Wednesday, 3 October 2007


Wrote this yesterday but did the falling asleep on the sofa til 4am trick last night so only just got to post it now...writing going swimmingly this week. The short story is finished in the first draft and reduced to the requisite number of words in the second. I'm letting it lie for a few days/weeks before I go back for the third go. I've written 7,500 words of the book over the last 2 days. I am in the groove, on a roll and in the zone all at the same time!
Oh and the swimming is also going swimmingly - how else could it go? And the rest of the fitness/triathlon training...if only I could get the food and weight part of it back on track...

My thoughts today turn to the issue of self-centredness. Maybe it's not wholly new as the point yesterday re paying taxes is a little of the same.

(By the way, welcome back Dr JMcC! Long time no see...I have been avoiding Cambridge since that night out with Dr Booth, but still get a shudder when I hear a Polish accent.)

So, today on the JV show, there's a lady on complaining that lots of people cut up the funeral cortege when she was burying her father. Most of the comments were on the lines of how disrespectful we have become as a society. Now, firstly, this is undoubtedly true. I am sure that the vast majority of the 'bad' drivers that the lady observed were simply so wrapped up in their own lives, their own deadlines and their own little world, that to pay a thought for someone else's grief didn't come into question. The precious few seconds they lost because of a slow cortege were just too important to them. Self-centred.

However, I took something else interesting out of the discussion too. Not once did the lady concerned mention the possibility that one or two of these drivers may have had a legitimate reason for being in a hurry. A reason would be legitimate in this sense only if the overall social view of the circumstances were known and an assessment could be made that their need to hurry was indeed greater than the lady's need for 'respect' to be shown during her father's funeral. I'm not saying that the chances of this are very high. They are probably very small indeed. But what if someone had just heard that THEIR father had just had an accident and they were rushing to be with him. Wouldn't the still living father take precedence over the already dead father? And what if the accident or illness were a child instead? I'm sure there are many other situations we could imagine, all of them rare but still possible. People buy lottery tickets with only a 1 in 14 million chance of winning because it is just about possible. Why then is it so difficult to imagine a calamitous event with probablilities of say 1 in a million, happening to someone else?

My point is not that this was the case in the lady's funeral situation. My point is that it didn't even seem to cross her mind that it might, just might, be the case. She was, quite understandably, wrapped up in her life, her deadline, her little world.

I recall that one of the signs of emotional intelligence that Daniel Goleman refers to in his book is the ability to assume that those who cross you, and he uses the roads as a specific example, have a legitimate reason for doing so. It is emotionally intelligent to let it go, to think the best of others, to assume there might be a legitimate reason for someone else's 'bad' behaviour.

So no matter how justifiably self-centred we could be, surely it's better to forgive and not judge.


Anonymous said...


You really ARE on a roll these days. Terrific blogs recently.

Yes, I do agree, we never know what is happening in other people's lives and it is so easy to judge.

I remember someone saying to me - a very long time ago, when I was judging her (though I was young and that's my only defence) "try walking in my shoes for a day and you'll see what can happen in life". I've never forgotten that and I really do try to give the benefit of the doubt.

Not always easy!!!

C xx

Anonymous said...

So, having been a funeral director...there are some funeral homes who supply small magnetic flags, for those who aren't travelling in a chauffered car, for one to attach to ones bonnet to indicate that they are part of a cortege. There are other homes who don't. From experience, people just go about their business if there is no indication to do otherwise...

I would just say that there is no excuse for bad manners though (stop talking at the back) and it doesn't give you the right to push anyone out of the way, however urgent you consider your own needs to be...

I'm gonna post this now

but it won't get here til Thursday

Anonymous said...

What a busy morning - I'm feeling quite knackered already!

One of the girls I work with is stopping tonight for a week's holiday so we are trying to get everything up to date before she goes. She's going to Dubai for a week and it's fair to say, I'm green with envy!

