An interesting leader in the Times this morning about reversing statistics. It was along the lines of "90% Fat Free" sounding nearly as good as "96% Fat free" even though there is more than twice as much fat in it. You need to reverse the statistic to 10% Fat and 4% Fat to really see the truth. The problem is that with 6 entries, the word "fat" now accounts for approximately 2% of the total number of words in this entry.
The guy was actually talking about kids and how the chances of ending up poor are largely determined by what your parents do. So a plumber's kid is 6 times more likely to end up poor as a lawyer's kid. But hang on a minute, reverse the stat...a lawyer's kid is only 6 times less likely to end up poor as a plumber's kid. Ending up poor when you are the offspring of a lawyer is a hard thing to do, unless you opt for addiction or decide to become a writer.
There was also, rather conveniently, an article about whether rock stars really die younger or whether they hype around famous early rock deaths, mostly but not all at age 27, distorts the apparent average while we forget the armies of ageing, fat and silent ex-rockers. Damn, that's now 8 hits for "fat" - hopefully the 2% range still applies...
Well, it seems that the statistics show that rock stars are 3 times more likely to die early than those in more normal professions. This, despite the distorting bias that fat-free (9) health freaks like Jagger and Sting (just for Lyndyloo!!!) have on the stats. Well, I suppose someone has to offset the Pete Doherty effect - who is already 28 so has missed the ideal double-whammy opportunity for rock legend status and freeing the rest of us from having to read about him all the time.
But...reverse the stat and you discover that you are only 3 times less likely to die early if you are in a boring, ordinary profession than if you are a rock star.
That seems like a chance worth taking...and a more financially rewarding career choice than being a writer. Now where did I put my guitar?
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Brilliant Moose!
I hate numbers and this is exactly the reason why! They can be distorted out of all proportion so that anytihng can be made to sound better or worse than it really is.
I know Richard Bandler (NLP) uses the phrase "mostly, which is more than 50% of the time" quite frequently to illustrate a point. I suppose that I'm mostly a happy person but if I was to turn that on it's head and say that over 40% of the time I can be not happy it sounds far worse!
However... (thanks for the Sting reference) as long as "some" rock stars keep going for a while longer yet I'll be a happy bunny!!!
It's all lies, damned lies and statistics ...
and I can't play the guitar.
Lyndyloo - re your earlier post, I think pale yellow would be just the thing for NC1. I think we should get a plant or two as well to make it feel more homely since so many people spend so much time there. and perhaps a coffee machine for those who can't take the strong stuff in the "water" cooler.
Blimey it is has been quiet on here the last couple of days. All work and no play is no good for us you know!
Now then I wonder what the percentage is of missing posters compared to last week on the same day? I know I could check and do the maths but what will it change? I think Gordon Brown will be looking at the latest percentage split of the polls and maybe rethink his next move.
I remember a story about a young lady who I knew. She was absolutely hopeless with money and I attempted to find out why. After realising she had very little grip on maths I decided to test her. I asked her if she went into a clothes shop and there was a dress for £100 with a large sticker on it stating that there was 30% off. I asked her “how much she would have to pay?” Her answer ….. “it is cheap who cares!” Some people are beyond helping. ;-))
Later one and all.
Keith the BigUn
Facts and figures:
How to Make a Woman Happy
It's not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be:
1. a friend
2 a companion
3. a lover
4. a brother
5. a father
6. a master
7. a chef
8. an electrician
9. a carpenter
10. a plumber
11. a mechanic
12. a decorator
13. a stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynecologist
16. a psychologist
17. a pest exterminator
18. a psychiatrist
19. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organizer
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate
44. compassionate
45. give her compliments regularly
46. love shopping
47. be honest
48. be very rich
49. not stress her out
50. not look at other girls
51. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
52. give her lots of time, especially time for herself
53. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes
54. Never to forget:
* birthdays
* anniversaries
* arrangements she makes
1. Show up naked
2. Bring beer
Never really understood statistics and all that malarkey! Thought this was funny though!
A x
Morning all :o)
Wel the benefits of Mat. Leave continue apace. Mostly I'm impressed with the fact that I am actually still in bed while typing this and not at work - YAY!
It has been quiet the last few days, I must apologise for my absense but unfortunately I have no note from my mum - would one from the washing machine suffice as that's where I've been spending most of my time...How dull!
As for statistics - I just wish people would just be honest, why can't they just say things clearly instead of dressing them up or hiding them in statistics...It's all a farce and should be banned!
I'm pleased to say that Sophie puppy has now got used to the fact that I now stay at home during the day - infact she's upside down on the bed next to me, thoroughly spoilt!
Hope you are all well
:o) Jo
Morning everyone!
The Police were superb last night! They were as good, if not better than they were in the 80's and I can confirm that Sting is, without a doubt, (In my mind anyway) the fittest 55 year old on the planet. There was no actual political campaigning during the show though there were some statistics about the amount of people without the access to fresh clean water in the world and some striking images played during their rendition of "Invisible Sun" which must have provoked a few people to find out more....
All the images were taken by Bobby Saga one of Stings friends who travels the world with his family looking to make a difference to the children of war and famine.
