Thursday, 18 October 2007

The end is nigh...

I am once again on the final chapter of the book. It is currently 85,000 words and likely to be 90,000 by the time I've reached the thrilling conclusion. Well, actually, I've already written the very last scene and the Epilogue. So the thrilling conclusion has already been revealed. Anyway, I'm stunned that the second draft is one and a half times longer than the first. 90,000 is a 'proper' novel though...

The last week or so have been hugely productive on it. I'm so in the groove it's amazing. It has not been without sacrifice though, as apart from keeping up my training, I have done almost nothing else! I think it's the fear of having a proper job again soon and having no time for writing that is motivating me to get it finished. Again. Now I need to buy a ream of paper so I can print the thing out.


Anonymous said...

Live from the beebeebceeb!

There's a small corner of a writer which is always a monster, and the monster will want to win

Anne Enright recalls the build-up to her Booker prize victory"

Which corner is your monster, Moose?

I do like to think of you in the groove...and I'm SO excited to think that one day I can go into Waterstones (other book vendors available), and purchase a lovely book by Moose.

how many drafts do you have to do?

jollygit said...

Moose - I'm getting all excited for you on finishing the novel !!!! You must be chuffed to pieces.

Apols for my absence of late. My colleague has been on holiday this week, leaving me with her work - and her visitors - to deal with, none of which was straightforward, or even vaguely interesting, to be honest. Am finishing just after lunch as am off for a girlie weekend where much chattering, shop-mooching, eating 'n a-drinking will be done. Hurrah!

'Im indoors was made redundant on Tuesday so we're just pulling ourselves back up again from a wee slump (hence my excitement about getting away for a few days)! I'm sure it'll be fine but this is the 3rd redundancy between us this year and I'm starting to lose me sense of hoomer.

Anyhoo, gotta get on - I'm got even more minutes to type up. Acksherly, they're more hours than minutes by the look of them.

If I can't get back here today, have a wonderful weekend all - the sun is shining at least!

Love 'n stuff, jollygit xxxx

Anonymous said...


I immediately thought of you, too, when I read Anne Enright say that there is a bit of a monster in all writers! Well done on all the work with the book. I really can't wait to read it!

Jollygit - what a shame for Mr J. It is a horrible feeling being made redundant, so I hope he is o.k. As you say, it will be fine and he will get another job, but it's just the pits at the moment. Hope you have a really wonderful weekend - you deserve it!

I am on my very best behaviour today, work-wise. Also, the big news for today is that I have secured our tickets for Westlife, coming to Glasgow next March! I made sure I bought an extra ticket, so .... form an orderly queue .... who's coming with me?!

C xx

Anonymous said...

This just goes to show...

Again from the bbbeecceee...


"Friend from hell

Translation of a tattoo in Chinese on Dorset teenager. She wanted 'mum'"

I'll bet she'll be checking the dictionary afore she gets another one...

'if found please turn right way up'

Anonymous said...

Morning all.

Congrats on the book progress Moose. Can't wait to read the finished article. Waterstone's here we come!

Oops with the tattoo ... p'rhaps there's a lesson there???

I'll be keeping a distance today as I have developed an annoying cough and a stuffed up dose and don't want to infect you all with my gerbs. "I'd like a day retud to dottigham blease."

Anonymous said...

Wow Moose, that is brilliant news about your novel. Well done you! I can't wait for a read!

Analog - hope you feeling better soon - why do these things normally come on over the weekend? Sending a cyber-menthol sweetie and cyber-vicks to you.........

Jollygit - So sorry you have had yet more bad news, hope things soon resolve and Mr J finds a new challenge to embrace. Also have a great girlie weekend!

Hazel - Re tattoo's - I think that is really, really funny! I am not into tattoo's but that made me laugh out loud!

Jaw less achy today, thanks for the wishes yesterday - I am sure they all helped me to feel better today!

So after months of planning the big weekend is here. The boys are going to stay with their southern grandparents for a few days - completely by themselves - so Moose if you see a nanna, grandad with 2 very cheeky monsters running them ragged, somewhere in Herts next week it could well be my little men! I have very mixed feelings about this as it is the first time but I am trying to stay positive!!! We are collecting them on Wednesday afternoon and bringing them home. So what to do with 3 complete days of child free time????? OK 2 of them I will be at work but what to do when I get home!!!

Have a wonderful weekend, one and all!

A x

Anonymous said...

Look you lot - I said an ORDERLY queue! Can't believe just how many of you have taken me up on my offer - err ... none, zip, zero! Right you had your chance - don't come crying to me next March!!

