Tuesday, 18 September 2007

How to be truly happy

This is the title of article in the Daily Mail this morning. Not my reading material of choice to accompany a bacon and egg bap and an Americano but the only paper still available after my morning swim.

The article is by a novelist so I immediately thought there must be something in it. All novelists make complete sense whenever they have anything to say. Did I ever tell you I was a novelist, by the way?

Anyway, it seems that the secret to being happy is to delight in the little things of life and not make your happiness dependent on your job, your friends, your marriage etc etc. This all sounds like good advice. We have all got so used to making unhelpful comparisons versus other people and versus our own high expectations - "the guy in the next office earns more than me and he's useless" and "this isn't at all what I expected my marriage to be like" - that we forget to take pleasure in the small things.

However, I have a large but. That's a large but, not a large butt (well, actually...but that's an entirely different subject...) And here it is... But, there is a danger of getting lost in the small things and using them as distraction from the large and important things in our lives. Do we really want to end up saying things like: "I hate everything about my job but everything is OK because the coffee shop nearby makes a really good cappuccino" and "my wife is cheating on me but it's all fine because the sun is shining today"? I can't believe that such self-delusion is the course to true happiness.

In the midst of our disappointment and despair with the big things in life the good little things can provide crumbs of comfort and islands of respite. We should be thankful for them. And they will help ameliorate our sadness and depression to a certain extent. Most likely just enough to get us across the invisible line between the unbearable and the bearable. But I doubt that these little things will make us truly happy if all the big things are going horribly wrong?

She did say one important thing that I can agree with wholeheartedly. And that is that feeling connected with people is important for happiness. I also agree that we need to be thankful for all the connections that we have with other people, whether in real life or virtually.

So, thank you all for being connected through here. It really helps...

When I'm thinking clearly I know that there is only one thing that is really big and really important - not just for happiness but in general. Bigger than jobs and careers. More important than money or success or friendships or marriage.

And therein lies the real reason for my malaise at the moment - the fact that I feel far from God. Now he really is big and really is important. The exquisite froth on a cappuccino, a good day at the office, a bright sunny day - let's not lose sight of what these small things are; reminders to look to God and be thankful.

How did the Daily Mail miss that one? I'm off to read the Sun...


Anonymous said...

You are so right Moose – God IS in all of those small pleasures, He also sends us challenges because He knows we are strong enough to cope with them. We make our distance from Him, not He from us. If we lose sight of Him we need to reach out to find Him again. God is the reason we make our life choices – the big ones I mean. I lost God for a long, long time - turned my back on him and have spent years a lot poorer for it. Then I found Him and my life is rich again. Do not mistake this with my life being easier, it is by no means easier but it is so much more fulfilling.
God IS with you, Moose, you may not feel Him close by you at the moment but He is.
God bless Moose and I will pray for you.
A x

Anonymous said...


All I can say is that whatever is happening in your life at the moment that has caused you to move away from God, it will change.

I am so neglectful of God at times it really does make me ashamed of myself. But he understands and is always there. And he's going nowhere without you, so he's waiting for you, and you'll be back.

I'm thinking of you and I will say a wee prayer that I hope will help.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone!

It's like the opposite of don't sweat the small stuff...which I never really understood but there you go...but my small thing to be happy about is that I now have my system back HOORAH!

Back online - Am VERY happy now! Have really REALLY R-E-A-L-L-Y missed you all...

Anyhoo, have bananas loads of work to do, so will have to catch up slowly...there was a man they call Moose in my office this morning...

Must've binnan omen

...and I'm really gonna have to switch this off...at least for the time being...I hope you are all well...I have probably got gall stones...but that's not for here...

Anonymous said...


Hazel Love! How good to see you! Just get back here when you can.

Everyone: can I ask a little advice? I have the opportunity to get away for a week's break with my sister. However, the situation in my office with other people going on holiday, means I would have to go next Friday. Mr S is ok-ish about it, I haven't yet had the guts to mention it to Ms S. Is it unreasonable to up and leave them especially when it's just suddenly been thrown at us? I keep changing my mind. At 4.15 this morning it was a definite no. By 7.15 I thought it would be o.k. My husband is always fine about me going away with my sister but it's just that the timing is so bad.

Sorry, I'm just rambling! Don't know what to do. I'm always saying to people "listen to your inner voice" but mine keeps changing its mind! What do you think?

C xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Hazel Love - great to see you are back. You have been missed too!

Chrissie - GO FOR IT!!! It is only a week and just think of yourself. Mr S and Ms S will be just fine without you. Everyone will benefit when you return refreshed and raring to go! Have a fab time and send me a postcard! Will miss you though!

