Monday, 25 February 2008

3 weeks in...

What can I say that is publishable? Most things here have either changed or are about to change, but I'm sworn to secrecy.

In (almost) the words of someone famous: "I'm going out to Germany...I may be some time."

Still, it's quite nice to be hirin' and firin' again...


jollygit said...

Moose - whatever these 'things' are, I hope they are exciting, challenging and above all, good for you! We miss you but we look forward to hearing from you whenever. Good luck with it all xx

We're having a turbulent time of it darn sarf, and I don't mean the weather! 'Im indoors was taken on at his place of work on a 21hrs a week basis, temporarily for 8 weeks. Just before Christmas they offered him full-time, 5 days a week, and then just before we left for NZ they made him permanent. Fantastic, we thought.

On Friday he came home and told me that he'd been told that due to cut-backs he was having to go back to 3 days a week again and this morning he's called to say they're offering him an interview at one of their sister companies with a view to a full-time job.

Help!!!! I can't cope with all this chopping and changing. All I want is a quiet life .......

I'm off work with a stinking head cold at the moment, although I'll probably have to go back in tomorrow as I don't get paid if I'm off just for a day here or there, since I'm still only temping. Life is a strange thing, don't you think?

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you Moose - hope all goes well with your new exciting "things".

Jollygit - your life sounds far too complicated ... I've got things crossed for you though.

To any fellow members of the Philip Glenister Fan Club ... take a peek at this week's Radio Times (other listings magazines are available but not half so appealing!) ...

Sun is shining, sky is blue. Hope all is well for the rest of you. Oooh, that was almost a pome.

jollygit said...

Analog, thank you xx

Fingers crossed that all goes well at the interview for 'im indoors, but if the job isn't for him, well at least he's still working ....... for the moment!

Just checked out the R/Times .... yummy! Can we share him Analog, can we? Oh pleeeeese ....


lyndyloo said...

Moose the master of intrigue!

Was Germany ready for the battle of the Moose I ask myself?

I'm now 4 days and counting... Roll on holibobs (though the snow forecast is rotten!).

Jollygit it sounds a right to and fro for you and him indoors and you're safe with PG as he's not my type... I'm far more the David Tennant type meself!

& Booboo

Anonymous said...

Moose - good to hear from you! It all sounds quite intriguing!

Jollygit - isn't life just a peach? Sorry to hear of all your uncertainty - it's really stressful and not fun. Hope it all works out soon for Mr Jollygit and that you get back onto an even keel.

I did some temping a long time ago and it was just awful not being paid when you are off ill, so I do sympathise. What always drove me mad was the thought of what I was earning, and how much the agency was charging the client. The agency, of course, was making more money than me!

Analog - I shall purchase my copy of Radio Times from my friendly vendor on my way home tonight!

I know this sounds ridiculous, but this feels like a long week already!

C xx

jollygit said...

Thanks Chrissie. I've been temping in the same job now for six months and they keep saying that the job will be advertised very soon and that I should apply. Some jobs at this place are advertised internally, but this one has to be advertised externally - can anyone tell me why? I just want a job I can 'take ownership of', to coin a phrase, and get to grips with, along with the usual perks of sick leave and a pension scheme! Boring, I know, but it's the sort of security that I never thought I'd be chasing at my age!

I've been told it's all part of a grand plan by 'him upstairs' but I tell you, a clue would be helpful!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - yes, I do wonder why your particular job needs advertised externally? However, I have heard of this before, so I wouldn't read too much into it. It would be good, though, if someone out there understands the need for this!

As for your pension plan and sick leave etc, I have found that NO boss wants to give these "perks" without a fight! Even my own boss, who really can be very good, was horrified when I asked him to put more money in my pension. He looked at me as if I were speaking Japanese! He finally agreed, but what a struggle - and I was starting to think that perhaps I was being unreasonable!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

A couple of words for Chrissie- I don't understand corporateville and what makes a lot of big companies work. I know a few of my friends who have had to apply for their own jobs (just because they have given it a new title) and had to compete against outside competition. All this seems totally unfair and unreasonable. Personally I work for myself so I get none of the perks or stability that goes with a stable job, but there again I wouldn't swap my life for that for a million pounds.

