completely downhill and end up knackered with days to go?! Well, it's always like that for me!

Hang in there - the holiday of a lifetime beckons!!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Jo, kell coinkydinks...have just found this. I cannot find any mention of artlaws...just Mr Jo!

I hope you waved back...betcha did!

don't be sad lovely girl

Anonymous said...

MfR. Dunno what to say really baby. Just wanna give you big cuddles. Sounds like you're on the right track.


Anonymous said...

Morning all!

Such fun! Have you seen the movie Cats and Dogs? Absolutley hysterical - a 'must see' if ever there was one!

Lindyloo - didn't the Tigers do well? Very convincing win last weekend. Fingers crossed for the triple!

Jo - a certain friend of mine is a massive Rams fan and is elated at present. In fact, he sent me a text at 7 am this morning when he got up, telling me how excited he is about tonight's match! Time will tell... Btw - scans are magical!

Only working this morning - have the afternoon off and am shooting over to B'ham later for the International Netball Test Series. England beat NZ at the weekend! Kids are looking forward to seeing how netball SHOULD be played!

Later xx.

Jo said...

Sammie am so jealous - I went on Wednesday to watch my girls and I could have run on at half time and played - my other spectator friend who's recovering form injury had to physically restrain me, although I can still run faster than her!!!

:o) Jo

PS Is it too early to eat my sandwiches???

Anonymous said...

Jo - I have a spare ticket...


P.S. No it's not.

Jo said...

Sammie - am in West bromwich, I could make it! Just have to get off work, is it the NEC?

Anonymous said...

If anyone is out there, and reading this...



Me 'n Jo so far. Butter Crunch Crinkles and McVities finest Milk Chocolate Suggestives are on offer.


Anonymous said...

Got me cuppa rooibus and a chunk of chocolate covered rose flavoured Turkish Delight that one of my colleagues so kindly fetched back from his trip to Turkey last week!!!

Maybe I won't dunk it though!?!

A x

Anonymous said...

Jo - glad the scan went well and it is a baby and not the pies! Are you purposely avoiding knowing the flavour until birth? That makes it so much more exciting!

MfR - Sorry you are feeling so down - sending hugs and positive vibes to you.

Jollygit - Only a 4 hour drive and you could make a start on my housework that I never have a chance to do! I can provide Marigolds and all materials. Do you fancy doing the ironing as well! Seriously though, Hope you get an offer of employment soon.

Sammie - enjoy your netball this afternoon/evening. Come on England or is it GB?!?

Moose - hope you got your chapters done yesterday.

A x

Anonymous said...

amanda - you have to do it REALLY QUICKLY!

Anonymous said...

Bit late for the dunk in but I have got a cup of cha and a small bag of Maltesers (on special offer at the local shop).

Sorry Amanda - can't stand Turkish Delight. Gives me the shudders just thinking about it.

lyndyloo said...

Am I too late for a dunk in?

I've had a crazy morning and have just noticed 3 completions that I've missed so I'm in state of panniccc!

Tea, slurp... and breathe!


Anonymous said...

Lost my nerve so didn't dunk!

Thought I might end up wearing it instead. It were 'luvly' though!

Analog - I am not overly keen on UK Turkish Delight but this is something else!!!

I do love maltesers! If I am having a bad day I have a friend who I used to work with who rolls virtual maltesers to me, and me to her when she is feeling blue. It is great fun although anyone reading our correspondence would think we are mad - which we are possibly!

A x

Anonymous said...

blimey I wrote this 1 hour ago, but a nose bleed, conversations with customers and a costing later..I can post
Sorry i missed the dunk in..and I had some yummy biscuits too.
Jo - It’s never too early to eat your sandwiches..and because you had an early lunch, you can have afternoon tea!
MfR – not forgotten ( I featured you in a pome last Friday)
Everyone else – bit busy today, with some breaks, soI’ll be lurking ..mostly

Love Caroline

Anonymous said...

Missed the tea break - as usual!
Had to go out to the bank to get my boss "beer vouchers" for London on Thursday & Friday. This, following recent trips requiring "beer vouchers" in Amsterdam, Milan and Dublin! It must be great being the director of a company making great wads of cash!