I am definitely not staying home all this weekend doing housework, etc. I am quite determined to get up early tomorrow and GO SOMEWHERE for the day! Of course, it will mean missing Jonathan Ross on the radio and that will be a real sacrifice!

Hope everyone is o.k. Happy Friday all!

C xx

Anonymous said...

I agree with Chrissie - you are on a roll these days Moose!

There is less respect generally these days, for people, property and traditions. Mr L could rant for hours about it ... I tend to agree with him, but I think we're both just heading for that stage of life when every utterance starts or ends with "it wouldn't have happened in my day".

On a lighter note - my mum & dad have been married for 50 years today. We're having a bit of a do tomorrow - just a small family thing, but hopefully everyone will enjoy it. I've just picked up the cake from the lovely man who's made & iced it for me.

Hope all your weekends are as great as I hope ours will be!

Back later

Anonymous said...


so right. I did a course some time ago - I can't actually remember waht it was, but it was on the same lines. Basically, on a video, a driver was right up ebhind another car, honking the horn, flashing lights, appearing angry, etc. The person in the first car was frightened and alarmed by this behaviour (it may make others angry). Then a second film showed the same thing, except from the point of view of the person in the second car. He had just heard that his wife had been in an extremely bad accident and he needed to get to the hospital. As a post script, the peron in the first car was driving at 20mph in a 40mph zone!

I just remebered, the course was 'Influencing skills' and it tought me to make sure I knew the full pictue, before I responded to anything. I still do this and it;s amazing the effect it has on people!

I'm just going to get something to eat, but will be back later to catch up with you all,


S xx.

Anonymous said...

Only 7,500 words Moose? You're slacking! Time to stop going to the gym every five minutes and start knuckling down.

This would be a Moose Knuckle.

Anonymous said...

Not caught up yet - any news on Jo and the blog baby?

S xx.

Anonymous said...


In relation to your previous blog on whether or not the NHS should treat those that don't help themselves, I agree with your comment on the lady that had to wait two years, etc.

I bought one of those weekly mags with puzzles in, some months ago, and read with interest about a campaign they are spearheading in relation to breast reduction. ALL of the women featured in that particular edition of the magazine were over-weight, in fact, I would say obese and were refused surgery until they had lost weight, which they deemed to be completely unacceptable.

Now, having struggled with my weight for years (and also being very unhappy with large chesticles), you know that after 18 months, I successfully lost over five stones, but what you don't know is that I also reduced said chesticles by three cup sizes.

We seem to be sold on a NOW culture - one that demands instant gratification, look at the increase in cosmetic surgery, the material society we live in that dictates we must have the latest gadgets, the fastest cars, bigger houses and the subsequent increase in debt.

When I was younger, I was told to exercise to increase my bust size and reduce my stomach. If I wanted something, I saved for it and if it was beyond my reach - I looked for a more achievable alternative. This attitude is not fatalism, this is realism.

If people took control of their own lives, instead of being puppets of overpaid Marketeers and the resulting 'Celeb-culture', people would be healthier, happier and more accepting of themselves.

S xx.

Anonymous said...

(Whispered) is this a library?

S xx.

Anonymous said...

SSsshhhhhhhh ...

Anonymous said...

On the theme and not wishing to be self centred but sorry I haven't been around much - had a bad week!

Anyway to one and all I wish a good weekend and to me a better week next week - to anyone else having bad times - a better week to you all too!

A x

Anonymous said...

I pop out for a long lunch with my colleague, then go on some errands for the office and I miss Analog and Sammie!!

Analog: hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow with your mum and dad. 50 years - it's an incredible achievement.

Sammie: it's all so true what you are saying. We used to wait for things we wanted, but we don't want to do that now. I know this sounds ridiculous, but when I was married in 1976, I saw a lovely lamp in a wee store in our local village. I saved up for THREE weeks to buy it! (Mr S was paid weekly then).

Oh, we always look back and think things were better then, but really I think they were!

Have a great weekend everyone. Jo - thinking of you, love!

C xx

Dr Joseph McCrumble said...

