My, doesn't it...
A whole week including a party and I realised I hadn't even logged on all week.
Excuses, I've got a few. But then it's my blog and I'll be absent if I want to!!!
Glad you all managed to keep things going for me and that you had a rip-roaring party on Friday.Feel free to party at my place any time you feel like it - permission never needed.
Welcome to annieb!!!
So, what's been happening?
A sudden flow of job opportunities is the main thing....London buses. The favourite option at the moment seems to be a 3 month interim job back in Frankfurt, but I have a few interviews to go through first - plus making sure they will pay for trips back every weekend AND all the accommodation out there.
The book is getting there... synopsis written, cover letter to agent half written. Hopefully next week will see everything finished and the first three packages winging their way towards my impending superstardom!!!
So, what's been getting my goat this week. I'll tell you what - Leslie Ash. I'll start by saying that I do feel sorry for her. Not a nice thing to have to go through, NHS clearly to blame, although you could go up the chain of command and see that it's really the fault of the person that left the NHS so horrendously underfunded for the last 10 years by scrimping on their budget. So don't blame the NHS, blame Gordon Brown...
But what really gets me is that she gets such a huge payout from an already underfunded NHS. Does she need the money? OK, maybe she's 'lost' the opportunity to earn that kind of money, but many of the other, 17,000 people was it reported in the BBC that have died from hospital acquired infections?, needed the money too but they're not going to get it, are they.
Ultimately though, the thing that really gets me is that it is my money that she is taking. Mine, yours, every single taxpayer's money. I give that cash in good faith that it will be spent on policemen and teachers and nurses, not feathering the nest of an already rich actress with an already rich ex-footballer husband.
Like most middle-aged blokes, I used to have a thing for Leslie Ash. It's not been her big lips or her disability that have put a stop to it for me. But taking so much of my money is, I'm afraid, unforgiveable.
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Sorry Moose,
I have to take issue with your under-funding comment! The Health Service budget has been increased by a dis-proportional amount year on year compared to other government departments. Please bear in mind that I say the following as a member of the civil service. The problem within the NHS is not how much money they get, but is more where they waste money on managers that don't! Suddenly we have an in depth steam cleaning of hospital wards going on, this would have been unnecessary if contracts for the contracting out of cleaning services had been written correctly. What we currently have is a slap-dash service for a lot of money. My father has been in hospital a lot over the past ten years, 4 times he has been infected with MRSA, four times he has fought it off, on two occassions he was placed into what was known to be an MRSA infected ward.
The NHS has a great propensity to waste money. Most hospitals now utilise cab firms to provide transportation to hospital appointments if the patients circumstances dictate that such a thing is necessary. However, these services are prone to not turning up, or turning up too late to make the appointment, this leads to missed appointments which leads to doctors time being wasted by having no-one to treat. Unfortuantely I have to say that most of this waste is down to Civil Servants, but they have virtually cast iron jobs! That is the problem with the NHS, incompetence supporting incompetence!
Meanwhile the NHS gets money that could be spent on other things, including proper equipment for our troops.
All Civil Service departments waste money, sometimes it is down to the politicians but mainly it's down to endemic incompetence at one level or another. Huge organisations lead to wasted resources.
Rant over!
DD out
Good morning dear Moose! Thank you for not freaking at all the stains we left after the party ... I think DD is organising for a team of Eastern European steam cleaners to take time out from their normal contracts to come clean up!
Firstly, congrats on completion of the book! Well done you - you are truly inspirational! I start my class next week and am very excited!
Congrats also on the job opportunities! I'm sure the right one will come along as it always does. Will Mrs Moose and the Muffins get to go to Frankfurt? Ofcourse, your blogging buddies could work out a rota so that you are never lonely when you go! So remember to check they can pay for accommodation for blogging buds!
How did you end up choosing an agent? I have 5 or 6 addresses, but wasn't sure how many you could send to at one time.
When it came close to the time for me to have Charis, I seriously considered a home birth from fear of catching MRSA! As it was the choice was taken out of my hands
But I remember that the whole time I was there I watched everyone like a hawk to make sure that they were doing what they should be doing. I cannot understand in this modern age how they can't keep places clean and have to agree with DD that if they hadn't wasted money else where and had concentrated on the important aspects of running hospitals, we wouldn't have these problems.
However, I wonder how much of it is to do with the mentality of some workers these days too? When I ran a staff team, they were dreadful for not doing what they should be doing, to the detriment of the people they were supposed to be providing the service for. My management stopped me from disciplining them, despite extensive evidence ... why? I think because they wanted the money in with the minimum of fuss and that they felt their hands were tied with all the legislation protecting workers. The legislation is good and right .. but what has happened is that lazy, incompitent users get on in the workplace, and those who are doing the best job they can get miserable!
Ok ... ok ... I'm getting off the horse!!!
Hope you all have a fabby day! Apologies for weekend absence - it was not the after effects of the party - myself and the wee lass have been in bed poorly!
Susan <><
I missed the partay!!! :-(
Lindyloo - you're absolutely right. I have great family and friends, in fact, my social circle is wider now than it has been for years! BUT, February may not be so bad this year...
DD - how awful for your father to have had MRSA four times - it's an absolute disgrace. Having visited friends in hospital in Crete - the shabbiness of NHS hospitals in comparison really does make me hope that I stay healthy.