Sammie - we went to see Cats & Dogs when it was in the cinema and I was laughing so loudly and just generally in a mess, Mr S and Ms S were on the verge of getting up and leaving me! You've reminded me of it, so I must see it again!

Caroline - hope you are o.k. after your nose bleed, pet lamb!

Will check back later.

C xx

P.S. EG and MWK - hope you are o.k.

As always, love to SusanS.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 7! Good for you, honey! Proud of you ... hope you're proud of yourself! And glad you had a good weekend .... we were down at my folks' near Oban and have come back even more unsettled feeling than when we went! I went to try and get my act together, maybe figure out why I'm so out of sorts .... it didn't work! But we did have a lovely time with family!

Sorry I haven't been blogging as normal. I feel I've let you and our beloved fellow bloggers down by not being here to share and support through the highs and lows of life. And I'm so envious that you have found your muse and are really getting stuck into your writing. I feel rather lost as to where to start!

Anyhoo, I can't hang around at the mo! I have Amy on the potty, Charis screaming that she wants the bubble machine that Amy is playing with ... and we should be at Mums and Tots NOW!

Looking forward to 4pm, when I can come back and catch up with you all .... though how I'm going to read all your comments, I don't know, cos I'll be here for days doing that!

Love you all loads!

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

Meant to say, I'm so touched by your kind thoughts and words while I've been trying to get back to normal!

And EG is online-less just now, so that's maybe why she's not been blogging ... had a text from her at weekend.

Anonymous said...


How lovely to hear from you! I'm glad you know we are all thinking of you.

It is so difficult living somewhere and you really want to be in another place. When Mr S and I first got married we moved outside Glasgow (what did I know - I was 19!) and we had to travel back every weekend because I missed my mum so much!

Thinking of you - you will get your head round all of this, just takes a wee bit of time!

Thanks for letting us know about EG.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Jo - it's at the NIA. Can you get there? First game is at 5.30...

S xx.

jollygit said...

Hurrah! I've just managed to secure three weeks' work starting tomorrer so I'm just typing out me note of absence, if that's OK? Now I'm just going to panic about what to wear (have been slumming round in trackies etc for the last few weeks)! Hopefully it'll lead to more work either at the company, or at least with the agency, so I'll have to catch you over the weekend ..... I doubt very much I'll have access to t'internet or have the nerve to blog on me first day!!!!!!

Susan S - lovely to hear from you again and glad you're OK.

Love to all and thanks so much for all your support. Wish me luck!! Ooh, I'm getting very excited ...

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan S - lovely to hear you are working your way back. Missed you!


A x

Anonymous said...

Well done Jollygit - really pleased for you. Look forward to hearing how it all goes.

A x

Anonymous said...

So glad all are fine. I seem to remember EG being un-pc...and most of the missing list appear to have letters from home or school excusing them...

...that aside...


Today is DULL beyond the extreme - that is to say, WORK, but there aten't many of yous art there either...

I also have to write a letter to TfL for whom I now harbour a massive festering deep resentment. I think that about covers it. We'll just have to see how far we get with that won't we. Maybe I'll get a letter from a real person, instead of a robot.

Have inherited Jo's grumps. The rest of today cannot go fast enough I think.

Please accept my mhos if I have upset anyone. No animals were harmed during the shooting.


Jo said...

Sammie - I would love to but really don't think I could as Sophie Spot won't get picked up or walked and Mr Jo will have to have cheese on toast for his tea (again, have been crap recently)! Please could you provide me a small summary tomorrow?? Have fun though, I love watching 'decent' netball and find myself a bit in awe.

Susan S - Glad to see / read / hear that you are meandering your way back to us, don't feel like you have to read anything just jump back in.

Anyone want to join online survey site for a few extra pennies?
is the link

:o) Jo

PS ate my sandwiches at 10:30 - then just went out and bought,, SUBWAY Italian BMT (and white chocolate cookie), and FAB cornetto type thingy. Feel bloated now!

lyndyloo said...

Susan S- Lurrrrvely to hear from you!!! {{{{{huggles}}}}}

Jolly- Well done!! You'll be fine don't worry and your leave of abscence has been noted.


Anonymous said...

Oooooh Jollygit! Well done!

What a great day today is turning out to be!