Well that's my bit for this morning. I suppose I should get out of my pj's and take the bears out.
Good morning - Wednesday already!
Moose, loved your blog. I am useless with numbers, statistics, etc.
Keith - I can work out what 30% off means though - phew!
Had to take Ms S to the doctor yet again yesterday. She has been having trouble digesting her food and in general she is feeling exhausted. This has been since last Thursday. At first I thought she was just "doing too much" but things are not getting better. Anyway, they are going to do some blood tests (particularly for celiac) and we'll take it from there. The only problem is finding something that she can eat and feel comfortable. Such a worry, but fingers crossed there's a simple explanation. She must be allergic to something, but I know it could take months to eliminate what it could be! Sorry to impart all this so early on in the day!
Jo - I'm so glad you are enjoying your maternity leave (well, apart from the washing!). I wonder what wee Sophie will say when Jo Jnr arrives!
Hope everyone else is o.k. Be back later.
C xx
Is it just me or does it feel like the blog has been abandoned? It's probably because I'm spending a bit more time behind my desk this week.
Jo- good to hear that you're getting used to being at home but I have to warn you that letting puupy on the bed is a slippery slope. I'm a strict mummy when it comes to the bears.
Amanda- heard it before but it still made me giggle as it's soooo true, at least the female bit, I wouldn't know about the man thing, I can do food and if need be naked but I'm still alone.
Chrissie- good luck with Ms S I'm sure they'll get it all sorted out.
Hellooooooo elloooo looo
Lyndyloo, Chrissie & Jo - well there's enough of us for a quorum and a couple to spare!!!!
Hazel has a note from her mum and hopes to be with us again in a few days' time.
I've been busy packing up my meagre possessions for yet another office move, and I should be settled in by tomorrow. I seem to be getting nearer to the main door with each move .... d'ya think they're trying to tell me something?!!
Jo - I hope Sophie puppy doesn't get jealous when Jo Jnr is on the bed instead of her!!! Glad you're enjoying your maternity leave though and hope you're getting some much deserved and needed rest while you can.
Thirsty Thursday tomorrow - yay!!
jollygit xx
I've had a thought...
Joking aside, it really is that easy to keep a bloke happy. Why then do so many women seem to make a hash of it?
I mean, for us blokes we have so many things we need to do that it's no surprise than even the best among us fall short in some way or another just occasionally. But really, there are NO excuses for women...
Afternoon all,
Quiet again I see. I have been in a meeting for two hours this morning and have another to look forward to at 2:30…… oh joy!
Chrissie good luck with Ms S and the doctors.
I have decided that after my meeting this afternoon I am going for a bike ride to get some of the stress out of my system before I go home.
Keep smiling ;-))
Keith the BigUn
P.S. Batman came up to me and he hit me over the head with a vase and he went T'PAU! I said "Don't you mean KAPOW?? He said "No, I've got china in my hand."
I went to the local video shop and I said, "Can I take out The
Elephant Man?" He said, "He's not your type." I said "Can I borrow
Batman Forever?" He said, "No, you'll have to bring it back tomorrow"
(Gawd bless Tommy cooper)
New Sex Study...
It has been determined, the most used sexual position for married couples is a doggie position.
The husband sits up and begs.
The wife rolls over and plays dead.
(What colour is NC1 these days?)
It does seem very quiet here at the moment. I can't give my full attention as I'm trying to finish off lots of silly jobs before I go on holiday. Please accept my apologies now that I will be off for two weeks from Saturday and unable to report in until my return (hopefully suntanned, relaxed & well fed).
Chrissie - good luck with Ms S's investigations. Hope it all turns out OK. Mr L had similar symptoms for years before he was diagnosed as coeliac, but since he started the gluten free diet he hasn't looked back.
My moggy used to sleep on the bed, but now he's getting on a bit he can't jump that high so consequently we all get a better night's sleep.
It's wonderful to see some more members have joined in today! Missing so many people on the blog, but hopefully everyone will come back at some stage.
Lyndyloo - so glad The Police lived up to expectations. Did they sing any "solo" stuff or was it all Police? My very favourite Sting albumn was Mercury Falling. Every track fantastic.
Jollygit - what a hassle you have had with your job! Hopefully it will all settle down now.
Moose - aaahh haaaa - the battle of the sexes! We will never, in any of our lifetimes, get a proper answer to any of it!
Keith - enjoy your bike ride. Mr S has recently purchased a new bike and he is out every Sat and Sun morning. He is loving it and the difference in him is incredible - he's lost weight, and he's definitely less stressed.
Thank you all for your good wishes re: Ms S. It really helped me this morning to let you know what was happening.
C xx
Analog - just read your message. I see the actual spelling is coeliac - I must have been using the American version!
Just in case you don't get back to us this week - have a fantastic holiday, take it easy and forget all the day to day stuff that drives us all crazy!
C xx
Moose - ahem!
Analog - in case I can't find me pooter once I've moved office yet again, have a wonderful holiday xx
Chrissie - I should be settled some time this year!! Thanks xx
jollygit x
Hi Moose Bloggers,
Well I finally managed to get free of the jacket with the long sleeves. They don't call me Harry Houdini!
