Wednesday, 18 April 2007

A challenging day ahead...

Sorry for late posting. Won't bore you with details. Expecting a challenging day today. The waiter at the gym last night slipped me a normal coffee instead of the decaff I ordered. I started feeling strangely buzzy on the drive home, started shaking etc etc. Due to that and a couple of other reasons, I did not sleep well at all. The temptation to drink caffeine this morning is intense but has been resisted so far. I'll take it hour by hour. Maybe minute by minute if necessary.

I feel very humble on a couple of other fronts:

Weight - put on 0.3kg. Don't quite understand. I haven't been particularly strict about logging my calories every day but I can't be that far out. I usually add on 300-500 for the odd bits that I missed. I'd need to add on about 2,000 a day for the last week to explain that result though. When I say I don't understand, I do have an inkling but don't want to rely on it as an excuse. Without going into too much detail, giving up caffeine has sent my digestive system into a completely opposite state to normal - which could explain some weight gain. Say no more. I think I need to drink more water.
The temptation at breakfast to 'blow out' was huge. Luckily, my body has now got used to the new eating regime/habits and I don't think I could physically eat any more than normal. That's a relief. Just got to keep going (in all senses) and the weight will go. It will. It can't fail to if I carry on with the eating lifestyle and exercise. Must try hard to avoid the chocolate and muffins today as I can feel myself in the type of mood when my will power fails.

Relationships - I definitely don't qualify to give any advice based on the 'do as I do' principle. Is it OK if we stick to 'do as I say'? Theory is wonderful but practice a little different. I'm glad to hear a lot of you are so much better at it than me. But another reason for feeling weak and wanted to run screaming and hide somewhere.

Today will be a good test of whether I can resist comfort eating and the temptation to rely on caffeine to get me through.


jollygit said...

Moose - I'm sure the change to decaffeinated coffee has had a lot to do with the weight gain, especially an increased appetite, but it's good that you're not disheartened by it and that you resisted a blow-out breakfast! You're our inspiration - stay strong for us all!!!!

Sammie - I've just this minute posted to you on Moose's blog from yesterday, before I realised he'd posted today. Hope you're OK lovey xx

No news yet about the job I went for last week - they said we should hear by today so hopefully the phone will ring. Meanwhile, I'll be honing my domestic goddess skills around the house ..... the place is positively sparkling and I've even bought some Marigolds (other rubber gloves are available). Someone get me a job and fast, pleeeese!!!!!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Oh gawd Moose! Right, now...sit up straight, NO slouching, push those antlers high, eyes front, and breathe in and out three times using your diaphragm to draw the air in, and to push it out again. Count to 5 for in and 10 for out. If you can do this about once or twice an hour, or whenever you feel a craving, the craving should pass...and I'm sure I read somewhere that it sometimes takes a couple of weeks for weight to show...something to do with the body's storage system...possibly Easter catching up to you?...and of course, that small a gain can always be put down to's the've bin doin a lot o' gallopin abart!

Dothebreathingexercises Hall

Anonymous said...


Keep going my friend.

It seems to be a testing time for a few of us at the moment. No change there then.

You know that feeling when you are trying so hard but you are only just keeping head above water......


Anonymous said...

Stick with it Moose and resist the caffeine and high calorie/fat snacks - you're doing well overall, the gain is just a temporary blip ... says one who has no willpower and is genetically programmed to despise healthy foods and eat only provisions laden with saturated fat, sugar and chocolate. (Weight loss minimal over the past couple of weeks, but am making more of an effort to exercise.)

Jollygit - got my fingers crossed for you about the job news. Hopefully today will be a good news day, if only so you can consign the Marigolds to a dark cupboard under the sink for a while. My interview yesterday was a bit so-so and I failed to complete the test, but I think it was an exercise in prioritising disguised as a computer skills test and I can't see how anyone would have finished the whole thing. I've thought long and hard about it overnight and don't think I would fit in there, so I'm not that bothered about the outcome. It was good interview practice though for the job I've applied for and would really like - just haven't heard about interviews yet.

More later

Anonymous said...

Moose, don't really understand kg's - but isn't 0.3kg the tiniest amount? I know it's easy to make excuses, but honestly our weight does fluctuate for all sorts of reasons, but once we are really watching it closely and weighing ourselves regularly, any gain can seem like a calamity! Anyway, you are sounding very positive, so hang in there.

As for myself, it was a difficult evening for me because I was a little down about my own weight. However, I managed to fight it and ended the day within my points total. Sometimes it's just really hard.

