Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Free...to do whatever...

Great news! I don't have a job yet...

Honestly, I went into it with an open mind and determined that if it was right for me I would give up my life of leisure, writing and golf - if indeed there is any discernible difference between the three - and go back to work.

But fortunately the roles they have available, while I could theoretically do all 6 of them, are all a little limited for me. I want to do all 6 at the same time, but that's the job of the guy I met with. So it's him or me and he's the incumbent.

After three sexist and two racist comments and way too much detail on his sex life since his wife divorced him - surely ANY detail is too much in a pseudo-job interview situation? - I'm not sure I'd be happy working with him anyway. Sure, lots of people end up being like that when you work with them every day, but when it's so openly thrown in your face at the first meeting, it's a little different.

So today I am at the gym, then going shopping (there were no delivery slots available when we belatedly tried to book one on Sunday night so I'm once more consigned to the drudgery of a manual shop...), then off to the office to write a bit before helping out in the after school schedule from hell (whole schedule: pick up mooselet #1 at 3.05, take both to swimming, #2 from 3.30 to 4 and #1 from 4 to 4.30, then on to Beavers for #1 for 5-6 - my part in the schedule: collect #1 from Beavers). Normal day really. I don't have access to my office for Wednesday and Thursday so I do believe I will be FORCED to spend a lot of time on the golf course...

And no dodgy jokes about Beavers, please.


Anonymous said...

Hiya Moose - I think you are quite wise not to jump into something you feel is not right. "Your" job is out there, and you will find it. Completely inappropriate chat from the guy. Sounds like just the sort of person you want to avoid at all costs.

In the meantime, you do sound like the busiest man on the planet!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Afternoon - just received this and thought I should let you all know -

Beer Warning:

Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, parties and local pubs to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman.

Many females use a date rape drug on the market called "Beer." The drug is found in liquid form and is available anywhere. It comes in bottles, cans, or from taps and in large "kegs".

Beer is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and sleep with them. A woman needs only to get a guy to consume a few units of Beer and then simply ask him home for no strings attached sex.

Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several beers, men will often succumb to the desires to sleep with horrific looking women whom they would never normally be attracted.

After drinking beer, men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before, often with just a vague feeling that "something bad" occurred.

At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life's savings, in a familiar scam known as "a relationship."

In extreme cases, the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a longer term form of servitude and punishment referred to as "marriage." Men are much more susceptible to this scam after beer is administered and sex is offered by the predatory females.

Please! Forward this warning to every male you know.

If you fall victim to this "Beer" scam and the women administering it, there are male support groups where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter with similarly victimized men.

For the support group nearest you, just look up "Golf Courses" in the phone book.

For a video to see how beer works follow the Beer Demo link below:

Beer Demo

A x

lyndyloo said...

.... did I ever tell you I had a company called "Cute Beaver Limited"? The bank manager loved me :)))


ps. if anyone wants me I'll be in NC1

Anonymous said...

Moose - hope the afternoon/evening schedule was achieved - mine went something like this:

5.30 - left work to catch 2 buses home

6.20 - arrived home - enquired about school days - which I am very pleased to report were very successful!

6.45 - left home for a meeting

9.05 - arrived home to a cooked dinner

9.30 - hubby left for work

10.00 - dragged my tired backside to bed!

Got up this morning and realised it is ONLY Wednesday - oh how the week is dragging. Might take the boys swimming tomorrow after work - that will be fun!

It is soooooooo quiet here. Hope everyone is OK.

Here is another warning to men:

Giving Up WINE

I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner.

I took out my wallet, got out five pounds and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some wine with it instead of dinner?"

"No, I had to stop drinking years ago", the homeless woman told me.

"Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?" I asked.

"No, I don't waste time shopping," the homeless woman said. "I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive."

"Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?" I asked.

"Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless woman. "I haven't had my hair done in 20 years!"

"Well," I said, "I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to take you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight."

The homeless woman was shocked. "Won't your husband be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting."

I said, "That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine."

A x

Anonymous said...

Amanda - very funny!

Speaking of hair appointments, I had my hair cut last Thursday. I have been going to the same hairdresser for about 2/3 years and I really like him. However, he is a bit of a Diva and I said to him "last time, you cut my hair just a wee bit too short, so maybe just leave it a little longer this time". He smiled. Result? He hardly cut anything off it and I will probably have to go back in about three or four weeks and that'll be another 42 quid! No wonder you never see a poor hairdresser!

And yes, this is officially the longest week ever! Well, certainly in a long time. I woke up this morning, certain it was Thursday. Devastating to find out it's only Wednesday.

Not to worry, we can all keep each other going today ...... Where IS everybody?!

C xx

Moose said...

Chrissie - I have to agree with you only I beat you by a day - I have been running around this morning planning what to do with the mooselets at the weekend, convinced that it's Friday today...