If only I could live as someone who is forgiven and never judged. I try, but somehow never seem to make it. If anyone has any suggestions, I would be glad to hear them.

By the way, Moose, Dr B would be happy to meet up again for another beer. I'd like to join, but being penniless and confined to quarters precludes any adventures.

Jo said...

It's a boy!! George Jonathan

7-10-07 @ 1:13 am

A healthy 7lb 14...
Such a cutie pie

:o) Jo

PS - I have a note from Grandma for unexplained absences this week!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww Jo - how utterly fantastic!

His name is gorgeous and it's wonderful to hear from you. Are you home already? Ye gods!

Well done, you clever girl!

Congratulations to you and Mr Jo.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jo and Mr Jo!

Welcome to the world George - your mummy and daddy chose a fantastic name for you!

Well done Jo! So pleased for you!

Take care
Love A x

Anonymous said...

Brilliant news to start the week. Congratulations to all the Jo family and hello to little George.

50th anniversary celebrations all went well - everyone was very happy and a good time had by all.

Back later

Anonymous said...

analog, glad the celebrations went well...fifty years...good grief! Well done to those concerned! I shall be clocking up just 10% of that with the Badger at the end of November...and that's just the meeting of him!

Jo, Mr Jo and all people Jo, and Sophie Puppy :0) so she doesn't feel left out, many many many congratulations, and a big welcome to the world for young George...SO glad I wasn't required...but I was there in spirit!

Mainly vodka

Anonymous said...

What a lovely start to the week!

George Jonathan - that's a 'proper' name!

Jo - well done you. Hope Mr Jo is looking after you and that Sophie puppy isn't too confused by the new addition to your family.

I had a squeeze of an 11 day old baby on Saturday - lovely!!!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Sammie, I hope you didn't squeeze too hard. The last time I squished a new born babe, it popped at both ends...most unpleasant...

yellow and green doncha know

Anonymous said...

Hazel - yuck!!!

Just a gentle squeeze...

Er - what are we talking about?


Anonymous said...

...that well known double act 'Posset and Poop' and the irony is, he didn't even smile first...

Anonymous said...

From both ends ... Achyfi! (sp?) I only speak one word of Welsh and that's it. My gran used to use it all the time and I think it does what it says on the tin ...

Anonymous said...

Apologies - I got lost with all the squeezing...

Main squeeze, latest squeeze, Squeezy pie, squeezy poos (back where we started), Atishoo squeeze, squeezy, squeezy yum yum!

All because someone squeezed me that shouldn't and now I'm all a dither...

... and very, very giggly!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

analog, I'm sure if I knew that word, I'd have used it...I think I just went 'Oooo dear' and did that kind of nervous smile thing and gave the we'un back to his adoring daddy...the irony was, as soon as me and the badger arrived home, we got a text from the parents concerned for me to return, as apparently, whilst he was in my arms, that was the longest he'd slept since he'd been born...the strange thing is, babies usually detest me on sight...perhaps the sleep thing is just a different reflex...

baby crying in chalet red 14

Anonymous said...

...and Sammie, I think I've said this before...


More information required please.


Anonymous said...

HL - OK, just for you...

I have a friend - H, who seperated from his wife at the same time me and my hubby seperated. Aside from him being extremely fanciable, we had this seperation thing in common and so we used o phone each other to moan about our respective ex's. We've been good friends for about 18 months now.

I saw him yeterday, at the rugby clob, for about 20 mins - we had a catch-up - like you do - and then I came home.

Thing is that when I was talking to him, I had an incredible urge to kiss him - I don't just mean a peck on the cheek (we did that anyway), I mean a full on "get your coat, you've pulled" type kiss, but, I showed some restraint and didn't. When I left he squeezed me tight (which didn't help) and off I went.

Once home, I texted him to tell him that I had that urge and BLOW ME!!!! He was STRAIGHT on the phone, saying that he's 'wanted' me since we first met!!!!