Analog - it's horrible having a cold. Lemsip with a generous splash of whisky, just before bed, works like a dream! (Why do all my remedies involve booze?!)

Amanda - this will be sooooo strange for you and Mr A. However, I think you will be pleasantly surprised and will love having some time to yourselves. What will you do when you get home? Why, catch up with the washing of course!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Chrissie - I forgot to politely decline the offer of Westlife tickets. Hope this doesn't upset you but whenever they come on TV normally they are sat on stalls singing a ballad and then halfway through they get up, walk to the front of the stage (by this time we are crying with laughter) and finish the song with mike in one hand, other hand aloft and head down! I would be no good at all at their concert because I would be overcome with hysterical laughter. I really hope you have a fabby time though!

Washing? - yes of course I will be catching up with the washing whilst the boys are away! Not going down the pub and getting drunk 'en disorderly at all!!!

I really need to do the filing now so will check back later!

A x

Anonymous said...

Oh, go on then.

If you're REALLY stuck, then I'll go. One won't make it through any sort of life without making the odd sacrifice now would one.

If there's NO-ONE else who is prepared to take on the mighty Ronan and the rest of them, then I'll go.

What do they sing?

It's a bloomin Thursday for crying art lard! The Thursday before Good Friday. Chances of flights from here to there EXTREMELY minimal.

But if you are absolutely sure that all possible routes have been explored and nothing found, then I'll go.

But only if you're ABSOLUTELY SURE.

I'm perfectly happy to let someone else pick it up.

I just feel as if I have to make some sort of effort.

Anonymous said...

...and amanda, I'm sure you could do something at home that would be thoroughly enjoyable involving ribbons...

analog, I find myself in a similar position to you, mainly head back and quite close to a box of tishoos. Although it is more coz I is a bit run down I think. ChrissieS, excellent remedy involving booze, but possibly if I hadn't had quite so much sambuca (why on earth???) last weekend, I'd possibly not be feeling so bleedin awful!

Jollygit, what can I say. FAT HUGS for you matey and BIG KISZ XXX XXX XXX XXX


...that's the first time I've heard it called 'washing' heh heh heh!

Anonymous said...

Hi folks

Moose - Well done on the book!

Jollygit - Sorry to hear about Mr J, hope he gets something else soon. Enjoy your girlie weekend!

Chrissie S - If no one takes you up on your ticket offer - I'm definately free next march and would love to go!

Amanda hope your little men have a great time at their grandparents.

Can't wait for today to finish because I'm on holiday for a week!

Will catch up with you all when I get back.

Take care
Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Well there you go then. Mary to the rescue!

Have a lovely week off babe!

(and you won't have to fly there either...)

still sniggering at washing...

Anonymous said...

Damn! Mary got there before me. and Hazel too. So what if Glasgow is the other end of the country, I'm supposed to be going away with Mr L for a 10th anniversay break and Westlife make me heave? I'd like to think I'd help in a crisis.

Jollygit - bad news about Mr J but something's bound to turn up soon. Good luck with your minutes - why are they called that when its always hours sitting taking them and even longer typing the bleedin' things up?

If I don't stop by later, have a good weekend folks. And enjoy the rugby!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done moose on the book. I will be looking for it soon in all good book shops and some bad ones as well! ;-) I do think you are right tough 90,000 words is a “proper” novel.

I am sorry for being absent for a couple of days it is just that i sprung a surprise on melady. I bought a motor home on Tuesday and immediately took melady away fop a couple of days in it like gypsies! Thursday was our wedding anniversary (21 years) so we had a very nice time and still enjoy each others company so much it makes our children sick. ;-)

I have been training (to get fit, not to do a triathlon) and my weight has been falling off me. I played Golf on Wednesday swan 30 lengths of the pool last night followed by a six mile bicycle ride this lunch time. When I said the weight has been falling off of me I was not joking you know! I past a personal milestone when I weighed in yesterday and am even closer to revealing just how much I have lost very soon, if you are interested of course?

Hazel, be assured if I see any young ladies in Dorset with tattoos I will ask then to show me their tats! Then duck! :-))

Have a good weekend everyone!

Keep smiling

Keith the not so BigUn

For the weekend here are 10 Points to Ponder….

10. Life is sexually transmitted.

9. Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.

8. Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an
erection, make him a sandwich.

7. Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to
use the internet and they won't bother you for weeks.

6. Some people are like a slinky... not really good for anything, but
you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.

5. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital
dying of nothing.

4. All of us could take a lesson from the weather! It pays no
attention to criticism.

3. Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred pounds, and a
substantial tax cut saves you thirty pence???