Moose - hope everything a bit better for you today and you are feeling a bit better. How did the fitness regime go this morning?

Lyndyloo - How did you get on yesterday (day 2) - can't wait to hear!

Hope Jollygit is OK and not lost on the buses again?

To everyone else - hope you are having a good hump day - grey and very damp here in NW today.

A x

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your advice! I know, it is only for a week and they are big people, so they will be fine. Ooooh, do you know something, it's the Catholic guilt thing, it's a killer! I'll let you know what's decided tonight after the crisis meeting at Chez S!

Jo - how's it all going? We now have a "sweep" in the office for our guy whose baby is due on the 24th. I thought I would be smart and get in first. I guessed yesterday (last week it looked like there were some contractions going on) but of course the baby was not born! This means I am liable for the first round of drinks when we wet the baby's head! I really should never gamble!

C xx

jollygit said...

Ding-ding, moooove darn the bus please!!!

Amanda - thank you for asking!! I'm fine and made it onto the correct bus yesterday and am hopeful that today will be equally successful!!!!! Mind you, 'im indoors called me this morning, just to make sure I'd got into the office OK!

Chrissie S - I think you should go on the week's holiday with your sister, as these opportunities, unlike park & ride buses, don't come along every day and when the chance arises, it's very often meant to be. Where will you be going? Somewhere warm, I hope!!!

Am mostly mail-merging today zzzzzzzzzzzzz and to be honest, would rather stick a sharp pin in my eye, but hey-ho, issa job innit!

Ooh, ooh guess what? On t'bus this morning, there was a conversation going on behind me between two students and one was telling the other about her boyfriend who apparently has just been to Court and got a Community Service Order, a large fine and 12 mths' disqualification for what must have been a pretty serious driving offence, and that he escaped jail by a whisker ...... apparently next week he's in Court again (a different town this time) because of a fight a few months ago, and he's facing jail this time! They both seemed to find it funny and almost fashionable ........ how very sad, I thought, and then the bus stopped and I had to get off.

Ooh, it was fascinating!!!!!

Happy humpday everybody xx

jollygit xx

PS It's quite a long bus-ride you know!

Anonymous said...

Well, it just shows you - never count your chickens ..... and all that!

My sister has called me to say she has heard from her local Council to say they will be starting the refurbishment works in her house within the next 10 days - so we can't go away! She has two grown up sons but they are worse than useless (lovely boys!!) and there is no way she can leave them in charge.

However, there a fabulous deal in The Sun today and we have booked up to go to Barcelona in November instead! Just for three days, but that should be o.k. I checked the website and the hotel looks fab.

Jollygit - we would have been going to Ibiza. Nice, I would have thought! My sister's friend knows someone who owns a hotel there and it would have been a really good deal. Not to be. Great story about the chat on the bus. Can WE help it if people talk loudly on buses, discussing all sorts, and we have to sit there and listen?!

C xx

Anonymous said...

My life.

Has been off ALL day, and I've bin going like the proverbials...and it's THIS quiet!

Ou sont tous les autres?

ChrissieS, I was gonna say GO! but I guess that'll be divine thingamajig stepping in. Shame. Ibiza is a lovely island.

...and I suppose the ASBO I've bought for Jo Jnr will have to go back then.

I think it may take me a while to get back in the swing.

Or roundabout

Anonymous said...

Hazel: I know - isn't the blog so, so quiet?!

How are you feeling? Do you really think you have gall stones? Mr S had a problem like this a few years ago - he felt so ill and was a delightful shade of yellow. In the end, the stones broke up naturally and passed away in his urine. Charming! Seriously, I hope you are o.k.

You have been missed very much! And we're missing all the others too - you know who you are!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, look at this - it's just after 8.30am and I'm at my desk working hard. Well, actually I'm doing this!

Lyndyloo - how goes it with you? Thanks to you I have had a very sensible week so far (I know, it's only been three days!) but I'm feeling quite smug and (look away Moose, Keith, DD if you're there) already I feel a difference in my bras! And my jelly belly feels a little smaller. So far, so good. However, we are heading for a holiday weekend here in Glasgow, so that could spell disaster if I don't watch it.

Hope everyone is o.k. Thursday, here we come!

C xx

lyndyloo said...

Hooray It's Thirsty Thursday already!

1) 1 glass (v.good)
2) No chocie (v.good)
3) N/A as done so will now dissapear
4) Power walk through woods with Booboo at lunchtime (v.v.good)
5) Still had 2 points left at end of day and had earned 4 extra to save!!! (v.v.good)
5) PMcK done!