My hope goes out to you and if you really don't feel that you're getting what you need from the job that you're doing then maybe you should try deciding what you want "precisely" out of your job and then make a start on looking for the job you really "want". I know this sounds challenging and even a bit unrealistic at this point but if you really know what it is that you want you have far more chance of getting it.

You can tell me suck eggs if you want I won't mind.


Anonymous said...

Well did the earth move for you darlings?

Here in MK I was woken by what felt and sounded like a juggernaut slamming it's brakes on and locked wheels bouncing down the road.

Mrs DD sat bolt upright, mumbled and laid back down and went back to sleep, I was waiting for the sounds of sirens.

DD out

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - thanks for your reply yesterday.

I certainly won't tell you to "suck eggs" - it was all excellent advice!

I really didn't mean to give the impression that I wasn't happy in my job. It was simply that Jollygit and I were having a bit of a discussion regarding her temp job and I was having ..... well ..... a wee moan too!

C xx

Anonymous said...

DD! I have only just managed to read about the earthquake (it's been one of those mornings)! Good grief, sounds like you and Mrs DD had a lucky escape.

From what I've been reading, it was a really bad one - I'm glad you and yours are o.k.

C xx

Anonymous said...

cant get on CLP's page today, SusanS has pointed me to here - so hell all!
morning team, hope that you're all fine n dandy today?

Have to admit to a celeb mix-up of my own... 1992 I was living in France and went to see Simply Red in concert in Grenoble. As we were English me and my mate decided to hang around afterwards incase Mick and the boys appeared - they didn't!
Anyway, I had extremely long - and much thicker - hair then (obviously le gingembre). Long story short - 3 French ladies thought we were Mick and one of his band members, so we just had to oblige with photos and a sneaky kiss (or 2) on the cheek!!!

Well.... what's a boy to do when faced with such a dilemma????

DEbbie - time at home is wonderful, you can then look at your leisure. I think there's been lots of sound advice already on here so won't add to it much more. Hope that you're well.

Off to London tomorrow with MrsW (not the one who blogged on here yesterday!) as we're going to see Alicia Keys in concert - can't wait. Hotel and trains are booked. Gonna spend Saturday in the shops. Hope the knees stand up to it!!!!

Did the earth move for yer Nancy?

KWx aka gingembre

Anonymous said...

Ok ... here is my note from my Mum for my abscence! I have a REALLY good excuse this time ... tell them Charis .... whispers 'Mummy has a baby in her tummy!' 'When is it coming out, Mummy!? Charlotte wants to play with him!'

Kids say the cutest things!

What have I missed? How are you all?

Jollygit - sorry to hear your troubles! Sending up lots of prayers for you both.

Analog - don't throw anything at me .. but Phil who? Sky is blue here too, but one heck of a gale blowing!

Lyndyloo - David Tennant .... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! Where are the hols this time? Have a fab time and bring some snow back for us!!

Chrissie S - hello honey! It HAS been a long week! How are things down your way?

DD - not up here it didn't!!! No damage I hope?!

Gingembre - Welcome! Mick .... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! Can I have your autograph!?! Does Mrs W know about the sneaky kiss!?!


Anonymous said...

Gingembre - welcome! How nice to see you here!

I like your story about posing as Mick Hucknall - that must have been a bit of fun!

Have a wonderful time in London - make sure you look after your poor wee knees!

C xx

jollygit said...

Susan S - woo hoo!!! What fabulous news - congratulations to you and Mr S and I hope you're feeling okey-dokey and not too sick or anything? Well done you xxxxxx

Thanks for the good wishes and prayers. The good news is that 'im indoors had his interview for the other job within the company on Tuesday, was offered it on Wednesday and has now accepted it! So, he's 3 days a week for the next two weeks and then starts his new job after that. Crikey, it's tiring all this chopping and changing!

Anyhoo, word from Hazel ..... her pooter is almost kaput and she is unable to use it for the important stuff, such as blogging and emailing(!) but she has asked me to send you her love and to say she's fine but misses us all xxxx

Gingembre - welcome to the other side!!! I've all but given up trying to blog over there ....

Still suffering with a heavy cold. I know it's only a cold but my head feels really thick and heavy (no change there then) and I just can't concentrate.