Trust you are all well. I see there has been a power failure in the Naughty Corner, come back soon Hazel.
As somebody in the accountancy field, I have to say that I admire anybody who is creative (I've probably said this before) Chefs, Musicians, artists, wordsmiths, Mr E, etc. I wish I had the capability and talent to make my fortune doing something like this. However I have an aptitude for numbers and try to make my worklife as enjoyable as I can doing something I actually enjoy (I know, I know, that's why they put me in a straight jacket). At the end of the day life is too short, do what you enjoy, if you can!
Glad to have you back Moose, we made our own fun for a while but you wuz missed!
DD out
Moose- it's not so much the keeping one happy that's the big problem, it's the finding one in the first place!
Reporting for duty - hope everyone is o.k.
May I take this opportunity to say to Hazel - we are missing you, hope to see you soon xx
Had a very interesting evening at a friend's last night, discussing Ms S's digestive problems! It's amazing how your priorities change overnight! I have already learned a great deal about this intolerance-to-gluten-type-thing and it would seem I really will have to learn to cook!
Have a good day one and all.
C xx
Chrissie I had a period of my life where I was completely wheat and dairy intolerant. It was a hard couple of years while I had to be careful of everything I ate, most pre-prepared packet and jars of food and sauce all contain wheat of some kind. It made massive amounts of difference to me though. I have since introduced dairy back in but am still quite careful about how much wheat I eat as it makes me very bloated and affects my moods. There are some fantastic products on the market that are wheat/dairy/gluten free though now so you'll soon adapt.
Good luck!
Lyndyloo - thank you so much for coming back to me.
It must have been very difficult dealing with BOTH allergies - my friend that I saw last night was telling me this is the situation with her son (he's 43).
Do you mind if I ask you a question - can MsS eat any chocolate or sweets that are on the general market? Should I investigate these "specialist" companies instead? The reason I ask is since the start of the week, we have stopped all bread, pasta etc and she is eating salad, potatoes, fruit. The thing is she is vanishing in front of my eyes and I worked out last night she is 6st 9lbs and losing. I need to find stuff with serious calories to stop the weight loss.
Hope you don't mind me indulging in this - I promise I won't go on!
C xx
Moose - this may help!
9 Words Women Use
1.) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour.
Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6.) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can say to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome.
8.) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying _____ YOU!! or (fahgitchoo)!
9.) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the woman's response refer to #3.
To the men I know, this is to warn you about arguments you can avoid if you remember the terminology!
To the women I know, have a good laugh, 'cause you all know it's true!
Chrissie - sorry have not been in touch, so sorry Miss S is so poorly. Hope you have some answers soon.
Jollygit - are things looking a bit brighter now?
HL - hope to see you back soon!
Jo - glad Mat leave is going well and you are getting some rest.
Analog - have a fandabidozee holiday!!!
Lyndyloo - one day your prince will come!!!
Anyone I haven't mentioned - hope you are ok and having a good day!
A x
Chrissie - if Ms S has to avoid gluten entirely she'll need to be careful of anything with wheat, barley or rye products in it. If she just needs to cut down on the gluten/wheat levels then it's not so difficult. Like Lyndyloo said there seems to be wheat flour or starch in all sorts of pre-prepared foods that you wouldn't expect to find it in. However, labelling these days is so much better and with careful reading you can generally keep awy from the stuff.
Sweets and chocolate are usually OK - obviously not kit-kats or other wafer/biscuity things (Mr L hankers after kit-kats and maltesers, both of which are out of bounds). If you check the ingredients first most contain some sort of starch, but these days it has to say if it is wheat starch. Cadburys (sorry to name and shame) stuff generally has a warning that says prepared in a factory that also processes gluten and wheat, so could be contaminated, but is unlikely to cause her any problems.
Sainsbury's have a good range fo free-from products of sweets, biscuits, cakes, etc. High fat foods will provide extra calories, rice and g-f pasta are good carbohydrate sources.
Sorry to go on, but it's something I've been learning to deal with for the past couple of years. For specific gluten/wheat free diet advice I suggest trying the Coeliac UK website -
Hi Chrissie
If it's a gluten allergy then chocolate is ok but as analog has mentioned, keep away from the buscuit or wafer type. There are some pretty good gluten free bread products in the supermarkets, I used to buy from Asda and Sainsburys but I'm sure they all have their own ranges. They also do buscuits and cake etc. They take a bit of getting used to but all in all they're ok and the wheat free pasta is fine as long as it's eaten as soon as it's cooked, it doesn't keep once it's cold.
new one up...
Amanda - thanks for the advice. Just one thing on number 7 - I am at a complete loss and don't understand this item at all :-)
Amanda - every word is true, I hold my hand up!
Analog - many, many, thanks for that info. And I know you are so busy preparing for your holiday! I take on board everything you are saying and Mr S and I will be heading to Sainsbury's first thing on Saturday morning for a very detailed shop. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply.
I will just get on with it now! (Thanks Moose for giving me the opportunity to get some advice).
C xx
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