Saturday, 15 March 2008


Elder mooselet's birthday on Sunday. Yes, I know....

Maybe the price I paid for the small misleading statement (I didn't actually write that his birthday was last weekend when requesting, just said it was his birthday at the weekend without being specific which one...) is that the first time I got to even try to Listen Again was this morning, concerned that it would already have been wiped in favour of this Friday's ARF. and of course I was right. Anyone with an MP3 file of the 7th March show, please e-mail it to me!!!!!

Had an interesting lunch with the CEO on Friday discussing possible permanent roles for me in the company. We've agreed to keep running as we are at the moment and keep the dialogue going as to future directions. As long as I'm earning decently and enjoying what I'm doing, I have no current need to know what's coming next and am contented to go with the flow, dipping my oar in the water now and again to slightly influence the direction that flow takes me in.

Inspiration has struck on the book front. I am making some progress again on Book 1. I can truly call it that now because I have an idea for Book 2. It's not a sequel as I don't really have any story threads in Book 1 that justify one, but it is a spin-off in that Book 2 is essentially the story of a character mentioned in one line of Book 1. I am at the mind-mapping chapters and ideas stage at the moment, trying not to get too distracted from completing Book 1 ready for sending to agents, but excited at the thought of being at the very beginning of the creative process again. Starting on Book 2 is also important to persuade an agent/publisher that I've got more than one book in me. Plane journeys are impossible to use for the work left on Book 1 anyway, so using the time with my little notebook and my ideas for Book 2 isn't really distraction...convinced? I'm not sure I am...


jollygit said...

Moose - congrats on Mooselet #1's birthday for Sunday. It wasn't exactly cheating was it?! I couldn't get the Listen Again to work for your ARF mention - it kept saying it couldn't play it so I hope you can find it somehow.

Good luck with book # 2 - can't wait to see your name in print ...

I like that you are pretty much going with the flow on this new job of yours ... if in doubt, do nowt, as my mum would say!

Have a good week, wherever you are

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Moose - hope your mooselet had a good birthday! You are sounding in really good form - Book #2 - very impressive!

We are experiencing a lovely day in Glasgow (2 in a row - something of a record). It really does make everything so much better when the sun shines.

MsS enjoyed her weekend working in the clothes store - though her feet are killing her! After yesterday's shift it was discovered that some clothes had been stolen during the afternoon. I tried to explain to her that thieves don't actually walk around in a striped jumper, and carrying a bag saying "swag" - in fact they can be dressed top to toe in Jaeger, but still be thieves!!

And Keith, from last week, I know you are right. If I think for one moment I am off the hook money-wise, I am a fool!

Dancerjen - thanks for the update - I was wondering how things are going for you.

Hope everyone has a good week - the office is closed Friday and next Monday, really looking forward to the long weekend. And ..... Westlife on Thursday! Does life get any better than this?!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Happy Birthday to young Mooslet for last Sunday.

You'll know when you get the right offer for further employement (or not) so I think it's good to hang loose.

For anyone that wants to help me out I'm doing the race for life this year with Mum and some of my friends. It's only 5km but 3 of us are going to run it and Mum & her friend are going to have a leisurly stroll round the course. It's on the 6th of July and I'd like to raise £1000 I thought it was the least I could after the trauma of Mum's breast cancer and then losing Dad.


Anonymous said...

Hey - what's up? Is everyone in a huff because I mentioned Westlife? Again?!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Jollygit Thank-you thank-you thank-you!!!! All sponsorship very gratefully received!!!

Am off to the gym tomorrow for first training session...


lyndyloo said...

And Chrissie mention away... can't beat a bit of Westlife!


Anonymous said...

Afternoon all

I thought I would pop in and say hello! Hello! Hello!

A belated happy birthday to mooselet #2 for last Sunday. And good luck moose with the book, number 1 and 2! I admire you for following your dream to become a published author. As for the job I am sure that with your experience and your CEO’s good judgement an agreement will come out of your ongoing talks that suits both parties.

Apologies for not being around much. I still am heavily involved in an employment tribunal and I have been with our solicitors for the last two days getting statements sorted out ti defend my actions. A very stressful time to be honest but I am assured that I did the right thing and it will be worth it in the long run.

I also thought I would update you as I had my stitches out today straight after a visit to the dentist so what a morning I have had. Still all is well and I am on the mend very well. I am going to the gym again tonight and expect to go swimming on Thursday night.