Day 3
1) 4 glasses of wine (v.bad)
2) 0 chocie (v.good)
4) Big Walk done!
5) Didn't go over points (v.v.good considering I had friends round for tea and made us all wonderful lamb stew)
6) Done!

Am feeling very pleased with myseelf as sticking to plan and not being holier than though with smug thin friends!

I'm really happy so far it seems that the plan is easy enough to stick to during school nights but will have to see what weekend brings as I'm down to London and out with friends on Friday night and Saturday lunchtime so will be interesting to see if I can keep in line.

Thanks for your support all much appreciated... and welcome back HL!!! So pleased your back to the land of the virtual once again!!!!!


Jo said...

Morning Morning everyone - still here, still pregnant...But the good thing is that baby is nearly fully engaged and ready to go - YAY!

And my mum comes back from France today after about 3 1/2 months so I am officially allowed to go into labour! (oh bugger, now I've gone and said the L word)Still got to pack my bag though...

I've got Sophie puppys sister to visit today as they have been missing each other, black and white spots everywhere.

I know I'm only a sporadic poster type person these days but I really enjoy being connected here too Moose - thanks for providing us a space to connect!

Susan passes on her love and says she is missing everyone very much (via Facebook).

Maybe catch you all later...GET BACK TO WORK!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo - you are doing so well! And your 4 glasses of wine were NOT v.v. bad because you had saved the points for them! Excellent! I do envy you your weekend in London. I love the place - you have reminded me I must get back there some time!

Jo - good news about the baby almost being engaged. It's all moving along nicely, isn't it!
Please tell Susan we miss her too.

C xx

Anonymous said...

How odd. I sent a text to Susan this morning. I have also been on the phone to my new best friend in India to get my system up and running today, so have only just seen the post...M*ka was on the radio, and the song made me think of her. Still can't stand him though, but that's not for here...

Jo. You should be ashamed of yourself mentioning the L word. The E word was almost bad enuff gel! I was trying to get the badger to take a picture of his feet last night too but he wasn't having any of it...although he did larf a bit at yours!

Now my scary bit...there is photographic evidence of me akshully holding a baby...he is begat by our lovely friends on August 25th and has wobbly feet and toes like baked beans. They have requested that we visit as often as possible as he only seems to shut up when I'm around. No idea why as the very young tend to detest me on sight.

Anyhoo, we had lovely roast dinner last eve cooked by himself and we had a friend round who we haven't seen (sober) for some time, so that was fun.

This evening we have cold chicken and pickles. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

White man speak with forked tongue

ps Big congratulations to lovely lyndyloo - babe, you sound as though you'll soon be a shadow of your former bodacious self! But still bodacious OBVIOUSLY!

What was number 3 please?

Oh, it's good to be back...thank you for your lovely messages!

ay ay Moosey xx

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

I am having a day's holiday, as today is my Best Boy's birthday! (Don't you just love alliteration?) He is a very grown up 10 now and an absolutely lovely lad. (There I go again.) I am so proud of him.

He was delighted with all his presents today, the England Rugby shirt went down a treat and he was thrilled with the remote control Ferrari I brought back from Crete.

After school today, we're going to get his main present. He doesn't know it yet, but we're going to purchase a hamster and all the paraphernalia that goes with small mammals. I'm sooooo excited about this surprise!

ALSO, I'm having my hair done today. It's been 20 weeks since I last had it done, what with being busy, or not having the £, so I am really looking forward to that too.

Lindyloo - as you know, I am a WW devotee. I thought it would be hard (and don't get me wrong, I wasn't a 'loser' every week), but actually, it's not hard, it's all about the choices you make. Good luck!

Moose - connections are great - I have missed everyone from here and am grateful to you for bringing us, albeit virtually, together.

I have LOTS to catch up on, so forgive me if I've missed any birthdays, or any other important events in people's lives.

K rang me at the weekend to tell me that his mum had had a stroke. He rang again last night to let me know that she'd died yesterday afternoon. Doreen had a brain tumour removed 5 years ago. The operation saved her life, but left her bed-ridden, requiring 24 hour care, so the fact that she quietly slipped away was the best that could have happened. It really is a release for everyone involved.

Hope you're all having a GOOD day,

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Hazel - I am not surprised that wee baby loves you - what's not to love?!

Sammie - what a lovely surprise for your son - he will be over the moon!