Please let us know, when you can, how it's all going.

At last - a break from the old Marigolds!!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Jollygit! YAY!

Email is darn, so WELL DONE BIRDIE! Good job you did your shopping yesterday eh!

...and it'll save you being on the streets too...

muchos congratulatiosos

lyndyloo said...

Hazel Love- Please feel free to grump on here, but do it loudly and with gusto!!! If you're going to grump you may as well be as loud as possible about it (virtually anyhoo).

The sun has now started to shine through my velux (other roof light type windows may be available) so that's made me a bit cheerier but I'm still waiting for my replacement passport to be delivered and I've been waiting in all day! Still 2 hours to go before I can complain!

Great oldie track on SWITA (yes I know you all hate him!!) Talk Talk It's My Life!

Anonymous said...

Ode to Jollygit

There once was a Jilly called Jolly
Next door to impossible polly
'Dear Neighbour' she cried
Please take it inside
Or I'll shove up one end with me brolly!

thank you for your time
H. Love

Anonymous said... just jitterbugging now...or waking up before I gogo...not altogether sure...

Anonymous said...

...also have the kettle on for a big cup of gusto as not only is me email darn, msword is not responding so cannot write vitriol to TfL as planned...will have to go artside and do bunnie-scaring screechy screaming exasperatedly noisey thing innaminnit.


(that's not it by the way...)(need Mr Caroline to help with panto baddie witch cackle malarkey and by the way, Caroline, I had a nosebleed this morning. The second of the summer (summer! hah!) Oh I know is still Spring yet...OOOOH Msr Bon Jovi!

bye bye

Anonymous said...

close bracket)

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - good for you! Hoorah!!! Drinks all round tonight I think!

Susan S - good to hear from you chick. I know things have been difficult lately. You really don't need to read everything (especially my bits - cringe), just pick up from wherever you can jump in!

Look at the time! Things to go, places to do...

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Working my A*** off

DD out

PS Keep Smiling

PPS Keep Shining

Anonymous said...

Lurve SWITA!!!

DD out

Jailhouse Rocking

Anonymous said...

Cake the other day

Drinking and dunking today!

Are you lot deliberately arranging things for when I am occupied (rather than my normal VACANT).

Is this personal?

DD out

lyndyloo said...

HL - Now that's more like it!!!!!!


DD - Yippeee I've found a kindred spirit! and got loadsa time now, the new passport has finally arrived!


lyndyloo said...

p.s. Knowing you can always count on me

Anonymous said...

But DD, you're so pretty, oh, so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I feel pretty and witty and bright,
And I pity any girl who isn't me tonight.

Anonymous said...

but Jo is the priddyest maiden of them all...




Anonymous said...

Yay! Hazel you got your "muse" back! P'rhaps you just need a dull day at work to trigger your pomes ...

Talking of dull days at work - this has got to be the longest day of the whole year. Time is drrraaaggginn' by this afternoon.

Good news about the work Jollygit - if only to rescue you from rubber scented hands for a while!

lyndyloo said...

Yay! Have found a way to releive the strange weather blues... do expenses claim! Yipppeee!!!!

Anonymous said...

Day 1003: today it rained so I stayed indoors this morning. I really did have to go out a bit later though rather than lose all my dignity in the 'litter tray'...Having trod across most of the neighbours gardens to find a likely spot, I returned home and ensured copious muddy footprints across the kitchen floor and on my servant's lap. There I made wet filthy puddings until she screeched in pain and pushed me off - rather ignominiously I thought, glad no one else was around to see - from whence I went to finish drying myself on the 700 thread count new Egyptian bed sheet.

Paw Survey for today = 5

Anonymous said...

you ain't wrong analog.

It was about 1635 when I last looked at the clock - oh, and what a still is...

Paw Survey for today = 0.3


Anonymous said...

Hello all
Jollygit – Yeh! Super smashing great
Susan S - glad you’re back, ditto
Hazel – glad you’ve found your groove thang, ditto
Oh, and Hazel - DDouche – LOL can I add 1? DD ough(nut)
DD& Lyndyloo – glad you’ve found each other, ditto ( only joking I know there is a MrsDD

Moose – YOOhoo! Too busy with Chap 8&9 probs
Jo – lucky you, 2 lunches!
Amanda – maltesers yum, and I know what you mean about REAL TD
Chrissie S – beer Vouchers LOL and thanx for concern on nosebleed, it was Ok in the end
Everyone else..H E L L O OOOOOOO and goodbyeEEEEEEE. I have to go to BLT tonight..need it badly!
Love caroline xx

Jo said...

