Wednesday, 9 May 2007

The world is all right now

I have spent this morning putting it that way.

I was on the golf course stuck behind the 'seniors' - all of them in 4's, playing slowly as if they own the place, and me on my own going nowhere slowly. After the 5th I got fed up and cut to the 13th tee where there was a guy on his own. I asked if I could join him. We got on famously. I don't know whether it's a good or bad thing to have so much in common with someone in their 70's (guessing there - he retired in 1995...) but we had a good old chat about life the universe and everything, and had to go and have a coffee in the clubhouse afterwards to carry it on!

Oh, and I birdied the 14th!

So now I'm at the office having just stuffed my face with apple, tangerine, blueberries, raisins, seeds and yogurt (all I've eaten all day).

Shelves went up yesterday evening - looking good. Mooselet 2 struggled a bit at swimming, I think due to his cold, but he did do one terrific width unaided and remembering to breathe! In and out. At the right times.

Glad everyone is feeling better today. Well it is Wednesday after all. I would therefore like to invite everyone to a virtual Kaffee und Kuchen party. It will be at the Lorelei overlooking the Rhine at 3pm. Bring your favourite slice of cake with you and an extra slice for me!


Jo said...

Have man coming at 3pm so will have to make up for missing cake in after he's left :o) Jo

PS - I love (some) old people, and the stories they have to tell. I hope I'm one of those types when I'm older!

Anonymous said...

I don't. They smell like old biscuits and feet.

Anonymous said...

Hi folks
Have been keeping a low profile recently - not because I've been grumpy but I have been a bit out of sorts. Handed in my notice last Friday ready to transfer to my new job on 4 June and the boss hasn't taken it very well, so life's been a bit sticky at work. Just goes to prove though that it was the right decision to make and now I can't wait until 4 June.

My first proper job was working on what used to be called a male geriatric ward - I loved it. Those old boys could spin a yarn and, as an impressionable young nurse I learned a thing or two about life, the universe and everything.

See you for tea at 3. I make a mean apple and sultana cake so I'll bring a few extra slices if anyone's interested. (Moose it won't count as cake - just one of your 5 a day...)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - I know what you mean but until we are (really) old I don't think we can appreciate how much of an effort it is to wash!! Yes, I know that sounds ridiculous when we are fit enough to jump (well actually, step) in and out of the shower, but it's not so easy for the old biddies. The worst for me is watching them eat ..... let's not go there!!

Moose, I am delighted to accept your invitation for 3pm. I will be bringing along Sara Lee Carrot Cake for everyone - circa 1974. Do not be disturbed, the cake was not BAKED in 1974, but because it's virtual, it TASTES the way it did in 1974! A real treat lies in store. Well done on your birdie - excellent!

I do not drink coffee (or kaffee) - may I have a liquer?

Jo - I have a feeling you will be SO wise when you are an old lady - just as long as you are still able to wash, people will want to listen to you! How is the baby? And will she be called by her full name Hannah May?

See you guys at three o'clock!

C xx

Moose said...

Jezza's playing my song again! Boys of Summer!

Anonymous said...

Hello all

blinking heck..someone's a bit grumpy!(anonymous, I mean,..not you SuperMoose or the lovely new Auntie Jo)
Old people are OK as long as they don't repeat thenselves (actually that's the same with young people too) it's a shame that as a nation....hold on for a MASS GENERALISATION....we don't respect old people, they do have alot to offer us, but I think they are cross that they are not respected, so perpetuates that vicious circle. however, getting old is tear jerking..the outlaws have parkinsons and cancer respectively, but are lovely vibrant friendly people which makes me upset because they have so much to give, but physically can't. anyway, Moose, i'm entering the w&h story's a womans mag, but Moose, you'd be a novelty..have a sneak peak in the T supermarket in Junes issue.
I'm sorry i can't join you for tea either, got to pick up child from school..but maybe will be back later. It's v.v.quiet - maybe it's a "get down to work" day for most. I've done pilates today, so feel virtuous.
Hope all is well with you lot (lurkers and the like) Lots of love
Caroline x

jollygit said...

Moose - thank you for the invitation to kaffee und kuchen at 3pm - looking forward to it.

