Our attitudes to alcohol in this country leave me exasperated. So we have a new proposal for labelling the stuff so that people will be able to more accurately know when they are drinking too much. And this comes on top of the government changing their advice on drinking to pregnant women contrary to any evidence whatsoever, because they don't think people understand what "1 or 2" units once or twice a week actually means.
Are we all really that stupid as a nation? I'm not that stupid. Nor are a lot of the people I know. So are all the people I don't know (let's call them the pikeys for simplicity) that stupid.
Let's look at it. We are technically allowed to drink 3-4 units per day if we are a man or 2-3 units if we are a woman. If we drink so much that we forget whether we are a man or a woman, I'd suggest that 3 units is the right target as both targets have that in common, but it doesn't really matter because you'll be well over if you've drunk enough to forget anyway.
Now, whether I'm drinking high strength beer or normal strength wine, I know that I've had too much when I reach about that amount. I don't do it too often which may have something to do with my low tolerance levels. But I know that if I go beyond one glass of anything on any day, then it's probably too much and I'm not doing myself any good. I have a drink because I enjoy it, but that is exactly what I have - a drink - singular, lonely, one drink. And surely that's easy enough for anyone to count, even the most mathematically challenged pikey. One drink - OK, more than one - probably too much. DOes anyone not get that?
So are the labels going to help? I doubt it somehow. We have a pretty unhealthy attitude to alcohol in this country and have done for generations. When I think about what makes us British/English then binge drinking comes fairly high up the list. Ever since King Alfred drowned his sorrows with ale or mead after burning the cakes (or maybe even before that) we have been a nation of drunks. A few extra numbers on our bottles won't change that.
Maybe the absurd idea that pregnant pikey women shouldn't drink anything because they are too stupid to work out how much 1 or 2 units are is really the answer. Maybe the real issue is in utero alcohol addiction which then carries on through our entire lives. And maybe, just maybe, the government are right to suggest complete abstinence.
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Hmmmm..... could get very contoversial here but in fear of being call a very black pot it may be wise for me to just shut up. I don't think that putting labels on bottles will make any difference to most drinkers who want to get completely steaming as that (Mr politicain) is their intention! In fact labelling bottles/cans in this manner will just make it eaier to decide which of the cheap alcoholic drinks will give them the best value for money.
Now me... as you might have noticed... I can get drunk on most alcohol, and every now and again have a few too many. When this occurs I often fall over (now where have you heard this before) and lose things... This tends to happen when I'm on my home because I've decided that I've reached my threshold. Strange thing is that at different times of the month alcohol affects me differently and for around 5 days every month I don't drink at all as it's too dangerous.
It seems to me that, particularly in relation to wine, pubs and clubs have blurred the line on the definition of "units". At one time, a glass of wine was 125ml, and funnily enough so is a "unit" of wine, therefore a glass was one unit, and a bottle contained 6 units, i.e. it was within the guidelines for two people, I was going to say girlies (fruit based drink for the ladies), to share a bottle of wine on a night out. Pubs and clubs then started to sell large lasses of wine at either 175ml or even 250ml. The uneducated figured that one glass was still one unit, and this therein caused an element of confusion to slip into the process. If you then add into this mix, alcopops - How many units in these, and house doubles - the maths here is fairly simple, confusion reigns.
However, I totally agree with Lyndyloo, that we have a generation of people who set out with the intent to get totally bladdered, and guidelines are not going to change one iota of their pre-event drinking plans.
In Britain, we have a binge drinking mentallity amongst certain elements of our populace. Is this borne out of the sudden lifting of a restriction at a certain age, or the media advertising and peer pressure associated with drinking being "cool"? I grew up in a drinking environment, My father and his friends drunk socially, ten - twelve pints and a few shorts was a typical weekend evening session spread over five or six hours. I witnessed at a young age the problems out of control drinking can bring. Therefore, I am wary of drinking to excess, yes I have done it on occassions, I have fallen asleep on trains because of drink and ended up in the sidings for the night. I have staggered home barely capable of walking on odd occassions, but these were rare situations, no more than perhaps a couple of times a year. Now my wife and I may drink A bottle of wine in an evening, but that will be no more than once or twice a week if at all.
To summarise, drink is not evil if treated with respect. Excessive drinking occassionally is more of a worry. Regular binge drinking should be feared, and the problem is not one for the government to solve alone. Education by parents, and other senior family members, of their children on the dangers of alcohol, and other drugs is the key. This doesnt need to be a heavy handed matter, but, how do you get parents, who may have a problem themselves, to accept and carry out their responsibility to their children?
We all should take responsibility for our actions and inactions, and take seriously the inbuilt responsibility to educate the next generation.