What a shame about K's mum. But I am with the school of thought that if you can't really live your life, i.e. at least manage to get out of bed, what is the point in being alive? My nephew has been in a wheelchair, unable to speak or doing anything for himself for the last 30 years. Did the doctors really "save his life"? I honestly don't think so. But back to K, I am sure you are right, it will be such a relief and his mum is at peace now.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Well, it's official, the world really has gorn maaad!


lyndyloo said...

Sammie- Thanks for the encouragement and I can't follow the link, is there a bit missing?

This fine day is completely mad if you ask me. I've been to pick up JDH from Bham airport after he'd got the National Express up from Heathrow due to his flight back from the Bahamas being cancelled and him having to get the next days flight (therefore his train ticket was expired) and get this!!!!! I had to pay £1.00 to get into pick him up! No 10 minutes free for collection Oh No! £1.00 to pick someone up MAD!!!!!


Jo said...

Lyndyloo - have just come back from b'ham airport to fetch my mum....how bad was the traffic!!

:o) Jo

PS if you saw a pregnant person in a very loud pink top that was me! I worked it out that they have shut the drop off bit as a security measure and so the only bit available for rapid drop off is the crappy little car park where it is infact £1 for 20 minutes....we parked in Multi Storey 3 where it's £1 for an hour, and it's easier to get in and out of too!

:o) Jo *who is officially allowed to go into labour now as the mother ship has returned*

lyndyloo said...

Jo- Didn't see ya but to be honest I was in'n'out in a couple of minutes. Luckily to get t'airport from Chez L&B I go through the back roads so traffic wan't too bad. I'll make a not of the multi-storey 3 idea though... speshlee if I'm waiting for a flight pick rather than the bus.

And another thing! Does anyone have a barclays on-line bank account? I recieved a little calculator thing through the post today which I have to insert my connect card into and get an 8 digit passcode from every time I want to log on to internet banking now! What a long winded pain in the backside is that? I suppose it's all to do with internet security but yee gods!


Anonymous said...

Hello Friends xx

It's been a while since I've posted but I have been lurking :o)

Belated birthday greetings and congratulations to those who have celebrated recently xx

My condolences to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one xx

Lots of love to those who in troubled times xx

Jo - The last three days in a row I have seen three different cowboy hats and each reminded me of you :o) When I saw one today, I wondered if it was a wee omen to say a baby of the pink variety has arrived or might be on it's way :0)
Pleased to read you are well and now have Mum on hand ready to assist :o) Take care honey xx

Lyndyloo - my thoughts were with your during your Mum's illness, pleased she is making a good recovery xx

Chrissie - shame the holiday fell through great idea for plan b :o) I love barcelona, very cheap flights from prestwick!

Hazel Love - it just wasn't the same without you my dear, so nice to have you back :o)

Keith {{{{hug}}}}

Susan - sending you lots of love xx

DD - Haven't seen you for a while, hope you are okay xx

To avoid missing anyone out - hello to everyone, thanks for keeping me company over the last few weeks xx

Mary xx

The weather has gone mad south east of glasgow - it's blowing a gale and absolutely pouring down!

Anonymous said...

Lyndyloo and Jo - I do sympathise with trying to park at the airport - security is essential, but it has to be said, it's a nightmare!

Jo - ye gods, your mum must be so excited now she's home! I think I will faint the day Ms S gives birth! (not that she's going to in the near future, you understand!)

Well, I'm heading off. Have a lovely Thursday evening.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Feeling a tad teacherous, but they are playing Russian Moose noises on the Chris Moyles show on R1. Very funny. Sounds as though the Moose is playing a trumpet...and then they played it alongside 'Howards Way'...if any of you mrember that...

Jo, Mrs Jo is home then! Hoorah! Bonjour Mrs Jo! I do have my emergency dash lear jet lined up already on Rhodes airport runway. They said I would have to bring my shrimping net as hand luggage though, so if you aren't having a water birth, could you let me know, and I'll leave it behind.

...and Mary...the weather has gorn mad WAY south east of Glasgow...it is doing perzackerly the same darn sarf!

Anyhoo. Dunk in at 0900 anyone?

Anonymous said...

So. Moose.

You've been dipping your hooves in next door then.

Is that a cheeky Antler I see...peeping through the window?

Moose woz ear...

Anonymous said...

Good morning, sorry I'm late!

Mr S and I had a few glasses of wine last night and it's fair to say I am feeling a little tired today. It's not a hangover, you understand, just that I feel tired. (aye, right!)

It's a Glasgow holiday weekend for us, so I am hoping we will finish early today and I can get home and tackle the washing! There's only three of us - where on earth does it all come from? And don't get me started on towels!