Mmmmmm BLT - is it too late for breakfast??? Might have to wai tuntil tomorrow!

lyndyloo said...

Jo- I was just thinking BLT sandwiches too... however have to be good and have salmon, spinach, asparagus, purple sprouting and new tatoes for tea....

jollygit said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone for your good wishes and me lovely pome (Hazel - sorry yer email's darn lovey).

Sooo glad I did me shoppin' and a-cleanin' yesterday as I won't have time to do it now!!! My hands were starting to smell distinctly of rubber gloves, which isn't the best smell in the world but now I can shrug 'em off and chuck 'em under the extraordinarily tidy cupboard under the sink - hoorah.

I've resisted signing on at the old Job Centre because I vainly thought that it wouldn't be long before I found myself another job, but pride forced me to claim last week and ironically they called me this afternoon to go through my claim details and some money will be winging its way to my bank account in the next few days. Never rains but it pours, eh?!!!! Still, it's only 3 weeks work at present but it's better than cleaning any day.

Love you, love you, love you and will let you know how it all goes.

Over but definitely not out

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

hey girls B L T is Bums, Legs and Tums exercise class which is blinking hard, and much worse than munching on a beautiful bacon, lettuce & tomato sandwich, which i would much rather be doing!
Caroline x

eg(scotland) said...




5 days without internet access - I'm climbing the walls. Had access from work but of course IT police won't let me visit the interesting sites - it's all work, work, work!

So a big Hello to everyone - looks like it's going to take me a while to read all the back posts.

Have missed you all so much.

Big love, big kisses, big hugs to all you wonderful people.


lyndyloo said...

EG Welcome home!!!!!!!!

Morning everyone! Nice to see a bit of blue sky... oops and there it was gawn again!


Anonymous said...

Yup Blue sky in Bucks!

Morning all, welcome back eg-y!

Had to run to the main sorting office last night to collect a recorded delivery which required a signature. Was a letter from our gas supplier, to say that our inspection was overdue ........ only 1 problem they sent someone to do it in January. So not only are they expending more of my money running up bigger costs, they can't even keep their systems up to date. Can I claim the cost of my petrol and lost time at work back, er NO! Rant over 4 now.

DD out

PS What's the story?

lyndyloo said...

I've got two very disgruntled bears this morning. My parents are away on holibobs at a log cabin by a fishing lake so I have been left in charge of watering plants and general post duties etc. I took the bears for a wander up to their house this morning (very excited bears as they get spoiled at Grandads house) then when I got there I phoned Mum to ask her for the alarm code as I had left her keys at my house and so didn't have the alarm wip-wop... only to be told that neither her nor Dad know the code for the alarm!!! they always use the wip-wops! I had to return home with two most miserable of bears and give them a doggy treat to make up for it when we got back!

& the Bears

ps. Morning glory

pps. Now off to do the watering with the aid of the wip-wop...

Anonymous said...

Day 1004
Revenge is sweet. I have a plan. It seems to be working … As soon as it starts to get light I make my way to the end of my captors bed and yowl REALLY loudly with just the right note of desperation indicating I need to get into the garden fast. The female captor staggers down the stairs and opens the back door for me. I ignore her and sit by my (empty) food bowl. She mutters something and empties a sachet of so-called “food” into the bowl. I pretend to eat it and she returns to bed. After 10 of your human minutes I yowl again, this time from the foot of the stairs. The noise is impressive if I do say so myself. The woman staggers back down the stairs and opens the back door again. I leave, apparently reluctantly but she’s naked and I have to get away from the awful sight. 10 minutes pass. I make my way to the front door and yowl once more. She opens the front door, mutters at me and returns to bed. I wait until the house is calm and make for the litter tray. They leave it in the bathroom which ensures the quietest sound echoes - it’s amazing how much noise you can make scrabbling in those wooden pellets and grumbling loudly. The added bonus is the pain caused to human feet when they tread on the pellets you’ve scattered across the floor. I have used these tactics for 3 nights. Now I wait until the weekend for the next assault. Sleep deprivation - they’re just beginners!