DD out
Good Tuesday people and hoorah that it isn't long til Friday when my lovely friend is visiting and we are ALL (the boy too, may the waves part and world peace happen, or a pig take off on from the runway at Heathrow) going out for her birthday. I have no doubt whatsoever that slightly more than the 7-10 units allowed on a binge drinking session will be reached LONG since, but I have to take it a bit easy because I'm going on a night out on Saturday too.
I also must admit to a certain amount of exasperation regarding the attitudes towards alcohol in this country. When I was 13 I went on a foreign exchange trip to France, and was horrified that the family expected me to quaff wine (albeit mixed with a drop of aqua minerale) with my lunch. And no instructions along the lines of ssssh don't you tell anybody either. Yes the government have gone for longer licensing hours, but that's no blinkin good to me in the week when I'm working is it?
Anyhoo...a small dry sherry at 11am will have to suffice, and thank heavens the sun is out today. I'll be checking the yard arm in a bit...
Obviously that should have been "large GLASSES of wine", not "large LASSES of wine".
DD out
Yay, more advice for pregnant women (or men in a medical miracle kind of way) to follow...You'll be pleased to know that I'm taking absolutely no notice of this. Yes I like to drink but am now aware that I have someone else to think about before I go to the bar and order that pint of wine! I have an occasional glass of wine, which is now to be known as Heartburn in a glass, or the occasional lager shandy.....What I really crave however is real south western scrumpy, Appletize just doesn't really do it for me I'm afraid.
And as for binge drinking, some of my abiding memories of that time in my life when such a passtime was acceptable are of leaning over a plant pot, or the road, being sick and big rugby type men singing at the top of their voices
'you're not very well,
you're not very well,
you're not very
you're not very
you're not very well'
I though it was funny at the time - actually it still tickles me a bit!
Live long and prosper my friends
:o) Jo
DD, it really does depend whereabouts you do your drinking...
I used to happily drive home after one small glass of wine which used to be 125ml, as this was considered to be within the legal limit. Does that mean that I am now over the legal limit to drive if I've had a 175ml glass, which is now technically classed as a small glass? I don't understand the blood levels etc on the 'legal limit' charts but 'legal limit' is still stated as a small glass. Pubs will automatically serve you with a 250ml glass unless you request a 175ml glass - which used to be a large glass - it's gone crazy. Now, of course, I never drive after having a drink but then luckily for me I am in walking distance of as many pubs as you could possibly wish for. Driving aside, we all know when we've had enough, but why is it always the last glass that does the damage?!!!
Lyndyloo - glad you got to meet up with Hazel, despite your injuries - aint' she lovely?!
jollygit xx
Well Moose,
Unfortunately, it will be a complete waste of time labelling alcohol because the people the advice is aimed at, do NOT want the advice!!
I do envy your ability to have one glass of wine. Don't know what it says about me, but I could never do that! I can stop at two glasses, but definitely not one.
One of my relatives is an alcoholic. I have seen and heard things while this person was plastered that would frighten the life out of you. I have been Emergency twice with them, with drink and drugs overdoses (intentional). Just horrendous.
It hasn't stopped me drinking, but I do now treat alcohol with utmost respect because I've seen what it can do. When I was younger - quite a different story!
Ms S has tried drinking - Bacardi Breezers, that sort of thing but she tells me (and I do believe her) that she hated feeling dizzy and sick and that she doesn't "get" what is so great about it. Also, her boyfriend is a brilliant golfer and he won't drink because he feels ill and that affects his golf! I do know how lucky I am in this respect, but I'm sure it won't be like this forever - they are only 16 after all! I'd love to know what my mother thinks of all this, as she sits on her cloud!
Big subject Moose! Sorry to have gone on a bit!
C xx
Just catching up on a few things over the weekend:
Lyndyloo and Hazel - so glad you met up with each other. Och, I hope someday I get to meet the rest of you guys!! Is it just completely daft to suggest a Sept/Oct meet that we Scots could work towards? I know it would be a fairly expensive jaunt, but I think it's one I want to make!
DD - wonderful news that you don't need the operation! I would say you have to have a wee glass of something to celebrate, but don't forget to count the units!
C xx
Is everyone out getting rat arsed?
Chrissie S,
Thanks, myself and Mrs Dissing did consume a bottle of E&J's Sierra Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2003, and v. tasty it was indeed, and only 3 units each!
The 2003 vintage is a vivid combination of rich fruit and velvety tannins, highlighted by subtle herbal notes and black cherry flavors. The berry palate is both dark and ripe, with hints of spice and vanilla so that Sierra Valley Cabernet Sauvignon succeeds admirably with thick cuts of prime rib or juicy oven-roasted lamb. Meaty red pasta sauces are another consideration, or hearty Asian dishes generously spiced.
