Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Controversy in the Moose household

There was much heated debate in the Moose household yesterday evening, sparked by Panorama. After disagreeing on what we thought Jeremy Vine's BMI is we moved on to the real debate.

At first sight it seems appalling to discriminate against fat people or smokers. They have, like everyone else, paid their National Insurance contributions for years and should expect the same level of care as anyone else. Whatever next? Will we turn people away from A&E when they've had a car crash if they were driving over the speed limit? Not treat the long term unemployed because they haven't paid in as much as people in work? Except of course unemployed alcoholic smokers who have paid much more in duty?

The fundamental issue though, is that we do not fund the NHS properly. It's too easy to argue that their are massive inefficiencies within the system. Of course there are. But even if it was the best run health service in the world - a more realistic target than a perfectly run service - there would still not be enough money to treat everybody of everything, and that straight away with no waiting lists.

So the inconvenient truth is that we have to make choices about who we treat and how long we make them wait. We are not living in the ideal world of free treatment for all at the point of need. We possibly could be if people weren't so selfish and were willing to pay the higher tax rates that people pay in countries that do have better health services than we do. My personal experience of Germany highlights this. Marvellous health care. And very expensive it was too - both directly for my health insurance and indirectly through an average tax rate in excess of 50%.

And if we have to make choices about who we treat and how long people wait then somebody is going to be 'discriminated' against. Personally, I don't think it's too unreasonable to 'discriminate' against those who in some way have contributed to their need for treatment through their lifestyle OR who have contributed to their poor chances of recovery from certain treatments through that same lifestyle. And if we are not to pick on the fat and the smokers, who will we pick on instead? For as long as the NHS remains underfunded, the one certainty is that we will have to choose not to treat some people.

Having said that, BMI is clearly the wrong measure. And I'm not just making excuses for myself...although I do fall into the category of people whose BMI is in the upper reaches of the zones and still would be even if I were to lose a reasonable amount of weight. I cannot deny that I am overweight. If a doctor told me I had to lose weight in order to qualify for treatment, I'd actually think it was fair enough. I might even appreciate the added incentive!

Unfortunately many don't see it that way. For example, the woman on Panorama who waited 2 years and then went to Malta for her op - what on earth was she doing during those 2 years? How much weight could she have lost if she'd focussed her energy into that instead of into insisting on her right to be treated even though she was too heavy? I appreciate she couldn't exercise, but that's probably only 10% of losing weight. They should have shown what she ate in an 'average' week - Dr Gillian McKeith stylee - I would wager a considerable sum that people's opinions would probably have changed then!


Dr Joseph McCrumble said...

We have to decide as a society what level of health care we are prepared to offer. The reason for the underfunding of the NHS is not that people are getting more sick, it is because the cost of even the most basic service is ridiculously high, combined with a trend towards ever more sophisticated treatments to keep us going longer. If we take our eye off prevention, and focus more on the cure, it is inevitable that problems like obesity will arise.

Anonymous said...

Moose, interesting blog! As recently as say, 15 years ago our doctors would have told us, quite categorically, that we needed to lose weight. Indeed, MrS's doctor said to him straight "you need to lose a stone at least". However, in the PC world we now live in, doctors can't say anything that will cause "hurt feelings"! It's just crazy. I have to accept that due to me being overweight and not having a very healthy lifestyle, I may be setting myself up for problems in later life. If this means I am not given treatment, I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it. I do believe we have to be accountable for ourselves, certainly when it comes to our own lifestyle choices.

Yesterday was really a lovely day - I know that sounds strange to say about a funeral. But this lady was so loved and had a large family that adored her, so they gave her the most beautiful "send off" they could. I usually hate attending funerals, but this one was very peaceful and uplifting. I have given MrS strict instructions that when the "time comes" there must be no sad faces, lots of laughs, a few glasses of bubbly and - this is extremely important - Rick Astley "Never gonna give you up" must be played at least 3 or 4 times at the lunch!

Hope everyone is o.k. No word from Jo, I see. Can this mean what I think it means?!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Chrissie S,

I too had noticed how quiet our friens Jo is, and wonder if Jo is with a Dr and having a Jo MacRumble! tee hee (well I thought it was mildly amusing, but sorry Doc). Is the Jo now with child, rather than "with child"!

DD out

PS I saw you standing down by the stage

PPS Your black stockings and your see through dress

PPPS I thought, put on some underwear love!

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon!
Please accept my apologies for absence - mainly due to work interfering with blogging. What a cheek!

I am in agreement with Chrissie, in that I know I am overweight and as and when I require treatment would have to accept I may be further down the list to a fitter person. I do try to lead an active lifestyle but the weight doesn't seem to shift an enormous amount. I have gone down 2 dress sizes in the past 3 years but would love to go down another 2 as well! Only time will tell if I continue to lose the weight. I seem to have plateaued (sp?) over the past 6 months so that seems unlikely!

Hope Jo, Mr Jo and Jo Jnr (if he/she has arrived) are all ok. Am thinking of them.

Chrissie - I am with you on the celebration of life funerals - my hubby wants to go with - Always look on the bright side of life! The late, great Spike Milligan apparently once said he wanted the epitaph 'I told you I was ill' on his headstone! Funerals should always be a celebration of life as the departed, I believe, has gone to a wonderful place and is surrounded with love and laughter. We should take great comfort from that fact.