TFI Friday tomorrow - hurrah.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Susan - what absolutely wonderful news! I'm so happy for you and MrS - it's just lovely for you both. And of course Charis will just love the baby!

Jollygit - great news from you too. So pleased for you and MrJ - hopefully you will get some normality in your lives! Please tell Hazel we are really missing her.

To everyone else, hiya!

C xx

dancerjen said...

Hello all - what a strange place to find. What an enigma. Have my suspicions already though. Wonder how many people have meandered over here... Haven't tried to blog over at t'other place yet today, got 502d so many times yesterday.

Susan S - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great news Susan S. Hope all is going well with the "bump". One of my colleagues is desperately trying to disguise the fact she is in a similar state - but her green face most mornings, fanatical consumption of dry biscuits and water and inability to touch coffee (her favourite tipple) are all a bit of a give away!

As for "Phil who?" - he's an acquired taste and I think there is already a queue for his attentions so you're better of sticking to David Tennant!

Helloooo to the new faces. I rarely venture to the other side these days. Can't be *rsed with sending messages that no-one ever gets to see.

Anonymous said...

Dancerjen: "what a strange place to find" - strange good, or strange bad?!


C xx

P.S. Susan, Analog's absolutely right - don't you be bothering your pretty head over that Phil guy .... I mean, neither Analog or I are remotely interested in him!

jollygit said...

OK, you heard them! Neither Chrissie nor Analog are remotely interested in the divine Phil, which means that he's mine, all mine!!!! Mwoohahaha (and a cackle or two thrown in for good measure)!

jollygit xx

dancerjen said...

Oh strange good, for sure! Messages actually get through, for one thing, and all these familiar faces (for want of a better phrase) =)
Strange though as in I'm not sure who moose is. I have a friend who, some years ago, won a moose by way of bidding stupid amounts of coinage (emptied his pockets, he did), followed by an arm wrestle, followed by other things which I wish I could remember. Enjoyable evening. My friend won in the end - we did help a little by pledging money towards the cause. Anyhow. He's now set Moosie up with a profile on FB. Not sure how long Moosie will last, how long it will be until the FB police catch up with him, and to be honest I don't think he appreciates food much, being a rug. So Moose is definitely not that Moosie.

lyndyloo said...

Susan S!!!!!!
What fab news!!! I really needed that today. It would have been my baby girl Roobear's 15th birthday today so I've been planting daffodils on her grave for her and my Dad and needed a bit of cheering up. I really wish youall the best and send you loads of huggles fro me & Booboo!

& Booboo

Anonymous said...

Good morning all,

Well I am back for the good old US of A and suitable jet lagged. We did have a great time especially on the Harley Davidson’s and Daytona Beach. Quite a story there as I was asked to ride over bridges and along the strip on my Harley whilst being filmed by a TV crew who were there filming for a programme. They wanted to set the scene in Daytona. I had to sign away my image rights so that they can use the footage in the programme. I will be sent a copy of the tape for me, me, me! I have to say that really made my holiday.

I have to say a very big thank you for the kind words of support that I have been reading in an attempt to catch up on this blog. I now have my letter of admission for the 11 Mar so it is just a waiting game again. So thank again, you know who you are you lovely people. ;-)

Dancerjen. Gingembre welcome to the other side. I think you will find this a very nice place to rest your keypad.

And a final note for this short but heart felt visit a very big WHOOP DA DE DO DA to Susan S! Congratulations to you and yours. XXXX and a {{HUG}} just coz I can.

Later one and all, keep smiling

Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Morning all! Sitting here waiting for the storms to hit!! Mum up to visit, so that's a HUGE help! House so tidy this morning, cat litter changed, washing pile halved .... bliss! AND a lie in (the little monkey is up at 7.30am most days now! STILL not sleeping through the night, though!).

Just going to get organised to go into town - my sister's boyfriend is coming today to surprise her with proposal ... at her work ... after dating for two months .... hmmmmmmmm. >:o/

And thank you all for your best wishes! Early days yet, so haven't told many folk incase this one doesn't go to term, but had to share with my dear blogger friends!

Moose - meant to say yesterday, that you are in my thoughts and prayers with all the changes you and your beautiful family have gone through. How's the book going?