Crikey! Problem is, I do have a Special Friend already.

S xx.

P.S. Everyone already thinks we have - the chemistry is THAT obvious!!!

Anonymous said...

So now you know why I am smiley and giggly - especially as he was on the phone to me at 7 am this morning and has texted a trillion times today...

And, yes, he does know I have a Special Friend.

My bestie girlfriend says it's ok looking in a sweet shop, but if I have too much, I'll end up with toothache...

S xx.

jollygit said...

I've finally managed to get two mins to meself now that all the blimmin' students are at lunch, so I thought I'd pop me head round the blog door and say hi!

Sammie - ooh I say, how exciting!!

Jo, Mr Jo and Sophie puppy .... what wonderful news and isn't George Jonathan just a lovely, solid name for a lad. Well done to you all xx

George - welcome to the world, and the Moose-blog - you're very, very welcome xxxx

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Oooh Sammie!

Hazel it means yucky or disgusting or something similar in Welsh. apparently.

Anonymous said...

By the way - is it wrong - morally, legally or otherwise to have a darn good letch at some very fit and attractive rugby players that are about 17?

I love the tight t-shirts they wear under their rugby shirts and their legs - well - I'm getting all hot under the collar now!

S xx.

P.S. Fetch the Bromide....

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, it's all go here! Sammie, I know your message was for Hazel but hopefully I can say a wee something.

Is there anything more exciting that fancying someone and then discovering that they fancy you too?!

The only real decision you have here is that if do "dip your toe in the water" so to speak, you have to know how you will feel if Special Friend finds out. It doesn't seem that you have an "open" relationship with him, but only you can know how he would react if you were seeing someone else.

Having said all that, you are a free agent, so you do what your heart (and other parts of your anatomy!) tell you to do!

Jollygit - what a lovely message to baby George!

C xx

Anonymous said...

C - my comments are for everyone, so feel free to chip in!

Truth of the matter is that Special Friend is having problems with his daughter accepting our relationship. To me, it feels as though our relationship can't progress, until she does. I don't want to spend the next God knows how long, seeing him just a couple of times each week, not being able to phone him when his daughter's visiting - I want more. Tonight's the night for the discussion.

With regard to H - I think Special Friend would be devastated if I did 'dip my toe' and actually, I wouldn't be able to - I'm just not like that. So... H is going to have to wait!

(You have no idea how hard it is for me to say that!!!)

S xx.

Anonymous said...


I hope your discussions with Special Friend go well tonight. I agree, it must be very difficult if his daughter is making waves - children do have so much "power". Sometimes it's justified and sometimes it's downright pushing people's buttons!

I see what you mean about waiting before you would do anything re: H and I believe me I DO know how difficult that will be! It's been a while while since I met anyone who "rang my bell" but I have very clear memories of my bell ringing REALLY loudly!!

C xx

Anonymous said...


S xx.

Moose said...

Afternoon all,
Well today seems to be all of a hormone rage! If there are any spare, can you send them in the direction of the Moose household. As long as they are the 'right' hormones, of course!

Chapter 9 is now going so well and is over 13,000 words long, with a number of significant scenes still to write. So as chapter 10 is a little weak, I'm considering just splitting 9 rather than feeling as though I have to massively edit it. Is that cheating? Are there any rules? Are the rules just made to be broken?

Am I talking to myself or Sammie? What's with all the questions?

Seriously, Sammie, you are not married to Special Friend so in my book (no not that one...) that makes a lot of difference. I can understand that you don't want any cross-over but having H waiting in the wings (right or left wing?) can't be all bad. Seems like he's been waiting in the wings for a while, so another day or three won't tip the scales. And it's a great thing to focus the attention with Special Friend.

And I do believe the only way the leching over the 17 year-old rugby players would be wrong is if it were me doing it...although having said that I was once rugby tackled into a bush by a female rugby player - I hasten to add that was a case of looking in the sweet shop window but not tasting the candy!