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - I suggest you use a watering can. I've never managed watering with a wip-wop. Don't they dribble?

Anonymous said...

Good morning from Glasgow - completely swamped with Spaniards!
Tonight is the final of the UEFA Cup and I can tell you I only saw four Scottish people on my way to work and approximately 3,453 Spaniards. They are all lovely and I wish I could speak to them! I managed to say "Buenos Dias" which a few of them smiled at, but that's the extent of my Spanish. Well, that and being able to order a beer!

EG - good to hear from you! You must have been going crazy - no internet access - you would feel like you had lost your left arm!

Lyndyloo - you have had a busy morning so far. Forgive me, I have no idea what a wip-wop is, but it sounds important!

Nice to see our friend the cat is checking in with us. I am starting to think he may be my old cat Toots, coming back to haunt us!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Cat story,

When my mother was pregnant with me, (many, many moons ago) my father bought her a cat for company. Cat was very originally named Tiger, she was a good mouser, bird catcher, and true and faithful pet, who regularly beat up next doors Red Setter (beautiful dog but dumb as ****). Anyway Tiger was allowed the run of downstairs, but not on the furniture and going upstairs was completely verboten. As I and my brother got older, we would coax her upstairs, against 10 years of conditioning, and finally she would sleep on my bed with me over night, but only after my mum had gone to bed. At any sound of moving around from my parents bedroom she would scoot off the bed and down the stairs before either of my parents could reach their bedroom door. Animal training is a piece of cake.

She would also curl up on my lap and sleep for hours while I was watching tv if my mum was out, as soon as mum came home she'd be off like a shot!

DD out

PS Paws for claws

lyndyloo said...

Analog- You are completely correct the wip-wop was useless for watering but the watering can did a grand job. I also started to give the house a bit of a spring clean so that when parents get home everything will be fresh and clean. Now really do have to get on with some real work as have clients to see... unfortunately none of them of the rugby fraternity today but none-the-less lovely people.


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone'
welcome back EG
I'm in blinking work today (usually day off, so am as usual abusing the privilege (sp) of using the internet.)
lots to do though, this comment and lurk is a sneaky one now cos everyone else in the office is either in switzerland or in a meeting(so half hour of lolling about etc..!)
Love Caroline

Anonymous said...

Good morning all! Happy Hump Day!! How are we all today? Quiet round here, i'n't it?

Thanks for the lovely welcome back!

And glad you're back online, EG!

Congrats Jollygit! Well done you! Don't think I'll be going to the big smoke with you, though!!!

Hazel love - you are a love!

Dissing Dave - I missed your moment! When was it? Friday? I must have heard you as was driving from Fort William to Oban!

Anonymous (is it HL or DD, I'm confused!) - I’m guessing you have a puddy cat?! Your comments always cheer me u! You should be a writer, darling! The cat stuff will keep me giggling for hours! You sure you haven't snaffled Charis's cat!? ""Dyson" weapon of mass up suction" has to be the best phrase ever!!

Chrissie S - Glasgow should be an interesting place to be tonight! How is Glasgae the noo? Haven't been down for ages! And haven't forgotten about the SOAMC! When was DD on?!?

Amanda - Want to borrow Charis's tadpoles?! When was Moose on the Bruce?!

Lyndyloo - Andy and I used to listen to Janice Long all the time! How did you manage to blog whilst driving in front of your folks!? Poor disappointed bears!!

Analog - Hope your week isn't as busy this week! Charis's cat has so much hair all over the place, that I even have to hoover the beds! I'm such a softy he gets to sleep anywhere he wants!

Jo - Awww .... have you posted a scan pic? We watched Europop too! What a load of cr**!!! Sorry! There were some fantastic songs ... then there was the UK! I loved the Ukraine one, but voted for Germany (nevre thought I'd ever do that!).

MfR - sorry you're feeling like that, honey! You know you can offload here (pot ketle black!) and you will always get huge huggles and loads of cups of tea! You know that everyone here will be with you whatever you are going through.