Lyndyloo good luck with the raceforlife I have made my donation. ;-)) Great cause, you are my fifth donation so far so there is still time for more people to get some more money out of me.

Keep smiling one and all!

Keith the NotSoBigUn

jollygit said...

Lyndyloo - my absolute pleasure xx And how proud would your dad be of you and your mum, eh?! xx

Keith - ouch, ouch, ouch on having those stitches out, but I'm so pleased you are on the mend. This tribunal can't be good for you though, so I hope it all goes well and is over very soon xx

Chrissie - Westlife, absolutely no problem with them - phwoar!!!!

jollygit xx

lyndyloo said...

Not-so-big-un Thanks again for the sponsorship. I made a little comment on your bookface (as my Mum calls it) but it don't do any 'arm to say it again!


Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo and Jollygit: I knew this blog was the place for me - thank you for understanding that although I am actually 51, I still like behaving as though I am 15!

Lyndyloo: I will be sponsoring you - I am also sponsoring the two girls in my office - so plenty of time before the Race, and you will hear from me!

Keith - how fantastic to hear you are healing so well. However, I'm sure the tribunal is something you can really do without, so hopefully that will be over soon.

Heading off home in 10 mins - I love it when I am on "early shift"!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all!

Moose - well it is all go with you and hope Mooselet #1 had a fabby birthday! Good luck with the books and the ongoing talks with the CEO. As others have said you will know when the right thing comes along for you. You must be exhausted with all the travelling and work so take care of yourself.

At 41 I act 14 when Take That are involved so can hardly blame ChrissieS for acting 15 at 51 for Westlife! You go girl, have a wonderful time, you deserve it!

Lyndyloo - I will donate and think you are doing a wonderful thing. Give me a couple of weeks and I will put the link in and do it!

Notsobig'un - Keep your chin up and try not to let the stress get to you. Have been thinking of you although only lurking on here recently.

General things - I am now back at work although still not fully fit. I do a couple of part time days and a couple of more or less full time days and am thoroughly shattered but happy to get life back on an even keel.

I will leave you with an interesting observation for the day!!!:

1. The sport of choice for the urban poor is BASKETBALL.

2 The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is

3 The sport of choice for front-line workers is FOOTBALL.

4 The sport of choice for supervisors is BASEBALL.

5 The sport of choice for middle management is TENNIS.
And finally........

6 The sport of choice for corporate executives and officers is GOLF.

The higher you go in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become!!!

I just hope my boss doesn't read this!!!!!!!!!

A x

Anonymous said...

testing testing one two three come in blog hazel to blog come in blog are you recieving me over?

Anonymous said...

Ah is that Ms Love I see! Is is a mirage or can it be true? So long in the wilderness can she really have found a working pooter? ;-)


Anonymous said...

Amanda thanks for thinking of me when lurking. The ET is stressful to be honest but it should all be over by 15 May so not long now apart from it all heating up now that the lawyers are taking a keen interest in the proceedings.


Anonymous said...

tis me. am keeping v low profile at risk of scaring anything lying undergrowth. have been checking every day to see if this is possible but slowlee slowlee catchee monkee or similar. hope all are well and just to say if i suddenly disappear again it ain't coz i'm not thinking of you all. shhhhhhhhh...just heard the crack of a twig...ooooooooooooo



Anonymous said...

Ok Sssshhhhhhhh it is (says Keith whispering as not to wake the up the natives) I am very pleased to you made it onto the blog eve if it is only a brief visit. Tread carefully as those pesky twigs can rip your tights, cut your toes and then what would you look like! ;-)) Been thinking of you as well ;-))

jollygit said...

Psst .... hi Hazel lovey - good to see you again. Hoping all is well - has the rustling in yer undergrowth stopped yet?!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

just wundrin how long its gonna take me to catch up as it may all go again and i will have read everyfin in vein. think am ok although have not yet finished checking number of limbs remaining. card in post for mooselet#1 possibly now early for next year. akshully thats a lie. i don't know where moose family moosinson live so that has put kybosh on that. undergrowth needs severe trim but that probably not for here. has anyone organised an easter egg hunt for tomorrow and why are we sponsoring lyndyloo by the way baby i don't get wayn or anything. at the moment i barely get anything anything!
have to switch off AGAIN!!! now so chow maybe tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Just clocking in to wish you all a Happy Easter!