Feeling much better now, much more like my old self, so I hope that everyone else is better soon too.
My little cat has been poorly over the last two days. There's been no outward sign of illness, except that she stayed in her little bed for two days - she normally NEVER goes near it! I think she's feeling better now though, as she's sitting on my lap whilst I'm working, although if I touch her back, she bites me - bad kitty!
Oh - update on the road tax thing - to claim my money back - I have to go to Nottingham!!!! Grrrrrr.
It's quiet here today isn't it? I guess you all must have had a great time on Friday if you're still this quiet!
S xx.
Oooh Moosey I love it when you have a rant!!
Moose, good luck with the job interviews - sounds really interesting and looks like you'll be leaving us for a while! Also, great news about your book. Did you get the chance last week to listen to Lynda La Plante?
I know, the NHS is a mess, has been for a very long time, but there is absolutely no justification for giving Leslie Ash £5m. With all due respect to the lady, her career was pretty much over due to the botched procedure on her lips. Why on earth she ever had that procedure, I'll never know. She was absolutely lovely. I have my suspicions that her husband is a total nutter. But back to the money - let's say she did manage to secure work, are we seriously saying she was going to earn £5m over the next 20 years? Not a chance. Meanwhile, ordinary people are contracting all sorts of disease and illness from being in hospital - these people will never see a penny of compensation.
Oooh, this is a wee can of worms, Moose!
C xx
And DD- I agree even more... more civil servants and far less efficiency!
Sammie- Good to hear you sounding a bit more up. Look after the poor puddiecat and I'm sure she'll get better.
Everyone else- are you all still sufferring with hangovers?
I have to say I haven't heard about Leslie Ash until I read your blog Moose. I don't know that much more now, but thing its outrageous claiming all that compensation ...
I used to work in the NHS and it was drummed in to me from the first day about the need for cleanliness, hygiene and how to reduce transmission of bugs between patients/staff/equipment. From casual observations recently it seems that staff don't even have a basic awareness of infection control. Don't get me started on washign your hands properly!
Hope everyone has recovered from the after effects of Friday's little do ...
I think I've been all a-coming and more ways than several...or similar...
My step-dad caught MRSA on top of a heart attack and stroke...and is amazingly still with us...and it costs a HUGE amount of money for him to be comfortable in a home, and on top of that, it took my mum months to actually get him a place that is clean and friendly.
Anyhoo, however the NHS is over or under-funded, they didn't let me die, so...I like them...
Can't stick Lesley Ash, rich or not, and even one tenth of her 'award' would help my mum and my step-dad in no uncertain terms AND the disease she contracted reacts to antibiotics!
Am now seething so shall stop while going is relatively good...
Had a great time Friday!
£5 million!?!?! £5 MILLION!!!!!???? That is utterly, totally, completely outrageous!! Let the lazy c@w get a proper job like all the rest of us .... instead of being so richly rewarder for what, when you break it down, is sheer vanity and self indulgence!!! Oh I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO angry now!!!
I am going to write to someone! Infact, I might even set up a group on Facebook! I cannot believe that!!!!
Away to breath into a brown paper bag!
I have, ofcourse, just realised that I don't have a job! But I am raising a future tax payer!!!
am with you on that point DD, tho defo with Moose in relation to the compensation Leslie Ash is taking from us all. Loss of earnings is fair enough but there are insurances out there for people who are self employed these days - perhaps she should have checked that out!
Sammie trip to Nottingham to claim money back - boo. Tho you could combine it with a walk along a bridlesmith gate, the shortest street with the most shoe shops on it in Europe. Or maybe a visit to a nice coffee shop/bar/restaurant of which we have plenty in Nottingham. And if you are really in need of a coffee and an off load as a direct result of the injustice of it all - let me know thru the blog and I'll shout you coffee. Am there at work every day and always welcome a distraction!
Happy Monday all of you. Sorry i missed the part-ay!
Anna - how lovely! I'll certainly let you know when I'm up your way! I do like Nottingham!
Wow - talk about righteous indignation! I'll be looking for that group on Facebook Susan!
Just back from rocking and rolling - very good fun and next week, we're going to drag my dad along too!
Anyhoo - bath and bed beckon. In London tomorrow, so will have that daft silly o'clock start to the day.
Don't expect I'll be back for a couple of days, so behave yourselves! Hazel - that does include you too!
Have fun lovelies,
S xx.
Morning everyone!!
How are we all today? Sitting here at 1am (yeah, still not got the sleep under control!!)and himself stumbles through with Charis, who has saturated herself, wee soul. So - had to strip her, rake around for another pair of jim-jams, dress her (she was still sleeping!), find bedding and change her bed. And guess where himself was!?! Hmmmmm.
My bro hasn't worked since before Christmas and is making no effort to look for another job - we waved his rent this month thinking he'd have had a job by now ... but now he says he's going back to Mum and Dad's!!! Like there are going to be any more jobs in a wee fishing town compared to the 4th biggest city in Scotland!?!
The house is like the Forth Road Bridge - start at one end, get to the other and you have to start all over again!
Ok ... yes .. I'm in a grump ... so best go before I have you all throwing things at me!!
Susan <><
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