Sammie - How was the netball?

Ok .... I'm only halfway down the list and am going to have to go get myself and the girly ready for meeting Daddy for lunch! Not in best of form as a certain wee miss was up just about every hour through the night, screaming and shouting because she couldn't get bobo! Her favourite phrase just now, "Mama, I got a sore chest! Bobo / choc-choc / crisps / calpol make it better!" Honestly, she tries the whole list!

Have a great day you lovely bunch of people!

Huggles, Susan <><

Anonymous said...

I feel I have no time for CE of Tuesday. There is too much I could say about his comment on that 'religion', but if you haven't had it touch your life, you really have no idea...not feeling especially contraversial, but all the power and gas went BANG! at my house last night, so have had a miserable morning waiting a, for the boy to get home and b, for the estate agent to let me know what the bloody hell was going on with an electrician.

Well, am at work now. Waiting around since 7am this morning, a cold wash, two bowls of weetabix and a couple of pints of squash whilst dressed for work and topped off with a dressing gown because it was blimmin freezin does not a happy hazel make.

EG so pleased you have come back to the fold. Now all will be well in the wood.

ah, the boy has just phoned. Despite the fact I was not using the washing machine last night, it would appear that this was the culprit. Several 30amp fuses later...Apparently there is lots of black and he is surprised I didn't notice any smoke. That aside, when you have been cosily watching telly, and there is a big bang quickly followed by total aren't necessarily looking for smoke are you? This was also masked by the fact that there is a cupboard and a washing machine in front of the offending socket. So glad the boy is there and not me...

Ah well. Here now. All in one piece. The boy is fighting off the sparky man, and will hopefully get some well-earned before he has to go back to work later the same day bless 'im!

I can't help thinking though, if I'd had a wip-wop it probably would have all been fine...



Anonymous said...

Moose - hope you are OK only you have been awful quiet for a couple of days. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
A x

Anonymous said...

Susan S, I was on the ARF last Friday about 5:12.

Thanks for the kind comment about my Weapon of mass up-suction, we have used this for years in our house, so much cooler than than get the hoover or the dyson out!

DD out

Anonymous said...

Right. That's enough self-absorption for today.

EG - good to see you lovely girl!

SusanS - ditto ditto my darling!

Moose? I know you've been on the computer...are you being a bizzee bee working away?

DD am concerned you even know where this piece of household equipment is, let alone what it may do...have to say am coloured impressed. Boy thinks is something to hang jacket on.

Have got a headache, and now there is a flashy light truck stopped on the road, just close enough to be irritating...that's the way I don't like it.


Now the sparky man, via the boy, has accused me of 'plugging something in'. Apparently my explanation of what I was doing prior to the explosion is unsatisfactory. Tough titties. And why lie?

Anonymous said...

Haze, you didn't plug in the self pleasurer again did you? You know the one about 8 inches long with a handle! You know, The iron!!!!

DD how very out

Anonymous said...

Hazel you poor fing. I have to say sparky man sounds a bit dim - surely sockets are for plugging things in?

But more importantly - did he bring his magic piano?

Anonymous said...

Just a 12" Pianist unfortunately...

He has just left. The boy says everything is working again. A huge relief to all of us I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I am able to get back here today, hopefully before everyone leaves for the day!

The "I.T." guy has been here since 12noon "clearing up" my computer. Haven't a clue what he had to clear up because I only ever use this blog and the BBC website!

SusanS - really good to hear from you - you are sounding so much better. Indeed, Glasgow is buzzing! As the day has gone on, the singing is getting louder, the Spaniards are getting more friendly and I can only hope that after the match the nutters don't appear out of whatever holes they live in, and spoil things for our visitors!

I see DD told you when he was on last Friday. I think he did a great job, because if it had been me, I wouldn't have been able to speak!

Hazel - re: your electricals - nightmare! So glad everything is fixed now. I always used to put on a washing as I was leaving the house every morning and then I read a horrendous article saying that if something should go wrong with the electricals while you are not home, it is almost guaranteed you will come back to a pile of sticks where the house used to be! Also - and I must share this -I have a friend who had left the TV on standby, gone out during thunder and lightening -lightening struck the house - no house left!! Hey ho, happy subject, eh?!