Some years ago I used to live in a cul-de-sac of just 18 houses which were in a U-shape and all faced onto some beautiful gardens. Apart from ours, they were ALL inhabited by people over 70 - we were definitely the new and young kids on the block. The residents were wonderful - one had been a fighter pilot in the war, one had been part of the French Freedom Fighters, married a Frenchman and was only ever known as Mam'selle, one had been a prisoner of war in Poland .... the list went on. I heard some wondeful stories and spent a lot of time with them, taking some of the ladies shopping etc and thoroughly enjoyed their company. You just don't know when looking at an OAP just what sort of life they've led do you? Ooh, and none of them smelt but they could put the booze away!!!!!!

Moose - well done on the birdie - can I borrow one of your clubs and use it on next door's parrot? What would that score me?!!

See y'all at 3pm

jollygit xx

lyndyloo said...

Off to look for suitable new shoes...and suitable cake... see you at 3 with both hopefully...


Anonymous said...

Admittedly some of them smell, but so do some young people and they've got no excuse!

And as for old biddies eating - Chrissie S is right, don't go there. You should try feeding 'em - fair puts you off yer dinner!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. It was me. I can't remember which tv programme it was a quote from, but then I had to rush from the occif to purchase lunch for 4,000 people. The bakers were out of loaves and fishes, so I got bluecheese burgers and some CAKE hoorah! Anyway, I just pressed the orange booton, ay voyla!

I do like old people really. My gran'ma was one, and I loved her lots! She did mean bone-dinner stew, sultana layer cake and meat pies. She also bowled (green bowls) for Sussex, and I used to go with her and her mate on trips with all the other old biddies or birdies or bonkers folk (please delete as necessary) which were brilliant fun and we saw the Queen once and she said I was funnier than George Bush ever would be.

I think I have had too much sugar this afternoon already, as I do have to admit to a certain amount of confusion - are we feeding them birdies? If so, they can't have chicken and neither can dogs. Cats are ok because they bite everything so it is all small, but can choke on children and peanuts.

Lyndyloo, it ain't worth getting your hair done babe - the weather is total pants and you'll have gone all straight by the time you get into the place.

Have just realised am already eating cake.

The only way is up...desperately trying to think it through...

Tea. That's it. Tea.

definitely t

...and back to the golf - would you like to play around?

Hope Mooselet#2 is fully recovered. My mum used to take me swimming when I had a cold. Then she'd tie me to a tree at the bottom of the garden until I either dried off or dried out - whichever was the sooner.

I promise I am going now. At least for a while. Well, say until 3.

for tee.

Moose said...

Hazel - I'm always up for playing around (virtually) and playing a round (both virtually and actually)!

Have constructed some words for the school appeal form of which I am quite proud. The only concern is whether I've given away too much of our killer arguments and this gives them a chance to construct an attack that we're not expecting...When to go for the kill, that's the question. When you see the whites of their eyes, that's the answer.

Don't tell 'em your name Pike.

I'm starting to have seriously negative feelings at 2pm every afternoon. The transfer from Jezza to SW is just too much to take!

I will now turn my attention to deciding which cake to partake of.

jollygit said...

I've brought a Sachertorte which provide eight dainty and polite slices, or four PMT-sized slices ! I think I'll have a latte to go with that ... yummy.


Anonymous said...

I'd like a three-tier mille-feuille tauten gruben fucher with added spooned kreme please...and a slice of lemon in my tea.

Don't want to overdo it again eh.

Moose, mind your antlers on that bridge, and careful with your hooves when you're disembarking das boot.

...and if they could leave the rhine on, it cooks better that way.

It's all gonna end in tears. Ok, ok I've gone. But I can still see you.


jollygit said...

Moose - as you're in appeal-writing mode, do you think we should send one to R2 to get Richard Allinson on at 2pm to replace SW? Waddya think?


Moose said...

I've gone for a Bergishe Waffel. For the uninitiated that's a freshly made waffle (no frozen and reheated crap) with hot cherries and lashings of whipped cream. It is the speciality of the region of Germany that Mrs Moose's mum comes from - the 'Bergishes Land'. A steaming strong coffee with evaporated milk is by my side (as it's virtual it's a fully caffeinated one, for a special treat!). I took the liberty of inviting the Mooselets too as they'll just be finishing school and I do enjoy the sight of them with jam/ice cream/etc all round their mouths...but they are drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream. Mooselet 1 has gone for the strawberry cake (favourite colour red) and Mooselet 2 has a cheesecake (favourite colour blue but not too many blue cakes).