Psst - that includes you Hazel Love, I can see you peeking out from the undergrowth, don't be shy now, surely you won't go again? I missed you too! Hazel Love? Hazel Lo-ove? where's she gone now?

Anyone spying a shy Hazel Love lurking in the undergrowth please report immediately to Moose's control room.

'See' you all next week!

A x

PS Happy Westlife, Chrissie S!
A x

Anonymous said...

We're on the countdown for the holiday weekend - Hurrah!

I just KNOW that I will be awake at my usual time tomorrow morning, even though I am desperate for a lie in.

I am planning to attend the Good Friday service tomorrow at 3pm which I feel is the very least I can do, taking into account that I gave up nothing for Lent, even though I promised myself I would "do something"!

I am meeting up with the lovely MWK on Saturday - really looking forward to it - we have been trying to organise a date since ....oh .....September last year!

And then on Sunday we are going to my sister's for lunch and I thought I might take a bottle of bubbly, which is her favourite tipple. She was definitely born into the wrong family because she has ideas WAY above her station in life!!

Have a lovely Easter everyone.

C xx

P.S. Hazel - just lovely to see you on the blogs! We are missing you so much!

lyndyloo said...

HL!!!!! Hooray!!! I know you're ingogwotsit but it's soooooo good to see you back... thought you'd been swallowed up by the pesky BP's for good.

It's neeeerley the elongated weekend so I'm going to take the opportunity to wish you all a very happy Easter with lots of choccy (if that's your tipple) or JD if you're Hazel and I hope you all have a lurrvely time. Persoanlly I'll be using tomorrow to catch up with stuff while the phone isn't ringing and then having a bit of an R&R weekend. I'm off to Spain next week to look at a few properties that someone wants to offload. Thought it'd be good to take Mum for a couple of days and help her chill out after the trauma of last week.

Luy you loads

& Booboo

jollygit said...

Chrissie - hope you have a lovely time with MWK - please give Mary my love xxxx

Lyndyloo - hope all goes well in Spain for you and your mum xx

Happy Easter one and all - see you next week xx

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Hello all

Is she really there? That Love woman, lurking? Balaclava at the ready.......steady......
No not BalaCAVA - that will pop ! no not baclava - that's a sweet pastry
Hoppy Easter all of you
Flakes on a plane!

love from Caroline xx

Book 2 moose.......hold on it's gonna be a bumpy ride!
Remember us when book 1 gets published and then bok 2 gets to the silverscreen..... ooer

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad to be back at work! Got into the office yesterday morning just in time to receive a call from MsS' school to say she was ill and I had to collect her. Terrible migrane which resulted in her being ill for most of the day, so I couldn't go back to work. Can you imagine how popular I am! And I will have to take yesterday as a day's holiday!

I had a lovely weekend. Westlife were amazing, just really brilliant, even though I had the tallest girl on planet earth standing in front of me!

Saturday, I met up with Mary which was just lovely. What a great girl she is - one of life's crackers!

To top everything off, our email at work is kaput which is frustrating to say the least - my how we now rely on email!!

Hope you are all ok.

C xx

jollygit said...


Just thought I'd see if there was anybody out there lurking ...... Ms Love is incommunicado once again but is hopeful of getting in under the radar again soon and sends her love to all.

Chrissie - I'm so glad that Westlife were brilliant (can you see how green I am?) and how lovely that you were able to meet up with Mary.

Well, if you're all going to hide then I won't tell you about my Easter weekend, so there.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - I'm here! And I would love to hear about your Easter weekend!

Just a quick update, because I would hate to bore the hoards of people taking part on this blog these days (!) to let you know, I am off to Liverpool tomorrow morning for the weekend. MrS and I are going with another couple we have know since ... longer than any of us cares to remember. Really looking forward to it and I am hoping that once we have done all the Beatles stuff, we might get a ferry 'cross the Mersey - but with my luck there will be high winds and the damn thing will be off!

Next week - off to the Court for jury duty. I've had a look at my number and it's almost guaranteed they will call it out! If you don't hear from me, you'll know that I managed to get myself arrested because I didn't agree with the other jurors and a riot broke out!

Take care everyone. See you sometime next week.

C xx

jollygit said...

Chrissie - sorry it's so late to be telling you my saga, but here goes:

On Easter Sunday, myself and 'im indoors went back to Sussex for a family lunch at a hotel to celebrate four milestone birthdays: an 18th, a 50th, an 80th and an 85th.