Hope everyone else is o.k. Never did find out what a wip-wop is! Please put me out of my misery!

C xx

Anonymous said...

P.S. The correct spelling is lightning!

lyndyloo said...

Wip-wop (n) a system or device for controlling something such as a machine or vehicle from a distance, by using electrical or radio signals:

Have you seen the wip-wop for the alarm anywhere?


Anonymous said...

I have just been priviledged (sp) to see something I expect I'll never see again...

One of the magpies has just unhooked two cable-tied fat balls from where they were hung from the tree outside. He stood on the branch and just did it. Amazing. If he can manage to do that, then he is totally welcome to them!

This goes next on my list to when I saw the fairies leave a dandelion all at once one evening.

Isn't nature blimmin incredible, and my day is ending in fine style. I hope your evenings are suitably fulfilling and fabby.

thank you for your time

ps ChrissieS - I've been checking contents insurance prices...gotta be done really hasn't it!

pajama pajama
dd shout

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else finding they can't access CE's Wednesday blog?! I know it's there, I can see its title! Grrrr!

Oh, this is pants .... now I can't get my comment published here!!!! Keeps highlighting my name!!!! GRRRRRR!

Anonymous said...


I know you love your wee birds and I agree, they are fascinating.

Last Sunday, I went out the back door to throw out some rubbish and there was a lovely magpie sitting on the roof of the shed, with a HUGE branch in its mouth, obviously heading for the nest. It got such a fright (well, I was still in my PJ's) the wee soul took off onto another roof and was there for just ages, too frightened to move - I felt so guilty! On the other hand, magpies are ferocious and swoop down on baby ducklings as they waddle behind their mum.

Chrissie Attenborough at your service!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - NOW I understand! Thank you.

Going home now - promise.

C xx

Moose said...

Been in hiding for a couple of days. Been busy but not at the office so not been logging on. Good to hear all your news. Welcome back to wanderers! (small W not Bolton or Wolves fans).

Had the most consistent 9 holes of golf in my life this morning. 7 bogeys and 2 pars. Not exactly ground breaking but it was the consistency that I'm always lacking. Got back to normal on the other 9! Then went to the gym for a run afterwards...I'm aching now!

I finished chapter 6 but haven't got started with 7 yet. Well, I say that, but chapter 7 is pretty much already written - just an edit necessary rather than a complete rewrite.

Well done Jollygit.

I never did understand cats but now I do...

Is it too late to join the dunk-in?

lyndyloo said...

Ok people I'm asking for another favour again.

Could those of you who have the time and the inclination have a look at this web site and and send me some feedback on what you think of them. I have my own opinions and don't want to make comment. I'd like opinions on layout, ease of info, navigation etc etc. Be as objective as you like.

Many many thanks.


Anonymous said...

Hiya all, how you doing? This full time job business is not conducive to blogging is it! Am on a course today in Sheffield so have a little chance to drop by.

SusanS - good to see you back, hope you are managing things.
Jo - huraagh for the baby scan.
Lyndyloo - just looked at the bahamas website, to be honest when i got to it i didnt really want to look further but cos it was you i did, then i realised that for anyone who didnt know you, they may not perservere.... it somehow doesnt reflect the ambience of the project that i would have expected. Its functional, if you can be bothered to go through the information, but its not selling me anything, i assume your target market are relatively wealthy - AB1's. It has a CDE feel to it... sorry to be harsh.

Moose, sounds like this 'not' working lark is really bedding down well for you! Looking forward to the book signing.

lyndyloo said...

Anna - that was exactly what sort of feed back I was looking for could you cut and paste that comment and send it to for me please?

Thanks again


Anonymous said...

Good morning Moose. Always lovely to see you. I had a couple of bogeys earlier too, but a quick blow got them sorted.

SusanS, can't get into it either. I think it is all going broken like it did before. Am not going to bother trying again til later I think.

If anyone is art there, shall we have a dunk-in at 0930? I am currently having some toast made, so that should be about right by then.

See you at 0930

ps Sammie, who won the netball, and who is movin inta me hood innit?

pps ChrissieS, did the magpie actually make it to wherever it was going with the branch, or did it drop it? I think mine got as far as it needed to with the fat balls as there is no evidence to the contrary. (ie fat balls everywhere...)