Jollygit - will definately be thinking of 'im indoors for the start of his new job! My brother has been out of work since December - had an interview at Markies yesterday and starts on Monday! Only 22 hours, but better than nothing!! Hope your taking hot todies for that cold!

Hazel love - oh, I hope they get you a new 'putor soon honey!! We miss you too! I'd text you but I lost your number when the phone went down the loo!!

Chrissie S - thank you honey ... Charis is already talking about the things they will do together! What are the chances of a Scottish bloggers meet this year?

Dancerjen - You made it to the dark side! Wayhay! Have you seen the groups on FB? This is far better than being 502'd all the time! And you should see the parties we have here!! Moose is a soon to be famous author - we are just hanging on to his coat tails!!

Analog - Tell your colleague I remember it well! And had it for the whole of Charis's pregnancy!! And, ok, I'll stick to David as I am, ofcourse, first in queue there!!

Lyndyloo - Mega hugs honey! Never forget the wonderful memories you have of Roobear and your Dad - she was a faithful lass and will be running across fields now with all the other wonderful doggies we miss! Mega huggles to Booboo too! When is your trip?

Keith!!!! - A star!! You better put that video on YouTube when you get it!! Well done you! Looking forward to hearing more news about the trip! And thank you for the hug!!

Have a Fabulous Friday all! Catch you later!

Huggles, Susan <><


Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - your daffodils will be beautiful on the grave. I think I will do the same on my parents' grave this weekend. I usually just take fresh flowers, but I'm gonna steal your idea if that's o.k. You must be getting so excited about your holiday - have fun!

Keith - great to see you back. Your holiday sounds just terrific. I hope we get to see that programme some day! I told you you would be just be like Ewan McGregor!

Dancerjen: our Moose is definitely not Moosie, I'm quite sure of that! Our Moose is the charming, handsome and intelligent host of this blog who has given us all space to discuss topics, ask advice, vent freely and last but not least, we have the most wonderful virtual parties here! You are going to love it!

And his blogs are excellent too!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all, welcome home Keith and welcome back. Also a very warm welcome to the dark side or the other side to DCI Gingembre, Dancerjen.

Another Moose blog baby on the way, congrats to Susan S.

I was going to say hurry on back to our Haze, but you know that pile of old clothes in the Naughty Corner, I'm sure it just moved and drew another cup of liquid from the "water dispenser" nudge nudge!

Shall we welcome the newcomers with an impromptu coffee and cake afternoon? St. Clements cake is my offering and some fresh ground hot wet & brown!

DD out

jollygit said...

DD - Friday afternoon tea - what a great idea. I'm just taking some deelishus fruit scones out of the oven in readiness and will bring clotted cream and jam to go with them. See you later.

Susan - I've emailed you Hazel's number, in case you want to text her. I spoke to her last night and she was ab-so-loootly delighted about your baby news and sends her love xxxx

Moose the author and Keith the film star ...... I am ever so 'umble!

Keith, I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip and will all be thinking of you and keeping all things crossed that everything goes well for you on 11th March. Huge {{{{{{{HUG}}}}}} to you - because I can xxxx

jollygit xx

dancerjen said...

Thanks for all the welcomes! I feel very welcomed indeed :D not yet found the groups Susan but I'll have a look later. I made chocolate cake the other day but it's a bit flat, but this afternoon I'm sitting in the studio recording a friend's vocals for one of her songs so won't be able to join in the afternoon tea :( but I will look forward to another time!
Keith that sounds amazing! Let us know what programme it is, will it be shown over this side of the pond or was it for the other side only?
Jollygit I hope things settle down a bit, life is truly strange. Temping is great fun, I have fond memories of the various temp jobs I've been through, but it does suck a bit when you're ill!
Aye and Susan S, I raise an eyebrow in sympathy with you re the proposed proposal - take it you're not impressed?!
Hungry now, and expecting the husband home any minute so I'd best find something for us to eat...

Anonymous said...

well what lovely energy ont he blog today, and so nice to see new faces, and of course some old ones back....tho strictly speaking as an inconsistent blogger i suppose i count as an old face back too... of course at the tender age of 30 old is not the word id be using.... not that im saying anyone else is of coourse - oh crumbs. ANyone got a shovel? I have a whole to dig! ;o)

SusanS - You have all my heartfelt love and best wishes for your exciting news. I will be thinking of you as baby grows.