I am running late today - am still at the gym having just finished my sandwich and coffee after training, I'll call it brunch because they stop serving breakfast at 11am and I missed the cut-off. My habit at the moment seems to be to get the mooselets up in the morning so I don't leave the house until everyone else does at 8.30. The traffic is then heavy so I don't start training until 9.30 or so...today was my run and swim session. I spent some of yesterday writing up my training plan article, but have no office today (how very dare they! - oops, apparently I'm not allowed to use that construction of very ordinary and unpatented words without getting sued by a fabulously wealthy comedienne. Am I bovvered? Oops I did it again! and now I'll have Britney on my back too.)

lyndyloo said...

Happy Hump day to anyone that's still out there!

I'm in the new Leicester office today and it's very posh!! I re-potted a couple of my plants and brought them over with me to add to the ones that Ruthy's bought and it's starting to feel a bit more cozy now. It's going to be very distracting on the ground floor as people walk by all day and I can't help but watch them... I'm sooo nosey!!!

Well does anyone fancy a cuppa and a biccy? I was feeling a bit dodgy yesterday but I think things are back to normal today.


Anonymous said...

Moose - of course I am expecting that when I wake up tomorrow I will think it's Friday!

Do you think you will ever be able to face getting back to the grindstone?!

Lyndyloo - ready for a cuppa any time! Glad to hear you are settling in. I work in an office where I am the back of the building looking into other buildings - we see the occasional gull. I would love to have an office where I could watch the world go by - people watching is great! Sorry to hear you were below par yesterday.

Be back soon.

C xx

jollygit said...

Hello everyone

Sorry I've been absent for a while, but it's been really hectic with students arriving and needing their hands held(!) and I've barely had time to read the blog, let alone post on it.

HL is still pooter-less and is getting cheesed off, not to mention somewhat bored but hopefully she'll be back with us again soon.

Moose - you don't have time to work do you with that busy schedule?!!

jollygit xx

PS So I'd better not mention the Beaver Inn pub that I used to live near!

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - nice to see you: I don't mean to put you under any pressure!!

Thanks for keeping us up to date with Ms Love. I think it's fair to say she is missed both here and next door!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

I can confirm that I managed a jacket spud and some fruit for lunch and the tummy is still ok so it looks like the worst has passed. I think it's probably to do with the feta cheese that was on part of my dinner on Monday night... I really can't do goats cheese.

On another point entirely I have now printed out my invitations for the big 40 party in December and have posted almost all of them so I'm feeling very smug!


Jo said...

I'm still here - sporadically, and still pregnant (very!!)

All hail Mark Radcliffe and Lisa Tarbuck, such a refreshing change from Steve Wright - am just about to wash all the baby clothes and hang them out on the line - I'm not sure I have enough pegs though!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - talk about organised! Not a bad thing though - it will be December before we can say.... it'll be December soon!

I can't really believe how fast this year has disappeared - do you think it is going faster because we all speak to each other every day (more or less?). It seems one minute it's Monday then it's Friday afternoon, and so on.

Maybe it's just me!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

No Chissie it's not you time is officialy flying, it's not been 2 minutes since I came back from Puerto Banus and yet my tan faded months ago!

lyndyloo said...

ps. Hi Jo!! Lok after your bump!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning and Greetings!

Just thought I would let you know that I have heard from Mary - we haven't seen her for a while. She had a wee bit of a setback with the recovery from her op, but she's slowly getting back to normal and she's feeling much better. See you soon Mary! x

Jo - one of the young guys in our office is (courtesy of his girlfriend) expecting his first baby very soon (due the 24th). He looks wrecked. Tells me his girlfriend is awake all night and sleeps all day while he's at work! Last night she decided (at midnight) that she didn't like the names they have chosen, so he got back out of bed, got some A4 paper and went through every permutation of names you could think of. At 1.20am, his girlfriend decided they would just keep the names the had originally picked! Is ANY of this happening in the Jo household?

Have a good day everyone.

C xx

Jo said...

Hi Chrissie - nothing of the sort is happening in the Jo household...Am in bed as a reasonable time, then asleep until at least 5 o clock when I might get up for a wee! The hours in between are totally lost to me, although I do wake up when i need to turn over.

As for the name thing, we have a girl name all sorted out but are semi stuck for a boy name (although have narrowed it down to either Thomas or Joseph....ssshhhh, well I've narrowed it down to those anyway, Mr Jo really has no choice in the matter!)

:o) Jo

PS Baby clothes look v cute on the line
PPS Am still very pregnant!!

Anonymous said...

Jo - loving the name choices - gorgeous!!!

Busy, busy, busy today so no time to join in. Sorry, normal service may be resumed on Monday but probably not before.

A x

Anonymous said...

Jo - I agree with Amanda - totally beautiful names for a boy.

Awwww - makes go all goosebump-y!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Jo- they're both great names... I have a cousin with a baby Joseph who is the cutest thing on the planet!!!!

Is it Thirsty Thursday already?