Enjoy everyone, and please watch where you are squirting your cream - we don't want to have any nasty stains to explain to our partners or to Congressional hearings...

Anonymous said...

Hey Dudes!

Have just stepped off the virtual Concorde and have arrived with the promised Sara Lee Carrot Cake from 1974!

Oooooh, it's moist! Can we say moist?

I've changed my mind on the liquer thingy - can I join Hazel in a cup of lemon tea?

C xx

Jo said...

Have just snuck in in between meeting to let you know that I had a Double choc muffin from the bakers at T supermarket - bakers, pah, they don't even have the facility to warm things up!

Any hoo, it was yum

:o) Jo

PS I think baby will just be known as Hannah, except for if (when) she is very naughty and a full ticking off is in order and she is known by her full name - Try it, you can shout Hannah May really well!

Moose said...


Jollygit - Yo no comprende? (bog off pedants - it's been a while!)
What is a 'polite slice'? Never come across one of them in my life...

Do you think they'll mind if I climb up on the statue for a photo?

Moose said...

Jo - don't knock the T - remember they are paying for today's little get-together!!

That waffle went very quickly - pass the Sachertorte!

jollygit said...

Hazel - is that enough kreme on your tauten gruben fucher? Blimey, try saying that with a gob-full of sachertorte!

Chrissie S - yes, moist is a great word!!!

How lovely to see the Mooselets .. must remember not to swear or it'll be the Naughty Corridor for me - when's the water cooler arriving?


jollygit said...

Moose - I was trying to be a bit of a laydee, doncha know! Right, four pieces it is then!

Can't believe the waffle has been snaffled already - hope you didn't burn yer marf on them 'ot cherries.


lyndyloo said...

I'm back!

Got the shoes, intend to do the locks myself and take a brolly to get me from the car to the door and as I've had a look at the goodies they're feeding us tonight have opted for a cuppa tea and a fresh fig with a blob of philladephia cheese on it instead!

Moose said...

And on the other matter, a Wednesday selection of pomes to send to the Radio 2 controller:

There once was a DJ called Steve,
With a growing ability to peeve,
His listeners said no,
He has to go,
It's time to pack up and leave!

There once was a DJ called Rich,
Many listeners on did switch,
Til five from two
We'll listen to you
That Allinson's no broadcast titch.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't resist - have gone for the Hot Chocolate with lashings of whipped cream and a strawberry tart. Danke schoen!

Guten Apetit!

A x

Reference the elderly - much respect to them. My grandfather's family came over from Alsace (when it was occupied by Germany, at the turn of the last century) and changed their family name by deed poll in order to fight for Britain in WW1. Unfortunately I never knew my grandfather but the story is compelling, especially as my grandmother's family was also from the same region but they met in London after each family had relocated. We owe a lot to the older generation and I often wish I had asked my grandparents to recount more of their tales while they were still alive.

Anonymous said...

Blimey - am I too late for a crumb or two? Only stepped outside for a mo and you've all gone and scoffed the lot.

Just as well I brought my trusty home baked cherry muffins along.

Budge up on that bench - there must be room for a little one ...

Moose said...

Oh no, it's just started chucking it down. All the seats are now moist...Good job there's no cake left to spoil.

I think I'll have to go to the supermarket - only M's available :-( - T's delivery let us down on a small but critical item on our list.
And then on to the gym to work off a couple of those slices of cake. Weigh-in tonight (completely forgot to do it last night until I'd eaten!). That balance should work well - virtual cake but a real workout!

Anonymous said...

Oh am I too late for cake?

I have searched the back of the cupboards and found some old Christmas cake…. Blow the dust off and it should be ok.

All I need know is a nice cup of tea! ;-)


Anonymous said...

I honestly can't have any more - I've quite embarrassed myself enough!

Moose, I CANNOT STAND Steve "Love The Show" Wright. He is the most insincere broadcaster I have ever heard and I just don't listen to him any more. If I am home on a weekday, once Jeremy Vine finishes, I just put on CD's until CE starts. Ooooh, SW makes me seethe!

Hope everyone is still enjoying their cake!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Crumbs. Was trying to think of something about 'polite slice'. One that asks 'is this seat taken' or says 'of course your bum doesn't look big in that', but then realised children present and had already tauted my gruben fucher with kreme and was also going to add something about the boy with cream round his....


hazel love here. am having a lovely time. Keith, one lump or two?

jollygit said...