Anyway, soap box firmly underneath my desk - I shall now take my leave!

Have a good afternoon everyone!

A x

PS Dreaded dentist was not so good, have a temporary filling - in fact, the second one, because the first one fell out. Having the real deal on 18th October - yukity, yuk, yuk! At least they can sort the tooth out though - I thought they may take it out!

Jo said...

Am still knocking around - still pregnant - still waiting!!

Went to the Pub on Monday to get out a bit, then been to my folks today for some spoiling.....am hoping that Jo jnr makes an appearance before next tuesday as that's when they start fiddling and trying to help you along - now that I could do without.....

As for funerals - I once went to a funeral of a close family friend who was also a teacher at the school I went too, there were about 600 people there and it was standing room only. As the coffin was taken out Neil Diamond's Hello started playing and the whole congregation just crumpled...it was very moving.

Out of interest did anyone hear Jeremy Whine at lunch about the funeral cars being cut up and beeped to go faster.....disgraceful in my opinion.

Susan says hello and sends her love btw and it appears Hazel is still alive and has learnt the greek word for baby!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

hey there - long time no speak. Am finding workload massive since going full time in Nottingham and rarely get time to think never mind blog. Suffice to say, i do think about you all regularly, Lyndyloos mum (and dad), Jo and the bump, Hazel and her ongoing PC traumas, Chrissie, DD, Dr J MC, amanda, MWK et al. Also thoughts to those not around - gaby, DWNB, MfR & Susan.
Hope you are all well. Thinking of you - and moose, i agree. And the short story plot sounds brilliant.

Keep it up guys, its good to know you are all still out there.

Anonymous said...

Och Anna: how lovely to hear from you. Any time you are able to pop in here, please do. I, for one, will still be blabbing on about nothing much! (Thanks, as always, to Moose!)

Thursday already - what a fast week (for me). Why is it some weeks just drag and others disappear in a flash and you discover you have mail on your desk since Monday that you haven't even looked at yet! Or is that just me?

C xx

Anonymous said...

Is it Thursday already??? Where has this week gone? Have been calling in for a look-see but no time to comment due to work stuff taking up too much of every day.

Moose, hope your story is nearing completion. Good luck with it!

Hallo to anyone else out there in cyber space ....

Anonymous said...

Warning! Warning! Warning!

Evacuate the naughty corner La Love has returned!

Hiya Hun! Had a nice break?

DD out

Anonymous said...

A man is dining in a fancy restaurant and there is a

gorgeous redhead at the next table. He has been checking her out since

he sat down, but lacks the nerve to talk with her.

Suddenly she sneezes, and her glass eye comes flying out

of its socket toward the man. He reflexively reaches out, grabs it out of the air, and hands it back.

'Oh my, I am so sorry,' the woman says as she pops her

eye back in place.

'Let me buy your dinner to make it up to you,' she says.

They enjoy a wonderful dinner together, and afterwards

they go to the theatre followed by drinks. They talk, they laugh, she

shares her deepest dreams and he shares his. She listens.

After paying for everything, she asks him if he would

like to come to her place for a nightcap and stay for breakfast. They had a wonderful, wonderful time.

The next morning, she cooks a gourmet meal with all the

trimmings. The guy is amazed. Everything had been SO incredible!

'You know,' he said, 'you are the perfect woman. Are you this nice to every guy

you meet?'

'No,' she replies. . .

Wait for it. .

It's coming. .

The suspense is killing you, isn't it?

She says 'You just happened to catch my eye.'

Anonymous said...

Oh how nice.

My reputation precedes me.

I have two triangular white bits is all I'm saying.

Anyhoo...the hols...

We were delayed by 45mins to start with.
The plane took off, and 20mins later returned to LGW because a bird had 'flown' into the engine, and that is what the burning smell was.
We finally arrived at our (extremely GAWJUS) hotel at stupid o'clock in the morning.
I got searched by Customs both here and in the Hellenic regions.
Mum and I watched a drugs bust going off in the bay.
Badger couldn't find us when we'd landed because he was at the wrong terminal.
After we dropped mum off, we got stopped by les bill ancienne, as they had 'seen 'you' driving around the town earlier in the evening'. It's coming to something when you can't pop to your mate's house for a swift pint of squash and a chat before you pick up your laydeefriend and her mother from the adjacent airport...and it's a jolly good job that dear mater wasn't in the car...she'd've given the young whippersnapper what for...

We had a lovely time thank you...and I didn't need my health insurance...good job that's free eh?

I cannot (and never have been able to) STAND Carole Vorderman.

That feels better

Moose, good luck with the writing!

So, McCrumble. How good it is to see you. I agree. It used to be, well more or less anyway, survival of the fittest...now it's just survival...and half the time, for what?

Anonymous said...


Good to see you back safe and sound! Hope you had a really good week - it seemed to just scream past, but hopefully it was a little slower for you! Are you saying that "The Bill" pulled you over (oo-er) for no other reason than you had been seen earlier in the evening? What's it all about?!

Where does the Carole Voderman thing come in? But just for the record, she leaves me completely cold - selling finance to people who can least afford it and she is completely minted and therefore cannot understand for a moment the mess these poor people are in!

Ah-em: welcome back!

C xx

Moose said...

Welcome back the wanderers.

New post up...