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone!

Hope you're all fine and dandy. Haven't read posts yet, but will catch up as soon as I can.

Work has COMPLETELY taken over my life. It's official. Last week, I did more overtime hours than actual working hours and boy am I paying for it. Absolutely shattered! Am off today though and don't intend doing much. I need a rest! There are lots of things that need doing here at home, but they can just wait until tomorrow. I need some ME time!

Right now, I'm orff to watch a Peter Kay DVD. Pure indulgence!

Will drop by later,

S xx.

jollygit said...

Thank goodness it's Friday, that's all I can say!!!

Update from HL - her pooter was due to be fixed yesterday but the man he say no, so she's still incommunicado. She sends her love and says 'hi' to everyone and really hopes to be back with us next week!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Please tell me it's Friday!

What a week - it has dragged by and I hate feeling like that because I do try to get something out of each day and all that, but for some reason this week has been l-o-n-g.

Sammie - you are working crazy hours, pet lamb. Hope you are enjoying your morning with Peter Kay - I love that man!

Jollygit - you're obviously in the same camp as me re: it being Friday! Hazel must be going crazy without her computer!

Hope everyone else is o.k.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all!

Peter Kay stories - Peter Kay's in laws used to live at the top of our road and we often saw him visiting. One day hubby saw him in the Co-Op (other local convenience stores available) and PK walked up to him to say hi (how freaky is that!).
Someone I used to work with knew his mother and the hotel we worked in was hosting a wedding that had the Phoenix nights theme (weird - eh?) and on the day PK turned up to offer the bride and groom his congratulations!!! He spent ages chatting to the Wedding Party and then went round the hotel to chat to all the staff.
All round top guy - and makes us laugh so much. Whenever we see interviews with him and he mentions the local shops it is so surreal as that is where we shop too and within walking distance to our house!!!

Things have calmed down here just a bit but I have an almighty head ache and can't wait for the day to end.

A x

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Still smiling after viewing the great PK! "It's spitting!"...

Jollygit - say "hi" to HL for me - she must be very frustrated!

Amanda - loved the PK stories - he seems like a great guy!

Chrissie - I am OK, but seriously thinking about my future.

I've written a letter today to the Chief Exec of the local NHS Trust, outlining my desire to re-train. I've decided that the best thing I can do at the moment is work as a volunteer once a week and have proposed as much to him. Let's see what comes back.

I hope you;re all having a good day! In my experience, Friday's are either quiet, or absolutely manic - one extreme to the other!

Jo - how are you lovvey? Hope you're enjoying your time at home before baby arrives (Oh and I am looking forward to it soooo much!!!) and getting plenty of rest and YOU time.

Righty, off to potter about and not do very much!


S xx.

Anonymous said...

Amanda - great to hear about Peter Kay! Doesn't surprise me in the least, he seems like such a genuinely nice guy. Have you read his autobiography? It is hilarious.

Re: Phoenix Nights - Ms S rolls off the chair laughing at it. I have told her that these clubs actually exist, which she can hardly believe. I can't wait until she's 18 and we can take her to our local social club and she'll see for herself!

Sammie - yes, I know you are planning big changes in the future. Do these plans include Special Friend?!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Chrissie - I would love my future plans to include Special Friend, but right now, I have to do what's right for me and my children. I've spent too many years sacrificing my wants and desires, making my husband the centre of my life, for no return. It's my turn now!

That sounds quite negative and I don't mean it to, but Special Friend loves me for the feisty, strong minded woman I am and appreciates that I have to do my own thing. I do love him, BUT I need to get my life in order before someone else becomes a central figure, if you know what I mean?

If he asked me to, I'd move in with him tomorrow, I may even marry him, but right now, I'm focussed on me and my kids.

On a really bright (and different) note, my daughter's school are paying for her to attend college two days per week, to study hairdressing. She absolutely loves it. It's so great when she comes home and is really excited and invigorated by her day.

At the end of this year, she will have a NVQ level 1 in hairdressing, which means that she can go straight out and start working as an apprentice at a hairdressers! The future looks good for her, I just hope she stays focussed.

Since Little Man started at the local school, he is very different. The contrast between him now and when he was at his old school is immense. I'm glad I forced him to move.

So, the kids are happy, Special Man is very attentive and very lovely. Now, if I can just take out a contract on the Ex.....

S xx.

lyndyloo said...

TFI Friday!

Hope everyone's had a good week and is ready to take on the weekend in a big way! I've got my bext mate out with me tonight so we're hitting the town (not such a big thing it's just a sleepy market town in North Warwickshire) and will most likely end up eating Indian food at some ungodly hour.

My team are playing at home tomorrow and I'll be there to cheer them along.

Have fun and see you all next week... off for an early lunch with Ruthy and Jon now...


lyndyloo said...

ps... if anyone is near Atherstone on Sunday it's our annual classic car show and it's great!

Moose said...

new post...apologies for it...