Aksherly, I feel a bit sick after all that cake. Must try a laydee-like slayce next time .... yeah right!

jollygit (burp) xx

Anonymous said...

There is an old fella called Steve
From Radio Two wouldn't leave
They said love the show
You've so gotta go
Your sycophants making us heave

The was an old fella called Walker
Who had someone called Sal as a stalker
He was so softly spoken
No glasses got broken
But he sometimes came out with a corker

Anonymous said...

am I too late? Just me and Keith''ing on the bench M U N C H I N G.
Rocky road and a Mocha Frappachino for me please.
The child and I got caught in a rainstorm of bibilic (is that a word) proportions and had to change our clothes..all the way down to the pants..blimey.
Steak and Mushrooms and potato wedges for Tea..Hoorah!

Love Caroline x

P.s Moose, I am WELL behind..did you used to work for the said T supermarket? The H O is in Cheshunt(been there loads) Is that why they are funding this Coffee and cake fest? Or have you just come across a charitable fund set up my Sir T Leahey for those with antlers and hooves inbetween jobs?

Anonymous said...

Is a 'polite slice' similar to the 'complimentary toiletries' you get in hotels?

Anonymous said...

Have just discovered big lump of sticky on desk...just under right elbow (other elbow available). Shall fetch cleaning cloth, else Moose won't get his deposit back.

As the whipped cream sobbed, 'I peaked to early...'

Anonymous said...

Hazel, you are not BAD per se, you just like cream, nothing wrong with that!

Amanda, just to add to what you were saying about wishing we had asked our grandparents for more stories from their past. I never knew any of my grandparents, but my own parents and aunt and uncle had some incredible stories about the Second World War, life in the 30's, 40's and 50's, (for example, my dad's family were the first people in their entire street to have electricity in their home. They had to pay for it, so I guess they were fairly well off - it didn't last!!).

I have typed these stories for
Ms S so she can read them once she's older and it will mean something. Also, I type her a letter every birthday (since she was about 12) saying how the year has been, what's been happening etc. Again, I hope this will mean something to her in time. I have a box with these papers, and cards and stuff she has given me and when "the" time comes, she can look in this box, bawl her eyes out and feel terrible for driving me crazy!!

C xx

Anonymous said...

oh it's TOO early.

Not to early

bloddy heck.


lyndyloo said...

Can you believe I'm having a dry night and driving? It's definately not too early for a virtual G&T though... cheers!

Anonymous said...

Just one lump for me …got to watch the figure you know ;-)


Anonymous said...

Last time I had complimentary toiletries I got a smart alec shower cap. Said it wouldn't make any difference if I wore it or not, and was I really thinking of going out like that, and it was going to tell Reception that I had nicked the sewing kit.

Lyndyloo, you be careful art there...there's too many who'll try to take advantage of a sober straight lady with a car and new shoes...

as the wizard said, 'you just can't get the staff these days'.

HL art.

ps Thanks for a fab party again Moose. You'll have to chronicle it in your 'Moosing for Beginners'. Or another title could be 'Beyond the Wardrobe, and the Ken of Normal Folke'.

Anonymous said...

Oi where's all the cake gone?

I go off to do some work and you all have a party in my absence! Are you trying to tell me sumfink?

Just had to drag out the Douwe Egberts Continental Gold for a quality cup of instant brown, much refreshed now, any crumbs left? Please Sir can I have some?

DD out

PS Me thinks from the smell in 'ere someone had too much of analog's apple and sultana cake with hot cherries, Hazel? Either that or there was an old person in here. Hazel? tee hee

Anonymous said...

...and you aren't too old to be put over my knee young man...a good spanking is in order.

Corporeal punishment. Indeed.

World domination. Possible.

Spanking. Most defiantly.

You boys will never learn will you?

HL art

Anonymous said...

Have just decided that will probably not need any dinner this evening.

What another absolutely lovely day, in lovely company, and lovely coffee.

Camp. Oh why not!

adam ant

Anonymous said...

Ooooh Hazel I nearly expelled the contents of my cream horn just then!


DD out

Anonymous said...

Ooh, DD, similar cream horn thing happened when I heard you got a bang earlier..... Its all too much excitement.