Keith - as a fan of Harleys myself, some of you may remember my mancub shares the same name as that glorious machine, i shall look forward to a tellyvisual and/or youtube moment if you can keep us posted on that!

We are a little cold in our lovely home due to a rather unreliable boiler deciding to pack up. At less than 2 years old this really is a nusiance but hopefully the plumber can come and fix it soon. Just hope that him in doors doesnt start complaining about problems with his 'old' boiler!

Am off to make a cheesecake (to die for!) ready for a little party i am going to tomorrow. I may pop by later to let you all indulge in scraping the bowl. Kettles just boiled, mines a lady grey.


Anonymous said...

Oooh Bowl scrapings luvvly jubbly!

DD out

dancerjen said...

Mmmmm bowl scrapings! What gorgeous memories.... Kettles on here too, plenty of time for a brew while waiting for things to happen on the studio computer. Upheaval eh. Who'd have it. We moved the office from the bedroom into the attic, and now the studio computer is the desktop PC instead of the laptop so I have to move all my files across and it's taking ages. Didn't think one song would be so flippin big. Didn't actually expect the computer to work at all today so that's a bonus really, but now I've realised how much I need to move, I'm not sure I should've agreed to do this recording yet...

Anonymous said...

Anna - I worked with a girl who made American style cheesecake and there are no words to describe how utterly awesome it was. Yours sounds as though it may be the same! You don't fancy passing on the recipie, do you?!

Looking forward to afternoon tea later - I can provide a packet or two of Fox's Classics - yummy!

C xx

Sorry, I just have to mention Philip again. Did you see his gold chain last night? And I thought the vest under his shirt was absolute genius! (I'm starting to quite enjoy A to A, but it has taken FOUR weeks!)

jollygit said...

Chrissie - I've got a Jamie recipe for a baked cheesecake (with chocolate & orange) which is amazing .... if you'd like it?

Now then, strawberry or raspberry jam on your scones?

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Oooh - a tea party. Count me in. I've got some fairy cakes with pink icing I can bring.

Strawberry jam on my scones please Jollygit. Raspberry seeds play havoc with my teeth!

Bummer - I missed A2A last night. Fell asleep on the sofa and was woken at 10.15 by 'im indoors sending me to bed. Did he think to record the programme though? No.

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - re: recipie - yes please! Sounds delicious!

Analog - you can see the episode again on BBC iplayer - hope you can get that. Trust me, it's worth the effort for this episode!

Right, quick cup of tea and some strawberry jam on my scone please - hope I'm not too late!

C xx

dancerjen said...

Scones? Cheesecake? Grief I'm drooling.... The chocolate slab isn't half bad washed down with some raspberry&echinacea tea. Quite enjoyable. No recording done but a chilled afternoon. Off to the shops now before they close else we'll have nothing for tea and I'll be in the bad books again...

jollygit said...

Analog - I know, raspberry pips get right under your plate don't they?!!! That's what my dad always says - you can't take him anywhere!

Chrissie - I'm going to try and remember to bring the Jamie recipe in next week and post it on here. It involves maltesers and orange zest and is truly scrumptious!

Think I've eaten too many scones and fairy cakes but the tea has helped to wash them down!

Have a great weekend everyone and see you next week.

DD - thanks for the party - just what we needed xx

jollygit xx

lyndyloo said...

Thank you all!

I will be orf on my holibobs tomorrow so I'll leave you all to play nicely. Had to miss out on the cake but I was packing Booboo off to stay with her other family (brother, mum, aunty and big Aunty Sarey). She seems quite happy to leave me :(

See you all when I'm back off the piste.

Keith- What a star!!!


Anonymous said...

Jollygit - your dad sounds just like mine. Except mine has been known to take his plate OUT to check for pips, even in company ... oh the embarrassment!

Anonymous said...

Just want to say to everyone: have a good weekend. Thanks for the company this week and all the great chat!

C xx

Anonymous said...

absolutely, one recipe coming up. No need to cook, no need to stress.... no need to check the fat and calorie content because it has raspberries in it.