2. In the 60's, people took LSD to make the world weird. Now the world
is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal..

1. We know exactly where one cow with foot and mouth disease is located among the millions and millions of cows in the UK, but we haven't a clue as to where millions of Illegal immigrants and terrorists are located. Maybe we should put the
Ministry of Agriculture in charge of immigration.

Anonymous said...

Checking in, and I find that there has been some reaction to my very kind, very fine and of course very silly offer! I didn't really have an extra ticket, but I thought ..... let's find out how your real friends are, ChrisseS!!

Mary - now I feel really bad, so if I happen to find an extra ticket somewhere, it has your name on it! Have a really lovely holiday!

Amanda, Hazel and Analog - you are just great girls. Amanda finds Westlife hilarious, Hazel thinks they are Boyzone, and they make Analog heave! Just wonderful comments and I have had a great laugh. What a tonic for a Friday! (not quite as good as a lemsip and whisky, though!)

Keith - excellent contribution as always. Great news about your weight loss - and of course we are interested! I think it's lovely that you and Mrs Keith are still so happy together.

We're getting there gang - 3.35pm!

C xx

Anonymous said...

Chrissie - Please don't feel bad.

Really looking forward to my holiday - have audience tickets for Strictly on Saturday, Loose Women on Monday and......Joseph on Wednesday!

I'm driving down in the early hours, just hope I get there in time to powder my nose and get to London in time for Strictly!!!

Keith - Congratulations on the weight loss. I think its so nice you and Mrs Keith are so happy xx

Mary xx

Anonymous said...


Bless you, love!

What a trip you have planned! I will be scanning the audience on Saturday during Strictly. Won't get to see Loose Women but I hope you really enjoy it. As for Joseph .... well, my envy knows no bounds!

Have a great time.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Littl'un


...and how can you be sure it's not a Winnibago? (That isn't a joke, it's an honest question...)

Moose, well done on your week's work! Come in step out of the rain...simple minds wasn't it?

Have good weekends all

boys one what?

Anonymous said...

Just want to wish everyone a really good weekend.

I am seeing my "wonderful cook" friend tonight - there will be garlic starter, garlic main course and all washed down with more garlic! Guarantees a quiet weekend on the Mr S front!

Hazel: re Boys One - Mr S insists on calling all members of Westlife Mickie (which none of them are called) and it causes more arguments with Ms S than anything else! You do know, of course that I am only going to that concert purely for Ms S?!

C xx

Anonymous said...

I am off to prepare the washing in time for tomorrow evening and then Sunday, maybe Monday and of course Tuesday as well! Wont my clothes be clean!!!!!

Wishing you all a good weekend!

A x

jollygit said...

Mornin' all!

Keith - belated happy anniversary to you and Mrs Big 'Un xx

Thanks for your good wishes to 'im indoors - at least I get me dinner on the table at 6pm on the dot now though!!!!!

Had a fantastic weekend in Oxford with the girls and the weather was wonderful. We'd booked for dinner at Malmaison which, for any Lewis (spin-off from Morse) fans, is Oxford Prison which has been converted into a hotel & restaurant and it is just amazing. 3 cells form one hotel room, with 2 making up the bedroom and one the bathroom. We started off in the bar with Black Forest Martini cocktails which taste literally like melted black forest gateau, complete with cream & chocolate on the top and on the way down to the restaurant, our lovely waiter showed us round the place, including one of the original cells that is just being used for storage. As an ex-prison officer it was too close for comfort but took me back!! The food was wonderful and I can't recommend it highly enough.

Unfortunately I came back to news from 'im indoors that one of my lovely uncles had died suddenly on the Saturday of a heart attack and we're now waiting for news of the funeral. He was 88, which was a good age, but we were close and I'll miss him terribly. My mum's so sweet - she wouldn't ring me on the Sat when it happened as she knew I'd want to come home and she didn't want to spoil my weekend, bless her heart.

Anyhoo, I have to get on with my minutes which, as Analog has quite rightly pointed out, are currently taking about a week .........

Hope your weekends went well xxxx

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Hiya Troops,

Me and my bad back are here to say hello.

I bent down this morning to pick up something and the old back went "twang"! Oh, it hurts.

This all goes back to when I had the most spectacular fall about five years ago. I am now always so careful, but just bent down the wrong way this morning, and I am paying the price.

Thankfully, I have managed to get an appointment this afternoon for acupuncture which is the only thing that works for me.

Hope everyone else is o.k. I really was sorry to see England lose the Rugby .... so near, and all that. I know just how everyone is feeling - years and years of endless defeats for Scotland have taught me well!