Dr JMcC - I will e-mail Dr B for a drinking date soon...anyone else visiting Cambridge soon and wanting to join in?

Anonymous said...

Olga Upanova has expressed an interest in attending any 'do' that involves a, Moose, or b, Dr Booth, or c, Joseph McCrumble or d, Wotka. Or is that a ford magazine?

Anyhoo, thank you very much for your elaboration Sammie. In my very 'umble non-judgemental and always forgiving opinion, if you've been going along quite happily for 18 months, another little while won't hurt.

And there is NO harm WHAT SO EVER about letching after 17 year old rugby players, or any other 17 year old...if they're worth looking at...wot's a "phwoar" between friends eh? DING as they say DONG and definitely not 'Achyfi'!

I'd be first in the queue for a 17 year old fireman, but that's not for here

ps Dr J McC, I'm terribly sad you feel like 'If only I could live as someone who is forgiven and never judged.'? Timothy Hedgehog wasn't your fault!

Anonymous said...

The Chairperson of the company I work for is currently giving a presentation on 'stuff' and I decided that I should make use of the teleconferencing facility being offered and listen in.

But - it is SOOOOOOOOO boring! I want to ask a question, about job losses, but I've completely shut off and don't know if someone else has already asked!


S xx.

Anonymous said...

Oh, to my shame Moose, I missed the bit about you being tackled into a bush.

How that one got by me I shall never know.

Now I'm larfin like a drain!

tackle and bush
but that's not for here

ps am I still allowed in NC1?

Anonymous said...

Now in another equally boring telecon! Where's H and his txts when I need him?

Moose - thanks for the benefit of your wisdom and yes, of course, you're all right, I've waited for 18 months, a few more days or weeks isn't really going to make much difference now.

Bit nervous about tonight though!

How is everyone else's Monday? Is it manic?

Lovely pic in my Inbox this morning - Sydney Opera House decked out in England rugby colours!

Have sent it to all my Aussie colleagues...

S xx.

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Well it's all so funny, but... just looked at my horrorscope (sorry - horoscope) and read "Get ready to be lassooed into the type of love and passion that has you gasping for breath."

Is it a set up?

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations Jo - that is brilliant news and well done you. What a cracking name too. Oooh, i am sooo broody. Enjoy and look after yourself and mr jo, tho obviously he should be looking after you more just now!

Sammie - wow, that sounds like proper romance stuff. In't snogging brilliant... even if it was only in your dreams... at the moment!

Am busy, grumpy and generally fed up at the moment. Your messages are keeping me sane!

Anonymous said...

HL - I did date a fireman once.. and looking back, I definitely had a uniform thing.

Fireman, Policemen (3 of them, not at the same time though), ATC in RAF, Army (Para, Engineer, Scots Guard, Marine, Fusilier), Navy (submarine guy), civvy pilot, prison officer, yes that's it. Sounds a lot - many of them were one date wonders - they didn't wear their uniforms, so I lost interest...


I could always arrange a Fireman strippergram for you HL.


S xx.

Anonymous said...

Dearest dahling S xx...he'd have to be a 'Get Dressed-a-gram'...I tend to lose interest once the uniform has gone...flakey, that's me!

Odd, I posted something very similar last week on next door's page...

However, I DID date three chaps...oh, SO long ago now...who were all in the services...all at the same time...all home on leave at different times heh heh heh...mum was terrified of answering the phone in case she got their names she should've worried...

Tsk tsk NC1 this oily in the week.

I dunno

ANNA BIG KISSES for your grumpy!


Any better?

ps am still chuckling about Moose's tackle in a bush...oh yes...

Anonymous said...

Great news - I'm going to be an auntie again!!!!

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Morning schmorning.

It's veritably p-ing darn here.

Dunno weather to wear a coat and get all hot or bring a brolly and get all blown.

Either would be delightful in other circumstances.

Sammie, will you be my auntie too?
Congratulations hon x

So, how are WE?

Anonymous said...

Good morning! It's pretty grotty here today. I can't describe coping with the weather quite as eloquently as Ms Love!