85g Digestive Biscuits
85g ginger biscuits
85g melted butter

400g white chocolate
1/2 vanilla pod, split lengthways (not essential)
500g full fat soft cheese
50g caster sugar
175ml whipping cream
255g fresh raspberries

crush and mix biscuits together with melted butter and press into a 23cm tin
put chocolate and vanilla pod in a bowl, over water, to melt. Allow to cool slightly
In another bowl, mix the cheese, sugar and whipping cream to a smooth consistency
remove vanilla pod from chocolate mixture, then stir the chocolate into the cheese mixture. Add the raspberries, being careful not to release the juice. Sppon mix on to biscuit base and place in fridge to set.
add a few raspberries on top to decorate.

Take out, eat, feel like heaven and earth has come just that little bit closer. Then throw out the scales.



Anonymous said...

Hey Chaps

What a lot going on OOOer!
Hello other siders...!
I am a weekend contributor (formerly daily - but now working!)

Girls - remember I'll be fisticufting with allcomers for Mr Glenister!!!!

Moose - how's it hanging - drei Weisbiers bitte! Book?
Susan - well done
Keith - welcome back
Jollygit - good luck, whoa girl - I haven't been around lately but he's mine all mine!
Say Hello to Hazel for me, Ta
Analog- Radio times good!
Lyndyoo =- good holiday
Chrissie - PG tips!
DD- bet u like cookie dough ice cream?!
Ana - 42, with a face like a shovel - that's me
Gingembre - Welcome, Mick H! have you got a diamond in your tooth?
Dancerjen - meandering, how lovely to be able to do it a good adventure?

Hope I haven't missed anyone - see you next weekend - Sorry I missed the wee party.

Caroline x

Anonymous said...


You know it! Yes Yes Yes, oooh sorry that's never happened to me before!

DD out

dancerjen said...

V pleasant adventure so far Caroline!

Am going to try to pluck up the courage to call in at the little local shops this morning and see if any of them need any help, I'm actually quite scared because I feel like I ought to have done this 10 years ago rather than waiting until now. Had a weepy time yesterday thinking that I was unequal in the marriage (not working and all), I do sometimes wonder what it is that I bring to it when it's not money. It's not like we have that much and it would definitely be more comfortable if I was working, trouble is the only thing I'm "qualified" for is something I really really hate with passion. Hence my hopeful forays into the world of greengrocers' shops and delis...

Wish me luck!

dancerjen said...

PS Anna I've noted down your recipe and will try it one of these days, it sounds SOOOOoooooo yummy!!!

Anonymous said...

Hiya Troops,

It's always lovely coming into work wearing one's wellies! We had snow this morning and I really couldn't risk another episode of falling and sliding down the hill, so wellies it is! I can't wait for June.

Anna - oooh, what a recipie! I will be trying it out next weekend and will let you know how it goes. Just what I need, now that I've decided I really must lose a stone!

Caroline: I am quaking in my boots, but my desire for Mr G has taken over my usual common sense! Thus, I am taking boxing lessons, just in case I meet up with you!

Dancerjen: Big deep breath, take the plunge and get into those shops - you may get a very pleasant surprise! I know you can't face office life again, so this could be just up your street. Yes, it will be scary at first - learning a new job always is - but you can do it!

Be back later.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Hello all,
Just popped my head round the door for the first time in a while and see we have some new friends, how lovely! Hello to you!

Well I finally have made it back to work albeit part time at the moment. I have worked all morning and am heading home now. I feel OK, better than I thought I might do so am a happy bunny.

Moose - you go get 'em! Glad it is going OK so far.
Keith - thinking of you on 11th March.
SusanS - well done, I am really thrilled for you, Andrew and Charis.
ChrissieS - I thought of you this morning when I saw the snow! Stay safe this time and no tumbles, please.
Sorry if I have missed anyone else but I haven't a lot of time today. Will catch up again in the next few days.
A x

Anonymous said...

The cheesecake went down a treat with my chef neighbour, good job too as his duck was so gorgeous i would hate not to have kept the side up. The dog seemed to enjoy the bit she stole of the kitchen side too - must remember to push things to the back of the worktop before leaving the room!