Oh, and Moose, don't ever think you can understand cats. This could possibly be your first mistake.

Paw Survey for today = 1.7 (so far)

Anonymous said...

Day 19: Am playing 'Concentration'. Am
fooling the captors into believing I am actually looking at something by staring REALLY hard into the darker part of the sitting room. They keep saying 'wochoo lookin at den? wossee lookin at? jufink theres summin there? 'sere sumwun there jufink? Nan? wochoo lookin at?'. Hours of fun. And it never gets boring. Time after time after time. Think will send to games board to get patent.

lyndyloo said...

Joining in the dunk... Big pint mug of tea and a virtual biccie!

Anonymous said...

Why has it all gone dark?

Where is everybody?

Are you all on holiday and I'm not?

Can I have my ball back please?

Anonymous said...

Hazel I'm afraid the dog got hold of your ball and now it's got a puncture. Sorry. We'll get a new one when we go out.

I bet that cat's watching ghost mice. We had loads in our old (350 years old) house - kept the cat amused for hours.

It is very quiet here today. Missed the earlier dunk, but how about one at 11.30? I'm just popping up the shop for some gineger nuts.

Anonymous said...

Of course I meant ginger nuts.

Jo said...

analog - I thought you meant vinegar nuts and then I got concerned that they wouldn't go to well with Tea or Coffee.

I've just eaten my designated breakfast sandwiches and now still have some 'lunch' sandwiches to eat as well. Hurrah for forward planning!

Had it off yesterday due to bad back - that'll learn 'em about getting me a proper chair!

:o) Jo

PS - My cat went deaf and used to think we couldn't hear him however loud he yowled, as he couldn't hear himself. I think he was just doing it to annoy me!

Anonymous said...

analog, is it? I shall leave it to you what you think I may be looking at. Ghost Mice indeed. Interesting concept I admit, but on the other hand, I happen to know what is on the other side of that wall.

Do you mind if I tell my mates at the Whizkaz Club? Ghost Mice. Can you hear yourself?

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Sorry I'm checking in late - it just won't do really.

Have spent the whole morning trying get through to Glasgow Rangers to get tickets for a match on 8th July. My sister asked me to get these for her sons. I have been holding on, more or less, since 10.10am - trying to look like I was making a business call! (Is that fraud? I suppose it is!).

Hope everyone is o.k. - it looks as though everyone is a bit busy at the moment doing other things!

Moose, good to hear from you, I was wondering how you are doing. Really admire your persistence with the golf. I have tried it, but I have no eye-to-ball co-ordination. (You know what I mean!).

Lyndyloo, sorry I haven't been able to look at the website you mentioned. Do you have enough feedback?

Hazel - re: the magpie - I watched it for ages and it didn't drop the branch. I can only assume it made it to the nest - they are clever wee blighters!

Be back later.

C xx

lyndyloo said...

dunking my spoon in my porridge as breakfast is v late due to early meeting... anybody join me in a goji berry?

Anonymous said...

It was an old ball anyway, but we'll need a new one for the summer.

I have been so bored, I have been watching the same rabbit for AGES, and have only just realised it is a big stone. At times I am glad to be a lawn.

Vinegar Nuts. Wasn't she at school with Norma Snockers?

thank you for your time

Anonymous said...

I think Norma Snockers was in the same class as Gloria Stitz??? I did work with someone known as Ginger Bits. (I'll leave you to work out why.)

Jo - my cat does that. Cloth-eared, moth eaten old flea bag. I can call him that because he's deaf and can't hear me.

And I'll have you know there's nothing strange about ghost mice - I thought they were a recognised phenomemenononmenon.


PS Lyndyloo, will try and look at your website shortly.

Anonymous said...

Is that a bit like 'whaddya call a gorilla with bananas in his ears?'

or Hugh Jarsse?

Ghost Mice. An interesting pheromone and not one to be sniffed at. It's the poor ghost mousey who is still being juggled during the thunderstorm that I feel sorry for,and I'm still not sure that the corporeal one found by the boy was the one that Colin placed behind the sideboard.

There is a smell.

Moose said...

New post. Plus a quick dunk in at 2.30???