Sammie - how lovely, another wee baby coming into your life.

Speaking of babies - Jo we are thinking of you. Hope George is one of those wee people who likes to sleep a lot! Yesterday, the guy I work with whose baby was born last Saturday, came into the office for a couple of hours. I can honestly say I have never seen anyone age so fast! He looked completely shattered, he really doesn't know whether it's New York or New Year! Ahhh, the joys of fatherhood!

Have a good day everyone.

C xx

Anonymous said...

Excellent news Jo! Congratulations to you and Mr Jo. Welcome to the world baby George xx

Congratulations to you too Sammie.

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Morning all,
congrats to the Jo family! and to Sammie on being an Auntie again. Hope the chat went OK for Sammie, whichever way!

In the heavy phase myself at the mo, not sure what the future holds, or whether the status quo will remain. Hence the lack of partaking on this blog. We keep going round in circles. Sieze the day or call it a day? not yet sure!

Best wishes to you all though.

DD out

Anonymous said...

Morning all,

Jo a huge congratulations to you and yours and a BigUn welcome to this world to George! ;-) I know I have never mentioned but my fathers name was George, my middle name is George and we have a Georgina so I particularly delighted with your choice of name. ;-)) Well done!

Sammie, WOW what a life you lead. I understand what you mean with the 17 year old rugby players. My last coaching job was with a colts side so a squad of 35 or so 16 – 18 year olds. The amount of women that turned up to watch them play was quite astonishing and the girls that loitered around the club house (and the showers) was bordering on the embarrassing for the lads. Still all part of growing up! ;-))

My son is now up and running on both legs. His car is still upside down in a field. His replacement car is in having an MOT. Life is getting back to normal.

I will be back later if this joke does not get me stuck in the NC1.

Keith the BigUn

Just as a return sort of joke….

An Australian walks into a bar with a pet crocodile by his side.

He puts the crocodile up on the bar.

He then turns to the astonished patrons and says: "I'll make you a deal. I'll open this crocodile's mouth and place my genitals inside.

Then the croc will close his mouth for one minute.

Then he'll open his mouth and I'll remove my genitals unscathed. In return for witnessing this spectacle, each of you will buy me a drink."

The crowd murmured in unanimous approval.

The man stood up on the bar, dropped his trousers, and placed his privates in the crocodile's open mouth. The croc closed his mouth as the crowd gasped.

After a minute, the man grabbed a beer bottle and smacked the crocodile hard on the top of its head. The croc opened his mouth and the man removed his genitals unscathed as promised.

The crowd cheered and the first of his free drinks were delivered.

The Australian stood up again and made another offer.

"I'll pay anyone $100 who's willing to give it a try." A hush fell over the crowd. After a while, a hand went up in the back of the bar.

A Blonde Australian woman timidly spoke up..........."I'll try it....just don't hit me so hard with the beer bottle."

Moose said...

Morning all,
Thanks Keith - laughing out loud!

Hazel - I'd always choose to be blown.

Sitting at the gym waiting for my breakfast to go darn sufficiently for a swim. Composing a new one....

Anonymous said...

So, this suit walks into a bar with a crocodile under his arm...says to the barman...'do you serve lawyers?'...barman says 'yessiree we do'...suit says 'right I'll have a pint, and the croc'll have a lawyer...

NOW I feel better!

Keith, you deserve a big kiss just because I can...glad your son is now doing ok

...and DD...for you too XXX


Moose, are you in speedos? Or is it a bit early yet? Definitely feels early...SOOOOO dark artside...

Swallow dive

Moose said...

Speedos on. New post up. Pretty obvious when you're wearing speedos.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's great to see a couple of jokes on the blog! Keith and Hazel - excellent!

Keith - so glad to hear the good news about your son.

MWK - always good to see you.

Moose - naughty! I can see you and Hazel meeting up in NC1!

DD - thinking of you, these decisions in life are so huge - either way.

C xx