Dancerjen, women bring all the vital things to a marriage/family. Not being funny about you men, cos i love men (especially mine!), but our skills are totally different and a lack of bringing money in is maybe not ideal if you 'want more stuff' but i bet you are great when it comes to a happy family, home, love, support, solidarity and maybe above all peace. I enjoy working and am fortunate that i can, but i can never forget what my family rely on me for. I am happy to give it, my husband brings in just as much but very different qualities.That's what makes the team. Dont underestimate who you are and what you give to others - equality aint about the moulah.

You probably know all this in your heart really, but just wanted to say it.

Happy monday all. I am off into a board meeting now, lets hope i make it out the other side!


Anonymous said...

Just want to say to Amanda: it was lovely to see you on the blog yesterday. You've been a wee pet lamb and very brave since that terrible fall, well done for getting back to work!

Anna - I thought your message to Dancerjen was absolutely spot on.

C xx

P.S. I simply adore David Attenborough!

jollygit said...

Chrissie - I haven't forgotten the cheesecake recipe! In fact, it's sitting on my kitchen worktop but I keep forgetting to pick the darn thing up - doh!!

The sun's shining again - yippee - hope you're all having decent weather where you are.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Lovely Bloggers,

It’s been an age since I have blogged! Managed to catch up last night,
A lot has been going on!

Just to forewarn you, this is a long one! :o)

Susan S – wonderful news, I’m absolutely delighted for you xx Love and hugs to you all.

Keith - Sounds like you had a great holiday, you will always be a superstar in our eyes! I hope all goes well for you on the 11th, I will be thinking of you and saying
Some very special prayers for a very very special person!

Lyndyloo – I know you are already on your hols, I hope you are having a great time, you deserve it xx

Chrissie S – Thanks for being you xx

Hazel – Miss you, sending you lots of love xx

Jo – How are you doing? Baby George is gorgeous! Love and hugs to you both xx

Amanda – So nice to see you on the blog, good to hear you are recovering xx

Anna – Agree with Chrissie your msg to Dancerjen was spot on xx

Hello to all the new bloggers, it’s a very friendly blog you will like it here!

Moose – Congratulations, hope all is going well for you and the family xx

Jollygit – So sorry to hear the hassle you have had, glad it all worked out well. Congratulations to Mr J on his new job. Thanks for the update from Hazel xx

Sorry if I have missed anyone, it’s not intentional xx

I’ve been finding things pretty tough these last few weeks, having that horrible flu over Christmas really took it out of me and had a knock on effect with my ME, also
Hit a really low point with depression, but thankfully I’m through the other side!
My wee auntie, the last one from my Mum’s side of the family sadly passed away,
she has gone to a much better place and now she will be with my Uncle who she
absolutely adored. I used to love listening to the stories of when they were courting, she would always say she had the best man in the world – bless her. I really miss her, I used to call in on her on my way home from work a couple of evenings a week and also on a Sunday. On Sunday after I had dropped off the young girl I befriend I drove to my Aunt’s house, when I realised what I had done I just burst into tears. The same thing happened when I lost my Mum I still drove to her house. I just couldn’t get used to her not being here, I would still phone her when I thought of things to tell her, for a few weeks I would still do her shopping with mine!

Sorry didn’t intend to go into all of that!

I had a lovely week down at my Sister’s the week before last. Lots of r and r, some retail therapy and nice walks, just what the doctor ordered as they say xx

Apologies for the long blog.

Hope you are all having a good day.

Take care
Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - no worries - I know you will provide the recipie when you can!

Mary - it is so lovely to see you back on the blog. I know you have had a really hard time of it in recent months. I swear to you, when my mum died (12 years ago) I would often think "oh, I must give mum a quick ring, she will love this" and then remember she was not there. Really bloody awful. But, we get through it, don't we?

The other week I was thinking of you and thought that you were actually the FIRST contributor on CE's blog! Now, that is a claim to fame that some day we can tell those young whipper-snappers next door!

Hope everyone else is o.k.

C xx

P.S. Sammie - are you managing to lurk?! Let us know how you are!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chrissie

That's very true it is awful, most days you just deal with it, don't know how but we just do and then there are other days when you feel someone is ripping your heart out!

Lol re CLP's blog - that's the only claim to fame I'm likely to have lol

Mary xx

jollygit said...