Be back later.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Jollygit - I just posted my comment and then saw that someone had left a message, so I've just read your news.

Sorry about the news of your uncle. I know he was a "good age" but it's never easy to lose someone you love. It's lovely that you had a good close relationship with him, at least you have that memory. And your mum did the right thing - you WOULD have come home. Mums are (almost) always right!

So glad you had such a good weekend. I'm going to have a wee look at the hotel on line at lunchtime.

C xx

jollygit said...

Thanks Chrissie and you're quite right. We've had some great family get-togethers over the years so there are lots of very happy memories to cherish and, of course, mums really do know best! xxxx

The Malmaison chain of hotels includes some amazing buildings, such as the prison in Oxford, a former Greek Orthodox church in Glasgow and a Seaman’s mission and a house of ill-repute for ladies of the night in Edinburgh! There are some good deals to be had too on weekends!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all!

Am very proud mum today as my littlest man won his class trophy on Friday for being the 'best in class' for the first half term (he is in year 1).

So, our house is very quiet and hubby and I have been 'doing the washing and housework' (that was for you Hazel!)!

In fact what we did was watch the GP in peace and quiet preceded by a 3 hour pootle around the shops!

The boys meanwhile are having a ball with their grandparents and wearing them out nicely!

Jollygit - so sad to hear about your uncle, 88 is a great age but it still comes as a shock to those left behind, may he rest in peace.

Chrissie - good luck at the acupuncturist, I suffer from a bad back most of the time and know how uncomfortable it can make things.

Loved X Factor on Saturday - my fave has to be Rhydian because he is not afraid to be different and the Scottish lad Leon - shame he had such a challenging song - hope he does better next week, also Niki has a fab sound. I can't stand Hope - the tall girl looks really uncomfortable everytime I see them perform and I don't 'get' them. So that's my take on it but come next week things'll be back to normal and I won't get to watch it at all!!!

Off to lunch now!

Back later!

A x

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all,

Very subdued DD here! For those of you that read of my weekend plans on the other side at the end of last week, things did not go well after my last post.

Almost as soon as I got into work on Thursday morning, I received a call from Mrs DD telling me to come home as one of our cats had been run over and killed. Unfortunately the cat in question was her favourite, Snugsy. Missus is still in pieces now as Snugs was her soulmate. I always knew how my Mrs was feeling from the location of Snugs to my Mrs when I got home. If Mrs was feeling down, Snugs would be laid upon her, and wouldn't move all evening. If Mrs was OK Snugs would go and play until about 10:00pm, when she would return for a cuddle. I have never seen an emotional bond like it between a cat and a person. Mrs currently feels like she's lost her right arm. This is the second of our cats to go skipping to the rainbow bridge in 9 weeks, so we are both very sore at the moment. All other issues are forgotten for now!

Immediately cancelled the hotel in Norwich, then changed our mind and decided to go anyway. Booked a different hotel out of town for a quieter weekend, and spent most of the time with the out-laws on their rebuilt boat, which is gorgeous.


DD out

PS and we lost the rugby, and Lewis didn't win the world championship! Crap weekend

jollygit said...

DD - I'm so sorry about Snugsy - both puss-cats in fact - and for Mrs DD. Not sure what else to say except that they do leave a huge gap when they go. Big hugs to you both xxxx

Anonymous said...

DD - just want to say I'm sorry to hear about wee Snugsy.

Your wife will miss her so much. It's so hard when we lose our animals because they are just such a huge part of our lives.

Thinking of you both.

C xx

Anonymous said...

DD - really sorry to hear about your cats - pets are just an extension of their families and are sorely missed when they pass on. Rest in peace Snugsy and pal. Hope Mrs DD and you are feeling a bit brighter soon. Take care of each other.

A x

Anonymous said...

Evenin' all (well I am a bit late checking in today)

DD so sorry to hear about your puss cat(s). Thinking of you and Mrs DD.

Nothing to report except that I keep having to do work - WHY? I know they pay my salary and I really should make a bit of an effort, but all day, every day? I don't think it should be allowed!

Back later when boss goes to another meeting ....

Anonymous said...

JG, Chrissie S, Analog & Amanda.

Thanks for the kind words. There is a huge hole in my Mrs life at the moment. I could by 25 stone and 6 ft 8 ins tall and I wouldn't fill it, in fact I'd still leave a huge gap! But I'm trying the best I know how!

DD out

Dr Joseph McCrumble said...

Good luck Moose. There's nothing quite as satisfying as seeing your own words in hardback. Even if no-one else does.

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