I am now on the lookout for more of the same!
DD out
PS Where is everybody!!
I'm WORKING! Contrary to popular belief, I DO have work to do sometimes.
This is one of those times.
If you let me get on, the sooner I'll be finished.
It's like the Spanish Inquisition, and I was certainly not expecting it.
Sorry, I just thought it was very quiet today!
DD velly solly and out!
The Secret Diary of a Geordie Edwardian Cat
Day minus one and counting: Until the next series of Big Cat starts tomorrow night. Have checked on net and it appears that there should be plenty of small sunny sunbathing type areas in which to tan my tummy. Am a tad unsure about the bath in the living room. Original 2-d inspection shows ideal hiding area from which to attack unwitting ankles, but also splashing hazard alert. Am hoping that garden furniture all inflatable as well placed claw may cause all manner of mayhem. Must yawn, stretch and sit on remote control now. Minder has ten bob each way on 'Minzapint' in the 3.15 at Haydock. Minzamouse under the sideboard.
You decide.
Is it sad to know what the bath in the living room refers to? Am waiting in anticipation for tomorrow night (which in itself is a bit sad I know) when I will resume normal practice of shouting and throwing things at the telly!
I was just thinking how quiet it's been today myself. Have had to consume half a packet of fizzy cola bottles so as to satisfy my humger cravings this afternoon. Do you think that I'll be able to write those off against the yoga class at 6?
It's finally stopped raining here and I may just have to pop out with the bears before it starts in earnest again.
Do wine gums count in my "units per day"?
Gypsies, tramps and thieves.
Oh yeah!
DD out
humger - (noun) desire to eat sugary food for no apparent reason
What a day I have had and it's still only just after 4 o'clock, and I'm here until 6! I'll be deid by then!
Scanner not working, set up a mail merge which some numpty made a complete mess of, had to re-address 105 letters. Bring back my IBM golf ball! NOW!
Yes, the blog has been very quiet today. I was wondering if it had something to do with my suggestion for Sept/Oct!
Will have to use at least two of my units tonight I'm afraid - it's for my nerves, honest Guv!
C xx
Well, slap my thigh and call me Ethel - I've been looking at the blog but nothing happens for yonks ........ I go and get a cuppa and look again and you've all rushed in, blogged, and rushed out again. Ecky thump - was I gone that long?!
Lyndyloo - how are your bruises love? Are you sporting a plaster on yer knee?
jollygit x
Chrissie S - I remember the IBM golf ball ..... state of the art they were! How about the daisy wheels then?
It's now hailing on me!!! What is with this weather?
Jilly my knee is sporting what's going to be a very impressive scab which I'm treating to masses of vaseline and the bruises are pretty shades of all sorts of different colours (I'd put a pic on the blog but it might scare people).
Jo, definately not. I cant wait to move my cooker to the garden. Worse thing is, i have to work tomorrow night.... and Thursday and Friday. I have to wait till Sunday (cos nothing on on saturday) to see if the 3 in a bed has caused uproar. sorry then.
Re alcohol - blimey o'reilly, had i known that a few drinks during pregnancy would have committed the mancub to a life long dependency on alcohol i would have hidden the waggledance i was consuming this weekend. It must have been him that sneaked it cos im sure i didnt drink that many bottles.
I know, alcohol is bad. And i am sure that in most cases DD is right that there is confusion over what constitutes a glass/unit of wine...there certainly is in my house. but like we have already said, those who need the information - really need it, wont be reading it on the side of a bottle and thinking 'aaah, i didnt realise i was only supposed to have one glass'.
Lyndyloo - ouch, ouch, ouch! Try putting some arnica cream on yer bruises - they'll heal a wee bit quicker for you that way.
Was it that naughty last glass that caused the fall?!
Hope you feel better soon and DON'T pick your scabs!
jollygit xx
Ooh the good old days (not!). I remember IBM golfballs - I worked for some engineers and had 3 golfballs - one normal, one maths/scientific characters and one Greek letters. I had to change the ball almost every blinkin' character to type scientific equations.
Alcohol - used to drink to excess on regular basis, but now one glass of wine and I'm anybody's (figure of speech - not literally, although if I bump into Johnny Depp walking through Bath ...). These days more than a few mouthfuls of wine makes me wheeze and I don't really like the taste of it. Perhaps it was the excesses of youth have put me off?
Glad that one got you all worked up! I am now looking forward to ONE glass of something and brewing another storm for tomorrow...
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