On the way we stopped for petrol and en route to the till the heel of my boot went over and I slipped on the slightly wet floor. I put my arm out to right meself but quickly realised that I was going to clear a whole shelf of tinned food etc, and rather than draw any more attention to myself, I sort of flung my arm back and managed to get meself upright again. In the process of course, I did some damage to my back! This all happened in the space of about 10 seconds and I felt a proper chump I can tell you!!!!!

The party itself went very well although it's horrible seeing the rellies getting older by the minute. The 85-year old aunt had to have a snooze after the lunch and was wheeled into the conservatory, the 80-year old uncle got embarrassed at having a huge balloon with '80' emblazoned on it, my 50-year old cousin got emotional and his 18-year old son couldn't leave his girlfriend alone!

Whilst driving my mum & dad back to their place we stopped at some traffic lights and saw a man lying on the pavement - no idea how long he'd been lying there but plenty of people would have seen him. Anyhoo, we pulled over and 'im indoors and and I got out, me clutching me mobile phone. We approached with caution, and asked if he needed help. He was groaning and then said that he had chest pains, so I called for an ambulance. Luckily for us about 10 mins later a police car came by so we flagged it down and were able to be on our way.

I haven't had such an exciting Sunday for years!

Anyhoo, have a lovely weekend in Liverpool and fingers cross for your jury duty next week. Thanks for listening!!!!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Oh it has all gone quiet over here! It has all gone quiet over here! Come on boys and girls sing along……..

Well good morning to all that lurk and to the few who have been posting. ;-) I know I have been not much better with getting on here and blabbing on, sorry!

Jollygit you did have quite a weekend in Liverpool didn’t you! You did good things and should be very proud of yourselves for stopping to help the man on the pavement in this day and age so many would have just simply driven by not wanting to get involved. Good on yer!

Chrissie, jury duty how exciting for you. I have never been called to do my duty in that way. I do hope you get an interesting case to decide over. I fear however that much of what goes through the courts is dull, dull, dull so good luck. Still if it is really boring you could always hum along to a Westlife tune or two.

I am a little worried that hazel may be stuck in the saaaff coast undergrowth with just a poorly pooter for company.

Keep smiling

Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all,
all, all, all, all, all ......

We are either all incredibly busy, or in need of Moospiration. Trust you are all keeping well and that aches, pains, coughs and diseasels are waning or being avoided. Whether of the human or pooter variety!

For myself, I have been busy for the past few weeks. Managed a trip to the ideal home exhib over Easter but other than that, it's been the usual work, TV, Bed, work, TV, Bed rotation.

Losing an hours sleep into Sunday morning didn't help, but then you don't really lose it on a Sunday do you? Somehow it seems to catch up with you on a Monday morning! It's deffo thrown my body clock out this week!

Speak soon

DD out

PS Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance!

Anonymous said...

Blimey it really is quiet on here! ;-(

Is it something we said (or not as the case may be)?

DD good to see you back online with….. err…… me…..


Keith the NotSoBigUn

Anonymous said...

Hiya Keith, fancy seeing you here?

Will the last one to leave please turn off the lights!!!

DD out

jollygit said...

Oh phew, I made it at last ..... so glad you waited for me!!

It's been crazy here at work and I just haven't had a minute to blog.

Keith - thank you for the kind words. I was amazed that no-one else had even bothered to stop to see if the guy was OK. Are we all getting cynical in our old age, d'you think?

Am off to M/Keynes in about half an hour's time to catch up with three girlfriends, all from the south east area, and then we're off to Oxford tomorrow morning and staying overnight. It's an annual get-together and I'm really looking forward to it.

Hope you're keeping well Keith xx

Hazel is still having pooter problems, and a number of power cuts hasn't helped matters, but she's trying to stay cheerful and sends love, as always.

Have a good weekend everyone and I'll catch up with you on Monday, snow permitting.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

It's OK everyone, i've just had an early look around MK and it seems to have survived the onslaught of Hurricane Jollygit and pals!

DD out

jollygit said...

DD - we left MK in exactly the same state that we found it!! Went to that well known Swedish store on Sunday on our return from Oxford - what bliss not having to queue for 2 hours to find a parking space (unlike Croydon/Thurrock) and not having to wait 4 hours to get through the checkout - heaven!!