Jollygit - what a day you had yesterday! The idiot who tried to "impress" will, I am sure, have done the exact opposite! Hope you get good news.

Sammie - you are just getting yourself into a state! I can see that you feel everything was just too fast and furious at the start, but that's what falling in love does to us! Yes, get back to seeing your friends and everything else you want to do, but I wouldn't finish things with K just because you are panicking. As I said yesterday, can't you have the best of both worlds?

Amanda - look forward to hearing from you. Any time, no rush.

Anna - your comments yesterday re: letting out children make their own mistakes. Of course you are right and since the day Ms S was born, I have said "it's her life, she must make her own mistakes". That is, until I see her just about to make them!!

I promise I will stop going on about this, but can I say briefly that my eldest sister had not one, but two, illegitmate babies (in 1962 and 1963, when the shame was beyond belief) and I guess living through that has lead me to where I am today. I have seen first hand just how devastating making a mess of your life can be, but I know, I really DO know that I cannot live my daughter's life for her.

Thanks to everyone for their patience on this topic.

C xx

jollygit said...

Moose - don't forget tonight at 9pm on BBC2: Natural World is about "Moose on the Loose".

Annalog - as you say, interview practice is always useful but I think we were testing them yesterday rather than the other way round! It was like something out of The Apprentice - hopefully I'll hear the worlds "Jollygit - you're hired"!

jollygit xx

PS Happy humpday one and all

jollygit said...

Or even the words, "Jollygit, you're hired"!

Jo said...

Morning (just) all

Have been in a meeting this morning - how very dare they!

Moose - have been drinking decaff tea and coffee since I realised I was pregnant - it seems as if some days I barely awaken form my slumbers but I'm getting used to it!

0.3kg is miniscule, 300grams, less that a pound. In fact about 2/3 of a pound. I know the rules state that you have to count calories obsessively but don't do the same with weight as it won't be as much fun anymore!

As for the coming off caffiene symptoms - NUFF SED!

Have to go to the consultant this afternoon so I have a letter from my doctor for mini absense. When I read the appointment letter i noticed they needed a urine sample - I was on my way out the door, where was I going to get a pee pot from?? (Surely they should send you one when they ask for the sample!)

Anyway decided to go to a random doctors and ask, the kind lady receptionist gave me one straight away - not all of them are dragons it seems :o)

Then I had to pee in it before my meeting which is alway dignified!!!

Luckily no one looked at me funny when I went in my meeting so I must have washed my hands thoroughly! It's a good job I don't get embarrassed easily :o)

Hope all your day's are good and the sun shines on your sould

:o) Jo

PS - no calories in virtual love hearts moose - go for your life!

Jo said...

And again please - Moose, just found this, does it make you feel better???

On average an adult moose stands (1.5 - 1.8 m)(5 to 6 feet) high. Males weigh (850 to 1180 lbs.)(385 - 534 kg) and females (600 to 800 lbs)(270 - 362 kg).

Anonymous said...

hello all
moose - hang on, that caffine will corse around for a bit..keep yourself busy! You did make me think about caffine, though..Ill try no caffeine, because I'm always mega craving( and giving in), and not associated before. By the way, i was lurking yesterday, but mega busy at work AND I'm convinced that my brain is way, way too small, way way too shallow. I can't join in with the deep stuff, sorry.
Sammie - i'm no good at that sort of advice, but many others on this site are..hope it works out.
Hazel - no stalker here!
Looking forward to the apprentice tonight, and
Chrissie - I have found out there's going to be a spin off called ashes to ashes - excited.
Glad you're back gaby
bought the t shirt Ana?
hope you get response soon, jollygit
Keith - funny joke yesterday!

May come back later, i've got loads to do here.

Caroline x

Anonymous said...

it's a good job you don't get embaressed...having a baby and all.
good luck with the continued peeing!

caroline x

Moose said...

I know 0.3kg is miniscule as a weight gain, but based on my calorific balance, I was reckoning to have lost about 1kg - 2 or 3 lbs. So it's the difference between that and the actual result that's more problematic. On a more positive note, I need to go and buy a new belt and trousers pretty soon or I will get arrested.

And the water seems to be doing the trick...

So far today:
No caffeine.
No muffins (one looked at me enticingly but I spurned its advances).
No chocolate.
No arguments (no contact ensures that's easy!)
Not such a bad day after all.

And to answer Hazel's question from yesterday:
Alternative triathlon consists of three events: sauna, steam room and jacuzzi.
Not smokin', dancin' and ****in'.