Baked chocolate cheesecake

250g digestive biscuits
2 handfuls of Maltesers
150g unsalted butter, melted
600g cream cheese
170g caster sugar
500ml sour cream
4 large free-range or organic eggs
2tbsp vanilla essence
Zest of 2 oranges
250g chocolate, broken into small pieces

Preheat oven to 170oC / 325 oF / gas mark 3. Line a 24cm spring-form tin with greaseproof paper.

Smash up the biscuits and a handful of Maltesers, either in a food processor or by hand. Mix in the melted butter. Press mixture firmly into the prepared tin using the back of a spoon.

Whip the cream cheese with the sugar, sour cream, egg yolks, vanilla essence and orange zest until smooth and light. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until firm. Fold carefully into your cream cheese mixture, along with the broken chocolate pieces. Pour on to the biscuit base and bake in the oven for about 50 minutes or until lightly golden, firm on the outside and wobbly in the middle.

Place the cheesecake into the fridge and allow to set for an hour. Bash up the remaining handful of Maltesers and sprinkle on top of your cheesecake.

It is truly delicious!!!!


Anonymous said...

Jollygit! - what a recipie! Thank you for that.

Between your recipie and Anna's, the chances of me sporting this summer's fashions are starting to look "not likely"!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Those recipes sound delicious - I can feel my arteries furring up just reading them ... but I s'pose they have fruit in them so they're not so bad!

Apologies for absence over the past few days. Bloomin' work getting in the way. I'll try and come back later.

dancerjen said...

Recipe noted down!!! Ooooh can't wait to try these out...

Thankyou SO much for your comments, specially Anna and Chrissie S :D they cheered me up no end and I keep reading them and trying not to cry!

Big Deep Breaths this afternoon - I won't put it off any longer!

dancerjen said...

Did it!! Now I have real free time until Easter but it's looking very hopeful that I'll be helping at the greengrocers after Easter - am well excited!!!!

Anonymous said...


Dancerjen - Well done, congratulations xx

Jollygit/Anna - your cheesecake's sound yummy, will definately give them a try!

Hope you are all having a good hump day! Can't believe we more than half way through the week already!

Take care
Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Dancerjen: really well done! See ..... it's amazing what can happen, isn't it?! Working in a greengrocers - you will meet so many people, and will hear just about EVERYTHING, so be prepared!

I can't believe that we are so close to Easter already. Half-way through Lent and I still did not manage to give up anything. Shocking, really.

MsS had an interview yesterday for a Saturday job (she will be 17 next week). She thought it went well, and will know at 5pm today whether the job is hers. I have everything crossed, because I have to admit, MrS & me really can't afford any more tops and jeans that she "needs"!!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Chrissie - Sending lots of Good luck vibes to Ms S xx

I was very fortunate coming from a big family and being the second youngest, I got paid to do the chores for the older ones so I didn't need to get a Saturday job but I remember always wishing I could work in a Chemist! Don't know why but there you go.

Mary xx

jollygit said...

Mary - I used to work at the local chemist on Saturday afternoons from 2-5.30pm and I earned 75p for the whole shift - and I thought I was rich!

My favourite job was sorting out all the different sizes of tablet and medicine bottles which in those days were good old clear or brown glass. I absolutely loved making order out of chaos. The other job I liked was pouring paracetamol into the measuring machine and filling the bottles up, then putting the cotton wool in the top!

In those days (we're talking around 1975) we still had a whistling kettle at home that went on the gas stove. At the chemist they had an electric kettle, and one Saturday afternoon I was asked to put the kettle on for a cup of tea. What I didn't realise, of course, is that electric kettles, even when empty, seem to weigh a ton and so I just plugged it in, thinking that it was full of water. Unfortunately it was empty, and I managed to blow the thing up. Needless to say my mum went to Boots after that!!!!

Aah, happy days ....

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - what a great story about your Saturday job - hilarious! And takes me back to the lovely days when paracetamol bottles had cotton wool in them!!

When I was 16, I worked the summer holidays in an insurance office. The lady who owned the business (with her husband) insisted on having her coffee with boiled milk. I had never, in my life, boiled milk, but she assumed I knew what I was doing. Result? One burned pot, of course. I must have used a packet of Brillo pads trying to recover that pot to its former glory!

As you say ..... happy days!

C xx