Milton Keynes and Oxford were a hoot, despite waking up in Oxford on Sunday morning to four inches of snow. I couldn't believe it - there was no hint of it on Sat night when we left Malmaison (formerly Oxford prison) and where we'd had cocktails and a wonderful dinner. The scene from the bedroom window on Sunday morn was just like a Christmas card. Mind you, by the time we'd surfaced and had breakfast the sun was out and it melted quickly, but my drive back to Kent some 3 hours later was through blizzard conditions - and yet why do some people still drive without their car lights on?

Anyhoo, the weekend was lovely and we helped to relieve my friend of almost £500 for an outfit from Hobbs for her friend's wedding - oh it's so nice spending someone else's money!!!!!

Hope everyone is OK and not snowed in. La Love is alive and well, but still not quite under the radar, although she sends love.

Toodle-pip for now.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Well, I have escaped the clutches of the Scottish Courts system! As I predicted, I was chosen for a jury - 75 people in the court, 15 names to be chosen - yours truly Juror No.5! As it turned out, the case was dismissed - but not before I had taken copious notes, detailing full descriptions of each witness and going to great lengths to ensure I was paying full attention. Very pleased with myself, I was confident that when we got to the end of the case, I would be totally prepared in order to conduct my civic duty. Not to be .... the Crown withdrew the case, leaving the accused to head off to the nearest pub to celebrate, and as for me, I was so shattered I couldn't even manage to drink a glass of wine on Friday evening. Me!

Anyway, hope you are all well - nice to see you Keith and DD. Jollygit, glad to hear you had such a good weekend - Oxford is most definitely on my "to do" list.

C xx

jollygit said...

Chrissie - glad your stint of jury service is over for you but what an anti-climax after all your preparation!!

I used to be a Prison Officer so I was exempt from jury service for a long time ..... luckily, no-one's caught up with me since, but I'm not sure I'd enjoy it.

Oxford was brilliant and if you get the chance to go there for at least a day, try and go into the Malmaison Hotel which is right next door to Oxford Castle. Even if you're not dining there, it's worth a quick drink as you can always get someone to give you a quick tour. As an ex-prison, much like the one I worked in, it's steeped in history and is relatively unchanged although much cleaner than it would have been at one time!! The landings, railings and gates are exactly as they were when it was a working jail, and there is some beautiful Victorian architecture which is worth a look. We also did the open-top bus ride round the city which was OK but I'm planning on doing a Morse tour next time so that I can see more of the beautiful buildings. Anyhoo, I'd thoroughly recommend the place.

It's very quiet here on the blog and I hope everyone is OK.

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Just popping in to say Hi!

Not a lot to report - glad to say my boss has headed off for nearly three weeks holiday - I will need that time to pull myself together and face his return! I find myself, not for the first time, wishing I could win the Lottery!

A very quiet week Chez S this week - our lovely daughter has gone away for a couple of days with a friend and the friend's mum and I've got to say, the house is very strange, just the two of us! However, we have been enjoying the peace and it was very nice to be met off the train last night by MrS and we popped into the pub for a glass of wine and a chat. It was lovely not to have to rush home and "make the tea"!!

Hope everyone is ok - thinking of you all!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's me but I found visualising some of the following very amusing!

you find out interesting things when you have sons, like:-

1. A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 200 m2 house to a depth of 10 cm.

2. If you spray hair spray on dust balls and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite.

3. A 3-year old Boy's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant.

4. If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 20 Kg boy wearing

Batman underwear and a Superman cape. It is strong enough, however, if tied to a paint can, to spread paint on all four walls of a 6m x 6m room.

5. You should not throw cricket balls up when the ceiling fan is on. When using a ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a hit. A ceiling fan can hit a cricket ball a long way.

6. The glass in windows (even double-glazed) doesn't stop a cricket ball hit by a ceiling fan.

7. When you hear the toilet flush and the words 'uh oh', it's already too late.

8. Brake fluid mixed with bleach makes smoke, and lots of it.

9. A six-year old Boy can start a fire with a flint rock even though a 36-year old Man says they can only do it in the movies,

10. Certain Lego's will pass through the digestive tract of a 4- year old Boy.

11. Play dough and microwave should not be used in the same sentence.

12. Super glue is forever.

13. No matter how many jelly crystals you put in a swimming pool you still can't walk on water.

14. Pool filters do not like jelly crystals.

15. VCR's do not eject 'BL&T' sandwiches even though TV commercials show they do.

16. Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.