Hazel, you only have to endure two working days next week and then you are outta here! So lucky!

Have a good day everyone.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all xx

Hazel the weather didn't half go crazy....the poor news reporter almost got blown out to sea!

Chrisse - Don't think we will get away earlier, in fact I will probably have to come in Monday. Suppose it's the least I can do given the time I had off on sick leave! Probably the Catholic guilt kicking in again - you are so right about that!

Hope you all have a good day.

Mary xx

jollygit said...

Sorry Hazel - I missed the dunk-in ....... did you have company or were you turtly alern?

jollygit x

Anonymous said...

Two things.

Un - Yes jollygit I think I was, but then you're never alone with the voices are you?

...and the other thing.

Deux - When I do my course, and I do finish my advanced diploma in three short years time, and I have decided what I am going to specialise in, I think I may have Catholic Guilt as one of my options. I know there is no cure...but there has to be something that can help...

MARY GO HOME EARLY. And you ChrissieS.

Feel better now. I have had no system, therefore could not work and was bored through my skull, AND also five days off proper poorly sick. I have no qualms (excellent word) about going on hols next week...and I'm hoping to get off a bit oily ternite as well.

Only time will tell

ps Mary, there is a man in a kilt clutching a microphone and an umbrella, in the tree outside my window. Have you seen this man?

pps Sammie, I hope the hamster was a successful purchase! Fat cheeks. Lovely!

ppps Best stay off ebay for a bit then eh.

Anonymous said...

Just popping in to say: we're finishing at 4pm! Result! (sorry to be such a selfish git).

Hazel - I did suspect you were not well, you wee pet lamb. It's o.k. having a day off work when one is feeling under the weather, but it's a totally different thing when one is actually, truly, ill. You are just desperate to feel normal again and get back to work. You will be soooo needing your holiday and I'm glad it's so near now.

And, yes, I agree there's far too much of this business of workers using their computers to access the Internet. Just won't do!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

It's Friday and I am so looking forward to the weekend...... it's pouring with rain here - absolutely atrocious and dark as well.

Have a fab weekend everyone and see you's all next week!

Some weekend cheer for you:

11 PEOPLE ON A ROPE One has to go

Eleven people were hanging on a rope under a helicopter, ten men and one woman. The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one had to leave, because otherwise they were all going to fall.

They weren't able to name that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech. She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a woman, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids or for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return.

As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping..........

Finally the old ones are the good ones so I apologise if you have seen this before but it sums me up perfectly at the moment:

Thank goodness there's a name for this disorder. Somehow I feel better,even though I have it!!
Recently, I was diagnosed with A.A.A.D.D. - Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.

This is how it manifests:

I decide to water my garden.

As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and decide it needs washing.

As I start toward the garage, I notice mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mail box earlier. I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.

I lay my car keys on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can under the table, and notice that the can is full. So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the garbage first.

But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mailbox when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.

I take my cheque book off the table, and see that there is only one check left. My extra cheques are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of Coke I'd been drinking. I'm going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over.

The Coke is getting warm, and I decide to put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold. As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye--they need water. I put the Coke on the counter and discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning. I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers.

I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table. I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV,
I'll be looking for the remote,
but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I'll water the flowers. I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit of it spills on the floor.

So, I set the remote back on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill. Then, I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.

At the end of the day:
- The car isn't washed
- The bills aren't paid
- There is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter
- The flowers don't have enough water
- There is still only 1 check in my check book
- I can't find the remote
- I can't find my glasses,
- And I don't remember what I did with the car keys.

Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all damn day, and I'm really tired.

I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail....

A x

Anonymous said...

Amanda - quite obviously, you are living with me, but I can't see you in my house. Very funny and frighteningly accurate!

Well, my blog friends, I take my leave until Tuesday. Have a great weekend!

C xx

P.S. Moose, how you doin'?!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone!

Best Boy decreed that yesterday was the best day ever! (That means a gold star for me, I think!)

Hamsters weren't ready (ickle biddy baby ones!), so Best Boy chose a gerbil instead! Said gerbil has been named 'Enzo'. Nothing to do with CLP's German friend, more to do with my son's obsession with all things Ferrari!

Have taken BOTH kids over to Ex tonight, so completely childless this weekend. Weird! Have had a few glasses of wine whilst watching the rugby and am now going to drink a darn sight more. Ireland must have thrown that game, that's all I can say!

Off to shout and swear at the TV more now,

Have a great weekend all,

S xx.