Anonymous said...

Moose - I tried decaff for a while and to be honest I felt it wasn't worth it - I still craved coffee as much but just didn't get the kick. I switched to peppermint tea about a month ago and I'm really enjoying it. I still have a coffee now and again as a treat - but probably no more than 2-3 cups in one week. Had a cup this morning - enjoyed it but now feel I couldn't take / don't need another.

Jollygit - hope you get some positive news today. I'm just back from supermarket where I also bought Marigolds - I'm planning some big cleaning and decluttering jobs. Also have just borrowed steam cleaner from friend. Big task is still a couple of weeks away but feel I need to be prepared by getting the supplies in!

Sammie - I do feel for you. Sounds like you're in turmoil. Go out and enjoy yourself with your friends and give your netball it all when you're playing.

Moose - back to you again. I'm sure you are as qualified as any of us to give relationship advice. I think we are probably all better at the saying than the doing!

On my promotion (or non-promotion) front, I've lodged an appeal. I was going to let it pass but there were things happened at my assessment centre that were not applied to other candidates - like being taken late and not given the full time to do the exercises. It will probably get me nowhere but at least by writing it down and submitting it, I've got it out of my mind.

Speak more later.


Jo said...

Hi Again -

intresting petition here -

how can we have junk tax free yet pay tax on smoothies - which the government are trying to encourage us to drink in order to increase our fruit and veg intake

Hypocrisy rools

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

Deer Stalker...(he he he he he larfin histerikly! I can't 'elp it...I make myself difficult to type whilst sporting a straight jacket, so I hope you appreciate the efforts)

anyway, dear stalker. am feeling lonely. did think could see you up adjacent tree clutching field glasses but turned out to be rook with machine gun (wots black and dangerous and sits in trees) so am disappointed.

Was concerned re enticing muffin. If it was on a rock wearing bits of net and shells, it could be a sirene, but then that would just be alarming.

EG - I got promoted by default once - was the internal candidate so shoo-in for job - and the first thing the interviewers when I arrived in the room was all light up a ciggie each, but my complaint was that they din't offer me one! Do agree, definitely, with you getting it off your chest. Always, as with everything, better art than in! Good luck with the prospects hon!

JO, apparently (so not through experience) once you are, or have been pregnant, you never feel quite so precious about your dignity again. As I say, I wouldn't know, but then I've never been particularly precious anyway. Mum says I used to be a bit of a madam.

...and Moose, I was thinkin' more along the lines of huntin', shootin' and fishin', but I guess two out of three ain't bad...

I can smell bacon.

analog - didja order a Jumpupanddown Hat? Or din't you bother in the end?

ps Why don't they call exit interviews 'outerviews'?

Jo said...

Best comedy petition!

:o) Jo

Anonymous said...

There's a picture in today's page of the Radio Times (other TV listing magazines .. etc etc) relating to tonight's "Moose on the Loose" programme. Apparently one bull moose was feeling amorous and decided, in the absence of a femail of the species, to show his affections to a mail box (the one's Americans have at the ends of their gardens for their post and newspapers). It's not an action shot in the RT (thank heavens!) but promises to be very amusing, according to the reviewer. Almost worthy of Hazel's Somalian goat story the other day.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint but I didn't order a t shirt or a hat or anything else. I thought I might if I was ever able to attend an OAMC though. Would save on time for introductions.

Hazel - that's not bacon you smell, its my Marmite sarnies. They're a bit strong today. (But on whole grain bread with accompanying tomatoes, so fairly healthy.)

Jo - I am reliably informed that once you announce your pregnancy at some stage or other you lose almost every scrap of dignity you ever had. Can't speak from personal experience of the pregnancy bit, but my sources are impeccable.

Anonymous said...

Not to be left out, and I've just had a member of the GBP sound off at me (chipmunks) so am in need of light refreshment...

Hence: More Moose than you can eat.

Watch out for either of the Mooselets please...The largest member of the deer family, a moose becomes sexually mature at the age of two. Calves start to browse at three weeks and are fully weaned at five months, staying with their mothers until they are a year old.

Objects in your rear view antler may be closer than you think...Predators include humans, wolves, grizzly bears and black bears.

My, thats some Aga...A home range varies in size from 20 to 40km2 to a maximum of 300km2.

I thought it meant cows...Moos is an Algonquin word that means "twig-eater".

Because they are vain or contemplating their next muffin...Moose are one of the few examples of North American wildlife that will stand and wait for tourists to press their camera shutters, gazing placidly with a kind of bovine disbelief, may help make them so popular.