17. Marbles in petrol tanks make lots of noise when driving.

18. You probably DO NOT want to know what that smell is.

19. Always look in the oven before you turn it on; plastic toys do not like ovens.

20. The fire department in Brisbane, Qld, has a 5-minute response time.

21. The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earthworms dizzy.

22. It will, however, make cats dizzy.

23. Cats throw up twice their body weight when dizzy.

80% of Women will pass this on to almost all of their friends, with or without kids.

80% of Men who read this will try mixing the bleach and brake fluid.

dancerjen said...

DD, you just made me laugh right out loud for the first time in weeks!

I have read that before and I seem to remember it having exactly the same effect last time :)

I really really really hope that the seamonkey currently taking up residence inside me turns out to be female... however I am sure that even if it is a she there will be some interesting things that we will learn.

I have been lurking, on and off, but as all that seems to be happening with me these days is sleeping eating and throwing up, there's not really been much to report on so I thought I'd spare you all the details!


lyndyloo said...

Hi Everyone

Did anyone see Moose lurking? I'm a bit concerned about his quietness.It may be that he's just too busy to breathe or that he's just being reflective. Wherever you are Moose we're thinking of you.

I'm still nursing Mummy with no nails and Booboo's brother Mustard but apart from that I've given back the wine bar (on temp loan while friend was away) and booked myself in at the quacks for a 50,000 mile service. It must be due by now.

How is everyone anyway (apart from Dancerjens tum that is)????

& Booboo

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Apologies for abscence - due to heavy workload.

Moose - hope you are OK, it has been awful quiet around here, guess you and everyone else are busy, busy.

DD - Regarding Wednesday's list - number 10 - medium sized marbles can do too! But maybe that's not for here!!! It re-appeared at school, much to the teacher's chagrin!

Well what a mixture of weather we are having currently. We have had everything except fog up here in the north west this week!

Dancerjen - hope the sickness passes soon and you start to bloom! Have you managed to keep at the job in the Greengrocer?

Jollygit - hi to you and pass hi onto Hazel Love as well.

Notsobig'un - hope you are OK. Been thinking of you.

MWK - thinking of you too!

Lyndyloo - you always sound so, so busy. Hope your 50k service goes well.

ChrissieS - {huggles} - because I can!

To anyone I have missed - Hi and hope you are all well!

Have a great weekend one and all. I am off to the pool tomorrow to try my recovering arm and leg out! Here's hoping I don't sink!

Hope to have time to catch you all next week.

A x

dancerjen said...

Yep I've still got the job at the greengrocers, as of next week it's up to two afternoons/week and I'm being trained to look after the place as a sort of supervisor-type person kind of thing for those two days. And then Saturday afternoons too starting in May. All good! I've been forbidden to lift, reach, strain or otherwise exert myself though, which is nice - I have a good caring boss :)

Thank goodness the sickness seems to have settled a bit now, hopefully this whole "blooming" thing will start to happen soon! Can't wait to be able to wear t-shirts with things on them like "do NOT touch the bump" hehe I am going to be such a grouchy mum-to-be :D

Spring cleaning today, hurrah hurrah!

Anonymous said...


How lovely to see Dancerjen, Amanda and Lyndyloo!

And, yes, Lyndyloo - I am wondering where Moose is, too!

Dancerjen - my sympathies are with you. I was so very lucky with my pregnancy with MsS - I was only sick once and that was because I stupidly ate only fruit one lunchtime (at the very start of the pregnancy) because I didn't want to gain too much weight! Hopefully it will all settle down and you will soon be feeling serene!

Amanda - I return the huggles!

I am slowly recovering from seeing Mamma Mia last Saturday. I have never felt so emotional watching any show - from the first song until the end I was in tears! What a mess I was in! Apart from the fact it is a spectacular show, I suppose I was just re-living my life through Abba's music - it was brilliant and utterly exhausting!

Hope everyone is ok.

C xx

Anonymous said...


I know we are all REALLY busy, but if you can, just take a moment to wish a happy birthday to .... Jimmy Osmond!

Have a happy day, Jimbo!!

C xx

P.S. You don't HAVE to be crazy to contribute to this blog, but it sure does help!

Anonymous said...

Nobody's playing, so I'm in a huff now.

No, really I am.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jimmy Osmond!

Chrissie - you are confused! Moose has posted a new missive - mind you there seems to be only a few around on there too!

A x