Sunday, 8 April 2007

The best things in life...are the simple things

Had a great time sitting on the beach listening to the waves hit some rocks this afternoon. I could have sat there for ages in the sunshine but I think my feet would have got very wet if I'd stayed much longer.
There is something amazing about the simplest things. Especially when they are also free.

I am feeling incredibly tired after not doing much. I envy the youth their energy - the mooselets have been on the go the whole day with cycling, playground, beach etc. I feel worn out just watching. I think I am suffering from stress withdrawal - there is too little adrenaline pumping round my body to keep me going. I shall have to induce some by going for a run in the morning. What better way to start a bank holiday?


Anonymous said...

Moose, Moose, Moose....

Can't agree more. I love the sound of the sea. The gentle lapping of waves, or even the crashing of waves, it's hypnotic. Makes me feel, well, whole in an odd way. You're so right about the best things being free, we just don't realise it all the time. I've been to some lovely places this week, all have been free, apart from car parking.

The really great thing though, has been spending time with the kids. Not the same as the time their dad spends with them. He takes them bowling, to the cinema - great treats like that, but actually, all they want, is QUALITY time and that costs nothing.

That's what we've had this last week, quality time, to talk and teach. They've listened to all the things I've had to share about nature and absorbed it, asked questions and gone off on their own and researched bits and pieces.

That's what money can't buy.

I love the world we live in and I've shared that with the kids this week - priceless.

Have a great BH,

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Its not so much the oceans that do it for me, though of course I enjoy the beauty and vastness of them and the way it can change so rapidly from calm to ferocious, but no - its skies for me. When I take the cats for a walk I go to my favourite spot in a field where there are a few pallets on the ground. Here I take a pew and look out across the fields to a beautiful and huge old oak tree which reminds me so much of The Faraway Tree. If I time it right the sun is just beginning to set and goes down just to the left of the oak, which stands out in silhouette againt the many changing colours of the sky. My cats tend to gather around me and settle down as if they realise that this is my time for quiet contemplation. I don't come away with solutions for all the complications in my life, I get a sense of peace and a general feeling that despite everything, I'll be alright. And really, thats all anybody needs.

MW, a!

jollygit said...

Sammie - sounds like you've had a wonderful time with your children and I'm sure they won't forget it either.

I'm lucky to live just a few mins' walk from the sea and every day for the last week or so, I've walked along the seafront. I've either sat on the pier and looked out to France or I've sat on the beach just listening to the waves crashing around me. It's hypnotic and so, so calming.

MWa - there aren't that many places where we can find peace but you've found one! Love the idea of taking the cats for a walk!

Moose - we've been to Whitstabubble again and it's looking lovely!

Glad you're all having a great time xx

jollygit xx

Kim Ayres said...

We used to be a couple of hours drive from the sea, now we're 15 minutes - it was one of the major deciding factors in moving to this corner of Scotland.

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to visit and comment on my blogs.

Anonymous said...

afternoon all,

I love the sea - can't remember the last time I saw or heard it even. Yes I can, it was almost 2 years ago....however, with my new-found bravery with travelling, I intend to visit as often as I can. My dream (one of them) is to live near the sea eventually.

Sammie - your description of your time with your kids was so lovely.
In answer to your question: yes, I am going to meet up with him again.

I feel out of sorts at the moment. I don't really know why. My kids come back tomorrow. In some ways, it feels like they have been away for an other ways, the time has gone very quickly. I put far too much pressure on myself to be 'super parent'. I don't mean that I spend money on them (apart from football match tickets!!!) or am out and about with them going places etc....I just mean, well sort of neglecting my needs and stuff because I think it is in their intersts. sorry to bore you all with this...I had no intention whatsoever of writing this, it is just happening, as are the tears. I know why I put pressure on myself - I think it is to create a world for them that perhaps, due to a trajic (sp? - sorry Moose) event, I feel I didn't have. Maybe I am just one of these people who sets ridiculously high standards for myself. Come to think of it, I think I am. At work, it was never good enough (to me) to reach my sales targets.....I had to thrash them. Also when I was 21 I had annorexia - the classic symptom of one with zero self-worth and self-setting high standards. So, that's me - would be able to counsel someone else who was telling me about her situation, but unable to practise as I preach.

Once again, apologies.

Have a good day everyone.


lyndyloo said...

Hi Everyone

Welcome Kim!
Gaby- I'm sure you're a great Mum and whatever it is that drives you to excess it's only that you want to be the best you can. The brain has a way of putting your own self interests to the forefront even if sometimes you struggle with an internal dilemma as to whether it's "right". Just trust in yourself and beleive that you're good enough, we'll do everything we can to help you along the way.

Anonymous said...

lyndyloo Thank you so much xxxx

yes, welcome Kim : )

Moose has posted again - must refresh and read : )