This is what too much exercise can do to you...There's also something beguilingly misshapen about them, something half-finished about their appearance. Their legs seem too long and thin for their barrel-like bulk, their hindquarters ride too high and their muzzles seem stretched out of shape., who's house is this...there's a Moose loose aboot in it!

Over teuw yeuw...

Anonymous said...


Trust me, once you've been handed Community Service, the old stalking game loses it allure. Have been cleaning public toilets all day so far.

However, I can't help it and still laugh at your jokes and agree with just about everything you say.

It's a continuing worry.

Moose said...

Well there is one bit I definitely recognise...

"There's also something beguilingly (ed:?) misshapen about them, something half-finished about their appearance. Their legs seem too long (ed:yes) and thin (ed: not a word I'd use about myself too often) for their barrel-like bulk (ed: oh yes!), their hindquarters ride too high (ed: oo-er Missus) and their muzzles (ed: 2nd and 3rd chins) seem stretched out of shape."

Anonymous said...

Speshully for the Gabster.

or if you can't pick it all up at once...

In the sixties, Reading and it's environs, including Wokingham, was considered a pretty swinging place to live. How unfortunate (or fortunate, depending on your point of view) that it chose to retain only half of that apt description.


Hump Day Pome by Hazel Love

There once was a lady from Reading
Who wore nothing at all to a wedding
When asked 'Why the nude?'
She said 'Don't be rude,
I'm just after a wee bit of bedding.'.


Dear Stalker

Thank you for that.
I did think for one moment, Caroline - you know who you are, that you may be Naomi Campbell in disguise, but she is currently under a restraining order of 25 miles.


Later the same day. The sun is out.

I am now REALLY hungry. Arm is starting to look most appetising. Would be an excellent way to lose weight too. Then would not be able to pick food up so quickly due one-handedness either - s'gotta be a win/win.

Get down Shep.

Anonymous said...

Hazel pleeeese don't eat your own arm. It would mean losing half your contributions - assuming you type with both hands - and we can't have that.

I'm not a stalker, just enjoy reading what you have to say (and agreeing with most of it.)

Anonymous said...

Moose, are we going out tomorrow night? That is 'we' in general, not 'we' in particular.

Anonymous said...

For the attention of Jo in particular, but also for anyone else who has applied or is thinking of applying for a parental post. I'm sorry it's a bit long, but stick with it.

Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities. Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required.

The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs £5. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from 0 to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects. Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks. Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next. Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices. Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product.
Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility.

None. Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you.

None required unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis.

Get this - you pay them! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent. When you die, you give them whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.

While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered, this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs for life if you play your cards right.

Sorry Moose for taking up too much space. Better get off and start some work now.

Anonymous said...

A word in praise of Steve Wright.

He has just played my absolute No.#1 FAVOURITEST record of ALL time...NO exceptions and NO substitutes.

Manfred Mann - 'The Mighty Quinn'

No idea why I love it so much...but then that's me...

nose rub

Anonymous said...

Analog - If I had read that before my time I would have thought twice!!! Have to say the 'hugs for life' more than recompense anything we shell out on the children. Love it!

A x

Anonymous said...

Analog - given my rantings over the last couple of days, your application for the parental post was welcome! And accurate!

Jo & Analog - mention was made earlier today about having no dignity left once you are pregnant. Yes, embarrassment goes out the door, that's for sure! However, the worst for me was when I was having my appendix removed. I was given a wee gown to wear before the operation and I asked the nurse - do I wear it like a coat, tied at the front, or do I wear it like a gown at the hairdressers? You know, tie it at the back? She said to me, it doesn't matter - you DO realise we'll take it off once you are knocked out?!

Gaby - hope you are keeping your head above water - I know just what you mean.

EG - I think you are so right to appeal. If nothing else, it will make you feel you have done the right thing. Good luck!

Caroline - Ashes to Ashes!! We should get together to drool over Mr Glenister!

C xx

jollygit said...

Annalog - absolutely brilliant!!! Think I'll stick to the seckytarial vacancies if you don't mind but I'm so pleased that there are so many of you out there who wish to do your job!!! Go Jo!

Hazel - please don't gnaw at your own arm - try someone else's. We need both your arms for hugs!

jollygit xx

Anonymous said...

Am depressed now. Have just discovered that there were 49 applicants for the job I've applied for and was hoping had my name on ... fat chance of me getting anywhere now. I bet the other 48 can type and don't spend their time on the Moose blog. (It wasn't the parent job either - I am definitely NOT going in for that!)

Anonymous said...

emailed the parental job description straight to my colleague. This is the one who is the father of the child, aged nearly 3, who emptied a box of about 30 matchbox cars over his head the other day.

My favourite bit, I think, is the bit about wishing you could do more...

I love my mummy

ps Arm was rescued at eleventh hour by ham sandwich. Have also managed to get buckles undone with teeth, so can drive home. Relief all round really. Thank you for caring.

B I G...H U G S

Anonymous said...

As we are on the subject of weight loss i thought i would share this funny story which happened to me whilst on my holidays last week.

Now i am reguarly asked when my baby is due, and have been asked this pretty much monthly.... since i gave birth....nearly two years ago. It has become a very embarrasing situation for all concerned so i decided that the next time it happened i would go along with it, well lets face it - when a stranger pats your blossoming tummy to find out it contains only pies, they just want the ground to open up and eat them.

So im in asda, and the conversation at the till went something like this.

Her: would you like any help with your packing?
Me: No thanks, I'm fine
Her: Oooh, the last pregnant woman i said that to gave birth at the checkout.

Ok - so im going along with it....

Me: oh dear, that must have been awful! I hope it doesnt happen to me... ha ha
Her:How long have you got?
Me: Oh quite a while yet, Im only 5 mths
Her: Blimey love, your big for 5 mths!!!


funnily enough, even that wasnt sufficient motivation to stop me eating the chocolate i had bought, washed down by the bottle of wine i also bought (that she clearly didnt notice!).


PS. Chrissie S - of course in 15 years time i may not be so self righteous!! ;o)

Anonymous said...

analog - they will not be as much fun then and if the employers choose to pick someone who is no fun, you'd've been BORED rigid because it means they were no fun. Anyway, the other applicants may feel the same as you...they might be on here too...and you don't know who they really, you still may be the NO.#1 out of 49. May be an omen for the lottery too. I'd buy a ticket tonight if I were you.

dingly dingle dong home time

Anonymous said...

Afternoon all.

Day spent with supplier doing some tough stuff - tough cos they didn't have a clue!!!

Re: K - an e-mail this morning about funnies. Nothing said at all. Nothing else. No txt, no call, no further e-mails. He's in Portugal now until Friday.

I need Dirty Dicky! He's ace, loves me to bits (and I him), and always, always talks sense. (And flirts outrageously, hence his name!) He'll call me tonight and make me see my way around things. I just feel sick whenever I think about K...

To those waiting to hear about jobs, I have everything crossed!! (Not just because of return of Kidney problem..)

Jo - dignity - guard it with your life!! Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean people have a right to poke and prod - you know what I mean!

Screaming and hiding - going to do that now...

IM xx.

Anonymous said...

IM here...

I haven't been to WW for two weeks...

I am deperately trying to avoid drowning my sorrows in vino...

Will someone please slap me round the face, shake my shoulders and tell me to pull myself together, for goodness sake!


Anonymous said...

I'm alive (wire)

Quick pop in. I'm OK, tat's OK.

Company have 'tweaked' firewall and it looks as if I'm blocked from coming here at work.


If that is the case, I shall become the official nightstalker, but I promise I will drop in every evening.

Keep up the good work!


PS Off to see ex-Mrs Evans in the West End on Saturday. Full review due next week.

Anonymous said...

Dear All,

Please, please, please let me apologise for being so cringingly bloody self indulgent and miserable. The last few days have been tough, but hey - that's life - ain't it?

I promise not to be such a bloody bore in future (well, I'll do my best, but I just love Gantt charts, even though they're not everyone's thing - oh, and Crystal...)

Anyhoo, I hope you are all fine and dandy.

Btw - where is Susan?

S xx.

MfR - glad the tattoo's OK!

Moose said...

Does that mean it's too late to slap you in the face, shake you by the shoulders and tell you to PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER?
Shame - I was looking forward to it...

MfR/Hazel - check your e-mail.

Anonymous said...


Nope. It's fine. Honestly. Do it. You know you want to.

S xx.

Anonymous said...

Chrissie S - sorry to read that you've been feeling down. Easy said, but try not to be - just remember you are a wonderful person - I really, really mean that. Can't wait for SOAMC, June, Edinburgh.

Sammie - I think Susan is away for another short break. I think she's had 2 or 3 almost back to back.

MfR - being part of the late shift is hard - nevertheless it's still good to keep in touch.


Anonymous said...

want to say something - but not sure what it is

will just send kisses instead
